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Dreibergs Wins Michigan Title Hudson Wins In ess Stan W riter Scoring a needed victOl'Y in the' final 19th round, Mme .. Olga Rubt­ sova several times Woman's Champion of the USSR, tallied 154 to outp'oint hcr nearest rival by one-half point and earn the right to chal­ lenge the present Women's World Champi?n Mme. Elizaveta Bykova of Moscow to a tiUe match. The challenger IS 46, mother of four grown children, and learncd chcss from her father, a professor at .the Moscow Technical Institute. In winning the tournament, Mme. RublsQva lost games to Frau Edith Keller-Herr mann of Germany and Mme. Larissa' Volpert of the USSR. She drew with Mlle. Fannie Heemskerk of Holland, Mme. Vera JovanoviC:Nedeljkovie of Yugoslavia, and ?tIme. Olga Ignatieva and Mme. Valentina Belova of the USSR. Second" place wi th 14 %41h-;e'iltCham~ion s b iP-eve~tS}o'~ _ ~ to Mme. -Larissa Volpert of the have been: Miss Karlf 171h-31i,4 DREIBERGS WINS BISGUIER PLAYS USSR who had been tied for the (1949, 1952, 1955); Mrs. Gresser lead but drew her last round game 14'h-19% (1949, 1955); Mrs. Graf· MICHIGAN TITLE AT ZAGREB MEET with Senora Celia de Mosehini of Stevenson 9 1h-9 Jh (1955); a nd Mrs. Leonid!; Drcibcl'gs of Hny City u. S. Ch;unpion Arthur D. His­ Argentina. Frau Edith Keller-Herr- Bain 3 1,2 -11 % (1952). \ did a rC IK:al pcriol'lnancc. rC!tainin ~ guier beifan aus p i c ioll.~ ly i n the malin of Germany was third with the Michigan tille 6·1 with 'no de­ twenty player in tcrnational t ourna· 14.-5. WOMAN'S WORLD feats and draws with Heinrich Kal. ment at Zagreb in Yugoslavia by Of the! three U. S. representa· CHAMPIONSHIP mins and Mark Surgies. Second to de(C"ating Svt'tozar G1igoric of ,th'es in th'c C(lndldates tour:.:.amcnt, CANDIDATES TOtJRlIJU "-- fourth with 6*·1% were H. Kal­ Yugoslavia ill the first round. Nine Mrlj. Gisela Kahn Gresser and Mrs. mins of Kalamazoo, Maurice Wcid· F inal Stll>nding, co unu'ies are represented in the Sonja Graf..glevenson tied for 11th . 1. Olga Rubtsov" (USSR) .. ,........ ::....... 11>-4 enbaum of Detroit, and Jnek 0'· event with Arthur Bisguier (USA), place at 9ih -9ih with ,Mme. Chantel 2. Larissa VolJlert (USSR) ............ 14'h-4".. Keefe of Ann Arbor. Firth to Gcdcon Barcza (Hungary), Andrea Chnude de Silans oC France. Miss 3. Edith Kelledlnrm"nn (Ger' seventh with 6·2 wore Mark Surgios Uu ckslei n (Austria), Dr. Mi roslav \ Monti May Knr£!, the third U. S. many) .... ,. ,.... ,. ....................... ,............ .. 14·5 of Detroit, Henry Mcifcrt of Knla­ 4. Klr" Z"orkina (USSn) ............ 1 3Y~-5'h Filip (Czechoslovakia), Ewfim Gel­ represe ntative, finished in 17th 5. Valentina Bclova (USSR) ., ....... ,.... 13·6 malOO, and James Schroeder of I ler (USSR), Nikol'nj Minev (B ul· piace with 5%·131,2, never quite 6. Vera J o"anovlc·NedelJkovic Columbus, Ohio, while Robert Uhl­ gada), Alberic O'Kelly de Galway overcoming a ,bad start in the early ( Yu go~lavla) ,._ .. ,. .•.... ,.. ,..... ,.... ,. ... 12Y,,-6V, mann of Grand Rapids was eighth (Belgium), Georgio Porreca (Italy), ro unds. 7. Milunku Laurilvl" (Yugoslayla) .. 12·7 with 5¥l-2~ in the 64·player Swiss, 8. Antonia 1Vanll"n8 (Bulygaria) .... U·8 Vassily Smyslov CqSSR), and the While the scores of the U. S. 9. Fannie Heem.kerk (Holland ) lOV,-8'h. largest state tournament ever h eld following Yugoslav masters: Mario representatives this year were not 10. OJ!!a l ll n"tieva (USSR) .................... 10·9 in MichiJ,(a n. Bertok, Anrlrijll li'uderer, Svetozar 11. Chantel Chaude de Slians phenominal, there was a ve,ry (I--ranee) .. .. ,." ....................· ...... .......... 9'A1·9'h. Miss Lucille Kellner of Detroit Gligorie, Boris Ivkov, Nicolas Kar­ marked improvement over the two won the Woman's title with 3-5 12, Gisela Kahn Gresser (USA) _... .9 'A1·SY.t aklajic, Alexander Matanovic, Boris­ previous showings iii 1949 and 1952. 13. Sonja Graf-.5tevenson (USA) .. ~ Y.t -9* score; AIl!-n Strelzof!, Jr. of Lansing lac Milic, Vasja Pire, Braslav Rabar, Mrs. Gresser in particular evinced 14. YuseJa Gurfinkel (USSR) ...... 6'Aa-12lh took the Junior title with S.3, while 15. Kristina ilnhlj (pnland ) ~_ ...... 6'h·l :w.a Dr . Pctar Trifunovic, and Mijo the results oC her constant partici· novice prizes for players who had Udovic. ' 16. E Ya Ke..ertz (Hungary) ......•...(1"..· 12".. pation in U. S. events by tallying 17. Mona May Karl! (USA) .......... 51,',·13".. never won the Me A event went to After eight rounds, Smyslov 91h-91h as co mp a~d to 5-10 in JR. Celia de MMChln1 Sylvan Zaft of Detroit and John leads with 6-2, followed by Tri­ 1949. Miss KarH only slightly bet­ (Argentina) .....