The Information Content of Put Warrant Issues Scott Gibson a Paul Povel b Rajdeep Singh b February 2006 a Department of Economics and Finance, School of Business, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187. b Department of Finance, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 321 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Email:
[email protected] (Gibson),
[email protected] (Povel) and
[email protected] (Singh). We are grateful to Sugato Bhattacharyya, Francesca Cornelli, Gustavo Grullon, Dirk Jenter, Jack Kareken, Ross Levine, Bob McDonald, Roni Michaely, Sheridan Titman, Andrew Winton, and seminar participants at the 11th annual Financial Economics and Accounting conference at Ann Arbor, MI, and at University of Minnesota and Cornell University for their helpful comments. The Information Content of Put Warrant Issues Abstract We analyze why ¯rms may want to issue put warrants, i.e., promises to repurchase their own shares at a given price in the future. We describe four alternative explanations, one of which is novel: that put warrants are issued by ¯rms that wish to signal their good future prospects to their investors (who undervalue the ¯rms in the eyes of their managers). We test the validity of the four alternative explanations, using a new, hand-collected data set on put warrant issues in the U.S. between 1993 and 1999. We ¯nd evidence that is inconsistent with three of the four explanations. Only the signaling explanation is consistent with the empirical evidence. Put warrant issuers strongly outperform their peers in the years after the put warrant issues; they enjoy valuable and improving investment opportunities, and they invest heavily.