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l'OR THE YEAR 1916, 1 91 WITH J~ 6, .S.%93L3:,? \\'1'!‘H Propljcttc ^tcroslypljtc ngra\jtngs,



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A \ S _ British Journal of -Astrology (B.J.A.). Published Monthly 2d., p.f. zld. A.-gr ARE ‘You A ' StI‘0 1 E 3I 9 i M3II . mritish_Journal of Astrology (B.J. A.) , Published Monthly 2d., p.f. 2jd, Hg ARE YOU A '~=‘ NO MAN SHOULD 131*} , \\7l“..\K. No "‘ Strong Vital Man ? niun I\‘ll011l(I stiller from the loss of lllilli NO MAN SHOULD BE WEAK. No \'itiLlit_\'which l'(‘ll(l(.‘l‘.\‘lifv \vo1‘tli1i\'iiig. .\'o man should suffer from the loss of that in-.111 should ullow llI11l.\‘(‘lf to hccuiiic ll‘\s‘ :1.

Vitality which renders life worth living. No inini than Niiiiirv iiitmidvil him. No lllllll man should allow himself to become less a should .~aiiil'ci' wlioii lillL‘l'(‘l.\'lll.illl1ll(Ill. ('4-rliiiii man than Nature intended him. No man Cure for his \\‘(‘:lI{ll('SS. Most of the \\’l‘lLIi- should suffer when there is at hand a Certain llcs.\‘0s‘ from \\'hi(-h lllCll .\-iill'i~i' :Li'o due to iin Cure for his weakness. Most of the weak- eiirly los.»- of N-.iLi1i'o's l'(‘.\'(‘l'\'(! po\\'vi'. You nesses from which men suffer are due to an need not suffer fnnn this. YOU (‘.\N be early loss of Nature's reserve power. Yon i'esloi'vd. The \'(‘l‘_'\' (‘l(‘llll‘ill; \\'lll('ll you need not suffer from this. YOU CAN bo liz1\'0 lost. you (‘.\.\I got hm-li, :lll(I _\nii lll:\i_\' restored. The very element which you be llS liiipiiy :l.\‘ -.in_\’ lllalll ihiii ll\(‘\‘. have lost you CAN get hack, and you may

be as happy as any man that lives. If you halve \';1‘0Cked your Non (N l)) ()\'l*'.R\V'()l{l\'U1‘\V()l{II,Y,(ll':llll<‘lI:i.i\";i_\ )i)lll' If you have wrecked your Nerves by OVERWORK or WORRY,Strength drained au'ay your by hud hzibits Ol‘(llSSl1Hlll0ll,0l.'S;\P1)ED)()lll'\'lt;LIf0l'(f(‘$l))'l~IX('!”..\‘H'l*‘.h‘.

Strength by bad habits or dissipation, or SAPPED your vital forces by EXCESSES, — IT IS TIME IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO STOP. FOR YOU TO STOP.

No man can afford to be reckless, force Nature to undue effort, ruin his No man can afford to be 1'0cl(lv<.<. l'«ii'(-0 N2il,lli‘(* to lllltlili‘ vll'ni~l, |‘llll1 his Constitution, or violate the laws governing life ; (his invariablyConstitution, results in disaster or violate the huvs gnu-i'iiiiig Iifv: lllls lIl\.'li'I;Ilil_\‘1'!-~llll\lll 1lltxllSl(‘l' or a complete Nervous Breakdown and a or a complete Nervoiis I3i'oiikdo\\'ii mid ii


long before the average period. There's no room to-day for worn-out, weak, or GIVING OUT OF THE VITAL FORCES broken-down men. If you feel played out, weak and shaky,long you've not lit for the before the a\*m':1go period. Thui'o’.~; no room to-day for \\'Ul‘ll—()llli, \\’(‘:ll\', or battle of life. broken-down men. If you feel pl{1_\'Nl out, \\'(‘;ll{ and .\‘ll;lI\')'. }oii'ri- ll()l lit for the Knowledge is Poweh, and every man who would be warnedbattle in time should of life. take heed NOW. Send -hi. for my Book on KNOWLEDGF, IS POW}-11:, aiiid 0/\'Cl'_\‘ lllilll who uniihl his \\’.‘.il'llt‘(liii l.llll(‘,\lI1)lll(l "UOW TO PRESERVE STRENGTH take heed NOW. .94-nd 4d. for ni_\j lino]: on


and you will find it the most profitable of all literature you now possess. Thousands who have read it acclaim it to be " worth its weight in gold." TO PRESERVE $TRENG'|'H It will teach you more in fifteen minutes than you will gain in years by ex perience.

It is a valuable, instructive, and interesting“HOW treatise on Generative Weakness, and the Cause and Cure of Nervous Breakdown. Mental Ex haustion, Depression of Spirits, AND RETAIN THE General Weakness, Waste of Vitality, Premature Dec' In i, and Loss of Power in Men. POWERS,” The most popular and practical treatise Zpublished on theand Laws Governing Life, with you will find it the'Olll,21IJl(‘()flllllltCl'll.tl1l'(!)'()llil()\\‘[)()~M‘$t<..'l'lioii.s".1iid\ “ Special Chapters on Generative Weakness, Flagging of the Powers, and Practical 1 who li:1.\'(‘ read it acclaiiii it to he \\'oi'tli its weiglit iii ;_;

Observations on Marriage. It will teach you more in fifteen minutes than you will gain in years by experience. Contains valuable remarks to Weak and It is a. valuable.instructive. and interesting treatise on Generative Weakness. and

Nervous Men on how to preserve the health, theCauseand Cure offlervousBreakdown.Mental Exhaustion.Depression oisplrlts. D of in General Weakness. Wasteof Vitality.Pr3mature . c In a. and Loss Power Men. regain Strength and restore the Failing The most popular and practicaltreatise published on the Laws Governing Lite. with Energies and Powers when lost. Special Chapters on Generative Weakness. Fiaizeine of the Powers. and Practical

To the inex perienced, the married, or Observations on Marriage. those contemplating marriage, no other Contains \'-uliiublc rein-.u'ks to \\'(,-ail; and work contains so much helpful or sensible Nervous Men on how to pi os0i'\'e thv limltli, advice, or will prove so interesting and regain Streiigztli and 1'v.~;tol‘c the Fiiiliiig instructive to fliose who desire to preserve Energies and P()\\'(’l's wlimi lost-. their Strength, build lip the whole Nervous To the llleX])(}l‘lCll(‘(‘(l, tho lll1ll‘l'l(’(I, 01' System, restore the powers to advanced age, those conteinpliiting iiiiii'1'i.1gc. no ()l.ll(‘l' or fit themselves for Marriage. It will be work (’Ol1l,illll.'\‘ so much helpful Oi‘ >§(‘ll\"il)l(? sent in a plain sealed envelope to any ;L‘d\'iCC, 01' will provv so llll(‘l‘¢‘>.llllj_1‘ iind address on receipt of Four Penny Stamps. iiistriiciivc to those who (l6.-1l1'(,‘ to 1~i'v.~;c;'\'o Address: their Sl',l't‘ll;:'tll,build up the \\'ll()ll,‘_\‘m-\oiix- CHARLES GORDON, No. D2, Gordonholme Dispensary,Systeiii. Bradford, Yorks. l'CSlLOl‘Ctll(‘1)t)\‘.'('l'5li)zl(l\';lll¢'wlizqi), (Copyright.) or fit l’.ll€lllS€'l\‘Cs‘for _‘il;Lr1-i;i;;r-. It \\'lll hc (Kr< rMemi.) - sent in :1. plain SQLl.lP(l Pll\'<:lOp(? to any :l(:I(ll‘E't~‘§ (ll receilit of Four l’¢:-in:_\' Siziinps. GORDON, No. D2, Gordonliolme Dispensary, (Copyright) , Bra(il{ior_d.<-g:~L<:i‘<:IYlo)rlis.. :5 I Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public - —~ .: 4 _‘ ‘,';~', , I v ~ . 4. ..-, Ol’del’8't.° ‘ -..' Fkzaae narne F°“l$ham:sggd ~igQ3je' with fill Ad!3I"tIr§,' A Fwy‘ swam I Dn.T. R.Al.lLlll'Sl'lplj;l,[t,s:


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TORTURE TRUSS. I ‘ In return .3 Postal Order GET YOUR RUPTURE for GUREO.

*‘ Tim annoyance and discomfort of wearing common will send a. book informationthtit. containing _ Trusses, ox Iruties with Blistering Bubber fads, ouglit to be known by every intelligent -.," widen entail constant danger cf strangulation, to say person. There is so much that the Doct_or. to in niust be :ib'.e which fact. ca.n- _ nofibing tif the time lost from work owin,' to break- impart, be told in a Collfiticlitifllwary, this age o( the truss ami periodical slurping ot the rupture, only zt_nd lmnk has ent'rcd 200,000 homes to’ bring . ran be. entirely overcome. happiness to those who have studied it, ‘ The quick cure of your rupture in the privacy of The iui‘oi-imitioii C()l1i£l«ii)(:(l in this book -‘_ your own home without the slightest Inconvenience, it ought to bcknowu to everybody; willnot \ pafn or danger Is now possible, hy the marvellous harm the ll1llIlill‘l'lC(1to read. The b00k_is_ -. metho-1 perfected by Win. s. Bice, the famous Rupturo conveniently divided into twelve chapters.‘ Specialist Of London. tit voun HUPTURE The first chapter treats oi’ when it girl -;;_

A GENUINE HOME-CURE becomes it wornmi. The second chaptci;- '_ -

WITHOUT OPERATION. treats of I]lt1l‘l‘i:l'_‘,‘f) from Ii. doctor’s stand-

By Mill method of euro, the process of restoratinn BURED. point; points out the best use for marriage, and who should have mid .» tak* 8 place as in ciwc? whore the Knife is used, but cliiivlren, fu1_'-

’ L"m1I‘fl0H nishes useful information that one without uny of the .lam-ors of a t opi-ration. 'l‘lm lllIllt))‘fl,ll('l‘mid dim-omfort of r.'c:irim.' _can 'l'i’llHr.‘t'\, or lruuliirt- in the iwivitcy of trenlts of the si_;rus of inotlierhootl. The proved over and over ouufn to ro>soss the merit .\’nurof own hunu- without the ts‘il',.'lll.(‘fll. iiii'on\'miiHn('0. fifthclmpter tells how owoman t-hould live curiuR ruptures where all trusses Jiave fai'eit. andpuiu or dnmu-r is now posaihlr-. by the lnl1l‘\'tlIi0llS that state. The sixth durin«,_;* chapter treats . mtethul ]ll‘l‘ft'(‘t('(i h_v \\'m. S. Iilct‘, the famous llupturo ‘ whero even tho operation has been wor^e than a failure. of mishaps and how to avoid them The, h'|vct:liilir-itul’ liondou. _

FOR THE IMMEDIATE seventh trezits chapter of inateruul im- ‘_ ' and shows '~ RELIEF A GENUINE HOME-CURE pressions, that bit-thmnxlisare due to health. The ~ - and benefit of rupture sufferers, arrangements have poor eighth chapter,

WITHOUT OPERATION. on easy confincmeuts. Not in and . been m do whereby a Complete llemonstrati m of the pain nl the of trouble; the hygienic pli_vsici:m says that curative powers of die Rice Metliod will be sent gratis lly this method cure. |v|'o0(:ss l'eSt0l‘D.i’ir‘.)i link ‘H place in in t~miet> where the knife is used, but confinements can be made oonipttratively ami mist free, lowlier with full Information as to withouthow mix of tho dn.m'l~rs of on nm~rtI.tion. easy if rules are obeyed; rules are given. i» no al> ml the During of your rupture. No truss nluno, ho\\‘c-\'<=.r llllll'il llllI,\‘ he claimed for The ninth chapter t.rents of the proper vim do th s. No truss is‘. more than ti Cut out tho form bolow. wrl e your ame and addressit, mcclionical until umrliom-u—pim:ly lIll‘L‘llIl.lllt"li in i‘s ut-tiou——nnd it has management baby is born The hi it. and send it to day to the address given. ' no i-ilritlivc pi'oiIt-itit-R. The Rice Method has hcen tenth chapter tells how to treat the mother ' DEMONSTRATION COUPON (B 1734) . I|l‘tl\'6(I over and over tumlu to possess the merit of until she is up and about again. The.‘ nil trusses have ' Wm. S. RICE, Ltd., curing rupt.tii'ei~: wlipre failed. and eleventh chapter Lrents of sterility; gives \\ licro even the operation has been worse than a failure. the main 8 8 19, Stonecutter St., E.C. causes and how these may be overcome. '1‘ ot’ _. Gaul e lien, FOR THE IMMEDIATE chapter treats the “c1m.nge," 9. most article for 1'lease seed absolute! ] fr e for inline 'Lite relief important BELIEF all Women over forty. 'J‘hi.- book is full mid Mneflt, your demonstration and Inform* , inn of useful information, and goes thoroughly about the care and cure at Rupture with name of M uud lwiiollt of ruplurc S!liTl‘l‘t‘l‘\‘. nrrnugomcnls have into matters. Knoivlcdgrc is and I)('l‘lI Ill vdo \\'livn-ln_\' u - lit-iiioiistmti Ill of power people cured in my own district. (‘omplct the curutiw uowers of the llicv Mt-tlmd will he sent urntis the means of attaining happiness. Over

AMrm unit post. free, to;:u‘licr with full information as t‘) how 200,000 copies lmvc already been sold, and 4, Spanish Place, Manchester Square, to so the t'.lu'lm.' of ,\'v ur rinnttirt-. it is far by the best book ever written. The . . (‘ut out the form below, wri 0 your ~ anw LONDON, W., mid address hook can be had in from \ ll envelope i ti. uud sand it to-dn,\' to tlmnddross given, ‘ v In return for a Postal Order for Is. 2d.

will send a book containing information that ought to be known by every intelligent DEMONSTRATION COUPON (B 1734).

person. There, is so much that the Doctor Wm. S. RICE. Ltd., v on. T. ll. must be able to impart, which in fact can 8 81 Aiurlscn,‘ 9, Stonecutter St.. E.C. j only be told in a confidential way, and this ‘ (it‘lll t- nun, 598 book has ent:red 200,000 homes to bring l Room, l’l(.~uso §(‘l‘.ti 1l'l\t>lllit‘i‘v‘ fr 0 for immv<- l‘(‘liof happiness to those who have studied it. mid lion:-lit _\i~iu' tit-numstmtion and inform“ mu \ nhniit The information contained in this book the (‘luv and (‘lll't' of with - lliimlilv nuuw- ui 4, Spanish Place, Mall(:ll93t8l‘‘SllllEll‘t'i, . ]l1'()]‘il'l'llI(‘(iIll ill} u\\i1dl~‘.Z1‘ict. ought to be known to everybody ; it will not 4 4 harm the unmarried to rend. The book is .‘\'.t:u.' ...... i ...... LONDON, w., conveniently divided into twelve chapters.

...... i . .lJth't'ss ...... , . . , _ ‘ , _ , _, The first chapter treats of when a girl In return for a Postal 0r';r‘ew/lair:-t-15, éd_ becomes a woman. The second chapter C O L|._J PM E l A |._.| N I '-J E Fl 5 lT"r" I treats of marriage from a doctor's stand-

point; points out the best age for marriage,

and who should have children, and fur-

nishes useful information that one can

ordinarily get only from an intelligent Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

doctor. The third chapter treats of the

marriage of blood relations; and condemns

such marriages as a rule. Chapter four

treats of the signs of motherhood. The

fifth chapter tells how a woman i-hould live

during that state. The six th chapter treats

of mishaps and how to avoid them The

seventh chapter treats of maternal im-

pressions, and shows that birthmarks are

due to poor health. The eighth chapter,

on easy confinements. Not in pain and

trouble; the hygienic physician says that

confinements can be made comparatively

easy if rules are obeyed; rules are given.

The ninth chapter treats of the proper

management until baby is born The

tenth chapter tells how to treat the mother

until she is up and about again. The

eleventh chapter treats of sterility; gives

the main causes and how these may be

overcome. The last chapter treats of the

" change," a most important article for

all women over forty. This book is full

of useful information," and goes thoroughly

into matters. Knowledge is power and

the means of attaining happiness. Over

200,000 copies have already been sold, and

it is by far the be* t book ever written. The

book can be had in envelope from

Dr. T. R. ALL!

598 Room,

4, Spanish Place, Manchester Square,


//) return for a Postal Or. er for Is. 2d. ‘ * 7 -A- 1 -- 5 u ‘ *‘~- _c-.'._ - ‘. - ~ \ _ _' _ . __ ‘b V -K: éntish‘ Journal’of Astr-ologfy ..(B.J.A.). .Published Monthly;2d..p p.f. ‘Her. ‘ -gv ADDRESS '70 -oun‘ READERS. .

» - In assuming the editorial or this now world-famed publicatiim I shall endeavour. as far —as as '_" _ ' ' %ossible,IS §’.vt())1el.l[;ll0l,d0 e . e ll o seien 1 e ic ion . " as_i poss ma}:\heflslci!e1nce0<;ftlltstrologi\;_‘be;’§ possi _v prfedic_tioti1_.[s] pi-erdc‘fi_n:to apldwereclosely-Eimedcan e no L doubt whatsoever; it is only a question as to what degree of proficiency can be attempted r >.' Jwithm the scope of a popular annual. My readers must judge of this for themselves. , The witness , present year will the apotheosis of the planet i\lars—thc el:1ssie:1l God of ~'War: The year will be continuous of the Great War. and the red planet helm! now British Journal of Astrology (B.J. A.) , Published Monthly 2d., p.f. 2 d. regnant in Leo, the disturhers of tlie world's peace will carry their depredations to the ADDRESS TO OUR READERS. 'West and the I\'ortl1-west. France is aflanic and overrun with the engines of .

' In assuming the editorial of this now world-famed publicationBeneath 1 shall i ndeavour, as far its hallowed soil. made sacred by the blood of a million sa(‘l‘ifiees to Justice and

as possible, to uphold the science of Astrology hy predictions as definite and closely-timed ‘Freedom. there lurks a mine of intrigue and seething diseoutcnt. Dangers threaten i‘rom as it is possible to make them. Of the possibility of scientificwithin prediction there can be no and without. The British’ Lion is rampant. thoroughly incensed and mightily all doubt whatsoever; it is only a question as to what .furious,degree of proficiency can lie attempted and now puts forth its strengzth. Holland is laid waste and devastated. All the world suffers in that travail which shall hereafter forth the Manchild who within the scope of a popular annual. My readers must judge of this for themselves. great luring §ball shepherd ‘the people with a crook. when “the Lion and the Lamb shall lie down The present year will witness the apotheosis of the planettogether Mara the classical Cod of and a little (‘hild shall load them." Britain calls upon all men to have faith and War. The year will be continuous of the Croat War, and thegive red planet being now of their best gladly for the sake of that World Peace for which we are striving. The regnant in Leo. the disturbers of the world's ‘peace will carry their depredations to the patience of saints and martyrs, the courage of heroes has never been needed more than West and the North-vest. France is aflame and overrunnow. with the engines of war. But we shall go on. and on. until the victory is ours. The Allies will prevail. for so

Beneath its hallowed soil, made saered by the blood,it of a million sacrifices to Justiceis and written. But there are times when even the stontest hearts will be shaken. The Black is for her no less than the Lion for her eubs.-—“Siu~nunu.." Freedom, there lurks a mine of intrigue and seething discontent. Dangers threaten from E‘a:,"le fighting eyrie

within and without. The British Lion is rampant, thorough! } Incensed and mightily

furious, and now puts forth all its strength. Holland is laid waste and devastated. All

the world sutlers in that great travail which shall hereafter bring forth the Manchild who

shall shepherd the people with a crook, when " tin- Lion and the Lamb shall lie down wiIue’s Annual Announcement}

together and a little Child shall lead them." Britainlien. calls upon all men to have faith and TEST HIS SKlLL—'I'HE RESULT WILL ASTONIBH YOU! give of their best gladly for the sake of that World Peace for which we are striving. The

patience of saints and martyrs, the courage of heroes has never been needed more than The fountlntion and basis of Asti-ologry tho Aspects. The old .\sl.1'ol(u_r_v (including now. But we shall go on, and on, until the victory Is ours. Thethe Allies will prevail, for so by contained a. dozen and in not _ aspects s11,_<:g‘esl.ed Kepler) only nspcc-.l.s, consequence it is written. But there are times when even the stoutest hearts25 will he shaken. The per cent. of the predictions came true. For four yours Astrology llll-S hcen new Black B&gle is fighting for her eyrie no less than the Lion fornnprogressive. her cubs. " Si'i'ii \itur.." Since the days of Kepler (1571 to loan) to the present day no n.spcct.s have been discovered. Mr. Wilde has discovorcd and verified 20 nml Geo, Wilde's Annual Announcement. (after years‘ .

HsS aspects suggested by Kepler) contained only a doz en aspects, and in con so piene.o not ' Mr. Wilde Al3SOLU’l‘l*‘. ACCURACY OF‘ ALL HIS (3.»\I.('l7I.A'l‘l()NS 25 per cent, of the predictions came true. For four thousand years Astrology has been giiaranluees of - “Star Courses, and he will undertake 'l‘O Ri‘)'l‘UPtN ANY 1"EI". if it can he proved that lll!-l unprogressive. Since the days of Kepler (1571 to 1039) to the present day no now aspects ' »Mu.the1n2\tical Work is not corrqct.

have been discovered. Mr. Wilde has discovered and verified (after 20 years' study and The client must demand one of three oithcr the return of the fee investigation) 29 new aspects ; that is to say, he has added to tho meagre number of 12 thin,, accuracy, paid, or—he must denounce the as an impostor. aspects, which nre now in use amongst astrologers, 29 more which reduce Astrology to an professor _ KXACT SCIENCE. LIST OF FEES FOR BOOKS ANI) C:\I.CULA'l‘I()l\’b'. Mr. Wilde guarantees ABSOLUTE ACCURACY OF ALL HIS CALCULATIONS of

Star Courses, and he will undertake TO RETURN ANY FEE if it can be proved that his 2s. Horoscope Maps with all the Aspects . . . . Mathematical Work is not correct. . ls. lid. Primer of for the reading of the . The client must demand one of three things, either accuracy, the return of the fee paid, Astrology, Horoscope or he must denounce the professor as an impostor, Chaldean Astrology, for fuller reading of the Horoscope . 5s. 4d.

LIST OF FEES FOR BOOKS AND CALCULATIONS. Star Courses, per year (Calculations only) . . . . 53. Horoscope Maps with all the Aspects ..... 2s. “ The above includes the to Your Star Primer of Astrology, for the reading of the Horoscope . . Is. 3d. necessary book, Key ”

Chaldean Astrology, for fuller reading of the Horoscope . 5s. 4d. . . . 3d. Courses Book . . . . . ls. _

‘ V " Star Courses, per year (Calculations only) .... 5s. 1s a -‘‘«Key to Horoscope with Horoscope Map . . . . 8d The above includes the necessary book, " Key9 to Your Star 7 All the and . . . . 7s. (id. or l.0s-. lid. Courses Book " ...... Ik. 3d. Aspects computed explained

" Key to Horoscope " with Horoscope Map . . . . Is. 3d. ‘Address—GEo. WILDE ll), Bride London, 2.0. ' All the Aspects computed and ex plained . . . .7s. 6d. or 10s. (jd. (Dept. 18, Lane, 8 Address GEO. WILDE (Dept. H) , 18 , Bride Lane, London, E.O. OF FATE. ls. 2d. RAPHAEL'S BOOK OF FATE. Cloth, price Is,, VOtt tree Is 2d. RA’?!-!AEL'S BOOK Clnlh, price ls.. row! ("we HAPHAEUS PYTHONESS OF THE EAST. Posl./M" 2d. RAPHAEL'S PYTHONESS OF THE EAST. Pft frte Is. 2d. ls._ _ RAP!-IAEUS BOOK OF DREAMS. A 1/4111.’/some l'u’mrr" cf /3" 7’'.'/’'". P"""’ Isa RAPHAEL'S BOOK OF DREAMS. A JI.>» :home Vo'umt of 196 pitffft, prtet Is., posffrec Is. 2d. _, _ _ posffm Is. 2d. ‘RAP!-IAEUS KEY TO ASTROLOGY. Containing (."C(“l'l‘ iulornumon z<:<.-es~ur_y for RAPHAEL'S KEY TO ASTROLOGY. Containing every information i < < < . nr.y for the pr:r_cti('e ol‘ .»‘\slrolo,q_v. Bound in o/of/'1, pI'it'€ ls., pm! _/'rr-I? ls. 2d. the practice of Astrology, Bound in cloth, price Is., pott free Is. 2d. CHARMS AND CEREMONIES. Pow fr MERLIN'S CHARMS AND CEREMONIES. /'-«' fr 7d. MERLlN'S ~_7d. MERLIPPS LOVE ORACLE. or Future Des‘Iny Fol-etold. mi pu_qm, MERLIN'S GREAT LOVE ORACLE, or Future Des ii.y Foretold. 90juigt$ , GREAT in clnib, ‘I'O.~ools.~' are full of interestiuu and enler;aiiiin-.:1natLer; the iamsr ol I l;m.':»- have he in b(.Ml"'l|(£dto lll ’ complete. The tlirce sent packed, pare:-l nu:/L. [or ls. 9;]. All L c |.ilrU\'u should la: nrllUrU(l Llowut fruul: These three hooks are fu'tl of interesting and enteriaininj: matter ; the larest oi l luio'tsthem have l;c n MiHi'.-hed Jo ni tli'-

tljeai CQ mPleta. The three‘_ sent packed, Bares! post, W.for U. 9J. All t t shove s'inuid be ordered direct from :FOULSHAM 8: 00., 5, Pilgrim Street. Ludgate Hill, London,

W. FOULSHAM & CO., 5, Pilgrim Street Ludgate Hill, London, E.C.

- i‘.-. DI;:Il,I:::":l:;.- iIrI;:I1Ti|Il':H ;" I NT E F’-. H ET A F1. If Hl E III" C! LLJ N E l +3. '._.| F‘-ll '-J E R5 lT"r" Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public / Weller- l!I'll'1PAhnn‘1l"I

Road List o« "^es 44. 45, 46 and 47.


, i.‘ / of I "I

Sundays, Interentlno Fasts

’ Festivals, Ac. ,r'//,/,I,'I l/// ~~ ,/, -/ , , ~ 5 W My / I G'Hi 4' 7”l,/// ,4’ I ClIllIKTM! ‘Q


§ 2nd Sunday afte

] \{ Douclas Jerrold borii, 18 03.

1st National 6c' Q ol, 18 17".

Dividend ilnc on Conso's. for Bristol 5h. 15m., Hull ,'\\'(‘)'iII.'(.“.\(l¢l for . _ Epipiianv. ‘Rainfall 4h.Hlm., Ll,-ith 0h.l9m.,‘z1ml Pred|ct|°ng._. 0"‘1)""““-*"“’- ‘-"'~4°‘“‘- ("‘e°"°°" The under :ul\'e1'se Earl uf Khnberley liovn, 18 M. ‘Jim year opens Comntiong. St. Lucian. 7 vi A_“- ‘i ‘lhlnyd.|lh!3l)]n.‘Lig)~J;:)2:'::E;95.3l1]-‘Kc“*' ‘ Thct|pl:u'ur.t)1] ie sum \}7\v.]aI-5‘IP80 - is stati0n.'u'y v. . I . >l- . , .- . :91’ 1ST SUNDAY AFTKi: EPIPHANY. ,. .1135)" and Turkey will Sufi-5. heavy l’_f"_’f lfilllllllll:.|1lll('l(.xlllll»,1u4l~I.](~l|\ullH.c\l. .,(l.~i .5. Il0l).(l()llLll(l:.rClMom. I Am 1 . Penny Poatftao, 13J0. ’—‘ , , ‘* renew the “l but will ,__,_ reverses. __

14 H M H M H M attack from unexpected qua1'- . i; 8 —— 10 26 ters. About the 5th the fiscal m..-...i...;.;..n. dunilifl n 0 ~ - ‘ 1 qD , 5' x “n 16 4111 27 4) _':.bSi.x1>.n‘/.1*'l‘I'I:l‘IIuls'n1\><. 1':m1's4 010 16] P0-‘51tl0_n 0? fig (*TU‘t‘]-:f"1t€e"'(’j‘. Yigg .. 17 he senousiy rep1e..en __ ,9 __ I...n.,_ im... C H” ) 811 [98 huae deficit will be '11 M~n.mg1m.Im~n.ll1 3 1119.3 ). 9: 0 _6i 59 n.1mlo_uneed lit w 4"“ *°* ‘ - °f.s:;.::"’:l:é- ill} V . ::::%.‘l:>;§s ( wk.) °°2“'0 i .1 0 20 'Hi 1 ‘ on U” , 3 ‘£33‘J H’“M“mm‘l 1'.) 5w 1' 12th to the 113th advantageous , {I38 , . 9 Lord Cur/on born, 18 39. 1 ‘wt ')' 18 “ 4') (inn """"'”"“” 54 " terms are pr0ll'ex'cd and .1 use- 12 W Earl of Crewe born. 18 3 < “'05 34 ‘-3 be 7 1:‘’lufliixillnllvxlv-l|'l‘,1*"‘- R8 6 3 9 3 fnl :lllllll‘.CL’ may fprmed. 13 'Hi Cblllianwallab, 18 49. 3 now enters a S H‘l.l.:IvJ.tu. c1dy‘5.1 7 3; 55 4 23 ‘l’0rt1igfll Lord Lausdov. no bom, 18 J5. 8 and tenns 0 flnltqeace . . r 1-‘ .~ C0ll1I)«1Lt l l>~'rSL>\M\'«‘1i'““‘“""’"\"_ 1 11‘ "8 9 4') 6 4 Colonies, Rrilisb llnseum OPOUed, 17SD. 9 F5 Eu,‘ "E ‘3 are (llSCllSh‘(.‘(l. The 10 27 ° £ 2ND SUNDAY AFTEP. EpirHAN aw «:9 >;i°i‘:-i.,s“:;::::::mil: M Aim Kleiv, 18 8 3. 4?3 3 1] '11‘ Tmrl‘‘H‘‘‘'‘’‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘»“"3 " mu‘ '54 13 6 51 7 15 7 -are” hindci'e(l On‘ the 23rd James Watts b., 1730; d , 1813 19 '11! (‘hi11iuu\\'u1lath.lH-|‘v‘- fin“ 7 37 8 2 8 there are signls of tI‘eac'her)' St. Fabian's Day. Inn TM“L"“““"""°'i'”"”‘N1’ 3| 8 31 9 4 9 St. Agnes' Day. 141" {me it”: 161 Til‘ \l\qzlill,l)t_:‘.ixiif~lElc§'o'1‘ron(1)ul11td:'$1§1Il‘ ‘ -V. . r imu.~ilAlum-umniwmwl.17-1.‘. ime-R8 2 9 4310 24 10 : _ Accession Kins Edward VII,,*1" 1 i and, as me . mtrigues now. ‘ 11 :mi> Sunday after Epiphany. 16 35 3-W5"-\""“'-‘”T“"'""‘P”“"' f‘*m' -*4 1911 111 39 stand to lose_ some prestige

—— Lord R. Clnnebill died, 1S93. M _,u,“1;1N1_lRH,'.. 12 14 12 _<_:u1’s‘1{8 ' 17 O‘ u ’ -w untlless16 I\;1I1_‘e:}tl‘llS- 11111011? out1'1All1e:l‘ Kobert Burns born, 173D. .. . _ , . 23 0 44 1 8 13 [g'_IL' l\‘t.1)l’lM'll.\'Im,/. if m:;,el§)e ysflm film; a 26 W Ben. Gordon killed, 168 .5. chi) :54 '|9 .lmncs\\'uil.<'l~.,1733;t'I.l‘1-‘- 1‘lllll 5 1 1 gr-(fat (]an(__ym- threatens the German Emperor born, 18 33. ‘R7 min :44 26 2 10 2 27 15 Sir H, M, Stanley born, JSll. ' ~|;g()'1]'s1».ly. ~ « ‘nlation.tie resinlghisf0 lgnanciaappalrelitlg 1 . an_ _ ', 9 _ _.-~; 44 16 Victoria Cioss instituted, 18 56. M““”' " h3"’hi.m I‘ ,0 Ministerial strain taking place E31 , 1: I,)_"”' , 3 )1 1th Sunday after Epiphany '32 h .\w'v~~i«m1\m,; 1,.1\\m-,1\1[,,1‘;m1 \\'l1l

dull jK S A rain s4 MOTHER Is an Ideal Family Medigine

- chill r8 for the common every-day ailments brought about by cold|s4 a disturbed state of the digestive system. Thousands’ wet r8 SEIGEL’ S of families use this popular remedy for headaches. and flatu- wet Ig4 loss of appetite, constipation. biliousnzss, lence. Tcs: it wet yourself tc-day! .,“H,”:: _|-1 H :3: X "1 ['|;:|l§TYT,?Up cldy -‘F-JTEHF--JET A. F:.T§:‘Hl E 0' C D LU IV E? llfl, |__.| F‘-H E F5. SlT"r" dull



010 41

8 | 11 52 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public


1 25



10 5 26

11 16| 27

I 28

561 29

R8 6

s4 7

R8 5

S4 10

B8 4

fair s4 155

fine IrS

fine s4 16

fine r8

fair s4 1911

gal's B8

cldy S4 22

raiiViR? 58

rain's4 26

higli ! r7 55

ulwindls.4 29

fine ! R7 54 1

fine S4 39

fine IR7 51

jelear|s4 36

bghtR7 49

clear S 4 40

dnllT.7 46

2 18

3 9

3 5b

4 45

5 27

6 9

6 51

7 37

8 31

1 52

2 45

3 34

4 23


5 48

6 31

7 15


9 4

9 43 10 24

11 39



1 29

2 10

2 44

3 16

3 49

4 21

4 53

5 26

6 4

6 45

7 36

oldy S4 43 8 41

dulllR7 43 10 1010 57

12 14


1 51

2 27


3 34

4 4

4 39

5 9

5 46

6 23

7 9

8 7

9 21


The year opens under adverse

conditions. The planet Mars

is stationary in the sign \ n'go

and Turkey will suffer heavy

reverses, but will renew the

attack from unex pected quar

ters. About the" 5th the fiscal

position of Great Britain will

be seriously represented. A

liuee deficit will be announced

and great losses of shipping

wilt be reported. From the

12th to the Kith advantageous

terms are proffered and a use-

ful alliance may be formed.

Portugal now enters into a

compact and terms of Peace

are discussed. The Colonies

5 I do well. But about the 17th

6 I ex citement becomes tense in

7 Russia and diplomatic affairs

I lare hindered. On the 23rd

there are signs of treachery

and subterfuge. Our near

Ally will suffer from internal

intrigues and, as we now

stand to lose some prestige

among our Allies unless great

care be taken by the Minis-

try, it imiv be said that a

great danger threatens the

nation. This is apparently

the result of financial and

Ministerial strain taking place

about the 10th, when the

Government will have a hard

passage in Finance. Stock

and Share values depreciate

considerably all through the

month, but especially at the

beginning and end. About

the 0th Russia * * ia greatly

affected by secret machina-

tions and covert attacks. In

France affairs go badly this





Is an Ideal Family Medicine

for the common every day ailments brought about by

a disturbed state of the digestive system. Thousands

of families use this popular remedy for headaches,

loss of appetife, constipation, biliousness, and flatu-

lence. Tes: it yourself tc-day !

(j ‘ * —'* .- -‘ v P: 1.: :- (cl 3. ; ’:—.-«'_'’.+- ~-..- Dx T- - — -7., .~_ =°*‘<-- .-_-if-F1’ 7- ..i 7 . ‘ ‘

9 ~ free ,, ‘: séatisu‘ ~Is--an-.3‘! Int.-Assarologi .(a..a..AI). Monthly .262. mist 2.=;a~.. ‘ ' ‘ ’ - ' 7 4 .7 . - «,_ . : '_ -

British Journal of Astrology (B.J.A.) , IWonttiiy Id., post fro e 2'd.


Average Add tor lirKtuI ah. i;, m ., Hull

ltaiiifall Hi. sim.. Leith oh. iOni.,uml lor

I » in. on lnililin tub. 'ill. Htm.. Ghreenocli

Is days. 'Hi. 90m., Liverpool -Jli . 8 8 m.

1 Hi Partr 3ge~& pheasant shoot ins entU


St. lilaiz e.

Capture of Kumasi, V* H

S Sfe Agnihn.

