Soursop Fruit Borer

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Soursop Fruit Borer FACT SHEET GRENADA REGULATED PESTS Soursop Fruit Borer CERCONATA ANONELLA LEPIDOPTERA—OECOPHORIDAE—STENOMATINAE INTRODUCTION Soursop fruit borer, Cerconata anonella, is known as one of the major pests of soursop in Northern South American, Central America and the Caribbean. On average, fruit damage can reach 62% in infested fields. C. anonella damages the fruit epidermis, pulp and seeds. Figure 13: Adult moth of Soursop fruit borer . DESCRIPTION The adult moth has a wingspan of 20 mm - 25 mm. The wings are grey to white and the fore wings have brown stripes (Fig. 1). The eggs are greenish in colour. The early instar larva is white with a brown head and pronotum (Fig. 2). In the later stages, the larva becomes reddish brown, reaching 16 mm - 25 mm in length before pupation (Fig. 3). The mature larvae forms a brown protruding chamber made of fragments from the fruit and silk threads Figure 27: Larvae of Soursop fruit borer in secretions. infested fruit BIOLOGY The lifecycle, egg to adult, of C. anonella averages 36.4 days at 21oC ± 2 °C. The eggs are normally laid on young fruits, and in some cases, on the shoots. During high C infestation, eggs are laid on the flowers. A female can lay A B up to 310 eggs. Larvae hatch in 3-6 days. The recently hatched larvae are protected by cervices in the fruit. In some cases, they also produce threads to Figure 36: Soursop fruit borer pupae (A and B) and mature larvae (C) Prepared under the FAO Regional Project: Strengthening Quarantine Services for Plant and animal Health in three OECS Countries; Executed by CAHFSA September 2018 BIOLOGY cont’d protect themselves. The larvae usually bore into the fruit four days after hatching. During feeding, the larvae A produce galleries, destroying the fruit pulp and the B seeds. Pathogens may later invade these galleries. The larval stage lasts an average of 18 days. When the larva matures, it forms a chrysalis inside or on the outside of the fruit. The pupal stage lasts 10—12 days, after which the adult emerges. DAMAGE A single caterpillar can destroy a fruit, rendering it unsuitable for consumption and unmarketable. The Figure 45: Damage on frit by Soursop fruit borer A. damage caused by C. anonella in commercial soursop External damage B Internal damage fields can range from 60-100%. REFERENCE(S) Larval feeding leads to twisting, some hardening and 1. Bustillo, A.E. and J.e. Pena, 1992. Biology and control of the Annona fruit borer Cerconota anonella (Lepidoptera: Oecophori- blackening of fruits (Fig. 4). This damage is a dae). Fruits. Jan-Feb. 1992 vol. 47, no1, p. 81-84. Accessed on combination of the larvae feeding and secondary October 6, 2018 at Alex_Bustillo/ pathogen attack. The white pulp of ripe fruits blackens publica- around the galleries formed by the larvae. Plant tissue tion/275462487_Biology_and_control_of_the_Annona_fruit_bor er_Cerconota_anonella_Lepidoptera_Oecophoridae/ close to the exit holes of the adults are brown and links/553cd5d40cf29b5ee4b8d089/Biology-and-control-of-the- Annona-fruit-borer-Cerconota-anonella-Lepidoptera- become necrotic. Oecophoridae.pdf Young fruits may rot, drop from the tree or stick to the 2. Cerconota anonella Sepp. Fiche réalisée par le Service de la Protection des Végétaux, le LPA de Matiti et la Fédération plant. Stunting of the fruits and pre-mature fruit drop Départementale des Groupements de Protection des Cultures de commonly occur with all stages of fruit development. Guyane avec la participation financière de la Communauté E uropéenne dans le cadre du programme phytosanitaire Other signs of pest infestation are the presence of dried POSEIDOM flower buds and of larval excrement that looks like 3. Pires, Edjane Vieira . Extração e identificação dos componentes do feromônio sexual de broca dos frutos da pinha e da graviola, sawdust on the fruits. Cerconota anonella (Sepp., 1830) (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) / Edjane Vieira Pires . – 2013 . 85 f. : il . ENTRY PATHWAYS 4. Prospectiva Universitaria, Revista Cientifica del Centro de Investigacion de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru. The soursop fruit borer can be transported across Volumen 4 – Numero 2, Julio – Diciembre 2007 ISSN: 1900-2409. borders on infested fruits. 5.. Ramkhelawan, E., 2008. IICA Production Guide for Sapodilla, Soursop and Sugar Apple 6. Sobrinho, R., M. Oliveira, J. Warumby and J. Moura. Soursop REGULATORY STATUS pests. Sistemas de Produção: Pragas da Gravioleira. CEINFO (Centro de Informações Tecnológicas e Comerciais para The soursop fruit borer is a quarantine pest for Grenada. Fruticultura Tropical) Accessed on November 1, 2018 at http:// Within the Caribbean Region, it has been reported from op=6&i=19&si=82&ar=2281 Trinidad and Tobago. 7. SOBRINHO, R. September 2010. Potencial de exploração de anonaceas no nordeste do Brasil. Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical. Accessed on October 31, 2018 at http:// Prepared under the FAO Regional Project: Strengthening Quarantine Services for Plant and animal Health in three OECS Countries; Executed by CAHFSA .
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    Castillo et al.: Moth Species Captured with Stenoma catenifer Sex Pheromone 1111 MOTH SPECIES CAPTURED WITH THE SEX PHEROMONE OF STENOMA CATENIFER (LEPIDOPTERA: ELACHISTIDAE) IN AVOCADO PLANTATIONS OF SOUTHERN MEXICO ALFREDO CASTILLO*, LEOPOLDO CRUZ-LOPEZ AND JAIME GÓMEZ El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Carretera Antiguo Aeropuerto km 2.5. Tapachula, 30700 Chiapas, Mexico *Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Moth species trapped using the sex pheromone of Stenoma catenifer (LaSalle) as a lure, were registered at 2 commercial avocado orchards (one consisting of “Hass” and other of “Criollo”) and in wild “Criollo” avocado trees in southern Mexico. Traps were maintained for 1 mo in two seasons (dry and wet) on avocado trees under these 3 production conditions, changing the baits each season. Weekly observations registered no moths in the traps placed in the commercial “Hass” avocado orchard, in contrast to the other 2 sites, where Stenoma cateni- fer and Antaeotricha nictitans males were captured. Stenoma catenifer adults were always observed at the commercial “Criollo” orchard and wild “Criollo” avocado trees during the dry season (fructification period), but never in the wet season (non fruiting period). Under wild conditions A. nictitans was captured during both dry and wet seasons; however, it was never captured during the dry season at the commercial “Criollo” orchard. Populations of both moth species were similar -S. catenifer: 0.3 (wild trees) to 0.7 (orchard); and A. nicti- tans: 0.6 (wild trees) moth/trap/wk- during the dry season, and no differences were observed per species at each locality. The total number of captures per site during the fruiting season decreased significantly -0.9 (1st wk) to 0.2(4th wk) moth/trap/wk- during the observation period.
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