January 1917) James Francis Cooke
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Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 1-1-1917 Volume 35, Number 01 (January 1917) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 35, Number 01 (January 1917)." , (1917). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/631 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ETUDE PRESSER’S MUSICAL MAGAZINE JANUARY 1917 PRICE 15 CENTS THE ETUDE 1 PRACTICAL PREMIUM REWARDS THE.ETUDE THE ETUDE. .) $015 THE PEERLESS To-Day’s. MANICURE SET !, Every Week. yearly subscriptions. This f THE ETUDE. .1 $220 Modern Priscilla. THE ETUDE.$1.50 j; $300 LEATHER GOODS Everybody’s) To One.. 1.50 NON-TARNISHABLE PLATINOID ©EUNEAIOR Save $1.50 PICTURE FRAMES CHILD’S BAG OF ASSORTED Delineator JAddress . 1.50 ) SILKS 1 Yearly Subscription. Morean lined. Mirror to match. EVERYBODY’S j 1 American BLACK SEAL GRAIN MOREAN, Magazine LINED POCKETBOOK l$500< 2 Yearly Subscriptions. 6 inch- * ALL FIVE < ■ Woman’s DELINEATOR 1 THE | To One Address Companion 1 ETUDE 'To One Address f You Save $2.50 You Save $2.50 L THE ETUDE Ladies’ World THE ETUDE.. TRAVELING BAGS THE ETUDE. Little Folks. .1 $285 Home Needlework. .1 $260 McCall’s.. OUR MOST Modern Priscilla. Housewife. THE ETUDE . POPULAR Home Needlework. $285 Youth’s Comp. $345 Modern Priscilla. PREMIUM McCall’s or To-Day’s. THE ETUDE. THE ETUDE. Every Week......... .. McCall’s. $312 McCall’s or To-Day’s.. Ladies’ World. save $1.00 Mother’s Magazine. save$i.4o Pictorial Review. THE ETUDE. Christian Herald..} $335 Mother’s Magazine. 6 subscriptions. Cane THE ETUDE .$ Christian Herald Ladies’ World. SEVEN People’s Home Journal SOLID GOLD JEWELRY McCall’s .. SOLID GOLD LA VALLIERES ~ ~ ' DERDLY SINS ' To-Day’s. 2 Subscriptions. Solid gold, with 3Subscriptions. Diamond shape, with amethyst and 4 pearls; baroque pearl THE ETUDE. 3 Subscriptions. One pearl anc Ladies’ World. large amethyst; pendant, IK inches. 3 Subscriptions. Uniqr* J — A~ Mother’s Magazine. ethyst, one small pearl and SOLID GOLD BREAST PIN 4 Subscriptions. Un criptions. Popular design. P^arl SOLID GOLD NECK CHAIN THE ETUDE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ETUDE 3 THE ETUDE PRESSER MAIL ORDER MUSIC BUYING SAVES TIME AND MONEY FFRfiREBB THEO PRESSER CO. “ON SALE” PUN J | CATALOGS THAT ARE A REAL HELP IMMEDIATE ATTENTION 1 ncu. r -on A stock of music on hand = CUSTOMERS EVERYWHERE ; Compass and chart are no more necessary to \ I The moment your music order arrives all the facil- gUa^tim?s to select from, for every purpose t Mmbhbb \ the mariner than are these guides prepared { : ities of a great Metropolitan music store are at Some of our customers are 12,000 miles away from at all though the music was purcha^ , placed at your disposal. Think what this n Philadelphia, thousands are over one thousand miles large dls®ount * teeof satisfaction if you will but = j by experts to help you in your music buying. \ right, and a gua studies so that our information : 1. Two modern buildings with i away, yet they are all enthusiastic over the quick, \ Simply tell us what your needs are (Piano, \ 30,000 sq. ft. of floor space. economical, courteous, efficient “Presser Service, naiTbeaofea comprehensive nature. Send your order, | I Voice, Violin, Organ, Chorus, Juvenile, etc.) \ W1 b l minarTcorrespondence is necessary You pay ; 2. A vast stock unequaled in variety which makes it easier to buy through the U. b. \ and we will gladly send you a valuable cat- and completeness. jherrerb Mail than in any other way. In addition to our ; alog without charge. 3. A staff of over 200 men and women huge catalog of sheet music and books on musical including expert clerks, profes¬ rrnnnnnn' education—in which we have specialized—we carry A SPLENDID CHOIR AND CHORUS CATALOG sional musicians, teachers and everything needed in music teaching, selected from correspondents. : We take especial pride in our ever increasing = the stocks of the best publishers here and abroad, new music and S°VELTIES on^sms^ is the pride of this entire establishment to see that FiFtHFlFi as well as Music Rolls, Satchels, Musical Pictures, ilog of Anthems, Choruses, etc. A great : : every order is sent out with the least delay, the great- Post Cards, Cabinets, Music Stands, Musical Jewelry, y to busy organists. * , I est courtesy, the least error, the greatest economy. ,rr rr;.KRRRi Etc., Etc. illlUiUlilliil A SELECTED LIST OF THE MOST USED WORKS IN MUSIC EDUCATION ___»DD1V SENT ON EXAMINATIONX TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OUR USUAL LIBERAL DISCOUNTS APPLY ORGAN WORKS—Continued PIANO COLLECTIONS—Continued PIANO COLLECTIONS—FOUR HANDS—Con. PIANO TECHNICS AND STUDIES-Continued PIANO TECHNICS AND STUDIES—Continual MODERN DRAWING ROOM PIECES . 