© Austrian-American Educational Commission, 2011




ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 (October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2011)


The Fulbright Program is based on legislation initially proposed and sponsored by U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright (Arkansas) in 1946. The legislation, best known as the Fulbright Act, authorized the Secretary of State to use proceeds from the sale of surplus war property outside the United States to finance exchanges of students, teachers, scholars, and scientists.

This legislation provided an unprecedented amount of funding for exchange programs. It gave international students and scholars unparalleled opportunities to study, to pursue research, and to teach in the United States and provided U.S. citizens with equally unparalleled opportunities to engage in the same kinds of pursuits abroad. The Fulbright Program also introduced a new concept for the management of exchange agreements by establishing binational commissions for program administration.

In 1961 the Fulbright-Hays Act consolidated various pieces of educational and cultural exchange legislation. Fulbright-Hays broadened the scope of the program, provided for U.S. government funding thereof as a line item in the federal budget, and authorized the receipt of contributions from other governments to fund the program. The Act also expressly defined the mandate of the Fulbright Program as follows: "to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the peoples of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchange."

The Fulbright program in Austria began in June 1950 when the Austrian and U.S. governments signed the first of three Fulbright Agreements. The first exchanges under the auspices of the U.S. Educational Commission in Austria took place during the 1951-52 academic year. After the Fulbright-Hays Act was passed in 1961, a new Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the United States of America was signed on June 25, 1963 establishing the Austrian-American Educational Commission (AAEC) as a binational entity capable of receiving funds from both partner governments and responsible for the execution of the Fulbright Program.

The following report summarizes the activities conducted by the Austrian-American Educational Commission from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011 during the 60th year of Fulbright exchanges between Austria and the United States of America.

This report is submitted to the governments of the Republic of Austria and the United States of America to satisfy the requirement of annual reporting, as stipulated under the terms of the 1963 binational Agreement, and is also made available to institutions and individuals with an expressed interest in the Fulbright Program. It is prepared in English and in German.

The AAEC and its secretariat wish to express their appreciation to the following governmental and non- governmental organizations on both sides of the Atlantic that participate in the funding and administration of the program:

 Austrian Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture  Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs  Austrian Ministry of Science and Research  Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State (formerly the United States Information Agency)  Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Washington, D.C.  Institute of International Education, New York, NY  J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, Washington, D.C.  U.S. Embassy, Vienna (Public Affairs Section)


Since the late 1990s, the AAEC has to pursued a strategy of “institutional partnering” to increase the number of awards it can offer and the scope of its activities. By the end of the 2010-2011 program year, the AAEC had operative partnering and cost-sharing relationships for twenty jointly funded awards, and it wishes to acknowledge the valuable support it is receives from the institutions and individuals listed below:

 Fulbright-Academy of Fine Arts Visiting Professor in Media Theory and Media Studies (2004)  Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professors of Austrian-American Studies (2): Dietrich W. Botstiber Foundation, Media, PA (2011)  Fulbright-Diplomatic Academy Visiting Professor of International Relations (1999)  Fulbright-Diplomatic Academy Visiting Student Award: Diploma Program or Master’s of Advanced International Studies (MAIS) (2002)  Fulbright-Freud (Sigmund Freud Privatstiftung) Visiting Scholar of Psychoanalysis (1997)  Fulbright-Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften an der Kunstuniversität Linz (IFK) Junior Visiting Fellow (1997)  Fulbright-Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften an der Kunstuniversität Linz (IFK) Senior Visiting Fellow (1997)  Fulbright-Johannes Kepler University of Linz Visiting Professor (rotating) (1999)  Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Distinguished Chair of Entrepreneurship in Central Europe: Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation, Dallas, TX (2001)  Fulbright-Karl-Franzens-University of Graz Visiting Professor in Cultural Studies (1998)  Fulbright-NAWI Graz Visiting Professor in Natural Science: Co-funded by KFU Graz and Technical University, Graz (2008)  Fulbright-quartier21/MQ artist-in-residence (2005)  Fulbright-University of Innsbruck Visiting Professor (rotating) (1998)  Fulbright-University of Klagenfurt Visiting Professor in Gender Studies and Humanities (1999)  Fulbright-University of Minnesota Visiting Professor at the College of Liberal Arts (2001)  Fulbright-University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Visiting Professor in Sustainable Development (2007)  Fulbright-University of Salzburg Visiting Professor (rotating) (1998)  Fulbright-University of Vienna Visiting Professor in the Humanities and Cultural Studies (1998)  Fulbright-WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration) Visiting Professor (2004)



The Austrian-American Educational Commission (AAEC) board consists of ten members: five U.S. citizens and five Austrian citizens nominated to serve for one calendar year by their respective governments. The five U.S. members, two of whom are Foreign Service officers from the U.S. Embassy in Vienna, are nominated to serve on the board by the U.S. Ambassador. Three of the five Austrian members appointed by the Austrian government traditionally have been Austrian university professors and two have been representatives of the Ministry responsible for higher education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, respectively. The dates of the initial appointment of the respective members are noted in brackets below. The AAEC Board meets on a quarterly basis to discuss budgetary, policy, procedural, and program issues and has a number of subcommittees that meet on an ad hoc basis. The Executive Director of the AAEC reports to and is monitored by the AAEC board. The AAEC Chairperson and the AAEC Treasurer are elected annually. These positions rotate annually between the Austrian and U.S. members of the Board. The Austrian Minister responsible for higher education and the Ambassador of the United States of America to Austria serve as honorary chairpersons of the AAEC. The following individuals served on the AAEC board during the 2010-2011 program year:

Honorary Co-chairs: William C. Eacho, III U.S. Ambassador to Austria Beatrix Karl Austrian Federal Minister of Science and Research Karlheinz Töchterle Austrian Federal Minister of Science and Research

U.S. Members: Edward Bergman Institute for the Environment and Regional Development, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (2001) (Chairperson, 2011) Robert Hugins Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Vienna (2007-10) Jan Krč Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Vienna (2011) (Treasurer, 2011) Margaret White Assistant Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy (2009-11) David B. Waller Deputy Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna (1994-11) Antoinette Van Zabner Zinn- Professor of Piano Performance, Zinnenburg University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (2007)

Austrian Members: Ernst Aichinger Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs (2007) Thomas Fröschl Institute for History, University of Vienna (2009) Roberta Mairhofer Vice Rector, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz (2009) Barbara Sporn Vice Rector, Vienna University of Economics and Business (2007) Barbara Weitgruber Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (1998) (Chairperson 2010, Treasurer 2011)

Commission Secretariat Lonnie R. Johnson Executive Director (1997) Anita Dall Program Officer and Administration (2007 - 2010) Alexandra Enzi Program Officer and Educational Advisor (2003) Jürgen Hörmann Program Officer and USTA Administration (2011) Andreas Raab Program Officer and USTA Administration (2010-11) Heinz Rotte Accounting Consultant (2005) Irene Zavarsky Program Officer (2010)

Auditor: Peter Greifeneder (2004)



During the 2010-11 program year, the Austrian-American Educational Commission had an operative budget of $ 1,530,000 (€ 1,141,000). Under the auspices of Fulbright grants, Austrian and U.S. grantees received an additional $ 788,000 (€ 586,000) of direct or in-kind support in the form of scholarships, tuition remissions, housing, or salaries for teaching assistants. The AAEC was in a position to fund 67 grants for Austrian and American Fulbright grantees in its core programs

 17 Austrian students enrolled in U.S. Master’s or PhD programs  13 Austrian Foreign Language Teaching Assistants at U.S. colleges and universities  4 Austrian scholars  8 U.S. Distinguished Chairs  6 U.S. lecturers and researchers  14 U.S. students enrolled at Austrian universities  2 U.S. Fulbright Specialists

Furthermore, 3 Austrian scholars received grants under the auspices of the Fulbright-Schuman Program cofounded by the European Commission and the U.S. Government, and the AAEC brought 5 U.S. Fulbright scholars participating in the program from other states in Europe as guest lecturers to Austria as participants in the Intercountry Lecture Program.

The AAEC also facilitated the placement of 140 U.S. College and university graduates as U.S. Teaching Assistants at Austrian secondary schools under the auspices of a program it has managed for the Austrian Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture since 1962. U.S. teaching assistants are assigned schools in communities large and small all over Austria. They work with well over one thousand different teachers and have contact with an estimated 40,000 students each week.

The commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the signing of the initial Fulbright agreement between Austria and the United States in 1950 that began in during the 2009-2010 program year with an Festakt at the Academy of Sciences in Vienna on June 7, 2010 attended by over 350 friends, associates and alumna of the Austrian- American Fulbright Program continued during the 2010-2011 program year. Fulbright at Sixty -- the documentary the AAEC commissioned from Georg Steinböck to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Austrian-American Fulbright exchanges -- was screened at four different venues in the United States on October 3, 9, 12, and 15, respectively: the Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; the Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association in Oakland, CA; the Austrian Embassy in Washington, DC, and the Institute of International Education in New York City. The Office for Science and Technology in North America (OSTINA), Washington, DC, and the Austrian Cultural Forums in Washington, DC, and New York City provided exceptional support in the organization of these screenings. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs Alina Romanowski and Austrian Ambassador Christian Prosl spoke at the Washington screening which was attended by 190 people.


(l-r) Georg Steinböck, filmmaker; Alina Romanowski, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Austrian Ambassador Christian Prosl, and Lonnie Johnson at the screening of Fulbright at Sixty at the Austrian Embassy in October 12, 2011

With the support of the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy and the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research and in collaboration with the Institute of Contemporary History, University of Vienna, the AAEC also organized and hosted an international conference at the Amerika Haus on November 18- 19: Impacts – Does Academic Exchange Matter? The purpose of this conference was to highlight ongoing research on the various topics related to academic exchange and to stimulate further reflection on the state of cultural diplomacy, scholarly internationalism, and the their ultimate impacts on Dr. Lonnie Johnson (center) with keynote speakers Prof. Liping Bu, Alma foreign relations. Two key note College, Michigan, and Prof. Walter Grünzweig,TU Dortmund, Germany speakers and twenty-eight scholars (from Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States) presented papers in seven panels during this two-day conference that was attended by over 100 people. A representative cross section of these papers will be published in the Austrian journal for contemporary history Zeitgeschichte in 2012.


Among other noteworthy events and initiatives during the 2010-11 program year were:

 As of the 2010-11 program year, the AAEC, WU Vienna, and Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation agreed to anchor the Fulbright-Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe at the WU Vienna for three years. Under the auspices of this award, Prof. Anthony Di Benedetto from the Fox School of Business at Temple University, PA, not only taught and advised students in Vienna but also designed and taught a special intensive course at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University in Russia.

 In December, the AAEC received 51 applications from the Council for International Exchange of Scholars from American scholars and scientists for the grants it awards under the auspices of the U.S. Scholars Program in Austria: an increase of 40% in comparison with the average of previous years.

 In February, the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research offered to sponsor up to four research awards for U.S. Fulbright PhD candidates under the auspices of its Mach Postgraduate Scholarship Program; the J. William Scholarship Board approved these new collaborative awards. The four Fulbright-Mach awards will be available as of the 2011-12 program year and represent an indirect contribution of € 33,840 toward the U.S. student program.

 In February, the AAEC continued to update its online presence and augmented its webpage with a series of fora for students, teaching assistants and scholars conceived to improve communication among potential and current grantees. See http://www.fulbright.at/forum

 During the summer semester of 2011, Prof. William Woessner from the Department of Geosciences at the University of Montana, Missoula, was the inaugural Fulbright-NAWI Graz Visiting Professor in the Natural Sciences. The programming for this award is unique insofar as it is cosponsored by two Austrian universities – Karl Franzens University Graz and the Graz University of Technology – under the auspices of a joint natural sciences project (NAWI Graz).

 AAEC Executive Director Lonnie Johnson (in his capacity as the Chair of the Executive Committee of Executive Directors Conference of European Fulbright Commissions) and AAEC financial consultant Heinz Rotte collaborated with Marcel Oomen, Executive Director of the Dutch-American Fulbright Commission, to organize a workshop for the financial officers and accountants of European Fulbright Commissions hosted by the Dutch Commission in Amsterdam, April 10-12.


Lisa Bernstein (ECA Washington, DC), Pauline Boitard and Severine Peyrichou (France), Alexandra Enzi (Austria), Maria Kostova (Bulgaria), Corina Danaila-Guidea (Romania), Sasha Dvorzova (Italy), and Ramona Saya (The Netherlands)

 In March, the AAEC submitted a proposal to the Dietrich W. Botstiber Foundation requesting $120,000 to fund two Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professors for Austrian-American Studies – one in Austria and one in the U.S – for a period of three years starting with the 2012/13 program year. The Advisory Board of the Botstiber Foundation enthusiastically approved this proposal in June and the AAEC and the Botstiber Foundation subsequently concluded a letter of understanding in August.

