Evaluating the Effectiveness of Television Advertising Schedules in Terms of Advertising Exposure
EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TELEVISION ADVERTISING SCHEDULES IN TERMS OF ADVERTISING EXPOSURE By KYUNG YUL LEE A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1995 Copyright 1995 by Kyung Yul Lee This work is dedicated to my wife, Hwa Yeon Kim, my mother, Young Hee Park, and my two beloved sons, Do Hyun and Do Yub, who have been and will be an eternal fountain of love, support, praying, and encouragement, throughout my whole life. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Kent M. Lancaster, supervisor of this study, for his guidance in writing this dissertation. His enormous and deep knowledge in media planning theory and methods and attention to detail contributed to the completion of this dissertation. I am especially grateful to him for giving me humbling, challenging, and enthusiastic experience in the midst of completing this study. His insight into the problems and appreciation of the problems have opened my eyes and broadened my knowledge about advertising media planning theory and research. My deep appreciation also goes to my other committee members, Dr. Joseph Pisani, Dr. Frank N. Pierce, and Dr. Murali Mantrala in marketing for taking time to read and evaluate this study. Their expertise, patience, and encouragement were of great comfort to me in the midst of completing this dissertation. I also owe a great deal of gratitude to Jungsik Cho in Korea for his aid in obtaining the data. Without his cooperation, it would have been more difficult to conduct and complete this study.
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