RASPORED MEČEVA / ORDER OF PLAY GOURMET PROGRAM CENTRE COURT 12.00 - 02.00 Naša kužina by LF Restoran 17:30 18.00 - 04.00 Taste Istria (CRO) vs Andrey Rublev (RUS) 18.00 - 02.00 Istria gourmet restoran by Zigante tartuffi Ne prije / Not before 20:00 21.00 Wine tastings - Evening of Istrian champions Paolo Lorenzi (ITA) vs Alessandro Giannessi (ITA) 22.00 Liquor tastings by Badel - Bacardi rum Slijedi / Followed by FINALE PAROVA PARTY PROGRAM M. Draganja / T. Draganja (CRO) vs [3] G. Duran (ARG) / A. Molteni (ARG) 23.30 Party Nights - The Avener

Ulaznice su dostupne na službenoj web stranici turnira: SLOBODAN ULAZ NA PARTY PROGRAM U DANCE ARENI.

Organizator zadržava pravo promjene programa i satnice. Novosti iz programa pratite putem službene web stranice turnira 1 WC 1. GOFFIN, DAVID BEL GLAVNI TURNIR 2. BYE D. GOFFIN [1] D. GOFFIN [1] Q 3. BALASZ, ATTILA HUN A. BALASZ 6:4, 6:7(6), 6:2 4. DŽUMHUR, DAMIR BIH 6:3, 0:6, 7:5 I. DODIG 5. COPIL, MARIUS ROU 7:5, 6:3 I. DODIG WC 6. DODIG, IVAN CRO 6:4, 7:6(4) I. DODIG 7. CECCHINATO, MARCO ITA M. CECCHINATO 3:6, 7:6(6), 6:2 5 8. SIMON, GILLES FRA 6:1, 3:6, 6:1 3 9. FOGNINI,FABIO ITA 10. BYE F. FOGNINI [3] F. FOGNINI [3] 11. YOUZHNY, MIKHAIL RUS N. KICKER 6:4, 1:6, 6:2 12. KICKER, NICOLAS ARG 6:3, 7:5 A. RUBLEV 13. MARTIN, ANDREJ SVK A. MARTIN 6:7(5), 6:2, 7:6(2) 14. ISTOMIN, DENIS UZB 6:3, 6:2 A. RUBLEV 7:6(5), 7:5 15. BERLOCQ, CARLOS ARG A. RUBLEV LL 16. RUBLEV, ANDREY RUS 6:2, 6:4

8 17. VESELY, JIRI CZE J. VESELY [8] 6:4, 6:0 18. GOMBOS, NORBERT SVK J. VESELY [8] 19. ALBOT, RADU MDA R. ALBOT 7:6(3), 6:2 Q 20. ZEKIĆ, MILJAN SRB 6:4, 6:0 P. LORENZI [4] 21. SOUSA, JOAO POR A. BEDENE 1:6, 7:5, 6:3 6:4, 4:6, 6:4 22. BEDENE, ALJAŽ GBR P. LORENZI [4] 7:5, 6:3 23. BYE P. LORENZI [4] 4 24. LORENZI, PAOLO ITA 7 25. PAIRE, BENOIT FRA K. DE SCHEPPER 6:2, 4:6, 6:3 Q 26. DE SCHEPPER, KENNY FRA A. GIANNESSI 6:3, 3:6, 6:3 WC 27. POLMANS, MARC AUS A. GIANNESSI 6:7(3), 6:3, 6:4 28. GIANNESSI, ALESSANDRO ITA A. GIANNESSI 6:7(3), 6:2, 7:5 29. DUTRA SILVA, ROGERIO BRA R. DUTRA SILVA 6:1, 6:2 Q 30. TRUNGELITTI, MARCO ARG R. DUTRA SILVA 7:6(5), 4:6, 6:3 31. BYE G. MONFILS [2] 2 32. MONFILS, GAEL FRA


2 Lawrence Goran Frankopan Ivanišević


Ivan Dodig postaje priča turnira, zapravo ne postaje, Već sam hvalio Ivana Dodiga kroz cijeli ovaj tjedan, on već sada jest glavna priča turnira. Kako god da- ali nikada nije previše ako čovjek ovako igra. Dodo je našanje polufinale završilo odnosno cijeli ovaj tjedan stvarno veliko iznenađenje jer prije početka turnira za njega, stvarno je pomalo nevjerojatno što se i kako nitko mu ne bi dao šanse da ode tako daleko. Jer ta se sve dogodilo proteklih nekoliko dana. Nazvao bih njegova leđa su uvijek problem, em nije igrao puno ga ubojica divova nakon što je eliminirao prvog nos- pojedinačnih mečeva, a i od onoga što je igrao malo ih itelja Davida Goffina. Odigrao je odličan meč, Dodig je dobio. I onda dođe ovdje u i izbori polufinale. izgleda kao da se pomladio.