S 15th Sunday apteh Epiphany.! cool

M Charles Pu-lten; 1) ., 18 13, d., 1970.

i 41: Julas Wine born, 18 18 ,

I Add tor i:2'istol‘fm. ‘ Avermze l.'.m., Hull

’ Leith Oh. - in If . 9 WjSir H.1 Evelyn Wood born, 1RSS. l‘Lnin£all‘4h.:%lm.. 19111.. 5' 15 in. onihuhlin sub. 2):. -t6m.. (‘r|f:~«=.:i<)l‘-J11: P'ed'¢ti°n3— Th'Lord C. Heresford born, 18 JG. in the mouth tlwrc 7 ‘l8_(lay§:ill|.5flm..I.ivcr1yool2l1.3.’hn. Early are ‘ F " ‘D- T . Q ‘. ,- 1‘ liucts, "st; .. 2 S si‘)I1l1(]l¢- §. B\lI1da3';;,C MOY"-l -‘“°1- ‘\o'f‘ ,l\lll~.\lll‘l‘t’(:'l’,i0llllfl2; - .- ~ 14 M ~_:_—'r ‘,e'*5 ‘MON! 01 the St‘l'Vl(‘Q‘:l. It " » is ?'utmnnlto iw 15 Tb H M H M 1-1 M ,-,z.I'v:1t~ y llopml that

'— 16 W 1'IUPa1'tridge&[)llCl1Si1l‘lt$ll00tll1S'elldflifair R7 4311 41 '37 :':':::"':f‘$i:nH“'lavxmnglulfiqr ~’f17 Th 2WC“"*”0"'"“- min S4 47 0 20 0 54 28 t.inic. ‘Tim Uvllllyst‘ oi‘ tlw six‘: ' T. A. ) d.san bjrn, 18 47. »3 45'?-1?1al'E¢’- frain R7 40 1 2] 1 49 99 on the :§2':l is bad for Rusaiii, Sir W. Napier died, 18 60. F _ ,\4 g,,.,,m§e0g1;u,,ms;,1,.” ‘min S4 50 2 13 2 36 1 rev¢>_r-' 6iH Sunday after Epiphany. ainlcl t_li1-<~n§.1eiislsoi'io1|s "7 av 37 2 58' 3 21 2 St, Valentine. 757875:-Aam iwind ,"\l:ll:1t ilimi..iiit.-i..;‘!{iia i’.‘e‘i2‘i'; ‘ .§5'rH SUNDAY AFTER Relief of Kimberley, 1900. Epxpl-u1\'Y.lc_oo1 S4 54 3 42 4 1 3 c_0untry ivill inoot with too of its deserts. Dread___—7M Riots, Liverpool, 18 33. lmx-lesDickem1>.,181?.,d.,1870. cm11R7 33 4 21 4 40 4:htt10 N-.'h_tful Meeanee, 18 43. ‘f8TU.7ules\'ei-nebom,1898. wmr s4 58 5 0 5 17 5 {.’g',,,fi'g;‘,.‘if‘;,::.{.,{°l:;g;;°:;§{}]°i‘:,€ Benin captured. 18 07. -9WSirIi. Ex-elm Wood boru,1&%s. wrm R7 30 5 33 5 51 6 condinry attzu-ks and violent

‘£1Madamo Patti born, 18 48 . . ‘1Q'fi;L0,.dc_,m.dbom_ 1346 ‘fine S5 1 6 9 6 27 7 jsi11'prl»'es. It l)eh_oves the‘ Septuagesima Sunday. 11 F '1‘.A. J d'n."mb0rn.1847. R7 27 6 47 7 10 8 Cardinal Newman born, 18 31. Qmild "fileIfiifiltlfeusrilavtlcfilgfan 12 S 1960- Gen.'-, Baden Towell born, 18 37. Si1'\"-N1l’.'9l‘died. ‘fair S5 5 7 35 8 5 9 .tl11'e-ntmml by wcret enemies. The is from tho 23 2-»W Order of the Star of India,13 18 01. Sara svxmv AFTER E1-u>u.ux'v.‘ fair R7 23 3 41; 9 Q5 10 danger lfltli 7 . ,. . ,. , to 19th. On the 20th there 24 3,»,Th St. Matthias. 4M st""'l"“““°' I v 5‘ hill‘ 59 910 13¢“) ‘)7 11 will he serious financial strain 18 h1ghR7 1911 39; ——- 12 on our Exvlwquer. On the 1!l_15330Relietotliimberley.1900. ) GVV Bread Riots, Liverpool, 1855. wind S5 12 0 17} () 46 13 '_‘7th tllei'9 will hp somo ‘;'A20 svmeewe» lane a7 15 1 1 so 14 21 nu ::;’.?”:~ “all: ::.:.:':::;t:.'.’:;‘ 3€“i!1 0fl|m|1'e

'nI!Harel1unt_ingcnds. dulljflfi 51 10 26 . Hiidi Water

Tx indoii Bridge


'of' of Mother in A little water after Uooi »‘_' Thirty-drops S¢igel's Syrup meals wheneveryou feel liverish. losa appetite. or have pains H :-‘ ' ‘ putyou right. fashion . afterntingwillsoon lnjustihissimple _» _ <_ M thousandsavoid the ill-effects of indigestion and hiliousness. l H§- N T M or APPETITE, H yqss *4???’ M _% |P--JTERl--il'ET ¢.F1.CHi'-.:"E 7 [:::::)LI._wEi}:.|._.|P--ll'u'ERSiT"r" L fair ;;




41 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public








































































































1 1
























































































cldy Hfi















dull, KG







(SarlS in the month there arc

sign* of unrest ami possible

insurrection in some

of tire National Services'. It

is greatly to be hoped that

Engineers will not endanger

the national welfare at Enli

time. Tlio eclipse of the Sun

on the 3rd is had for Russia,

and threatens serious rover

sals iii Mafch anil April

rhal long suffering and heroic

country will meet with too

little of its rightful deserts

On the 18 th "I this month our

country is threatened with in>

cendiary attacks and violenl

surprises, it behoves the

Home Defence Service to bo

on the alert, Great iires are

threatened by secret enemies

The danger Is from the Kith

to 19th. On the UUth there

w ill he serious financial strain

on our Ex chequer, On tho

'27th there will he some

trouble with a fractious see

tion of the community, a

strike is threatened and the

Government "ill have g dill)

eult task to |) ! iinitte the inal

contents. Krnni the 4th to

the lath adverse conditions

obtain in the political world,

and the BtOOk Markets will

reflect this by a sharp depre

ciation in values. Affairs ap

pear to turn badly ayalnsl

Russia, and between the dates

mentioned a series of

verses and complications



Thirty drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup in a little waler aflcr

meals whenever you feel liverish, lose appetite, or have pains

after eating, will soon put you right. In just this simple fashion

thousands avoid the ill-effects of indigestion and biliousness.

LOSS OF APPETITE, / v» , ’ VJ‘ 5 C7. neaa pages 44. '5. 46 and

r W ‘

Read paces

4.4, 45. 46 and 47.



t! in. on

IS (iRS'h.

Bandars, Interesting Facts,

Festivals, Ac.

1 r\V si. David-

>'\] i Uaunaduke 1 Massacre,

PjBcv. .' O. Wood died, 18 8 0. ft ilir. Adin. Knyvott Wilson b., 18 4! I-lull; «J '(Jt iNiir AOE8 IMA Sunday. .K \ u-ruur Add for Bristol 51:. I.'n:1., Huinfull Ah. 31111., Lcith 0h.l9m., and for‘ C M Battle "f Mukden, 100;. Greenock P;-edictions— _, MARCH. IS in. on lmhlin suh. 2h. 46m., financial 7 '11' Shvovt Turidau. About the 6th the -eaLn.mung:._I£y.-rpoolghzasna. to he sur- g \Vj uh witnetfaw. sun Hiumvater Aué"crisis :1ppCal‘s . . . ; , x>.‘1»f _ _ London In-id-.:e of But; the 8th brings 'Hi Meri tmac and Monitor, I8 G2. “"“j Rises 1!‘ ‘miounted. -“""‘“-‘jv_"!"".‘i“{"_”"“"“‘- -‘W,’''_-_ M9","'si¢,1ns of among our F King Edward VII. married, imit. “Hut.-"- “V “i‘“”““‘ ‘L _”'f." _*“J"_“i dofection’ _ .:‘‘°‘‘;-‘ )1 H M 11 M Allies, 1:; _ql1lCkly. followed S 1st London daily paper, 1709. 11 hut 1 by —— § 1st Sunday is Lent. 27 str_oke_, 11“/.‘,s'I. Imp-1./. (11.11 R6 49 11 36 In I);-;'J,_‘;|_:t':‘:1Ipl()t}11a1t1c ‘ i

13 M.W ol Counaught married, ICTO wind 0 0 Ig:3;("1(fle i_:;e'}0¥.n(:d sgageuilgtllglg Bj Brns shot, 1757. to the 32‘r“‘]‘Xim)nmlt‘1kr~'\Alnafim-rv1. ‘1.r\..r<..\\r....1 .z....1_m-11. Chg“ R6 44 1 13 1 36 29 12th. _Fr0n1 th.e-.1*2th 15 WjVis. Melbourne i>., 1770 : d., I8 « qnd .\chn.l\'n3\1-H\\‘ilsmxl;.,lKI2 43 2 0 2 20 0 4 giL](.‘S5 101' 1'daylsl ~ 16 111 THe "Ophir" tailed, 18 01, gllu-. ,1e)oIx-:331311 xx-113:; he! li)ng_ht ~ Ii , . M. 1 (91 2 F ,S7. ratriek't Day. 151tlR_, lg fM.1. ‘R6 39$ ‘prmt "ngdy. 0l]z10Ith\.\el 5: l\1(‘II u.|\1.\ .\.n.\\. 3 3 ‘.3 smnc attack is made Wea- () 'l\1k'‘'-'‘ ‘*4 -‘“"~l1*"'»‘9"-» fzur {S5 40 4) 17 30‘ jlx()\\'e\‘0r. ther. ']1~ .s/.,...-.-'1'm.m,;. fail. ‘R6 36 3 52, 4 10 3; 7 « GQ\'er11:_11:3])1t0 and'tt;lr1ecouu ~ ‘upontthccncnucs M19 . mecrc A _ dull 1 _ . , r -, 1 4 4 :26‘ g ‘will ln.0“(, thmnSeh,eS ‘dan’: wind . ('l)‘()i‘5-P)’ " (~4l'\\ i.\}1h''l4lIIl.\tllI:\-‘“""““'- "‘°—’- 50‘ 15 5 oflectual. 9‘ 31 4 09 -’) i£_Z€I‘OlI.~ly AbQut;tl1e ohge n‘l|-""“”“"“"‘“‘ ‘(llllllivkfi are 10 ]« l\iI‘:.:IC4l\\'n|'1l\'|i.mul'l‘ii-Ll,u.~«;::. (.(,1(1._.-,5 5;; 5 3-3 5 5 _19th ._some jalc S5 43 2 49' n1n1'rnt1:]1--e * tlherciroan z1,r.v:un among . . ‘lIl:1S . F! T N Ln‘ ,0" ,“m. N”, ,‘,7(,:,_ ‘ 0 M 7 fair R6 40 2 39 1] g __9r w\'_o1‘ke1's and through the Ser- '"_‘“L R? j_‘_\ 31: 8 The of fair S5 46 ; 3 17 zgllwé-‘-W‘ '5W -"-Mv VIPC‘ lines. 1‘) ~~ (; -34' 7 20: conjunction -« \\'n1C|lS-) or fair Ir6 36 3 52 13 (‘umml1:.'hLlnzlrricd, 1.~T;1 fine 22 7 8 35‘ 9 and _()n tghe 1\*I‘1»...t 54' i at:!_\rIlen-111.1;ml I7raR11susma with cool s5 50| 4 26 ER“ ( 9.) distress _ 14']l'.l3_\nu \]mt,1'.'.'.". ,. V. 10 troubles‘ dull KG 151 4 59 filrfllw “W1-°m‘m° .1 ‘ml-. forward - 1:7"‘~ ‘ tfiim 11 Bl'lt:\H1 an R0 191‘)0 »).‘11 (ire-.1t goes 15\V1\'i<.3|:-1ho1u'm'~I».' ii“-'56‘ 1 S Duchess ot Argyll born, 18 18 I 36' I the most, benefic in. 'l'l1c"0|»hi1"'mtilml,19411. fail. ___ under isn si MiAY in Lent, 16!“! ' stixtioxiary . . ‘ , , ._ fluc_mjos. _Sat.urn's_ _ 9 1.; 20 M Burlington Arcade ope red, 18 19 1)”!/’ (1 ,1, 0 17 ].‘:,,-,_,,‘,,,.,-(M. (‘hi -58‘ iposltmn. "I the Sign Cancer 21 'lb Sonthey died, 18 J8 . \rv'\1Hmrn l\'\4‘ of 18 »lm«-lu*~~n[ ' r:\rnlb() 7; 1 16‘ 1 34i14ino\\' |>1'1_x15.'.<_:1 period stress . '_“‘V H 22 W Osfl rd Hilary Term ends ‘Id. I51»I~\'I'- 15 nnd nppn Holland. 19 .~ ;-W-\l\IM\ mm m; 3, 1 52_ 2 3 pnvnt_,mn 23 'Hi Viscount MUner corn, 18 54. U} ralill‘-56 10 2 2 39‘’ '9” §t“t“%1‘"“‘.V~"""‘““ "1ti/he° ' 24 Fin. w. Longfellow died, nsi. 20‘i“ilmI'lin:.lnn.\1'c|1c1ao)w1nl,JNW Iilumisl ‘.‘ » """¥“'. .‘ » - I i . -v ._ ‘21'J11.~' n 1'-I 1s.)::. . 3 3 9» 17 cult 25 S Annunciation. laSyDaii. 4‘ 53; pos|t1on,_when r_epr1sa_ls 9‘) ‘V ‘"2.1-llhlm)T““_'“"V_‘l(.‘lll)(‘l1\l.~.. ~II1t'1|"“(j 18 of the most \.mk."t kmd WI“ 26 % 8 BD Si-x day in Lent. _(x wnn.|S() 14‘ 3 26; 3 .....' On the —6th 27 M Cambridge Lent Term ends. :23 nl‘\'i~mul1tI\IiIncrb0rn.lh.'.I. fail. 415 59‘ 4 O3 4 19 - mi 0I)? crt);x_tmnplute the ‘ followed wind M 45 9 .35 ‘1fs('.4 by ....)|'\\_1.u» ‘(.1-(]\.;1»u; 59:10 46 +\\:x)sI lngue and Fire of fine Imm.) M“ _\.mi"._,(_ml\' __ ‘ 26 -‘7111 i ‘lw‘_-«S6 25: V ' dry :.;0|n‘131.1} ‘lI‘i\r]lIiU']'I1'Illl['l1i('\].L\',7. s‘i1']1l‘R5 0 1* O 29. K , f ni r I fair “ THE GREAT “ ' cl'dy with‘ a liver cannot do better Anyone , rain than try a ffw hottle_s of Mother S~.igei’§ rain “VER 3513335 vain §z:*;::;.::‘:.g?;:::J;:::J?Z:é°:2:?:a,. lu'ela [NV] A trial will confirm his Willi praise. _ 7 TI II: F": \ fair u‘ T --" I I-I-T.’ Pi‘, |',/IE [’-I-‘)L|—-— i-.-''»;.vEPf'.J fine fine



Edd for Bristol '< ii. ism., Hull. Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

41i. Blm.,Leltb oh.l'Jm., and tor

Dublin sub. 2h. 46m., Q reenocli

Hi. .Mini,, Liverpool Bfi. 95m.

Sun I Iliiili Water Age

Rises R| London Bridge of

\ft, i\_ Moon

n m


48 28

1 36 29

2 20

2 58 1

3 35 2

4 10 3

4 44 4

5 15 5

s5 53 5 32 5 49| 6

r6 27 6 9; 6 31 7

35 57 (1 54' 7 20| 8

r6 22! 7 54 8 35! 9

s6 0' 9 2210 14 10

r6 17 10 58 :11 38 11


s6 4

R6 13

s6 7

r6 8

s6 10

n6 4

s< > 14. 3 26

r5 591 4

s6 17 4 38

R5 551 5 17

s< > 20 6 4

R5 50 7 1

12 10| 12

37|l2 58 13

1 16 1 34 14

2 8 15

2 38 ! 16

3 9 17

3 43 18

4 19j 19

1 59 20

5 40 21

6 29 22

7 36 1 23

1 52

2 23

2 53

chill s(i 24 8 19j 9 7 24

R5 4"> 9 59 10 46 25

s6 27111 25 I 26

trin R5 41i 1 29 27


About the Ctli the financial

crisis appeals to he sur

mounted. Hut the 8 th brings

signs of defection among our

Allies, lint is quickly followed

by a bright diplomatic stroke,

and a Treaty of some signi-

ficance is formed about the

12th. From the 12th to the

Kith will be bright days and

the political horiz on will im-

prove vastly. On the loth,

however, some attack is made

upon the Government and the

secret enemies of the country

will prove themselves dan-

gerously effectual. About the

19th there are some niurmur-

ings heard again among the

workers and through the Ser-

vice lilies. The conjunction of

Mercury and Franus on the

5th wiil distress Russia with

further diplomatic troubles.

Great Britain goes forward

under the most benefic in-

fluence? . Saturn's stationary

position in the sign Cancer

now brings a period of stress

'and privation upon Holland.

, Mars stationary in the Big]

Leo brings France into a diffi-

cult position, when reprisals

of the most violent kind will

be contemplated. On the 6th

of this month the planet

Mars transits the place of the

j recent solar eclipse and stirs

up Russia to acts of violence

which are destined to end

badly. An eclipse of the Moon

in this degree of Aquarius in

1664 N\as followed by the

Great Plague and Fire of





" Anyone with ' a liver ' cannot do better

than try a few bottles of Mother S.igel's

Syrup, the ' Great Liver Invigorator.' "

So speaks a grateful user of the remedy.

A trial will confirm his praise.




‘ Everyonoja talking about the B.J.A. ‘

Everyone is talking about the B.J. a,


1$ in . on

14 days.

Add for llristol Mi. 15m., Hull

In. Sim.. Lelth Oh. 19m., and for

Dublin BUb. 9h. 16m., Greenock

lh. 60m., Tiiveniool 2h. 8 fim.




41b ' iW Add for Bristol 5h. Hull Average l5m.. Pred'cfl°ns__ Rainfall 411. S1m..I.eitli0h.19m.,nndfor 6Tk On the 6th Mnrs tran- APRIL. Ii in. on Dublin suh. 2h. 4(‘-m., Greenocl: again F 14 days. lb. 60m., Iiivernonl zlh. 3.1111. sits the place of the lust solar S .\:.'c eclipse and stirs up fig Wes» R§,§‘5"n Russia a series of 10 M of by heavy sundayls,“~’S“"’**-“°~In_terestir1t:Fuets, Lf,*_](‘}'},‘,,“,{‘,‘if,‘,h,0 any E SetsS ;n.n_l._ .\l'ter. blows. At the saline time 11 Hi __ H l\l ll l\l H M there are signs of seri-nis loss 12 W fine to an Ally and dt‘l'<‘cf-ions 13 1h 1 S tli<'d,l-998. 1 14 Dismarckborn.1815; 1:5 39 0 5.‘ 28 ztinzmg our Sllpp0I‘tt‘l'.~‘. 0n 14 2 § -l'1‘llSU.\‘DAYIN L1:.\"r. , Wrm s6 32 1 3.3 1 55 29 the 1st. there will he reports 15 3 M St. Rii'ItnI'd's Day. wrm R5 34 -3 14 2 31 1 of death upon the high setts and loss of life and 16 meat. heat 35 2 3 4%0li.CrG0ltlSil1itl1LllC(l,1774. S6 50 6 2 shim»in<,:. On the ‘Jud no are 17 M n 5WRt.Hoii.\\'.rostei-a..1ssc. heat R5 30 3 24 3 40 1 ell‘:-vtive in our ell‘m't.~‘ in

18 Tb John C1050 39 3 4 13 -1 foreign parts, especially in 6'.ll1 Fl.'tI1I('lSl)., 1818; d..1882. S6 58 19 TV 7 F fine li‘rant-v. and \’l(‘t()I'l(‘>l are 20 r Hi 7 Wordsworth born, 1770; d.,1S.'.0. R5 25 4 31 4 5 .‘-(‘-'ll't‘tl to our credit. The fitli

21 8 S Rim: of Denmarkborn. 1818. than S6 42 5 4 5 22 ti lu'iu:.:s financial strain and

22 tlilllvulties in the 9 .5 .'.'r1I SUNDAY IN LENT. cool R5 21 5 42 (3 2 7 l‘l.\'t.'ll(‘t|llt‘!‘. The tlovernuient is 2;i St‘\'\'l'(‘l_\' 10 Gen. Booth born. 1820. fine S6 44 6 25 6 52 8 ll('(’l\l(‘(l about the 18th and 24 11 Tl] .\1neriean Civil War be;,'u.u. 1861. fair R5 17 7 2] 7 58 a is in danger of an Zl(l\‘<‘l'.‘

25 r U 12W Ld. r.oancy's.\'nva1victory.1:92 fair S6 49 S 3.‘ 9 22 10 vote. St. (leor;:e's Daynnrks aerw out for our intc-rt-:~t.< fine hzully 27| r lli 13'1l3 Ma;;dala.tul:en.]E68. R5 12.10 7 10 44 11 abroad, and tln-re is tlanger

28 ! F 14 F H.r..H. PrinccssI1ea.l1iceb.,1S57 dull s6 52 11 17 11 46 12 of a suhruariue attack and

29 s lo.~..~4 on the 15 S C;u‘c1iiial\'a11gliaiihorn,1832. cldy R5 8 —— 12 10 13 eonwqneut high .~‘t‘:l$‘. ’|‘hv ‘jtsth slmws 8 0 S Clltlll[.{t‘S 16 Palm Sunday. rain S6 0 14 in the (.'ove-rmnent and a Bismarck l) 0in, 18 15; died, 18 98 . 17 Pienjamin 1*r:u.\klindied, 1770. rain R5 3 I 9 I 27 15 prurniuem-e of the Fiscal its Sunday in Lent. 18 San I~‘r;).nci~:co E:ll'l.ll|'1Ul1l{e,1905. S6 1 2 3 16 que.stiou in the House. St. Richard's Day. cldy Nev:-rtln-less the fine 1-«nijunrtion Oilier. Goldsmith died, 1771. 19 ‘V Primrose Day(1881). R4 59 2 21 2 39 17 of the Sun with Jupiter in

Rt. Hon. W. E. Foster d., 18 66. :e‘pur;:con'sTabernacleburnt,1é98. f1"sl1 S7 2 2 59 3 19 18 Ari:-s on the ].st will atlv:tm:«-

' John Francis ! >.. 1S18 ; d.. 168 2. 21 F cmizrmzay. fair R4 55 3 ‘9 4 1 19 the interests of Grvzit Britain, and its successive Wordsworth born, 1770; d., 18 50. policy ap- . 22 S H.rie1amg1om,i:o7;diu1,17s4. fine S7 5 4 22 4 44 20 pears likely to he effective Kin;; of Denmark born, 18 18 . 23 33 EAS'l‘I.‘R Sr.\'n\r. dull R4 51 5 9 5 33 21 for good. About the 20th

7tii Sunday in Lent. 24 M I3({H0l5(la,\’. fair 9 6 1 6 32 22 there are adverse conditions (Jen. Booth born, 18 20. S7 from foreign sour-«rt-s and the American Civil War began. 1661. Queen Mary born, H67. fair R4 7 5 7 40 23 lll2lf'lllll:ltl0nS of the eneuiy Ld. Rodney's Naval Victory, 17P2 Faute Gabriel Rossetti (1., 185.1. fine 12 8 20 9 2 24 will be successful about the Uaedala taken, 1668 . the of 1670. R4 43 9 4-") [0 '33 25 i‘2t)th. In earlier part Habeas Corpus Act, cldy ‘the month the stirrin;.r of H.P..H. Princess PeaU ice D-, 1S57 up 1“ O:

San Francisco Earthquake, 1906.

Primrose Lay (18 8 1) . MOTHER SElGEL’S SYRUP

Spurgeon's Tabernacle burnt, 1698 These cotnplaints—so common amongst middlevaged people- Goad Friday. ‘ 3. show that is amiss with the the liver. or the something stomach, H. Helding lorn, 1707 ; died, 1751 bowels. Restore these important organs to natural healthy

Easter Sunday. activity by taking Mother Seigel's Syrup after meals. and ycur Dank Holiday. flatulence, acidity. and heartburn wiil disappear. Q ueen Mary born, 18 67. Is R ernedy for Tante Gabriel r.ossctti d., 18 54. an Excellent T J Habeas Con. us Act, 1679- ._’———,._I——— ,_—‘ "A-' __ ~. r .~, . I -l «::«:Z:n_L| E? L, LI‘-—J '-.»'E~:r-3

Ox ford Faster Term end ..

Easter Law Sittings end.

Low Sunday - .


Pises P. Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

Sets S



wrm |b5

heat sG

heat r5

close s6



















clcly R4







High Water

London Bridge

Morn. After.


cldy R5 8



cldy s6









1 55

2 31

3 6

3 40

4 13

4 47

5 22

G 52

7 58

9 22

10 44

1711 46

12 10

12 52

1 27

2 3

2 39

3 19

4 1

4 44

5 33

6 32

7 40

9 2

10 23

11 28



On the 6th Mars again trail'

sita the place of the last

solar eclipse and stirs up

Russia by a series of heavy

blows. At the same time

there are signs of serious loss

to an Ally and defectioni

among our supporters, On

the 1st there will be reports

of death upon the high seas

and great loss of life and

shipping. On the '2nd we arc

effective in our efforts in

foreign parts, especially in

France, and victories are

scored to our credit. The ;>th

brings financial strain and

difficulties In the Ex chequer.

The Government Is severely

heckled about the 18 th and

is in danger of an adverse

vote. St. George's Day works

out badly for our interests

abroad, and there is danger

Of a Submarine attack and

consequent loss on the high

seas. The li< > 1 1 1 shows changes

in the Government and a

prominence of the Fiscal

question in the House.

Nevertheless the conjunction

of the Sun with Jupiter in

Aries on the 1st will advance

the interests of Great Britain,

and its successive policy ap-

pears likely to be effective

for good. About the 20th

there are adverse conditions

from foreign sources and the

machinations of the enemy

will be successful about the

20th. In the earlier part of

the month the stirring up of

the war fever in Russia i:

apt to lead to further corn



Thz sz complaints so common amongst middle-aged people

show that something is amiss with the stomach, the liver, cr the

bowels. Restore these important organs to na'.ural healthy

activity by taking Mother Seigel's Syrup afler meals, and ycur

flatulence, acidity, and heartburn will disappear.

Is an Ex cellent Remedy for See pages

4 4, 45, 46 and 47.


\'V«.1 f» r H'ri-ti.l >! ,. 15ui.. TIi>lt

tli Oil. 19ii:., uild f

Kuiiduys. liitrrustiiiii l-'aots,

l i st mils, «

SBai^^JW» «j! ^j£ ^|5to outbreak* of a pustular

,H I'"" "Ki^MH-"^.^ '«H,easc is indicated early tins

~~ month, such being imported

from France by the soldiery.

Moon About the 2nd of the month

-for Illistul Sh. 1511].. Bull 1 there are signs of serious hurt Av(~|'u;.'c-.1.‘\dd ‘»Predictions— . R1I i) 1 1‘ u IN) .::Im.,Lcithoh.19m..u.ndfnr a i Our. outbreak Of‘ pustular in. on 1l)luMiusub. '.’.h. 4Gn~.., Greeuoc]:'The 2 is indicated early 'thi§ -a. We* 211.3511]. {disease E: (lut.V‘V<.’l!1.5()n1:._l.ivvrpnol __ » such im orted ~. _ V V _____V being UlCT. I!i',:hWnt_«,-r Ax.:(-'mOfl13h. u.~u.~ “._, [ sun of France the S0 \. I I “M” _,],M*“ '- Lum1onBnd;:e by ierys. ] VI Einlie of Connaughl born, 18 50. 1! [from * '"““"’f‘;_“';H:);‘ ”l‘p'|f.‘ 11.15‘-.§ AM; _M::r;»‘J0_?c‘:\sb;'oagh’,':

1‘u1n;R4 V \ 5'F|nriio1poii I. died. 16il. 1"“/I|'lll1\('()l'CI1)IIlul!L11I11!()l'|1.1350- Cunll |:., 177‘). mu" ‘S7 1 2 6 0 gain -shondurs .and ac§:‘lit fjl S Accession of Kins Cieorue V. 2'41)‘-I, *3 1494- fail‘ -R4 31 2 24 2 41 1 well. In the second

7! £ IjHD Ht'NOAY AFTK.B EASTER- therlnselves be some s_t-nfkg» :-i;_\l’l\7‘«!nIImivuI(-all ‘V 4 4 28 4 will 1(J W Matin" .\liitiiu . In-.;. 57 28 9 As‘_1ifl‘e_!". ('»~,'-‘_§14"""“"“""*""'“i"%“*'m:I¢'~‘ T1130 ‘communication. be 1 1 iTfajspencei' Pprcayg) awassliytd., 18 ] {my R4 24 4 4,5 5 1 5 C" 3_( Us \iv11tl‘t 1:1ElfiN§;lfpO(i0%g1‘l1l%ep%A -l€l'§ ." 1< 2 1'' Earl Cidomo, K.o., 'join, lsio. ' I I] 31 5" O 6 8?7li:;;“.‘.\l)hI"\‘|)A\'.\|"l‘l-1|l1nA?, r ) 'Hi 1 1. 11.11 . Prlncest ChrUtinn 1... in» . a Fl“? J". U1tll1\1()ll('t11|'t1, Ih‘.\‘<‘_ fwh. "R4 6 2 3 1 V“ trl?:u:]tig]s‘or;‘eeqssh:.?(i‘

26 F .~ 19; . - . down of mos. . also the; hrealung -a S (‘/nrufRumiulmrn- fail. ‘Q_7 49 3 25 3 50 1 27 S ‘)0 ‘ Mu .~'.ux1)n A1-"nan F.As'n:n. 28 ! ,$ fair l1{4 3 4 15' 4 41 13 COml1mnu13au0’S1:2>c. _c

» 3° W, ‘mm, ‘)511l'lI.ll.H.l'1~:1).-1-“cl,”“ «- N6-wmdas 58 8 5 8 38 23 Gem'ni -'11 produce ItisCS H \\I_ gr_eat_ ~ _1_ _ ' _ _ _ ‘ actwxtvs tv! Met 1” ‘ ' Sots S 35 1.~‘(‘_uN_”Mm_\_Hlm_mlm, f ur +27 :7 , and 1121113111111 Pregss 6Hterl‘(]))IX)'(i)Sg§ H M 27 isl”ulvN1SCn1'hll\.\\‘l.IGTU. yf:\il. Rt; 0 49 S:1_turn’.~: stay in Cancer can rain r4 8 5 s.~xn_.u-, ._ -'9‘ '.),H!§il{:ua.\'1‘1ox ifan 6}111 2011 48 26 hrmg noth_in:{ bug trouble“ 4 rain 5‘ r the rulers 39M M‘Wlm_Smmgwm' dull R3 04 — 12 15 27 4““~" Defhlexlty upon fair A L_ ‘ China. . 1 Holl:md_ and F_x-a-nee xunntnm ‘.\A. of 30~,m1h". Inn. SS 2 0 39 1 1 28 J‘ fine : Imi“ of sedltilous ,‘ 1'!’l'!(|1"ill.1(JU)- fine .;1l‘\‘l’l':u'r. nx-nin‘R3 1 1 46‘ §:0‘.t(Jxl:r?eng’:ctlrn 1 7 fine

IN THE In count‘ ‘*1 -- - ' fail- ’

1 1 ‘

Brmsn MOTHERo dull 5.3.}73.!“‘§xi3iL‘L‘l"§’e‘§};§}i? ~"—V'"P ii remlv :6 :.a....'t3 H0ME Mm ’ ‘ HiSi Water

deulwilhtseiirsxsigfnsnistomzucll ” London Dridse 0;: THE ‘ liver. and bowel disorders It ha»; 1

Morn. . After. 2‘ ‘ w""“°"lI‘|v hcncflcial em: 1''1 — s7 22 - . _ - L 4 '._:n ‘_ ' - 1 1.. unoutheseimpartzmtolgaus, _, r4 31

' . . . .1 s7 25 lU

r4 28

s7 28

r4 24

s7 31 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

chill p4 21

wat te? 34

cldyrja4 18

shay's? 37

stu.v i;4 14 10 1610 45

dull s7 40 11 1211 40

cld.yjR4 11

rain's7 43

rain 'r4 8

rain s7 46

lair VA C

fair s7 49

fair R4 3

Q hillS? 52

rain Ir4 1

eh«eis7 55

wind R3


1 5

1 46

2 24

2 59

3 34

4 9

4 45

5 21


6 55

7 56

9 6

M j H M

1 26

Q tiafil] Uar) b birthday,

Unions OWBUI Act, 1670.


Easter Law Siitiii(s end.

Decoration Day, U.S.A.

Pence. Pretoria, 1D0J.

1 10

1 54

2 39

3 25

4 15

5 7

6 1



fair S7 57 9 12

fair R3 56 10 17 10 49

{ air 38 11 2011 48

dull R3 54

rain SS 2

rain R3 52


1 23






5 1

5 42

6 28

7 24

8 30

9 44

12 4

12 48

1 33

2 IS

3 1

3 50

4 41

5 33

6 31

7 32

8 38

9 44

12 15


1 46

to our lighting forces abroad,

although the Services will

ain honours and acquit

themselves well. In the second

week there will be some strike

or dislocation of railway and

electrical work. Our means of

communication will suffer,

and the Government will be

ailed upon to adjust matters

peedily. Some destruction of

waterways and bridges, elec-

tric communications, tele :

graphs, etc., appears to be

Shown. About the 22nd we

hall have success in our

Naval enterprises, but some

live days later, near the 27t|i

there are indications of fur-

ther great disasters and loss

of life upon the high seas.

Violent storms will he ex -

perienced about the 12th. and

there will result some ship-

wrecks on the high seas and

also the breaking down ol

communications, bridges, tele

graphs, etc. Stocks fall heavy

.luring the middle of the

month in response to adverse

conditions in France and

Russia. Mercury stationary in

Gemini will produce great

activities in the Metropolis

and unusual Press enterprise

Saturn's stay in Cancer can

bring nothing but trouble

and perplex ity upon the rulers

of Holland and China. France

is the victim of seditious






In countless homes throughout the

British hmp re Mother Seigel's

Syrup U u. pt to hand to

deal with t ic first sialism stomach,

liver, mid bowel disorJers It has

a wonderfully beneficial elfect

upon these important organs.



SYRUP. .- ‘ _ P: \ . «\ ,1 \ - 9 ‘ ' \ 4,‘-'Briti8h Journal offiotiology‘ (B.J.A.). Mgnthly 211.. pg“ frgg 2;};

British Journal of Astrology (B.J. A.) , Monthly 2d., post free 21d.


! Average Add iui Br

, Rain fall 4h. Mm., U

9 in. on Dublin Milt.

112 day3.11i. BOm., I.:

Sundays, Interesting Facts,

Festivals, Sc.

'Ascension D.ii/.

2 F ICorpns Christ! .

3J S Ktaig George V. bom, 1665.


5| Mi £ ! /,? ) Dm/. lA\'(‘l‘:luo- Aild lor llrnml l.3m., Hull‘ 6'H Count Cavour died, 1661. -' . . J U N E‘ ,I1.'1f:ll4l.:lI ..l.- l n.m . if 7IW First Rcto m Dill, 18 32. L1! (:11 h:ll;ll::‘~lll:!:lli‘.‘4nI'nI1.j':l1foE:I:1«):l:P,red'_ct'°nc'—' 11-1 am-=~,. ll1.V.s(ln1».. l'==lF1y In the month there are 8 |'lhjEdwaid the Black Trince d., 1370 1.11-1-1-p., *4__ 1). . Sm, coinnwnt and _ "1m_,h\\vm'm. Aim sig_ns ‘of l’rc.tIL',L‘. 18 ! 5 trinity Sunday. . Cavourdicd. 1861. \VH1dlS8 5 4 5 23 6 6llfll‘Count 9i lhtcon urre WI e h‘,'*tC"!“'VIC ones 19|M|Kcv. C. II. Snurgeon born, 18 34. l't"X°lt'l"‘l"“' 7. . -, 5 po ; :._ M and n:1\':il ()p1‘l‘:l- 20jTb,rilaclcHole of Calcutta, 1756. Edwahl“5‘R:[°""tlleflncrI:'"]'1I?°2‘Vince d -.1376 gal‘Ml‘ ' ‘ii; ‘:3; -A g 53 Q tions.suirccssful*‘rnnce will ligurv \\‘(‘H 21 Wfvittorfa, 18 13. 9 F'Cl1a1'1cs Dickens 1)., 1s12;d..1ra7o.' fair 7 15 7 42 9 22 Ik Diamond Jubilee, 18 97. ‘.113 46‘, “bl!” ill“?! l"“”-"i.‘}- 13 8 19 8 10 “lliSt*»l"“'- 23 F Prince of Wales's birthday - 10i$sirE.1.Amo1dbo1-n,1332. dul1.S‘8 39 \\.,::.s “afi(lt‘:_’l'l'g"‘l:‘,r;"will’",'H1 24 S Midsummer Q uarter Day. 11i.f$‘\\'IlI'1‘SUNDAY. S]11'SlR3 E 9 smo(;t,ho(| r)\'(-1‘, and n[l':1irs of 25 4 1st Sunday after Trinity. Bank Holiday. f-.u'1- S8 14‘lO 46 1;. ,St=I_tc will moarvss satisfac- 12l[M 1410 *"’°“‘ ""~ 13"“ ""“' 26|M Lord Kelvin', F.R.S., born, 18 24. 13=’Ib fine R3 4511 1611 46 13 “""Y- EarlI1i\'e1‘sbelieaded,1480. ever, there are signs of fur- 27 jib! John Murray died, 18 43. .\'nseby.1615. fine S3 15 "“ :12 14 14 tlier nleprmlntions by sub- 28 ! W;Massacro, Cawnpore, 18 67. 14l‘V \VatTylerkille1l,1381. fine 113 44, 0 41 1 7 15 29 Hi sr. Peter's Dan. 1 xfnarinos.F0mI1lll)llSl1|(12111;! erziglvlhzélflficli?St 14 . , ~_.- 15i'lli,, , 16 1 2 16 3o! f! G.w.r. opened to Bristol. imi. 16F1..m1o.otL;cns.1si... fi11e'S§ 3.1 _l the most unm."pulOu_, mm

> Wea- ' 17 S .g«[..-1Iban's pay. lngl1‘R.'3 44} L’. 20' 2 02 17 will tend to (*Hll):ll‘l':l.\S the ther. 18.§'TIu.\'1'r1'SL'.\’nAY., \vin(l»S8 17; 3 18 3 43 18 Government» aIIdleri

Morn. | After. 23 F Princeof \\'ales‘sbirt1Id8Y- dull R3 40 7 32! 7 59 23 the people, especially attack- Age 24 S ;\1idsummerQuarlerDay. old)‘ S3 19' 8 27' 8 58 24 int; Elle tlic _ yrl)_urf1g. Bllct ‘.;1s(fi of 25 s rm R3 46 9 31.10 25 'E)l(]2?i\<:{El}ta -21¢ Moon 26 1<‘.R.S..born.l8‘24. [fine S8 3811 1] 26 youmwr generation_ on the II 1\.[lLorc.1Ke1vin, 1\Il1l');3y' dieJ,1s43. lfine R3 4611 -Ml — 27 tliore M ,' } 9 ISCUSSIOH lifihill\Vl1]t:i(:|1‘cri|r;i(r))’r)iz'i‘«I>1lx;sI , ."' 217th - . 27‘tTUiJolin . 0 1-) 12 41 28 II ‘Mull-‘S. 19‘ !‘Ameri(‘a Wm be inV0h.(,d' and 38]“/l)l:1ssac1e,C9.\\nDore.1657. 1 M 297,133 -9"-1’€’¢’"'3 D"V- liev) 113 47 1 41 37 99 :1 quarrel is in the making.

