)O Directories
)O Directories GOVERNING AND ADVISORY BODTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thomas I. Danis, Chair; james F. Fitz, S.M., Vice-chair; Raymond L.Fitz, S.M., Secretary; Richard A. Abdoo, Susan B. Beck, Iohn W. Berry, Sr., ferome P. Bishop, Sr., Margaret A. Cavanaugh, Michael E. Ervin, M.D., Richard H. Finan, Richard F. Glennon, Stephen M. Glodek, S.M., Max Gutmann, Iane G. Haley, Allen M. Hill, Cordell W. Hull, Joseph H. Kamis, S.M., George P. Kooluris, Dolores R. Leckey, Paul M. Marshall, S.M., Mary C. Mathews, Stanley G. Mathews, S.M., Clayton L. Mathile, Iohn I' Moder, S.M., Colombe M. Nicholas, Charles H. Noll, Ronald L. Overman, S.M., David C. Phillips, Thomas M. Roberts, fohn L. Schaefer, Jerome P. VanderHorst, William S. Weprin. EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Raymond L. Fitz, S.M., Chair; Frances E. Ary, Mary J. Brown, Thomas E. Burkhardt, Chris W. Conlon, S.M., Francis J. Conte, Patricia F. First, Edward D. Garten, ]ohn O. Geiger, Sam Gould, Elizabeth F. Gustafson, James L. Heft, S.M., Theodore L. Kissell, foseph Lestingi, Debra P. Moore, Paul f. Morman, Chris Mufloz, Mary A. Neacy, Patrick F. Palermo, Bemard ]. Ploeger, S.M., Gordon A. Sargent, William C. Schuerman, MaryJo Vesper, faculty and student members of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, the president of the Student Government Association. ACADEMIC SENATE fames L. Heft, S.M., President; |ames R. Biddle, Fred K. Bogner, George A. Bohlen, BrianP. Conniff, FrancisJ. Conte, BruceA. Craver, GeorgeR.Doyle,lr., William C. Fackovec, S.M., Patricia F. First, Sam Gould, Lawrence H.
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