September 2020 Volume 26, Number 9
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OM RRIS C MUNI . HA CAT N J IO VI NS R A A W . M A L R O D C TAMPA CHAPTER — A FIVE STAR CHAPTER OF MOAA NATIONAL SEPTEMBER 2020 VOLUME 26, NUMBER 9 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT COL CHARLES DALCOURT USA RET UPCOMING EVENTS: DUE TO THE COVID-19 OUT-BREAK, MOAA TAMPA CHAPTER IS TAKING GREETINGS! PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO months have whisked by. Notwith- and with the assistance of others, HELP STOP THE SPREAD OF THE standing, our Chapter has been continues to interview establish- DISEASE, AND HAS ELECTED TO both fruitful and forward-looking… ments and caterers throughout the truly blessed thus far. We are also Tampa/St. Petersburg area. CANCEL ALL IN PERSON EVENTS expectant of a great year’s end. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. WE LOOK I encourage all members to attend This is because you have remained FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL active, influential, and connected. the next virtual luncheon on 10 Sep- tember. Last month we were privi- AGAIN SOON! I take this time to remind all to leged to have Tampa’s mayor, Jane remain prudent and continue to Castor, as our guest speaker. This 10 SEPTEMBER, 11:30 AM VIRTUAL cautiously navigate the changes month we are blessed with a famil- induced by the COVID-19 pandem- iar luncheon participant, Brigadier LUNCHEON - ZOOM INSTRUCTIONS ic. We should maintain our efforts General Henrick Larsen, as our key- TO BE SENT VIA EMAIL to protect ourselves and those we note speaker. We are excited to see influence; heed the warnings given the consistent growth in attendees about unfavorable practices; and and look forward to expanding the Well hello to all MOAA Tampa stay socially connected, yet physi- luncheon audience even more. Chapter members and those read- cally distant as much as possible. REMINDER: ing our monthly newsletter. It is a It is our practice to honor a mem- pleasure to greet you and I hope We need you in the fight! Please ber of the MOAA Tampa Chapter note the legislative actions and each month. I am pleased to an- that all, you and your families, are PUBLICATION DEADLINE doing very well. I also pray that MOAA’s requests for support for nounce our Honored Member of the you have established routines that 2021 NDAA focal areas. Your voice Month for September 2020 is MAJ FOR THE OCTOBER have enabled you to successfully has proven to be both powerful and GEN James Jones, USAF (Ret). navigate the disruptions and dis- persuasive. Please write, email, and Please join our next virtual lun- ISSUE IS tractions flooding our communities, call – lets codify our expectation for cheon and help us thank him for his 25 SEPTEMBER 2020 states, nation, and world. Despite all positive action. contributions to our Chapter. the commotion, MOAA’s motion has Staying engaged… Wrapping up: been forward leaning, on target, and consistently effective. Please We have continued as a Chapter to In closing, thanks for the opportuni- continue to press on, oriented on meet virtually and have had great ty and privilege to serve you. Please our organization’s mission and dili- success doing so. We held our first remain vigilant amidst the contin- gent in advocating for those initia- in person board meeting this past ued evolution of the COVID-19 pan- tives we espouse. month and will proceed with resi- demic, stay connected socially, and dent board meetings going for- plan to attend our virtual luncheon. We need you In the fight… ward. Board members are actively All the best! Does anyone know where this year seeking venues that can facilitate has gone? I feel as if the past eight the Chapter’s monthly luncheons. Charles Dalcourt Jeanne Richard has led the effort LEGISLATIVE LOWDOWN Greetings for the month of Sep- taxation under Sec. 501(c)(19) of Prohibited Activities. BY LTC REGINALD WILLIAMS, tember! I pray this finds you and the Internal Revenue Code, MOAA Activities which constitute par- your families and your extended and its affiliates must take care to USA RET ticipation or intervention in a po- MOAA families doing well. First, I avoid engaging in partisan politi- For more information, visit MOAA litical campaign on behalf of or in wanted to reiterate that MOAA ap- cal activities. Under IRS rules, we National’s Legislative Action Center opposition to a candidate include, preciates all you are doing to con- are prohibited from directly or in- but are not limited to, the publica- tinue to serve and stay connected directly participating in, or inter- tion or distribution of written or with your members during the vening in, any political campaign printed statements or the making pandemic. We also understand on behalf of (or in opposition to) of oral statements on behalf of or that the health crisis and other cur- any candidate for public office. in