Chapter 1: What’s In Your Web Site?

Get to Know Your Administrator Web server computer platforms UNIX Macintosh Windows NT Web server NCSA, W3C/CERN, and Apache Windows NT WebSTAR and MacHTTPD How your Web site fits into the whole Administrator’s jargon and management tools

Round Up the Usual Suspects! Inventory Web server resources Take stock of your Web site Lotsa docs (it’s not an M.D.’s convention) Graphics galore The supporting cast of applications… Marvelous miscellany “Organized Web site” is not an oxymoron Where does your site live? Picture your directory/file structure as a tree You can’t tell the territory without a map Understanding all the pieces and parts Using remote hyperlinks What’s the code situation like? Any imagemaps in the picture?

Strategic Planning for Your Web Site Juggling large document collections

Tooling Up for Web Site Management What tools do you really need?

Tool search adventures Judge what you find How to get ’em when you find ’em Wheeling and dealing: what’s your budget?

Chapter 2: Web Server Administration - the Easy Way

Web Server Hosting Options Web server hosting services Local Web server hosts Web server space renters Web malls Your friendly neighborhood ISP Your organization’s LAN You!? How the Web Server Fits into the Whole The hardware: computer and telephone equipment Web server software and (briefly) how it works The basics Passing information into and out of the HTTP server

Web Server Platforms UNIX and the Web Windows (NT and 95) are coming on strong The Macintosh alternative

Web Server Software Web server software lists UNIX: Windows NT: Windows 95: Windows 3.1: Macintosh OS: Novell NetWare: MS-DOS: Most popular servers Free Web servers: W3C/CERN, NCSA, and Apache W3C/CERN NCSA HTTPd Apache HTTPd A plethora of emerging commercial options Netscape's Communications and Commerce Web servers Purveyor WebSite WebSTAR and MacHTTPD All-in-one Web site hosting packages

The Savvy WebMaster’s Management Techniques Laying out your Web space Designing and handling the file system Working with log files Administration and monitoring tools

For More about Your Web Options . . .

Weighing Costs against Other Considerations What’s your bottom line? Home-grown versus store-bought Web sites

Chapter 3: Managing the Web Publication Process

What’s It All About? What should be hanging in your Web? Planning for now and the future Planning for regular updates Designing documents for multiple uses Working with creation and production staff Integrating the Web into the overall process The Conversion Process Is a Real Time Saver Doing it by hand The power (and limitations) of automated conversion Seeking tools Cyberleaf HTML Transit Web Publisher WebWorks Installing and using a conversion tool What should you remember about HTML converters?

Déjà Vu - Elements of Page and Site Design Give all your pages a title Text and hypertext links Use graphics for maximum effect Think in 3-D Stringing pages together, the book way Hierarchies are natural Multiple tracks for multiple audiences Extending your Web, a comment at a time

Chapter 4: Web Site Management Tools and Techniques

Managing Multitudes of Documents How big is your Web? Organize to untangle your Web Document management systems

Examining the Alternatives Web Site Managers SITEMAN LivePAGE WebMaster SiteMill FrontPage Let someone else manage your Web

Cool Management Tools Doctor HTML Weblint WebTechs’ HTML Validation Service

Acquiring the perfect tool set Web site usage tools and services Log file analysis tools

Your Web Management Routine The principles of Web site maintenance Creating your Web management plan The virtues of regular attention It’s a (part/full-time) job: here’s the description! Chapter 5: Denizens of the Web

Of Spiders, Robots, Worms, and Other Agents The past and future of “Web agents”

Agents in search engines and other WWW environments

Building search boundaries Need Accountability Test first Conserve resources Ask and ye shall receive Check discovered URLs for validity Check results Don't revisit the same site too quickly

Search only at appropriate times Run your robot as infrequently as possible Don't try queries Monitor its progress Give something back What works globally also sometimes works locally

The Best of Bots MOMspider WebWalker Checkbot Harvest Surfbot 2.0 CyberPilot Pro with WebMap Engine

Benefiting from Robot Labor Introducing a spider into your Web Scheduling regular robot activities Dealing with the aftermath: refreshing stale links Robot exclusion They’re baaaack!!

Chapter 6: Management Means Looking Forward, Too!