H M F!G.W.I‘.. opened to l‘.1'istnl. INI. r;L'n:S8 18' 1 50‘ '2 9 30 I

dull 'r3


51 T/ze ll/o;-Id’: 1)}’.;w;';-e /\’z‘//Ia’:/_l’. .1 /adefroz/z 130.115, Bar/e.r,am{'t5.



2 23 1 HAVE BEEN FREED FROM MOTHER SE|GEL’S SYRUP. m'st'sS 2 for 47 Years. Unsurpasxeri as a Tom'c. 12 1j‘aVmoz/3

2 59 -' 11 -.y_ : :1 x__ :* LI :1“: _| E





is Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

3 36


dull s8




4 10







4 46






5 23







6 5






6 50







7 42


dull S8




8 39





1 1

9 43




14 10

14 10 46




45 11

1611 46





12 14






1 7







2 I







2 52


wind S8




3 43







4 35







5 25







6 18






42 7 7







7 59






27| 8 58






3110 5






38 11 11


j fine








15 12 41





4| 1 27





1 i

50! 2 9



Early in the month there are

signs of Press comment and

agitation In regard to land

values, crops, and farming

interests generally. Some re

lief measures will be formu-

lated. From the Srd to Hie

>th of this month the arms of

Great Britain will be greatly

ll'ective and a combination

of favourable circumstance;

will enhance our prestige

The Ex chequer will he com-

petent; there will be victories

and successful naval opera

tions, France will figure well

at this time, and alsi i Russia

rhc late troubles with rail

ways anil engineers will be

smoothed over, and affairs of

State will progress satisfac-

torily. About the 1.1th. how

ever, there are signs of fur-

ther depredations by sub

marines, and enemy attacks

from ambush and sedition of

the most unscrupulous sort

will tend to embarrass the

Government and endanger the

Entente. Near the end of the

third week there will be

much mortality from contagi

ous and Infectious diseases

typhoid, smallpox , and other

dread scourges will decimate

the people, especially attack

ing the young. But the 21st

shows relief measures and

benefits conferred on the

younger generation. On the

27th there will be acrimonious

discussion in which probably

America will be involved, and

a quarrel is in the making

The World's Digestive Remedy,



Famous for Years.

Made from Ro.'ls, Barks, and Leaves



Unsurpassed as a Temc. Read pages * * 45. 46 and 4 7 .5‘ '”"'”"»Immv


Avenue Ida for Bristol Bh. lom., Bull

Rainfall lb. Mm.,Ix :itli 0b.l9in., and f*

J| in. on Dublin sub. 2h. 46m., Oreenoek

6 iIhn< - ! Hi. B Om., [ iiyarpoQ l Mi- 8 6M. —-_;:; Kunduis, Iutereituld Facts, 1 lfillw

Festival", i'O.

Dominion D.\] i.


;{ JJ battle of SadOWBi 1666.

\ i , icl -i on enco l>ay, U.S.A. .\\'(-rngu .»\dd for Bristol .311. 16111., 1-Iull‘ -1h. 3lm..I.<~ith0h.19m.. and for‘ Pr-edictions—— . gm^ Karrloie I'rineons Christian, 1R66. Huinfnll JULY. J} in.m1‘l)uh1insuh.2h. 46111., G1'ecnoL-k‘ Success attends our arms in C 'Hi ui (targe White v.c, mm tins, 5111. 511111.. ‘, « U -luys. l.ivurnn012l1.3§1_11. fm'ei_-_rn parts, and especially 7I jp t:,i» vnni t boiq 18 J9, (Be3 18 Wi ‘t "' m'| \\'c-nv |A""'c ill Tllrkish territory abbut H S lii. II011..I. Cliamliei'luin li n, 1k:;6 Sunduss,lutcwslinzq l"(1ct.~; If-m“1{Hi:m1.wa'-tm. 5tl1_. , t) $ | 1111 1> Kl XllAV AKTUR TRINirV. "“"““_‘}f‘j"““" __'f}‘°"- our ac 1v1-1_tqre _ Nu(\1ra1an afiaigg ‘V: 10'M (totals Mnrryat born. 1792. H M H M H M {11:ogre‘s1.=xv_e7

I - 11 'III Uc san.lim lioinli.iriled, 18 8 2. f’cshR3 2.9‘ 2 46 1 £§}et.u?§‘.§3'1§§1& aA:r0e1z11t;; %'§§e§§,e3 49‘"2 ‘A 12 \V Bvaduattaol Crimea, ISM. 1151;...,,..,..-...,;..,,. is bi? fihe 2 2: ‘A1181: S|«JH Si .nday AFTitn Tuix ity. 1\Im*ru1,:9Prim-nusCln'|.s'tuu1,l.\‘66. fan‘ R3 4 5 3 5 " "' ha“? a D.=1l‘t. the’. 13th lTjlil|01l«l» tta Corday diod, 179.'l. ([11-‘Hr<1u..m»\\'1uua,\'.c.,1.m-nu:-:5. fine 5-‘ 15 5 21 5 37 5 _AhQut 1H 'It) D* W. (',. Gniic born. \X4H. 1fin(. tn: 5 6 ‘7 . 7 F:l'1d\\'u.1'(11.lmrn12H0,

24 M cibmitai- raptured. 1701. élplieafllitillilt '.‘ .\m-un l1«‘):(1:l);11'¢lud.1856, 14 ac{s\_\~'1 19111119 uponuggndf |i,‘y'_\[§]]|:F\‘l1«,\1111gt1:4jn. ono ,rilnua, ruin S8 1-2.10 tom SW‘ S 25 'lb Arthur litt'.fuur born, 18 48 . T"°‘m°5.“"”"(T 15° 1 _ V 13. minxkg 5.9'1]_ 53 ‘ 3'“ and .5h01..‘.* W. .4 it ii i* .. ,13’».ms. b.-V ‘““P“.‘,5“’° W - Ivlnnstry. The uSmn|ut1- 1799 - nun S8 10 0 24 0 55 14 slghted 28131 ' 27 '111 Bank 61 Rngtand founded, ’l4’1*‘1691. . ‘I ‘“L"; - 1 53 " 28 F lt«li".-! >irtTOKUillo.ined. 1791. min n4 1 1 23 ggjgfggj Si§g5t19f.{9.ss_1us1_meV inuge . _.- - '. 29 S Kllll lluuibort tissassinatod, 1900112¢::w.s..m.;..-gnu».".. 2 19 2 45 is6 and ent.ertair1'1}1en’ts_will 8 0 § otb Sunday afx eb trinity. ~ set-hack. lhe 2nth 17"M1;fjf,.f,;f,”§§,.§:Ed",;;f”'- ’;‘”3‘. Si 3 3 9 3 34 17 a_ shows ,.

8 1 M Jrlnltv Lwv Sittings end. I, fm ill fine S3 5 3 58 4 21 18 sums of treacher_v leading to ‘ Wea- 8‘RJlh-.\V.(i.(!I1u-oloorn.18414. f3t"‘11'e_5‘31£S- In FranC9fl19i}3 19 ‘V nis1.<)|>\\'i}b:-i'forcoh.1so7,d.1B7:;'fine !R4 6 4 44 5 7 19 movements ther. a1'e_sed1t1ous .a’fo'9t M Mmmm. 10,1 4 F 2 49 20 the gravest Hun 20.1“ -(Y is18 o 9 5 yvhnch n1a‘y ha~ve_ ‘

_ _ _ _ 'lhc _ Issues. _t,_hg ‘. Itisea H 21']? “0M_”_1 nuns l»o1n1..59.medn9e. d.u1l1R4 9 6 10 6 33 2] egllpsg of_

‘ t “ ‘ BotsB. “'1“WM«wW«'~v- Hum 58 1 6 5417 17 22 “-5. 1ff1%?§ °"a“'1§an -e\'lwaflé ‘S1 “Y1”‘an£05 . _ _ea:;n H|gh 23~§,_.‘. .!_. . _. 3 H: , H Y R4 11 7 41 8 8 23 Mexaco. _The conjunctibri of London 1 24‘M Ji::“'l::“:D“‘|‘T:L:'_""‘”"91,113 S7 59 8 37 9 14 24 we ' Mom. n'mg . .1‘1 ,uur 1.1! cu‘I In~ ,1‘6%-_ . 14 9 541° 34 95 (Voter 25"11: b‘"”§4 Holland. The ‘nmidgges 3'15 1:122’ bridge. 26 \V.w. dose B7 56I1] 1311 50 26 month W?” be -K!fiark.e.d After. a ——- ‘_ 27"”!|lm1knf1’11;da~ulf. ll 1-1 1 6.1. R4 0 23 27

5 - h %‘i‘:;';l"SY\I_‘fi111fafi_ll"1 a ectand ;num;t1f- 1 A|.'C 17: some Pa? 28.1“ 1”“““"""“““*““1inone«1n;u..1791. (lime0 M47 53 1 of . 50131‘ '1 of 5 1:100“ 38 .the °°.“"t"3" The 39 Ki“!”ll1X|1m‘£1lss:1ssi11nAa.u1 film: ‘R4 00'- (1) 0 1 ad. 49 occurs on the 3 H '- ‘. .‘f3s]|pSe ‘winch H »‘ I “W11 later - 30 § M“ SW1)“' ‘ Wm.“‘ T“‘-'*”i~ wet 50 2 14 2 31' Prove to be M .137 0130“! .\ 1_ , _' I4‘1~ance_ -3]v M”,A l|‘1||1[\- Lv\\\-_q,ni'h_,v\(,nd H 1“,et 2 3 2‘ 1 ‘fateful

M - - ‘; ltisa-Icruz-.~-. we II o?"p:‘»‘£.-f M 2 M KNO.5 KA ‘ 1 V f'csh In c 11 ‘hi '1‘ Mud: R3 N0 E1_Q_-,'" “ bY_IA‘l;J.!;N;?hi?_-?.3ll.tdc.‘,3§?§":afn}i£g2n?.n1gdfi/c of Molber €;1,don, . 49 Seigel's 'sy,up_’ SCA 0 1e1.m;.ors 28 For FILES OTHER SK{N.D:ISORDERS.? _ 4.0 T_ .ECzEMAT{1ND 2;: 1:5. 12" 1 I |‘-JTER.|‘~-J ET Ah HI E CIOLU|V.B|1’«'. UF'J|VER§|7:Y in'sl




4 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

. a
















1 1













































1 6










































1! )












fine 1* 8















old* If 8









































1 1













fine ! u4





heat Is 7






























Success attends our arms in

foreign parts, and especially

in Turkish territory, about

the 5tll. Naval affairs are

progressive and our activities

are effective. About the 10th

of the month a great bereave-

ment is suffered by the

nation and there are signs

of losses at sea. I judge that

a great disaster is threatened

and in this the Dutch may-

have a part. About the 13th

there are indications of sue

cess around our coasts and

cruising vessels will make

effective attack. The. 20th

a critical date for" diplomatic

affairs, and at that time ft

appears that some violent at

tacks will lie made upon us, and

Treaties will be torn to shred;

by an impulsive and short

sighted Ministry, The 28 rd

develops signs of loss in the

Colonies. At this time sports

and entertainments will suffer

a set-back. The 2fith shows

signs of treachery leading to

fatal results. In France there

are seditious movements afoot

which may have the gravest

issues. The eclipse of the

Moon on the 15th is evil for

India and New Z ealand and

Mex ico. The conjunction of

Saturn with the Sun on the

12th will bring disasters fcp

Holland. The middle of the

month will be marked h\

heavy rainfall and inunda-

tions will affect some parts

of the country. The solar

eclipse which occurs on the

30th will prove later to be

fateful to France.


(scar) *

It is a spkneJid aa isc.nic and emollient ointment for the treat-

ment of piles, ecz ema and skin disorders.

In collapsible Tubes at I Ii and 2 9.

Made by A. J. Whit i, Ltd., 35, FarrinRdon Rd., London, E.G.,

The Propri^or.; of Mother Seigel's Syrup.

For PILES, ECZ EMA AND OTHER SKIN DISORDERS. ‘ ‘I - .', . ‘ ,. _ ._ . _. __ .-1‘ s __ British .Journa.I of Aatronog} (n..s.A.), Monthly 2a.. post free am. ‘ ‘ ‘\\. \\ ill’‘ll/’///////-12,‘/—:‘//4-”/.:’. ,, \\§\‘

_ _,.' r :-‘‘“‘‘:.y‘ - .___*‘-—- «Le-H I v-_._:_— \ “ British Journal of Astrology (B.J. A.) , Monthly 2q., post free 2 Id. %%/74///"l!\“\\“ 7‘ ll AUGUST. |Av /W‘ D. I l>. i

of I of Sundays, Interesting Facts,

jy yp] Festivals, &c

KciAikl for lliistot Mi. 15m lfull'u j- .-

RfttnfftU 4h.8 1m.,Letth< Si. 19m., and for ^reaictiong-

l\ in. on imlilin sub. ah. 46m., Greenock 'The 5th of the month < lc

» dayB.lih. f.uni.. Live rpo ol aii. Mni. |vclo[ is Favourable Influences

tending to agreement oi

! points of diplomatic con

O troversy, and Q overnmept Av-,-A11:-J:-‘ 151.: .,u . . i P"°d'¢"°“3' I" conversations " will be fruit ‘nlfiflfili4:313: 1:233:11? .. ()l1.ll9i)1)Tn.11(l G I *2{iu.onDulnlin Of tilt‘ Ill-‘HIHI tit‘- F s\1l):‘.’ll.46n1..G1'om1nc];’Tll(! 5th‘ t:1\'0u1':1hlc illllllt‘IlUt‘S __sn1u.y.~: nu.r.lnn._[.:gl3:nn}211.syn. ' 12 , ‘ ’- ~- - D-'1 - - S ‘n - u‘«..v1\\' .-v- ]€/t‘l0![).\' t 0 .- LE . .

K Facts. oi‘ oi fimldass.:)lI1_t9xest:_l19 “"11; ‘Iii-4:-lap 11'» Lonlulolu "’:'Ii((l‘:.'(l ‘lift 5 I foixtngx-I of Illn)gl‘(l):lt'"t‘.E"‘ "Pt m"~mT M~W. 1‘5"‘“‘“'*‘°' “‘“‘- ' some I Morn ‘~\m~r “nun‘ 13 — ——e%——<——— __—; : —. —_.‘--. _ tI'n\'t'I‘.~‘,\‘. _:1ml (iovvrmm-nt, ' N - 1[ M H M 1[ M l'_‘ (-nn_\'v|'.s:ltlm1.~"' will he fruit- I\I ‘1TUGermanydomwaronlIusom.lR‘2I. fitil‘ R4 33 6 4-3 7 10 din“ “V” 0",?“ Mr 3“ _ E” 8 1b 1 Geor c Canning died, IS'27. Ca1min::died,lS’2'i. C]d.V S7 35 7 37 8 9 . _ l‘.l(.:,‘.2:_pm|t i;ull‘,|(,_g_.:;i‘,I|l(.“m,,t(::3: 9 WjCoronation Hay, 1902. f8'fl3:Geor;.e _’(00];l{4 36 8 >16.‘ 5) 10 ‘|'l‘-*4t and diss:lt,isl'nvtim1 will 10l'Jki«f. [Lawence'i Dau- 9W.C01'o11:ltio11Day.l90?- 30‘ _- 10l'fiIuS'(.Ln1n'l'm'¢>‘sImu. \’7l)1(‘.‘_5'7 ]_ 2! t;h_9 Half-Q uarter Day. 17’ . ; it‘”“('t:1 \"("il\"'r-"am ilnllttfuld:1 s _ , _ <'r1s1§. n.-1:. ‘ H "_ .‘..I,H ._ __ even I 11 F ‘ A) Trinity Law Sittings end. 41' | 13 Hll‘ l.%lI Is ~u~ fair 27 2 8 2 31*1='» i‘.'.'.‘.. '.'.'.‘-T\~“,‘.§~;‘.l»‘J r-ii‘-‘.'F° :‘.ii‘.‘€».i lg-WjSf. Voche's Pay. Is? 15 Bill passed, 1867. fair .114 46 2 54 3 16’ 16 ffmn syncope and In-art 17 Frederick the Great died, 178 6. ']_U‘R(-lorm ‘om-ur ,; , 16 I.'oche‘s Day. fine ‘S7 20 3 37 3 59' 17 PjEmperor of Austria horn, 18 .10. W'Sl. - --'— .- ': :v'.' 2 i*"°.“'“3: ‘mi : .~ tllcG1ca1t. LS6. ‘fuilltm-. '£llC“‘.’.4l;|(|: .. died. fine R4 4 4 18 g Strashurg bombarded, 167J. 49 18 39 17_'fi[‘F_1edonck |‘,£:]l(.fl1’€_:‘t0%]|(,,]‘(t’r(.sO:?nr::o,:],:(3nc(s - 1~‘*"'0- « 9tii Sunday after; Trinity. FlEml‘°W_>l'0fs\1ISt1'1=Ib0|‘n- (lu1lS7 16 4 58 5 16 l9_Mul' public amusmnont. Festi- * culel)r2\ti(ms occur. gUyimiera, 18 08 . 1 vities and , S'Stl'D.3lJl]1'g1l0l11t|fl|'(1€(1.187‘). (.1059 R4 52 5 _.3 5 54 20 22 lb barren Haatiaga died, 18 18 . 5I‘’“‘“‘“"‘- ls? 12 6 14 6 34 21 <.‘§fi‘.‘...I"l§i‘l2‘.§u¢‘"{.‘.‘£J...?iI.‘.'£.‘r "23 W| Duke of Buckingham assuss. ifijf 21 22 ‘sons. Britain is - iI~!"i-'m¢‘l‘-'I-1F*0-°- |cI(ly'R4 55 6 57 7 Great.‘ 24 Ik 8 '' Bartholomew. 23‘ I{aslin:.'sdic-cl. 191:4. 8 7 53 8 23 m.iumph’ant. 25 F| J » mes Watt died, 18 19. 22 'fb'W:m~en :1-ui1_.S7 fA.',t(lmt lctgtitl, of Buclcillglmxn fail. 27‘ 26 S { Albert PrinceC; Consort horn, 18 19 '1' 23 W‘D|1l;e tlSS:ls’S..l6_'R ER4 58 9 10 9 59' 24 gE‘l!")‘f)’: t})](iig':"so'$.:. “A‘;l't'I?: “ n“"“'°1°"‘°“" 27 ,S 10TH SUNDAYif AFTF.1 TRINITY. 2.4 'fi1‘St' 110?: 310 4311 23 25 same time :1 strllw occurs ‘S7 the or 28 M.O. W. Holmes4 horn, 1S09. Jumes\\'attLlioll.1810. 325 F UIOSOMR5 2 __ 12 1' 96 among cn.','im-e-r.~ rail- ’. ‘ The oppos" m|W Plevna. 1S77. Prince l r- 7 ‘‘‘’‘‘y 0perati~V°“' .\ILe1't Consort born 1!-:19’ 9 9 26 Q' }‘O t 59 0 "3 37 - - tion of the Sun to Uranus on _ I 31 Th Q ueen of Holland born, 18 -0. __ ‘ ‘_ |SG -'9,1-* S‘-‘D~“ “"”"‘ T‘"“T"- 1 fine R5 5 1 1 28 ‘the 10th is evil for tho f(_)r- Wea- 5.1"“ 13' 32‘ ”’ T 28 1»1.o-WIt-~1nwswr~-me. fine's6 55 1 50 2 6 29i*«""°-“ ther. are “".'.‘7'.§‘.3 '3' . _. ._, 1t9l‘ll:ll .ll\( .0 29rlblqL_g4,,g,,¢,;,,_ V 9 0 tronl_:le.s Sun 8 -4 9]:~ -' =’ 1 7 .‘ ’__ l‘51d5,R” -, jnrise. Jll[)It(’l‘ stationary I.‘-) the Ilia's 1! 3' at ‘V ;\V;1‘l°""=’--‘Rm ‘min S6 50 2 5]‘ .3 5' 2 to Enulaml " Holland 1s=o. lhenoflvialof the month. Hiiih Water ]£'fi{‘Qucen ot 1..;m. lfuil.;R5 11‘ 3 2] 3 36 3 [end

London Bridge


Morn. The real test of the value of any medicine isits nhilityto relieve or remedy the nilrnents Vftar.

- l for 4'! . for which it is intended. Han Mother S¢igel'e Syrup answered this test? Well, Moon at years it has been before the public. and is still the world’: foremost digestive remedy.

H M HA swoon THE TEST or TIME. H

' 3-. - 13 M ._,- ,‘ K ,,,::_.-.{‘., "WE :1. "-J E‘ zit: -I |__ I___n_|__| :3 V.’ l_| -.j V‘, _





24 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public






















































cldy s7


















17 1 1



cool 'k4


1 1

1 1













4 1
























..! )
































3 1


cldy : r4




























1 1



close r5


























cldy Ro















1 1






tude oi the United States ts

now more pacific and, amen-

aide. The 0th shows indica-

tions of a wide-spread cala-

mity which affects sea-going

people and affects the public

with deep sorrow . 'Wic l:;th is

a date of evil omen tor all

transport and railway con

cerns, it is possible that un-

rest and dissatisfaction will

affect the workers anil tend

to a crisis, and even a strike.

The lHth Is date Of treacheries

and incendiary activity, Ac-

cidents due to indecision

and njlstakes will cause trouble

and n\aj prove fatal. Deaths

occur from syncope and heart,

'failure. The -24th shows ad-

vantages to the Colonies and

benefits to theatres and places

iblic amusement. Festi-

and celebrations occur.

Q ood fortune accrues to the

Mother Country through her

(Jreat Britain is

pliant. About the '27th

(there will be further fatalities

(iipon the high seas. At the

same time a strike occurs

among the engineers or rail

way operatives. The opposi

tunes of Russia, where in

ternal troubles are likely to

arise. Jupiter stationary Is

beneficial to England at the

end of the month.


The real test of the value of any medicine is its ability to relieve or remedy the ailments

1 for which it is intended. Has Mother Seigel's Syrup answered this teat 1 Well, for 47

years it has been beforj the public, and is still the world's foremost digestive remedy.

HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. See pages 44, 45, 46 and 47.


lAMHm Add lor Bristol Oh. lain., Hull

llninfall Ih. Mm., LetthOh. 19m.. » n< l for

.! ] in. on Dublin siih. 'ill. 4fim., Grcnnorlc

,ia du^K Ih. rami.. Liverpool 2h. S.'.m.

1) .| I) ,

ol I of

M. W.

1 Y Partridge Sboottpy btghit

2 S Beflsn CBpitolnt < ! . 18 70.

a a» Utb Sunday AMIS Tih.nitv

4 M Sir Charles Dllke born, 1N48 . [AVel‘[l.L!(:?4\(1(l for Bristol bli. l5m., Jy '[ I) Malta, cap. to the British, ISO.'. ll 'iiiall~lh.3lm.. I£1t1I01|. )9m..imdHE!"or . . RU siib.2li. 46rn., GT08n0(?1( P"ed'°t'°n3"‘ (; W BooelUon, 174.-,. |‘2iui|n.oii;I)iililiii :i2 The early days the month T _of ' Wany.iii._mim1_I.i»-emooi2ii.§m.7 7 ' 7 Hi Howittw. Sun I-Ii;:liWa.ter Am: ‘are fraught with the most , _ 1;. 1;, , _ _ _ _ g F Fait BavMtopol, 18 55, ]"“'“"' §w_ Ilit-ms R London Bridiie of ‘sinister influences. War wgll 011011 S"“"‘”':“.'T}}""'l"""‘&'{‘"“’“"""' :u_‘:l‘,'' 9 S Plodden I'iiM. WB>. M- V1’- 1“ JV _S°t'*_S ,I".°""-, A503‘: 1‘£00"isti'etch its flaming sword fa 10 I - T " BCNBAT AI'TKH TniNITV, H M;1{ M 11 M ‘and wide. The to , Cfltlca_5tlli 7tllfliS19 11 M tody Pataeratoo died, ihgd. l’iLi'li'i«li.'e.‘1liootliiizbeuinu. 8_ D‘-‘N00 _"l' 1 F rmin.R5 13 3 51 4 7 4 ‘ l'ii'Jli lu Hon ' H - Aaqnlthb., 18 52. H(‘(1ll.ll(‘l1li1Lll1ll.I,'_'(1.1870. 4 23 4 39 91; ~ 2 S - §h;.gl,}elf:lg;gr:::0t%l;%50 i , ] 8 Wlynohw. 17. 0. §c]1gelg6

3 §.ll'i‘ii Siixiiu Al~"l‘El! ’1'i:iNi'i'i'. l fair R5 4 56 5 13 5 will now an 14'Th '/'/! / Ci liss Dan- 16} - cannotshot;e denied._ofi‘ensIi{vee- H"Cl -1- Dllk Do‘ ,1H43, *-f _. . 5 31 5 [which 15 f 1 [ Fonlmore Cooper bora, 178 0, 3“ 37* "’ ' "' “e 16 S Dr. Pu» e» dWj, MM. 231 8 5 '1 I L5 19' 6 16 6 2‘ ‘both on land and on the

17 Si 18 TH srx iuv ai'tkb Trinity.6 W llubi,-llioii.174.3. rfiiie s6 35j 7 14 7 50, 9 ,hii.v,h seas there will be des- ' - 18 M OermMU lit VereaUlej, 1H70. St. Ii'i>in'liuie. ; ‘perat e engagements. More '11] .1 R’3- 22 8 _32 9 20 10 7 dy ‘L one of the Powers 1«) 'II President GnrfleM died, isei. {than great 8 14‘ Full Su\'ll.\'l.01i01,18.3.7. S6 3010 1110 57 11 ‘will be hard hit by the con- iOjW Alum. 18 C4. ‘d“_“

9 S l~'l()dduii l"it3ld, 1151:’. fun‘ R5 2611 37 -— ~12 oi’ the celestial SlfBtls* . lltoHfti it D< } ! /. ll'i_alll'atl0nS 35 HUNDAY 26 0 10 0 39 13 ‘bodies at this time,_ provink 22 F [ Z utphen, Uftt.10 i2-rii A!-".l‘Ivll!'l'l'llNl'l‘\'.]f;_1,ir‘S6 . 23 IimlHM- 1 n;. 11'M Ll|(13'1’fl1lll(‘l‘S{0lll11(!(.1.1869.W gfiail. R5 .29 1 3 1 23: 14 O’fl‘e0f‘Vtf‘1:'e fngoflgsgorfifg 241 UTH Sunday Ansa Trinity Rt Hon. 11.1-I. A-«imthb--1‘=~‘3- 12 11) ,»hne S6 21 1 50 2 11 15 objectives to which the mind

25|M Uieknov Day, 1813 57. W Q|l¢)1)lIl',l7.'.9. jfair R5 32 51 16 of man has formulated. jt is 321 26| r Hl£ . Cyprim. a false that crietli "rnss prophet 14 Ta ll-My Day. fine S6 17. 9 29 17 “ Peace,” wliere.there 27jW|i;,.n. CraflcafasBfe died, 18 78 . Peace. F l"uiiiiiiui'o C00p0l' horn, I769. [135 EH5 35! 483 S918 is no peace. Until the 13th 28 '111 l-'ull of Stroal OW, 18 70. S Dr. 1’ll~l:‘_V died, lRl~4‘3. ‘mjldyisfi ‘the signs set against -any 29| F Hiabaatmai Day. 269 44: 19 are issue our Si'.\'ii.n' A1-"vi-zii TItll\'l'l‘\‘. siiccessful to_ o_i_)ei'a+ SO! S Earl Rol* rtshorn,17 law. ’l1l'l‘ll 3 cldygggj 33 17; 00-' tions. and the Equinox will be nun §G('l':lll‘.llis‘ ill. \’(~.i's'uillvi, 1870. Chg-e '56 CA: -4 59 21 passed in a turmoil of public fair (‘.u:‘lli'lilaim, IRA-ll dun R5 45’ 22 iiiii‘est and apprehension. ‘ 42! fair ' 1 that is can ‘ good ‘.30119E'€::’I‘I'(‘\‘ll1i‘lllAhnu. I-\'*-|- min S I 48* 23 :Notlim;z be 1 fair predicted of the first three, 21"11Il\I. Jltlll/l. Iris‘ Dqy. dun fig O. O 19- 24 ‘weeks of this month. and be-é j fair F ISHG. : fore the Sun enters the I fine j7.iilplu-ii, ‘rm ‘s5 43‘ 25 Balance there will be ample fair 23' S Eiiilwr 111,‘. “vind‘R5 1 5-3* 26 evidence )d©®\'lCDUlCJIiE~O.?C)Jl\3 new that factors im~. fine ‘ —— s‘.‘“’’” ''‘''"‘'E‘‘ T‘”N1'1“x‘ A lair ‘H5 5’? 19 27 ported into the war — of; _ 7 fr's 2§!‘%‘”’”' 1lll_\',1Hi'i7. fing R5 0 inatioiis Will set the tidé '3 ‘ ' :—)lO’lMl‘1Al1|‘1\|l0\\' ‘. . . Sun I Hifh Water it ‘ , _ _ dun 49* 1 use sa 2:» Rlmn u! London Bridge 1 w ::2:“:::..: . . . - I. i ,, rum in’),- 1 ‘ Sets S j Morn .')-1‘ 49' 3' 0 ‘land the gi-eatest excitement ‘-E7:"\V‘li('n.(l'll1Ln1|l\ll1((1|ui1,1hiH. "Wake C 4 56 .\'ll‘:is‘1lll':.'.mm. mg" 5-5; 451 -3 19: 1 up, Eng-7 33‘ Vwill prevail. . .48§~“‘l'1"ll11(i|. will now be said 5 31 m‘.m,.;,....51i..,«. k.h‘_,(_~“5 58: 2 50 4 2 ‘1:lll(1!_ not ‘aim. mild S6 12 ]. S l~‘.:ii‘l ltnlr l‘l~‘1\iIl‘ll. lwl). i-';(]\ :_\;."j 3 3 ‘"1 «P cld\ u5 38 l;J€J~7L€l\’Jl—4©©r-OIDKICDQJIQJID-P~b§O5I.Q

» 8 32 ARE REMEDIED IN NATURE'SwAY_ I a m H Because . Mother S«igel’s Syrup is made from curative B5 13| 3 W_hy? . extracts of roots, barks, ard leaves. Their medicinal and toni_g_ S6 44 1 r5 16 2:$:°::,‘i.,?:'m‘::;?:..s:;:'.:°“sii::"gi:::?:’;:'°1:':°.$:s:*';:i':..ef.£;:¥" s6 37 fine |i:5 19 fine s6 35 smeixssmith; cldyblS 22 ' Moran; ’ IHTEF‘-.|"-J.ET AF"-.CIH|'-.i"E COLUMBIA '1. dull s6 3010 11 UN)/ERSITY

fair R5 2611 37

96 '26

I! .-) 29

s6 21 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

RS 32

S6 17

115 35

clue's 6 8

j dull R5 42

rain S(j

dull R5 451 8

1 fair 8 5 58 10


1 3

1 50

2 32

3 9

3 48

4 26


5 37

6 20

II 7 13






4 7

4 39

5 13

5 53

6 421

7 50

9 20

10 57j 11

! 12

39j 13

1 28 1 14

2 111 15

2 51 16

3 29 17

4 8 18

4 44 19

5 17 20

5 591 21


6 45

7 48

9 19

710 4S

windli5 48 11 24 11 55

I fair S5 541 19

fine 115 51 41 59

dull sS 49! 1 16 1 33

rain Et5 54 1 49' 2 3

rain s5 45 2 19 ! 2 33

chgelKo 58 2 50 1 3 4

oldl s5 401 3 22 3 38











The tally days of the month

are fraught with the most

sinister influences. War will

stretch its flaming sword far

and wide. The 5th to 7th is

a period critical in the

highest degree to the interests

of Turkey, and that country

will now show an offensive

which cannot be denied. Re-

prisals will follow swiftly, ana

both on land and on the

high seas there will be des-

perate engagements. More

than one of the great Powers

will he hard hit by the con-

ftgurations of the celestial

bodies at this time, proving

that the war against war

was one of the most forlorn

objectives to which the mind

of man has formulated. It is

a false prophet that crieth

" Peace, Peace," where there

is no peace. Until the 13th

the signs are set against any

successful issue to our opera-

tions, and the Equinox wiil be

passed in a turmoil of public

UBrest and apprehension.

Nothing that is good can be

predicted of the first three;

weeks of this month, and be-'

fore the Sun enters the

balance there will be ample

evidence that new factors im-.

ported into the war of

nations will set the tide

strongly against our shores,

The country will be in arms

and the greatest ex citement

will prevail. " Wake up, Eng-

land ! " will not now be said

in vain.


Wliy? Because Mother Siigei's Syrup is made from curative

rx tracts of roots, brrks, ai d leaves. Their medicinal and tonic

action is just what stomach, liver, and bowels need when they

are in the slavish state which gives » s- to these ailments.

By M0THEB SEIGEL'S SYRUP. \\' -.»_ 9

Buy the B.J. A. for Nex t Month, ready 25th.

' >^^gg«33Bi 1 HUM* (V


of of I Sunclaya, Interesting Facts,

At ! \v Festivals. &e.



2> MiCity of Glasgow Bank failure. 78 . rain Si) 35

3 It 1 Lyon, founder Harrow, d.,18 92. rain RG 4

Awl uue i Add fur lilistol f,! l. 1." Ill .. Hull

RaliifallUn. 8 1m., LVelth Oh. 19m.,,and for

2? in mi I mi! . 1 m sub. flh. 4f.m., Greenock

i.". flaya.llh. 60m., Liverpool ah. 8 gm.