 On June 21, Austrian Minister of Science and Research Karlheinz Töchterle awarded AAEC Executive Director Lonnie Johnson the Austrian Cross of Merit for Science and Art, First Class, to acknowledge his contributions to the cultivation of Austrian-American relations.

 With special support from the European Branch of the Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Washington, DC, AAEC staff organized and hosted a European Fulbright Staff Workshop in Vienna at the Amerika Haus from August 30 through September 2. This workshop gave 31 program officers from 21 European Fulbright commissions a unique opportunity to exchange views and share best practices. Facilitators from Washington, DC, and New York City included Lisa Bernstein (ECA), Lydia Taylor (ECA), Jean McPeek (CIES), Rachel Holskin (IIE) and Arthur Austin (IIE).



Austrian Students

The AAEC received 109 applications from Austrian students for Fulbright placement and financial aid in May 2009 and interviewed 98 candidates in June 2009 for the 2010/11 program year. The Commission initially nominated 25 candidates and recommended them to the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York for placement in Master’s and PhD programs in October 2009.

One of the great advantages of working with IIE is the central management of applications to U.S. universities. Austrian candidates list up to four universities to which they wish to apply. The IIE placement section reviews these proposals for balance. Based on the candidate’s choice of program and prospects for admission, IIE suggests alternate institutions, taking the prospects of tuition remission or scholarships into account. IIE also submits applications for candidates, which gives them the added advantage of entering the admissions review process at the respective institutions as potential Fulbright grantees, and it assumes all application-related costs.

The Institute of International Education also annually organizes so-called Gateway Programs: one-week- long orientation programs with the following objectives: to provide skills essential for academic success; to provide an introduction to U.S. academic culture; to reinforce the Fulbright identity; to explain the roles of the sponsoring and administrative agencies; to provide a period of acclimation to life and study in the U.S.; and to begin Fulbright networking activities.

Austrian Fulbright students 2010-11 at the predeparture orientation.

Eleven Austrian students participated in Gateway Programs with other incoming Fulbright grantees from all over the world before starting their academic programs. During their first academic year in the U.S., Austrian Fulbright students also were eligible to apply for participation in four-day-long “Enrichment Seminars”, which were held at different regional venues in the U.S. between February and April with all travel costs and per diems being assumed by IIE.


“My first year in the Comparative Literary and Mag. Martina Koegeler Cultural Studies program has not only fulfilled Austrian Fulbright Student 2010-11 my expectations, but significantly surpassed Master in Comparative Literature them. My classes have given me a much SUNY Stony Brook more profound handling of literary and cultural theory and the contacts to my peers, professors and colleagues at conferences has provided new insights and inspirations.”

Of the 25 candidates the AAEC initially nominated for awards, 8 candidates ultimately withdrew from the program for personal or professional reasons, and IIE placed 17 Austrian students at U.S. universities. The AAEC provided Austrian Fulbright students with travel grants of € 800, grant-related health and accident insurance, and awards of up to $25,000 for tuition and/or living expenses.

The level of support individual students received from the AAEC depended upon the overall costs of the programs individuals chose and the scholarship and financial aid offers receiving institutions made. Although the majority of students received the full $25,000 awards, five of the 21 Austrian Fulbrighters received such generous offers from receiving U.S. institutions that they did not require the entire $25,000 award to cover their tuition and living costs.

“In the beginning, the American system of Mag. Esther Hackl teaching at the university took some time to Austrian Fulbright Student 2010-11 get used to. It seems a lot of readings, until LLM one finds one’s own method to deal with the Harvard University reading material. I enjoyed the Socratic method, though - even if it can be intimidating at times. It means one always has to be prepared – for every single class. Foreign students should really take that under advisement.”

Furthermore, IIE solicited scholarships, grants, and tuition rebates for Austrian Fulbright students from their receiving institutions totaling $ 186,551. IIE also provided $ 25,000 in support from its Shepherd Fund in June 2011 as the second-year funding of four candidates from the 2009-10 Fulbright student cohort.

Program Cost Ranges for Austrian Fulbright Students:

Fulbright Grants $ 18,240 - 25,000 U.S. university awards $ 0 – 27,466 Overall costs of program (including living costs) $ 30,597 – 68,281 Personal funds (Eigenbedarf) $ 0 – 38,740


Austrian Fulbright student Mag. Johannes Langer (left, Master in International Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University) enjoys his first baseball game at his IIE Gateway Seminar in Boston with other Fulbright students.

Since the academic year 2005-2006, the Austrian Fulbright Student Program has been used as the institutional vehicle to award grants previously funded in a separate program and known as BMWF Postgraduate Stipendien. The combination of Fulbright awards with BMWF postgraduate awards eliminated a number of redundancies between the programs and represents a very effective allocation of funds. For the 2010-11 program year, the AAEC received € 360,000 of funding for Austrian postgraduate awards from the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. If the AAEC has any uncommitted Austrian postgraduate funds at the end of a given program year, it rolls these funds over into a reserve fund for use in future years.

The Austrian Ministry of Science informed the AAEC in November 2010 that, due to severe budgetary pressures, it was compelled to reduce the level of funding it could place at the disposal of the AAEC for Austrian postgraduate awards as of the 2012-13 program year to € 200,000. The AAEC in turn decided to correspondingly reduce the number of awards it would offer in the future.

“Columbia University extremely challenged Christoph Rainer me, but at the same time advanced me. I was Austrian Fulbright Student 2010-11 more productive than ever before and realized MFA in Film Studies six short films in only a few months. They Columbia University were shown and received very positive feedback at Columbia and some cinemas in New York City.”

Twenty-five Austrian students from previous program years had their Fulbright status extended for another year of study.


Austrian Teaching Assistants

Eighteen Austrians applied for Fulbright German language teaching assistantships. They were graduates of post-secondary teacher training institutions, universities, or students of English, German, translation, or Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DAF) in the second stage − zweiter Studienabschnitt − of their studies.

“I really enjoyed this year and I am grateful Mag. Theresa Mairhofer that I was given this unique opportunity. The Fulbright German Language TA Fulbright Program is a great program and I Juniata College, PA can just recommend everybody to apply. All 2010-11 the orientations, beginning in our home countries, were just great and very well organized.”

In collaboration with the Institute of International Education (IIE), the Commission placed 13 Austrians as German language teaching assistants at U.S. colleges and universities under the auspices of the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship (FLTA) Program. Austrian FLTAs received travel grants of € 800; grant-related health and accident insurance; and, in most cases, partial maintenance grants from the AAEC. These grants are calculated on a case-to-case basis, contingent upon the benefits (room and board) or salaries and stipends individual FLTAs received as teaching assistants from their respective host institutions. The AAEC attempted to ensure that the total in-kind and cash value of all FLTA awards was equal to at least $ 14,000.

Austrian FLTAs 2010-11 at the predeparture orientation


Fulbright FLTA 2010-11 Ralph Neumayer (St. John’s University, MN) with Fr. Mark Thamert, Professor of German, on campus at SJU

IIE organized regional Gateway Orientation Seminars for FLTAs from all over the world to provide them with an introduction to U.S. culture; to exchange ideas and experiences about teaching foreign languages to U.S. students; and to explain the roles of sponsoring and administering agencies. FLTAs were also invited to attend a three-day mid-year seminar in Washington, D.C, in December, which brought together program participants from all over the country. All associated travel costs, accommodations, and per diems for this event were assumed by IIE.

“Being a teaching assistant for German made Mag. Julia Naderer me be aware of all the difficulties and Fulbright German Language TA challenges of studying my mother language. College of Wooster, OH Therefore, I could learn a lot about teaching 2010-11 German grammar, literature and culture. The chance to work with students in different language levels motivated me to try out various teaching techniques as well as focus on a variety of topics.”


The AAEC is particularly interested in continuing to develop this aspect of the program. It fulfills the Fulbright mandate well and is flexible as well as cost-effective. Host institutions provide a combination of stipends and salaries or in-kind awards for housing and meals (totaling $ 124,045) in addition to waiving the tuition for two courses per semester (with tuition remission totaling $ 209,631) The total cash and in- kind value of the teaching assistantship positions Austrian FLTAs assumed in 2010-11 was $ 333,676, and the average level of support (including tuition remission) for each Austrian teaching assistant was $25,667.

“This year was an outstanding experience. I Mag. Elisabeth Pölzl-Hofer wanted to introduce young Americans to Fulbright German Language TA Austrian culture and language. I wanted to Yale University, CT inspire them not only to visit Germany but also 2010-11 its smaller neighbor, and so I did. I wanted to demonstrate myself that I can do it, teaching my own class along with surviving two graduate courses. And I did it.”

FLTA 2010-11 Julia Naderer (College of Wooster, OH) representing Austria at an international bazaar at her university


Austrian Scholars

“I really had an intensive time in Los Angeles Dr. Katharina Chudzikowski although 4 months is not very long I managed Vienna University of Economics and to get in contact with many people who made Business, Business Administration my stay in the US a fruitful one.” UCLA

The AAEC has provisions for flexibly awarding grants ranging between 3 and 4 months. It awarded a total of 15 months worth of grants to 4 grantees, including an annual Fulbright Visiting Professorship at the University of Minnesota (College of Liberal Arts and Center for Austrian Studies, a partnership inaugurated in 2002-2003). The University of Minnesota tops off this AAEC award with a partial salary and local housing allowance.

In 2010-2011, the Fulbright Visiting Professor at the University of Minnesota was awarded to Dr. Annemarie Steidl, University of Vienna, who taught at the Department of History. This award rotates annually to a different host department and will move to the Department of Gender Studies in 2011-12.

Fulbright Visiting Professor at the University of Washington, Dr. Harald Stelzer (University of Graz) at the graduation ceremony

The four Austrian scholars supported by the AAEC each received a travel grant of € 800, grant-related health and accident insurance, and a maintenance grant of $2,500 per month to pursue research and/or teach in the U.S.

“Some results of my research were added to Dr. Franz Winter my […] habilitation thesis – which will be University of Vienna published in the course of this year. […] In Religious Studies addition I’m planning to publish an article on Boston University the results and added material to another article which is in publication right now.”

Three other Austrian scholars applied for Fulbright awards under the auspices of the Fulbright-Schuman Program cofounded by the European Commission and the U.S. Government and received awards totaling $ 45,000 for a total of 12 months in the U.S. with institutional affiliations in Hawaii, Minnesota, and Washington, DC.


U.S. Students

Andrew McClung, Fulbright student 2010/11 working on an optical resonator at the University in Innsbruck

The national screening committee of the Institute of International Education in New York recommended 20 candidates for the academic fields, 1 for the Diplomatic Academy and 2 for the arts to the AAEC for review and selection for the 2010-11 program year.

The AAEC initially budgeted 8 full research grants and 12 study grants combined with a teaching assistantship position at Austrian secondary schools for the 2010-2011 program year. Research grants are usually awarded to PhD candidates and graduate students or recent undergraduates with study proposals that demand full-time study; study grants combined with teaching assistantships are usually awarded to students who have recently completed their BA or are working on a Master’s degree. Each grantee received a flat rate travel grant of € 800 and grant-related health and accident insurance financed by the Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs under the auspices of the program. Students with grants combined with teaching assistantship positions were also insured under the auspices of the Austrian national health schemes by virtue of their “employment” at their respective schools. The AAEC assumed the premiums for similar coverage for the full research grantees.

“Living in Vienna for 9 months, I enjoyed Elizabeth Anthony, PhD candidate access to locals and the possibility to have Fulbright Research Student at the University discussions about topics that would have of Vienna 2010/11 never evolved in interactions had on a 3 “Rückkehrer: Holocaust Survivors’ month research trip” Repatriation to Austria”

The AAEC ultimately decided to award 6 full research grants, which included one Fulbright/Diplomatic Academy joint award (€ 550 maintenance per month for 9 months plus € 10,000 tuition with a 50% remission from the Diplomatic Academy).

The AAEC awarded 8 study grants combined with teaching assistantship positions. Students with these so-called “combined awards” received gross monthly salaries of € 1,305 per month for 8 months (October-May) and a one-month maintenance grant of € 875 from the AAEC to conclude the academic year in June.


Fulbright Combined Grantees 2010/11 Hannah Goodwin (behind, left) and Brandi Smith (behind, right) acted as volunteer English tutors at the Viennese youth organization Backbone.

“[Tutoring at Backbone] was probably the Hannah Goodwin, BA single best thing I could have done for getting Fulbright Combined Grantee at the University an understanding of Austria´s present society of Vienna 2010/11 and problems.” “Religious Pluralism in Austria-Hungary, 1870-1914”

During the 2000-2001 academic year, the Austrian Government introduced tuition fees of ATS 5,000 (€ 363) per semester for Austrian citizens and € 727 per semester for international students, starting with the 2001-2002 academic year. However, the relevant legislation exempted outgoing Austrian students and incoming international students, such as U.S. Fulbrighters, whose mobility is financed under the auspices of government-supported exchange programs. Hence, outgoing Austrian Fulbright students still enrolled in Austrian universities (for second degrees or doctoral studies) and incoming American Fulbright grantees were exempted from paying tuition fees in 2010-2011.

