Fitzsimmons Stores January 19, 1941 Page 2 Radio Life
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Mistress Mary "Quite Contrary" Livingstone A Sc Magazine, to Increase Your Listening Pleasure, Made Available for Only lc by Your Friendly FITZSIMMONS STORES JANUARY 19, 1941 PAGE 2 RADIO LIFE Contestant: :Telephone, Telegraph, Locate Your Stations Here and `Tel-a-wo man'." If I should win I would like tickets MTR KF1 KECA KHJ KIVO KISS KFOX KSI KERN KVOE KUL to one of the following listed in order 7 T T T T ?of their preference: 511IMIPC KIEVKIWBKNXft—a KDB PTA Bob Hope, Jack Benny, "Information 1111711111 n111'11111 Please.' 600 700 BOO 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1700 Mrs. Wm. J. Donkey, 629 Robinson St., Los Angeles. THE EAR INSPIRES THE PEN— Sirs: On the Al Pearce progra m on KN X Jan. 3, 1941, Mr. Pearce in trying to sell Notes This department Is open to Vera Vague's new night club. She asked "foot warmers," said the war mers would readers to air their opinions on any him if he wanted some orphan cha m- be good for his grand ma, as she had ten subject Inspired by radio listening, In general to give the radio listening pagne. blankets on her bed with her feet sticking public an outlet for expression. The out, and the lady asked why she had her Jack: Orphan cha mpagne? editor reserves the right to edit all feet sticking out, and he said, "Do you letter.. The writer's name will he Vera Vague: W hy yes, it has no pop. withheld on request, but all letters think she wants those cold things in bed m ust be signed. Try to keep all let- If I win could I please have four tickets with her?" ters within 100 word.. to the Bob Hope show? If I win, I would like tickets to either Jack Penny's progra m or Bob Hope's Miss Bette Morse, 361 Waldo Ave., Pasa- show. Ruth Noyes Long, 927 S. Gage Ave., Los Angeles. dena, Calif. Sirs: The silliest "gag" I heard over Other Winners Sirs: I have just finished reading your the radio this week was on one of the " Musical Showdown" in the January 5-11 IN L OS A N G E L ES news broadcasts. It was about the bowl issue . and thank God for the stand Pat Swanson. 1012 So. Record Ave. you have taken! It's high time that the games. Carol W otel, 1750 So, Highland Ave. T wo men approached the gates at the Maryanne Wickntro m, 926 S. Windsor Bl. m usical industry woke up to those boys Don McClean, 1137 W. 89th Si. Sugar Bo wl and produced their tickets who have sewed up the game. Jean cleere, 3831 Drysdale. Perhaps I am prejudiced but, a couple for admission. Upon a look at said tick- Mrs. Barbara Boone. 206 E. 70th St. ets the policeman said, " Why, these tick- Mims Sallyanne Galligan, 1022 W. 25th St. of years . or a million drea ms ago Dr. S Stands. 1.os Angeles. I was interested in writing tunes ets aren't for this game, they're for the Donald Burrielde, 4310 5th Ave. and lyrics and I did a pretty fair job of Rose Bo wl game in Pasadena." One man June McCrea. 2018 Macro St. said to the other, "I told you we were on Clara Ontell, 2431 % Po meroy Ave. it, not because any well-meaning friends Mrs. Frances G. Parks, 801 E.. Imperial said that I did, but because Dr. Sig mund the wrong train." HilvalY. Miss Sarah A. Hunt. 1324 % Fourth Ave. Spaeth who is conceded to kno w his music If I should happen to be lucky enough Albert Nudelman, 1053 Lillian W ay. said there was absolutely nothing wrong to win I would appreciate four tickets to IN O T H E R CITIES with the songs I was turning out, as did either the Gulf Screen Theater or Silver a well-kno wn m usic publisher . but — Theater, or the Lux Radio Theater. Mrs. A. G. Sedlacek, 7753 erncola, Roscoe. Miss Aileen Burns, 12070 Wicks Ave.. Ros- well you kno w A S C A P as well or better coe. than I do. Another exa mple of the way Edgar Long, 927 S. Gage Ave., Los An- A. V. W alz. Bell. Mrs. Sterling Davis. 326 W. Redondo Blvd.. they like to help new talent, they, said geles. Ingle wood. they said once or twice you kno w, is Mildred Burch. 716 %V St., Wilmington, Sirs: It was the Bob H ope Pepsodent by . but I'd better give you the ex- R. M. Burke, 933 17th St.. Santa Monies. broadcast, Dec. 31. Joe H. Kiehl, :P408 Wilshire Blvd., Santa ample I'm thinking of. I'm acquainted Brenda, the gla mor girl, to Tony M ar- Monica. with a well kno wn orchestra leader here Mrs. Roberta Colella. 