Zašto sada pobjeđuje, a prije nije? ssijem i Paolom Lorenzijem te jedno Jasno, nitko ne voli ostati bez prvog Žao mi je što je Fognini ispao, naravno, E, to je ta ljepota tenisa, jer nikada potpuno neočekivano i neobično u nositelja u turniru, ali ako je s druge on je naš dugogodišnji prijatelj, na ne znaš što te čeka sljedeći dan. kojem će igrati čovjek s pozivnicom strane opcija da dalje prolazi domaći turnir nam dolazi već deset godi- Jednog dana možeš igrati briljantno, i lucky loser. igrač koji je na turnir ušao s poziv- na za redom, no s druge strane ne drugog sve može otići u propast. Andrej Rubljev zasjeo je na pobjed- nicom, nemam nikakvih problema mogu žaliti zbog načina na koji je Kod Dodiga, srećom, ova pozitivna nički val koji ga nosi tamo gdje ga oko izbora što mi je draže. ispao. Borio se maksimalno, a to serija traje još uvijek, i nadam se da nitko nije vidio. Ali, mali je dobar, Oprostio se i Fabio Fognini kojeg je je publika prepoznala i napravila će potrajati još dva meča. iako još doduše nije izbrusio taktičku poslije fantastičnog meča izbacio fantastičnu atmosferu na središ- Glavna stvar u svemu tome je da stranu u svojoj igri jer ima samo Andrej Rubljev, koji također postaje njem terenu. Navijanje i meksički Dodig igra rastrećeno, bez ikakvog jedan stil igre. A to je udri što jače, jako dobra priča turnira. Dečko je valovi po tribinama zaista su bili pritiska i bez potrebe da treba išta pa dokle ide. To mu je plan A, a došao igrati kvalifikacije, izgubio i sjajna kulisa napetim zbivanjima dokazivati. Jednostavno uživa u plana B nema. već bio na izlaznim vratima kada na terenu. tenisu i kad je tako onda te ruka I tu je prilika za Dodiga jer je iskusni- mu se otvorila druga šansa odusta- Iskreno, da sam mogao birati između bolje sluša. ji, mudriji i ako će ga znati taktički janjem Borne Ćorića. I onda stigao toga da Fognini dobije u dva glatka Goffin nije odigrao onako kako priliči dobro „izmiješati“ onda ima sasvim do najmanje polufinala. Drago mi je seta i toga da se odigraju ovakva njegovom renomeu, dapače mučio dobru priliku za dobiti Rusa. Rubljev da je naš Umag prvi veći i ozbiljniji tri, ali da izgubi, svejedno bih uzeo se i u prvom meču protiv Mađara je još divlji u nekim situacijama, rezultat u karijeri ove buduće svjetske ovo što se dogodilo sinoć. Balazsa. Očito ga je ova stanka zbog prejako udara i kad ne treba. Za zvijezde. No, moram reći da sam Nikada u parovima u dosadašnjih ozljede od Roland Garrosa dosta sada mu je to prolazilo, danas je ponosan i što smo mi njegov talent 27 izdanja umaškog turnira nismo koštala, treba mu mečeva da uđe pravo vrijeme da ga stane. uočili već prije dvije godine pa smo imali hrvatske pobjednike, što je baš u ritam. No, to svejedno ni malo Bravo za braću Draganja! Oduševili ga „vezali“ za naš turnir višegodišnjim neobično, ali možda to ove godine ne umanjuje Dodigov uspjeh. Jer su me, prvi puta igraju ATP turnir i ugovorom, tako da će on dolaziti k postanu braća Draganja. Svaka čast treba Goffina dobiti u kakvom god odmah do finala. Zahvaljujući njima u nama bez obzira kako mu se karijera splitskom tandemu na onome što on stanju bio. zadnja dva turnir ulazimo s hrvatskim dalje razvijala. A vrlo vjerojatno će su odigrali u polufinalu i za plasman Danas ćemo imati jedno talijansko kandidatima u obje konkurencije, se razvijati prema svjetskom vrhu. u finale! polufinale s Alessandrom Gianne- gdje ćeš bolje od toga.


Kao dio bogatog programa 28. Plava odjevne kombinacije temi večeri, laguna Opena Umag sinoć ‘Crveni koralj’, a u toploj noći hladile je održana gala večera koja je u ho- su se crvenim lepezama koje su ih telu Melia Coral okupila nekoliko dočekale na ulazu. Impresivan dekor stotina uzvanika. Na početku večeri i instalacije na stolovima, hostese gostima se obratio direktor Istratu- oslikanih tijela te sirena u bazenu, rista i predsjednik organizacijskog dale su cijeloj večeri mistični prizvuk, odbora turnira, Ronald Korotaj. a sve je začinila izvrsna svirka benda U pozdravnom govoru, Korotaj Borna Šercar trio s Antom Gelom i se zahvalio partnerima i sponzo- Emom Gagro. U dobrom društvu, rima turnira na podršci i suradnji probranim vinima i gastronomskim te obećao da će zajedno nastaviti delicijama za koje se pobrinuo chef raditi na njegovom rastu i razvoju. hotela Melia Coral, mnogobrojni Mnoge dame prilagodile su svoje uzvanici uživali su do dugo u noć.

