Epiphany in an English Cathedral: Light in Midwinter Featuring the Reverend Dr. Les Fairfield CONNOISSEURS TOURS • 1-800-856-1045January •
[email protected] 3 -14, 2015 • 1-912-351-9525 Dear Friends, The Feast of the Epiphany has long been associated in Western Christianity with the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus. Thus the Feast of the Epiphany (the word in Greek meaning “the Appearing”) came to symbolize the revela- tion of Christ to all the nations of the world. During the Middle Ages several other stories from Jesus’s life came to be linked with the Epiphany also. One was Jesus’s baptism in the River Jordan, where the voice from Heaven revealed Jesus’s identity as the Son of God. Another story was the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned ordinary water into the finest wine. John the Evangelist says of this miracle, “He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.” The Feast of the Epiphany celebrates those wondrous moments when Jesus’s love and power burst into our life. Over the past thousand years, English cathedrals have celebrated the Epiphany in beautiful and moving ways. I am inviting you to come and celebrate the Light of the World in three English cathedrals... St. Paul in London, Canterbury, and Norwich. We will also visit some parish churches where the Light has shone brightly (for example, the parish church of St. Martin in Canterbury, where Christian worship has been continuous since the 580s). Along the way we will be telling stories about “moments of epiphany” in Anglican history - moments when the Gospel broke through the usual muddle of ordinary people’s lives (people like us) and gave them hope and insight and power.