Although tuition for foreign students at Austrian universities is low by U.S. standards, one has to bear in mind that the actual costs of university study in Austria are borne by the Austrian government and taxpayers. The National Center for Educational Statistics in Washington, D.C. estimates the public expenditure per student for higher education in Austria to average around $ 15,000 per year.


“I feel I had more of an impact in this area as Andrew McClung, BA a USTA than as a research grantee. Biases Fulbright Combined Grantee at the University and preconceptions about the US are of Innsbruck 2010/11 prevalent at all levels of Austrian society, but “Scalable quantum computing through cavity at the laboratory, I´m just another American quantum electrodynamics” scientist, while in the classroom I´m a curiosity from the land of pop culture.”

Guided Tour in Melk during the Orientation for US Fulbrighters in September 2010


U.S. Lecturers/Researchers

“This has undoubtedly been the greatest Prof. James McMurtry Longo positive educational experience of my life. It is Fulbright-University of Klagenfurt an opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies live, work, teach and learn immersed in a country, culture, school, and language different from the day to day life we live back home has been an invaluable opportunity.”

The AAEC received 37 peer-reviewed applications from the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES): 17 applications for Distinguished Chair awards at universities in Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg, and Vienna and 20 applications for all other “traditional” Fulbright scholar awards managed by the AAEC.

The AAEC funded 14 awards for U.S. lecturers and researchers during the 2010- 2011 program year: 8 Distinguished Chairs, including the Fulbright-Hall Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe; 1 “all disciplines” lecture/research award; 1 lecturing in American Studies award; 1 Fulbright- Diplomatic Academy Visiting Professor; 1 Fulbright-Freud award; 1 Fulbright-NAWI Graz award, and 1 Fulbright- quartier21/MQ artist-in- residence.

The majority of awards for U.S. scholars are based on partnering agreements with a wide variety of Austrian institutions (see page 2). These so-called “hyphenated awards” provide for a good distribution of U.S. Fulbright scholars in Austria by discipline and by region. U.S. scholars taught in six Austrian “university cities” and at a total of 14 different institutions. Each Fulbright lecturer negotiated the topic, form, level and content of their courses in advance with their respective Austrian host institutions and taught up to three courses consisting of Prof. William Woessner (left, Hydrologist, Department of two Austrian academic hours Geosciences,University of Montana), Fulbright-NAWI Graz Visiting Professor each. 2010-11, on an excursion


U.S. Fulbright scholars regularly serve as “local talent” by lecturing at the annual Altenmarkt Seminar in American Studies – an event that brings together U.S. students and scholars with the outgoing cohort of Austrian students and FLTAs -- and they also serve as American experts on the bi-national panels the AAEC organizes to interview candidates for the Austrian student program each June.

A number of institutional partners also provide housing for U.S. grantees under the auspices of cost-sharing agreements, and these in-kind contributions substantially Prof. Liane Weissberg (University of Pennsylvania) Fulbright Freud enhanced the value of the Visiting Scholar in Vienna 2010-11 respective awards.

“Much of our interaction with Austrians has Prof. Mary Mitchell been thanks to our little boy William. Austrians (University of New Orleans) strike up conversations with us when they see Fulbright American Studies Scholar at the him, conversations we might not otherwise University of Innsbruck 2010-11 have had.”

As of the 2010-11 program year, the AAEC, WU Vienna, and Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation agreed to anchor the Fulbright-Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe at the WU Vienna for three years. This award is designed to give grantees the opportunity to engage in “split-site” teaching, and Prof. Anthony Di Benedetto from the Fox School of Business at Temple University, PA, taught not only at the WU Vienna but also designed and taught a special intensive course at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University in Russia.

Over 66% of the funding for the U.S. Scholar program was provided to the AAEC by institutional partners for disbursement under the auspices of jointly funded grants. This corresponds to 23% of the Fulbright grant budget overall.

Prof. Cliff Fleming,

(Brigham Young University) Fulbright-WU Distinguished Chair 2010-11


Fulbright Specialist Program

In 2000 the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs established a program of short-term grants (2 to 6 weeks) to attract a new group of individuals to the program. This initiative is centrally funded and administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) in Washington, D.C. Under the auspices of this program, grantees receive an honorarium of $200 per day and round-trip flight costs to conduct needs, assessments, surveys, institutional or programmatic research; take part in specialized academic programs and conferences in conjunction with other scheduled activities; consult with administrators and instructors of post-secondary institutions on faculty development; present lectures at graduate and undergraduate levels; participate in or lead seminars or workshops at overseas academic institutions; develop and/or assess academic curricula or educational materials; or conduct teacher- training programs at the tertiary level. It requires host institutions to assume the on-site costs for housing, meals and local transportation.

Two Fulbright Specialists spent a total of 61 days on assignment in Austria during the 2010-2011 program year: Dr. Michael Monhollon from Hardin-Simmons University in Texas lectured on “Special Aspects of Business Administration” at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg, while Dr. Ephraim Suhir from the University of California Santa Cruz was hosted by the Technical University of Vienna for a project in Information Technology.

Intercountry Lecture Program

The Fulbright Intercountry Lecture Program facilitates the travel of Fulbright grantees from other European countries to Austria by covering the costs of round-trip travel, based upon the invitation of Austrian host institutions and the assumption that the Austrian host institutions will cover on-site costs (accommodations and per diems). During the 2010-2011 program year, five U.S. Fulbright Scholars from Norway, Germany, and Finland were invited by Austrian host institution under the auspices of the Intercountry Lecture Program. Hosting institutions were the Department of American Studies at the University of Salzburg; the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip); the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Graz; the Department of Cognitive Biology at the University of Vienna; and the Department of Communication of the University of Salzburg.



Since 1962, the AAEC has facilitated the placement of 2,805 U.S. College and university graduates in the Austrian Ministry of Education’s Anglophone Teaching Assistantship Program. In accordance with the mandate of the Fulbright Program, but not financed from Fulbright funds, the AAEC has traditionally assumed responsibility for the recruitment and nomination of U.S. teaching assistants and -- after their placement by the Ministry of Education – distributing pre-departure information to students, negotiating with Austrian authorities regarding residency permits, and providing on-site support after arrival.

“I believe being a teaching assistant has had Heather Meyer a tremendous impact on my life. I have U.S. TA 2010-11 Bundesbildungsanstalt für learned so much about the Austrian culture Kindergartenpädagogik Linz, Upper Austria through this experience, and have discovered positive things about myself, and the way that I work.”

The efforts of the AAEC secretariat have substantially increased the number as well as the quality of applications for the U.S. Teaching Assistant Program. At the same time, the number of British students interested in participating in the program has decreased in recent years, and the Ministry of Education, Culture and the Arts has turned to the AAEC and U.S. teaching assistants to make up for this shortfall of Anglophone assistants.

This program has been characterized by steady growth in applications and placements in the past decade. For the 1999-2000 academic year, for example, the AAEC received a total of 133 applications and ultimately facilitated the placement of 101 U.S. teaching assistants. Ten years later in 2009-10, the AAEC received a total of 367 applications and facilitated 142 placements (including the 12 U.S. Fulbright students who received study grants combined with teaching assistantships). The AAEC received 272 applications for the 2010-11 program year and placed a total of 140 U.S. teaching assistants (including 8 U.S. Fulbright students with combined grants). This group included 40 teaching assistants with superior records of performance who extended their assistantships for a second year.

The U.S. teaching assistants placed at Austrian secondary schools in 2010-11 represented a highly diverse cohort and came from institutions in 35 different U.S. States. The top U.S. “sending states” were Minnesota (15), Ohio (12) and Oregon (12). (See appendix 7).


Teaching assistants were placed in all nine Austrian provinces, in larger as well as smaller communities, and in a variety of different types of secondary schools. As a rule, U.S. teaching assistants were assigned to 2 different schools in the same community and taught 13 classes per week. Therefore, they were present in well over 200 schools and 1,600 classrooms in an average week, during which they had contact with an estimated 40,000 students.

This program can truly be considered a major contribution to the cultural exchange between the U.S. Katherine Mawdsley, U.S. TA 2010-11, Bundeshandelsakademie und and Austria. It gives Bundeshandelsschule, Feldkirchen, Kärnten, with her English students Austrian teachers and pupils the opportunity to have a native speaker as a linguistic model and source of information about the United States in the classroom, and it provides a diverse group of American teaching assistants with an opportunity to immerse themselves in Austrian culture in the broadest sense of the word. Their activities as “linguistic and cultural diplomats” extend well beyond the limitations of the classroom situation.

U.S. teaching assistants receive gross salaries of € 1,305 per month from the Austrian school authorities from October 2009 through May 2010 and have full health and accident insurance coverage under the auspices of assistantships. The total annual funding allocated to salaries alone for this program represents € 1,461,600 (over $1,961,000).

Since 2001 the AAEC has received discrete funding for this program from the Austrian Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture to defray part of the administrative costs it annually incurs to advertise the program, manage and review applications, coordinate placements, and advise U.S. teaching assistants on site. Elisabeth Ullman, U.S. TA 2010-11, Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule, Eisenerz, Styria at the Antenne Schulskitag in March 2011 with her students


V. Additional Fulbright activities

September Orientation

The U.S. grantees and their dependents attended a four-day orientation program at the end of September in Vienna prior to beginning their assignments, studies, and research. The AAEC annually invites representatives of Austrian Ministry of Science and Research and the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs as well as Austrian scholars to give presentations as part of this orientation program, which is conceived to provide U.S. grantees with general insight into the Austrian system of higher education, Austrian history, and current political and social issues in Austria. The fall orientation for incoming students and scholars includes guided tours of the Austrian National Library in the Hofburg Palace and a day trip to the Wachau Valley that combines a tour of the Melk Monastery with a river cruise down the Danube.

Staff Training in Washington and New York

From October 31 to November 5, 2010 the European and Eurasian Programs Branch in the Office of Academic Exchange Programs of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State organized a Fulbright Commission Staff Training in Washington and New York. The program consisted of visits to ECA, CIES and IIE as well as lectures and discussions hosted by the respective agencies. Dr. Irene Zavarsky, a recent addition to the AAEC staff, participated in this program.

U.S. Ambassador’s Reception

Honorary Co-Chair U.S. Ambassador to Austria William C. Eacho III and his wife, Donna, invited “homecoming” Austrian Fulbright grantees, who had completed their courses of study in the U.S. in the past year; “incoming” U.S. Fulbright grantees, who had recently arrived to spend the academic year in Austria; AAEC Board members and staff; institutional partners of the AAEC; and friends and associates of the Fulbright Program to a reception at his residence on November 24, 2010. This reception has traditionally been held during International Education Week.

U.S. and Austrian Students and Scholars at the reception


Fulbright Prize in American Studies

Since 2004, the AAEC has facilitated the award of an annual Fulbright Prize in American Studies in a competition managed by the Austrian Association of American Studies. At the annual conference of the AAAS in Graz in November 2010, Dr. Lonnie Johnson awarded this prize to Mag.a Judith Kohlenberger (University of Vienna) for the best Master thesis, “"Isn't it Byronic? Romanticism, Postmodernism and the Rule of the Cool," and to Dr. Florian Sedlmeier (University of Salzburg) for the best doctoral dissertation, “Rereading Literary Form: Transpositions, Paratexts, and Postethnic Literature around 2000.”

Mag. Kohlenberger and Dr. Sedlmeier at the award ceremony

February Orientation for U.S. Scholars

Due to the poor interface between the U.S. and the Austrian academic calendars, the great majority of U.S. Fulbright scholars participate in the program during the Austrian “Sommer Semester.” Therefore, the AAEC secretariat organizes a two-day orientation seminar at the end of February to provide U.S. Fulbright scholars with a general introduction to Austria and Austrian higher education; to allow these grantees to get to know each other; and to discuss housekeeping issues. It also lays the foundation for the participation of U.S. scholars in the Altenmarkt Seminar in American Studies in April and as participants in the panels responsible for interviewing candidates for the Austrian student program in June.


Altenmarkt Seminar in American Studies

The AAEC organized its annual four-day Altenmarkt Seminar in American Studies at the end of April 2011 for 77 participants: 21 Austrian Fulbright students, 17 "at-large" Austrian students, 19 U.S. Fulbright students and U.S. Teaching Assistants, together with 7 U.S. Fulbright lecturers, 4 staff members and 9 U.S. faculty family members. This seminar is a unique opportunity to bring together current U.S. Fulbright grantees (students and professors) with Austrian candidates for Fulbright student awards and Austrian FLTAs, who are preparing to spend the next academic year in the U.S.