4 5 Ivan Dodig šokirao prvog nositelja Davida Goffina i izborio polufinale u Umagu AKO TIJELO DOPUŠTA, JOŠ MOGU IGRATI DOBAR TENIS izborio mjesto među posljednja četiri Dodig je propustio dvije set-lopte kod na ATP turniru. 5:2 i 15:40 u prvom setu, a Goffin se - I na mom primjeru iz ovoga tjedna vratio na 5:5. No, nije to pokolebalo može se vidjeti koliko je tenis ne- 32-godišnjeg Međugorca koji je ostao predvidiv. Nitko ovo nije očekivao, ustrajan u svojoj igri i to mu se isplatilo ali pokazao sam da još mogu igrati u 12. gemu za osvojeni set. dobar tenis, dok god mi tijelo izdr- U drugom setu dogodila su se tri Ivan Dodig igrat će danas u polufinalu žava - rekao je Dodig poslije svoje breaka unutar pet gemova, od toga Plava Laguna Croatia Opena Umag. 13. pobjede u karijeri nad nekim Top su dva bila u korist Dodiga koji je od Hrvatski tenisač priredio je veliko 20 igračem. 3:3 nanizao tri gema i počeo slaviti. iznenađenje pobijedivši prvog no- - Goffin igra četvrtfinala - Moja ozljeda zbog koje nisam igrao BRAĆA DRAGANJA sitelja i trenutačno 14. igrača svijeta turnira, pobjeđivao je najbolje na od Roland Garrosa nije razlog poraza, Davida Goffina. U trećem međusob- svijetu, bio je Top 10, ni sada nije gležanj je OK, ali još nisam na razini na U FINALU! nom okršaju naš je igrač došao do daleko od toga. Zbog svega toga kojoj sam bio ranije - kazao je Goffin. Marin i Tomislav Draganja borit će se druge pobjede nad Belgijancem te moraš biti dobar za pobijediti ga. Inače, noć ranije Dodig je sa Škugorom danas za titulu pobjednika Umaga. prvi puta nakon skoro četiri godine I to me čini sretnim. igrao parove protiv braće Draganja Splitska braća u iznimno uzbudljivom do ponoć i 45 minuta, ali to nije dvoboju protiv Dominica Inglota i Aljaža ostavilo traga. Bedenea stigli su do velike pobjede i RUBLJEV DETRONIZIRAO FOGNINIJA - Srećom u Umagu mečevi počinju tek plasmana u finale. Ovo je Draganjama Ispadanje Davida Goffina nije bio jedini šok dana, jer u četvrtfinalu se od poslijepodne, pa sam imao vremena prvi zajednički nastup na ATP razini i turnira oprostio i branitelj titule umaškog kralja Fabio Fognini. Sjajan je meč naspavati se i pripremiti za Goffina. odmah su došli korak do naslov. odigrao protiv Andreja Rubljeva, ali opet nedovoljno da slomi mladu nado- Inače, taj meč protiv braće Draganja Suparnici će im biti Guillermo Duran lazeću zvijezdu svjetskog tenisa. Plavokosi 19-godišnji Moskovljanin doista bio je vrhunski, finale prije finala. i Andres Molteni, argentinska kom- se pokazao “sretnim gubitnikom” jer nije prošao ni kvalifikacije, a eto igrat Dodig je tako u svom sedmom dolasku binacija koja je, pak, iznenadila prve će polufinale. Bit će mu to prvo ATP polufinale u karijeri. u Umag skupio više pobjeda (3) nego nositelje i proslavljene igrače parova Opasno je visio i četvrti nositelj Paolo Lorenzi kojem je Jiri Vesely prvi set uzeo u svih šest prijašnjih (2). Igrat će danas Daniela Nestora i Maksa Mirnjeg. sa 6:1. No, Lorenzi je, jednako kao i najslabiji Talijan u Umagu, barem po statusu svoje osmo polufinale u karijeri, prvo Finale se igra večeras kao drugi meč i renkingu - Alessandro Gianessi, spasio čast naših prekojadranskih susjeda. nakon Tokija iz 2013, a protivnik će nakon 20 sati. mu biti Andrej Rubljev.