I Sun I II iuli Water i Aco l{ni1ilnllij\l(11.(1(ii'.,liieii:‘iiloi7.‘.‘is>§'.'.l££niiiiii‘Predictions- 001-03E RI -N in.on Dublin sub. '31:. 46111.. Grovnock a ' Rises H London Hiiilnc. of .'\ltll0llL'll thoro nrv in- (la.\ x, ll). Li\'¢‘l‘p(1l)lLZll.!lfun_ :.vr:m~ _ W i i V _ W _ 157 50111.. * SetsS. | Morn. I After. Moon dications of and D. D. nvi w ~ i-:\t:i.~truplw.~‘ . . Sun r . “ .»\;,v-T ram s5 31 Su"d°'y‘q' losses tlw of of ¥".t.fle_st‘_"_“F“°ts' °“j' rllises R Loniloh lllil'iql:'('. of‘ upon wins auul most (listri-.~..~'llIl lllt(‘l'l(‘l‘t‘ll(‘(‘. with windR6 8 Mm-u. y .\ltvr. M.,,,,, _ T Isms; ;\I.,x1 _A___Ff*“‘_“‘éA-*‘*~7___ __ 2°?»-_ ‘our fun-i_un trmlc-. nmrr pur- wet aS 26' l1 ;u.\I,1iM|nMl tl('lll:|l'l_V in the lu:-it \vm~k of wot r6 11 10 1§;$,1:rrn SK-,\'DA\' .u.-rricr. Tmxu-y_‘(l11ll R6 1, 3 36‘ 4 15’ 4 this month. yvt the signs now dull r6 14 Glasgow Bn.l1l(lalllll‘(‘. '7H 35 5 point to :x \'(‘l'_\’ pi-ncolul ntti‘ chgesS 17 43, _1‘lllH 2ilM"Cit)'ol if 3:} g tudc of our m-ur/\lIy.:1nTh Mam. Cornwallisb., 1738 ; d., 18 05 §‘;16'r1r 22|]1 hour from that rpmrti-r. l'ltima.uuu. (lull R6 —— 12 12 6j F iLoud Tennyson died, 18 9.'. 9il\I1l’rcs.I(i'ugcr's ]4‘. 2()l Nu\'9l'tll('l0>z.~: our lm‘vi:.'lI 1‘(‘-

A . 7 S Lepanto. luTI . 10"fi}‘I’rcsi(le-‘tl{ru~orl»o1~~1 1525 17 O 43 I 6 13 , ., chge I ‘ lutions will be to gr;-altly im- ' I I 8 S 16tii Sunday aftec. Trinity .\1'chbp. Benson died. 1896. fun‘ R6 18 1 1 14 provml that tlwrv is every 11iW 29’ 48‘ of fllVl)lll'lll)lt‘ 9; M| I'rcs. Eraser's Ultimatum. fun‘ :prospm't diplo- 55 13» 2. 2 26 15 matic vonvvntion in l~‘r:in(r0. 10 It President Krnger born, 18 -2". 12l’IlI§o1aMicimoimnsvay. full‘ 6| FlTmnsltn.olK.Ed\\'m‘«lConfcssor., ’R6 211 2 44‘ 3 16 lI‘r;uu‘o will 7.i(,', 18 18 . 20‘F5Na\'m'ino.1827- ‘vml of the month tlierv will . 9 11 9 53 24 20 F Savarino, 18 27. S;'1‘ral'algo.L'Dny(l80.3>. cl(ly‘R6 35: lw an unprt-vvrli-ntvvl lull in 21 S Trafalgar Day UbO;) . ‘22i[5j1eTIiS1'xnAYAFTER '1‘z:m1'n'. hovy S4 5‘2'l0 31 11 3" 25 ‘tho vulms of .~zt.m_-lcs and 22 9 I8 i ii Sunday after Trinity. British Parlimnont, 1707. strm R6 3811 32 ll 55: 26 slizixw. and :1 panic can only 23il\IIFirst :1 23jM, First British Parliament, 1707. be jutlicinus — p|'evvlItttin'sDav. ch‘ 42‘ () :56 12 28 l)l':|LZOll will lw at 25 W|S«. Crispin's Dai/. {R6 54, |'l‘lu* now‘ Hogmthborn. 1761. 1 1'2 1 31; 29 of tlw Citv and 26'lH! Wm. Hogarth born, 1761. )nist‘b'4 ‘tll0U1lt(‘:-4 ’ 26E'fiIf\\'m. - 1 nv will st:-vl himst-ll Theo. Roosevelt born. 1658. flux 4;) I 2 1;St. (.'cori.'¢- 27 F Pres. Thco. Roosevelt born. 18 58 . 41 27iF;P1'es. ‘ ‘R6 for :1 mi;_vht,_v (-nllfll(‘t. On till.‘ 28 : S iMerida, 18 11. 40 2 22 2 39 28gSgl\lerida,l81l. »'28th we :u‘(‘. smitten by the 29 § 19th Sunday after Trinity. ivfineis/4 29i§;19'ruSt.\'DAY AFTER TRINITY. fine R6 49 ‘2 58 3 17 3 onvmy in arnlmsli. l"rum-tr I,” how 30 M'Adm. Lord Uuudonald died, I8 60 fine ) s4 36l 3 37! 3 58 (loos not know Lord DumlonaIddicd.11-'60 fine ‘S4 36‘ 3 3 58‘ 4 .-.-lisllu-n uml 30rM!Adn1. 37, to art for the best. 31iHl Earlof Kossc died. 18 67. | fine Ir6 53i 4 20' 4 43 31l'1l.I|Ear1of Rossc died.1l-567. lfine IR6 53x 4 20l 4 43‘ 5 ‘ . II M | II M 3 36 ( 4 15 4 To Relieve ObstinateConstipation 4 34 4 45 5 5 13 5 37 6 Mother Seige|'s Pills made from curative herbal extractshave a gentle and stimulating action on the towels. so often follow the use of mineral 6 2 (i 31 7 removingconstipnim withoutthedistressing pains or Erivinéwhich stronfl relief the can he maintained with small doses ol MotherS¢i¢el’s Syrup. 7 4 7 45 8 purgatives. Alter by Pills. regularity 8 30* 9 20, 9 s 6 10 47, 10 HER SEIGEL’ PILLS. oldj 8 5 22 11 2311 54 11 .V.: .,.::_,_J:.. _.__ ,_.._x_>,_:,.._i -_,_ «::«:::u_I,_,I3 A LI‘-.1 --.»'§:. -1

12 20 12

1 6| 13

fair E6 18 | 1 28 1

fair 8 5 13 2

fair R6 2l| 2 44 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

fair [ 8 5 9 ! 3 21

aull R6 25! 3 57

cldys5 4j 4 33 1

5 9 1

5 50

G 43

1 48 14

2 26 15

3 3 16

3 39 1 17

4 16i 18

4 50 19

5 29 20

G 15 21

7 15 1 22

7 50 8 28 ' 23

9 11 9 53 24

bevy s4 52 10 31 11 3 25

strm uG 38 11 32 11 55 2G

mcliS4 48 '


mi st.

R6 42

S4 44|

fair RG 45

fine S4 40,

fine 'r6 49|

12 18

36 12 54

1 12 1 31

1 47 2 4

2 22 2 39

2 58 3 17


Although there are grave

dioatious of ami

losses upon the seas ami most

distressful interference with

our foreign trade, more par

ticularly in (lie last week of

this month, yet the signs now

point to a very peaceful atti-

tude of our near Ally, and

about the Btll or Bth overture

will he forthcoming which

France will he disposed t"

accept . but it Is to be feared

that the aims of Russia will

not be l at isflcd. anil that

opposition will be brought to

bear from that quarter.

Nevertheless our foreign re

latlons will be so greatly im

proved lliat there is ever;

prospect nf favourable dlplo

matic convention in France

France will desire peace, but

the destiny of our planet

otters little hope as yet of

her wishes being gratified

On the contrary, the 'j-ind of

the month shows that further

great disasters occur at

with loss of life. Holland is

distressed and under a heavy

Cloud. FrOM this date to the

end of the month their will

be an unprecedented fall in

the value of stocks and

shares, and a panic can only

he prevented by a judicious

anticipation of this crisis

The Dragon will now be at

the Dates of the City ami

St. George will steel himself

for a mighty conflict. On the

28 th wp are smitten by tb

enemy in ambush. Frunce i

shaken and does not know how

to act for the best.

To Relieve Obstinate Constipation

Mother Seigel's Pills made from curative herbal ex tracts have a gentle and stimulating action oa the tew: Is,

removing const ipnbn without the distressing pains or griping which so often follow the use of strong mineral

purgatives. After relief by the Pills, regularity can be maintained with small doses ot Mother Seigel's Syrup.


if, ~ \ ' - _ ._,--_*'* 4:13- ~ . . _--r ’-.1

Road the B.J.A., Published Monthly, 2d., post free 2{ ti.


I* n

of 0(

bi. w.

Hundiu s. Inti i os( Iiib Pacta,

KostivaN. ftc.

IBSaklk' Day.

Ill Simla' Day.

iMtf of Japan liorn, 1H.V2.

gt Poabody (lied, 1H69.

7 'II P " l- §‘1‘.l.dn1’:‘:'a'..i§.2?mt1‘:’lo1?.'i91xxt:I.!.]:I~.'n§1l:a1z£. *'°‘7i°fi°'.‘3.“ . B NOVEinBER' "23 in. mm ‘Dublin am». 21:. t6m., Greenock‘ In the DOHUCR‘ ‘V0113 the ‘ _ YY storm will _ > _ .have . . 117_dn.vs.‘1l:.5(lpl.,],lve11)ool2h.85m:_ already 'Hi 3.’i73:' W“? 'n§§§'n L§.i§3'n‘¥2?§§§e 1'?” 7 Z. hi -“"m‘"-"**.-1'!‘f""’“"?‘“'“‘°‘“- ¢)f1)t‘1t1:/llsvifldbgulaaea r?¢‘1r{- M-9zmulH.Ac. then. 1 _ W _ M « gems M°_"'- An V ‘ T-.. . . _i9_'~,'-°°."‘l

l r , . . crue . , ,nffrifi§tPltgxclemen_%n‘d :6/iiirun‘ sl111ii‘k'f>r . , T 12 I'"‘’' S4 6 1 6 30 7 ?i'D,1‘i“‘$""” '31? and on the 10th the peogle Erle \/- £ -';lIV' ‘Jmupm-orolJnpnnl>o1'n,18.32. 1119?"fill!‘ R6 7 3 7 8'1-oused against, Govei-n_ ~ l:> 41.‘-i2(:.-..:-m 'Pon.lxodydied.1869. .fuir s4 27» 3 21 9 3 9 mcnt. On the 19th the ill- 1V1 Al-'TTCllTl{1l\'l"X‘Y. ' ‘fine R7 1: 9 21 10 ._ 11 5|‘2o1-nSm'nn' 44:10 gi‘:)(;‘n°§? 3?gt':1}(g_S:°:]veilsre::$ (i‘M«frim'nllrldae opened. /1860. ,fille S4 2410 5511 11 effective ' Vis- '11: intervention may ' 7'11? fine — come from France Rome. 1 vv R7 511 54 12 91‘


'J 'III l"l'(‘fl.‘\I'('ll(l.l‘,JO{'l((‘3’.(ll(‘(1,1l'll'l6. 0001 [S4 0 18112 13 pla-Ge . t?0:n2q;}(Sl ta~¥l(1mg- 7 8 P e BL}: 9 ‘WW Ed“‘*“‘d"11-1’°!‘"-“*41- NW R7 9 1 2 1 25 14 trit:',1'1eit;cl1a;1ce,‘v::)1dg§::‘€u:*:: 4! S Gi ‘mist S4 17 1 44 2 4‘ 15 ’\ 5, S '.'Di ll Sl'N HAY AFTER TRINITY. ' - ‘ l 7 > I 0 :(1)Ig‘1Mm-tinLntlmerlml-n,1d1-%:l._ ‘ ;:3:*i’ti‘<;<;flliiI§18th*é0nt:l_:;atlonar¥Sign C0] d R7 12 24 2 4'3 16 _ -‘ 6| llridite opened, 18 69. set back the hour *2 V France._w1ll 1. H2 :5 ‘ ‘*3 T“1““'- S4 3 1 3 19 17 «of Umdou Uax ettopub. Ox ford, lOGS.j dellverance for _ :W‘et 14; France.‘ wmd Saturn Krcrt Arcber, Jockey, died, 18 8 6. R7 1.5‘ 3 37 3 56 13 are ;.3’I1\{ICluwloslienlbletlicd,M66.4 l(lun.Sir ll. lineal;*1 in antdis Negmune KhiK Edward VII. born, 1N41.,\'.c.,n,1s.-:3 wet S4 11. 4 14 4 33, 19 35 |0"3_I‘y _l'Uing.Sl'gn_, Martin Lather15.W horn, 148 :1. ""”""“’f""‘“""" dull R7 19‘ 4 50‘ 5 8' 201332‘ 3.'§§§or°§3.eb33§n nfifgfirég Martiitmn* Day. S4 8 5 5 51 21 S I XT XlNDAYi$%:‘:";;"';'"’*:”°*‘"l AFTER TBJSITY \v_ ugh: lav. rance W! c]1aeR7 23. 6 6 40 _V 1, Cliarlos Kenible18 died. 18 65. S "“‘W' “'~'**'"W*how» 1852- rafn s4 .6 7 ‘ Sir H. OoubIi, V.C., b , 18 ! » 7% 7 36 N 23 V t I, —, ' ‘ L)’, ~ ' V r‘ . :'§§;ue°sm2‘%t"aalpaf§?cg§§§‘éem§§§ 19 Al-TIER uu.\u'.r¥. 15|W|sf. MachuUts' Day. _Sf.....\l).SUl\l)A\ ‘nun R7 2 8 7} 42 24 aye daimed utbe,:1y_ Intemal« bnrn.1752. \ 10 '111 John Urir.'UI born, lull. lam] S4 3 9 9 ' ‘.‘ l ‘ ‘ ‘Sir ‘I + “:4 - 17 F 1st. ;/«o) « '» Day. C(Llntt;w1'$0ll ’ ij;:_:;le3;].-1(l::l;'lS.wnfsfgggt?-oguefid §§)%‘:‘ln<:;1'\x|s ‘‘ d1-1. 5"‘).‘ 101-d_VR7 29|10 55 26 best Stocks 18 S 'Duke of Wellington born, 18 J2. 27|l0 ~ - couns_els. and 22 Wig’ ("l°I_munW“nu. shares ' <1,,g1]_~;4 111 2311 43 27 contmue to fall‘ in value x“ ., 19 £ OTKU23 Sunday after Trinity. B151.('1:-nm1('sl)u1/. from 22nd ‘wind R7 __ H2 113 28 October to the‘ 20 M rheraai Ohatterton bom, tHW, 1“ ' 11th of this 24 llixm\'ur_\' of '_l‘ns1mmin, 15.1-3. {ml. .- .- . .’ ;\1‘ month. and will -‘. 83" " ' 21 '111 Sii rhoa. Grcsliam died, 1S79. 9 O -3212 29 l 5“; there be at ,. . bed-rock level. ‘_ 25"S S! ' mm -rum-1;" “~"- 22 W U CtetUa't Dan. llmr 36 Q.» “ R7 1 15‘ 1 3S‘ 0 ;The political atmosphere is — 261 \V .S(-y«'l)A\-,A|~"1'1-ZR 23TiljS< . ClemenCs Day. j~.=.~mn T1:x.\‘11'\'. ;,.m'n S3 57 1 59; 2 2m 1 IcI1:1r2e(_l to the full qnd cap- ‘- 24 F Discovery27 of Tasmania, 1642. fin] to ll‘mnu'Kmnblvlrom,1909. i . lnnt. express ‘tself In, ‘ lfuljr‘ [R7 2 41 ‘3 r 4- 3 ‘ . . . H belligerent actions _ 25 S 1st. Caliwrine s Day. 111 , I of the most 28 l Mundo,le\\ .- . l . . . . 1 om-tuned . 15x5 55 3 3 3 ‘H V 26 *‘X)s‘v ! > iSRI> SI NDAY AFTER TRINITY 1«.(‘. llurmmd ifzm-{>5 27' 51‘ (lotermlned glraracter. Jupiter I hm-n.1z<

38 W Sir K. C. Hurnond born, 1K16. —_’— . 30'Ul) «. Anifreir-s Day. Bnnlsnms ftvaroge Add for Itristnl sb. 16m., Hnlli _ «:_» .:_.__ 1ND1GEs'moN,‘ RahifaM In. 8 1m., Letth Ob. 19m., and for fKeaictiorts- As_ a’digestive _tonic and stomachic remedy Mother 4 in on Dublin sub. Sb. t6m., Greenock 1 In the political world the S°',€°l5 SYWP is Test it for yourself supre_me. by _ Li7 days, lb. mm., Liv erpool gh. a sm. I storm will already have Viking from fifteen to tlnrty drops in water after meals. - broken. On the 3rd the roar of the buttle will be heard RESTORES VIGOUB, France will be shaken. Wo VITALITY, ugmfi.

’ men and children will be "3 I NTE F’-.'l--J‘-EDTU-fié.HIE: HI \ COLUN BIA UNIVERSI affrighted and will suffer

j cruelly. Ex citement runs high

I and on the 10th the people are

roused against the Govern-

ment. On the l! ) th the in Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

fluences portend some remis-

sion of the worst evils, and

effective intervention may

come from France or" Rome.

Secret counsels taking place

about the 23rd will give in-

trigue its chance, and Saturn

now coming to a stationary

position in the ruling sign of

France, will set back the hour

of deliverance for France.

Both Saturn and Neptune are

stationary in its ruling sign,

and this can bring nothing

but misfortune upon trance

and Rome. Nothing that can

be done now by France will

be effectual for good. Her

hopes of a pacific agreement

are dashed utterly. Internal

dissensions, espionage, and

treachery will confound her

best counsels. Stocks and

shares continue to fall in value

from 22nd October to the

11th of this month, and will

there be at bed-rock level.

The political atmosphere is

charged to the full and can-

not fail to ex press itself in

belligerent actions of the most

determined character. Jupiter

entering Aries again brings a

tide of good fortune to Eng-



1 titer.


EE) tea R


( Bub




i Bridge


j Awe




1 H M



KG 54

5 6

5 31



s4 8 1

6 1

6 30



uG 58 7 3

7 42



s4 27

8 21

9 3


k7 1

9 44

10 21


s4 24 10 55

11 26



R7 5,11 54



s4 20


12 40



U7 9

1 2

1 25



s4 17

1 44

2 4



H7 12

2 24

2 42



S4 14

3 1

3 19



R7 16

3 37

3 56



s4 11

4 14

4 33 19


K7 19

4 50

5 8



s4 8

5 28

5 51



H7 23

6 14i 6 40



si 6

7 7

7 36



H7 26

8 7

8 42



s4 3

9 20

9 55



K7 29

10 2710 55



s4 1

11 2311 48



u7 8 8


12 11



S3 59

32 12 53



K7 36,

1 15

1 3S


S3 57

1 59

2 20:



n7 39

2 41

3 4j



s3 55

3 27

3 51



k7 42i

4 15

4 41!



S3 54; 5 5

5 30



As a digestive tonic and stomachic remedy Mother

Seigel s Syrup is supreme. Test it for yourself by

taking from fifteen to thirty drops in water after meals.


il . ‘ ~ ‘ _ V ’~ .. of _ '. - ' ’i ‘- ,’ . ‘ - ' ‘ ~ - ~, _ . ~_— * \ -

‘ - ' » 1 _ A. - i _ _u'or’r‘t forget vein-'a.u\ uéutfionin, éfithi

Uon t forget your B.J.a. N«» * - ^ 2gth


Sunday* , fat oM S tt ng Facts

Festivals, fea.

lj F jyueen Alex andra's birthday.

2i S St. Paul's opened, 1097.

3j § i 1st Sunday in Advent.

41 M Tlios. Carlyle born, 17! r,

5 'J I Dumas pare died, HTC.

St. Xicolcs's Day.

7 9k 8 «n. Rrdvcrs BrtBer bam, OSS.

8 | F Sii Geoi'Ke Birdwood bona, ISA

9 S John Milton bom. H50H Avemsze Add for Bl'istul 511. l.’»rn., Hull

10 § x d Sl'^bai in Advent. EM3U M3’ Rainfall 4h.3lm., Leith on. 19111.. and for,’ , _ 1;’ H‘1)nbiin.-uh. 211. 46711.. Greenuck lljMjHicbaitf Doyla died, 1S8 S. P|"e"C‘3IDI’II—

_____ ;B, 6&1“ ____’5_?_dll«!'S_.Hl.5Qln..>Li\:€1‘[ioQi:2il.lE5ll\. .1 month 12 lb Robert liiowuiiiK died, mh< 9. (wens with gb 8m‘do“ t :. glmn- 1 J1 "Fri?‘t iw. _; fiun 1 Hi;.rl|Wa.t_e1' .\uu 1.1.“:0:1 Ions of u more 13 W.'.SV. I.urys Day. tfilgit. ‘gesgfgfiztglé: ;t.h‘;’:' ‘character ;[Mu'“iL' ‘* between *“ * SR the ‘1"I:Oll‘ll0'lll‘i\!%lttlu8‘ 7th. 14 r lii rince Albert born, 18 05. Moi “‘“‘ rt! this ’“' M month. from _ laljr t'wkrr /* iftf. Colcnso, 1 «:>:>. }‘I°’"'—:M}! M wtit-Illflid lllitltii is '-'a.'s ("UH —°—"-'- to be hoped \\-'i-- _ birthday. ’ 16 S June Austen born 1 77.-. . chge—R_7 45! 6 -‘‘0mc 21'F[Queen 26 6 '"“.V_ 593!‘ I'm’-31i‘iCfll |'l‘~ 17| § 3hd Sunday rN Auvknt. rm :53 52 6 ‘ S'ySt:.Paul'sonened.1697. 56 7 25 7 '“‘,'.§,‘;‘g,, l8 fM Euiba Day. JUoetlkee, IS45. 3 5 ls'i‘SUN1>.tYINAnvEx'1'. fine .R7 48' 7 57 53 32 8 whose ’{{1Z‘}?“§};'j,§‘f,'}9,Imfi'.L.“ i9 ; r ib : '- W. M. Turner died, 18 .51. illfl|l(!n(:el(‘i0Inilm§(‘.Stin: _ Thos.Czu‘1.\‘lehorn.1795. _ 4fM {fine s3 51 9 (3 9 493 9 iyeaij drawing 20.WjMi< -l'ae! iiia-. Unv Sittings end. nmv_ ton ci0._~'t'. .‘ E ‘Me died’ ‘"7"’ 9‘ fine 10 21 lilj' s '- Thomtit't £ >«y. D“‘":’j3 47‘ 10 - 5WSt- M<'oIas's Day. IR? _50 15110 iiiiitiir-i*')|iiiltff)% 83 22 F Lord Alvcrstone born. 1SJ_>. , .5011 fine 118.11 48} 11 l|lll\\'(‘h‘0ll|(‘. pm-dmninanco. M- , 7%Gun.Ret1vers —- V oi Or,.,. I1W ‘BnPk-r1)m~r1,1’8s9. ‘fifie 7 1'2 9‘, '8 53: 17; '1"! W*§|' at very A‘ sol b I'"- Roberts salted foi-s. Africa, ‘F i1'Ooau:eBwawootlbm=n 1332. 33"“ '£u0W_-f-like ’ "““€“" : ‘58fl'1‘«S3 so 0 4'2 1 ‘5l1:-5;’ ".' "¢“"“‘°‘E”5- -I ; .~ and .1 24j j$ Christmas Eve. ddn tae. 9 S '7°“"~W”°D3’°1'11-'~"50"'- dune . »_'. F1189 B37 55‘ I 39 1-50 14 to 25 MJC7«V» » < ts M'j/. :10 I;pvni;s .5 &>ii:>.i;‘-”‘i"’ "-V- °°*"9e-““'J- -3 Mi“, Gwermmm mm (_m““_ « - - - 8 «5Sftr2L.* r i. 18! “fl is-3 -70' 7 16, 7 42 ad (iisturhunccs in _,' W. M. Turnerdied. 1851. many p:u‘t.~s. < ; » bj sam some practical19JiEb;J. {fair 1:8 44 8 8 » 10 r 39 24 uciipse in 3-,‘! :1 -. .. - 7 Mills n,it on the nth of tbi film" .— . .--g.amid _ ruingT119 o \ 201W 9 9 reign offti;ed.‘§unin m on timetn- .-‘ ‘ho ':,‘e ""1? 4:“ “ti” .55 24th ancntm She passage 217$«f .vim- ‘5"1)“"’""‘-“1A"l/- M? :12 :25'-1 this indica- F-‘_: :l!UM_R3 610 3110 05136 tion and 8 hwiosa influence dominates th to 22 F Lord:\l\'c1'stonehoi'n. 184-2. points :1 .s-eriuus m‘90_}111’st,‘s3 51 11 2411 55 27 state of nifairs in 9 SWT bom (te&wing 23to a ok S La. 1-i‘0«:(*.

fair s3 50 42 1 5 113 8 tr 7«K nrt in longitude c Hwi, 1 . For nearly half a Mother < -* 1we7 55 ] -id 1 mi i , » >'« » oefliiiti' iiw..mtUuioy century Be 5- guided by the experience of 1 o 1 -"'l 14 Pears_—Seigei’s -to |) e g vnu to the arm , -Syrap has been in the ‘ others. If you have any complaint wet S3 49 2 10 2 30 15

kfgi 1 5 10 5 28 20 B^nj^46 , S&

1177 1

SMj S3 49 5 49 6 9 21 >'.' i BacOtan in the PwlS

eligt'BS 3 (i 29 5'> Ls '''''''e < " epiharrass

fair La r,o. 7 u; 7 aZ Z h "I « ; " v, ' r, ""* '" t < ' ! """'

1 . ; ' ' ' 42 tnnhmoM ia mny parts Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

i fau " «8 4 8 10 8 39 24 Tl elipse of the Sun in tli.'-

faSr s3 50 9 12 9 16 25 r "'"'" " r « Hie

mild K8 6 10 21 10 53 26 ^ ^^tfto^ 2S! S

ms! S3 .) 1 11 2111 5fj 27 state of affair, f D ,.,., . ,,. K ,,,

ran 1 K8 7 12 24 28 '"coining where hitherto unity

rain S3 52 51 1 17 MQ of < ' W " rt 1 a "' 1 Kincleness of

p n ; " i 1/1 ^ I'lnp'-se have ad.led to the

'1 ai.eient lustre of a newly.

.> awakeii(! d India. These evils

threaten the north (A tin

o Peninsula from the l.'iH, ,, r ,

4 wards, and hy wise cflOce

.- sions and temperate measurci

they may he avoided r,i

'> greatlj mitigated.

' fair R8 7, 1 42 2

lai, S3 54 2 32 2 57

fine R8 8 3 23 3 46

line s3 55 4 10 4 34

fine R8 8 4 59 5 22

dull S3 5JJ 5 46 6 11,

rain R8 8 6 35 6 59

For nearly half a century Mother

Scad's Syrup has been in the

homes of the people. It is the

proved fanuly stand-by for restor-

ing a disordered digestive system

to proper working.

Be guided by the ex perience oi

others. If you have any complaint

arising from weak and imperfect

action of the stomach, liver, r.r.d

bowels, rest assured iv other ieigei's

Syrup is the remedy you need. wmirr IS THE B.J.A.?




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The Origin, Nature, and Treatment of Uric Acid Disorders,' GREAT FREE Distribution of 4/6 Boxes of the Remarkable U.A.E. Treatment. 1 want (‘\'t‘l')'I)llt‘ sullerin:.', from Rheumatism, Lumliago. Neuralgia. Sciatica, or Gout to send me their name aml address, so that I can send them FREE a. 48. 6d. box of U. A. ll). (Uric Acid Expeller). I will convince every sutlerer at my expense that U. A. E. does what thousands of so-called l‘t‘lll(‘(ll(‘.‘~l have failed to aceomplish—AcTUALLYOURES RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA, GOUT, and all Uric Acid complaints. I know it does. 1 am sure of it. and I want you to know it and be sure of it. You cannot coax Rlicurnatism out through the feet or skin with plasters or belts; you cannot tease it out with Liniinents or Emhrocation. YOU MUST DRIVE THE URIO AClD—WHIcH CAUSES THESE cOMPLA|NTS—OUT OF THE BLOOD. This is just what the great Rheumatic Remedy U. A. E. does. It EXPELS the CAUSE, and that is why it cures Rheumatism. Gout, Lumbago, Neuralgia. Sciatica, etc. I CAN PROVE IT TO YOU. It does not matter what form of Rheumatism you have. or how long you have had it. It does not matter what remedies you have tried. U. A. E. and Uric Acid cannot exist in the same and it therefore togzether blood, CURES. A FULL-SIZED 4/6 TREATMENT FREE. I want you to try the U. A. E. treatment. to learn for yourself that Rheumatism be cured. A fair test is all I ask. can If you find that U. A. E. is curing you, order more to complete cure, and recommend it to others. 1 do not send a small sample of no practical value, but a full trial treatment sold regularly at 43. 6d., and also a beautifully-illustratedhook on Itheumatism. for Enclose ‘Zd. stamps postage. There will be nothing else to pay on ]‘eCeipt or later, Only one box is sent FREE to any address.

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doing; no matter how IS titkcii in hltnti » for No matter who you if it is incuriiblo it low your salary, or will sire or what you are not be o1CO(‘.[)t8(l~lb will he sepiii'utcl_y how poor your pro- no matter und for and doing; how specially prescribed attomleil to until spects; no matter dim low your sa.1m~y, or yourcuro is complete, itlld while you ure tho discontented or dis- how poor your ro- ltl)1)l_VlllL}‘ ti'crttmciit in your no nn1!toi' inn’ own home. 'l‘lii.~i no other treutiiimit oven couraged yon are ; no sivccts;

‘cliscoiitented or «lis- pretoiitlis to

mail-order enterprises. You can begin, for pfl1‘L:;ei‘ of the \iorl0 in two years in the mail-order ‘.5,0‘.\() L'\\’1) in tho niuvil-order yriii "<(‘nl‘$ ’ " - never hurl biisiiicss. 1 will i tench tho before the owportiiiiiiy of hu\'- business. 1 will ( uickiy teach you the real niciciy you renl in}: your .'.i'll:t imule S.‘(‘.l'Ot, of l)'l&kl1lf,:‘ nioiier fsht and it legs poi iizly in-ll, for -V secret of making money fa-t and making it making this new n:(‘.lhI;d cleanly, le,«.:itiniutc|_v, honestly, so thut ynii by you can cure your cleanly, legitimately, honestly, so that yon sell’ in on H homo can look the wliolc worltl in tho fzico and your without pain, rout r

can look the whole world in the faoo and . or never uzek your aliillinsrs where came operation, rciap.-c, failure 'i'hn-i l.'




under u Leyal Guarantee to Cure.

A Treatment which permanently cures Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

bad legs by an entirely new method without

rest, when other doctors and specialists

have given the patient upas inerrable, even

with the aid of rest, is something of a

novelty, even in theso days of medical


This new method is known as the Tremol

method of treating bad legs, and by it you

aro cured without a particle of patty with-

out a moment's rest, without neglecting

your work for one single instant, and with

out the possibility of a failuro, because this

new method permits of no relapse, and von

are cured to stay cured for all timo. Hut

this is not all. Rvery form of bad leg

succumbs to this new treatment. Varicose

ulcers melt away, and, combined with vari-

cose veins, disappear, Kcz ema vanishes

Swollen and painful legs hecomo painless

Diseased lx me comes away. Tubercular

bone and ulcers heal up. Inflammation

and irritation become things of the past.

Why is this ? Because Tremol treatment

is unlike all other treatments, for it at taoXS

and removes tho cause, and if your case

is taken in hand for if it is incurable it

will not be accepted - it will bo separately

and specially prescribed for and attended

to until your euro is complete, and while

you are applying tho treatment in your

own home. This no other treatment even

pretends to do, for in the other so-called

tieatments the same thing In supplied to

everyone alike, and there it ends.

A large illustrated book, giving full par-

ticulars of this powerful remedy, is sent

free of all charge, and a legal guarantee to

cure is sent with each book. This publica-

tion teems with sound advice, and contains

much valuable Information, and if yon are

a sufferer it is sure to bo the means of

bringing about your speedy and perma-

nent recovery, even if doctors, hospitals,

and specialists have failed to help you

Early application for the hook is necessary,

as onl^ a Halted number of free copies is

to be distributed.

Thousands praise the day they read the

book. In it you will find what you 'have

never had before -the opportunity of hav-

ing your legs permanently made' well, for

by this new method you can cure your

self in your own home without pain, rost

opeiatioti, rolap.-e, or failure This is not

a chance to be missed, and we advise

readers of "Old Moure's Almanack" U'

write at once to the National Infirmary

for Mad I-ogs Ward L.H.) , Grent Clowo*

Street, Hroughton, Manchester, describing

heir case, and the book will then be sent

rratis and post free.

9 ‘Read the Bri ish Journal of Astrology (3-*5 A-)v.M°'‘th'y' 2"" 'p'f" 2 d‘


'Isad the British Journal of Astrology (B.J.A.) , Monthly, 2d., p.f., 2id.




, Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public Read pages 44. 45. 46 and 47. VABICOSE WEAK LEGS Read pages 44, 45, 46 and 47. AND JOINTS VARICOSE

VEINS lllll3lM.3

WEAR LEGS Baiiidages & Elastic Stockings Superseded.


Bandages & Elastic Stockings Superseded. Entirely Nerw Melbcds of Relief.

Entirely Ne< w Meibcds of Relief. envsinfsnziue, Siift‘ei'ci‘s from Varicose Veins will Sufferers from Varicose Veins will eagerly (ngerly thelatest triump‘.i of irivciitive 2l‘.£‘(ll- welcome the latest triumphwelcome» of inventive medi- cal genius, mi appliaiice for the effective cal genius, an appliance fortrcatmeiit the effective of this piiizifiilmid tlistressinz rtil« GLAIRVOYANGE, treatment of this painful aniliuent. distressin? ail- Countless toilers, mule nnd female, ment. Countless toilers, malewliose and female, daily work iiiiposes iimintitrril mid cx~ whose daily work imposes llflllSLl‘L'unnatural and ex - € strtiins upon the lower limbs. will SEGND &c. ii. haustive strains upon the lowerfind limbs, will iii the “\'AH.lV'AN]‘I" SUl’1’0R'l‘S SIGHT, and menus of find in the " VA HI VANE " SUPPORTSsiinplc, a. economical, speeilv relief. {lecommendetl the 1\Ied'.c:il Pro- simp'e, economical, and speed'- means of hy fession, mid iiivnliiahle for wczilmess of the relief. Recommended by the Medical Pro- The Book of Legs and Joints. Tll()l‘.$i'1ll(l\‘of Testim ‘Ill2\lI\‘. the Crystal fession, and invaluable for weakness of ths and the Seer. ‘I/2 Post Free.

Legs and Joints. Thousands of Testim nials.

Any two parts combined, price .£‘ s. d. The old-fashioned clastic stockings are a 1. The “Gem” Pocket source of dange". Thev increase the danger in with of a vein bur ting, and ultimately produce Crystal Case,

- - - - muscular atrophy and weakness of the limb. 13001: O 5 8

The "Vai i.ane" avoids these dangers, and 2. The "Sun"T.ti,1e h is many novel feat-ires that have secured it Last l0Z‘lL,'CFt. in with prcftt popularity. " Varivnue " Supports are llierelore clie:i;:esl. Crystal Case,

- - - - madeof absohttely UNSHRINKABLE mater- Book 010 6 ial. Thev are economical, cool, comfortable, Table can bo washed and re paired, and Inst for vears. The “flIagi"

Kverv support is MADR TO MKASITRE Crystal in Case, with

THUS FIT IS ASSURED. Send full details Book - - - - 015 O _

giving number of inches

round Lg at A. B, and for 4. The ‘‘Pyramid'’ thighi C, D, and K for knee, Ovoid or I~1;.rg Special

B, F, and G for calf, H, L, Shape, in Special Ciise,

' and M for ankle ; aln length Any twa parts cor.i‘Ji.'ied. price 7/» with Book - - - O 6

rf uar rcqiii ed. Be-snrafotnke um the measurements tight Iv (‘l:|Sl,lC SlOCl\’lll,'IS are it I '.l‘lic old-frisliioiietl 5. The the “Raphael" round the hare skin, and source of equi>of cd. it Vein l)l1l'vl.':Ilf;'. tiltimiitely piwliice llllll \\‘(‘fll\'l|(‘FSof the lllllll. Special Iiistmctioiis, in Pin details to your letter andiniiseiiliirmropliy The “’\'miimie" nV(il(lS these \ 8 2, “ ;_v1'Cnt,p0i)t1lt11‘lty. \'ai'iviiite Siipports are G. The “Rabbi Crystal - 53, LUDGA.TK HILL, UNSHRINKABLEmater- iiimleofnlisolittely in Case, with Book - 3 0 LONDON, E.C. ial. They are ecoiioinii-stl, cool. comY0I‘fi\b1E‘. 3' ‘ CRYSTALS emi he wn shed si.n(li'epaire«‘sOl‘:5, roiindl -2‘ at A. B. and C for - - £ s. d. with Boole -10 tliigh, C, D, nnd I‘) for lmee, O D ' Gem " Pocket mid G fo1'C;ilf, H, L. E, 1“, ’|‘he lilll'.:(3 :i(~(-oi'(liii;,r to size in Case, with above rtnil M f()1‘1lHl(l(‘ ; alss length p1‘it'e€: Mlltl qiinii_[,_\-, Iiiit even the (-lieziper one.-i "Sun ,f,,m-- mm; “L He .\’lll'c‘to tiike ni'e £.'(J()ll Valiie. lf ('i‘ystiil is liouglit. in Case, the n.i—:t.-iii'eiiieiits tigliilv We send iiiid the liiire skin. hook is sent Fi'ee. priviitely Magi'' rmizid mill \\C‘ll ietuiii oi post. sta'e for wTti:\ leg '¢’-¢ll|i'l‘d- 1)':lCl\(‘(l lay in Case, Pin iletiiilsto ymir letter lllttl Table .\C!|ll with l'.(). to _— with VARIVANE, Ltd., o¢«,,~_ w. I-‘OULSHAM 81 Table s2_ co.’, Ll'D('lA'l‘l<2 HILL, with 56, E.C. ],ti.\'[)().\', l-Z.(‘«. 5, Pilgrim Street, London, 5 6

10 6

15 'I:C'_‘.,|'~"ET A ‘.,|'Vl ".r“E:~"U

17 6

l The '



2. The Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public



3. The '


Book - - -

4. The "Pyramid"

Special Ovoid or Egg

Shape, in Special Case,

with Book

5. The "Raphael "

Crystal with Eaphael's

Sp? cial Instructions, in

Case - - - -110

G. The "Rabbi" Crystal

in Case, with Book -330

7. The "Mammoth"

as 'used by Old Moore

and other Professors,

with Book - - - 10

The above prices tango according to siz e

and quality, but even the cheaper ones

are < .ood value. If Crystal is bouglit,

book is fent. Free. We send privately and

well packed by return of post.