The AAEC relies on the “local talent” of U.S. scholars to put together a program that is related to American Studies in the broadest sense. This year’s program talks addressed a variety of topics such as: "Does the Transatlantic Alliance Still Work?” by Prof. Stuart Kaufman; Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Delaware and Fulbright-Diplomatic Academy Vienna Visiting Professor; “Yes We Can?: Barack Obama and American Politics” by Prof. Alan Lloyd Draper, Department of Government, St. Lawrence University and Fulbright-University of Innsbruck Distinguished Chair in Humanities and Social Sciences; “Presidents and First Ladies of the United States as Students, Teachers, and Educational Policy Makers” by Prof. James McMurtry Longo, Department of Education, Washington and Jefferson College and Fulbright-University of Klagenfurt Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies; “Ideologically Divided and in Debt: Prospects for Tax Reform in the U.S.” by Prof. Joseph Clifton Fleming, Jr., J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, and Fulbright-Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Distinguished Chair; and "Politics of Landscape” by Prof. Michael E. Harkin, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming and Fulbright-University of Graz Distinguished Chair in Cultural Studies.

U.S. and Austrian Fulbright Grantees 2010-2011 at the Altenmarkt seminar

The Altenmarkt Seminar also provides AAEC program officers with opportunities to discuss the finalization of grant arrangements as well as financial and visa issues with the Austrian grantees, whose placement as graduate students or FLTAs has been finalized by this point in the program cycle. Part of the program is dedicated to having U.S. Fulbright scholars help orient the outgoing Austrian grantees. This year U.S. Students and Scholars advised “at large” students and Austrian program participants in the session “Studying in the US: Meet the Experts”. A poster session was introduced this year to give U.S. Fulbright student grantees an opportunity to share their work with all seminar participants.


Pre-departure Orientation and Farewell Dinner

At the end of June, the AAEC held a final pre-departure orientation meeting with the “outgoing” Austrian grantees. This event was followed by the traditional farewell dinner for homeward-bound U.S. Fulbrighters and provided them with an opportunity to meet with the outward-bound Austrian Fulbright grantees, whom they initially met at the Altenmarkt Seminar in American Studies in April.

U.S. Fulbright Scholar Prof. Jared Klein and Austrian Fulbright Scholar Prof. Martin Eybl at the Going-Away Heurigen

July Orientation for Candidates for Fulbright Student Awards

There are substantial lead times associated with the Austrian student program. Candidates interested in awards for the 2012-13 program year apply for grants in May 2011. The annual Fulbright award competition closed at the beginning of May; candidates were interviewed in early June; and they were notified about the status of their applications by the end of June. At the beginning of July, Mag. Alexandra Enzi (the program officer responsible for the Austrian student program) and Dr. Johnson held a special seminar designed to give Fulbright candidates a more sophisticated understanding of U.S. higher education in general and the nature of the application process in particular. The purpose of this seminar is to give candidates the tools they need to investigate programs and institutions intelligently and to re-craft their applications in a manner that will enhance their chances of being admitted to the programs of their choice once the applications are formally submitted in the fall.


Educational Advising/Public Information

The secretariat of the AAEC is a U.S. Department of State-affiliated educational advising center and regularly handles a large number and wide variety of queries on educational opportunities in the U.S., thus providing a public service and fulfilling part of its mandate to serve as a clearinghouse in Austrian- American educational affairs in the broadest sense of the word. Whether or not an Austrian student or scholar applies for a Fulbright grant, the AAEC is recognized as the source of information in Austria about study and research opportunities in the United States. Americans abroad also turn to the AAEC regarding schooling and higher education in Austria and in the United States. Educational advising also entails a coaching and counseling component insofar as the general public who contact the AAEC often need assistance in formulating their questions and ultimately their career goals.

During the program year, Mag. Alexandra Enzi, Mag. Andreas Raab, and Dr. Irene Zavarsky regularly participated in study abroad fairs organized by Austrian universities (Vienna University of Technology, University of Vienna, University of Graz, Graz University of Technology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna). Mag. Enzi also participated in various outreach activities (for example, at the Centre International Universitaire, Vienna).

Mag. Enzi, along with Mag. Dall and Dr. Zavarsky, also represented the AAEC at the OeAD Hochschultagung in October 2010 at the Technical University in Vienna where she introduced the forthcoming changes in the Fulbright student program.

Mag. Enzi and Dr. Zavarsky represented the AAEC at the BeST – the Job, Training and Education Fair - in Vienna in March 2011 in collaboration with CIU.

Mag. Enzi at the OeAD Hochschultagung


In May 2011, the AAEC organized its first PhD workshop designed to give Austrian graduate students a better appreciation of the difference between doctoral programs in Europe and the United States. It was attended by 30 participants The workshop consisted of two sessions: an overview on PhDs in the U.S. and how best to apply for them - including information on financial assistance; and a “Meet the Experts” panel with a U.S. professor, a U.S. PhD student and an Austrian who studied for his PhD in the U.S.

This event was well received. In an online survey sent out after the event, 76 % of the participants rated the workshop as very informative and noted that the information on the differences of the Austrian and US educational systems and the fact that it is crucial to find the "perfect match" when applying for a PhD program as the most important information they had received.

The AAEC regularly updates its website to promote various aspects of the Fulbright grant program, and its website also provides in-depth information on the educational systems of Austria and the United States, with a concentration on higher education as well as scholarships and grants. It also has links to related sites with related information on issues such as visas and general information on life and travel in the United States.

The AAEC secretariat also regularly works together with the Legal Affairs Section for Universities and the Austrian National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC) at the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research on an ad hoc basis.

Alumni Activities

Austrian and American grantees at the end of their grant period receive a Fulbright certificate signed by the honorary co-chairs of the AAEC plus an invitation to become a member of the national Fulbright Alumni Association in Vienna, or in Washington, D.C., respectively.

Initiated and supported by the AAEC secretariat, an Austrian Fulbright Alumni Association was founded in 1994. At the end of the program year, the association had over 400 registered members.

The AAEC has a prominent link from the starting page of its website to the website of the Alumni Association, and Dr. Johnson regularly attends meetings of the Board of the Austrian Alumni Association on an ex officio basis.

The AAEC and the Alumni Association also jointly sponsor at least one lecture each year – traditionally at the Diplomatic Academy – followed by a reception.

For an overview of present and past activities of the Austrian Alumni Association, please consult http://www.alumni.fulbright.at.



Documentation No. 1: 2010-11 IN BRIEF

€ $ Exchange Rate as of September 30, 2011 0,745 1.00 Income U.S. Government: Fulbright Program 10/11: Core funding & advising 276.260 396.000 Additional US Funding: End-of-year fiscal year 10 & Central Funds 10.395 14.900 Special ECA Funding: Fulbright EUR Staff Workshop 27.905 40.000 U.S. Government Total 10/11 314.559 450.900 Austrian Government: Core funding Fulbright Program 10/11 254.355 341.416 Austrian Government: BMWF Postgraduate Program 360.000 483.221 BMWF Postgraduate Program funds committed for future years (rollover) -34.959 -46.924 Austrian Government US TA Program Contribution 10/11 49.710 66.725 Income from Jointly Sponsored Grants (13 institutions) 160.270 215.127 Donations and Administrative Fees 9.806 13.162 AAEC Trust Fund Contribution toward program costs 27.286 36.625 Currency adjustment: USD/€ exchange rates 0 -28.673 Total Income 1.141.027 1.531.579 Commitments and Expenditures Austrian Scholars (4) 30.725 41.242 Austrian Students (17) 302.341 405.827 Austrian Teaching Assistants (13) 39.780 53.397 U.S. Distinguished Chairs (8) & Scholars/Lecturers/Researchers (6) 242.929 326.079 U.S. Students (6 full grants and 8 grants combined with TAships) 76.739 103.005 U.S. Intercountry Lecture Program & Fulbright Specialists 1.921 2.579 Grants Subtotal 694.436 932.129 Student Advising, Non-Grant Program, U.S. Teaching Assistantship 164.335 220.584 Fulbright Program Administration 282.255 378.866 Program contingencies reserve: future years 0 0 Total Fulbright Program: Total Expenses 1.141.027 1.531.579

Indirect and In-kind contributions to Fulbright Grantees U.S. Fulbright Specialists (grants disbursed by CIES) 11.693 15.695 U.S. Fulbright Specialists (in kind support by Austrian host institutions) 3.450 4.631 Austrian Fulbright-Schuman grantees 31.290 42.000 U.S. university cost sharing for Austrian Fulbright Students (solicited by IIE) 138.980 186.551 Additional IIE funding for Austrian Fulbright Students (Shepherd Fund) 18.625 25.000 Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program (U.S. colleges and universities) 248.589 333.676 Salary/direct benefits for Visiting Austrian Professor: Univ. of Minnesota 8.940 12.000 Housing for U.S. grantees (in-kind contributions from co-sponsored grants) 16.400 22.013 Tuition remission for U.S. Students at Austrian universities 20.328 27.286 Tuition remission for U.S. Student(s) at Diplomatic Academy 5.000 6.711 BMUKK salaries for U.S. Fulbright Students: grants combined with U.S. teaching assistantships 83.520 112.107 Total: Indirect and in-kind contrubtions 586.815 787.671 Total Fulbright Program Value: income & indirect and in-kind 1.727.842 2.319.250 BMUKK U.S. Teaching Assistantship Program (132 salaries) 1.378.080 1.849.772 Total Fulbright & BMUKK US Teaching Assistantship Program 3.105.922 4.169.022


Breakdown by categories of support: AAEC grantees, 2010-11


support support

; Fulbright ;



uate funding; US US funding; uate

IIE Shepherd Fund Shepherd IIE


direct and in and direct

site housing site


outside of AAEC core funding core AAEC outside of

Sources of Sources

U of M salary and housing and salary M of U grants Schuman Postgrad BMWF scholarships tuition board, housing, salaries, FLTA remission Subtotal partners institutional by Contributions & (universities Tuition remissions salaries DA); USTA by disbursed honoraria and Travel CIES; on



support € 7.571

Average Average

€ € € 27.056 € 22.182 € 18.523 € 13.256


: :


Total 70.955 15.143


Cash & & Cash

€ € 1.912


€ € €

€ € 459.947 € 288.369 € 819.271 € 259.329 € 185.587 € 460.059


€ € 1.281.250







grantees € € 16.400 € 15.143

directly to directly

disbursed disbursed

€ € 157.605 € 248.589 € 446.424 € 108.848 € 140.391 € 586.815

Direct & Direct

kind support support kind

€ € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0

from from

Cash Cash



€ € € 160.270 € 160.270

institutional institutional

contributions contributions





funding funding

€ € 1.921



€ € € 82.659 € 76.739

€ € 302.3 € 372.847 € 159.398 € 532.245

AAEC core core AAEC

USG, Trust Trust USG,

in in

€ € 0



Total Total


€ € € 39.780 € 76.739

€ € 302.341 € 372.847 € 242.929 € 321.589 € 694.436


7 2


17 13 37 14 14 30 67

Number Number


r Program Program r

(4) & (4)

Schuman grantees grantees Schuman


Austrian Scholars Scholars Austrian Fulbright (3) Students Austrian Assistants Teaching Austrian Subtotal Program Austrian (8) Chairs Distinguished U.S. (6) Scholars/Researchers & & grants full (6 Students U.S. grants) 8 combined Specialists Fulbright Lecture Intercountry (4) Subtotal Program U.S. Program Fulbright AAEC Total support total of As percentage


Documentation No. 2: Program Income and Expenses

The figures for AAEC income and expenses for the 2010-11 program year in this report are based on the AAEC annual audit for the U.S. fiscal year 2011 (October 2010 – September 2011) that corresponds to the AAEC program year and the Austrian and American academic years of 2010-11.

USD income (primarily the U.S. Government contribution) and USD expenses (grants for Austrian grantees) are recorded in the AAEC accounts using the USD/€ market exchange rates applicable upon the dates of individual transactions. In light of the fact that the accounts of the AAEC are kept in Euro, a line item has been included to account for the difference between the USD/€ exchange rates in effect when the U.S. Government funds were received during the fiscal year and individual Austrian grant payments were made in USD for the program year.. The exchange rate used for end-of-fiscal-year reporting on September 30, 2011 is $ 1.00 /€ 0.745 which accounts for the currency adjustment of - $ 28.673.

As of the 1999-2000 program year, the AAEC reduced its exposure to exchange rate risk to a considerable extent by disbursing its grants for Austrian program participants in the United States in USD and for U.S. program participants in Austria in Euro.