OSCAROV MEĐU NAJMLAĐIM TENISAČIMA KUTAK IVANIŠEVIĆ PREPOZNAO SVOJE BUDUĆE NASLJEDNIKE Legendarni tenisač stigao je jučer njima mogao nalaziti i neki novi Goran. prošlogodišnjim finalistom turnira, nasmijan među mališane koji su ga Svakog dana Kid’s Weeka sudjelovalo Andrejom Martinom, našim Ivanom nestrpljivo čekali na posljednjem je 50-ak mladih tenisača, a s njima Dodigom i Ninom Serdarušićem, Bra- ovogodišnjem Kid’s Weeku. Kao i su se družila neka od najjačih imena zilcem Rogériem Dutrom Silvom, a uvijek, djeca su stigla već u 10 sati, ovogodišnjeg Plava laguna Croatia iznenađenje za kraj bio je dolazak kako bi se zagrijala i bila spremna za Opena Umag. Odmjerili su snage s Gorana Ivaniševića. Iako je David Goffin jedan od 15 meč s najtežim protivnikom do sad. vodećih igrača na ATP ljestvici, u Mališani su se strpljivo izmjenjivali na svom prvom nastupu u Umagu mreži prebacujući lopticu s Goranom, a nije uspio nadmašiti smirenu i zatim je njih troje dobilo šansu s njim u odličnu igru Ivana Dodiga. parovima zaigrati ‘pravi’ meč. Jedinom Ushićena publika zadnjih 5 minuta hrvatskom pobjedniku Wimbledona odlično je navijala i time podržala na terenu se pridružila Viki, dok su našeg jedinog predstavnika, da- s druge strane mreže stali Thomas i pače na kraju susreta publika je Diego. U tijesnom meču, pobjedu su bila na nogama. Kakav spektakl! na kraju izborili Viki i Goran. Protivnici Imao sam čast popričati s Ivanom i su im sportski čestitali, a zatim su čestitati mu te naravno, zaželio sam se svi sudionici Kid’s Weeka zajedno mu sreću za današnje polufinale. fotografirali. Sva djeca su dala sve od Ajde, Dodo! sebe da zablistaju pred Ivaniševićem, a on se složio s voditeljem programa piše: Oscar Visintin Giancarlom Šegonom da bi se među

6 ISTRIAN WINE RUN TRČI I OSVOJI VINA KOLIKO SI TEŽAK Antonija Mandić u jučerašnjem Live koji će se održati 2. rujna, a prijave su - Dvoje mladenaca iz Rijeke chatu ugostila je organizatore utrke već počele preko službene stranice. prošle godine izrazilo je želju Istrian Wine Run i Matiju Vuicu koja Specifičnost utrke je što je duž cijele da se vjenčaju upravo na IWR-u, je večer prije na multimedijalnom trase postavljeno 17 okrepnih pun- a mi smo ih naravno ugostili, modno-glazbenom spektaklu predsta- ktova od kojih čak 15 nudi najbolja zajedno sa svatovima, od kojih vila novu kolekciju. Jedna od omilje- istarska vina, a ostali lokalne gourmet je 40-ak trčalo zajedno s mla- nih domaćih dizajnerica, na Fash!on delicije. Pobjednici osvajaju točno dencima, a ostalih 100-tinjak Liveu prezentirala je 30 unikatnih onoliko litara vrhunskog vina koliko ih je čekalo u cilju, spremni couture haljina inspiriranih morem, kilograma imaju. Osim što je riječ o s tortom. Atmosfera je bila ali i uniforme koje je dizajnirala za jedinoj utrci u Hrvatskoj na kojoj se fantastična, a naravno, sretni hostese Plava laguna Croatia Opena trči i istovremeno pije, Istrian Wine mladenci će i ove godine trčati s Umag. Ostali Antoniji gosti najavili Run također je jedna od rijetkih utrka nama, ispričao je Senad Hodžić, su četvrto izdanje Istrian Wine Runa na kojima se par vjenčao. organizator utrke.

DJ R3HAB NASTAVIO NIZ IZVRSNIH KONCERATA Nizozemski producent i DJ umjetničkog The Avenera, najpoznatijeg po velikoj imena R3hab, gostovao je sinoć u uspješnici ‘Fade Out Lines’. Nakon Dance Areni. Mnogobrojna publika niza koncerata, Dance Arena zadnjih plesala je do dugo u noć uz strane je dana postala dom za ljubitelje hitove koje je Nizozemac puštao što house i techno glazbe, a u nedjelju je bila i sjajna uvertira za današnji će za kraj turnira ugostiti izvrstan nastup njegovog francuskog kolege plesni program ‘Ekstravaganza’. EMIRATES VODI SRETNOG GLEDATELJA POLUFINALA U DUBAI Jedan sretnik s ulaznicama za veče- vog polufinalnog meča bacit će u rašnji polufinalni meč singla, koji se publiku četiri loptice, a sretnik koji igra na stadionu Gorana Ivaniševića ulovi posebno označenu lopticu u 17:30 sati, dobit će priliku za neza- osvojit će putovanje u Dubai, koje boravan posjet Dubaiju zahvaljujući uključuje let -Dubai za dvije Emiratesu, premier partneru ATP osobe te tri noćenja u hotelu po World Toura. Iz tog će razloga cijela izboru Emiratesa. Nagradna igra subota biti u znaku Emiratesa, a ‘Emirates Ball Flight’ započela je u središnji događaj svakako će biti četvrtak, kada je pobjednik meča nagradna igra ‘Emirates Ball Flight’, singla Rogerio Dutra Silva u publi- u kojoj svaki gledatelj na tribinama ku na stadionu bacio četiri teniske može biti dobitnik. Pobjednik pr- loptice sa svojim potpisom.


