Dawn Bowden Assembly report September 2016 AM

DAWN BOWDEN AM Telephone: 01685 386672

YOUR PHOTO Recycling figures in Wales reach a GOVERNMENT’S 5 YEAR PLAN GOES HERE record high On 20 September First Minister announced the Government’s plan for the next 5 years delivering on Welsh Labour’s Manifesto Commitments.

New provisional figures published His statement said, in August show recycling in Wales “It is a bold, strategic and ambitious programme, but also one continues to increase and is at its that is focused unerringly on delivering real improvements in highest ever recorded level. the every day lives of the people of Wales.

As a government, we want a stronger, fairer economy, improved and reformed public services, and a united, Based on the provisional data, in connected, and sustainable Wales. 2015/16 the average combined reuse, recycling and composting Taking Wales Forward sets out how we will approach the task of delivering those aims. rate across Wales’ 22 local authorities was 60%, an increase of Members will see that while it focuses on the main pledges in the Welsh Labour manifesto, it also includes the key elements 4 percentage points on last year’s of the agreement with the Liberal Democrats under which Kirsty figure. It is also 2% higher than the Williams became Cabinet Secretary for Education, and also the ambitious new Statutory Recycling priority areas agreed with before the summer Target of 58%. recess.”

The “Taking Wales Forward” document embodies the Welsh All but three of Wales’ twenty two Government’s commitment to be an open and inclusive Local Authorities successfully government, taking a ‘what works’ approach in pursuit of shared national goals, working with the people best equipped to reached the 58% target, based on make a difference in Wales. the provisional data. The remaining He statement does also recognises the potential impact of Local Authorities have received Brexit the full implications of which are far from clear, not least additional funding as part of the in terms of the public finances. ’s Collaborative Carwyn Jones added Change Programme. This will “We will not let these uncertainties dictate the terms of this enable them to make Government. Today I can confirm we are pressing ahead with improvements to collection our commitments in full. These were the policies the people of services and depot facilities and Wales voted for, and these are the policies we will deliver. Yes, support them to meet Statutory there are difficult decisions ahead and we will need to be innovative in our delivery, but we will stand by the pledges we Recycling Targets in future years. made.” For more info visit A copy of the statement is available at: http://gov.wales/docs/strategies/160920-taking-wales-forward- http://goo.gl/LbxVq5 en.pdf

New figures show a rise in the number of All areas of Wales meet ambulance target for people living in Wales whose lives were second month in row saved or improved by an organ transplant All local health boards (LHBs) in Wales have

surpassed the national ambulance response times The latest Organ Donation and Transplantation target for the second month in a row. Activity Report, the first time this report has been Latest statistics from July 2016 show 75.3% of published since the introduction of opt out emergency responses to an immediately life- registration and deemed consent in Wales, shows threatening illness or injury, known as red calls, that over the last financial year: arrived within eight minutes – exceeding the target of

65%.  the number of patients residing in Wales whose

lives were saved or improved by an organ The median response time to red calls across Wales transplant increased by 24% to 214 (figure for was 5 minutes and 5 seconds. The service handled 2014/15 was 173 which represents an increase of 1,277 calls per day on average, up 3.4% on the daily 41) average in June 2016.  a 7% increase in the number of deceased donors donating in Wales to 64 (was 60 in 2014-15) July was the second successive month that all LHBs

 the number of donors after brain death increased met the national target since the introduction of a by 13% to 36 (was 32 in 2014-15), while the new clinical response model pilot last October, which number of donors after circulatory death prioritises the most critically-ill patients.

remained the same at 28 http://goo.gl/o07B6y  the number of living donors residing in Wales increased by 20% to 49

 136 patients residing in Wales had their sight GET IN TOUCH restored through a cornea transplant, representing an increase of 5%. Constituency Office:

Wales became the first part of the UK to change the 110 High Street organ donation system when it introduced a soft opt- out system. People aged 18 and over who have lived CF47 8AP in Wales for more than 12 months and who die in Telephone: 01685 386672 Wales will now be regarded as having consented to organ donation unless they have opted opt. This is called deemed consent. ROOM B3.05 National Assembly for Wales People who want to be an organ donor can register a Cardiff Bay decision to opt in or do nothing, which will mean they Cardiff CF99 1NA have no objection to being an organ donor. Those Telephone: 0300 200 7170 people who do not want to be organ donor can opt out at any time. [email protected]

The release of the data comes ahead of the Organ Web site: Donation campaign Week which runs from the 5th September until the 10th September. www.dawnbowdenam.co.uk/