In its program plan for the 2010-2011 program year, adopted on December 15, 2008, the AAEC budgeted a U.S. Government contribution of $ 370,000, based on the previous year’s contribution. The US Government increased its core allocation for the Fulbright program by $ 10,000 to $ 380,000 for the fiscal year 2011. The AAEC received an additional $ 16,000 for educational advising; $ 14,900 as end- of-year and special funding; and $ 40,000 to organize a special workshop for Fulbright commission staff from all over Europe. The total US Government contribution for all activities in 2010-11 was $ 450,900.

The AAEC budgeted and received an Austrian Government contribution of € 254,355, which corresponded to the funding levels the AAEC has budgeted as the Austrian Government contribution since 1998-99 (ATS 3,500,000).

In 2003, the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture decided to provide the AAEC with additional annual funding of up to € 400,000 for postgraduate awards for Austrian Fulbright students and to discontinue offering postgraduate awards to the U.S. under the auspices of its own postgraduate scholarship program (BMWF-Postgraduate-Stipendien) as of the academic year 2005-2006. The Ministry agreed that the AAEC would deduct € 22,700 from this amount to defray related administrative costs. It also noted that any uncommitted balance of these funds at the end of a given program year should be held by the AAEC as a reserve and “rolled-over” for use in future years to fund additional grants.

The AAEC received € 360,000 postgraduate funding for the 2010-11 program year. The total amount was not expended due to the withdrawals of candidates in the Austrian student program, and the AAEC rolled € 34,959 into the aforementioned reserve for future use.

Based upon an agreement concluded with the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture in 2002, the AAEC began receiving € 36,330 per annum to help cover the costs it incurs in managing the U.S. Teaching Assistantship Program. As of January 1, 2008, the Ministry adjusted its contribution to € 45,000 per annum, and as of January 2009, secondary schools funded by the Austrian Ministry Agriculture, Forestry, and Environment began making annual contributions for administrative costs totaling € 4,710 in 2010-11.

The AAEC received € 160,270 ($ 215,127) directly from institutional partners under the auspices of jointly sponsored grants, which it disbursed to grantees.

In the course of finalizing the placements of U.S. teaching assistants in the Austrian Ministry program, U.S. teaching assistants are required to pay an administrative fee of $ 100 to the AAEC when accepting the position offered to offset a fraction of the substantial administrative costs the AAEC incurs in administering its end of the U.S. Teaching Assistant Program and as a sign of their commitment to assume the assigned position. The AAEC received a total of € 9,078 ($12,350) in fees in 2010-11.

The AAEC drew a total of € 27,286 from its Trust Fund to cover program costs.


In Kind-Contributions: Complementary Fulbright Program Values

The actual “value” of the Fulbright Program cannot be measured exclusively by the dimensions of the respective direct government contributions that provide for its core budget for grants and administration. The AAEC collaborates with a large number of different organizations and agencies in Austria and the United States to enhance the value of its grants and the dimension of the Fulbright mandate, and it attempts to account for these in-kind contributions as well because they directly benefit Fulbright grantees. During the 2010-11 program year, income from institutional partners under the auspices of hyphenated awards covered for over 23% (€ 160,270/$ 215.127) of the total expenditures for grants (€ 694,436/$932,129). Estimated in-kind contributions that institutions made directly to grantees (salaries, scholarships, tuition remissions, housing, etc.) accounted for an additional € 586,815 of value: € 0.85 cents on every Euro the AAEC expended. In other words, total grant expenses of € 694,436 accounted for 54 percent of the total program value of € 1,281,250. (See chart on page 30.)

These figures do not take into account the services that the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), Washington, D.C., and the Institute of International Education (IIE), New York, provide for the AAEC. These cooperating agencies are responsible for managing the annual Fulbright competition for U.S. scholars and students and for pre-screening applicants as well as providing placement and on-site support for incoming Fulbright students and scholars from abroad. The Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs in Washington, D.C. estimates that every U.S. Government dollar contributed to binational commissions is accompanied by an expenditure of 25 cents for program management and Fulbright grantees in the U.S. This represents an indirect contribution to the program of over $ 100,000.


The AAEC expended € 164,335 ($ 220,584) for student advising and non-grant program activities, including orientation programs, seminars and the management of the U.S. teaching assistantship program. It expended € 282,255 ($ 378,866) for Fulbright Program administration, which accounted for 24.7% of the total Fulbright program expenses of € 1,141,027 (($ 1,531,579). However, when administrative costs are placed in relation to the total value of the programs administered by the AAEC (taking outside of budget values into account), the account for 9.1% of a total of € 3,105,922 ($ 4,169,022).


Documentation No. 3: Financing the Fulbright Program: 1951-52 – 2010-11

Since 1950, the Fulbright Commission has been authorized to expend a cumulative total of € 40.3 M for the Fulbright Program in Austria.

The initial Fulbright Act of 1946 provided for the allocation of funds derived from the sale of U.S. surplus material overseas for educational exchange programs. In 1950, the governments of the Republic of Austria and the United States of America agreed to establish the U.S. Educational Commission in Vienna. During the first 14 years of the Fulbright Program, the U.S. Government funded the program unilaterally by placing a total of ATS 69 M (€ 5 M) at the disposal of the Commission to cover program costs.

The Fulbright-Hays Act (Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act) of 1961 placed the Fulbright Program on a new legal and financial basis by making provisions for direct funding via the U.S. federal budget and providing partner governments with an opportunity to also contribute toward the program. The governments of Austria and of the United States arrived at a new binational agreement in 1963 establishing the Austrian-American Educational Commission (AAEC) and providing for the joint financing of the program.

Preceding this agreement, the United States turned the so-called counterpart fund assets of the European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan) Fund over to the Republic of Austria and in the process of doing so agreed that the Austrian Government would place ATS 60 M (€ 4,360,370) of these funds at the disposal of the newly established binational Fulbright Commission; ATS 52.5 M (€ 3,815,324) was earmarked for the Fulbright Program and ATS 7.5 M (€ 545,000) was earmarked for the promotion of American Studies at Austrian universities (Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, Innsbruck).

These funds were invested with the intention that the annual yield serve as the Austrian contribution to the program. However, adverse currency fluctuations during the 1970s and 1980s as well as insufficient investment income led to a gradual depletion of the principal. Between 1963-64 and 1984-85, the U.S. Government contributed $ 3,118,000 toward the costs of the program (approximately ATS 58 M or € 4.2 M at prevailing exchange rates); all other budgeted program expenses (ATS 87 M or € 6.3 M) were covered by income and principal from the original ERP funds, which served as a Trust Fund for the AAEC. At the end of 1984-85, the principal in the fund was ATS 15.8 M (€ 1.15 M).

In 1985, the Government of Austria, upon the AAEC's request, began making direct contributions toward the costs of the Fulbright Program out of its annual federal budget, in order to prevent a further depletion of the AAEC's Trust Fund. Since 1985, the Austrian government has contributed € 7.2 M to the program, with an additional € 2.2 M for Fulbright postgraduate awards since 2005-06. During the same time period, the U.S. government placed $ 8.1 M (€ 7.1 M at prevailing annual exchange rates) at the disposal of the AAEC. During this time span, the AAEC also has drawn € 1.6 M from income generated by its Trust Fund to cover program commitments. Furthermore: a) Since 1987-88, the AAEC has received a total of € 267,634 in the form of administrative fees and contributions. b) From 1992-93 until 1996-97 the AAEC managed the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science, and Research’s postgraduate grants program and disbursed a total of € 4.7 M under the auspices thereof. c) Since the 1999-2000 program year, the AAEC has received € 1,690,604 of support under the auspices of collaborative agreements for jointly sponsored grants: € 1,402,892 as cash contributions for grants; € 127,682 disbursed as cash stipends directly by partners to grantees; and € 160,029 in in-kind support. d) Starting in 2001, the Austrian Ministry of Education began making a discrete annual contribution to the AAEC to cover part of the administrative costs the AAEC incurs managing the Ministry’s U.S. Teaching Assistantship Program. To date these contributions total € 402,639.


Documentation No. 4: The Fulbright Program in Austria

Participants in the Programs by Grant Category: 2010/11

Austrians* Americans

Lecturers 2 Lecturers 13 Researchers 2 Researchers 1 Students 30 Students 14 Intercountry Exchange Program 5 Fulbright Specialists 2

Total 34 Total 35

Program Totals 69 Figures shown do not include renewal of grants.

Participants in the Programs by Grant Category: 1951/52 – 2010/11


Program Totals 5,827


Documentation No. 5: Total Participants by Discipline 2010-11

Field U.S. 10-11 U.S. Total AUT 10-11 AUT total Total Agriculture/Forestry 12 68 80 Anthropology 1 8 6 14 Archaeology 4 1 5 Architecture 11 77 88 Art 1 17 29 46 Art History 2 48 23 71 Astronomy 3 8 11 Biological Sciences 1 42 1 49 91 Business, MBA, & Economics 2 69 5 366 435 Chemistry/Pharmacology 29 144 173 Communications 0 9 1 26 35 Computer Science 13 32 45 Cultural Management 0 5 5 Dance 3 0 3 Education 2 14 122 136 Engineering 25 2 170 195 Environmental Studies 9 8 17 Film 3 1 5 8 Folklore 3 0 3 Gender Studies 8 4 12 Geography 13 31 44 Geology 1 32 17 49 History 3 252 1 72 324 Journalism 6 36 42 Modern Languages & Literature 4 542 14 912 1454 Law 2 22 2 299 321 Library Science 4 10 14 Mathematics/Statistics 22 61 83 Medical Sciences/Public Health 24 188 212 Metallurgy, Mining 1 8 9 Meteorology 2 2 4 Mineralogy 2 11 13 Music, Musicology 2 492 1 63 555 Philosophy 34 1 55 89 Physical Education 4 15 19 Physics 2 40 109 149 Political Science/International 5 110 4 159 269 Relations. Psychology/ Psychoanalysis 1 26 49 75 Regional & Urban Development 10 1 3 13 Sociology, Social Work 23 174 197 Theater Arts & Film 224 23 247 Theology 1 11 1 13 24

Totals 28 2226 34 3452 5678


Documentation No. 6: American Professors at Austrian Institutions of Higher Education: 1951-52 – 2010-11

The Council for International Exchange of Scholars in Washington, D.C. announces the Fulbright lecturing positions, accepts and screens applications, and transmits nominations to the Commission. The universities and the Commission selected the candidates from these panels.

507 American lecturers have been affiliated with the following Austrian institutions of higher education between 1951-52 and 2010-2011:

Please note: scholars placed at the IFK, the Austro-Hungarian Joint Researcher, the Fulbright Freud Scholar and the quartier21/MQ artist in residence are not included in this list.

2010-11 Total Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna 6 Diplomatic Academy, Vienna 1 14 Karl-Franzens-University of Graz 2 60 Leoben University of Mining and Metallurgy 3 Graz University of Technology 9 Vienna University of Technology 32 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna 8 University of Applied Arts, Vienna 2 University of Innsbruck 2 85 University of Klagenfurt 1 23 Johannes Kepler University of Linz 1 18 University of Music, Theatre and Visual Arts "Mozarteum" 1 University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna 5 University of Salzburg 1 39 University of Vienna 2 160 Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration 2 35 Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine 3 Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen) 3 Vienna Conservatory of Music 1 12 507


Documentation No. 7: Breakdown U.S. Teaching Assistants 2009-10

Sending institutions by regions TAs by state (sending school) Austrian provinces

Northeast 28 Arizona 2 Burgenland 4 California 11 Kärnten 11 Midwest 54 Connecticut 3 Niederösterreich 23 Delaware 1 Oberösterreich 21 West 31 of Columbia 3 Salzburg 10 Georgia 7 Steiermark 21 South 27 Hawaii 1 Tirol 11 Idaho 2 Vorarlberg 7 140 Illinois 8 Wien 32 Indiana 1 Iowa 1 Kansas 1 140 Kentucky 1 Maine 3 Maryland 2 Massachusetts 3 Michigan 10 Minnesota 15 Montana 1 New Hampshire 1 New York 5 North Carolina 5 North Dakota 1 Ohio 12 Oklahoma 1 Oregon 12 Pennsylvania 7 Rhode Island 2 South Carolina 1 Tennessee 3 Texas 2 Vermont 1 Virginia 4 Washington 2 Wisconsin 5



Documentation No. 8: Breakdown Austrian Students and FLTAs 2010-11

Sending institutions Students Austrian home provinces students

University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt 1 Burgenland 2 Technical University of Graz 1 Carinthia 0 University of Innsbruck 2 1 University of Graz 1 Upper Austria 2 University of Music and Applied Arts Vienna 2 Salzburg 2 University of Warwick, UK 1 Styria 2 University of Vienna 5 Tirol 2 Technical University of Vienna 1 Vorarlberg 0 Vienna University Economics and Business 2 Vienna 6 Academy for Med-Techn.Laboratory Service 1 17 17