Kuša i piše / Tasted and written by: Antonija Mandić

U BORBU ZA ATP VINO 2017. POSLJEDNJI ULAZI PJENUŠAC RE Na petim i posljednjim ovogodišnjim koje vino im je posluženo, okupljeni vinskim degustacijama ‘Skrivene gosti kušali su sinoć pjenušce s eti- čari istarskih vina’, kao posljednji ketom Cattunar, Kabola i Peršurić. finalist u borbu za titulu ATP vina Najbolje im je legao pjenušac vinarije 2017. godine ulazi pjenušac RE Kabola koji su nagradili s najviše brut vinarije Kabola. Pridružio se bodova. Konačnog pobjednika, ATP tako odležanoj malvaziji Vina Istria, vino 2017. godine doznat ćemo u mladoj malvaziji vinarije Franković, nedjelju u 19 sati. Posjetitelji Go- crnoj Grimaldi vinarije Matošević urmet Istria zone danas u 21 sat i svježem teranu Geržinić koji su mogu kušati nagrađivana istarska pobjede odnijeli prethodnih večeri. vina na ‘Večer istarskih šampiona’, Vođeni stručnim savjetima sommeliera no ona ne ulaze u konkurenciju za Emila Perdeca i ne znajući pri tome ATP vino godine. RE SPARKLING WINE LAST TO ENTER RACE FOR 2017 ATP WINE The last finalist to enter the race for malvasia, Franković Winery’s fresh wines they were tasting, the guests This evening at 9 PM, the visitors of the 2017 ATP Wine at this year’s fifth malvasia, Grimalda Red by Matošević, tasted sparkling wines by Cattunar, the Gourmet Istria Zone will be able and last wine tasting event Skrivene and Geržinić Winery’s fresh teran, Kabola and Peršurić. Eventually, they to taste the award-winning Istrian čari istarskih vina (Hidden Charms who had won the tasting events held rated the winary Kabola’s sparkling wines as part of the Evening of Istrian of the Istrian Wines) was the winary on previous nights. Guided by the wine the highest. The overall winner, Champions; however, those wines Kabola’s RE brut sparkling wine. It professional advice from sommelier the 2017 ATP Wine, will be revealed are out of the competition for the joined the company of Vina Istra’s aged Emil Perdec and not knowing which to us on Sunday, starting at 7 PM. ATP wine of the year.

8 Napuni baterije i vozi na struju

izvor električne energije

9 Sabato 22 luglio 2017 di Daniele Benvenuti FOGNINI KO, VOLANO GIANNESSI E LORENZI ATTESI ORA DAL DERBY entrano solo il meno accreditato, dopo un primo set opaco grazie a che lo aveva limitato all’esordio, il lo spezzino Alessandro Giannessi una reazione generosa, perentoria sanremese è apparso abbastanza (coriaceo vincitore nella sfida tra e incisiva (7-5 6-3). Clamoroso disco in palla contro il biondo e roccioso ‘urlatori’ contro l’indomabile brasi- rosso, invece, per il campione us- ‘lucky loser’ russo Andrey Rublev liano Rogerio Dutra Silva, grazie a un cente Fabio Fognini, testa di serie che, sicuro big del futuro, ha rimon- secondo set prorompente dopo la numero 3 che segue nei ko eccellenti tato con freddezza e precisione lo delusione al tie break nel primo e a contro autentici outsiders quelli di svantaggio iniziale ai tie break per un terzo chiuso all’arrembaggio) e il Monfils (2) e ieri pomeriggio, in due riportarsi in linea di galleggiamento Il sogno era quello di portare ben veterano Paolo Lorenzi, unica delle set, anche di David Goffin (1) con- (6-2) e chiudere i giochi nel terzo tre italiani in semifinale. La realtà prime quattro teste di serie ancora in tro la ‘wild card’ croata Ivan Dodig. con un tie break che lasciava Fognini dice invece che tra i primi quattro gioco, che rimonta il ceco Jiri Vesely Eppure, recuperato dal malessere a quota 2.

FABIO FOGNINI ALESSADRO GIANNESSI BISOGNA ESSERE NON VOGLIO CERTO ONESTI: BRAVO LUI, FERMARMI QUI… Prima semifinale ATP in carriera: Ale- stato il mio terzo confronto dell’anno HA GIOCATO MEGLIO! ssadro Giannessi si gode al massimo contro Dutra Silva e sono state tutte È un sereno quello che a fine match il loro peso – perché ha messo in l’attenzione dei cronisti e l’ingresso tra battaglie – ricorda lo spezzino – Ne si presenta in sala stampa dopo es- i primi 100 nelle classifiche mondiali sono sempre uscito vincitore e an- sersi intrattenuto con disponibilità “Sono felicissimo. Uno step importante che in questo caso ho spinto bene con i fan. Nessuna recriminazione, per la mia carriera – il suo esordio nei momenti determinanti. Adesso nessun muso lungo. Solo tanta since- – Sono stanco, ma anche sicuro di darò tutto quello che ho: il problema ra schiettezza. “Devo essere onesto poter affrontare il prossimo match alla schiena è archiviato, rimane un – esordisce – Ha giocato meglio di nelle migliori condizioni possibili. E, affaticamento alla coscia ma spero me! E, se questa sera fosse andato ovviamente, di non fermarmi qui. È che le cure eliminino il fastidio”. al casinò, avrebbe vinto di sicuro. Ha azzeccato tutto. Io, invece, mi RISULTATI DI IERI (ITALIANI) sono espresso al meglio soltanto nel CAMPO CENTRALE – STADIUM GORAN IVANISEVIC primo set. Bravo lui, dunque – ripete [LL] Andrey Rublev (RUS) - [3] Fabio Fognini (ITA) 6-7 (5-7) 6-2 7-6 (7-2) ancora senza neppure cercare alibi NEXT GEN ARENA nei nastri e, soprattutto, nelle righe Alessandro Giannessi (ITA) - Rogerio Dutra Silva (BRA) 6-7 (3-7) 6-2 7-5 contrarie che in un confronto così campo colpi e soluzioni che mi hanno Paolo Lorenzi (ITA) - [8] Jiri Vesely (CZE) 1-6 7-5 6-3 equilibrato hanno comunque avuto davvero infastidito”.