5, Pilgrim Street, London, E.C. . V}. ,r. , I .‘v “.. Read pages 9l4-’45: ‘*5 ‘a''*'’ 47*’ k i-'LAmiN.€7rswé.l!B; +19:

A THE‘ ,I§'§au.. quaaraas. e *~ Mars raglflgi in the sign Leo win bring The intensified illflufllée of the planet aiy_ea'i‘ * _expenditure on a,I.‘1I1.-5_.31?»Gl M’. lavish l B3,! .. explosjbns, i "n ‘r ions, dr.o5I8 ‘ oi'61-‘ I, W10.1. will move. 'l'3nC.e.» W‘ Q . thusiasm iif1igi.n..6;>§f‘.,.t_}s . Read pages 44, 45, 46 and 47. » is)‘; the 1" reedom of nations. The gggatacggegflggrgfi ofsntllzliiaiii l39d.1J_1.0ilAliS , .nt’= THE YEAR OF THE FLAMING SWORD. 19 16. its dread (re in‘ the form‘ of a avast sciiiii- over 35 e§kl‘el:'s‘i- lllEl‘ll¥ltllyg0(t¢;c)lrtrlsc%’e(‘l)lIL:iIflilfi)’3 ""-53“ the of * " THE FOUR Q UARTERS. iii under The blood of the "1’ altar Self‘-Sll£3.l'lflrCC, ci‘y_ingJ:_ ‘_‘Vkio3y mai'ty_F-*‘,,C°"“'5 ‘I0,911! is not‘ Yem The fires o't iiiiinali Ili1»‘iSl0Il‘\Vlll' The intensified influence of the planet Mars raging in the sign tWo vill bring a year of how But the yet I n 0 Lord long? ’ 1 ortli action in a thousand dii'e‘ctions, in a thousand into i J " , ti ,is Iniu-ht, ex plosions, lavish ex penditure on arms andbout?!’ munitions of war, liercer than CV01‘. b‘l>FiY1t=’l"¥5 The 0 1‘ the builders has not yet arrived. Deadly tjevers will erc j lt c 2MWKw enthusiasm will move over France, who will light forforms the of destruction. hour There will he burnings upon a vast scale.. their hundreds _ Hberty of its people as wed A for the freedom of nations The Kcd claimEion is rampant; the of thousands. Winter Qua;-tog.’ ~ 22nd Deceniber, 1915, and extends. to Mfdl'Ql,l,, 1916, num. /', iffie .1 is nl ivs its dread message in the lorin of a vat* seiniftaF over the skies. The and we stress of the times will ‘be < ‘ keenly felt; , :Vllltl.Cl:]F)[i)l:‘ll}-filoolllland . I

SfHoS^thSmS^oSbi up from under the altar of self-sacrlftce, crying : ;; How to be for ‘ conditions appear responsible much suffer- inW"{,,‘”‘§.§"’f§8 61‘gIl‘§:ltd’SperIt‘:l1(§())(i‘S|2‘l’ll(bl- siege e ‘ . . -~. ton* O . Lord, how long? " But the end is not yet. The (ires of human pass,,,,, will yet ; zife-t-ed h war cofiiditions and a ihase mg among the-‘pgpple 0iv't'hat- gut the o’II' i? , r.,' (iereer than ever springing forth iiito action in a thousandof directions, in a thousand intense eX¢">e.m‘*"“ ~L~C')un\>t:-‘i'y'tliler cl)unLtry. worst effects the “'”, ,-e ion of the Black Sea, where Saturn and the’ formsWestruetion The hou? of the builders has not yet arrivedplanets Deadly levers will will be "'““~“‘*“ “‘-?‘“"*"»"“.”°tiO Moon to "S" gem;-1l)]e pamsword. In India, about 85 East longi- dam. their hundreds of thousands. There will be burnings upon area vast scale. c°m0mCd' re'nde'Y In “'9” Wm thafl; Iimzlliii afillld intense eiicitemcnt. the N.W. Province there T Wder be bemgere"- . disturbed. In our Wm be .5.“ ]g(](]3e]1iclllit'lIlk are own country the will insurrection’ ' Mgmllm (‘W 1'‘ ‘IV 1- ‘ion 'l'he Clianeellor of the E.\‘cli€Qlibi'will liavc in the 1m’h.Ja"'mrywm bmlgfa nnmilitlllelctlgftilc-‘iltb~‘,will have to H8 subscribed. Naval Estimates oMntensf ex citement "will" pass ovei r the Gallic country. ButW the w orst effects 6] tli.- '8‘ =Tlie~1(5tli Fel)i'uaI'y -slmws plots =1!-’=ll11St "the 11IllrICl)ll)(el§t?(1i€li(‘:erldll§lil‘e

world, a new area of war ,, 1 i i "/? ^Werom developments In the political

di-a.ter is the occasion wide i fcSr^L U " ^ " ;,y ' s " f An «" st :l

Augu.-t. and duriii" t , v r : '"' "'""mmg. Strikes occur in the end of

-as will I $ 2? s 1 S '-I'V"" ,, T, H Mntetlon of vessels on the high Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

great loss of life Ti e Persian , it t, ' "/' fch ? East ( ' 0:ist ol Africa disasters -cause

ferm* t of insurrection S^t^ L^ J^ 2 ? f ca * R>< >* "ur interests. A

is affected with strong m! |it v 2 V » ' ? e l«W* ,«* Ml and Afghanistan. Northern India

Mobamm, an centre iTWff&SW In fflS if ^ mr " st ls ''M-menced in the

aohenz oiiern autocrat. comm< l(f . j n ,j llly thl , VoVi . eTS wi mig , ltily with tni ,

( < \>) tt hiut if mi nunc Please Name Foulsharrvs t)ld Moore with all Orders to Advertisers IIOWTO an nun or voun F Rlll" aliiin

Please Name Foulsham's Old Moore withGREY all Orders to Advertisers. IIAIR ; WITHOUT PAIN OR DRUGS.

HOW TO GET RBD OF YOUR jTOl ff|iMAT |S sS A - “'0 know our Marvellous "GALVANIC" Rim: Simlilen Sure. Harmless Treatment which will cure as it Grey Hair cutiS. 3 you, has done many thousands of be used at ‘ (‘an Home with Complete To prove and - tccommendg. l&fiilft UwiTHniiT paim or noun ().lln*l’.~’._ this (o.~ccur buccess. Age no obstacle. mom \\c have decided to Lure a largo quantity ‘' A Simple, Sure, Harmless Treatment which a.w:l)’ ABSOLUTELY FREE.

< aa be used at Home with Complete ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. GREAT DISTRIBUTIIIN OF sullcr when can Success. Age no obstacle. j Wlltv’ you he CllRI".D hy our ; GALV.-\l\'IC 1‘..INLl? \\'orn by R,uy1|,lty; now GREAT DISTRIBUTION OF BIITTLES , hruu-_-his within the reach of all. A Ponnanen: 10,000 Special TRIBL BOTTLES FREE 10,000 Suecial Tllllll FREE : Cure for Rneuma.tlsm,Neura.lgla.,sciatica, Sleeplessness. Loss of will Power. &o. I am a. woman who belongs to a prematurely 3 I am a. woman \\ ho to a belongs lireinaiturely Thousxmds of grateful letters from cured prey-haired family. M.v father v as grey beforeprey—haired fannly. My fatlier uas before ;_'1‘t:_\' cn~tomcis can be seen at our otllces. he \\ as :: and tvlo of brothers as well as he w as l! I, and t» o of my brother* as well as my D, my my sister became grey Call)’ in life. Before the age FREE f-ister became t rey early in life. Before theof age ‘.25 I devnlope(lg1'e.s'liairs.\\l1ich‘oec£LmequiIe of 25 I developed grey hairs, which becamecrnl)nrras;

increased with alarming rapidity, and at 281-criouslv thinking of buying one of the many (lrcy Hair Restorers that are e.\'tunsivclv adver- I looked like a woman of 45. One day I wastised, when Icasually mentionml llu-' sulvject to teriously thinking of buying one of the many an :‘.cr1mLintance—-a.

(irey Hair Restorers that are ex tensively adver- scientific inan, and as PLAIN OR ENGRAVED. I a.t'terwards learnt. tised, when I casually mentioned lhe subject to WRITE NOW for Sim Card. Sheet of student, of a great 4: Genuine Tcstiinoiiials, n. famous Scientist’: an acquaintance a the Chemistry of the I lleport, and pm' of our FREFI OFFER. scientific man, and as Hair. He strongly *. of clump and worthless (often mlvisctl me. to have " I afterwards learnt Bl'2\V:\RF. whatever to (lauucronsl linitn.tinns. and see that every notliiuz - l-ears our Trtulc G lt.C. a great student of ring lllark, do with these concoc- Delay is (,ll\llL!C!‘Ol1<- Send at once. the Chemistry of the tions. He pointed out that such Galvanic Co. 18). London. Hair. He strongly prepara- Ring (Dept. Kew, tions eventually

advised me to have rulned the hair.

nothing whatever to mni in the inezmtiine even do with these concoc- rarely (loceirrd, “I CANNOT SLEEP!" the casual observ¢=r. tions. He pointed out, He mizpzcsten that I The man or woman from whom ll \\'run;: this hut:-r cry is in grove that such prepara- try n. formula. that he after (lztmzcr. If uho sleeplessness be tions eventually hail perfectml onlv Dn1‘tl:ll it may, and. if nog- a. c »n

lutely harmless, but would develop a strongcame to hear of this wonderful 1\reP3:I‘"‘t1011- !\'ntur<' wuuts SLICEI’, and want! .. become convinced that I have found it naiturnl 5’. Now- and' beaut, ful growth of hair. My friend produced Having and a. remedy of extraordinary merit. which " wrote out his prescription, which I had madeis up, lmrmless, have l'€s0l\'r(l D0 01181‘ 15 f0_1' I-I FT OF SLEEP quite _I ex- = $ and after following the instructions for a few as 1 am from in)" _persmml sale. certain own is title of :1 li ltlc hook dealing will an 1ne.xtimal-lc boon the davs, I was surprised and delighted to hnd my lhat.1t. prove perience Hail‘ L0 be exhaustively mth 9. sane and i to any man or woman who tinuls Grc,\' hair becoming richer and darker in tone, llie trcutnicnt——without drum serious linmlicnp it was to me‘ In is a. proved the some I or m(*«liclne—-\vhicli in 0. nutuml, re-colouring process continued until after some ~""“l 5 (iunramtyeml Genuine 1_’l‘~‘l‘_M=ltl0“- °_fi‘3‘: 3; .-:im;~l_\' l.\'p'n.ined IIIIIIIIIII brings it will not Re-colour (.19) - if few weeks mv hair actually once again possessreward ed of £100 lflcsscl sleep. This little book ' le. '.l.N.t 'lSl contains an offer of Slt-up to the the natural shade of my girlish days, hiiice tlien one“s‘a‘.i2 n«».«1f’:‘«‘»s1»ecia1 ’ITR1AL_ "i‘i..»f5’e‘f,§i§‘3‘3 “'99 75/ Sloc1n!vss.zi.iid.'I.|Il'()llllS€'of II;-althy I have been inundated with inquiries from tlistribulé‘. BO'l."I‘LES which I shall PT I llcnose It Is Flt E, rmito two, this alinauack,while ,/ friends and also persons unknown io me, whocharge, to {he readers ct’ ._I and u, post card will hrinu it to- the lasts. ‘ I II (lay. Sand for thisvaluable hook, came to hear of this wonderful preparation. supply Simply write your name ant}, “Tho Gift of Elcvp "-—FRlE. Having become convinced that I have tound n,(]dre,°s pI£I,lnl_\', and enclosc_.. ll'r:ll': a remedy of ex traordinary merit, and v menstamps for postage. 9'0 .M\

to any man or woman who finrts Grej nan to oe

the same serious handicap it was to me jr. is a

Guaranteed Genuine Preparation and I offer a

reward of £ 100 if it will not Ke-colour Grey

llnir to Original, Natural Shade. .

I have put on one side 10.1) 00 special 1. RIAL Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

BOTTLES, which I shall distribute, lree ot

charge, to the readers cf this almanack, while

the supply lasts.

Simply write your name and

address plainly, and enclose 2

stamps fur postage, etc .and 1 i will

send vou the SPECIAL 1 RIAL

BOTTLE in a plain sealed cover. Address-

Mrs. MARY K CHAPMAN, Suite 49 i, S,

Mortimer Street, R-gent Street. London, W.



We know our Marvellous "GALVANIC" Rind

will cure yog, as it lias done many thou ami, of

others. To prove this and to >ccur recommenda-

tions we have decided to give a largo quantity



Why suffer when yen can be CURED hy our

GALVANIC 1UNU? Worn by Royalty; now

brought within tlio reach of nil. A Permanent

Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,

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Thousands of grateful letters from cured

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WRITE NOW for Siz e Card, Sheet of

Genuine Testimonials, a famous Scientist'^

Report, and particulars of our FREE OFFER.

BEWARE of cheap and worthless (often

dangerous) imitations, and see that every

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Delay is dangerous. Send at once.

Galvanic King Co. (Dept. 18 ) , Kew, London.



The man or woman from whom I)

wrung this bitter cry is in grave

danger. If i ho sleeplessness be

onlv partial it may, and. if neg-

lected, will, develop into acate

Insomnia. It is during sleep that

Naturo replenishes and rejuven-

ates the nervo forces. If Nature

is deni d that restful condition

the whole system is laid open to

serious troubles.


are an parly symptom a solemn

warning that something must be

done. Neglect that warning and

illness perhaps mental affection

is not far off Drugs won t cure;

they may relieve, but not per-

ma cntly. Mediiino is useless.

Nature wants SLEKP, and want*

it produced natural y. Now


is tlio title of a li ttle hook dealing

ex haustively with a sane and

proved treatment without drugs

or medicine which in a natural,

simply tx p'ained matin* r brings

blcsscl sleep. This little book

contains an offer of Sleep to the

Sleepless, and a promise of Healthy

Repose It is FR K. quite froe.

and a post card will bring it to-

day. Sond for this valuable book,

"ThoGift of Bleep" FRBE.



92, Magnetaire Booms,

11 & 12, Finsbury Square, London, E.C. ‘ I ‘ V . g ?“&. ' ;_{".- !'2“‘-'VV"‘ K: ' ~ I ~ -~‘ . , , f. _- ‘

‘ ., ‘V s: >. I V 45 47- ’ ‘:3 - Read ages 44. 45. and y '7. , «~.__ r-‘_ ‘ ‘ ‘ (I'cufinue‘d ; , , \ux \V()1{l)-1916. /ram page 22,) ; ,3? L’ to the Mcvndaiiit of the West .of;.llu£q11e._ _{; THLl‘licY§9.t}:¢iz?nBQ33-Swbglfings the the M901,’ to ¢,i,eme;-mianwand Uranus to the lower angle,‘ Jupiter ‘being on w\_ tn.‘ 3, . angle in opposition to Mars. The ,.g1:entest .OilU)l‘t‘21k of the war ‘fever that we li‘avel“ye.‘ -- to and about the of 5 ma, Wm Mike ‘plug; ,du1'ing thcvqumzmg, _.end ‘Sept_cvn;hi_er t,l:ie_‘.cI'.yq ff ‘To -‘ '4'" -will be licnrd tlimiiglioizt the land. (this war wave will be mlzegm 6!,‘-V Read pages 4 4, 4-5. 46 and 47. Arms! _ till the middle of December, and will then begin to abate. Peace oyertnres _.v.i3lll be much; ‘ '1, Tfife YEAR OF THE ! ' LAMING SWORD 1916. (Continued from page 2± ) favoured by 1-‘mnce during the first f(il‘tlll,‘.zllt of October, but Russia will xvithstand such -‘_‘_ The Autumn Q uarter brins* Mar- to the \seendanl oj tlu- West of Basque, laws and and our reduced. » ‘. a treaty. Great naval engafzenients will take place, foreign ‘-‘ lie Moon to tin: meridian, and limm- to the louer angle, Jupiter being on the western destruction are loose on the e'I‘here’ . as yet it has never been. Spoliatioii and let lnglrseae. , - mule in opposition to Mars. The greatest outbreak of the war fever that we have yetll ‘be great sliipwrccks. The G0\'(’.l'nlllCll’b is ,rzreatl_v llnsillled by the -Labonitrepreseuta-; {, will suffer a severe it. -pen will take plan; during the Q uarter, and about‘mes, the end of Septcoifcer the cry "To and strikes will be nuinerous. A!.’l‘lCUltlll‘P di;-.loeation\__of Re¢,-jn.1n;,t,ion.,,- will i,i_- \ir;lAiIt and In the Midlands there will b‘ \rnis' To Ann* :'' " will be heard throughout the land. This war mu,re3tg_wave will be increscent ll'('({U(‘2ll. scriouii contests between inaster and inan. 'I‘Iiu (;'0V€l‘l'ml0llt will be embarrassed. ‘War till the middle of December, and will then begin to abate. Peace overtures will be much in the N()l'l3ll Sen and the Mediterranean there will‘ will high on the Coiitiiient. I rage _ _ _ favoured by France during the first fortnight of October, but Russia wtH withstand such 4! be naval engagements of El I‘ler('e kind. The people of this will be afllicted by 3..

a treaty. Great naval engagepients will take place, and our foreign trade will be reduced iunrhid fever which will cause many dcatlis. India will be stirred by strong martial a.s yet it has never been. Spoliation and destruction are let loosepassions. on the high seas. There In Siam and the Malay Arcliipolaizo there will be widespread disasters due to great .vfli be great shipwrecks. The Government is greatly assailed tidalby the Labour rejireseiita- waves and su_‘bm:'n'ine upheavals. In Cliinntlie Government will be faced with serious and will follow. diseases will be in 't#vcs, and strikes will be numerous. Agriculture will suffer a severediscontent, dislocation, of its insurrections Zymot-ic prevalent Novem‘b,er in many parts. our foreign relations will be complicated by nefarious plots and interests. Recrimination.- will be violent and frequent. In t! ie Midlands there will be scliemos and by the insistent actions of spies. Diplonlatic relations are now greatly strained, and ,a, s(-riou.s e.>ntests between ma -ter and man. The Government uill be embarrassed. War of the main objective of the Great War may tend to produce serious coml ~«‘ weakening ’ will rage high on the Continent. In the North Sea and tin- Mediterranean there will the Allies. among ., plications _ .‘ be naval engagements of a fierce kind. The people of this country will be afflicted by a 4 morbid fever which will cause many deaths. India will be stirred by strong martial BISEASES AND RE1VIEDlES. 7%- ~'Oi_7‘ CATTLE, 8143., THEIR A

passions. In Siam and the Malay Archipelago there will be widespread disasters due to great

— « ¢ltI..V£S.--SoovmNo.—Fnrmm-s may rely I SHEEP.-—I"i.Y.—l?ly powder: Two pounds tidal waves and submarine upheavals. In China the Government will be faced with serious 1 on the f:rill()\\'-lllfi mixture. Always keep it ' of blncli sulphur. hall :1 pound of liellebore, discontent, and insurrections uill follow. Z ymotic diseases will be prevalent in November It “T — hhlldy; WU‘! d0 Sllcliillg :I~niinals:— one ounce of black oil of liartsliorn; mix . in many parts. Our foreign relations will be complicated by nefarious plots and schemes bhfllli klrellilred -- -- 4oiim-cs. them together. and~sprinkle=t.lre sheep {rom '

and by the insistent actions of spies. Diplomatic relations are now greatly strained, and a ...... head to tail with a box. I dredging __ . - weakening of the main objective of the Great War may tend to produce_‘I<3:IlgZ‘.lll1m serious com- .. .. iol_iii:r-2...... ner pim. , Give two or three tables T FOOT R°T"'0"e d"“°1".’-' M ‘ ‘ T" plications among the Allies. ioonluls. l1‘L‘(l‘dlIl£ v°”“g"i3"'(-’“?°-' 1”“ °f °°l’P"")v ‘me Mibme X size of the aiiimal, tulo or tlll'(‘c&tillIi‘i«''l drflehm V“-*3“! x DISEASES OF CATTLE, &c to °‘f .« Sec inc ofvhoolis on Cattle. etc. ‘?"° d?'“°*‘"‘ ‘‘’z“*’‘’ CALVES.- Farmers may rely i ; {,'7}c",."'}“t'“’. ‘,’f,°."t’,‘,"°"' oosu, on llllrslllfl. : on the following mix ture. Always keep it I I thenCnriuuui.-—(}ood l.Iu._~.l_- \\.'n,:(f:., (tsfiop ’(i'm‘(,h‘::;Sz‘.:f€)’m.E‘.‘;g $:’].':j°’e'i‘€g r ml, and a dose of uitii . . Epsom Salts, , ‘ hnndy; it will do for sucking animals: j in it. M bmter Qf “'3-t"?“°"}' Pa” “W3? half an oniice _o ginger , “Own”: 1"’. the Prepared Chalk 4 ounces. p“:s'_I_~0r me mlmyomyus msmgm of Loin, apply lotion with 4; {lie ‘and ‘ "Mb" to "he 1""'t’ am‘ét'°d' ‘ Laudanum ] olmee. the be — following recipe may 0TT1D]0_\'(‘(lZ . . pins?Hal :1 ' 2 Water 1 pint. half pounilbi sulphur, a pound of ; HORSEs.— inn comg are 3,95/5 mfldder. of a oi Qllauer l Give two or three tablespoon I His. according pound siiltpewe. treated by cold i l mumI m-qcheq« .. with half a l _ _ .,, . ‘ . ‘ ,' V ’ ’ I‘ ‘ ‘ to siz e of the animal, two or three times i E and one oi saltbetre glr’V;)e3‘ll?l'IlILCn":')T§' . i[';()lleI'l1d‘l()ln:lU5(‘C(]a. 1. oiince qantt;ii":ilr(>li’_\“.)onAfll;i~« .1. see oui of iJ|V Sec list oi hooks .in Gttttl«, etc hrs. books and momma in the food J, l.mrs.e:'i on IloosE, qr Catakkh. Good nursing, bleed-

ing, and then a dose of Epsom Salts, with Pigs 1/3 _ gfififlgwfifitgiig§‘f§3;.g;C__]gg:r:_qo:'_:;V:.'>;\r:_;a~’ ' - - ~' - .. . > A half an ounce of ginger U> it. Horse Diseases a 7; 2 d 5 ’_ _ I/3 Q; ' “‘ —- 3% ... r. . . PSCS. For the numerous ifteeai eg ai 5 V,“ L‘ : _ ‘v :33 :5, :3 ,3 ,3 ,3 T: :5 :3 5: W} . Ha:rse&tattle Doctor 8/9 pigs, the following recipe may he emphned : $25“; as 2.3 5,3 5; g (2 5 Q E :3: Half a pound of sulphur, half a pound of 5; ;' .3 E ‘ M12-2:2»-'5 llorselllanagcl-To...... 531 1 ]

madder, quarter of a pound of saltpetre, ~;::~;g~:—«:—_-3—:_«:._:.f:«~:..i:_.': I‘Maylic\v'sHo-‘seiloctcrI216- ._ two ounces of black antimonv. Mix these 5: 8- - z... ;.. . _I E __ _ 71 ;. together, and give a tablcspoonful night §¢5 I §_::_- _D__>’E:_§_,“e’ ($1 g AllFarmerssyl-Iouldi .. and morning in the food. gm 4 5 ‘f, '.e ',=_';'‘':''—';' ’a‘ ’;~, N3 =2 =3 :1 buy RAP!-IAEl.7.'S AI,- , AND THEIR REMEDIES. ifl~=:=«>1-v:>1—?»§<:z~:>Zc:z‘:‘,':_2::“;%K-3“-spbst SHEEP. Fry. Fly powder : Two pounds

of black sulphur, half a pound of hellebore, i _' - one ounce of black oil of hartshorn; mix fit: x‘r'l“.:'/.‘Y_'1lfT593$E;~lI‘:"EETV-5

them together, and sprinkle the sheep from §7Zl§,§,§ E" _ §‘§ head to tail with a dredging box . Gui L2‘J:-k"';7'E”'3'1E¢1"E.‘::z::‘i‘::>:::;?[;:;=,;;"5 - Foot Rot. One drachm of verdigris (ace- Z_,»2,:,5x.v.-.-=~_s§3=a'*s\.a 4 ": .4 S m /i -F“ ?‘ ,_:_ .w ‘Y. J) O tate of copper) , one drachm of blue vitriol

-I .- H- _ _- ,_ ' (sulphate of copper) , one drachm of white ~39 ~39 °<5 3- 3.3?‘ =<-’—‘f-’-"-=‘.2“»“:r.~:a<::~::as~:a~:2°a vitriol (sulphate of z inc) , two ounces of 8 >2 5 2:2 4 ._ 2 5 a‘ g‘ ’ water, two drachms of nitric acid, two O3 ;::’11B=-‘:=":~:'»'i:‘: ‘».*'T}-~£*)~-"g»»S’»-<1:.‘.. .1. r: : : drachms of butter of antimony. Rare awny as m ,3 5 ' '< - “E-“5~"*5“'i"'=3'*N ‘” -3 ,:.. e, .2: " _: <. . — *'= J2 O /. the horn, and apply the lotion with a l__ Q __V

*7" —~--— ——— ...; feather to the part affected. BIRTHS AND DE}-lTIi-IS‘. HORSES. Coigns on Cw.ns are best 1_iiri. 1 - l.~’Ill.l.\Ll)(l i'c«,:i.'l.creulwill" -'2 i t’ i. -,1 . 3

treated by cold bran ma-hes, with half a V W‘ 5 l‘ll$,%&\ (1:-:l‘I:lll:; ;(e(:)ttll‘:il1.i(

‘J;)""IE"s v - orms"W12"rmain . s. . .l;tlr 2' 3' in each mash. See our list of books on ... ..:,:.,.ilm,..,.,.s, '33? ‘i~::.:l:.::,:'€i::s‘2,'°:-, ,6;-;!;; " Horses. ' i TrERi

Horse Diseases I 3

Harse & Cattle Doctor 3,9

Mnvhew's Horse Manage-

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Mayhcw's Ho se Doctcr I2/G

A! l Farmers should


MANACK, Cd., post

free 7o) .


Births mast be registered within 42 days after birth ; Scotland 21 davs

Heaths must lie registered within 5 davs alter death; Scotland 8 days '

P rorms for making Wills, 8 d. each ; three ffor Ex ecutors) for Is. 9d Guid- to t rove Will 7d

Uw of » , St Ex ecut ors, and Trustees, Is. Jo. Foulshnm & fa, 5, Pilgrim Street? K (\

75 ~ ;

Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / :«a:;:t* ;;»?;L.:}§§: Y " r 1 I a . -'3: Public Domain in the United States / .-v-.; 1"';:g‘§'.v‘£ . I I‘ A." Em. ».::£'u. :3 ‘* ~ ...... - ~\. \~x~.\\\\\\ $01.0 P.’ \\\\ 3? \\\\\\\~.:x\§\ omsr \ 5.°& m I/- ‘ms \\\\ \\\‘ ~\ \ .\ ‘IR45 .~.\\§\\\\\ \‘-

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I ’ -.-I‘ 51.; "4 . .«¥4< we .:f,',5_5;1_:.‘ :.'..‘3.‘." J #124,’. _ AND'GARDEN PAGE. THE FARM and single them. Mow clovers for hay. JANUARY.—l‘lough stubblcs; plough and to assist thw wheat on Ul\RDEN.—TOp beans pens after slieepfold. Sow of Bet kidney beans. and soils. 8 peeks per acre. Sowdrytaligoa s filling pods. and early . 6aV0)'§. Soutljern counties, 4 to 6 bushels per acre, transplant cabbages, broccoli. car- sow turnips. Thin out onions. leelss. also peas in favourable seasons. ilmlbarley JULY-—— fields; also rots, parsnips, and early turnips. iii Hll(.‘lt('l‘("(l hcaiis. _lrr'IlZf3l:|0gl llay-making. Peas are ripe end of month. THE FARM AND GARDEN PAGE. work, field and road-carting during roS_. also l~‘old ewes. Hand-hoe root-crops; lu_cerne._€1l't8l‘ JANUARV. Plough stubbles; plough sheep. lambs- Prcparc nianiircs. Pastures require tllllllllllg-. inih-li cows. (lliliiii-:N.—l"or succession, cvcry cutting. after shecpfold. Sow wheat on dry and and Watch for GAanEx.—Sow frame peas, conimon beans, short- fly. turnips, earl) sell* . 8 i) ecks per acre Sow oats in carly Plant out cauli- topped l‘Zl(.lll-:'llCS, lcttuccs. carrots. 0m0_YlS- radislics, etc. broccoli. Southern countlea, i to bushels per acre, llfotectlflfi flowers, savoys, leeks, and winter cabbages. and curled parsley. . . spinach, _ onions. l{i~:r.iis: also peas in lavourable seasons, and barley winter from frost. Plant, prune, and train fruit Lift full-grown Cut all that are in as tails)‘. In sheltered fields; also beans. Irrigation trees and bushes. FEBRUARY.——h0W flower, lavendel‘. Heed W14 vcrvain, foxglove, and iiiczidow-sweet»-_. work-, field and road-carting during frost. whcat, barley. on dry t-'])l‘lll',! and hold- AUGUS1".—After harvest get in stubble Prepare manures. Fold sheep, ewes, lamb-, pi-as, bcaiis, and oats. Czibbages Seeds beds for earl)‘ turnips, trifolium mustard, rye. fol‘. and milch cows. CARDEN.-For succession, rabi iii transplanting; plant a (live calves pure milk. after- permanent pastures may be sown now on early frame pens, common beans, short- potatoes. for wards lll|K('l‘(l soup and hay tea. Seeds: clean stubble. Cabbage (drumhcad), topped radishes, lettuces, carrots, pnions, next sow now. Flocks re- 14 lb. pcr acre of clover, with 1 bushel per planting year, spinach, and curled parsley, protecting acre of Italian quire dipping. Put rams to ewes for lamb- acre of grms; 3 buslicls per cab- from frost. I'lant, prune, and train fruit 5, 7, and 41b. per acre respec- ing in January. GAi:i>EN.—So_\v carly rye-gi'ass; for succeeding year; also trees and bushes. February. -how of carrot, iiiangcl-wurzcl, and tiiriiip; bages and parsley tively broccoli, and cauliflowers to stand spring wheat, barley, on dry seed bed; 3 or 4 bushels per acre of rough sanfoin. spinach, onions, spinach, the winter; earth celery; hoe and thin tur- peas, beans, and oats. Cabbages and Kohl- (liiiiii-:.~.‘.——Sow peas, beans, lcttuccs, cclcry, cauliflowcrs, car- nips; transplant broccoli, savoys, and cauli- rabi in beds for transplanting; plant early siivoys, rots, parsnips, and radishcs. Cut cal‘l.V llowcrs. Propagate kitchen herbs by slips. potatoes. (Jive calves pure milk, alter- pnt:it.oc.~i for seed and put in stove to start Sow seeds of bulbous flowers in pots. wards linseed soup and hay tea. Seeds: for planting out. MARcH.—Finish sowing sEPTEMBER.—Thatch and trim corn 14 lb. per acre of clover, with 1 bushel per spring wheat; barley sowing, oats, peas, aml ricks; plough stubbles. Apply lime to acre of grass; 8 bushels per acre of Italian spring vctehcs. ’l'op—drcssings of soluble stubblcs; also manure on clay lands and to Sow wheat on ryegrass; 5, 7, and 4 1b. per acre respec- nianurc—l cwt. of nitrate of soda with 2 to meadows. Harvest potatoes. to corn in a stale not too A pound of tively of carrot, mangel-wurz el, and turnip; ficwt. of common salt, crops furrow, dry. wcatlicr. roll, and saw land blue vitriol dissolved in a gallon of water is 8 or 4 bushels per acre of rough sanfoin. wct llarrmv, for carrots; sow cabbage seed in plots for :1 good dressing for a comb of wheat. GARDEN. Sow peas, beans, onions, spinach, autiiinii crop; plant potatoes. The ewes. 513 G.iiu>i-:N.——l’lant savoys, broccoli, cauli- savoys, lettuces, celery, cauliflowers, car- they lamb, distribute over pastures. Sows flowers, leeks, celery. Hoe winter spinach rots, parsnips, and radishes. Cut early ‘~ should furrow llrst litters. UAllDl-2N.-——VCgCt- and turnips; earth up celery. Plant cut- potatoes for seed and put in stove to start ables should be put into ground. Sow tings of gooscbcrries, currants, raspberries, for planting out. MARCH. Finish sowing asparagus, cclcry, caulillowers, broccoli, and strawberries. Hlmus: Gather angelica, spring wheat; barley sowing, oats, peas, and spiiiach, onions, carrots, peas, beans. fieldgentian, valerian, featherfew,southern- etc. Plant red spring vetches. Top-dressings of soluble savoys, parsnips, radislies, wood. OOTOBER.—Dig potatoes; pull and sow cucumbers, dress carrots, and Sow manure 1 cwt. of nitrate of soda with 2 to cabbage sea-kale; inangel-wurzel, parsnips. borders and strawberry beds. Graft fruit winter beans and winter vctches. In dry f. cwt. of common salt, to corn crops in trees, roscs, ctc. Plant pinks, polyanthiiscs, weather, sheep do well on rape. GllllDEN.—— wet weather. Harrow, roll, and sow land cariialions. APRIL.—\Vhcat-liocing; finish Plant home radishes, early cabbages. and for carrots; sow cabbage seed in plots for barley and oat-sowing; hand and horsc—lioe other greens neglected last month, in autumn crop; plant potatoes. The ewes, as bi-ans: sow grass and clover seeds. Mangel— sheltered situations; also cauliflowcrs for they lamb, distribute over pastures. Sows wurzcl iuay be drilled or dibblcd, 6 to winter. Take up carrots and parsnips; cut should farrow first litters. GARDEN. Veget- 7 lb. pcr acre, this moiith. Potatoes coming on’ their tops and bury in dry sand. Trans- “set ” ables should bo put into ground. Sow tliroiigh; harrow down and thcn up plant fruit trees and shrubs after the l0tli. thc drills frost. GIlRDEN.—l’laiit medical uses: rose- asparagus, celery, cauliflowers, broccoli, against HERBS to gather for rliubai'b. :ll‘l.:lCll0l\’(‘S, asparagus, sca-lcalc, broom, and wild berries. NOVEM- spinach, onions, carrots, peas, beans, rape, Dutch turnips, and small saladiiig. liarth BER.—Store roots, leaving heaps open at savoys, parsnips, radishes, etc. Plant red up pi-as, tie up lcttuces, and water seed- top for a fortnight before carthing up. cabbage and sea-kale; sow cucumbers, dress ling beds. Sow annuals, biciinials, and Continue wheat sowing. Plough corn stub- borders and strawberry beds. Craft fruit pcrcnuials. Plant evergreens, and propa- blcs; also clover stubbles for spring oats. trees, roses, etc. Plant pinks, polyanthuses, gatc by cutting, jasmine, lavender, sage, GARDF1N.—Dig ground where crops are car- carnations. APRIL. Wheat-hoeing ; finish rosemary, rue, etc. Sow early Dutch tur- ried oll; manure and prune fruit trees. bailey and oat-sowing; hand and horse-hoe nips. MAY.-—Hoe wheat, oats, barlcy, Tulips and hyacinth roots may be planted. and beans'; sow grass and clover seeds. Mangel- l)e_:ilis, pcas, potatoes. carrots. par- HERBS to gatherfor medicinal purposes : rose sow buck-wheat, retches, wurz el may be drilled or dibbled, to snips; hemp. moss, rock fern, and polypody. DECEM- luccrnc, and lupine; also rapc for early BER.—Attend to and 7 lb. per acre, this month. Potatoes coining claying, marling, feed. and swcdc turnip in the north; finish work during frost. Plough leas for through; harrow down and then "set up" cartage niaiigcl sowing. GairnicN.—So\v peas, cucum- spring corn. Cattle be kept warm the drills against frost. GARDEN. I'lant r_nu_st ber, rc-l hcct. for pickling,and kidney beans. and clean. A dry bed is important in early rhubarb, artichokes, asparagus, sea-kale, II'llllslll:llIt—(‘llbl):lgC$,winter greens. cauli- lambing. GARDI~:N.—Completc tree planting. Dutch turnips, and small salading. Earth flowcrs, and celery. lloe and stake peas, and forward all winter pruning. Continue up peas, tie up lettuces, and water seed- propagate plants by cuttings; herbaceous, planting hardy roots, bulbs, and shrubs. ling beds. Sow annuals, biennials, and by (lI\‘ldlll',_! roots. JUNE.—S0w turnips. Be particular to protect tcndcr plants. Sow in rows ]2ins. perennials. I'lant evergreens, and propa- rape apart; single car. trees. Earth up celery. Sow small Pots and ivarsnips; _etc. gate by cutting, jasmine, lavender, sage, transplant cabbagcs. salad in warm borders, covered with mats. Horse and liand-lioe mangels; also l

mangel sowing. Garden. Sow peas, cucum-

ber, red beet, for pickling, and kidney beans.