Sending institutions FLTAs Austrian home provinces FLTAs

University of Salzburg 3 Lower Austria 2 University of Graz 3 Upper Austria 3 University of Innsbruck 1 Styria 3 University of Vienna 6 Tirol 1 13 Carinthia 1 Vienna 1 Burgenland 1 Salzburg 1 13


Fulbright Program Austrian and U.S. Participants 2010/2011

1. Austrian Fulbright Scholars (4) 2. Austrian Fulbright-Schuman Grantees (3) 3. U.S. Fulbright Guest Professors and Scholars (14) 4. U.S. Fulbright Specialists (2) 5. Intercountry Lecture Participants (5) 6. Austrian Fulbright Students enrolled in degree programs in the U.S. (17) 7. U.S. Fulbright Students at Austrian Universities (14) 8. Austrian Foreign Language Teaching Assistants at U.S. Colleges and Universities (13) 9. U.S. Foreign Language Teaching Assistants at Austrian Secondary Schools (coordinated by the Fulbright Commission for the Austrian Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture) (140) 10. Austrian Fulbright Students in the U.S.: Program extensions from previous academic years (25)


Fulbright Schuman Scholarship for Austrian Fulbright Scholars (4) Professionals in International Education

Dr. Katharina Chudzikowski Dr. Susanne Lichtmannegger Home Institution: WU Vienna Home Institution: MCI Management Center Field: Business Administration Innsbruck Project Title: Careers and aging: A U.S. Affiliation: Hawai'i Pacific University comparative study in Austria and the U.S. Fulbright Schuman Scholarship for U.S. University: UCLA Professionals in International Education 4 months

Dr. Annemarie Steidl University of Minnesota Visiting Professor (in U.S. Fulbright Guest Professors and History) Scholars (14) Home Institution: University of Vienna Field: History Prof. Anthony Di Benedetto U.S. University: University of Minnesota, Department of Marketing Department of History Fox School of Business 4 months Temple University, PA Fulbright-Kathryn and Craig Hall Dr. Harald Stelzer Distinguished Chair in Entrepreneurship Home Institution: Karl-Franzens-University Vienna University of Economics and Graz Business Administration (WU Wien) Field: Philosophy Instructional Program in Product Project Title: The motivational problem in the Management and Technology context of global climate change from the Commercialization by New Ventures perspective of a problem-solving ethics October 1, 2010 - January 31, 2011 U.S. University: University of Washington 4 months Prof. Peter Bowman Rutledge University of Georgia, GA Dr. Franz Winter Dispute Resolution and the Constitution Home Institution: University of Vienna University of Vienna Field: Religious Studies March 1 - June 2010 Project Title: A new religion in Austria and the USA: A cross-cultural case study in the Prof. Alan Lloyd Draper presentation of religious content Department of Government U.S. University: Boston University St. Lawrence University, NY 3 months Fulbright-University of Innsbruck Distinguished Chair in Humanities and Social Sciences University of Innsbruck Fulbright-Schuman Grantees (3) A Comparison of Social Capital and Social grants administered by the Commission for Mobility among Immigrant Groups in Europe Educational Exchange between the United March 1 - June 30, 2011 States, Belgium and Luxembourg

Prof. Joseph Clifton Fleming, Jr. Dr. Sabine Herlitschka J, Reuben Clark Law School Home Institution: FFG - Austrian Research Brigham Young University, UT Promotion Agency Fulbright-Vienna University of Economics Project Title: A transatlantic EU-U.S. alliance and Business Administration (WU Wien) in science and technology working jointly on Distinguished Chair the "grand challenges": Vision or a chance Vienna University of Economics and for Realisation? Business Administration U.S. Affiliation: George Washington Tax Law Instructions and Student Project University/Center for International Science Guidance; Comparison of US and EU Tax and Technology Policy and Center for Law Strategic and International Studies, March 1 - June 30, 2011 Washington D.C.

Prof. Arie Halachmi Dr. Ingrid Gehrke College of Public Service and Public Affairs Home Institution: FH Joanneum University of Tennessee State University, TN Applied Sciences Fulbright-University of Linz Distinguished U.S. Affiliation: University of Minnesota, Chair in International Business Minneapolis


Johannes Kepler University Linz March 1 - June 30, 2011 Accounting, Accountability and Governance March 1 - June 30, 2011 Prof. Liliane Weissberg School of Arts and Science Prof. Michael E. Harkin University of Pennsylvania, PA Department of Anthropology Fulbright-Freud Visiting Lecturer/Scholar of University of Wyoming, WY Psychoanalysis Fulbright-University of Graz Distinguished Freud Museum Vienna and University of Chair in Cultural Studies Vienna Karl Franzens University Graz Freud and Textiles: Metaphors and History Cultural Studies in the Twenty-First Century March 1 - June 30, 2011 March 1 - June 30, 2011 Prof. William Wendling Woessner Prof. James McMurty Longo Department of Geosciences Department of Education University of Montana, Missoula, MT Washington and Jefferson College, WA Fulbright-NAWI Graz Visiting Professor in the Fulbright-University of Klagenfurt Natural Sciences Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies Karl Franzens University Graz and Graz Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt University of Technology Teaching, Curriculum and Learning Groundwater and River Exchange in Approaches to Gender Studies Headwater Systems March 1 - June 30, 2011 March 1 - June 30, 2011

Prof. Issac Kalimi Natalie Zimmerman Department of Near Eastern Languages and California Institute of the Arts, CA Cultures "Viennese Dreams: Mapping the 21st University of Chicago, IL Century Unconscious" Fulbright-University of Salzburg quartier21/MQ Distinguished Chair in Intercultural Theology Fulbright-quartier21 artist in residence and Study of Religions June 1 - July 31, 2010 University of Salzburg Fighting Over the Bible: Bible and Biblical U.S. Fulbright Specialists (2) Interpretation in Polemical Contexts

March 1 - June 30, 2011 Prof. Ephraim Suhir

University of California, Santa Cruz CA Prof. Stuart J. Kaufman Vienna University of Technology Department of Political Science and Institute of sensor and Actuator Systems International Relations March 28 – May 10, 2011 University of Delaware, DE

Fulbright- Diplomatic Academy Vienna Prof. Michael Monhollon Visiting Professor of International Relations Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene TX Diplomatic Academy Vienna Kelley College of Business Teaching American Foreign Policy to Future Salzburg University of Applied Sciences European Diplomats June 10 – June 26, 2011 March 1 - June 30, 2011

Prof. Jared Stephen Klein Intercountry Lecture Participants (5) Department of Classics University of Georgia, GA Prof. Martha Patterson Fulbright-University of Vienna Distinguished Fulbright Scholar to Norway Chair in Humanities and Social Sciences Young Americanists University of Vienna Lecture on “American Studies in Europe Stylistic Repetition in the Rigveda. Post-9/11” Instructions in Rigvedic Stylistics and Indo- October 7 – 12, 2010 Iranian Syntax Proposed start: March 2011 Prof. Craig Jenkins Fulbright Scholar to Norway Prof. Mary Niall Mitchell Oiip – Austrian Institute for International Department of History Affairs University of New Orleans, LA Lecture on “The Early Warning of Violent Fulbright Lecturer in American Studies Conflict: Can it be Done? How? What uses?” University of Innsbruck December 1 – 5, 2010 The Craft of History in American Studies


Prof. Colin Irvine Mag. Martina Koegeler Fulbright Scholar to Norway Universität Graz University of Graz Master in Comparative Literature Center for Study of the Americas SUNY - Stony Brook January 11 – 15, 2011 Mag. Johannes Langer Prof. Frances Chen Universität Wien Fulbright Scholar to Germany Master in International Peace and Conflict Department of Cognitive Biology at the Resolution University of Vienna and Central European American University University Budapest, Hungary (joint project) Lecture on “Neuroendocrinology and Social Rudolf Alvise Lennkh, B.Sc. Cognitive Development” University of Warwick February 13 – 17, 2011 MPA in Public Administration Columbia University Prof. John Downing Fulbright Scholar to Finland Mag. Anna Orthofer University of Salzburg Universität Wien Lecture at the Conference “Civil Media: MA in Economics Community Media for Social Change: Low Johns Hopkins University Threshold – High Impact” April 14 – April 18, 2011 Daniel Pickem Technische Universität Wien Master in Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Austrian Fulbright Students in the U.S.

(17) Mag. Stephanie Probst

Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Bert Azizoglu Wien Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien PhD in Music Theory PhD in Public and Urban Policy Eastman School of Music New School University

Christoph Rainer Mag. Maschenka Braganca Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Universität Innsbruck Wien Master in International Affairs MFA in Film American University Columbia University

Mag. Katja Bratrschovsky Gerda Ricken Universität Wien Akademie für den mediznisch-techn. MPA in Public Administration Laboratoriumsdienst Harvard University MS in Molecular and Cell Biology

Brandeis University Mag. Christoph Elhardt

Universität Innsbruck Matthias Taus, Bakk. PhD in Political Science Technische Universität Graz University of Oklahoma PhD in Computational Science, Engineering,

Mathematics Mag. Philipp Essl University of Texas at Austin Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

MPA in Public Administration Sarita Vollnhofer, Bakk. Harvard University Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt

MIA in International Affairs MMag. Esther Hackl Columbia University Universität Wien


Harvard University U.S. Fulbright Students at Austrian Mag. Clemens Kaupa Universities (14) Universität Wien LLM Ms. Elizabeth Anthony Harvard University PhD candidate in Holocaust and Genocide Studies


Clark University, MA University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL University of Vienna University of Vienna "Rückkehrer: Holocaust Survivors' "Translation Studies for Cultural Enrichment" Repatriation to Austria" Mr. Andrew McClung Ms. Micaela Baranello BS in Physics PhD candidate in Musicology Carleton College, MN Princeton University, NJ University of Innsbruck Univ. of Music and Performing Arts Vienna "Scalable quantum computing through cavity "Operetta and the Empire" quantum electrodynamics"

Ms. Lindsay Hohsfield Ms. Brandi Smith BS in Biology BA in German and Spanish University of Colorado - Boulder, CO Northern Illinois University, IL University of Innsbruck University of Vienna "Transfection and transmigration of NGF- "Combined Study and Teaching secreting monocytes through the blood-brain Assistantship (Public Policy)" barrier" Mr. Jacob Vidourek Ms. Angela Kanerva BA in German and Music Performance MA in Music Education Tennessee Technological University, TN University of Cincinnati, OH Univ. of Music and Performing Arts Vienna Mozarteum Salzburg "Analyzing the Construction and "The Special Course at the Orff Institute at Development of the Viennese Oboe" the Universität Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria" Mr. Joseph Zabinski BA in German and Physics Ms. Anna Katselas Boston College, MA JD University of Vienna Vermont Law School, VT "Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält" University of Vienna "Balancing Regulatory Flexibility and Investor Protection in International Investment Law" Austrian Foreign Language Teaching

Assistants at U.S. Colleges and Ms. Catherine Long Universities (13) BA in World Cultures and German

Tennessee Technological University, TN Mag. Sabrina Bacher Diplomatic Academy Vienna Universität Salzburg (Spanish) "Cross-Cultural Negotiations" University of Oklahoma, OK

Mr. Daniel Costello Mag. Heidi Danzl PhD candidate in Comparative Literature Universität Salzburg (American Studies) University of California, Irvine, CA Sweet Briar College, VA University of Vienna

"Collective Memory and Günther Anders' Julia Gundacker Philosophical Praxis" Universität Wien (English)

University of Montana, MT Mr. William Golba

BA in German and International Relations Mag. Claudia Hinterberger Canisius College, NY Universität Wien (German / English Studies / University of Vienna German as a Foreign Language) "Still Neutral? Austrian Foreign Policy, the Bowling Green State University, OH CFSP, and the UN"

Kerstin Istvanits Ms. Hannah Goodwin Universität Wien (Hungarian / English) BA in German University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Carleton College, MN

University of Vienna Theresia Kopper, Bakk. "Religious Pluralism in Austria-Hungary, Universität Graz (German) 1870-1914" Simpson College, IA