ITALIANO PAOLO LORENZI DERBY PER LA FINALE CON UN AMICO E COMPAGNO DI ALLENAMENTI l’esperto e simpatico atleta romano Jiri Vesely – affrontavo un avversario nea Lorenzi – l’Italia ha di certo un – che le sorprese possono sempre contro il quale non avevo mai vinto rappresentante in finale. In secondo fioccare e anche i giocatori più titolati prima: forse sono partito troppo re- luogo, io e Alessandro ci alleniamo Paolo Lorenzi è l’unica delle prime rischiano sempre di perdere, se non missivo e lui ne ha approfittato per spesso insieme e ci portiamo fortuna: quattro teste di serie ancora in lizza sono al massimo della condizione. comandare. Poi sono uscito io molto finale a Caltanisetta dove ho prevalso per il titolo. “Il livello medio è ormai Questa sera – spiega, riferendosi al bene e ho chiuso in crescendo”. E, io, anche se lui non stava benissimo; talmente alto – quasi si schernisce match appena vinto contro il ceco adesso, il derby: “Intanto – sottoli- semifinale qui. Meglio di così…”. Anche questo è Umago!

IMPRESSUM Glavni urednik: Tomislav Poljak | Dizajn: Studio BuRa | Naklada: 800 komada | Tisak: Primacomm d.o.o. Fotografije: Pixsell, N. Gerenčir, N. Jurjak | Prevoditeljica: Enisa Jelečević | Izdavač: ISTRA D.M.C. d.o.o., Jadranska 66, Umag

10 Lawrence Goran Frankopan Ivanišević

The director’s view The legend’s verdict NO MATTER WHEN YOU ENJOY THE END, DODIG , THE

AND RUBLEV ARE ARM OBEYS ENGLISH Throughout this whole week I have been praising GREAT STORIES Ivan Dodig. The way he has been playing, it’s never too much. Dodo has turned out to be a huge sur- Ivan Dodig is quickly becoming the main story of the prise as before the tournament, nobody thought tournament. Actually, he already is. No matter how he would go this far. His back was always a problem today’s semifinal plays out or this whole week for and he hadn’t been in many singles matches. When that matter, the things that have happened over the he did play them, he rarely won. Then he came to past few days and the way they have unfolded are Umag and went all the way to the semifinal. really unbelievable. I’d call him the giant killer after how he’d eliminated the first seed David Goffin. He Why is he winning now and didn’t completely unexpected and unusual before? Well, that’s the beauty of semifinal starring a guy who got an played a great match and looked rejuvenated. tennis: you never know what the invitation and a lucky loser. Andrey next day will bring. One day you play Rublev is riding a winning wave and Obviously, nobody likes losing of course, he is our old friend, and brilliantly, the next everything is just it’s taking him places nobody could the top-seeded player but if the has been coming to the tournament awful. Luckily, in Dodig’s case, this even imagine. But the boy is good, alternative is seeing a homegrown for ten years. On the other hand, I positive energy of his is still going even though he is yet to hone his player advancing after entering the can’t feel sorry about the way he strong and, hopefully, will last for tactical skills. For now he only has tournament on invitation, then my was eliminated. He fought to his two more matches. one playing style. And that’s to hit choice is obvious. limits, the fans recognized it and The main thing is that Dodig is playing the ball as hard as he can and then Fabio Fognini also said goodbye created a fantastic atmosphere on without a worry in his mind. The- see how far that can get him. That’s DERBY PER LA FINALE CON UN AMICO to the tournament after losing to the central court. The cheering and re is no pressure or need to prove his plan A. There is no plan B. Andrey Rublev in a fantastic match. the Mexican waves on the stands himself. He is simply enjoying his This is where Dodig’s chance lies. He E COMPAGNO DI ALLENAMENTI The Russian is also becoming one of were truly a great backdrop for tennis and when it’s like that, then is wiser and more experienced, and the highlights of the tournament. the tense developments on the the arm obeys you. if he mixes it up tactically, he has a He lost in the qualifiers and was court. Honestly, if I could choose Goffin didn’t play the way it was decent shot at winning. Rublev is already on his way home when Borna between Fognini winning in two expected of him. On the contrary, still wild in certain situations, hits Ćorić withdrew and he got a second easy sets and having these three he struggled even in his first mat- too hard and hits even when it’s chance. And then he reached the sets, albeit with Fognini losing in ch against the Hungarian Balazs. not necessary. So far, he has gotten semifinal. I’m glad he achieved the end, I would still choose exactly Obviously, this break he took after away with it but today would be a his first major result right here in what happened last night. suffering an injury at Roland Garros good day for all that to stop. Umag. I’m also proud to say we first Never in the 27 years of the to- has cost him a lot. He needs more Bravo for the Draganja brothers! spotted his talent two years ago, urnament in Umag have we had matches to get in the rhythm. Sti- They have impressed me. It’s the- tying him to the tournament with Croatian winners in the doubles ll, that doesn’t undermine Dodig’s ir first time in an ATP tournament a multiyear contract. That way he’ll competition, and that is pretty success. I mean, you still have to and already they have reached the be here regardless of the progress unusual, but the Draganja brothers beat Goffin, regardless of his form. final. Thanks to those two being he makes in the future. And he will might just do that. Well done for Today, we are going to have an in the final, we now have Croatian most likely make a great progress. how they played and everything Italian semifinal with Alessandro candidates in both competitions. I’m sorry Fognini was eliminated, they did in the semifinal! Giannessi and Paolo Lorenzi, and a It can’t get any better than this.


