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THE DALLAS WEEKLY HERALD PAMjAH, TEXAH, TIIIJKSDAV. MM !, MV-VOLIJ- M AXX. MIMIiEK HI. effect (ha frith of July, With an earnest reprMerilatlnn from all northern and wss A DARK PKKD appeal to fearlessly punish small crimes, lern stales. There lire many Oreenlia kers SUJJJEOTS. lor there was tn beginning oi in great In attendance, but the general Impression is mxiL svll, lie dismissed th grand Jury to their me great light will ba on th tarill question. deliberations. ueiegaies inr all eastern states gen- most important civil is one Pollt Trlali The Judge Anil Done at n Dark Hour of the The suit "Fr" the erally advocating protection and .Special tn York Telrgram-Slo- cki against the International it Oreat Northern .Seven Ilia western fre trade. While it is confi Xlglif. I Jurors. and the Staples. railway company lor t'v.WO damages. ha dently expected by the dele- allegations of plaintiffs are: That Mrs. gates, that a platform for Sarah M. Smith and two small children, Archbishop 1'iircell the new national nartv will be adocted. An EioCoiiMtjr Jmlire of Marlon Shot with Miss Lydla It. Gilbert, of St. Klmo, Waiting; for the AH tbe Gaps In the Texas A St. Ionia (irlin it is evident that manv of thosa attending Down, traveling from Decatur, Alaliama,to Lowell, VoafmuD. bold widely different views on the various Closed. Texas by mistake continued on the St. questions, and it remains lor th proceed- Louis & Galveston. International it Great ings of the convention to determine what While Returning to the Hosoin of Ills Northern train instead oi changing at Long, Vclloiv Jack 'ot Under the Stars and tbe proposed new party will advocate and Through Connection a Question of Tet view in notion: tbat at Loote's, a flag station with what unanimity tbe delegates will Family of the International it Great Northern, at Stripes. a Little While. NEAR APPROACH OF THE DATE OF OUR subscribe to the views emboided in the THE Snyder's mill, about six miles from the platform- - junction in the Sabina river swamp, they Ofllclul Confirmation & Pa- The Unsuspecting Widow Hastens to ft were lorcioiy ejeotea irom tne train Dy a of the Texas Cannot and Should Not Recover. Austin: Tbe School Laws to be Printed cars were In mo- Sickening Scene. negro porter while tb yet cific Superluteudency. Va., 3. mid tion, though moving slowly, by order of tbe Peters nuRo, July About In Circular Form. conductor, ana a conauctor to wnom Mr. s night last night a difficulty occurred in - bad submitted ber ticket for inspection b Blanchard, between Barney Jones and Semi Annual Inventory The Inquest Falls to Probe the Secret A Singularly Sad Suicide at Sklpwith, Tbe Teachers Kicking About Paying; fore the departure ot the train from Long, Woodson Dunn. Jones accused Woodson Cause, view function, as he came through tbe oar, MIsslsHlppl. H igb Hoard and be said it was all right. There is no and his brother Lewis Dunn, of bavirg In station bouse at Loote's, and they were duced his wife's daughter to follow them, intimating tnat improper motives were un- OUR And the Criminal "Still Cloaked in compelled to hire a negro to guide them Tbe Continental Guards Will Celebrate Senators Count for Little with the Ed IF MIILIITERT DEPAKTIEFT back to town. The exposure to the cold derlying tbeir action. Words ensued Mystery." and storm of the night caused much suffer- at Cleveland. when Jones seized an old army musket ncation Board. ing and such serious iniury to the health loaded with bird shot and fired on Wood- Warns in to'.be'fn reducing our stock, and the cause alone would be sufficient to load our coun--tei- s ot each of them, that they were for a long son Dunn, the charge entering bis right with bargains, but bcldo the enormous quantity which we have bought and paid fpr and Slay Yet Prove a Clue. Other Very groin, passing through bis body and mak- Here Is a partial list of the Induce- What time helpless. To add to the horrors of the Interesting News Notes. Other Specially Interesting Hatter. must either sell at a sacrifice or carry over to next season. night, guide attempted, at point ing the wound two inches in diameter. ments which we offer o our customers: tbeir the Dunn cannot recover. nsAIlneof Blick and White Chip Hail, untrlmmed, Now Goods, and New BUapef, at fl; woro of a pistol, to force Miss Gilbert to gratify jKFFKitsoif, July 3. r8pecial.J Another his lust, when tbeir screams canen am ana The Polk Trial. New York, July,3 Special. Govern Urreo?or2lIllan Hat In Black and Colored. at&5c, which are actually worth 750. dark and bloody crime has just been com- their treachorous pilot fled. Damages, Nashvilli, Tenw,, July 3. Judge Allen. The American Turf, ments unchanged. 