Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index P
Arkansas Historical Quarterly Index 1942-2000 on state defense council (WWI), 2:117 P and visit of W. J. Bryan (1909), 11:333 Page, John Herbert, papers of, noted, 39:115n P. G. T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray, by T. Harry Page, John M., paper by, 55:320 Williams, revd., 15:94–96 Page, Neal, Harrison, 8:286n Pacaha (Indian village), visited by De Soto expedition, Page, Otis D. (state land commissioner), Little Rock, 2:144, 49:303–4, 306 1:188 Pacaha Club, Helena, 55:76 Page, Mrs. Otis D., 9:223 Pacana (Miami leader), at Ark. Post (1789), 49:247 Page, Tate C. "Piney," Russellville, 42:393 Pace, Frank, Little Rock, 2:116, 7:177–78, 36:284 book by, noted, 36:97 picture of, facing 36:288 Page, Thomas, Grant Co., 7:318 Pace, Jack (Ft. Smith mayor), 19:75, 175 Page, Walter Hines, 53:205 Pace, Kelly, Cummins Prison, 56:210–11, 214–15, 223, Page, Will, Garland Co., 59:416–17 224–25, 228–29 Page's Ferry, on Poteau River, 26:268 Pace, Lawrence, 56:228 Pague, Wilson, Union Co., 12:49 Pace, Lyda Winn, book by, noted, 45:357 Pagues, Delloss C. (CSA), 5:406 Pace, Thomas N. (USA) Paheka (Quapaw leader), and hist. of Quapaw migration at battle of Helena (1863), 20:283, 286 to Ark., 43:201 at Pine Bluff, 23:292, 294, 298, 306 Paige, John, book by, noted, 47:389 Pace, Capt. W. F., Boone Co., 13:68 Paine, Capt. (CSA), 42:143–44, 147, 149 Pace, W. W., Ouachita Co., 22:112 Paine, David, 18:46 Pace Recording Co., 53:47 Paine, Jesse A., Jacksonport, 9:243 Pacific and Great Eastern Railway Company, 7:160 Paine, Thomas, 37:46 Pacific Coast Express, 34:248 Pain in Prevention: A History of Public Health in Pacific Hotel, Little Rock, 35:6n Arkansas, cited, 59:324–25 Pack, John (CSA), Saline Co., 18:97 Painting (in Ark.), 3:325–37, 13:373–74, 53:33-41 Packer, Alfred, of Colo., 1:75 Paisley, Clifton, "The Political Wheelers and Arkansas' Paddock, Dr.
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