As part of the varied program of the night as the theme of the evening 28th Plava Laguna Umag, was Red Coral. Moreover, as it was a last night the Melia Coral Hotel hosted warm night, they used the red fans, a gala evening with several hundred which awaited them at the entran- guests. At the start of the evening, the ce, to cool down. Impressive décor guests were addressed by Istraturist’s and table centerpieces, hostesses CEO and chairman of the tournament’s with painted bodies and mermaids Organizing Committee, Ronald Koro- in the pool all gave the evening a taj. In his welcome speech, Korotaj touch of magic. The cherry on top thanked the tournament’s partners was the excellent music from Borna and sponsors for their support and Šercar Trio with Ante Gelo and Ema cooperation, promising they would Gagro. The guests enjoyed the good continue working together on the company, select wines and gourmet event’s growth and development. delicacies by the Melia Coral Hotel’s Many ladies adjusted their attires that chef long into the night. ENGLISH


13 Ivan Dodig upsets first seed David Goffin, advances to semifinal in Umag I CAN STILL PLAY QUALITY TENNIS IF ONLY MY BODY WILL LET ME Ivan Dodig will be playing today in player and is still not far from it, but that didn’t seem to affect the semifinal match of Plava Laguna so you really have to be good to him at all. Croatia Open Umag. The Croatian defeat him. That makes me happy. - Luckily, the matches in Umag sprung a major surprise by defeating Dodig missed two set points at 5:2 don’t start until the afternoon top seed and current world no. 14 and 15:40 in the first set, so Goffin so I had plenty of time to rest David Goffin. This was their third got back to 5:5. But not even that and prepare for Goffin. By the match and the Croatian’s second had discouraged the 32-year-old from way, that match against the win against the Belgian. Thus, for Međugorje. He persevered and it paid Draganja brothers was excellent, the first time in nearly four years off in the form of new set points in a final before the final. Dodig became one of the last four the 12th game – he finally used the In his seventh appearance in players at an ATP tournament in the fourth one. Umag, Dodig now has more wins singles competition. In the second set, there were three (3) than in all his previous six - You can see how much tennis is breaks in five games – two of whi- appearances here (2). Today, unpredictable just by looking at ch were to Dodig’s advantage. After he will be playing in his eighth what I had done this week. Nobody reaching 3:3, he won the next three semifinal in his career, and first expected this, yet I showed I could games and started celebrating. since Tokyo, back in 2013. His still play quality tennis if only my - The injury that has kept me off the opponent will be Andrey Rublev. body was OK. I was aggressive, I court since Roland Garros is not the went towards the net as often as reason why I lost today. My ankle possible, and everything worked for is just fine, but I’m still not at the me – Dodig said after his 13th ever level I was before the injury – Goffin DRAGANJA BROTHERS REACH THE FINAL! win over a Top 20 player. explained. Today, Marin and Tomislav Draganja will be fighting for the title of the - Goffin plays in Grand Slam quar- The night before, Dodig and Škugor Umag winners. In an extremely interesting match against Dominic Inglot terfinals, and has beaten world’s played against the Draganja brothers and Aljaž Bedene, the Split-born brothers reached a huge victory and top players. He was also a Top 10 until fifteen minutes past midnight advanced to the final. This is their first joint appearance on the ATP level

