Journal on Software and Systems Modeling manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Modeling Event-based Communication in Component-based Software Architectures for Performance Predictions Christoph Rathfelder1, Benjamin Klatt1, Kai Sachs2, Samuel Kounev3? 1 FZI Research Center for Information Technology Karlsruhe, Germany frathfelder;
[email protected] 2 SAP AG Walldorf, Germany
[email protected] 3 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Karlsruhe, Germany
[email protected] Received: date / Revised version: date Abstract Event-based communication is used in dif- 1 Introduction ferent domains including telecommunications, transporta- tion, and business information systems to build scal- The event-based communication paradigm is used in- able distributed systems. Such systems typically have creasingly often to build loosely-coupled distributed sys- stringent requirements for performance and scalability as tems in many different industry domains. The applica- they provide business and mission critical services. While tion areas of event-based systems range from distributed the use of event-based communication enables loosely- sensor-based systems up to large-scale business infor- coupled interactions between components and leads to mation systems [24]. Compared to synchronous com- improved system scalability, it makes it much harder for munication using, for example, remote procedure calls developers to estimate the system's behavior and perfor- (RPC), event-based communication among components mance under load due to the decoupling of components promises several benefits such as high scalability and ex- and control flow. In this paper, we present our approach tendability [25]. Being asynchronous in nature, it allows enabling the modeling and performance prediction of a send-and-forget approach, i.e., a component that sends event-based systems at the architecture level.