Emerging Web Site Trends Turnkey systems and environments NaviService ClubWeb Fully integrated publishing systems FrontPage Adobe PageMill and Adobe SiteMill

SGML-Based Publishing Systems Generalized markup covers many sins DTDs describe formal documents abstractly Output DTDs can drive print, Web, CD-ROM, and other delivery forms

Off the Edge Applets bear fruit Text will always be around Commercialization of the Web Your future Web site

Chapter 7: Understanding How HTML Happens

The “official” channels, organizations, and approaches

How a proposal becomes a standard Proposed standard Draft standard Standard

A brief review of HTML standards to the present HTML 0.0 HTML 1.0 HTML 2.0 HTML+ HTML 3.0

Pressure from the marketplace

Proprietary extensions versus standards of many kinds

Netscape 2.0 extensions The Font of All (Netscape) Wisdom… Netscape and standard HTML incompatibilities

Internet Explorer 2.0 extensions

Extending HTML’s Representational Abilities

Style sheets

Finding, Understanding, and Using HTML DTDs The nature of an SGML document SGML declaration Prologue References About DTDs . . . What does a DTD contain? Where the DTDs live

Deciding which flavor of HTML to use Who will be viewing the document that you create? How long will your content be around? Are you concerned about automatic Web document construction?

How much work could creating content in a new or unstable DTD create in the long run? The advantages of using valid HTML The disadvantages of using valid HTML

Some New HTML Worth Watching Tables Frames Style sheets Mathematics notation Miscellaneous standard goodies FIG LINK NOTE BANNER Promising proprietary phenomena

Chapter 8: HTML Tables Can Hold Up the World!



HTML Table Markup The parts of a

. . .
. . . . . . . . . The basic table attributes BORDER ALIGN VALIGN NOWRAP COLSPAN ROWSPAN


Extensions Netscape 2.0 BORDER="" VALIGN CELLSPACING= CELLPADDING= WIDTH="" HEIGHT="" MS Explorer 2.0

Building Your Own Tables Laying out tabular data for easy display A slick trick for the upper-left problem Mixing graphics and tables makes for interesting pages Some Stunning Table Examples

Chapter 9: HTML Frames Enhance Page Controls!

HTML Frames Overview

HTML Frame Markup The Frame Document structure Frame syntax . . . Targeting frames Allowed and special TARGET names

Framing Your Own Web The basic, two-frame Web page A basic, three-frame Web page Fancy that: a three-frame page with logo, text, and navigation bar What’s next? A four-frame basic page Wow! Four frames with icons, graphics, logos, and scrolling text

Stunningly Framed Web Sites

Chapter 10: HTML Gets Fully Mathematical!

A Math Made in Heaven?

A Quick Review Meet the markup team The ultimate authority Complex Equations, Anyone?

Ramming Math Down Their Throats

Chapter 11: For HTML, Style Is Its Own Reward!

Of Styles and Style Sheets

Deep Background Investigation Reveals . . .

What is DSSSL and DSSSL-Lite?

Wait, Didn’t HTML 3.0 Handle Styles?

So, What's New?