ENGLISH and they have already gone one step short of the title. Their opponents are Guillermo Duran and Andres Molteni, an Argentinian combination that surprised the top seeds and famous doubles team Daniel Nestor and Max Mirnyi. IVANIŠEVIĆ SPOTS HIS The final will be played this evening, immediately after the first match FUTURE HEIRS AMONG that is scheduled for 8 PM. THE YOUNGEST TENNIS RUBLEV DETHRONES FOGNINI David Goffin’s elimination was not the only shock of the day; the title defender Fabio Fognini, said goodbye to the tournament after the quar- PLAYERS terfinal. He played an excellent match against Andrey Rublev, but not well The legendary tennis player arrived enough to break young rising star. The blond 19-year-old from Moscow yesterday in good spirits, only to see truly turned out to be a “lucky loser” because even though he did not get the children impatiently waiting for through qualifiers, he is now going to play in the semifinal. This is going to him to kick off this year’s last Kids’ be the first ATP semifinal of his career. Week event. As usual, they arrived The fourth seed, Paolo Lorenzi, was seriously threatened as well, when Jiri there an hour early to warm up and Vesely won the first set 6:1. But, just like the weakest Italian in Umag (at prepare for the match with their to- least by status and ranking), Alessandro Gianessi, Lorenzi defended the ughest opponent yet. The children honor of our cross-Adriatic neighbors. patiently took turns at the net exc- hanging balls with Goran, and then three of them were given a chance OSCAR’S CORNER to play with him in a “real” doubles manager Giancarlo Šegon that there match. Croatia’s only Wimbledon just might be a new Goran among Even though David Goffin is top 15 the honor of champion was joined by Viki, whi- them. Every day of the Kids’ Week players on the ATP Tour, in his first chatting with le Thomas and Diego stood on the we had around 50-odd children out match in Umag he failed to overpower Ivan afterwar- opposite side of the net. The tight on the court, hanging out with some the calm and excellent Ivan Dodig. ds, congra- match was eventually won by Viki and of the biggest names of this year’s For the last five minutes of the tulating him Goran. In a show of sportsmanship, Plava Laguna Croatia Open Umag, match, the elated spectators had and naturally their opponents congratulated them, including last year’s finalist Andrej cheered loudly for only Croatian I wished him luck in his semifinal and then all of the event’s participants Martin, Croatia’s Ivan Dodig and Nino player left in the tournament and by today. Let’s go Dodo! posed for a joint photo. All kids did Serdarušić, and Brazil’s Rogério Dutra the end of the match they were all their best to shine in front of Ivani- Silva, while Goran Ivanišević’s arrival on their feet. What a spectacle! I had writes: Oscar Visintin šević and he agreed with program was the surprise left for the last day.

14 ISTRIAN WINE RUN RUN AND WIN YOUR WEIGHT IN WINE Antonija Mandić’s guests in yester- fourth edition of the Istrian Wine Run, the competitors run and drink, the day’s Live Chat were the organizers which will take place on September Istrian Wine Run is also one of the of the Istrian Wine Run and Matija 2, with runners already sending in few races that had a couple marry Vuica, who had showcased her la- their applications through the event’s each other after the race. test collection the night before at a official website. The race is somewhat - Last year, a couple from Rijeka asked multimedia fashion and music show special seeing as along the route there us if they could get married at the Fash!on Live. One of Croatia’s favo- will be 17 rest stops, 15 of which Istrian Wine Run and we agreed. rite fashion designers presented 30 will be offering some of the best Around 40 members of their wedding unique sea-inspired couture dresses Istrian wines, while the remaining party ran the race together with the as well as the uniforms that she had two will have local gourmet delica- couple while the remaining 100 or designed for the hostesses of Plava cies. Winners will win their weight in so waited for them at the finish line, newlyweds will be joining us this Laguna Croatia Open Umag. Anto- top-quality wine. Apart from being with a cake in tow. The atmosphe- year as well – race organizer Senad nija’s other guests announced the the only race in Croatia, during which re was fantastic and, naturally, the Hodžić said. ENGLISH

DJ R3HAB CONTINUES THE STRING OF FANTASTIC PERFORMANCES Last night, Dutch producer and DJ, Frenchman is best known for his known by his stage name R3hab, hit Fade out Lines. performed at the Dance Arena. The With a string of concerts over the crowd danced until late in the night last few days, the Dance Arena tu- to numerous international hits the ned into a home for the house and Dutchman was playing. It was a great techno music fans, and on Sunday, prologue to today’s performance it will host a fantastic dance show by his fellow DJ, The Avener. The titled Extravaganza. EMIRATES TO TAKE A LUCKY SEMIFINAL SPECTATOR TO DUBAI One lucky tickets holder for tonight’s can be the winner. The player who singles semi-final match starting will win the First semi-final match will at 5:30PM at the Goran Ivanišević throw four balls into the audience. Stadium will get the chance to spend The lucky person who catches the an unforgettable stay in Dubai, cour- specially marked ball gets a trip to tesy of Emirates , ATP World Tour’s Dubai which includes 2 flight tic- Premier Partner and Senior Partner kets Zagreb-Dubai and 3 nights at of the Plava Laguna Croatia Umag a hotel selected by Emirates. The Open. On that occasion, Saturday Emirates Ball Flight game started will be the Emirates day and the on Thursday when the winner of main event will definitely be the the singles match, Rogerio Dutra Emirates Ball Flight prize contest, Silva, launched four balls with his where any spectator in the stands signature into the audience.