Mr. Dustin Lovett Mag. Theresa Mairhofer BA in Comparative Literature


Universität Innsbruck (Pedagogy /English) Ms. Farrah Al-Mansoor (new) Juniata College, PA University of Maryland, College Park, MD Bundeshandelsakademie, Dirnbergerstraße Mag. Julia Naderer 41, 4320 Perg Universität Salzburg (Sport and Exercise / Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Spanish) Dirnbergerstraße 43, 4320 Perg College of Wooster, OH Mr. Charles Bauch (new) Ralph Neumayer University of West Georgia, GA Universität Wien (History/English and Öffentliches Stiftsgymnasium und American Studies) Oberstufenrealgymnasium der Benediktiner, St. John's University, MN Stift Melk, Dietmayrstraße 1, 3390 Melk Bundesgymnasium, Anzengruberstraße 6, Mag. Christine Pichler 3300 Amstetten Universität Graz (Sociology) Hobart and William Smith Colleges, NY Ms. Elisabeth Belz (extension) University of Montana, MT Mag. Elisabeth Pölzl-Hofer Bundeshandelsakademie und Universität Graz (Musicology) Bundeshandelsschule, Hans-Kudlich-Gasse Yale University, CT 30, 2230 Gänserndorf Bundeshandelsakademie und Elena Todeva Bundeshandelsschule, Bankmannring 1, Universität Wien (Translation Studies) 2100 Korneuburg Hartwick College, NY Mr. Evan Bennett (new) Mag. Martha Weicher The Oberlin Conservatory, OH Universität Wien (Political science) The Manhattan School of Music, NY Fachhochschule Joanneum Graz Realgymnasium der Stadt Enns, (Information Design) Hanuschstraße 27, 4470 Enns Bard College, NY Gymnasium des Schulvereins Europagymnasium vom Guten Hirten, Baumgartenberg 1, 4342 Baumgartenberg

U.S. Foreign Language Teaching Ms. Rachel Berkowitz (new) Assistants at Austrian Secondary Schools University of Chicago, IL - a program coordinated by the Fulbright Bundeshandelsakademie und Commission for the Austrian Ministry of Bundeshandelsschule, Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring Education, the Arts and Culture (140) 40, 8940 Liezen

Bundesbildungsanstalt für Ms. Emily Ackerman (extension) Kindergartenpädagogik, Dr.-Karl-Renner- Kalamazoo College, MI Ring 40, 8940 Liezen Bundesgymnasium und

Bundesrealgymnasium, Feldgasse 6 -8, 1080 Ms. Molly Beyer (new) Wien Gettysburg College, PA

Bundesrealgymnasium, Michaelerplatz 6, Mr. Thomas Allen (extension) 4400 Steyr Providence College, RI Bundesgymnasium und Akademisches Gymnasium, Angerzellgasse Bundesrealgymnasium, Leopold Werndl- 14, 6020 Innsbruck Straße 5, 4400 Steyr Bundesgymnasium, Bundesrealgymnasium und wirtschaftskundliches Ms. Holly Bocchi (new) Bundesrealgymnasium für Berufstätige, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, MN Adolf-Pichler-Platz 1, 6020 Innsbruck Bundesgymnasium und

Bundesrealgymnasium, Anton-Bruckner- Mr. Jesse Allhands (extension) Straße 16, 4600 Wels University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI Bundesrealgymnasium, Wallererstraße 25, Bundeshandelsakademie und 4600 Wels Bundeshandelsschule, Hinterfeldgasse 19,

6900 Bregenz Mr. Joseph Borgese (new) Bundeshandelsakademie und University California, Berkeley, CA Bundeshandelsschule, Neudorfstraße 22, Fullerton College, CA 6890 Lustenau


Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe, Stefan Fadingerstraße 36, 3300 Berufe, Donaulände 72, 3430 Tulln Amstetten Bundesgymnasium und Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundesrealgymnasium, Donaulände 72, Bundeshandelsschule, Stefan Fadinger- 3430 Tulln Straße 36, 3300 Amstetten Ms. Katie Chandler (new) Mr. James Boston (new) Gettysburg College, PA Kenyon College, OH Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundesrealgymnasium, Hamerlingstraße 18, Bundeshandelsschule, Franz-Xaver-Wirth- 4020 Linz, Donau Straße 3, 9500 Villach BRG solarCity, Heliosallee 140-142, 4030 Linz Ms. Alexandrea Chaney (new) Linfield College, OR Ms. Mary Broadwater (new) Bundesgymnasium und Bowling Green State University, OH Bundesrealgymnasium, Beethovenstraße 6, Wofford College, SC 4910 Ried im Innkreis Lehranstalten der Caritas der Erzdiözese Bundesbildungsanstalt für Salzburg, Eduard-Heinrich-Straße 2, 5020 Kindergartenpädagogik, Gartenstraße 1, Salzburg 4910 Ried im Innkreis Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt, Davisstraße 5, 5400 Hallein Ms. Sarah Clark (new) Private Fachschule für wirtschaftliche Berufe Wake Forest University, NC der Schulschwestern von Hallein, Pfarrgasse Bundeshandelsakademie und 8, 5400 Hallein Bundeshandelsschule Neusiedl/See, Bundesschulstraße 4, 7100 Neusiedl am See Ms. Sarah Broll (new) Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche St. Edward's University, TX Berufe und höhere gewerbliche Stiftsgymnasium des Stiftes Wilhering, Bundeslehranstalt, Bundesschulstraße 4, Linzerstraße 8, 4073 Wilhering 7100 Neusiedl am See Gymnasium und Realgymnasium des Schulvereines Kollegium Aloisianum, Ms. Hailey Clowdus (new) Freinbergstraße 32, 4020 Linz, Donau Belmont University, TN Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt, Ms. Lizabeth Brown (extension) Bahnhofstraße 42, 4840 Vöcklabruck Webster University Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe New School University, NY der Don Bosco-Schwestern Vöcklabruck, Bundesgymnasium, Stubenbastei 6-8, 1010 Linzer Straße 98, 4840 Vöcklabruck Wien Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Ms. Julie Constantine (new) Hegelgasse 14, 1010 Wien Wayne State University, MI Bundesgymnasium und Mr. Stephen Brown (extension) Bundesrealgymnasium, Donauinselplatz, College of Wooster, OH 1210 Wien Bundesrealgymnasium, Aubrunnerweg 4, 4040 Linz, Donau Ms. Tasha Coryell (new) Knox College, IL Ms. Cristina Burack (extension) Bundeshandelsakademie, Brauhausstraße Northwestern University, IL 10, 4240 Freistadt Höhere graphische Bundeslehr- und Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Versuchsanstalt, Leyserstraße 6, 1140 Wien der Schulschwestern von Unserer Lieben Frau, Schmiedgasse 2, 4240 Freistadt, Mr. Dustin Byers (extension) Oberösterreich Western Oregon University, OR Expositur des BRG Innsbruck, Karl- Mr. Daniel Costello (combined Fulbrighter) Schönherr-Straße 2, 6020 Innsbruck University of California - Irvine, CA PORG Volders St. Karl Privates University of Chicago, IL Oberstufenrealgymnasium Vereinigung von Bundesrealgymnasium, Pichelmayergasse 1, Ordensschulen Österreichs, 1100 Wien Volderwaldstraße 3, 6111 Volders Mr. Michael Critzer (new) Ms. Tori Campbell (new) Saint Joseph's University, PA Grinnell College, IA


Bundesgymnasium und Mr. Christopher Farrar (extension) Bundesrealgymnasium, Otto-Glöckel-Weg 2, Grand Valley State University, MI 2620 Neunkirchen, Niederösterreich Höhere technische Bundeslehr- und Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Tourismus, Versuchsanstalt, Anichstraße 26-28, 6020 Hochstraße 32c, 2680 Semmering Innsbruck Höhere technische Bundeslehr- und Mr. Wesley Davis (extension) Versuchsanstalt, Trenkwalder Straße 2, 6020 Hamilton College, NY Innsbruck Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium, Moserhofstraße 5, Ms. Heather Feltz (extension) 8700 Leoben University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI Bundesgymnasium und Bundesgymnasium, Kleine Sperlgasse 2c, Bundesrealgymnasium, Moserhofstraße 7a, 1020 Wien 8700 Leoben Bundesrealgymnasium, Vereinsgasse 21-23, 1020 Wien Mr. Garrett De Witt (new) California State University Long Beach, CA Mr. Daniel Ferguson (new) Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Land- und The Ohio State University, OH Ernährungswirtschaft, Pitzelstätten, Bundeshandelsakademie und Glantalstraße 59, 9061 Klagenfurt-Wölfnitz Bundeshandelsschule, Grazbachgasse 71, 8010 Graz Mr. Matthew Duffy (new) Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Mode und University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI Bekleidungstechnik, Ortweinplatz 1, 8010 Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Graz Wien/Krems Campus Krems-Mitterau, Dr. Gschmeidler-Straße 22-28, 3500 Krems Mr. Aaron Figurski (new) University of Michigan - Dearborn, MI Mr. John Edmunds (new) Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Martin- Guilford College, NC Lodinger-Straße 2, 5630 Bad Hofgastein Appalachain State University, NC Bundeshandelsakademie, Alte Bundesstraße Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt 11, 5600 Sankt Johann im Pongau Bundeshandelsakademie und Hotelfachschule des Vereins Salzburger Bundeshandelsschule, Ungargasse 69, 1030 Tourismusschulen, Dr.-Zimmermann-Straße, Wien 5630 Bad Hofgastein

Mr. Harrison Epstein (extension) Mr. Pantaleon Florez III (new) Occidental College, CA University of Kansas, KS Bundes-Bildungsanstalt für Sozialpäd.und Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Kig.päd., Dr.-Theodor-Körner-Strasse 8, Berufe, Landwiedstraße 80, 4020 Linz, 3100 St. Pölten Donau Bundesgymnasium und Bundeshandelsakademie, Rudigierstraße 6, Bundesrealgymnasium, Josefstraße 84, 3101 4020 Linz, Donau Sankt Pölten Ms. Keri Forbringer (new) Ms. Pamela Evers (new) Bowdoin College, ME Yale University, CT IES Abroad and the Albert Ludwigs Bundesgymnasium, Bundesrealgymnasium University Freiburg, und Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Bundeshandelsakademie und Gymnasiumstraße 1, 5600 Sankt Johann im Bundeshandelsschule I, Johann-Brunauer- Pongau Straße 4, 5020 Salzburg Höhere Lehranstalt und Fachschule für Gymnasium der Herz Jesu Missionare, wirtschaftliche Berufe der Schulschwestern Schönleitenweg 1, 5013 Salzburg-Liefering Elisabethinum, Alte Bundesstraße 12, 5600 Erzbischöfliches Privatgymnasium Sankt Johann im Pongau Borromäum, Gaisbergstraße 7, 5020 Bundesbildungsanstalt für Salzburg Kindergartenpädagogik, Südtiroler Straße 75, 5500 Bischofshofen Mr. Paul Geisler (extension) Arizona State University, AZ Ms. Leah Ewing (new) Bundesgymnasium, Diefenbachgasse 19, Denison University, OH 1150 Wien Bundesgymnasium, Buchberggasse 31, 3400 Klosterneuburg Ms. Alice Gerard (extension) Macalester College, MN


Lehranstalten Mater Salvatoris Lewis & Clark College. OR Bildungsanstalt für Kindergartenpädagogik, Höhere technische Bundeslehr- und Kenyongasse 4-12, 1070 Wien Versuchsanstalt, Dr.-Eckener-Gasse 2, 2700 Bildungsanstalt für Kindergartenpädagogik Wiener Neustadt der Kongregation der Schwestern vom Bundesgymnasium, Zehnergasse 15, 2700 Armen Kinde Jesus, Hofzeile 17, 1190 Wien Wiener Neustadt

Ms. Stephanie Gilmore (new) Ms. Stephanie Hausladen (new) California State University, Long Beach, CA Stanford University, CA Bundesgymnasium und Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt, Bundesrealgymnasium, Kurzwiese 1, 7000 Gartenstraße 1, 9400 Wolfsberg Eisenstadt Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule, Gartenstraße 1, 9400 Bundeshandelsschule, Bad Kissingen-Platz Wolfsberg 3, 7001 Eisenstadt Ms. Joyna Heinz (new) Mr. William Golba (combined Fulbrighter) SIT Graduate Institute, VT Canisius College, NY Sonoma State University, CA Bundesgymnasium und Höhere technische Lehranstalt, Thaliastraße Bundesrealgymnasium, Geringergasse 4, 125, 1160 Wien 1110 Wien Ms. Rebecca Hermann (new) Ms. Hannah Goodwin (combined Fulbrighter) California State University, Long Beach, CA Carleton College, MN Bundesgymnasium und Bundesgymnasium, Wenzgasse 7, 1130 Bundesrealgymnasium, Keramikstraße 28, Wien 4810 Gmunden Gymnasium für Mädchen der Ms. Madeline Graham (new) Kreuzschwestern, Pensionatstraße 9, 4810 Macalester College, MN Gmunden Bischöfliches Gymnasium Kollegium Petrinum, Petrinumstraße 12, 4040 Linz, Ms. Megan Higgins (extension) Donau Ohio University, OH Bundesgymnasium und Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Bundesrealgymnasium, Linz- Berufe und höhere gewerbliche Urfahr,Peuerbachstraße 35, 4040 Linz, Bundeslehranstalt (Fachr. Mode und Donau Bekleidungstechnik), Richard-Wagner-Straße 8, 9501 Villach Ms. Mackenzie Grattan (new) Kärntner Tourismusschulen, , 9504 University of Michigan, MI Warmbad Villach Wayne State University, MI Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg, Mr. Jameson Higgins (extension) Liechtensteinstraße 33-37, 6800 Feldkirch Northern Michigan University, MI Bundesgymnasium und Mr. Scott Griffen (new) Bundesrealgymnasium, Dr.-Hermann- Yale University, CT Hornung-Gasse 29, 8200 Gleisdorf Höhere Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Bundesgymnasium und Gartenbau, Grünbergstraße 24, 1131 Wien Bundesrealgymnasium, Offenburgergasse 23, 8160 Weiz Mr. James Gyenes (new) Kenyon College, OH Mr. Alexander Holt (new) Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche New York University, NY Berufe, Schulstraße 17, 7540 Güssing Höhere technische Bundeslehr- und Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Versuchsanstalt, Negrellistraße 50, 6830 Schulstraße 17, 7540 Güssing Rankweil