Cascading Style Sheets

Anatomy of a style sheet

Style’s Got Pros and Cons

A Bit of Speculation

Chapter 12: Jumping Outside HTML’s Boundaries

What does Advantages of changes from Netscape 1.1 to Netscape 2.0

HTML Markup ’s attributes SRC WIDTH HEIGHT ’s other attributes Mapping <APPLET> to <EMBED> General examples of <EMBED> tag markup Specific examples of <EMBED> tag markup Shockwave for Director RealAudio ViewMovie Getting underneath <EMBED> Chapter 13: Marvelous HTML Miscellany</p><p>Making Decisions about Your <BODY> Backgrounds Watermarks Text color Margins</p><p>The Fabulous Figure and Related Tags</p><p>Exploiting Undocumented Tricks Animation for the rest of us Double vision Internal Images Scrollin’, scrollin’, scrollin’ . . . Forcing a new browser</p><p>Advanced Font Controls <FONT> ification Four inches is how many points? The big, the small, and the others</p><p>Getting Vertigo?</p><p>Chapter 14: Adding Animation, 3-D Worlds, and Dynamic Behavior</p><p>If Your Browser Can’t See It, Is It Really There?</p><p>Beyond HTML . . . Assisting the browser: Helper applications Hooking up with plugins What’s in Store for Your Web Pages?</p><p>The Hottest Plugins…</p><p>The Perils of Incompatibility</p><p>Designing for Extended Capability</p><p>Serving the Audience</p><p>Trends in Web Extension Technology</p><p>Chapter 15: A Shockwave in Full Motion!</p><p>A Shockwave Overview A few words from Macromedia Director Doing the Lingo Limbo Shockwave’s Bright Future What you need to use Shockwave</p><p>Installing and using Afterburner Running Afterburner on a Macintosh Installing Afterburner on a Macintosh Running Afterburner for Windows How to install Afterburner on Windows Implementing Afterburner</p><p>Configuring Your Web Server for Shockwave Shockwave configuration for specific Web servers Shockwave and MIME Shockwave configuration for NSCA httpd Shockwave configuration for tenants Shockwave configuration for W3C httpd Shockwave configuration for Quarterdeck’s WebSTAR Shockwave configuration for Netscape Netsite</p><p>Placing Shockwave Files on Your Server</p><p>Using Shockwave Materials in Your Web Pages</p><p>Internet Dos and Don’ts for Designing Shockwave Materials DO DON’T: The Top Ten Shockwave Resources</p><p>Chapter 16: Virtual Worlds with VRML</p><p>A VRML Overview VRML’s brilliant history And the winner was... VRML and HTML: what’s the difference? So, what’s VRML good for? VRML’s characteristics as a language Nodes Field types</p><p>Creating VRML Content Conception Planning Design Sampling Construction Testing Publishing Creation tools for your VRML world Virtual Home Space Builder Virtus Walkthrough Pro</p><p>Installing and Using VRML-Enabled Browsers</p><p>Stand-alone browsers for PCs WorldView from InterVista WebSpace for Windows</p><p>Helper Applications for Standard HTML Browsers VRWeb for Windows WebFX from Paper Software Configuring your X browser for VRML Configuring your Windows browser for VRML Configuring your Macintosh browser for VRML</p><p>Configuring Your Web Server for VRML</p><p>Designs Do’s and Don’ts for VRML Do Don’t The Top Ten VRML Resources</p><p>A VRML Summary</p><p>Chapter 17: Jumpin’ With the Java Jive!</p><p>A Java Overview What makes Java different? About those terms... Simple Object-oriented Distributed Interpreted Robust Secure Architecture-neutral and portable High performance Multithreaded Dynamic Java’s history: from seedling to coffee bean Java’s learning curve Java vs. C++ @md the differences</p><p>Creating Java and JavaScript Content About Java programming... Say “Hello World” with Java: creating a Java program Programming with JavaScript Differences between Java and JavaScript</p><p>Finding and Using Java-enabled Browsers Some of HotJava’s nifty features HotJava’s drawbacks</p><p>Referencing Java Materials in Your Web Pages</p><p>Design Do’s and Don’ts for Java Materials</p><p>Top Java Resources</p><p>Java’s future</p><p>Chapter 18: Controlling Web Text to the Nth Degree</p><p>A Portable Document Overview How do text engines work? Who can use this portable stuff, anyway? Benefits Drawbacks Creating (or using) Special Text Formats Adobe Acrobat and PDF Minimum system requirements for Acrobat Viewing one page at a time with Acrobat’s Amber Envoy and Tumbleweed Envoy 1.0a system requirements Differences between Envoy (and similar programs) and HTML Common Ground and Digital Paper Common Ground configuration for your Web browser</p><p>External text-handlers and plug-ins Configuring helper applications Configuring Adobe Acrobat Sun SPARC and HP Silicon Graphics AIX 4.1.3 and above Acrobat 1.0 for DOS</p><p>Configuration for Special Text Formats NCSA HTTPD (version 1.3) WebStar CERN HTTPD 3.0 Using Special Text Formats in your Web Pages</p><p>Design Do’s for Special Text Formats</p><p>The Top Special Text Format Resources</p><p>The Final Word on Portable Document Technology</p><p>Chapter 19: Maintenance Tips and Tricks</p><p>For Maintenance, Routine is Everything</p><p>Remembering the Content</p><p>Keeping Track of Dates</p><p>Avoiding (or Mitigating) Browser Dependencies</p><p>Evolution Beats Revolution Every Time</p><p>The Beauty of a Test Web</p><p>If It Changes, Test It (Again)</p><p>Overcoming Inertia Takes Constant Vigilance</p><p>Chapter 20: Advanced HTML Tips and Shortcuts</p><p>Don’t Forget the “Other Guys”</p><p>Multiple Means of Delivery</p><p>Let the Users Choose</p><p><TABLE> Alternatives</p><p><FRAME> Alternatives</p><p><MATH> Alternatives</p><p>Knowing When to Split</p><p>Managing Miscellany Adding Value for Value</p><p>Chapter 21: Extenuations for Extensions</p><p>Warning! Strange Stuff Ahead</p><p>Shelling into Shockwave</p><p>Visualizing the Virtual with VRML</p><p>Jumping into Java</p><p>Mastering the Mechanics of Text</p><p>Effective Augmentation</p><p>Glossary</p> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" async crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script> <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script> var docId = '17678d1d9a7995967393ec13db80b767'; var endPage = 1; var totalPage = 15; var pfLoading = false; window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (pfLoading) return; var $now = $('.article-imgview .pf').eq(endPage - 1); if (document.documentElement.scrollTop + $(window).height() > $now.offset().top) { pfLoading = true; endPage++; if (endPage > totalPage) return; var imgEle = new Image(); var imgsrc = "//" + endPage + (endPage > 3 ? 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