'A' A lot of Rough aud Ready Canton and others reduced to 250. Among them are hats worth com- Chicago, 3. in night, circum- $25,000 in each case. The railroad of the criminal court, la not satisfied July The fifth day of the 7SC, II and IL50. mitted our midst last the a denial of all the part relatiug with Railroads quiet and steady; Texas & Fa 25c; reduced from 75c and II. pany make the jurors drawn thus far in the Polk trial. summer running meeting; weather bright A lot of Lace Straw Bonnets at stances of which are as follows : Last night to morning tram, previous cifJc, 841. In Children's Bailor Uatt we have marked down a large quantity 25 to 50 per cent, below lorce. consulta and this morning discharged all seven of and hot; track fast; attendance fair; racing former prices about half past 10 o'clock Mr. Charles tion as to ticxet, etc. The case is con- tne jurors ana ordered a new panel. Slocks dull and firm; Denver & Bio In Trimmed Hats and Bonnets a wonderful reduction has been made. Haughu, formerly county judge of this tinued because of physical feebleness of good. 00 Grande, 43 - The 15 Ml Hals Ma kd Down to HO county, while on bis way home from this the railroad's attorney, Colonel Sexton. Dying. First Race Nursery Stakes for two-ye- Down to JJJ Houston & Texas The It 00 Hats Marked ; place was shot down in the road only a Another imitortant suit is that of w. L.. old colts and fillies: $50 entrance, one-ha- lf Central unchanged. (0 6 00 Cincinnati Julv.1 Amh ni.hnn The 10 00 Hals Marked Down from bis home by some un- Garrett vs. Drs. Marxbara & McCutcheon, p.iii forfeit; $1,000 $200 to Gen- Missouri, Kansas & Texas, Ma-ke- l ou short distance ia ujriug, added, second; 301. The 8 03 Hals Down to .... person or persons. The horse upon for malpractice. He broke his arm, they Harding 6 Marked Down to 00 known eral took tbe lead, and was never Missouri Pacific, 103J. The 00 Hats was alleges was Washington News . The 5 00 Hats Marked Dosin to i J jW which Uaughn riding returned home set it. He it improperly doue, Notes. headed, winning by a length; Bob Miles, SO de- Texas & Pacific 37. The 4 00 Huts Marked Down to 2 riderless. Mrs. Uaughn. the wife of and wants $3,000 damages. They think Washington, July 3. The surgeon-gener- second, same distance, before Conkling, to 2 00 1:50. Provisions dull depressed. The 3 00 Huts Marked Down ceased, hearidg tbe horse outside went out bis neclteence and disobedience to their of the marine hospital reports the third. Time and to open gate, and not seeing her bus-ban- d instructions sufficient defense, even if any Second race Purse $400 all ages, to the United States free from $75 Earnings of tne Denvor it Rio Grande for of a negro boy, is damage ensued not legitimately yellow fever with second, ; inquired "where attributa two miles Ioscoscke led for a mile the fourth June week, $103,900. Mr. Haugbn?" The boy replied that be ble to tne woui a. the exception of two cases on board a for- and three quarters, when Apollo went to did not kcow, but there was a man lying We have the case ot the brakeman and eign vessel in quarantine at Ship Island. the front and won by a length and half; The Gap Closed. in tbe road only a few hundred yards from baggage man, Herzo and Crogan of the In Highflyer second ; Olivette and Bernice also supposed. She Adjutant-Genera- l Drum leaves Thursday Little Rock, July 3. Special. The FEATHERS and FLOWERS. the bouse, drunk as he ternational ureat Northern, cuargta with on a visit of inspection started. boy repaired to spot to stealiog from the baggage of of military posts on Race Texas & St. Louis road laid its last rail to then with the the pasteugers. the Northern Union Third Summer handicap, all ages, find and cold in death. Stephens case and and Pacific railroads. 58 day, closing gap her husband stark The murder several Commissioner Dudley, in mile and nominations, 9 the north of the Arkansas ' Anions; the rec'nt arrivals are alarire'lot offfeatlisrs and Flowers, which were bought for The grief stricken it ife with tbe assistance other criminalitiesof minor importance are conversation started; Eli Marks took the lead at the start river. Tbe road will be opened from end to we by on they will probably, with a Star reporter said be be- half the value, and offertnemllkewise.