opposition to such a candidate. rent events have stressed commu- Candidates for Public Office. A It is clear that the prohibition on nities and organizations, and that candidate for public office is an in- partisan political activity prohibits the impending election season has dividual who offers himself or her- such outright actions such as post- the potential to raise tensions even self, or is proposed by others, as ing a “Vote for Biden” or “Vote for more. a contestant for an elective public Trump” on the organization’s web- We need your assistance to help office, whether such office is na- site, or “Support Republican Can- uphold MOAA’s position as a non- tional, state, or local, and includes didates” or “Vote Democratic.” partisan organization. As such, incumbent candidates. The pro- In addition to these obvious ex- MOAA’s General Counsel has pre- hibition also extends beyond de- amples, the prohibition goes well pared the reminder below of ap- clared candidates and may apply beyond direct expressions of sup- propriate conduct. to efforts to recruit an individual port. In determining whether an to run for office or advance ex- MOAA GUIDANCE ON PARTISAN organization is engaged in unlaw- ploratory activities. The prohibi- POLITICAL ACTIVITIES ful partisan political activities, the tion also applies to advocating for IRS applies a Partisan Political Activities. As or- the platform of one political party ganizations exempt from federal over another. (cont’d on P.2) SEPTEMBER 2020 THE RETROSPECT PAGE 2 LEGISLATIVE LOWDOWN cont’d: pressure on. Arlington Eligibility Changes: Here’s How You Can Have Your Say “facts and circumstances” test. The IRS looks not The context of our efforts continues to evolve, and only to the expressed language, but to external legislators may be distracted by related news about The public comment period for changes to Arlington factors, such as the communication’s timing, its proposed changes to the military health care system. National Cemetery (ANC) eligibility will open in targeted audience, and how the message relates to late summer, a senior DoD official informed MOAA public policy positions that distinguish a candidate in This doesn’t change the path of our Storm. To help – giving you a chance to make your voice heard on a campaign. MOAA reach this legislative goal, you can: plans to dramatically reduce the number of people who qualify for in-ground burial. Consequences for Violations. The consequences to an • Send this updated letter to your senators organization that violates the prohibition on partisan now. Make sure they understand how proposed The proposed changes, which can be viewed in full political activity can be severe including the loss of its changes to military medicine will affect those who here, are part of an effort to prolong the life of ANC. tax exempt status and the imposition of certain excise have served full careers in uniform, and their families. MOAA and The Military Coalition, a group of military taxes. For public charities, like The MOAA Foundation • Share this article, and other Summer and the MOAA Scholarship Fund, the IRS can disallow and veterans advocacy organizations with a combined Storm resources, with your family and friends – anyone membership of more than 5.5 million, support tax deductions for charitable contributions. In can use our link to send a letter to their senators. addition, for an organization whose mission involves DoD’s work to expand ANC. Plans for the southern advocacy on key military community issues, MOAA • Engage on social media to spread the expansion are well engineered and maximize available must seek support from elected representatives from word even farther. Share the importance of this issue contiguous land. Without expansion, ANC would fill both parties. Engaging in partisan political activities on social media using #MOAASummerStorm. up in the next 25 years, according to a senior DoD on behalf of one party or candidate would seriously official. We have all done so much to protect our benefits, but undermine MOAA’s ability to achieve the bipartisan it will take our unified message to give us a fighting Unfortunately, if the eligibility changes are approved, consensus on key issues essential to achieving its chance. Now that we’ve put this issue on the radar many who had planned for an in-ground burial at legislative objectives. of all 100 senators, it’s critical to continue the push – ANC will have to change plans. ANC staff are eager to Personal Opinions. As individuals, members and whether you’re one of the 200,000 beneficiaries who point out that VA cemeteries are available. However, leaders of MOAA and MOAA’s affiliates are not may lose access to military treatment facilities under full military honors with caisson are not available at prohibited from engaging in partisan political these reforms, one of the millions more whose care will most VA cemeteries.