51 WOOD, D. D. Musical Zoo. Melodious duets for MUSICAL THEORY, REFERENCE BOOKS, PIANO INSTRUCTORS—Continued 50 MOZART, W. A. Sonata - • • teacher and pupil. Worda. $75 “ Sonatas, Com ' YOUNG DUET PLAYERS (Harthan). 50 GENERAL MUSICAL LITERATURE Continued i VOCAL METHODS AND STUDIES VOCAL COLLECTIONS Sr " • l” Any of the above works will be sent on examination to responsible persons. n°m?dJhPe'simply mmtion on yom &st orJer the name of abusiness THEODORE PRESSER COMPANY, Publishers, 1712 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. IMUIllUlUUllUllumiMIMiiiyiMllllidlkUllddUllllilllliiUlllMlliUiiiihUutiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiiimtiMiLiiiiuiiilli^ T THE ETUDE THE ETUDE Annoyed by perspiring bands? Monsense ! Read this letter: “The house was^ ^ry warm, a nd^ I ^noticed that they were expe- hands^whicl^causTd their fmgers^to^slipTn the strings,^ad also it it was a toilet water which h The World of Music i tale their music tells”—Thomas Moore almost effusive in their gratitude, and one of them called me up this morning to tell me that he and his friend each purchased a bottle Peroxide Massage Cream v.T!a-srsu; s mst-A's COCIAL Elegance demands that clear, fresh, love . s'7» ° that marks the well-groomed man and woman everywhere. I his >-ro-no will give y requires regular daily massage with just such carefully selected andpre- Ask for it today at your tc 50c and $1, trial size 25c. In and 31.40, trial size 35c. By THE ODORONO CO. Ave. Lundborg’s Peroxide Cream So».2S«,«afa Write today for free booklet, “The Truth About F The Logical Sequel to the Beginner’s Book The Standard History of Music School of the Pianoforte A First History for Students at All Ages By By JAMES FRANCIS C Price 75 Cents red cloth, stamped ’with gold. Let Us Help You Form a Musical Club How to form a musical cjub^how to ^conduct ^a muskal club^eto, ai THEO. PRESSER CO., 1712 ( f Help in Theory Study THEO. Harmony Book For Beginners By Preston Ware Orem The Latest and Best Word in Voice Building Price $1.00 THE VOCAL INSTRUCTOR Brief, Simple, Vital, Practical, New and I THEO. PRESSER CO St„ Philadelphia, P»L THE ETUD E d°r The Victor Record catalog is the most complete catalog of music m THE ETUDE HIS MASTER'S VOICE in all the world JANUARY, 1917 VOL. XXXV No. 1 It has required 19 years of constant research,© s ea application, of tireless effort, and the expenditure o , Post, has been keeping tabs upon the attendance at the noonday more than Eleven Million Dollars to place this catalog in you Going Backward? meetings of a large club of men. Here is one of the things which this gentleman (J. Lee Cross) found: This great book of 506 pages is the recognized authoritative index to the world s » “It appears that business men are fond of music. Just put the to the greatest musical achievements of all time. , - „ .i. u„ct mil<s:r There are certain facts which the music worker should know word ‘Music’ on an announcement of a business gathering and, with Its pages are living tributes to the years of unceasing vigil spent in gathen g in order to safeguard his own progress. It is not necessary for all other factors equal, about twenty per cent, more persons will from every portion of the globe. They reflect the hours upon hours which the greatest artists nave him to attach the big names of ethnology, psychology, physiology come than if you said nothing about music. If you go further and devoted to recording their superb art for the delight of all generations. They attes o , or sociology to these discoveries to make them significant. The main tell them what the music will consist of, the pulling power of this amount of time and millions of dollars spent in developing the art of recording to its presen point is the great truth itself. For instance, there are certain things item will be as much as fifty per cent, greater.” perfection. And through each and every page runs the story and proof of Victor supremacy. about what the students of heredity call “reversion to type,” which When a department store proprietor makes an investment for are very momentous. music running up into five figures or more he is not wasting a penny.