959-A 16th St., Santa tin: "Say, Tony, what do you like best in in the southland, and this orchestra leader Monica. a girl?" B. Horlick, 2425 Third St., Santa Monica. liked a couple of nu mbers of mine so well Tony: "Oh, I like a girl with curves." Mrs. Harriet Stock, Box 75, Mid way City. that the orchestra's arranger made the ar- Ansel Mulkey. 355 Vernon. Venice. Brenda (elated): "Gee! I've got curves. range ment. They were to be broadcast. Jack %eagle, 316 Ashland Ave., Oc e • n H aven't I, Bobsy?" Park. No w another but . In giving the list B. Hope: "Yeah. And a couple of U- Mrs. Zu meet• Wisdo m, 13426 Magnolia Bl.. of nu mbers to the sponsor mine was in- Van Nuys. turns, too!" Grace Bohannon. 2212 Foothill, Pasadena. cluded. They hit the ceiling figuratively. If this should win I would appreciate Mart ha K Inna mon. 92e E. Claremont. Published tunes only was the ultimatu m. Pasadena. three tickets to the Kraft M usic Hall. I hope now, that song-writing aspirants W m. Yager, 549 N. Holliston. Pasadena. Jean Stevens, 1510 Monterey Rd., So. Pasa- can get away fro m the song sharks, and Robert L. Smythe, 5657 Wilbur Ave., Tar- dena. really have a chance. I may even take it fin Shunter. 403 S. Elm, Alha mbra. up again. Though I'm knee deep in story zana, Calif. Faye Selk, 715 E. "A" St.. Ontario. Mrs. F. N. Armenia, 912 Oly mpic. Monte- writing which I turned to when 1, at last, Sirs: Front M ax well H ouse Coffee pro- bello. faced the facts. And incidentally, I'm gra m: tuna Lee Koch. 517 Lexington. El Monte. doing quite well. Snooks: Daddy! Mrs. F. I.. Bartra m. 1628 S. Park, Po mona. Mona Cochran. 233 S. Orange. Orange. Father: W hat is it Snooks? G wen Short. Elliott Ranch, Duarte. Snooks: I see Uncle Louie. NOTE: Will Barbara Winslo w of Long Beach mend in her address. Tickets await Father: W here? Gags of the Week her. Snooks: Right over there, sticking his head through a hole in the wall. * * For the best Gags of the Week heard over Father: Oh Snooks, that's not Uncle Radio and sent Radio 1.ife, tickets will be Louie. That's a moose head. Stevens an Actor sent winners for admission to radio broad- casts and tours of NBC and CBS Hollywood If I win please send me four tickets to Leith Stevens, who waves the baton studios. 1.isten to your fiti,orite programs and Bob H ope's progra m. then send your best Gag to 1029 West Wash- W ednesdays over the "Big To wn" orches- ington Boulevard. Los Angeles. tra, may beco me a movie actor for at least Jack Peterson, 217 S. Gramercy Pl., Los one picture. A major Holly wood studio is Angeles. considering him for a role as "heavy" in This Week's Winners Sirs: I heard this on the "Quiz of T wo a production scheduled to start shooting early in 1941. Ed ward G. Robinson, star Barbara Harris, 5221 S. Nor mandie Ave., Cities" over K HJ. Los Angeles. Announcer: "Na me three ways of com- of the CBS air sho w, has offered to teach Leith a few tricks in acting if the con- Sirs: Heard on Signal Carnival: m unicating that begin with the letter e rf . P, ductor decides to put on makeup. Jack Carson and Vera V ague were in RADIO LIFE is published weekly by Compton Printinn Company. 1029 Hest Washington Boulevard. Los Angeles: Hanson H. Hathaway Editor: Vinson Vaughan. Business Manager. Postpaid•Subscriptions are $1.50 per year of 52 Issues. Advertising Rates M ay be had on application to the Rosiness Nana l. ter. Single Copies are 5 cents. Unsolicited material is sent at senders Radio Lir, assu ming no responsihilitY fur esme All remittances shnuld be Postal Money Order. Express Money Order or Check in favor of Radio Life Currency is sent at sender's risk. This Issue is numbered Volume 2. No. 11I. Entire contents of this issue Copyrighted 1940. Rap:intim In whole or Dart without Permission strictly prohibited. Telephone Richmond 1262. "NEWS MAGAZINE OF THE JANUARY 19 AIRLANES" 11 11 11.14. 1941 JANUARY 19, 1941 PAGE RADIO: West * National * International Program Changes This Week Editor's Note: As rapidly as they are furnished by Log Editors of principal broadcasting net- works and major western independents, complete program and time changes will be noted, %reit to week, in this section. Residers are informed, noviever. that even noted changes may not hold true, because of broadcasting problems, sod nearly overwhelming pressure of world affairs.