FITCHBURG LINE Effective May 20,2019 Monday to Friday Saturday & Sunday Inbound to AM PM Inbound to Boston AM PM

ZONE STATION TRAIN # 400 402 404 406 408 492 410 412 414 416 418 420 422 494 424 426 428 430 432 SATURDAY TRAIN # 1400 1402 1404 1406 1408 1410 1412 Bikes Allowed ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # 2400 2402 2404 2406 2408 2410 2412 8 Wachusett  4:50 5:45 6:20 6:40 7:10 - 8:10 9:37 10:50 12:05 1:30 2:50 4:05 - 5:43 7:03 8:25 9:30 10:35 Bikes Allowed 8 Fitchburg  4:58 5:53 6:28 6:48 7:18 - 8:18 9:45 10:58 12:13 1:38 2:58 4:13 - 5:51 7:11 8:33 9:38 10:43 8 Wachusett  6:30 8:45 10:50 1:15 3:40 6:10 9:45 8 North Leominster  5:05 6:00 6:35 6:55 7:25 - 8:25 9:52 11:05 12:20 1:45 3:05 4:20 - 5:58 7:18 8:40 9:45 10:50 8 Fitchburg  6:38 8:53 10:58 1:23 3:48 6:18 9:53 8 Shirley 5:13 6:08 6:43 7:03 7:33 - 8:33 f 10:00 f 11:13 f 12:28 f 1:53 f 3:13 f 4:28 - f 6:06 f 7:26 f 8:48 f 9:53 f 10:58 8 North Leominster  6:45 9:00 11:05 1:30 3:55 6:25 10:00 8 Ayer 5:18 6:13 6:48 7:08 7:38 - 8:38 f 10:05 f 11:18 f 12:33 f 1:58 f 3:18 f 4:33 - f 6:11 f 7:31 f 8:53 f 9:58 f 11:03 8 Shirley f 6:53 f 9:08 f 11:13 f 1:38 f 4:03 f 6:33 f 10:08 7 Littleton/Rte 495  5:26 6:21 6:56 7:16 7:46 7:55 8:46 f 10:13 f 11:26 f 12:41 f 2:06 f 3:26 f 4:41 5:15 f 6:19 f 7:39 f 9:01 f 10:06 f 11:11 8 Ayer 6:58 9:13 11:18 1:43 4:08 6:38 10:13 6 South Acton  5:33 6:28 7:03 7:23 7:53 8:02 8:53 10:19 11:32 12:47 2:12 3:32 4:47 5:21 6:25 7:45 9:07 10:12 11:17 7 Littleton/Rte 495  7:06 9:21 11:26 1:51 4:16 6:46 10:21 5 West Concord  5:37 6:32 - 7:28 - 8:06 8:57 f 10:23 f 11:36 f 12:51 f 2:16 f 3:36 4:53 f 5:25 f 6:29 f 7:49 f 9:11 f 10:16 f 11:21 6 South Acton  7:12 9:27 11:32 1:57 4:22 6:52 10:27 5 Concord 5:42 6:37 - 7:33 - 8:11 9:02 f 10:27 f 11:40 f 12:55 f 2:20 f 3:40 4:57 f 5:29 f 6:33 f 7:53 f 9:15 f 10:20 f 11:25 5 West Concord  f 7:17 f 9:32 f 11:37 f 2:02 f 4:27 f 6:57 f 10:32 4 Lincoln f 10:33 f 11:46 f 1:01 f 2:26 f 3:46 f 5:35 f 6:39 f 7:59 f 9:21 f 10:26 f 11:31 5:49 6:44 - 7:40 - 8:18 9:09 5:03 5 Concord 7:21 9:36 11:41 2:06 4:31 7:01 10:36 3 Silver Hill - f 6:47 - - - f 8:21 ------4 Lincoln 7:26 9:41 11:46 2:11 4:36 7:06 10:41 3 Hastings 5:54 6:50 - - - 8:24 - f 10:37 f 11:50 ------3 Kendal Green f 7:31 f 9:46 f 11:51 f 2:16 f 4:41 f 7:11 f 10:46 3 Kendal Green 5:57 6:53 - 7:47 - 8:27 9:15 f 10:39 f 11:52 f 1:07 f 2:32 f 3:52 f 5:09 f 5:41 f 6:45 f 8:05 f 9:27 f 10:32 f 11:37 2 Brandeis/Roberts  f 7:35 f 9:50 f 11:55 f 2:20 f 4:45 f 7:15 f 10:50 2 Brandeis/Roberts  6:01 6:57 - 7:51 - 8:31 9:18 f 10:42 f 11:55 f 1:10 f 2:35 f 3:55 5:13 f 5:44 f 6:48 f 8:08 f 9:30 f 10:35 f 11:40 2 Waltham  