Welsh Labour Ministers “hit the ground running” PLENARY: during the first 100 days in office As many of you will be aware I underwent a hip

replacement operation on 6 September and During the first 100 days, the Welsh Government has: therefore missed the reconvening of the Assembly after the summer recess the following week due to  Taken steps to protect the Welsh economy my recuperation. following the UK’s vote to leave the EU – including the publication of a business confidence plan and Prior to my hospital admission I was able to demanding long -term certainty and a full continue the process of meeting a number of guarantee that funding will continue for our organisations in relation to both my constituency existing EU programmes to 2023; role and my Business Committees membership including, Royal College of Physicians, Arthritis Care,  Continued to fight for Wales’ best interests by Samaritans, Shelter, British Lung Foundation, British calling an emergency meeting of the British-Irish Council for Wales, Business In the Community. Council and the Council for Economic Renewal,

and established a dedicated civil service team to I am pleased that one of my team has been able to represent Wales in forthcoming EU negotiations, pick up meetings in the Assembly on my behalf during my period of recuperation including Arriva making sure that Welsh interests have been to the Trains, Allied Health Care Professionals, Care and fore in the early days of Brexit talks. Repair, RNIB, Action On Hearing Loss, RCN,  Committed £80m to establish a New Treatment Barnados and Royal Mail. Fund and to independently review patient funding My colleague was able to welcome Abertysswg requests – this is a significant step forward in Parents Network on their visit to the and ensuring treatment for life-limiting and life- delighted that he was able to attend Caerphilly threatening diseases are immediately and Homes Presentation evening the following week consistently available across Wales. The when the Group received a “Transforming Lives” independent review panel has been agreed and we Award. fully expect the fund to be in operational in

December. I am fully returning to work on Monday 3 October and am looking on catching up with the important  Developed a fully-costed business case for the work of the Assembly and is Business Committees. creation of a Development Bank for Wales, and

subject to Cabinet agreement this Autumn, it is expected to be in operation by the second quarter

of next year. This will complement the Business STREET SURGERIES; Confidence Plan by providing greater levels of Gerald Jones MP and myself maintain our commitment funding, support and advice to SMEs; to go out into our communities to speak to people on

 Thanks to almost £100m of Welsh Government the doorstep about the issues important to them. support, 70% of small businesses in Wales currently receive help with their business rates – Whilst I have been unable to undertake these in recent weeks I am grateful to Gerald for continuing to do these with more than half of businesses paying no non- and would also thank those local councillors and Party domestic rates at all. A new business rates relief members who have assisted in these activities. scheme will be announced next month to ensure I hope that very soon after my return I will be able to Wales’ small businesses continue to receive fully participate in these activities which I consider to be essential support. a an important way of engaging with constituents who  Announced ambitious plans to increase the gave myself and other elected members the great

number of Welsh speakers to one million by 2050. privilege of being elected to represent them. http://goo.gl/JS0huV

CONSTITUENCY BUSINESS MORE IN COMMON In the run up to my admission to hospital I undertook I want to pay thanks to Hope Not hate who a number of meetings and visits in the constituency. organised a football match between local Merthyr These have included meetings with the Gwent Police league club and a team formed from members of and Crime Commissioner, Merthyr Rising, General local Polish and Portuguese residents. The event Dynamics, and Cwm Taf Health Board to discuss children’s mental health services. Visits have included was designed to bring together communities to Dowlais Engine House, Ael-y-Bryn Community Centre, counter the appalling rise in incidents of racial and an Older Peoples Group in Merthyr. abuse witnessed since the Brexit vote.

During my absence I am grateful to my constituency The event was honoured with the presence of office team who have continued to deal with both Wales Manager Chris Coleman. My thanks go to ongoing and new case work as well as picking up Chris and Merthyr Tydfil FC for hosting the game. meetings with local groups in the area. Photo of teams with Chris Coleman below:


Friday 21 October 2016 3:00pm- 4:00pm

Gellideg Centre, Winchfawr House, Lansbury Road, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1HA

Friday 4 November 2016 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Ael Y Bryn Sports, Aneurin Terrace, Rhymney, Tredegar NP22 5DR

Friday 11 November 2016 11:30am - 1:30pm

Gurnos Coffee Morning, St Aloysius Church LABOUR PARTY LEADERSHIP Hall, Chestnut Way, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 9SB This last week has seen the announcement at Welsh Labour Friday 18 November 2016 2:00pm - Conference of the result of the leadership ballot. As 3:00pm everyone will be aware the result was an overwhelming re- election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader. Cefn Community Centre, New Church Street, Cefn-coed-y-cymmer, Merhyr Tydfil C48 All members have had an opportunity to voice their 2NA opinions over the last few months and vote for their preferred candidate. Now the result has been announced Friday 18 November 2016 3:30pm - 4:30pm it is the time for the Party to unite and ensure we are not (with Gerald Jones MP) just an effective opposition to the current Westminster Government but are a genuine Westminster Government in The Red Cow Inn, Main Road, Pontsticill, waiting. Merthyr Tydfil CF48 2UN The people in communities like those in Merthyr Tydfil Rhymney who have suffered the devastating impact of the Further dates to be published – see website for Tories austerity measures have the right to expect the updates: Labour Party to come together to work tirelessly and single www.dawnbowdenam.co.uk/ mindedly to improve their lives and well being.

Printed and promoted by Dawn Bowden AM on behalf of herself all at 110 High Street, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8AP