New Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan: Modified Pre-Submission Plan (Regulation 19)
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New Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan: Modified Pre-submission Plan (Regulation 19) Sustainability Appraisal (SA): Annex B – Baseline Information – September 2020 Page 2 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) Page 3 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) Contents 1. Introduction 6 1.1 Background 6 1.2 Baseline Information 6 2. Economy and Employment 7 2.1 Economy 7 2.2 Employment 10 2.3 Employment & Retail 13 2.4 Hotel Needs Review, Castle Point Borough Council, August 2010 16 2.3 Infrastructure 18 2.4 Summary 20 3. Housing 21 3.1 Housing Supply 21 3.2 Existing Housing Stock 22 3.3 Housing need – Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2020 23 3.4 Homelessness 25 3.5 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation 26 3.6 Summary 29 4. Population and Society 30 4.1 Population 30 4.2 Education 33 4.3 Quality of Life 37 4.4 Summary 45 5. Health and Wellbeing 46 5.1 Life Expectancy and Health 46 5.2 Physical Activity and Open Space 47 5.3 General Health of the District 48 5.4 Summary 49 6. Transport and Connectivity 50 6.1 Modes and Flows of Travel 50 6.3 Road Safety 58 Page 4 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) 6.4 Summary 59 7. Cultural Heritage 60 7.1 Recorded Archaeological Sites and Finds in Castle Point Borough 60 7.2 Listed Buildings & Conservation Area 61 7.3 Heritage at risk 62 7.4 Scheduled Ancient Monuments 62 7.5 Historic Parks and Gardens 62 7.6 Summary 62 8. Biodiversity and Nature Conservation 63 8.1 Biodiversity Action Plan 63 8.2 Designated Sites 63 8.3 Green / Blue Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services 67 8.4 Biodiversity Net Gain 68 8.5 Summary 69 9. Landscapes 70 9.1 Landscape Features 70 9.2 Agricultural Land Classification 73 9.3 Previously Developed Land 74 9.4 Summary 75 10. Water Environment 76 10.1 Water Courses 76 10.2 Water Quality 76 10.3 Flood Risk 77 10.4 Summary 79 11. Climate and Energy 80 11.1 Energy Consumption and Emissions 80 11.2 Climate Change 83 11.3 Summary 84 12. Air 85 12.1 Air Quality 85 12.2 Noise 87 12.3 Summary 88 13. Material Assets (including soil, minerals and waste) 89 13.1 Local Authority Collected Waste 89 13.2 Transfer Facilities 89 Page 5 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) 13.3 The Replacement Waste Local Plan for Essex and Southend-on-Sea 90 13.4 Waste Miles 91 13.5 Anaerobic Digestion (AD) 91 13.6 Commercial and Industrial Waste (CD&I) 91 13.7 Construction, Demolition and Evacuation Waste (CD&E) 91 13.8 Summary 92 14. Minerals 93 14.1 The Adopted Minerals Local Plan 2014 93 14.2 Summary 94 Page 6 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Castle Point Borough Council commissioned Place Services of Essex County Council to undertake an independent Sustainability Appraisal (SA) for the Castle Point Local Plan. This Report is the baseline annex to the main SA Environmental Report. 1.2 Baseline Information The SEA Directive requires the production of the following information: “The relevant aspects of the current state of the environment and the likely evolution thereof without implementation of the plan or programme;” Annex 1(b); “The environmental characteristics of areas likely to be significantly affected;” Annex 1(c); and “Any existing problems which are relevant to the plan or programme including, in particular, those relating to any areas of a particular environmental importance such as areas designated pursuant to Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/ECC” Annex 1(d). The baseline information identifies current sustainability issues and problems in the Plan Area which should be addressed and provides a basis for predicting and monitoring the effects of implementing the document. To ensure the data collected was relevant and captured the full range of sustainability issues, it was categorised under 13 thematic topics. They cover all the topics referred to in Annex 1(f) of the SEA Directive and follow the order of: • Economy and employment • Housing • Population and society • Health and wellbeing • Education • Transport and connectivity • Cultural heritage • Biodiversity and nature conservation • Landscapes • Water • Climate and energy • Air • Waste, soils and minerals Page 7 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) 2. Economy and Employment 2.1 Economy Essex contributed more than £31bn to the national economy in 2015 (Essex Organisation Strategy 2017- 2021)1. Castle Point has the highest rate of economic activity at 81.5% compared to the county, region and country. The rate of economic activity within Castle Point has seen an increase of 0.9% on the previous year, as shown in the table below. Table 1: Economic activity East of Castle Point Essex Great Britain England Number of economically active 43,900 751,300 3,164,000 33,485,000 Percentage of the population 81.5% 81.2% 80.8% 78.5% economically active Job density 0.52 0.77 0.83 0.84 Source: NOMIS Labour Supply (January 2017 – December 2017) Table 2: Business registration and de-registration rate Castle Point Essex East of England Great Britain Birth 530 8,915 35,400 408,420 Death 450 7,520 29,965 322,460 All active enterprises 3,715 69,240 287,540 2,775,940 Source: ONS, Business Demography 2016 (Released November 2017) There has been a slight increase in the number of active businesses in Castle Point due to a higher rate of registrations (births) than de-registrations (deaths). Compared to sub-national and national figures the district has experienced a higher start up rate and a lower de-registration rate indicating a more robust local economy. 1 Essex Organisation Strategy 2017-2021 Page 8 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) Table 3: UK Business Counts Castle Point Essex East Numbers % Numbers % Numbers % Enterprises Micro (0 to 9) 3,025 92.4 57,680 90.0 244,305 90.0 Small (10 to 49) 210 6.4 5,370 8.4 22,260 8.2 Medium (50 to 249) 35 1.1 860 1.3 3,835 1.4 Large (250+) 5 0.2 195 0.3 945 0.3 Total 3,275 64,110 271,335 Local Units Micro (0 to 9) 3,190 89.1 62,005 86.0 266,175 85.7 Small (10 to 49) 325 9.1 8,295 11.5 36,150 11.6 Medium (50 to 249) 55 1.5 1,605 2.2 7,345 2.4 Large (250+) 5 0.1 200 0.3 1,015 0.3 Total 3,580 72,110 310,685 Source: NOMIS Labour Supply (2017) In general, local based businesses are more prevalent within the Borough than in the county and comparatively more when compared to the national figure. Nearly three quarters of all local businesses within the Borough employ 4 or less people and approximately 6% employ more than 20 people. There has been an increase for Micro and Small enterprises within Castle Point of 72% which equates to 90 more small sized enterprises in 2016 compared to 20122. Table 4: Proportion of businesses by industry type Industry Castle Point Essex East of Great Britain England Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 10 (0.3%) 2,185 (3.4%) 11,960 (4.4%) 129,965 (5.0%) Production 215 (6.6%) 3,980 (6.2%) 15,310 (5.6%) 144,045 (5.5%) Construction 900 (27.5%) 11,745 (18.3%) 38,980 (14.4%) 310,175 (11.9%) Motor Trades 105 (3.2%) 2,020 (3.2%) 8,370 (3.1%) 72,570 (2.8%) 2 Essex Employment and Skills Board: Evidence Base District Profile 2017-18 Page 9 Castle Point Borough Council Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Environmental Report (Annex B) Industry Castle Point Essex East of Great Britain England Wholesale 105 (3.2%) 2,750 (4.3%) 11,020 (4.1%) 100,300 (3.9%) Retail 220 (6.7%) 3,990 (6.2%) 17,195 (6.3%) 190,960 (7.4%) Transport & Storage (Including 165 (5.0%) 2,510 (3.9%) 13,955 (5.1%) 106,990 (4.1%) Postal) Accommodation & Food Services 2,770 (4.3%) 12,600 (4.6%) 146,445 (5.6%) 150 (4.6%) Information & Communication 200 (6.1%) 4,920 (7.7%) 21,805 (8.0%) 215,240 (8.3%) Finance & Insurance 55 (1.7%) 1,215 (1.9%) 4,720 (1.7%) 54,590 (2.1%) Property 90 (2.7%) 2,140 (3.3%) 8,775 (3.2%) 91,105 (3.5%) Professional, Scientific & Technical 485 (14.8%) 10,890 (17.0%) 47,130 (17.4%) 473,260 (18.2%) Business Administration & Support 250 (7.6%) 5,325 (8.3%) 26,350 (9.7%) 225,780 (8.7%) Services Public Administration & Defence 0 225 (0.4%) 1,285 (0.5%) 7,110 (0.3%) Education 60 (1.8%) 1,195 (1.9%) 4,895 (1.8%) 47,655 (1.8%) Health 100 (3.1%) 2,600 (4.1%) 11,240 (4.1%) 117,295 (4.5%) Arts, Entertainment, Recreation and 165 (5.0%) 3,650 (5.7%) 15,750 (5.8%) 164,610 (6.3%) Other Services Total 3,275 64,110 271,340 2,598,095 Source: ONS, 2017 data There are comparatively more businesses within construction within the district than the county but noticeable fewer businesses within agriculture, forestry & fishing.