Transplant cabbages, winter greens, cauli-

flowers, and celery. Hoe and stake peas, Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

propagate plants by cuttings; herbaceous,

by dividing roots. JUNE. Sow turnips.

Sow rape in rows 12 ins. apart; single car-

rots and parsnips; transplant cabbages.

Horse and ha ml -hoe mangels; also kohl-

rabi and swedes as soon as in broad leaf,

and single them. Mow clovers for bay-

Garden Top beans and peas to assist the

filling of pods. Set kidney beans, and

transplant cabbages, savoys, broccoli, and

sow turnips. Thin out onions, leeks car-

rots, parsnips, and early turnips. JULY.

Hay-making. Peas are ripe end of month.

Hand-hoe root-crops; also lucerne, after

every cutting. Pastures require thinning.

Watch for fly. Garden. Sow turnips,

radishes, etc. Plant out broccoli, cauli-

flowers, savoys, leeks, and winter cabbages.

Lift full-grown winter onions. Herbs : Cut

all that are in flower, as lavender, tansy,

vervain, fox glove, and meadow-sweet-

AUGUST. After harvest get in stubble

turnips, trifolium mustard, rye. Seeds for.

permanent pastures may be sown now on a

clean stubble. Cabbage (drumhead) , for

planting nex t year, sow now. Flocks re-

quire dipping. Put rams to ewes for lamb-

ing in January. Garden. Sow early cab-

bages and parsley for succeeding year ; also

spinach, broccoli, and cauliflowers to stand

the winter; earth celery; hoe and thin tur-

nips; transplant broccoli, savoys, and cauli-

flowers. Propagate kitchen herbs by slips.

Sow seeds of bulbous flowers in pots.

SEPTEMBER. Thatch and trim corn

ricks; plough stubbles. Apply lime to

stubbles; also manure on clay lands and to

meadows. Harvest potatoes. Sow w heat on

a stale furrow, not too dry. A pound of

blue vitriol dissolved in a gallon of water is

a good dressing for a comb of wheat.

Garden. Plant savoys, broccoli, cauli-

flowers, leeks, celery. Hoe winter spinach

and turnips; earth up celery. Plant cut-

tings of gooseberries, currants, raspberries,

and strawberries. Herrs : Gather angelica,

fieldgentian, valerian, featherfew, southern-

wood. OCTOBER. Dig potatoes; pull

mangel-wurz el, carrots, and parsnips. Sow

winter beans and winter vetches. In dry

weather, sheep do well on rape. Garden.

Plant home radishes, early cabbages, and

other greens neglected last month, in

sheltered situations; also cauliflowers for

winter. Take up carrots and parsnips; cut

off their tops and bury in dry sand. Trans-

plant fruit trees and shrubs after the 10th.

Herrs to gather for medical uses : rose-

broom, rape, and wild berries. NOVEM-

BER. Store roots, leaving, heaps open at

top for a fortnight before earthing up.

Continue wheat sowing. Plough corn stub-

bles; also clover stubbles for spring oats.

Garden. Dig ground where crops are car-

ried off; manure and prune fruit trees.

Tulips and hyacinth roots may be planted.

Herbs to gather for medicinal purposes : rose

moss, rock fern, and polypody. DECEM-

BER. Attend to claying, marling, and

cartage work during frost. Plough leas for

spring corn. Cattle must be kept warm

and clean. A dry bed is important in early

lambing. Garden. Complete tree planting,

and forward all winter pruning. Continue

planting hardy roots, bulbs, and shrubs.

Be particular to protect tender plants,

trees, etc. Earth up celery. Sow small

salad in warm borders, covered with mats.

Herbs to gather: rose moss, rock fern,

polypody, evergreens, and mistletoe.

All Farmers and Gardeners should buy RAPHAEL'S ALMANACK, price 6d., or post free 7d. '- ~ . - , . '_ 19.3.5‘: Nalnc.fonlsh1i.m’s Ola Moore w3th‘all Orders to Advertisers. ow lllllllllllllls ARE mama smu.

Please Name foulsham's Old Moore with All Orders to AdvertU


These 18 Pictures tell their own story. A child can understand them.


I guarantee absolutely tliat any drinker will completely lose all dasi.-e for alcoholic Arlnka Il lit

or am, willingly takes imy RShfle, sat e home treatment for only three dnvs ml refund inoiu-v. It in i>erfcctl>

harmless, and tin be taken privately in your own home. lly my "A" method you can over

come the drink habi yourself or any other person with Che positive know Ic.1t n ,i > , will

follow or money back. Tbo .ravins ItoKins to disappear "> a few hours and the health improves every minute !

An astonishing and lasting transformation! \ so I supply nv "B" ihml whereby Phi

DRUNKARD IS SAVED WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE safeli and i . l ly The person


despises the stuff, rothing can induce him to diink it. Am wife, mother op frlond

can [ rfve those preparations secretly in come, tea, milk, whiskv, beer or other drink. T'lt-v ai.' E&stole^ and truly

wonderful in their action. Do not confute them with mm tioiih worthier things that nrc being uilvcrii vd.


Mrr. Jonas, Pontypridd, writes : "My brother boa

quite left oil tlio < rink, thanks to your treat-

ment. He used to come home drunk every night; but

now be is perfectly cured. "

Mrs. Nicholls, Bristol, wrtes : "My husband had been drinking tor years, always a' it. TheseI 18 Pictures tell theirown story. A child can understand them,‘ eave him your remedies secretly, and in a short time he was cured of the craving. My home is DRINK HABIT DURED IN 72 HOURS. happy now." Mr. G. Byrne Co. Dublin, wiites: ' Wc tried I guarantee absolutely that any drinker will ('oxnplc!.0.l.v lose all deslve for uhvolmliv drinks‘ it In- or takes safe home treatment the secret treatment ps a last resource. My fathershe. willimrly my gentle. [or only tlm-v |lll._\'\'. nrl re-fnnal nmnc-v. It is pm-fa-n-(I5. harmless, and can be tnlcen rrivzttcly in your own lmnm. lly my “_\ " m.,n....1 yofi can over. scon lost the craving for drink." come the drink habiu. yourself or any other person with Um |m\'lti\'«- lmuwlml-_-.~ that. m«.-.«. “ill Mrs. Mo->re, Govan, writesf0110\\' : " I cannot sufficiently 01‘ 1110110!/llxlclc. The n\'avin'..' houins to xliemmumr in n. fmv hmuzs and [Inn he-ulth illl1?l'l)V|‘5low-ry mlnntw An astonlahine and transformation! .\'.\'u I “ ll " thank you for what yt ur secret Treatment iins done for lasting supply lllV nmthml \v|l¢un-l.-,1 fly} DRUNKARD IS SAVED WITDIOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE \.‘1l(-lg,‘ and slwvulily. 'l‘llu'|M'l':~i()Il‘ my husband. It means so much to the to nave him treed irotn this curse of drink." SOON BEGINS TO OETEST SMELL OR TASTE OF HOMES MADE HAPPY. LIQUOR.

' Miss E. Parker, Kilmarnock"desp_ises write* : " Your 9 the stun’. and rothing can induce him to drink it. Am wife. mother or {Mend can ;'1\'v .~'c¢'mtly in coffmc, ten. milk, \\'hi.~ak\'. l‘(-or nr otlwr

greatest blessing tlnu uvei rente to our home.

Miss S Taylor, Co. Ai.trim, re oris: "It Is DRUNKARDS SEORETLY SAVED. HOMES MADE. HAPPY.

three yens since 1 used your secret Treatment. Hit " Mrs. Jones. I‘0nt:.’m'id¢l, writes: My b1'othel'lm.s Miss E. Parker, l\'i|nnn'nm-1:. \\'ziI.««; “ \'.my 3 has qulti lost the cavlnft." mute left 011' the (l‘|lll\’. thanks to your‘treat- nlzu.-c‘ 'l'1'--ulm:-nl Inn quitn 1-urn-4| my .uim-1'. H. i~4 the Mr. J. W. Stirling, Ilelfast. writesment. : " I am truly He used to come home drunk every mghl, hut, greatest. blesalng l.::1L L-\(-1 culm-lnnIlrl1tmm_"

thank ul bat 1 have got ridnowhem of the r raving hy pchccuy Miss S. Taylor. C0. .v‘‘im, rn nrhxr "H is (mm.L . .. \’-‘l’ llllfillilml your T.catmcnt. I was a very heavy drinlterMl‘$- ' Nichons. Bl‘!-'-t0‘. (842 My tllrm: ya-nx ~im-¢- [um-ml \‘I)I|I'M'l‘I'l‘l 'l‘n-uhm-nt. ll:-. lnul been drinking tor years. always a.' it. I hm qulia lost the cl'a,\Iin'y_," Wr. T. North. I ublm. writ, s : "I am tvfy grate- renu-dies n. slmrt " izawe him your Sv('l'cll,v. and in tirnu MI‘. J. W. Stir-llmz. l’-1-llllxl, xvrilmez [um trulv ful fi r join wonderful threehe days' Treatment, wns cured of the craving. My home IS thunk nl ‘l:nt I !-n\':- rid of the ' now." got (ravlng hy which COnipit to'y cured happynie of crtivilik' for driuk." your '1'.:-utmvnt. I mu n \':-r_\' l:('.'l\",' nlrmlwr ‘ Mr . Radford. Ni.tiiiu.-ham, writes : " I amMr. pleased G. Byrne C3. llnhlin, \\'1in:s: We tried WI‘. '1‘. North. I nhlin. \\'I'il4~1 "l mu v.»l.v um. the secret treznment vs :1 lman rcs«um-u. My father fnl fur 3o1u'VlI0nd€l‘lul three to say that mv husbmd has no desire for Intox t- days‘ Treatment. soon lost the craving for drink." \\'llll"Il'l)tII1lll«-'_\ run-«l Im~ nf «~;‘:r.‘iw' fur «lriu1\."

cat ne drink now. lie ex presses his ilncefftl " Mrs. Moore. Gmxm. w1'it,v.<: " I vmnmt snfllu-Icnfly Ml‘ .Rad.'ord. .\’n-tninvzlvzun, writr 4; I um |ulou«¢-«I thanks to you for maltlnsthank him a better man." you for \VlI:l.t y. 111' svvxw-t 'l‘x'en.tmunt.has «loam for tn :~'.'1y that lll luhlruul Inn in: llruin: for intoxi- My Book, timf#$ Hm ofmy M th:>h,< l Slm-r tolls how Ilmshmul. was a heavy drinker for many yean and was mar- el 'It lnonns so nun-In to ll‘l! to In-um him Cat 112 drink mm. llr 4-\‘|>|«-nu-4 hm aim-4~|'«->1 freed Irom this curse of drlnl-I." tlutuuln. In \'-an fwr nr.xI‘:i'm him 8. better man." lously saved; it ex plains how the same joy can come to ev. ry other drink, r. My nie thou is the most successful In

the world It is the lowest priced absolutelyMy guarantee I Tr atm nt. Book. ('nH,/}‘<.x-[mm 4}‘ mt Ilzralwl Slurr" U-Us lmw I xxuxx‘ n. hwu. vlriulwn fu I-I:1n\'\':-ura unul \\:u.«1 m'u'--‘I tn r)fhx‘l'(lI‘i1II:- r. Txlv nu-‘ lm-I :« tlw Inunl ml-.~ 1.»! m Often siiceo ds after all othclonely s fail Legion? of Testimonials from pel 01 saved; it explains how the szum-. joy can (")lllC L-v~ ry the \\'()1'l(] IL is the h)‘.\4-sl. [l|'l4‘l'll 8.bSUlUt6l_y guarantee! Tl‘ 3.Cl'l'l Ht. willing to have their names and addro-se- published, so you can rail or write CO i hem. . Oflt-n ‘llt'(,'l) <1» zsflcr all uthr « fun! Legions of 'I‘est.imon:a|s {rum nu I~v:.1~

I will send my book, in plain wiapper post paid, absolutely freo. 9 nt. fpV \‘.'1Hin~..' tn llll.\’i’. tlvt.-ix‘ n:«.l11v< mul s\«l:l::~~.

self, or husband, son, friend, e e. It makes no differe ifeo libw Ion person has b- en :. drinker or how much- self. 0:‘ husband. 801.1. friend. 0 :5. It lllll.l\‘|“~2 nu 4'li!fI':'(’‘4"‘ how '1‘ p-~ -m 91.1» Ir 4 ll :I slrml-;:: an‘ hm‘. mnrl:

‘ he drinks. Correspondencel1e¢l11nl(~'. strictly confidential. 1 can answer as well by pest as If you call. Write, Correspondence strictly confldentiax. 1 x'ln :u1~..'-1 l. »..-H M ..v \: .I-. if y M «-nil. Write um out and «how to oLl1e1\.; in 1100.! of this joylul news. to-day: cut th s out and to-day:show to others in need of thi3 joylul news. l'll_l’. EDWARD J. WOODS, 1 0, EDWARDNorfolk St. (468 C) , London, W.C. -J. 1 Norfolk St. (4686),London,W.G.' NOTICE Wonts' Method for curing d WDDDS, 0,

ig the quickest, best, perfectly safe treatment. .\’0TI(71?.—lI’nnzi.s" Jfuflmrl ffir rurillvl vlriu/; 7211"” ‘-3 K." """"' 7"’ /~"'I~-V'fH~‘\ vf lt"'I'~/~‘ vlnl .1/mun ‘I «I; Jlr. ll'umls l‘/':'-' I A/‘"1. - J- III-.r ~‘ v"'

_._ ..-. \_ ‘.57 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public ' " / ' Ben! the B.J.A next month. 53-: P0§§‘;'éé ---'‘’‘ THE HINTS HOUSEWIEE. " '

A (FOR « . mall be 1014"“'-d useful‘:- To those housozlrccpersouho do not possess scales, the [allowing l One pint of liquid. one pound. Clen co_mmor_i-sized eggs weigh contoneainspoggigéa aF0(;1Il'a(1;«}¢;£Il!fP0<;§J1ifg“h:'- are to one tablespoon. A medium-sized teaspoon equal one one half-ciip or one lialf-gill. Four tablespoonfuls. wineglass _oij one-V tablespoonfuls, size of an fourth Onequart of flour (well heaped) weighs one pound. Soft butter. the cup. " ' ' b u ttor ll . ked) one one oiiiiee luo teaeupfuls. of soit (we weigh _ Buy the B.J.A. nex t month, 2d., post U^«? ordinary , weighs . _ T1\:.':)c one pound. tablespoons . Two tencupfuls of eoflee (well heaped) weigh , of,: \ ‘ HINTS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. pound. oi‘ powdered siigar or llour average one ounce. One tablcspoonlul (well heaped, granulated 'to thox e fouiehCcperi uho do not posses scales, the followingeollee may * SJ &* £ £ l&Z or best lirowii sugar equals one ounce.

One pint of liquid, one pound. Ten common-siz ed eggs weigh one pound Four teaspoon tu 8 of (iiiioiis are almost the best kiiown._ No is useful in cases ire equal to one tablespoon. A medium-siz ed teaspoon contains about a drachm. Eight _tl(‘l‘\'ill(_* medicine 'so_ prostriition. am! there is iiothiiig else tli:it will so quickly relieve and tone up a‘ nervous ttfblMDOOnft I > one half-cup or one half-gill. Four tahlespoonfuls, one wineglass or one, and lzaten wornéou system. Onions are useful in all Cases. of .(‘OlIi.!il‘S, colds, influenza. every ffitt&eop &SVl* ol flour (well heaped; weighs one pound. Soft butter the siz e of an on the Old Moore s 10‘3 00I65 day, they soon have a elem-ii_ig and whitening elleet (‘.0YDpi(.‘_M0ll. "d i rv 'gg v.e ghi one. ounce. Two teacupfuls of soft butter (well packed, weigh one ls. and 2s. nd.. health, beauty, and good complexion. Pills, lid. bring pound. Two teacupfuls of coffee (well heaped) weigh one pound Two tablespoon, of shelves To keep your pantry free from hO(‘iii(’S,'S[ll'illi(iC Kea.ting’o Pow_der on the powdered gngnt or Hour average one ounce. One tablespoonfuloverniuht, (well heaped) of granulated and for the prevention of moth in blankets, woollens, and winter clothing. these coffee or best brow n sugar equals one ounce. be dusted with Powder before being put away. «4_ must Kcating"a Onions are almost the best nervine known. No medicine is so useful in eases of nervousGlasses slioiild be washed in a wooden vessel. in which put a suillcicncy/of cold water_to prostration, and there is nothing else that will so quickly relieve and tone up a worn-out eover tlieiii; rinse them in fresli cold water; wipe oil" the wet with one cloth, and finish I item Onions are useful in all cases of coughs, colds, andthem influenz a. Eaten every other with aiiother. lleiid list of books at end of Almanac]: for housewives. day, they soon have a clearing and whitening effect on the complex ion. Old MooreThe s Itlood best lotion for ei':~.ek«-d lips is to mix an ounce of glycerine with two ounces_of rose Pills, Is, ljd. and Us. 9d., bring health, beauty, and good complex ion. water and one dr:ii-hm of liorav. and apply ieveral times a day, or use Old Moore s Oint- To keep your pantry free from beetles, sprinkle Kcating'ement, Powder on the shelves is. L_',d. 'i‘his is a liouseliold iieeessity, and often saves trouble. overnight, and for the prevention of moth in blankets, woollens, and winter clothing, these Pariillin possesses great cleansing properties. It is invaluable for sponging cloth or must he dusted with Kcatingr's Powder before being putwoolh-ii away. fahi-ies. If. after beiiig sponged, the articles are hung up in a thorough draught, Classes should be washed in a wooden vessel, in whichthe put a sufficiency of cold water to(iiS1l[;l'(‘(‘ili)iC odour soon piisses away. cover them; rinse them in fresh cohl water; wipe off the wet with one cloth, and finish contain :1 lar-,:e aiiioiiiit of niitrimeiit in :1 compact, quickly available form. Eggs, them with another. Read list of books at end of Almanack for housewives. l'Ig.';_{s ei-specially the yolks, are ll.\('flli in jaundice. Beaten up raw with sugar, they are used to The best lotion for cracked lips is to mix an ounce of glycerine with two ounces of rose elear and streiiutlien the Hiiee. with sugar and lemon juice the beaten white of eggs is water and one drachm of borax , and apply severalused times a day, or use Old Moore's Oint- to relieve Iioai-si-in-ss, or Old l\loore's Cough Balsam, 13. ]%d. and 2s. 9d.

ment, Is. IJd. This is a household necessity, and often saves trouble. Tiirpentiiie is all varnished furniture, and also to clean out musty Paraffin possesses great cleansing properties. It is invaluable for sponging cloth or gooilfor eleaiisiiig giilviiiiised and other ll'Oll siiiks. (i‘l‘i‘.‘l.-(‘.F.‘nOt'.S on wall paper may be removed by putting woollen fabrics. If, after being sponged, the articleseleaii are hung up in a thorough draught, lilottiiig paper over thi-iii and ]ll'(‘.~‘.~lllg it with :1 hot flat-iroii. the disagreeable odour soon passes away. A of paralliii added to soap and water with which floors are washed will Eggs contain a large amount of nutriment in a compact, quickly available form. Eggs, ieaspooiifiil the greatly he-‘p in iniikiiig thein clean. with a considerable saving of soap. especially the yolks, are useful in jaundice. Beaten up raw with sugar, they are used to fruits are exei-lleiit for clear anil strengthen the voice. With sugar and lemon juice the beaten whiteFresli, of eggs is ripe piii-ifyiiig the blood and toning up the system. As are Moore's used to relieve hoarseness, or Old Moore's CoughgpL‘(‘liiC Balsam, Is. IJd. and 2s. Od. i'eiii_i-(lies oraiiges _aperieiit. Always keep Ohl i<‘;imi1_y mus, ]s_ ]§d_ and ..s. lid. li.iiii;.:i'aiits abroad write for tlieiii. kiiowiiig tliezr value. Turpentine is good for cleansing all varnished furniture, and also to clean out musty galvanised and other iron sinks. Grease snots on wall paper may be removedA by putting liaiii for |)()iiil|:.! should he soaked overiii,-_'lit in tepid water, then trimmed carefully of fat liefore on the fire. clean blotting paper over them and pressing it withrusty a hot flat-iron. piittiiiu ('ookei'y Book. 15. 3d., always useful.

A I easpoonful of parallin added to the soap and water with which floors are Ifwashed will hniled pnt:it.m~s are done :i little too soon. plaee a towel over the kettle inste,-id of a greatly he'p in making them clean, with a considerable saving of soap. cover. 'I‘oiiiatoes are a pom-i'i‘iil apei-ieiit. for the liver, a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia' fresh, ripe fruits are ex cellent for purifying theand blood and toning up the system. As iiidigzestinii. if travelliiig. Old Moore's Family Pills, 2s. 9d. Specific remedies oranges are aperient. Always keep Old Moore's family Pills,Silver is. jjd. and and plated ware wa.~hed in the following will. when i‘ubhed dry, shine with silvery 2s. Dd. Emigrants abroad write for them, knowingwhiteiiess. their value. Take one oiinee each of ('l'(‘.'llll of tartar, common salt and alum and boil in a

- A ham for boiling should be soaked overnight ingallon tepid water, then trimmed carefully of or more of water. rusty fat before putting on the fire. Cookery Book, Is. 3d., always useful. Everyoiie slioulil eat fat iiieat. fat bacon. and of lmttcr_ it - . plenty . 1l'£’\'Cllt.‘5 cons .. . l ump If boiled potatoes arc done a little too soon, placetion. a towel over the kettle instead of a nii(l gives long hie with good health. cover. Tomatoes are a powerful aperient for the liver, a sovereign remedyMessrs. for dyspepsia Miisters. of silver and llye. E supplv‘ .‘lllti plated goods ‘ their ' worlil-i‘-imed‘ work and indigestion. If travelling, Old Moore's Family Pills, 2s. 9d. .' " " 7' -a »' v - - ' - man s \ \\!lt(il.u foi dos. on i. -- \ . ei.icit_y <.is_i iiioiithly teims, is the best, Silver and plated ware washed in the following will, when rubbed dry, shine with silvery Carrots ' for ‘ ‘llfl(‘l'(‘l‘<“ ‘ froin -isthin-i‘ ‘-ire benefiei-il' and ‘ whiteness. Take one ounce each of cream of tartar, common salt and alum and boil in a I a lum ‘. SU". . , p Jr cammtm “ml viiiegnr will eiire liieeoiiglis. Sree health books in list ‘at end. gallon or more of water. is Everyone should eat fat meat, fat bacon, and plenty of butter. It preventsCelery consumn- valiiahle as a food for sull‘eriii(_: from any form of those rheumiitisin, for diseases7 of the nerves, and nervoiis tion, and gives long life with good health. dyspepsia. 'l‘r_v Old Moore's Nerve Pills, ls. 15d, or 25, (id, Messrs. Masters, of Bye, supply silver and plated goods, and‘For their world-famed work- very tarnislied articles use wet po_wdered magnesia. and then dry. Always wash man s \ cruelty " watch, fur 8 0s. on easywith m< nthly terms, is the best. a and \\':ll'lll sponge suapsiids after ll.\1n_r_', and wipe dry Wm, 3 Clean soft towel Carrots for sufferers from asthma are beneficial, and a lump of sugar saturated with vinegar will cure hiccoughs. See health books in list at end. POSTAL INFORMATION.

Celery is valuable as a food for those suffering frcm any form of rheumatism for diseases or the nerves, and nervous dyspepsia. Try Old .Moore's Nerve Pills, Is. lid. or 2s. Od. ...i.E.’..l‘i‘..'€‘€E?.‘.; s~.l"‘.‘¥.“.‘l.'?.‘%.'iE.‘iaim... Tl‘.‘l°."...‘.‘.'!.'.’.§.iiiai For very tarnished articles use wet powdered magnesia, and then dry. Always wash - tau. 4 . eeeding oz., 1d.; not e.’- t 1‘ rv . '3' a packet not ex- with a sponge and warm soapsuds after using,°°°<""'~' and wipe dry with a clean soft towel. 6 and ‘For 0z~- lld-: 45. 30!b.f\z’:' ceeding 2 !,d.; and for POSTAL INFORMATION. For additional 2 oz. 7d,; and id. for ‘ca, every 'every' addi: every_ additional 2 oz., or LETTER POST. POST.-CARDS. t-ional 1 lb. up to but not _ fraction of 2 oz., :}.d. The For Inland Letters not ex - Priee .’_.d. each, or packet of exceeding 11 '5. ‘ minimum . ' for Gil. - ‘A charge samples ceeding i 07.., Id.; not ex - twelve, I is. however. ld. ceeding C oz ., IJd. ; and Jd. i:'|1;|[|Z:2":11;,- For every additional 2 oz . | NT E F’-. H ET :3. F1. C H I "J E C O L|__J i‘v'—Ei L] N l_'-J’ E Fl. 5 |T'r"


Price jd. eacff, or packet of ex e-eding 11 minimum charge for' samples

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not ex ceeding 2 lb., 4d. ; is: For a packet not ex -

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Send penny stamp foris sample (Colonies 2d.)that . it will not heal until it has tlrorouglil_ycleared :L\\’:L_\' all morbid 1n:1.ttcr. Sold by Chemists, 7Jd., etc., or post free for P.O.It from cures without painful operations, lancing or cutting, in all cases E. BURGESS, 59,‘of Gray's Inn Road, London, W.G. Ulcers. Abscesses, \Vliitlows, Boils, Fatty or Cystic 'l‘un1ours, .l’ilo.<, Fistula, ADVICE GRATIS Polypus, Poisoned \Voun(ls and all forms of Skin Disease. Its ])('ll(‘Il‘.lIl\'0 power Old Moore's Fate andmakes Fortune Series. it the best for all mid 1il'OllClll:1l'l‘i-uuliles. Established 1S47. ripplication curing Clrost 1. Dreamer's Dictionary Interpreter Send penny stamp for sample (Colonies 2d.). 2. Tea Cup and Saucer Fate

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‘ ENGLISH, uusu mm’ wwsn mus, 19$. ct to ahmatém from time to tin; by Nor-n.—'l‘hedates of fairs 8W9" below are Subje the fo1lo§vinP.' of alterations are commurnicated to ml, As nuu'c-es _ _ the local n.m,‘lnori't;.en. not 1 "55 therefore the I’-ubhaher.-s wxll In no way 110” Vhemse liq, must, be taken generally,and *5 Atrom 'm&cc111'M.V- - - W_h9"9 ' loss or mconvemencc. -15mg BritlaH Journa. of Astrology fB.J.A.) , MonWy, 2d-, post jFrgg_2j< L ble 101' any lhdldrm tihe follow-mg Monday. or Snmduy, the Fmirs are generally . ENGLISH, IRISH AND WELSH FAIRS, 1916. ;’:cv?:-;”('):I’1“SnLIx1'cl:ty

A ..uiuewatio -* , da.ry , I* leather , seed ; trf, wool ; stock ; sft, sheep j p£ 190, lwbhef; 0, Seed; 10?. Wool; slit, stock; sh, sheep; pe_d, Anmuav.umons—4ly,ciairav , pedlcry , pi, pleasure p, pi K 8 ; /«, lambs ; Air, hiring ; ft. horse ; c, cattle ; je» , general. hv 1107593 ’°-s°M7fle3 99"’ g°n'°n"' pe- .A1'dee lSSS&£ » -S Bradford p< -«, Bolton-8 , Ballymoney c-9. Banbury c-12 Bo ton pi Athlone c—21, Abergavenny-c--28, 6. She 15" : Asl onrnc h—-16-17, h, Bolt-on c-12, ‘pl .. /If dim- x /, p-25, Bodmia-26, Banbridge ft,, c-28 , Bridgetown e. sh-.M, » a» 8 - .;——'¢§: Bradford ,p1—fl, Bolton—8, Ba-nymoney c—4z. Bmmmy f,A1::‘1m:.‘o‘;ueyufi, c. sh—-30. ‘$39318-A , . . ',. < v,hk . ton ft, c-0, Clicadle r-fi, Carrickinir» es-7, Clonroel 4p, sffc-10, Chaile- Bodmin-26, Banbridge h._c—28. Bridgetown ~12, Balbrigpznn c, sh, p—25, Camckmxnes-7.,Clolrmel 41y, stk—-1 v 1 e ,' p ^-27.C» M-'ter ield ft, r-28 . Cahirlmr dy, stfc-4 or 11 Drontield c-14 Droghedac, c , J> ft sh—1, Cnnglobon -h, c-Ii. Cbeadle c-.—-6, Chanlei; Uhesterfleld c-28,Cnhlr dy, sue-9 or 1:1, nronfieid c-_14.,Dr0:;heda€.n1°. -21 D n alk 18 Glastonbury* . c-15, OBTOHTdvane c, sft-21 Helston-a L.stowel ft-9, Louth c, 11onic:z—27, 1;, Imam nund;m.;..~13, Glastonbury Ye, c—15, Grarnzrrd .c, sh—*z1, Iielstogx-5. Lxslaowél h—9, r ,-11 Lamp. >ter p-12, Lisbum ft-29, Loughrea ft-1._21, Mallow c, * h-«, Mallow c, sft,-20 -1, Mallow a, 911-45, c, - c, 72-.11, Lump:-tor p—12. Lisburn h—29, Loughrea h—1, Mallow sh,—-2,0-21.’ M, ton M- uhrav ft, c-fi, Ncwry-14. Northampton ft. p-M M S. Nottingham ft, c- 11, 0- Melton Mowbray h, c-45, Newry--14, Northampton h, c——16 or J8, Nottrnszlgam " Oswestry ft, «ft- 18 . 1'ontefract c-7, Kawtenstall ft, c-27. Rugby c-30, Jfcpon ft, c- ha 0- 1, Oswostlfil’ h, sh-18. lmntcfract c—7, Rawenstall h. c—27. Rugby c—-30. Rum“ 30, Beading c io, strokestown sft. 30, llcadimz c—-16, Bbrolu-stown sh. FEBRUARY: t, Ashhv dela-Z ouoli c 10, Abingdon ft 12-13. AshbQ urne ft c 25. Ardee 0--10, Abingdon 11-12-13. Ashbonrne h. .c——25. M666 ah b 8 , Bolton coh>* -3, Btrrton-on-Trent c-10,Ft-zslwanv: Bux ton ft, c. .ft 11, Beceles-L> or la, 3. .-lshby-do-la-Zouch Bolton cmlm-3, Burtmn-on-Trent c——10, Buxton h. 0. -*h--11. 1}eCC1eS—13 01‘ 15. Hath ' - l;i or If,. Biggleswade ft -2(1, Beverley ft,1-, c 20, Barnsley ftah, 4 Clonmel dy, stk p—.3, Llonmel dy, Bath c—-13 or 15. Bi.g;:k2swadc h——26, Bexjerley h, c-26, Barn.»-lay 12-4, stk:— io bliertecj i 12, Caahel ./«. //. i;., Carlisle ft )0, IB, Cockerraoatli ft -is. I u»Clmrtsoy ni. c * ft, poais* c—l2, Caslu-I dy. s-1I.'—l5, Carlusle h~18, Cockerrnoutdn 1z*—JS. Callun a, sh, ponies S ta mf B, HaslingdOfl ft, C, p r>, Herelora ft, —-22,C, Sft, p » , Kirkuam ft, e J, Muya» «a >,Curli.-:lv—27,‘Cl1est¢-flltild » h, c—4, {Derby c-, h—5, Dunstatrle h, c, sh-43, Duncaater ll-. -0 ~ -0 Lampeter ft. 6 40, Liverpool ft, e IO, Ludlow c, p, sft 12, I.eek hir, c 15-20, Lynn pf sh—— h-13 or 15. Devizes c——i3 or 15, Dorchestcr h, c-3. h, c, -11. I)roulu-(la t‘, 1», _Evesham Glou- 17 Longrtdge c, sft 26, Leek c, ft 8 , Mallow17, c, sft 10, Monmouth c 18lcgrvnumt , Maidstone ft, c h——l9, Excter c, pl—10, Glastonbury 11, c, sh—_13, 1}-odalmmg h. c—17, Kn'l(lr.rm Lancaster c, h 18 , Macclesfield C 26, Matlock 2, Newryoestor C, Navan ft, r, sft, p 8 , Nantwich sft, p, c wl——3. Hm-zlingdon 71, c, p-5. Hereford h, c, sh, p--4, 71, c—5, Lndlow sh—1E!, ‘Leek hir, c—15-20, Lynn 121-- |;| ( ,r L6, Northallerton C, ft - 18 , Neweastle-under-Lyme-45, ill, Northampton ft, cI.:unp:-tor 20, Navan h, c-~10. Liverpool h, c——-19, c, p. Leek 12-3, Mallow c, sh—10, Monmouth c—13, ‘Maidstone h, c— ft, c, sft, p 5, Oswe-ti v sft, ft -ti. Oldham r, ft17, IS, Pontcfract r 12, RamseyL()m.:I‘ids:c ft, c 17, r, .s'h—2(5, (3, Nl:1cvl1'.~:li<*l(I o—25, Matlook-2. Newry—-6, Navan la, c, sh, p—8, Nantwjcll sh, p, c- Itughy c 6, Stamford ft, c or 8 , Stockport18, ft, p, c 22-24. Saffron Walden pf, ft, c I3 or 15, Nurtlmllvrtnn c, h——18, Newcustle-under-Lyme—-20. Northampton h, c——20, .'Navan 0, Tohbridge pi lfc, Tuam p 4, Wirksworth c, ftir 13 or 15, Wyniondham c, pf 22, Win-. h, c, sh, p—:'». ()swest.1'y sh, 11-43. Gldham c, h—15, 1’ontcfract c—1'2, Ramsey 71, c—17, ehi'ster C« 24, Walsall ft. Rugby ('—5. Stzunfm-rl h, c-6 or 8. Stockport h, p, c—22-24. Suftron \V:1‘l

' Ballymoney ft, c 5, Bury ft, p, c 0, Bristol ft,M c 0, Burnley c, ft 7, Blandford pf 10, H: 11, A.~lls|)0ul'-ne c, .h—-18. A-bergavemaylc——22,Alston r, gen—.—-'24. Ashton-under-Lymelc v Bland-ford ft, e, sft 12 -1 8 , Bristol ipf 22, Biggleswade c 24, Bolton pf 23, Basingstoke -c, ft Brecon ——'2.;. Aslnhy-do-la-'l.ourl1 1', sh—25, Ardee 1-, sh, p—3. Bradford h, sh, c-4, h-5,

25, Bridgnorth s, pf, < 20, Barnaid Castle ft, c 20, Bridgwater c, gen 27 or 29, Bicester c llanllyxnolugv h, c-5. Bury )1, p, c-6. .l}r,~is«tq;l h, 4-/-6, Burnley c, h—-7,, Blandforii pl—10, 4, Clonmei (///, .v(/,---o or g, Camborne ft, c, pfBland1‘orrl 8 , Carlisle ft 12-13, Cohie c 15, Car- h. 0, sh—-1?-13, 1lristol wl—22, Bi;.zgles\v:1de c-24. Bolton pl—f35, Basiggstoige cf, h marthen ft- in, Coekermouth c, nh, p 24, Clithoroe——-25, ft, c, sft 25, Cheadle c 20, Chorley c,Bri(|:.'.lmrLlI p s. pl, 1-—-:26. Barmuwl Cast-lc h, c—‘.Z0, Bridges:/atom (2, gm1—27 or 29, Bicester c 5-8 ; Downfiam ft 3, Darlington ft, c, 06n —-4, 3, Dudley ft, p, pi 19, Dronfield c (‘l(>n[m'l 24, - dy, .-II;—~(‘» or 8, Cnmborne h, r, .pl—-8, Carjisle h——1_-2-13, Come ¢;_.-:5, ea;-. lington ft, c, < /< '» - 24. IsM'sliain ft, c, .sftxnarthen 10, (Ilastonbury ft, c, sft 30-12, Cranthani c-w h—--19, Coclseranouth c, sh, p—24_, h, c, $31-25, Clseadle éfi, Charley c, ~13 ——1-3. Downlmm h—3. l):u'lingtoI1 h, c, h, D1'onfiel;d,c—?A Bar- 22, < irantham c 25-20. (Jainsborough p 0, l! oine:istle c, * ft 8 , Hertford ft, c, pf 24, g¢.'n—-3, Dudley p, pl—19, liugmn I2, 0. g4'n——2-1. Evoslmm h, 1', sh——10, Glastonbury 11, c, sIi—10-12," .Grantih:r;1Iic—. IlineUey p( 24-25, Ualesowen pf .il, II uddei slield ft, c, p 22. Kendal c 28 , Kilkenny ' 22, (-'r.~mtham z--25-26. Gainsborough c-—6. Horncastdc c, sh——8. H-ertfm-d .17, 6 ,‘pl—-24 ft, c, sft 5, Leeds leu 10, budlow c, ft, sft 11, Lampeter ft, c 13 or 15, Leicester ft, c, i Him-kley pI——94-25. 1:Iulc.~s0\\'0.n pl—<31. lluddersfield .-h, c, p——*2‘_’. -.l{endal c——‘-ZS, viilllielllfi; IT, Lougridge e, sh 22, Lampeter s 20-27, Longhrca 27 or 29, Louth < fi. Mallow c, sft 6, h. c. .~‘l:—§:. Lttcds -l¢%u—.l0, Ludjow re, h, sh-—-ll. Janipeter h, c~—L3 or 15, Leicester 11, c, 3.- ‘ Vlai'elesiield < lu, Malton ft 11, Malton ft 24, Midsomer Norton 27 or 29, Malme.sbury ft, c 1-7, .Luu:,uu(l;:c c, sh—-22. l.uu1_pet.m' h'—-26-27, Lou_;:hrca—27 or 29, Loutlx «-~51 Mallow c s*h——6

2, Newry or 8 , New ark ft, 6 -Ml, Nottingham ft, c 11, Nev\ easUc-umler-Lj me 2il, Notting- Muccleslleld «~10, Manon h——.'l1, Malton 11-24. Midsomer Norton——27 or 29, Mzumesbm-'y h, c,—.’ ham c-2(>, Norwich ft, c, pf 5, Oswestry ft,2. sft 10, Penrhyn cN0\\'I'y—(i 8 -13, I'eterborough pt or R. I\_1ewarl< J1, c——8-9, Nottinglmnl Ia, c——11, Newcastle-lmcler-.L)me—‘3-J), Nottinm 15, l'ontefraet c- 0, c 19, Rams» >yhum ft, < : 25, Romsey ft, < , sft 4. Swordsc—«‘2(\, ft, c, sft, p Nn1‘\\'u-l1 h, 1', pl—-.'';, Oswestry h, sh-10, l’L-nrllyn (-——-8-12?. 1’:-tm-borouah pL3_‘ l’ontvn':u-t Ross 4, Stockport ft, C, p 11, Stamford ft 12, 15,Sudbury pf 18 , Stamford 19, Stanhope 24. Slea- c—-(3, C-219, Raxnsey h, 4,--25, ~l{.oms(>y 12, c. s-h-—-4. Swords «h c irh 'p— 4, St()(‘l([)Ul't h, c. p—1l, Stunnford h—12, St,;u11l'or(l—-19 lurd q, sft 25, Handbaeh ft, c, sft 25, Selby ief 25, Stockport ft, c, j.> :il. Stourbridge Sudbury pl——18, ’Slea- b‘tzmlI0pe,—-"74 -. -fgrd 1', sh---25, Silll(“)‘¢lCId h, c, .s'h——25, Selby wl—25, Stockport 12 c St,0ul.fn.‘1-d 20. 'I'oplmorden C--24, Tring p 25, Thame h, c Li, CtfoNetu' c. ft 24. I'pholland ft, c, sft ’,p—31 ‘Ill. 'l‘nmum'dun <'——‘_’4. Tlmnm 0 'l‘riu;_r p——‘25. h. c—-13, {.'§.t.oset.¢;15 );...§,; {1',I,fi0uand;, egg; 1, Winchester r. ft 3. Welshpool ft -4, 8 , Wisbech pf 12, Wellington pi 15,V\’imlw.=tvl‘ W isbcvh pf ('. 1:73. \\'olsl|p00l _n—+~, wsslm-n 322-1-2, -wem'ngto'n "pz—‘15, VVisl)e(;h 55¢-" 18 -19, Wntton-undcr-Kdge pi H, Wirksworth1949. c, ft/r "27, Witney Mri pf * T, \V< rthing c ' \’VII'l1'|\sr)p c.