• ~ ...... ~.~.~.~.~~ .•.. '~ - 14 ~ 19. Rosa Sucha (CUchmlov8kla) ~ ..•.•• 4·15 Harvey of Mainistee. P rize for the (unovic, 5 1h -2'h, Duekstein, 5-2, tered her 5-10 result in 1949 and biggest upset went to Evert Vander­ :roo Berna Carruco de B udlnlch O'Kelly, 5-3, and Ivkov, 4%-3'h. did not equal her 7-8 SCore in 1952. (Chile) ~.~.~_ ... ~.~.~ ......................... " ....!- 17 Roest of Kalamazoohwhile prize fOr U. S. Champion Arthur Bisguier The composite resulls of the U. S. shortest mate went to R. M. Ballen­ is 4-4, having lost games to Pire Women players in the three World ger of Kalamazoo for a nine-move and 0 1Kelly, won two and drawn KALME TRIUMPHS brevity. In the speed event of 17 fo ur. players, David L. Clark of Detroit AT PHILADELPHIA tallied a Sllrprise 5-0 for victory; MARING TAKES Miss i{eUner was 'second with 4-1, NORTH CENTRAL MID-WEST 'OPEN U. S. Junior Champion Charles and Robert J. Henry of Toledo was Kalme added the Philadelphia third with 31h-Ilh. MCA president DRAWS ENTRIES .oscar Maring or Middletown, Ky. Metropolitan title to his Ust by V. A. Vandenburg was tournament Early entries in the North Cen­ won the Mid·West Open tourna­ scming 5'h-lh in n 27-player event, director, assisted by Arthur }o' itz­ tral Open, August 25-27 include ment at Louisville, Ky. with a 4lh- drawing with A. Dicamillo in the gerald. Russell Chauvenet, Silver Spring, 1h seore, drawing with J ames final round. Second and third were Md.; Leslie Boyette, San Francisco; Roark. Second place went to Rich­ Gordon Marcus and A. Dieaml1lo --,---- Dr. 1 Schwartz, Durand, Ill.; Hugh ,ard Shields of Louisville with 4-1, with 5-1; Marcus drew with E. R. HUDSON WINS Myers, Wisconsin titleholde'r from losing onc game to Maring. James Glover and DiCamillo. Fourth nnd Racine; and Michigan Champion Roark of Lexington was third with fifth with 4lh·Ph were' Arthur N. IN DELAWARE Leonids Dreibergs, K;llamazoo. 3'h·l l,2. losing a game to Shields Mease and Gordon Blizard, while Lt. John Hudson won the Dela· Curt Brasket, Minneapolis, last and drawing with Maring. Fourth siXth to eighth with 4-2 were ware title 4'h -1k , with J. Norman year's winner is expected to defend to sixth with 3-2 each ~ere Jack Philip B. Driver, D. Sciarretta, and Cotter second with 4·1. Third and bis title. Mayer of Louisville, William Batch­ N. A. Springer. fourth with 3-2 each were 1953 A priZe fund exceeding $S()() ap· elder of Bloo mington, Ind. and J The tournament WHS jointly "pon· Champion Wm. Bergman and Mar­ pears one reason for aC(:eleraled John BlackSheas of MillersbUrg, Ky. sored /bY t he . USCF Affiliated tin Paris. Defending Champ M. R. interest. The winner, in addition to The tournament was sponsored . Franklin Che5s Club and Mercan· Paul was fifth with 21h ·21h. Hud­ S200 in cash , will have custody of by the USCF Affiliated Louisville tile library Chess Ass'n, cooperat· son previously won the Texas and ODC of the most beautiful of chess Chess C1u b and drew a field of ing with the Philadelphia Chess Louisiana tiUes. trophies. sixteeD players. Ass'n. CUBAN TEAM ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL VISITS N Y CJ.u. "L;f. A six·man team from the Capa­ Mastering the End Game blanca Chess Club of Havana, Cuba arrived in New York City for a !In nllW 'Ijor~ By W A.LTER KORN, Editor of Meo match with the Marshall Chess Club. Heading the team is Dr. Juan By Allen KDujm4n BLIND TO THE MOST OBVIOUS GoJU.ales, Champion of Cuba, who Max Pavey drew attention to a [jaw on page 296 of BeE- where in is no stranger since he won the URING the first week in No­ No. 314 the move 1. ........ , K-R5! is given as drawing the position shown U. S. Speed ChampIonship several D vember several members of here in diagiam No. 24, with White to mOve. years ago while studying medicine the capablanca Club of Havana, BCE now gives 2. K-K4 with a DUtp<lm. ~N~.:;·c';'._..",.., 10 Ne,w York. Other team members Cuba, spent several days in New long analysis proving a mere draw, r are <..:arIas Calero, Miguel Aleman, Yo rk City. They visited local clubs whereas a win results right here }(aut cardenas, Rogelio Ortega, and participated in many activities after 2. P·Q5 1 TI\e pawn is in· C!Jub champion, and Rosendo Car· here. violate because of the threat of 1J0neU, the junior champion. Darlos One evening they arrived at the winning a Rook or mating after nuacJo, secretary of the Capa­ Manhattan C.
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