7:39 9:54 11:59 2:24 4:49 7:19 10:54 2 Waltham  6:05 7:01 - 7:55 8:13 8:35 9:22 10:46 11:59 1:13 2:41 3:59 5:17 5:48 6:52 8:12 9:34 10:39 11:44 1 Waverley f 7:43 f 9:58 f 12:03 f 2:28 f 4:53 f 7:23 f 10:58 1 Waverley 6:10 7:06 - 8:00 - 8:40 9:27 f 10:51 f 12:04 - - - f 5:22 f 5:53 - - f 9:39 - - 1 Belmont f 7:46 f 10:01 f 12:06 f 2:31 f 4:56 f 7:26 f 11:01 1 Belmont 6:13 7:09 - 8:03 - 8:43 9:30 f 10:53 f 12:06 f 1:20 f 2:47 f 4:07 f 5:24 f 5:55 f 6:58 f 8:18 f 9:41 f 10:45 f 11:50 1A  7:51 10:06 12:11 2:36 5:01 7:31 11:06 1A Porter Square  6:18 7:14 7:31 8:08 8:22 8:48 9:35 10:58 12:11 1:25 2:52 4:12 5:29 6:00 7:03 8:23 9:46 10:50 11:55 1A  1A North Station  6:29 7:25 7:42 8:19 8:33 8:59 9:46 11:08 12:21 1:35 3:02 4:22 5:40 6:10 7:13 8:33 9:56 11:00 12:05 8:01 10:16 12:21 2:46 5:11 7:41 11:16 Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. Monday to Friday Saturday & Sunday Outbound from Boston AM PM AM Outbound from Boston AM PM

ZONE STATION TRAIN # 401 491 403 405 407 409 411 413 415 493 417 419 421 423 425 427 429 431 433 SATURDAY TRAIN # 1401 1403 1405 1407 1409 1411 1413 Bikes Allowed ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # 2401 2403 2405 2407 2409 2411 2413 1A North Station  6:35 6:45 7:43 8:45 10:00 11:15 12:45 1:55 3:30 3:59 4:30 5:05 5:35 5:55 6:25 7:15 8:45 10:40 12:10 Bikes Allowed 1A Porter Square  6:45 6:55 7:53 8:55 10:10 11:25 12:55 2:05 3:40 4:09 4:41 5:15 5:46 6:05 6:35 7:25 8:55 10:50 12:20 1A North Station  8:35 10:45 1:10 3:30 5:45 7:55 11:30 1 Belmont - f 7:00 f 7:58 f 9:00 f 10:15 f 11:30 f 1:00 f 2:10 3:45 4:14 - 5:20 - 6:10 6:40 f 7:30 f 9:00 f 10:55 f 12:25 1A Porter Square  8:45 10:55 1:20 3:40 5:55 8:05 11:40 1 Waverley - f 7:02 f 8:00 f 9:02 f 10:17 - - f 2:12 3:48 4:17 - 5:23 - 6:13 6:43 f 7:32 f 9:02 f 10:57 f 12:27 1 Belmont f 8:49 f 10:59 f 1:24 f 3:44 f 5:59 f 8:09 f 11:44 2 Waltham  - 7:07 8:05 9:07 10:22 11:36 1:06 2:17 3:53 4:22 - 5:28 5:56 6:18 6:48 7:37 9:07 11:02 12:32 1 Waverley f 8:52 f 11:02 f 1:27 f 3:47 f 6:02 f 8:12 f 11:47 2 Brandeis/Roberts  - f 7:10 f 8:09 f 9:10 f 10:25 f 11:39 f 1:09 f 2:20 3:57 4:26 - 5:32 - 6:22 6:52 f 7:40 f 9:10 f 11:05 f 12:35 2 Waltham  8:57 11:07 1:32 3:52 6:07 8:17 11:52 3 Kendal Green - f 7:14 f 8:13 f 9:14 f 10:29 f 11:43 f 1:13 f 2:24 4:01 4:30 - 5:36 - 6:26 6:56 f 7:44 f 9:14 f 11:09 f 12:39 2 Brandeis/Roberts  f 9:00 f 11:10 f 1:35 f 3:55 f 6:10 f 8:20 f 11:55 3 Hastings ------4:33 - 5:39 - 6:29 6:59 f 7:47 - - - 3 Kendal Green f 9:04 f 11:14 f 1:39 f 3:59 f 6:14 f 8:24 f 11:59 3 Silver Hill ------f 6:31 f 7:01 f 7:49 - - - 4 Lincoln 9:09 11:19 1:44 4:04 6:19 8:29 12:04 4 Lincoln - f 