APRIL: & Areringtoii ;//, e, ft s. Ashford sftU-21, Athlone 20, Alton sh, p.' 59, Ardee c, sft, p

, APRIL: 3, A<:crm::t.on :1, 4-, h—e<. A.-hford .\'} ._21, .__g __ , 29, Altrineluim ft, c, sft 1, Biugley ft. c, sft 1, Bux ton c 2, liallvmonev ft, c 2, Brid- /29, Altrincluun h, ¢~,1.o 28 , Guisborough ft, pf s, Kilkenny ft, c, sft 28 , Kirkham c 29, Kendal c o Listow.'l ft Kendal c__,- L.:t T‘! h 10. Lnntln r, p~]'.3. l,:x11!};(-to]. R\13‘ mfihurfl h__’13 Ludlow p "1.’ ‘.h_1:'5 1)‘; 12 03.6 .- ! t) . Louth c, p 12. I.atr peter s 13. Lisburn ft 13, Ludlow p, r, sft 13, Lusl: L4, Lynn sh I I ’ sh" "'7'- ’-“W-" <‘--15, 1A‘t’k <3 hiI'~1V-. LmIL'l‘i

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.' *1” 5 it. "--J 2' it.-:1 + I:: -::u _\.I it .4. H "J ||1 J1 Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public h cun'Fmrr-d from 111,!/I.’ 3'3. H "V h——15 Midsomer ‘b . (. ._ _' th:un h. cw» M. c» v-9» Melton Mowhpay—_’3,‘ Mnnstm,:;::t,°::._ h, N0,.t9n__}4_ ' ,..:~:.,;:2sc—12.€lla,.,.:%,,u»y,«;.,z-,:hr WIC ,” ‘n . -.— I l——9, Nottingham , _ lkl, , -, , h. 1 C ! ,1; .. ;?.3::.’.?4 , ; "I2; , . _—__ 1;» . ‘ 7: %;.3:.:z:’;:5:':: sh;s I c ‘K j x;gmpoo;;. C~ 3,- . Swords h. C. 831. II--8. -‘ll-'1!!!-111” . ,, -27, Rugby c—1. _ __., 1d- Sandwich h, c, Selby hf-7 5!\’,‘}M'e‘:_a_ 14, sh——l4. 101715. Stnmforg—‘27. Stalsllrlfidgtewgmcl.> goal" - Tuam . P Oon'hni'A from i not 3 7l—— c——_O, - l'rode,r_v:nr - . . . -5 S U Slnclds pl——-(3, _ h, ', h—29, , hzr—1(2. “llltm-’.V‘ 711’. Pl 92: wM__ minster h, c, 29, Wadhuret J., c, «>< -2, Yarm c. ,,h._(i‘:;, ‘Warwick c, h-14, Wirkswortli c, 9, \(,‘\'(g:hj]| Y‘”'"‘"- 5, Brecon minstcr h, c, sh—29, W:1dlinr.~'t II, 0. 8’I—3» 1819- . AS“ 01 21, Grantham c 6, Hereford h, c, sh, p 7, Henley c s, nasnngaeu a, c, "V Atlilone—-l‘.’, Alnwick c, Abergaven_ny c_— MAY: 6, Abinadon—-9, hir—14-1.5,Alstcll 3h"‘1v ford a, c, «h-14, Huddersfteld ft, c, p-18 , Holbeach ft, c-21 Hemelford Hempstead c sh- Al):-rgvle h—‘_’l, A.~;|nl;nnrn(.- h, c, $11-26, pl_.'_3(J, 3h» 7’l'_‘’’hyrcp B“dgn9rt]}£re1élo‘n f\, Henley c 5, Ipswich h, c-19, Ipswich h, c, pi 29, Ironbndge Knutsford pi Balls: nth-2. Bnxtrm c—4, llur." "- 9» 1’—4'(3, Boston, h_ 1, 1', Bl:l(:kl)lH'llc—12, Burwash c, Ba“ym0neyI§_‘)’1Csh, 11-13, ilfns Y- IB Keigliley h, c-18 , Knighton ft 1, Ludlow pW-8 , Lancasterh—7, r-4, Liverpool 4, Ljdney Bourn(r—?4-9, Bridgnorth sh——21, Bever- l ‘ Brentford c——20, , - .Hl‘;lll4lltl]'j(‘(!-—— nn pl—]".3,':1’ I, 1-—-18-20, h, A. , hi toi "7-8 , Lampeter ft, C 11, Ludlow c, gfc, p 12, Lowestoft-12-13, Leicester Pj-14-18 , l’;}u'i’i't.’:iIi,1-oil-'l'rontLpll‘—‘_’(3~‘.!7, Bodmin .s-h—29. Bcrwick-2, (govontry h, c, 87!; P" Leicester pi 18 Leek c, hir 4, Mullingar ft, c, * ft 5. Mallow c, * h 0, Macclesfield]h(,)‘(t-:11? ft, htf stl.--5, Lhorley 4, (flu-st<~rll¢~l, Rugby c 30, Rochestermy pi 1, Stockport ft, c, p 1, Stone-,,' 3,,‘ ‘],,__1,‘ ]a,,m|,,-‘m h_ p, sh——6, Glossop Glastonliury Herc- llvrcford c, sh, p—-7, Henley c—S, Haslingden h, c, sh——12, house c, pi 6, South Shields 6, Stamford 11, Staines c 11, Stroud c, p 13, Swailham (irnntlixnn c—(i, h, pl—‘.'l. 0, sh— ford h, r, xh—-14, lInddor.sfi(-ld h, c, p—18, Holbcacli h, c—21, llemel Hempstead 8 ft pi 21, St. Neots ft. c 21, Southgate 23, Stalybridge pi 5, Thrapston c, sft Ixnutsford 21. He-nl<~y c—5, Ipswich h, (‘-19, Ipswich h, c, pl—‘.’.9, Ironbridge p_l—1, pl 12 Totnes pi 26, Thame ft, hir 6, Cttox eter c 2,,8, Worthen e, hir 4, Welshpool ft l\'oi;:lil«-y h, c—l8, Knighton h—1, Ludlow pl—1-3, Lancaster c—4, Liverpool—,-4, Lydney 4, Wilton r., Wells p/ 8 , Winsford coirs 12. Wirksworth c, ftir 14, Wisbech ft, c Leicester pl, 1rl—-7-8. Lsnnpcter 12, (-—II, Ludlow c, sh, p——12, L0westoft—12-13, pl—14-IE}, is. Wymondham c, pi 20, Wellington c 20, Wigan ft 21, Yarm c. htr Ll'l('(‘Hf/('l' Lock 0, hir——4. Mullingar h, c, sh—5. Mallow c, sh——6, Macclesfleld h, p1—18. sh JUNE: 2, Ashby-de-la-Z ouch c, gft 9-10, Appleby ft, c,——7. sh 10, Abergavenny 20, Abing-Mnldon r'—--ll, l\1:1tlm-k—11, Monmouth c, hz'r—12. Maidstone h, c, sh—13, Mallow h, c. don ft l, Beccles 3, Basingstoke sft 3, Bedworth ——:;0,c 3, Bridgnorth sft, pi, s f, Bally- M:lltoII <-, .«-h—1, l\‘unmton h, 0, sh--1-5, Northallcrton h——4. Newry——4, Northampton h, c—2, Oldham h, c— money ft, c 4, Birmingham ft. c 5, Bicester r 5, Burgess-~14-l5, Hill 8 , Blackburn ft 8 , Brad- N('\\':ll']\' h. c, hir——18, Newton-lc-Willows h, c—21, Newbury (lxford sh—l3, Over c, sh—1, Poole——1, Pwllheli h—5, Pontefract c— ford .sft, ped 11, Barton C, hir 17, Bradford ft, c, sft4. 17, Bridgnorth s, pi, sft 20, Buck- pl—(5, ()sw(':-'»tl'_V h, 12. (‘——‘.33, l’vnzuncc—1-4. Ro:uling—‘3. Redrntli h, c—13-14, Ripon h, c—14, Roch- ingham » '/ 22-20. Butts Green 24, Bridgewater ft, c 24, Bromsgrove ft, pi 1-4,l’cnrh_vn Coventry Stone- «lulc 0, sh, p—14. Ross pI—15, Rugzhy c—:i0, Rochester pl-1, Stockport h, c, p—1, ’F. 2, Camborne ft, c, pi 3, Carmarthen ft 3, Clonmel dy, stl; 3, Crawshawbootli c, pi - Swaflham housc c, pl——U, South Sliil-ld.~,'——('», St:m1foI'd——11, Staines c—11, Stroud c. p—13, 6, Coventry ft, c, pi 20. Camborne ft, c, pi 20, Coleford pi 22, Chesham ft, c, sft §h-— 1-, xh, 721---‘ll, St. Nvots h. c—‘.2l, Sontl1gatc—‘23, Stalybridge pl—5, Thrapston c, 1, Darlington c, gen 2, Durham I' 5, Derby c, ped,JL’, pi f, Dalton-in-Furness 15, Dar-'l‘otn(‘.s' pl——2(l, Thamc h, hir—G, Uttoxeter c——‘.’.. Wortlwn c, hz‘r—4, Welshpool h-— lington ft, c, gen 8 , Evesham ft, c, sft 2:5, Farnham4, ft, c, sft 6, Gorey c, sftWilton—5. 8 , Glaston- Wells pI—8. Winsford (-ows—]‘_’, Wirksworth c, hir——14, Wisbecll h, c——-

bury ft, c, sft -if,, Gloucester wl 3L, Hinckley pi 3, Helston 11, Henley c 20, Hudders- 18, W_\'mondlmm c, pl—:t0, \\'vllin:ton c——L’ll. Wigan h—21, Yarn: c. ,

iield pi 22-2.i, Horncastle ft. c 24, Halifax ft, r, p/ 20, Hemel Hempstead 1, Knuts- JUNE: 2. AShby-(l(‘-1;!-Z()lll'll r. .-h~9-10. Appluby h, c. sh—16, Abergavenny—20, Abing- L ford c in, Kilkenny ft, c, sft 18 -20, Kidderminsterdon pi 3, Lampeter ft, c 3, Leeds Ira h—l, llooole-s——:i. .B:1.~ingstokc sh—3, Bvdworth c—~3, Bridgnorth sh, pl, s—«£, Bally. ‘ 8 , Leek c, hir 8 , Ludlow ft, c, sft, p 8 , Lisburnmoney ft 12, Louth c, p 10, Lampeter c 12, 1--4, Birniinglmni h, c—-5, Bicester c—-5, Burgess Hill—8, Blackburn h-8, Brad- l 25, Lydney vol, pi 2, Melton Mowbray c 2, Midhurstford c, sft, p 2-4, Melford c, sft 3, Moy ft .»-h, ))l’(I—1]. Burton 0, ha'r—l7, Bradford h, c, sh—-17, Bridgnorth 3, pl, sh—20, Buck- 5, Malmesbury ft, c 18 , Monmouth 22, Macclesfieldinghzuu ft, c 22, Mossley 2, Newark ft, V wI—22-26, Butts (lrcvn—‘_’4, }lrid;_'cwater h, c—24, Bromsgrove h, pl-1-4, Coventry ...r. l 2, Newmarket s/fc 3, Newport » / 4, Nantwieh—‘_’, c, sft, p 17, Newton ft, c, pi 19, North-Caunliorne h, 0, pl—.‘l, C:ll‘lll:ll't|It‘ll h—3, Clonmel dy, stI:——3, Crawsliawbooth c, pI—-~ Cmnhorne Coleford Chesliam ' ampton 20-21, Newburgh < , y< Newport wl5, 1-3, Ormskirk cowsCoventry n, Prescot c h, 1-, pl—2(). h, 0, pI—20, P l—‘.Z2, h, c, 3"‘? 1. l):n-lington c, Durlmm sh—5, Derby c, ped, pl—-«’.‘, Dalton-in-Furness—15 Dar- 13, Penz ance- 1. Redruth pi 1, Reigate c 1. Rotherham ft 1, Runcorn pi l-o, Rugeley c, ft gm:-—‘.’, » lingzton h, r, gvn-—S. E\'(.‘Sll:llll h, c, .5-h—‘_’3. l<‘arnl1am h. c, sh—6, Gorev c sh—8 Glaston- V, 2, Rawtenstall ft, c 4-5, Ripon s, sft 8 -10, Rothwell stft, fft'ii 18 , Rotherfleld 22, Raw- bury h, c. sh—-15. Ul()ll(?L‘Stt‘l' wI—1, Hinvkley pl—3, llelston—11, Hen'ley’c—20 ,Hlld(f€l‘s. tenstall p, pi 29, Rugby c 1, Slcaford c 2-3, Sheffieldfield ft, c, sft 3, Swords ft, c, sft, p pI—‘_’;’-23, Horncustlc h. «-24, Halifax h, c. 121-26. Hemol Hempstead—L1 Knutsl 5, Stockport ft, c, p 8 , Southampton ft, c, pi 11,ford St. Neots gtfc 11, Stamford 16, Strokes-('—10, Kilke-nn_\' h, v, .wI:—19-20, Kidderminstor pl—3, Lampeter h c—3 Leéds (ca-‘-4 town sft 19, Skipton ped, gen 22, Selby wl 23,3. Spalding ft, c 2-3, TruroLock ft, c, sft, p 0. hi:-~8. Ludlow h. c. sh, ))—S, Lisllurn h——1‘3, Loutli c p—'—1o i.nmpete1' c_ 4, Tiverton gtfc 4, Ulverston ped. hir 1-2, Wolverhampton‘.25, pi 2, Walsall ftL_\'dn(-y 3, Welling- er]. pl—‘.’, Mvlton I\llm\'ln‘n_v ¢--2, Midhurst 0, sh, P—2-4, I\lelfol'd ‘c, sh—-3. Mov h -——‘? - v ton pi 3, Wolverhampton pi 3, Workington ftir, -5.pi 24, Wigan ft. c 2o, Yeovil c, sft. Milllll(‘Sl)lll'yh, c—l8. l\'lonn1ontli——‘_"_’. 1\I:1cclesfield h, c——22. IV ss. ._

JULY: 11, Alnwick wl 18 , Alton lambs 26, Ashton-undcr-Lvne2. ft, c 25,I\'ewmarkvt Wisbech ft s!I.‘—rton ;s-H.'—4, pod, hir—-1-‘.2, Wolverhampton pl—-‘2, ’Wellin"-° I 15, Ex eter c. gen 4, Gorey c. sft 4, Gloucesterton ft, c, sh 13. Glastonbury ft,pI—.3, c 13. Gran- Wolvc-rliannpton pI—3, Workington hir, pI~-‘:4, \\’ig:n1 h c—"(: ye0vj1'¢- 8;, 1; '1 tham cherry 28 , Guisborough wl 1, Hereford ft, c, sh, p 4. Huntingdon ft, c, sh, p

» JULY: 11. Alnwivk wI—]3. Alt 1 :b‘—2". Ag - - __--

0, Hertford ft. c, sh 18 , Horsham h, c, sh 22, Helston 22-23, Honiton c 29, llminster wl “(J 913 t\1"“'i<‘|<—‘-’8. .‘\|><'I'*.'m-‘eIlII.\'—~13(5)l'.'A(l!(,1,t‘ebc. :1: 12it:4(in 1§i'i§OvHo“tl5boech1"—P’ sh Continued on pane 30. 5‘ —‘l. B=1l|.\'vIIOIIv_v h, c——3, Bice.~'ter c, u»1—<:. lsevériev if ('——6 Bradford )l 1;‘e 7. m=||I

: F-JTE F’-.4l--JEHEAT In. HE: HI E iIIII)L|.Jl‘v"%F§' lmfllffl l.:?%h:-'r+%*“-’ Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public -..,..‘ ,,_s-.~ - I I Please Name Foutsham s Old Moore with all Orders toThis Adversers. Plain-spoken New Work Reveals ONLY MARRIAGE:" Before and After. Secrets that Adult 15. 2d. This Plain-spoken New Work Reveals Every should Know. posr 1-‘nan. Secrets that Eve y AduSt“Marriage: Should Know. Beiore—ancl After” is _ a. splendid piece Hell: is inst Um ONLY llwo outline of what this hook -lot work. which everylnmior woman already nmrried or is :—I

Is. 2d. con emplating should Cll.\Prl~:!t I.-Thc nmrriage read. futvrc of tho t'Ilil\I.—l)l’l'&llIllIor- Scorning all Drudish notions of nnheultliy mock- dcn|s.—l'urro.~icof Author. POST FREE. 'moJe ty, the authordeals with Marrimzc in the in .st 5 Cuurrun H.—-Aim at which to nnu-ry.—Re

. wont to know about thes;most important inattem. CHAPTER IV--lmhort-nt l'lIs'siul"wicul obtain elsewhere. l-‘m-ts.—HinL« It contains the accumulatedsecrets oi the best bmins for those who wish to I) conic pur¢-uL.~4.- The

Men and women already married should take steps to . in theworld on thisquestion. secrets hitherto zmobtain- lather‘: inihiencc.-ltiilm for women, etc (A ' most ascertainable the very best c nrsc to pursue exceptniter marriage. in very expensive medical works. vnlumble --lmptcr this, which all married It. shows how want of knowledge is responsible for people ought to n.-ml). They cannotuntold find things out for themselves. They matrimoni-.11 injsery. and ho\v ignorance lias led CHAP'1‘I~7lt ‘\'.—Mninly ill):-lit thc llnhx and Naming. must torely upon the ex periencemisnealmhlc of other's, ex perience snlfcring. It helps you to avoid all C}[AP'I'Ell \'l.—-The lnw of tho Hu~hn.mI.A'l‘ho hus- these troubles. In-\ud's duty. etc. always difficult to get on so del icnte a subject as this. CHAPTI-In V'Il.—-The law I Skilinlly the author guides his readers past. the oi the \‘{ilv.—'l‘he wife's i Marriage: Before and Alter" tells you all you t1'L-uclicroussnares and pitfalls, and shows dlll.y.—l\laritnlRiulns, ctr. want to know about thes i most important matters. Cn'AP'I‘I-IR \’III.~>'uhju'ts oi‘ which more mi,-4'1! HOW TO INCREASE MARITAL in-.s' It contains tlie aeeumnlated secrets of the best brains HAPPINESS AND EHJOYMENT. in the world on this question, secrets hitherto unobtain- 'l'hi.~: wonderful hook onuht to ho. rcnd h_v He explains how the result oi iollowing certain cvory you-n.~ able ex cept in very ex pensive medical works. man and wunznn 0llL!J:£(‘(I to ho rules is seen in better home llll|l'l'Il'lI,us well u.\‘ life, healtliieroiisyzring. and those who are nlvemly nmrricd. ‘ It showsenhanced how want of knowledge is responsible for lmppiueas. Soldoxn have delicate subjects Ilvcn dealt with in so untold matrimonial misery,You and how isnorance has led are shown how to a':ni.i1st guard those lmliits sensible. unconu,-romisim: n way. which destroy love, and thoxe l)ody»hligl1ti..');,= sins of is to nnsiwakable suffering. It helps you to avoid all There no shufilim:or which inan-ied know lxntiul: nlmut the hush, hut ll. people my much stl'a.i-,:litforwn.rd explmuitiou of ninttvrs these troubles. For usuuJly kvplf obvious xezuons the complete contents of this secret, which ziws the niont "book be mlunhlc ll.*

private time. will eradicated, sup the fibre nf our pen);-le. t will 1-i‘(~ulz:a l~l'|l.‘l‘.lllIPll, wt it is wrist»-i \\'1llI ull tin- The task of (li':i;;:iIi;; t,h(n~;c ll)zttliwii,(= lxnl>it.~.to1i',.'ht i and Hero is just Uio Uavo outline of what this hook Is r ,\‘_\'1n]i;L hr lIl'(.‘1l_\' of -.1. it-linul \'.um:'.n It ix is one from which would inzmy luu-4-.lic 0l'|IIiv"- :1! ll tho mn.tmn. 1!. tall 5 flu: mnid:-n by th:- h:u:d mid But is IN-ions deals. I'urrose of Author. of the high misxxiolx to which he lllti l tells her Ill w(1 I I.l'.l<« .~' if all I}1'<.’()‘:lIl 4 lion’ "Ce"-'otcxlhisliio tho anseoi l'er~on wlI‘urity theauthor » It tullm‘ oi the IlUIIH' and lllulIl'.s‘llI' I‘III~ CHAPTIitt H.-Age at which to marry.- Hwufl of Ivrnlv lwfllttyi um.’ has ncconiplislied his in task thisl).lOl(fe;1l‘lC:::-ll)’andwcll ] wife and mo in-r and l(. l.'4.'lll;ll('1,'l1llllL'(‘|‘limit in lnimu early and lateThe marriage -I inipo parents. What f.'l('tS are web known to lYlt3LllI'2lIzl.lllll()l'l!lE‘S The IlL.s’:fl.ll(I(l.CllX‘.1lI‘U’_llilIl:lU\\'UIIlll,|lI\health und I ' cant». doctor knows out a physician says. Disparity in ages. lleligion doesn t tell. L)c»pitc the ol)jc<'tion.s S\'.\'ul'~:I.\ of tho bl“ Cn.\l-'1':-21.5: ll] cu-mode)t. the auxtlmr, with on» hold ln<‘»\'(‘- WH.-\'l' ]'l\’iIl:\" lilitl. .\Nlr Yl)l'\.'(i ‘i'(J.\l\.\ mcnt,and marriage Law ol choice.- I'hvsiial attri-..:1.~'. lillulrhu curlain on .\utu 1-slliulciisu-14-ts. ill (ili"|‘ T4) |\'\()\\'.

butes i n pattnta.-toveFor - ralsatove. Mew oat to obvious 111150 5 the iinpunzmt content.» cu rim! to I’I'l'll'l‘Y:A.\'l7 il,\\(‘.I-Lila 'l'() II-I .\V'()lI)l-Tl) dvscriherl }l(’l'(!. You “ i:.n.~'.* - he misled \\ omen who btvak hearts. - \dwcc lmy Thu Sccn-t.s of l“A5iiIl)I\'H .\Nl) VI‘ F}. ' " . Ma.nln:orl ionrself and follow Um nd\‘i:'v v.‘ N12. HI.\§'I'.\' I-'01’. I.()l‘.\1i \'s'f).‘.Il‘Z.\. « hen not to marry. The author.1 o\\'.~4 L. e azwfnl ofikcts of th scorn-t vie s 'S.".,'\'i .‘.l, l.'HYSI()l.()(iY. onChaptkh lll.-Aniat.Tcncss,mind its nso and abuse.- and 1? dsuand. ost inn ormnt of nil. he >Il0\\.~l Ll/)'\'E. ‘ how (evil 'hnl«its nmy be b.ol-:cn. how tho li‘OI‘ 1'} OF "rotig hulnts. Concealment. Alter mariiagu by f7IIU\VIn: .\ III'.S'll;\.\'I). (lirectio:i< given in this book tic unn.-Mn’ an e to l (ZOl,'l{.'l'S ‘.11’ .-\\l) MA.‘ lll.\GPI secrc;‘\'iceLseful infonnation la tlie married, ca.-I rcuatin his .\trCm,'Ln, iilicrty, vitality. 1 _\'o \(IlllIIl ('.l- an. L1 to lug without lh-Ia book of and - CriAPTKK JV.-Imnort nt Physiologicalma.nhool'l. Facts -Hints ,-(- _-H-:.;.l; 0 l(~\~L'i;L'li) l. S<:..ll I.‘\. ‘.‘al I-.1" your (in v now." Send ls. 2.1.! 1‘ this look to Health and to Hm. tl- aunt ‘.iin Lld. Vim lor those who wish to b come parents The Vim. Ltd., mu; ilouw, ‘lo. Hill)‘ .3 160, Vim House. 46, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C. .mi 110.14], i.()lllil}vl,\\'.~ .

fathers influence.- Buhl bl women, etc i\

Dz: 1 . most valuable chapter this, which all married

people ought to Nod) .

CHAPTKIt V. .Mainly ,,b ,ul the Bel) ) and Noising.

CHAPTCI1 VL-The law of the Hii-bniid. The bus

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Chaptkh VII.-The law of the. Wife.- The wife's Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

duly. Marital Rights, eta

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Cm)"'1IuPI1_f;°m)I gm;/rt 34. ..

-5. Kilkenny h, c, ‘xh—16, Kniuhlon h—3, Leek c, hir—3. Llncoln foaIs—6-7, Lancastgr‘ wI—l0, c-10, L(-i(-ester h, c—10. Louth c, 12-13. Ludlow c, sh, p- h, c, Lzunpetcr h, " 10-11, Lu-ds h, pI—15. Leeds lea—2l. Lishurn h—27, Lewes wl—‘.28. Leek c. ln'r—-,-1, Moy h-—-\ 4, Multan c, sh—9, Mnlnsilold h, c, pI—1U. lllarsrlen c—l1, Macclcsfield h, c—-20, Maidstone— 30. lH1xmtm'.,lr,-p—(i,,Ne\a'|;ury pI—(i, Nc\\'r_v—], 0.3westry h, sh,-8, Oldham h, ("-6, Pout)‘- pool r, 311-7, Penrhyn c—-8-9, l’ctc-rborouggh h, c, sh—l0. Ringwood h, c, sh, p—24—27, ll:-:ulim.: h, c, sh—27. llm.vl»y—9, Stockpnrt h. p, 12-10. Stowmarket pl—10, Sudbury‘ pl—- 15, .S".\'all'|mrn sh-22. St:1mford—2T. Sherborne Oon^'vutAJrnm twit ."I. S::lisbur_v xh-15, h, c, h, c—-‘.27, Stalybridge h, (-, _r;cn——(i, ’l'uum h. c, nh—(i, 'J‘onbri(lgu 7;I——‘_’T, Tmnwortll h, c—7, Wells gcn—13. War- 8 . Kilkenny hi c, * h IB, Knightonwick ft 3, Leek c, ft< > B, Lincoln /oo/swI—]6, 6-7, Lancaster Witnoy hir, pI~17-27, \\':u'ringbon h, c, pI———‘.’7, Ware pod, sh——31, Weyhill shl ti; C, wtf-iO, Lampeter ft, C 10, Leicester ft, c 10. Louth c, p 13, Ludlow c, sh, p Altrinr-ham in 11, Leeds ft. ill -1.0, Leeds Jen 21. AUGUST:Li-burn ft 27, Lewes tW 28 . Leek c. ft/Y 1, Moy ft 5. Ahint,uI«.n h, In, u‘I——5-6, h, c——-G. Accrington‘ h. c, pl——11, Ash- ford .s'h—15-17, A.*, Nortlmmpton—7, Nnvnn h, 0, sh, .p—-11-12, Newton-le-Willows h’ c— 12. Carmarthen ft 14. Chcstcr-Ie-Strcct12, sth 20, Chorley ft, c 24,N(~\\'p(>1'v—‘.l6. Cheadle c "20, Carlisle ft Nortlmmpton—5. 0.s\\'vstry h, sh—12, Oxford rams—3, Redditcll ’pl—— 28 , Chestcr-le-Stfeet 28 , Cockermouth c, sftltwlrutln 3, Doncaster C, Doncaster ft, c 0, Dor- r—2l. 3, h, llu,v.;hy ¢-——2('», Ripley h, c—‘_’(i. llomsey h, c, sh. p—7, Stockport, h c p_. chester ft, c, sh 10, Dudley ft. pi12. 12, Dunstable ft, e, sft 10,Stmvmnrl<(-t Evesham ft, c, sft 0, x, h"ll. .*_ltrou(l c, 12-24. Skipton h, 1--25, Spnlding h c—26 StI‘0E)d’pl_..

1, Corey ft, c, sft 10. Glastonbury.5, ft, c, sft 21, Crcat ’J‘ln' ft, c 12. Hailsham ft, c, sft r, pI—5-7. 'J‘m\\'ln'idae h, c, pl—-17. Tuam 32-45. Wisbc-ch’c—11’W'1rminster’ ‘

r, sh———‘.l4, \\'itm-y hir, pl——25, Yarm - lo-ir,, Homcasl le ft 13; High worth c 10. Hereford ft, c, sft, p 26, Hinckley c, sft Whitney c, sh—3, c, sh, la.

" - 22. Ipswich rami 26, IlminsterSEPTEMBER: ft, c, sft 3, Kingston c 12, Kilkenny ft, c, sft 18 , Knighton ft 1, Ashhourno sh——1, Ashford sh—]9, A _o.- . Q

10, Ludlow c, sft, p 10, Lyndhurst26, ponies 14, Louth c, pAlston 15, Lampeter ft, c 2G, Leek .sft 1'am.v-—-‘_’!l, Alton c, pl—1, Bl:mdfm'd h, c, lsnIz“—l—(ll,\ l'3’1'ecc’or§hIz-31‘ . mumls .«-h—1-3, Bristol "1;)1$1I“xSmSf;n«n1“1; 31, Liverpool ft, c 4, Mallow c, sft 5, Moy ft 12, Macclesfield ft, liir 12-14, Mitcham llneingstoke c, sh——3, 11, c—4-7, Barnet, h c—5 Bl1ckin:§ham' ; 7, Iultm 1., c, .s-1..—s>, lilandford 13;-mo: 21, Melton Mowbray c 22, Marlborough ft, sft 27, Munster ft, p 3, Newry 3, Newark ft, c 721-9-10. wl, lca——12-15. Béentroi-a I1 c—i5 130:1? 0, sh, /0uI.~‘—l('», Bluonnvon c, p, pl—18, Bury h, c, 72-23, Barnard Castle 8 , Northwich cows 5, Northampton 7, Navan ft, e, sh, p 11-12, Newton-le-Willows ft, c h C_’o3 Bria ~24. Bmn‘llv .s-rI.‘—-24, Butts Green non? h, c—~‘_’4-26, lBirminglmn1—‘.Z5, Bumzav - 12, Newport 26, Northampton 5. Oswestry ft, sft 12, Ox ford jams 3, Redditch pi p ln'r——§0‘ 151-i 1g t 1:, (-, .vh—-5.’. (‘llippimz Norton hir—4, Cre\\'lor St. M:u‘v——"’3’ Over" “}e‘§[,‘;“ oxford l>0|‘0l!£h 1'rHm~'. foal-‘—~5. l’enz:mco——524 l’\\‘lllu-ll “.23. -Peter. ches c, sft 28 , Dunstable p -7, Evesham ft, c, sh-19, Egremont c, "ft- 5 East Dereham 71:11 R'1\vtf*'ns:,‘fi—I'3 sh—14' .411. Rvdditvll pl—‘.’1-‘Z3. Reading h ’c—‘.25 liobertébrili eh I 03 Rel-gate pl pl-5, Corey , sft-14 Glastonbury ft. r, sft-21, Gloucester wl 28 , Gloucester 3- ‘>133 '1. C. 8'1. I)~4. Stockport, la, 0, ,Su(ll)lll:v ' hugby ""‘2- SWQMS 11-4 ,.__11 ‘gmnfio‘ '°p1s_“ 9, Helston ,. g nd ey ft, c-10. Horncastle ft. c, sft-17, Holbeach ft, c-21 Heme! He nn 7' Sandbach ""19' h. C. £——‘.’l. Swintlon ). hir——‘.".’ V,‘ :v= 7 ._o'r.:> .pe7_ Stames Mead p - 21 H.nek ey h,r, ;>I-23, Hkley sft-9, Kilkenny ft, c , sft-11. Keho ran - H4. Toanlomen c_’1:°"€»>é;’.‘u‘,:,‘;-,.‘ ' '— 2.“‘q;.:s‘°w§£’£§3.1§‘r%.,"2“';.li’”fl;v _; - . I 14, Kmriiton ft 28 , Kilkenny§" ft, c sft-2. Leeds Iea-11,"{:1“'" Louth c-14. Ludlow sft-"l Le wes s ~» “§$‘“7€°g“";‘;'“ 4. itnoy hir, 21-19, WarC cs. ‘_o-3’ .' ney I tel sh. mus _ --. Walsall h—24, Westbux y c, sh—-25, Wotton-" a ' u ' « L ? "T ter c r 25undmndgo n' Ll,uoIn ''- 28 - Le "' es c, sft-1. Mallow c sft-2 Mov / I), ‘ ‘ 4 Maeelesllel,! ft, c sft-8OCTOBER: . Melton Mowbray rams-10, Mah on c-14, Monmouth \ l- 7 Abln -' - 5. don i-— _- . , v V/' ^'m Mi ," l>rt ST tt ? S on f' s ''- 24 - Mdton Mowbray sft, p! _25 MMsden h r V,' 11’-17. Alsfion :'l—'—19(-;‘.'Z0.Alnl‘l\;l$:;o1:I1:x1o§ ‘h’ Mcfretfhn or ’ 0 I-—-’cl>i7r_12'13’ 1-:‘3'(lif0"d - ;’11—li'1,é:«lé'¢::gdo;I . C, sl:——‘_’8. . -26, Melton Mowbrny-8 0, Moy ft-3. Nantwich c, sh, 2 ,_4, Navan I e ilTi"! Kof, Aide‘: 0, s}, 2- '0 "'~v_ Ash-: )2. c. 1)l—3. Bl‘ld.‘.!ll0L‘tlI sh’ P-23’ Bmintree‘ bury pI-5-6, Northallerton ia-7, Newry-9, Wctearft -ams-K; Newton A htnt is V h——i6. 111:1£l.o1£{:;fl§’F1{2::€) llh’ hc'_-13 BOL‘m~er 7. ltridport-sh—-8. lkxlton h—9. Biol-ster ,"‘”‘-‘"’°“?y “-49- BF°00n"h'—‘ ft, c, sft, p-4, Stockport ft, c, j) -4, Sudbury c 11, Stanhone-17 Sanrfh^h / iq o p1_,?,'B".‘,'5 h’ 0-12’ 12. l3v('(‘Ivs——1‘.2. llodfmzd c. m—12. lilac-klmrn h.—1§' '6 B“s'"“St°"° hi’; ft, c, s-Jl, Swindon p..._.]4_ Mr 22, Stevena-e c sft-"", : -( s n, Hini » f C 2 c ~ 19Bolton .- Staines 3'81? ll; ('9 3h—-13. Blflndford (-0"«3__]5' ":””H",‘, (_ sh p—15.lrv Bing 9). h.--c,_8h h, c. pI-8 , Bridgnotth1.'.' ft-5 llu rtoi , n-T M \, ' ;w77 I5 "'mucmmm » ver s,l > P-M. Braintree h_, c—16-16, Bicester Inf’ p_”‘ ]m( 1,),-O1 Br»_,d"I renltuoood pl‘. 7. Itridport -sft-8 .‘.39. Bolton ft-Jl Bicester ^ » /il9 ' n v"i' money e _c, Brecon ft- ‘—‘'3' "Bmester BO|ll'll(‘..8U;‘—‘3‘J. nl'ldL'll0I‘t|l—‘_’P9-30 Bel 31" h 51110” pl_28' Buxton 9; 12. BeeAes-12. I.o r:Il:——2-3,for, , /-, ; DlicSSEitll rjtt ^singstoke fcfr- Cl‘0_\'(lO1| h, c——5. Ciwnoosté-r })lp—7 (';|c—— 'lCamew h’ s”*'“2v Chfstel‘-le-Street? -14. Bolton ,o» s-i5.7, lianbury , V, 3^' h? J \ Ch5'PN1l'DP Blandford ft, c, sft Norton h‘ir-——-8:‘0l1eln~nlmm—9 stk—‘7' Cm'?steHe-Streebh; 1e-street. 'C’ll‘l12§1‘II‘2f dyl’',~9. Lhattens 17. Blackburn ft. c. p^nrC-kinsham » I-2l Bri^SW & c ~ w - - Bicester .«u.--12. (‘.irem~ester .-p1—«14 cmp'pin' .N'm'e" h-19. Chester- __“_m Calm, Cpckermoutln h. sh 29. Bounu. sn.-29 Bridgnorth ^-8 0 BoTner' ft ? r^T" Bicester pI-28 , Bux ton c- h’ Chdtum-mm___m 13.2“ ("one h:rn—14, c,‘ (‘.lIost4*r-le-Street sf/,-2-3. Croydon ft. c^ CirenfcestCT pI-7 CtorTmel C rf? eW ^' ¥ k ~£ C " es tcr-le-Street stl.'—‘_’l,' Cll()'l?l2‘V‘ ‘ ’ _(:g§- €:St'0rC' hc_Z0'°°Cl“(.C‘.|lltT1tt’e£I}‘l(‘)e""“ hlhgo’ . «:umoc'sh—-fil, ., 1.. Golfi-8 c-2, Downton _. c, - :. Chippin* Norton Kir < 8 j Che ten am-9 Carmarthen ft o t F" est "-le-Street- ft- l C» . 5"» , P 3. _ Doncnster—5. Dudley h, z,_ p(_u' -14-1G. Colne ft, ,-15. r/.tt^S'^K .' ! ' r ^ 14 ' Cockermouth ft. c, sK -14-16. Colne ft, < 15 Cheltenhim "Vo"" VnTHi 1 '" ""'-"'Cockermouth ft. c.sft Eliigitirestlr.-' " °“ (,'onn=iw1r.m= lifikie cluster sft- 2 ,, Choster-lV-Sx rt^t/K. 9, Chorlef ft ^f' oo Ch » er I'T 20 'NTE Co » - F’-. NET ARC HI '-JE CIOLUIV BIA U l"-l|"u"EF"¢.S|'l“‘r’ _ c-2, Downton c , sh, 'pJ. ^ca^er^^^ 6 ^ J;

^50, Cannock

Vontttiiiett on jnryr 1.;. Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public Please Name Foulsham's Old Moore with all Orders to Advertisers. «\ TAKE CARE Hie Mggnetil: Girl How She Compels 0thers Please Name Foulsham's Old Moore with ail Orders to Advertisers. TAKE To 0bey ller Will. of your eyes \\ Kat lx mule 1tl’(‘('l()il.\' lluu. gum! L‘_\'\3_\I‘g_: ,1? nap '1'al more precious Lhflbcious £ ouit tsyealg tf L'x!'L. comes Remarkable Ilyou§ll‘llC\'[llll}'ll1llI;_fiN\\l'0lI;_',‘ Book \\'l[l-I your u-ml ill m)(‘C in .5"l‘lCl’lIl-ZN Take care, then, that you do not lo.-o'tliw lu s- e,\,'e.<, slescmmnu peculiar Powers to ,(‘r!l1".l!.‘;\'. 210, Ltimheih Iluurl, Lulnlun. fox‘ :1 Psychic cious crift If you suspeetnnythiiiiris n rehg (2 my ml’ nu i11LL~1‘(‘.~Iin_I.: f:l‘.li‘.l'\' li:In

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I"nl) ealtliv Wounds, OldBAD fni'.s, P. Oi iasis, Cracked or ULGERS. 11'll('i-.i_\'il||' any form of nu-ly jiitlgus \\'nunds, Old For P I71)l)mltlu\* 5, oria.s'i.~., Cracked or 1;‘;;".‘lL‘[Ul‘:lIIIl «lis- Skin you shouldClusuvliml fry the cloins n;, soothing, Hun?!» l’inm|p-:. F.1'xmlio“.,s‘, 0" any form of ].o..iliuu of an in Skill l)i.\e.I.\"!. you should liealiii' n F antiseptic ointment lry1hccl0ui.s‘n-,:. mnL‘.uii1:.' lll\‘l(ill.' to lxenim: antisepliv ointment Inmt uh- CARBOZ ONE. cure the slinzllu (lio(.‘.'l>s'(.‘5 Immediately you apply Carboz onc the diseased paits ::_n-I huloil.-s \\ilh- begin to fjjjte on healthy ac'iai. It relieves all soivm.-.* uul, ;li'ii;:.s or and inlh.m nation, allays itchin? , and a sound. healthyGARBDZONE. Im-lliL'2lI(~.<; I-\'cIl the r;mnpl«-:\' sub- r healing of the affected parts follows'.Immmlintelv y0l1m>n‘._v C{J.l'l)oz0I1cthe rli.x'eu.

V and nllays lKL'lIlll{.'. :1 sound. could tear herself to pieces. l1':1lth_\' u:ll:«1n.»ua.tmn. and ]I:1l h _y.I is 1- x- «L r healing of the aficclml vtlrls follows. " _ llliss Mrs. Liucoml.e, of WoottonSl eet. Bradford, miITk id plain:-«I. A Terrible Case of Eczema. Felt she Juarlrhillv |):I\‘i<, the ;m;ml;u- hlilglr rH\UII|'ilI‘. I terribly from acute Ecz ema in both her hands anil feet. could tear hepself to pieces. ' \\'lxI».~1- |“>l.‘|-ilirl :l|)|Ilr:lI‘.x' :ilm\’r~, lil.‘('i.'lI‘('H Hlill The itching was so she tult if s''c CAiiid lear Luscoml,-c. of Wuotionst eet. iil‘:MU()l'Li..~l1lTt:ml Pruf. I{nu\\‘l:-.x' Imuk I>]H'l|\' U14: mun" ln .~\\lc».h:I.~ Ili.~«-UH-|‘«-ll |oI'llI«'lpi<'.~ ulnirln, il' intense itching cea-ed,the and after a time a new lay. r ofinrlumnatiun began to slllralcllr. the s0l'(:ne>,~, um] lll|l\l:l'5llii_V' mluiilml, will rr\ulIllinui.~:- lhc Im-nlul

~ skin formed. There wasintense more than a shovelful of o'd itching: cca—vd, and after a time 0. new lay. r of .~-lulu nl'llu- human I';u'r'. skin formed. Tlwre \\'as more than n shovclful uf u'rl 'l'lu- lumli, uhivh is |win'.,r lli.~lrilml«-cl l»m:ni«':a~l diseased skin eolle.ted which came her lianils diseased skin C01lL'L‘[(_‘Ll \\‘hlr‘1 came Lou; her hm;.]3 In-r ul «'l|.‘n';_u-_ is lull ml" ]»lmln'_'|':ipluic' l‘L‘|r|‘nIill1‘~

and feet. and feet. liunr ~lw\\ilI:.' hum‘ lln-~«' Im.~:-l-n lluws :m- In-in-1 ‘

Mrs 'Wilkins^ii. Hawthorn:. 1 Lodge. Sutmile rg Sin ol , H\'|'l' Mrs Willciiism. Hawtlmru ~ lodge. Sulllltltmx sum, usual all llw l\'UI'l'.i_ nml hm» Il.¢.u~:l|nl>s llpull llmu.~;~;n|> l::.\l- \\ lnrh lilllu Southpovt, writes: "Picas'Soutlwort. Send me (.pother 4 6 tin \\'l'ilf!SZ“PIcu~(- .~.-ml lIu' z1v:n1lu_i‘ HS tin l tlml-lulu-cl |.-um-1.4 Ill:-y of C:Lrl'o'/one. I? ha: )’(‘1ll:|i up ih- amful .i;l.»L_ H” Ill'\':lllLt‘vi lhr-_\ ;u».~~«~~~.wl. 'l‘hr' ll'« c «li~lrilmlinn ml of Carl-oz one. It lias healed UP tic » \\ f n I cracks oil m_\' lymds ‘])iF‘ll(lllu_\’. an! cl.-u1‘cd u\\'u;. :i‘l1i'.l.-we Hf [hp llmllilh I-upirs l.~ |n'ln‘.: u»wlm'Im| Ir) :1liu-_w my h inds * idendidly.Eczenm. an I cleared away all trace* of en‘ ircl .V-" lmllclull ll:.~lllIrl.iuIl,.';Il'l in «min \\|l| Iw >4-nl |u>~l fn~-- (II an\«.u«- ilil-‘|'u,J_a-l, Nu nu-:_-ax In‘ Ecz ema en'irely." Sufi‘;-1'o\‘lmnl>!II F‘ Sores and Had Legs tonos: tiiko o> healthy action i.-uioe pain 1Ji;\li.).: c-15¢-\_1mn I'(W02)\ll‘Tl‘.lll;.~(‘lZ'i.‘l i‘::lv-xil(":1Iimm \;m .!\' rw'.x-1' ll "1’ 1 t \4- Hm] «mm nes* and pain, andlay never fails in the most ohsiiuawith e [(‘*~l||L|IH|‘.!i\ Draw. :\:l.l t-~ (‘\l§li(}/’)\]{ ,')-‘.--iwtllivlli - cases. Don t o on suffering,C().. send for alios of Carho 'one rv\

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‘ D‘ "bur. ezm.;1»'. Dro_n'llel(l,——20, new-iz.-s; ’c—_-23: Dalton-in-lg‘urness Ahir, 73‘, -4,-—’-2_<_‘.,; por- Eu-.~lian1 hir—1'2, lua;-ztbourne c, sh—T2, East\sood—I~.., hgre- c,,°e‘§§,., h): C‘ sh_,1_°];x,.t,.,. ;,-n, 3h—’ ’1 hir»—:£9-31. lily 71. 1'. II5~1‘_’-14. l"aversh:lm l’l—3. G01‘?! 1‘, mont hir—1G. Eve:-rlmm Gloucester hzr—14, Glossop ' h'—-',G' l 1,, h._1;2, (jln5t0nblll'y c, sh—12, (z'{l.iIlSbOl'0ll$.lh_c_, sh—‘.24, Gravesend h, c, sh—" E:G11?-Eiglfteflilllgighaniml2,h’Z,"sI€4€20-21, sh—2, h, 12- 20 Granthzun c, .v;h——'.’9. Gt. .\1:u-low h, c, sh—2. Ha.sli_ng yi< l< I 1 ,! ,. _ hzr—12, HlgllW01‘th'C, sh- 5,,lludd(2rsflel«l h, c. 7;——l2, llnlv.s-mu-n hi:-—]2, Henlc-y-m-‘Arden ft, c 20,. Dor- (--—~l‘_’-14. Ilull——lT, 1-latfic-ld——l_9. I_lereford h, c, §_h, p—- I2, Hollieaeli h. llonitor:-—_l!l. lxeswick sh—1-1, Iulkennye "gre- 28, 1Icl.ston——‘_’8-‘_‘£), “hX'Ill':l!*“(' h, o. sh—'l. l{ni2l1ton h—»3, c, .<;I:—2. 1.1:‘;-:1i'«l c——7. Lzmcaster sh——-S, Loutli- c, p— it.‘ ea Grantham i ih- 29, at. Mariow /< , e, » /! -, n:«» uii» uci «, .«., D "^~"' T "- r Vu ' f r'—~-Ill. l{v~,\\icl; h, c, sh—-19. Kirkliam ' 1.1-itrcstl-l‘ L0\'.'('.~:L0ft——1'_7.. Ludlow h, c, sh, p—13, Led-— 6 Hu r field , r, I -12, Halesowen h«Y-i2. Henley-ii.-Arden ft.r-12, Highworth c c——1U»17, pl-12. Lancaster 1:, I 10-ll, c— hir—14. Lm-k 1', hh-—-lui, Lincoln h. .-:h—17, Leicester pl—-19, Lampeter h, 12 Holbelch c~K Hull 17, RotfiTon-19, Hatneld-19. Herefordbury ft c, sft p- h, ah, Leicester 721-19, Luton c——«‘3l. I,eeds l(‘.’.'-——23. Louth c——‘.2S. Leek sh——5, Macclesfield 28 Helaton M, Hcrncae^le h, /. * ft-2. Knighton 19,h-tt Ke.wick c, sft-14 Kilkenny Market Harborough h— h, c, hir——8. Mansllvlul h, c, hir—1".’-13. l\laltrn h, c, sh—15-16. \ I , Kirk iaii, ( --31. Keiwiofc Wscai-d c-J. Lancaster «fc-8 , Louth- c, p- c—20. Macclesfield h, 0. sh 17, Melton c, sh—17-19, Maidstonc sh—l0, Market Harborougli lnn Lancaster ft < KM 7 Leicester pi-12. Lowestoft-12, Ludlow h, c, sft, p-13, Led- Min- -21. Market Drayton c, sh——24. l\latlock——24, Melton Mowhray—26, l\I0ssley——‘_’7, bury' h i) i hir H Leek' V fcir-10, Lincoln h, * ft-17,chester Leicester p< -10, Lampeter ft c- sh—29. Midhurst c—l-3. Nottingham h, c——‘_’, Naran h, c, sh, p—3, Northamp- h, c, Navan Nun- 19 Leicester p/ K1, Liitoii e- -21. Leeds i* C -23. Louth c-28 , Leek sft-5, Macclesfield Nortlmllurton c—.Z-, Ni.-\\ry—7, Newcastle-under-L)'me—9, h, c, sh—1'2, ton h—3-5. hir—7, Oswestry h,,sh—- ft.c ,Wr-8 Mansfle! ,! ft, e, Nr-12-13. Maltcn eatonft, c, ifc-15-16, Market Harboroush ft- h, pl—]5, Newbury hir——1(5, Nottinglzani h-—-17, Northampton lmntofruct c—7-8, 1’eterborongh h, c, pl—-8, Penrhyn c—10, Pontypool 17 Melton c, sh-n-i'J, Maidstone sfc-19. Market Harborough14, c-20. Macclesfield h, e shOldliam h, c—5, sh—-2, Rt-tfurtl h, c, hops—12. R€dl‘llUl h, c'—20, Rotherfield c—21-22. Rugeley -24 Market Drayton c, sft-24, Matlock 24, Melton Mo\vhray-2(i, Mossleyah—1, 2, Min- Ripon c, c—- h, c, sh-23. Ripley c—2li, lmully c——::, Stafford c, sh—7, Swords h, c, sh, p—12, Selby chester ft, c. » fc 29, Midhurst c 1-8 , Nottingham ft, c 2, Navan ft, c, sh, p o, Nortnamp- Neots c—:- 12, Shcrbornc h, c, wl—12. Stolivlmllse c, pl—1:2, Stratford-on-Avon hi1-—15, St. h, ton ft-3-5, Northallerton c 5, Neury-7, Neweastle-undcr-Lyme-9,20, Navan ft, c, sft-12,Salisbury Nun- )1, sh, gcn—‘.50, Sawlirislgzn-wortli pl——20, Sleaford c, 131-23, Stoekport h, c, p—- eaton ft, pi 15, Newbury ft/r 10, Nottingham ft 17, Northampton ftir 7, Oswestry ft. ga- h, c, Stratford-on-Avon hir—1, Tiverton stk, wl—5. Tamworth Mr 26, Stalybridge gcn—3.'). sh ll Oldham ft, c 5, Pontefract c 7-8 , Peterborough-10, ft, c, pi 3, l'enrhyn c 10, Pontypool 'l‘cwkesbury—12, Thame h, hir—1;’.. Tonbridge pl—12, Tring hir—13, Thrapst-on c, Uttoxeter c «h 1 Ripon sft 2, Ret lord ft, c, hops 12.-13-14. Redruth ft, c 20, Rothcrfield c 21-22. Kugeley Tavistock h, c, pl—28. Totnes gcn—‘30, ’l‘onbrid-ge h, c, sh——19, h, foals——— Warwicl: hir——1‘.’, Wymond- c ^h' 'ej, Kiplcy c 2(i, Rugby e 2, Stafford5, c, sh 7, Swords ft, c, Welslipoolsft, p 12, Selby c h—8, Witney——10-15, Weyliill h, c, hops—l2, pl, ham c—‘l1. c—23-24,. Winchester c, sh—24-26, Wigan pl—-26-27, War- 12 Sherborne ft, c, wl 12, atom-house c, pi 12, Stratford-on-Avon ftir 15, St. Ncots ft,pl——14, c Worksop Wigan minstcr sh— -2.‘), Wellingliorougli pl—]9-‘.31, Yarm h, 0, sh~‘_’R, Yarm c, h, sh. 20, Salisbury ft, sh, gen 20, Bawbridgeworth pi 20, Sleaford c, pi 23, Stockport ft, c, p

26 Btalybrldge ft, c, gen 30, Stratford-on-AvonNOVEMBER: ftir 1, Tiverton sift, tol 5. Tamworth ftir 3, /\Ull0ll(‘—-J. Alston h, c, .s-h—7, Alnwiclc h.I'r—»l0. Aslibourne sh——10,A‘sliby-

10 Tewkesbury 12, Thame ft, ft/r 12. Tonbridgedo-la-Zouch pi 12, Tring ftir 13, Thrapston c, sft stIc—17, Aberga\enny——17, Amlover sh-—-‘_’1. Ashton-under-Lyne—23. Altrincham Brecon 18 -14 Tavistock ft, c, pi 28 . Totnea genh, 3') , Tonbridge ft,c—24, c, sft 19, Uttox eter ft, foals Alfreton hir—-30, Asllbourne h, c, sh—.‘;, -Ballynioney h, c—3, h——4. Bridxznorth Auckland hi:--5-6. h, c—7, Berwick lxir—9, Biggzleswade 5 Welshpool ft 8 , Witney 10-15, Weybill-6, ft, c, ftops 12, Warwick pi, ftirBishop 12, \\ ymond- Beverley Barmley pl, hir—7, sh-9, Blandford pl—10, Blnndfnrd h, c, sh——11. Barnard Castle hir-—-18,- Barnard Castle ham pi 14, Worksop c 21, Wigan c 23-24,c, Winchester c, sft 24-26, Wigan pi 20-27, War- hir—18. Bridgnorth——18-20, Boston h-20. Biggleswade pl-23, Battle h, c-—-26, Basiiinstolce sh minster sft 20, Wellingborough pi 19-21,-2. Varm ft, r, sft 23, Yarm c, ft, sft. Circncester c—2, Coventry )2, 0, sh, p——4, Chipping Norton hir—5. Clonmel 51;, st];- NOVEMBER : 3, Athlone 3, Alston ft, c, sft7, 7, Alnwick ftir- -10, AshbourneCarlisle sft 10, Ashby- hir—1l, Camborne h, c, pl——ll, Cockermoutli hz'r—l2, Chelmsford-c,—-14, Car- 1 de-Ia-Z oucii ttk VI, Abergavenny 17, Andoverlisle sft 21, Ashton-under-Lyne 23, hir—14.Altrlncham _Curmarthen h—-23. Ci-m\1e_ c, fiaJ:——‘.25_, Cbesterfiel

‘ ft, c 13, Downhain ft, c, sft 14, DurhamB:.»:°£h,.:a.":314i,%:i2:::v:°:,:‘::=§a02";:?°‘:: ftir 1G, Darlington ft/r 20-21, Durham c, sft, ftir ' ’ ‘ 1r—-L‘;':'P%°‘ '3'es- 'h:s,.:’:r2,$;,. . ._acc i.__.’ . . ,_._‘ ,, “,3 23, Darlington ft, c, hir 4, Eastwood 14, Kgremont ft/r 9, Forest Row gen 10, Eani- h’ P4‘ :\e“-nu“ ham ft, c, sh 9, Glastonbury h, c, sft 10,f.el:(\!e\]\'«}ioc.-'t—’—l.'5) Guisborough pi, hir 28 , Gloucester ft, c, sft 1~I"<]>'rtiImxlwti:)t,l:>zic'i.I:-Sl')‘:$!3uu:fm§u°s!;»h’—8(::;_l\?UrtlB C

7, Halifax h, c, p 9, Hertford ft, e, sh, pi-14. 11, Hex ham hir 17, Horsham h, e, sft Nnttiiigliaiii hir—‘2S, NOI‘thzUl‘lpAt(‘)l1‘7'(1.r11’s——’O.s‘\\:e.}~')tl‘y‘ h Osh-L“ ”i‘*13~uuT(,9[}t}1:I£\r\rlm11:lo|;3e1t 5, sh—‘.’S. l‘cnz:mcc—:l'.l. l’0ntel'r:1ct Rothcrliaiii hi;-3 h 27, Horsham ft, c, sh 25, Ilminster 9, Keighley ft, c 9, KnutsfordPortland c 9-10, Kendal ft, c h_, c——‘2, ,-:1‘, 1{anfs'ey S: 5, Ripon c, hzr-7, Rochdale h, c, sh—9, Romsey h, c, sh, p—-16. hir 11, Kilkenny ft, c, sh 13, Kingston c 14, Kendal pi, ft/r 14. Keswick ftir 21, Kendal pi, hir Rugby h-—-’23, Ripon c: -2 , Rugby c—4. Swords h. c, sh, South Sliields—2-4 S\\'ail‘l1arnL — - p—4, 9 h , c , .eh , pl 910,\ 5, Longridge c 9, Ludlow c, sft, p 9, Lydney c 9-10, Leeds ft, ftir 10, Lynn e, gen- _o - -. .- Stamford h, sh——1l, Stocl'ton I"-—1S, H t} S1‘ 11 _ ii, Leek c, hir 14, Lampeter ftir 20, Lincoln ft, c, sft 21, Lancaster ft 23, Liverpool ft, c e h

23, Louth r 3. Mallow c, sft i, Moy ft 4, Morpeth ftir 0, Maryport ftir 11, Maccles- —e. \Vells——-9, Warwicl: n—n. \\'lmm' 1m~_17. \vn~ksw'orth c hi}-—1é 'vvori-if‘ t0" “Ip°h°‘-"" 3 P ’ field ft, c, hir 21, Malton c, sft 23, .Marlborough23. ft, sft 28 , Munsterwmwy ft, p 2, Newry nn——-:5, winsroni 4--141», \\'arringt0n c—-20, Yeovil c flax’

4, Newport 5, Northampton ftir 3, Navan ft, c, sft, p 0, North Shields 9, Newmarket c DECEMBER: 11, Abingfion l—1', A"! ._9 . n 14, Nottingham hir 28 , Northamptons. rams Oswestry ft, sft nrmnoru.2, Plymouth 2, Poole »—v. m.::,::,s» ah» 5.1-5; *}:!::::’;:.'": '— I;’;°3;,2i?::.,:;.:'*’,5-' S 5, Portland ft, sft 28 , Penz ance 30, Pontefract e 2, Rotherham pi, ftir 3, Ramsey ft, c ,_ '=.‘ 15. Bath 6-10. Bridgnorth stk—17 Ballymoncy 1: L14 3- C-430’ B“dgn0rth_ 5, Ripon c, ftir -7, Rochdale ft, c, sft ‘.2,9, Romsey ft, < -, sft,Clonnwl p 10. Rugby ft 23, Ripon c, ft/r 0. sh——‘.’, (‘liippin-,: Norton‘hir——5 (‘oleford’cC ilk.” (jlfieiter Casliel dy, st]: 23, Rugby c 4. Swords ft, e, sft, p.__7‘ 4, South Shields 2-4. Swaffham ft, c,p,,r1mgm;, sft, p/ 9-10 ;,_ ,3 ,,,-,...9, ].;x,.t,(,,. (. gm_‘n Fqst Gx:h:~t—)4.] I it.iIeroe,—1‘0,Lye 8tk~1~4’ Glas- Stamford ft, sh 11, Stockton ft/r 18t0"hUl‘.V , South Shields 23, Shifnal e, sft 23, Skipton ped, gen h, 6. sh-—l8. Gnllltllillll .\'(/..'—1“ P-17 uéz-é§- c h. -‘(M11)’ hr 9‘ 12. lli-l.~ton-9, Kilkonnv h. c. sh—‘3 els.t0n—"’ Hereford 11-12, Uttox eter 12. Ulverston hir 22, Uttox eter 2, Wadhurst h, c, sft 2, Welshpool ft Lee‘d‘< lca_'7 ]:ejfy[—}:',1 c, p-.d—11, Leicester 11, c, sh __“’ mu,“ 0‘ p_H' L321 PM L- l _- .—n ,’ 3, Wells ! ) . Warwick ft li. Whitby hir 17. Wirksworth c, ft/r 18 , Workington pi hir Mallow _3, Mvltm) Mowhmy Melton1iillg::b;,l$lz;t?_1Q.I'C0ll 30 Ardee e sft v 71-15. Nottinulnun l:~~'7(i-“'9 “:a(r):‘\\'e’

tonbury ft, e ifc-18 , Grantham s(/,-19, Gorey c, sft-5, Helston » , Hereford ft, c- C'l'l‘“ll'-Fllll :2 P‘: --—.:-...___ “” 12 Helston-9, Kilkenny ft, < sft 2, Leeds lea-7, Leigh ft, c, ped-ll,INTEF’-.l--JET Leicester ft, c, sft AF’-.CH| COLUl‘»'B|»’4. ‘Ul"-1|"-.-"ERS|T'r" -11, Louth e '. P-14. Leigh pi 14, Ludlow e, sh, p-30, Leek c 1, Mallow c, sft-2, Moy ft -3, Me lt..n Mowbray «fc-8 , Melton Mowbray stk-15, Macclesfield ft, t-15, Malmesbury Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public I I \ ' ‘ \ QsssssssgsssassssssssPlease Name Foulsham's Old Moore with all Orders to Adv‘eIr-titers.‘

Please Name Foulsham's Old Moore with all Orders to Advertisers. COMPLETELY COMPLETELY


Leg so Black and " Dead" that amputation was advised.

Cured by Dr. tiassell's Tablets, the all-British Kennedy.

The euro of Mrs. S. M. Hopkins, 1, Mcnlc PARALYSED. Cottage, Lottbridgo Road, Hampden l\nk, Leg so Blackand “ Dead” that amputation was advised. Kast.buiirno, is one that proves Dr. ( aB 8 sir ! > cured by Dr. (iasse|l’s Tabiets, the all-British ~ Tablets to be ubovo and beyond any ordin- Hemody.

ary medicine. Interviewed recently, she 'l'lu‘t'1|1'ul)f)II‘.~‘.. S. .\I. Hopkins, ]_ Bcnlc said : ('uLtng:0, l.0t.Ll)x'idgo linzul, Hnmpilcn l’nrl-:, " Q uite suddenly ono day my leg gave l‘I11st.lm11l'l10,iSone IIlllL[)1‘()VOHl)1'.(‘ns.s'cll's way under me, unci from that time I was 'l'nl>lot..~\ to he ubove mu! hoynnd uny unlin- paralysed. I bad to lie lifted in and out ::rv l‘.l(‘kIiC1llC. I11tc1'\'ie\\'vil l'Ck'l‘ll|l_\', slm of bed, and ns I was placed to I lay. rilltl :

Medical and hospital treatment did ao Qiiilv sui1ilo)ul_\' one «lu_\' my leg gave \ll1Il(‘I'Il1(‘, an-l from than. time I wns good, though massage, electricity, and may 1mr:\ly.scil. I luul to he lil't,ml in mm! mu. everything possible were tried. My leg of lied, and us I \\'ll\' plm-ml .~u I lay. whs to all appearances dead, almost black, .\lC«li('ul mid Il().\1llflll t‘l'("‘t/l‘l“lNlI ilill no and with no feeling- nt all in it. People ;_{o<)«l, tlmu}_{l1 llH|.\'.\‘1l*,{t‘, i‘l(‘(‘ll'l(‘ll_\'. nml thought it should bo taken oil', but I c\‘or_\'1l:in«,r p0.\‘.silll0 \vom trivnl. My leg wouldn't agree. \vn.~' in.) all nppe:LrzI.m-vs tlvxul, nlnmst. lilnult. 11:) " A Dream suggested mill with fcelin,«_-; nt, nll in it. l'uoplo than-,:'l1t it slmnlil be l!ll\’('lI but, I Dr. Cassell's Tablets to me. nI‘.', \\~uull1'i'«'l..\‘ \\‘il.lmI|l. any .\'o\\' l um l'\'(,‘l'S'l wcll nml TABLETS. s11p[)

bodily weakness in old or younj.

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11 @€29%%%®%%%@l§@%%%®%@%%@ Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public ' British Journal of Aatrmogy (B-J-Av).’e_2¥ T \ LEGAL AND NOTES. ' 00MMEROIAl- _ A master or mistress need not give cliaracter, if given must in but leavebe‘tl2ll'§':. F(’.'ll‘L‘lllll‘,( .«erv:iiits' boxes :1 searcli warrant should be obtained. _If servants viitholit unless or 13 in A month s n(;Ljm' Ill‘ 01‘ slit: can be sued for ilziinmzes, hie person danger._ \\;1;_I1'..' nr \\'.']l'lllll;.'may be given to St’I‘\'1lnt§’llt. any tiir_ie; xvhether vijages are paid (1ll1_1l'tel‘1)'. Dritish Journal of Astroiogyniuiit,lii;.i, (B.J. A.) , Monthly, 2d., post free 2^tj. or \\'m-kly. If a servant uiifuiiy ciis~meys_or is guilty of he or sne may miscondiict, A LEGAL AND &GMMERG/AL (ll.’~lIll>~73<‘ll at l)ll('(‘. A .~ei'\'.'iiiL'.~' \\'1l'_'(‘,‘«' eziiinot be .~,:topiied on account oi illness. servant or .~ii<- \lll.\ not A servant is liable for wilful A master or mistress needis not give character, hutnot if given must he true. In l,(i;|nrl 12.. (lo v.-nrk for \\l.i('ll lie 0ll;.{.'lf.!f.‘(l.' (l.'llll.'l','i 1!».-ie in The ziinomit must not be from wages; a summons searching servant* ' box es a search warrant should he ohtuined. If servants leave without pi'operty. deducted sliuiild be ll:ll{l'lI out. See, MZl£$lC‘l' llllll St‘l"»’7lllf;, ls. 3d., book all law. _v.'itli the _ notice hfl or she can he sued for damages, unless life or person is in danger. A month's Yearly tenancies ri-quire ii li:ili‘-_veai"snotice, to expire at the time of the year it wages or warning may hebegun, given to servants at any time; whether wages are paid quarterly, |.;.mHui-d.. are not, ln,imd to I\'i‘(*[i mit::i'de-. of houses in good condition. Notices’to monthly, or weekly, 'if a quitservant wllluily disobeys or is guilty of misconduct,lilltllllll lie or she may be in writiiiiz. '11-iiiiiits can reinme gzoods up to day before rent is due. _lf rent he dismissed n't once. A isservant's wages cannotnot be" stopped on account of illness.p:u'il A servant \‘.li('I'l due and npplii-il for, ili.xti'(x<.< iiiziy follow. Rent is not due till midnight, so - is not bound to do work (llFl[I‘(‘Si~‘.for which he or sin- was not engaged. A servant is liable for wilful eiiiiiiot be made on day it li:-coiiies due No distress can be levied on Sunday. Good or Clii'i.siiii:i:; A (ll-\‘tl"l‘>'S euiiiiot be l‘:‘\'l€‘(lbetxveen sunset and sunrise. When darnagi done to property.l~‘i'id;iy, The amount must not be deducted from wages; a summons lmy. 2; distress is made and the rent paid before entry. lli) expeiises need be paid. A bailiff must Should taken out. Sec, Master nnd Servant, Is. 3d., book with all the law. not hreiik into :1 lioiise, but may enter by cliiiimey. Law of Landlord and Teiiant, 1s. 3d. Yearly tenancies require a half-year's notice, to exIt pire at the time of thein year it lll(?[.',:|l to set trnpsi on land with .sti'onu-.

All wagers and bets are illegal, and money lost or won

pftnnot be recovered; but he who cheats can be punished. SCOTCH FAIRS. "Felony" means murder, homicide, forgery, arson,

burglary, rioting, or robbery. Tim-(2 Fair-.9 are coittimied each month t/irou.g.7iout the year.

"Misdemeanour" is perjury, fraud, libel, or assault.

Night in law begins second hour after sunset, and ends Aberdeeii, every Fridiiv Forres ‘ ‘ ’ L i n 1 j t 11 0-0 {V V every Tuesd-my h 3 e e 1- y second hour before sunrise. Alieileldy, Tlllll'.~l. 3 A month in law means a calendar month of thirty days. eve1'y 13y‘-39, Thmsday l\’Ioi1(lsiy Have you made Milnathort, Alfoi-ll, every Tiiesilaiy Glnsg‘0\\'. horses every every_ YOUR WILL ? Wednesday, cattle M anday Many people do Alma“,not know that 9‘-H-y 131-1(],w ever ' V ever Thur .. MOnd Nztirn. Sda . at a Complete Form for making y U y y Biiiill. -‘ (‘\‘(‘l'_Y I*‘i'i«l;1_v _

the last Will and Testament, I Greeiiock. N e xv t o ll - 2 Tues- e _, V S‘tewa1‘t, . _ every . with full instructionsmm for filling. M ,.. it. (H1) .M0]l(I ? my day and 1,~l.ida3. . '- Friday up the same, can be 1obtained .' v 1 _ _ 1‘ 7 ("““‘~ 1 1“‘M1«‘.‘ Old V complete in envelope by post for al- Huntiyq e\.m.V wed_ Meldruin, every ,. " 7il., 3 copies for Is. 8 d. (2 for te“mt"3‘ l)ing'well, every Wed. iiesduy V Tlmrsdfiy .41‘H copies to friends) , or with guide P ' M3195’ a 9‘’91')’ to prove it, theD1iii

5. Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, ' ' 4 London, li.C.l’:lg‘lll, every ]{ii'l;ei_idbi'iglit, eve;-§v \\l"8«t3“,-H, Friday Fi‘i(la_y ((2) R Fi'i(l:1.V ,. Tliese Fairs are ‘ ev 1911011. L*\'ei'v Mon lav H Wisliaw, ry Tuesday Aberdeen, every Friday I\ll'l(\\'.Lll,every l\Iond;iy and Aberfeldy, every Thura. Thursday . Alford, every Tuesday

Annan, every Friday

Banff, every Friday Bathgate,to every Monday the Stock and Share the Crieff, 1 Tuesday Market, Produce l\la1»keb (yvheat, ‘ )' ' / 4 . \ < Dingwell,COHOW every Wed. R and Piaf. c “gal: Kit»), All of proved value to investors andDundee, every Tuesday Address: Dunfermline, every Tues. speculators. SEPHARIAL, 5, Pilgrim St., London, E.C. Elgin, every Friday (c) ‘ ’“ 3-i:_:iti:&:: 'j_-' 4., Ellon, every Mon lay I NTER N ET .+'-‘-. R CHI ‘-JE C O LUHIV B I i'—'. U N I ‘-.r'E R SIT?’ SCOTCH FAIRS.

continued each month throughout the year

Forres, every Tuesday

Fyvie, 3 Thursday

Glasgow, hors;s every Generated for anonymous on 2014-12-17 01:12 GMT / / GMT 01:12 2014-12-17 on anonymous for Generated / States United the in Domain Public

Wednesday, cattle

every Monday

Greenock, every Tues-

day and Friday

Huntly, every Wed-


Inverurie, every Thurs-


Kirkcudbright, ever v


Kirkwall, every Monday

e very



Milnathort, every


Nairn, every Thursday

Newton - Stewart, 2


Old Meldrum, every al-

ternate Thursday

Paisley, every Monday

Wick, every Thursday

Wigtown, -1 Friday

Wishaw, every Tuesday

and Thursday


to the Stock and Share Market, the Produce Market (Wheat

Cotton, Sugar, &C.) , and Turf. All of proved value to investors

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