7:19 f 8:18 f 9:19 f 10:34 f 11:48 f 1:18 f 2:29 4:07 4:38 - 5:45 6:06 6:36 7:06 7:53 f 9:19 f 11:14 f 12:44 5 Concord 9:15 11:25 1:50 4:10 6:25 8:35 12:10 5 Concord - f 7:24 f 8:23 f 9:24 f 10:39 f 11:53 f 1:23 f 2:34 4:12 4:43 - 5:50 6:11 6:41 7:11 7:58 f 9:24 f 11:19 f 12:49 5 West Concord  f 9:18 f 11:28 f 1:53 f 4:13 f 6:28 f 8:38 f 12:13 5 West Concord  - f 7:28 f 8:28 f 9:28 f 10:43 f 11:57 f 1:27 f 2:38 4:17 4:48 - 5:55 6:16 6:46 7:16 8:02 f 9:28 f 11:23 f 12:53 6 South Acton  9:24 11:34 1:59 4:19 6:34 8:44 12:19 6 South Acton  7:09 7:33 8:33 9:33 10:48 12:02 1:32 2:43 4:21 4:52 5:08 6:00 6:21 6:50 7:20 8:07 9:33 11:28 12:58 7 Littleton/Rte 495  9:31 11:41 2:06 4:26 6:41 8:51 12:26 7 Littleton/Rte 495  7:16 7:40 8:41 9:40 10:55 12:09 1:39 2:50 4:28 5:00 5:15 6:07 6:28 6:57 7:27 8:14 9:40 11:35 1:05 8 Ayer 9:38 11:48 2:13 4:33 6:48 8:58 12:33 8 Ayer f 7:24 - f 8:49 f 9:48 f 11:03 f 12:17 f 1:47 f 2:58 4:36 - 5:23 6:15 6:36 7:05 7:35 8:22 f 9:48 f 11:43 f 1:13 8 Shirley f 9:43 f 11:53 f 2:18 f 4:38 f 6:53 f 9:03 f 12:38 8 Shirley f 7:29 - f 8:54 f 9:53 f 11:08 f 12:23 f 1:53 f 3:03 4:42 - 5:28 6:21 6:42 7:11 7:41 8:27 f 9:53 f 11:48 f 1:18 8 North Leominster  8 North Leominster  7:38 - 9:04 10:02 11:17 12:32 2:02 3:12 4:51 - 5:37 6:30 6:51 7:20 7:50 8:36 10:02 11:57 1:27 9:51 12:01 2:26 4:46 7:01 9:11 12:46 8 Fitchburg  L 7:48 - L 9:11 L 10:09 L 11:24 L 12:41 L 2:09 L 3:21 L 4:58 - L 5:44 L 6:37 L 7:00 L 7:27 L 7:59 L 8:43 L 10:09 L 12:04 L 1:34 8 Fitchburg  10:01 12:11 2:36 4:58 7:11 9:21 12:56 8 Wachusett  7:58 - 9:21 10:19 11:34 12:51 2:19 3:31 5:08 - 5:55 6:48 7:10 7:37 8:09 8:53 10:19 12:14 1:44 8 Wachusett  10:11 12:21 2:46 5:08 7:21 9:31 1:06 Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. Times in purple with “f” indicate a flag stop:Passengers must Keep in Mind: tell the conductor that they wish to leave. Passengers waiting to board must be visible on the platform for the train to stop. This schedule will be effective from May 20, 2019 and will replace the schedule of October 29, 2018. Times in blue indicate an early departure (L stop): The train may Presidents’ Day and 4th of July operate on a leave ahead of schedule at these stops. Saturday service schedule. Bikes: Bicycles are allowed on trains with the bicycle symbol New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, shown below the train number. and Christmas Day operate on a Sunday service schedule.

High level platform and bridge plate available. For all other holiday schedules, please check AD052019V1 Visit for more information. or call 617-222-3200.

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