Ms. Roxanna Hajjafar (extension) Ms. Erica Hoyum (new) Belmont University, TN Western Washington University, WA Bundesgymnasium, Hagenmüllergasse 30, Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche 1030 Wien Berufe, Aubrunnerweg 4, 4040 Linz, Donau Priv. Gymnasium 2, Simon Wiesenthal Höhere gewerbliche Bundeslehranstalt Gasse 3, 1020 Wien (Fachrichtung Mode und Bekleidungstechnik), Blütenstraße 23, 4040 Mr. Matthew Hambro (new) Linz, Donau


Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Ms. Catherine Jäger (extension) Berufe, Tourismus, Mode und Bowdoin College, ME Bekleidungstechnik, Badgasse 5, 7400 Bundesgymnasium und Oberwart Bundesrealgymnasium, Lindfeldgasse 10, 8750 Judenburg Ms. Leslie Kerby (new) Bundesbildungsanstalt für Pacific University, OR Kindergartenpädagogik, Stadionstrasse 8-10, Privat Gymnasium der Marktgemeinde 8570 Judenburg Seekirchen am Wallersee, Wallerseestraße Abteigymnasium der Benediktiner (Höhere 63, 5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee Internatsschule), Abtei Seckau, 8732 Seckau Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Braunauerstraße 6, 5204 Straßwalchen Mr. Matthew Jepsen (extension) Ohio State University, OH Mr. Robert Kitson (new) Bundesrealgymnasium, Glasergasse 25, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, MN 1090 Wien Bundesgymnasium und Bundesgymnasium, Wasagasse 10, 1090 Bundesrealgymnasium, Realschulstraße 6, Wien 8280 Fürstenfeld Bundeshandelsakademie und Ms. Amber Jepson (extension) Bundeshandelsschule, Realschulstraße 6, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, MN 8280 Fürstenfeld Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule, Pernerstorfergasse Mr. Jonathan Komar (new) 77, 1100 Wien Arizona State University, AZ HAK/HAS Sacré Coeur, Fasangasse 4, 1030 Gymnasium und Aufbaurealgymnasium des Wien Stiftes Stams Meinhardinum, Stift Stams, 6422 Stams Ms. Leslie Jessen (new) Bundesrealgymnasium, Füllsackstraße 13, The George Washington University, DC 6460 Imst Handelsakademie und Handelsschule der Stadtgemeinde Tulln, Donaulände 64, 3430 Mr. Andrew Koss (new) Tulln University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI Bundesgymnasium, Unterfeldstraße 11, 6700 Ms. Elizabeth Johnson (new) Bludenz Williams College, MA Bundeshandelsakademie und Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Bundeshandelsschule, Schillerstraße 7b, Berufe, Weidengasse 1, 9900 Lienz, Osttirol 6800 Feldkirch Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule, Weidengasse 1, 9900 Ms. Kiley Kost (new) Lienz, Osttirol Unitersity of Minnesota, MN BRG und BORG, Höchster Straße 32, 6850 Ms. Abigail Kahn (new) Dornbirn Emory University, GA Bundesgymnasium, Realschulstraße 3, 6850 Bundesgymnasium und Dornbirn Bundesrealgymnasium, Ehrenbrunngasse 6, 2320 Schwechat Ms. Nora Larkin (new) Bundesgymnasium und University of New Hampshire, NH Bundesrealgymnasium, Fischamender Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Landwirtschaft, Straße 23-25, 2460 Bruck an der Leitha Ursprung-Elixhausen, Ursprungstraße 4, 5161 Elixhausen Ms. Jennifer Keating (new) University of Portland, OR Ms. Mary Jo Loch (new) BG/BRG Baden, Frauengasse 3-5, 2500 University of Minnesota Twin Cities, MN Baden Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ, Bundesgymnasium und Kaplanhofstraße 40, 4020 Linz Bundesrealgymnasium, Biondekgasse 6, 2500 Baden Mr. Dustin Lovett (combined Fulbrighter) University of Illinois at Urbana, IL Ms. Miriam Keller (new) Bundesrealgymnasium, Krottenbachstraße University of North Carolina Greensboro, NC 11, 1190 Wien Bundesbildungsanstalt für Kindergartenpädagogik, Dornburggasse 93, Mr. Daniel Lundquist (new) 7400 Oberwart Minneapolis College of Art and Design, MN


Bundesgymnasium, Untere Bachgasse 8, der Schwestern vom Armen Kinde Jesu, 2340 Mödling Hofzeile 22, 1190 Wien Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium, Franz-Keim-Gasse Ms. Heather Meyer (extension) 3, 2340 Mödling Boise State University, ID Bundesbildungsanstalt für Ms. Emily Mahoney (new) Kindergartenpädagogik, Lederergasse 32d, Gettysburg College, PA 4020 Linz Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Oberstufenrealgymnasium der Diözese Linz, Akademiestraße 23, 5020 Salzburg Stifterstraße 27, 4014 Linz, Donau

Ms. Kerry Marnell (new) Ms. Allison Miller (new) University of Oregon, OR University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium für Bundesgymnasium und Mädchen des Konventes der Ursulinen, Bundesrealgymnasium, Unter den Linden 16, Fürstenweg 86, 6020 Innsbruck 2000 Stockerau Katholisches Oberstufenrealgymnasium der BHAS Stockerau, Schulgasse 4, 2000 Kongregation der Barmherzigen Schwestern, Stockerau Rennweg 40, 6020 Innsbruck Mr. Justin Mohler (extension) Mr. Curtis Maughan (new) Colby College, ME Califronia State University, Long Beach, CA Bundesrealgymnasium, Petersgasse 110, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 8010 Graz Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Bischöfliches Gymnasium, Lange Gasse 2, Berufe, Straßergasse 37-39, 1190 Wien 8010 Graz Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe, Wassermanngasse 12, 1210 Wien Ms. Jill Morrissey (extension) Tufts University, MA Ms. Katherine Mawdsley (new) Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten, University of South Carolina, SC Hubertusstraße 1, 9020 Klagenfurt Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule, Flurweg 3, 9560 Mr. Patrick Murray (extension) Feldkirchen in Kärnten University of Southern California, CA Bundesrealgymnasium, Flurweg 3, 9560 Bundesgymnasium, Billrothstraße 26-30, Feldkirchen 1190 Wien

Mr. Andrew McClung (combined Fulbrighter) Mr. Jadon Nisly (extension) Carleton College, MN Valparaiso University, IN Bundeshandelsakademie und Höhere landwirtschaftliche Bundeshandelsschule, Karl Schönherr- Bundeslehranstalt, Fernbach 37, 4490 St. Straße 2, 6020 Innsbruck Florian bei Linz

Mr. Emil Mentz (new) Ms. Alaina O'Brien (extension) University of Richmond, VA University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI Bundesgymnasium und Gymnasium für Mädchen und Bundesrealgymnasium, Sankt Martiner Oberstufenrealgymnasium für Mädchen der Straße 7, 9501 Villach Ursulinen, Leonhardstraße 62, 8010 Graz Akademisches Gymnasium, Bürgergasse 15, Ms. Erin Merritt (new) 8010 Graz Wake Forest University, NC Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Mr. Patrick O'Connell (extension) Gymnasiumstraße 2, 4710 Grieskirchen Willamette University, OR Private Höhere technische Lehranstalt der Bundesrealgymnasium und Bundes- Stadtgemeinde Grieskirchen, Landl Platz 1, Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Schulring 16, 4710 Grieskirchen 3100 Sankt Pölten Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Mr. Robert Mevissen (extension) Berufe, Eybnerstraße 23, 3100 Sankt Pölten St.Johns University, MN Bundesgymnasium, Geblergasse 56, 1170 Mr. Matthew Pagano (new) Wien Washington & Lee University, VA Gymnasium und wirtschaftskundliches Höhere Lehranstalt für Forstwirtschaft Realgymnasium für Mädchen Maria Regina (Försterschule), Dr. Theodor Körnerstraße 44, 8601 Bruck a.d. Mur


Bundesgymnasium, Rechte Kremszeile 54, Mr. John Papic (extension) 3500 Krems an der Donau Wittenberg University, OH Bundesgymnasium, Piaristengasse 2, 3500 Bundesrealgymnasium, Keplerstraße 1, 8020 Krems an der Donau Graz Bundesgymnasium und Ms. Sarah Richards (extension) Bundesrealgymnasium, Lichtenfelsgasse 3- Emory University, GA 5, 8010 Graz Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundesgymnasium und Bundeshandelsschule, Hetzendorfer Straße Bundesrealgymnasium, Seebachergasse 11, 66, 1120 Wien 8010 Graz Ms. Molly Roza (extension) Ms. Lauren Pfeifer (new) Agnes Scott College, GA Boise State University, ID Bundesgymnasium, Astgasse 3, 1140 Wien Bundeslehranstalt (Handelsschule, Fachschule für wirtschaftliche Berufe, Ms. Karen Russell (new) Tourismusfachschule), Greben 178, 6870 Hope College, MI Bezau Bundesrealgymnasium, Akademiestraße 19, Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Pfister 5020 Salzburg 925, 6863 Egg, Vorarlberg Bundesgymnasium, Zaunergasse 3, 5020 Salzburg Mr. Joshua Pontrelli (extension) Akademisches Gymnasium, Sinnhubstraße The Pennsylvania State University, PA 15, 5020 Salzburg Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark, Lange Gasse 2, 8010 Graz Mr. Zachary Saathoff (extension) University of Minnesota, MN Ms. Julie Pridham (new) Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt, Brown University, RI Körösistraße 157, 8010 Graz Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Bundesrealgymnasium, Körösistraße 155, für Landwirtschaft, Landtechnik und 8010 Graz Lebensmitteltechnologie, "Francisco- Josephinum", Schloss Weinzierl, 3250 Mr. Nicholas Santangelo (new) Wieselburg Georgetown University, DC Höhere Lehranstalt für Mr. Justin Quam (new) Fremdenverkehrsberufe des Vereins Yale University, CT Salzburger Tourismusschulen, Kleßheimer Bildungsanstalt für Kindergartenpädagogik Straße 22, 5071 Siezenheim der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom Hl. Werkschulheim Felbertal, Hinterebenau 30, Kreuz, Lichtensteinerstraße 10, 8600 Bruck 5323 Ebenau an der Mur Bundesgymnasium und Mr. Krsna Santos (new) Bundesrealgymnasium, Keplerstraße 2, 8600 Wayne State University, MI Bruck an der Mur Tourismusschulen des steirischen Bundeshandelsakademie und Hotelfachschulvereins, Kaiser-Franz- Bundeshandelsschule, Brückengasse 2, Josefstraße 262, 8344 Bad Gleichenberg 8600 Bruck an der Mur Bundes- Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Neubaustraße 9, 8490 Bad Radkersburg Mr. William Reed (new) Bundes-Bildungsanstalt für University of Illinois - Urbana, IL Kindergartenpädagogik, Süssenbergerstraße Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Land und 29, 8480 Mureck Ernährungswirtschaft Elmberg, Elmbergweg 65, 4045 Linz Mr. Nathan Schackow (extension) Bradley University, IL Ms. Emily Resnick (new) Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Sam Houston State University, TX Weissenbachgasse 33, 6410 Telfs Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule, Gebhart-Straße 2, Bundeshandelsschule, Weissenbachgasse 6460 Imst 37, 6410 Telfs

Ms. Kristin Riall (new) Mr. Walter Schlect (new) National University of Ireland, Galway, Washington State University, WA University of West Georgia, GA


Bundesgymnasium und California Lutheran University, CA Bundesrealgymnasium, Völkermarkter Ring Bundesgymnasium, 27, 9020 Klagenfurt Bundesaufbaugymnasium und Bundesaufbaurealgymnasium, Mr. Fabian Schoeppner (new) Püchhaimgasse 21, 3580 Horn, University of Portland, OR Niederösterreich Bundesrealgymnasium, Kandlgasse 39, 1070 Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Wien Berufe, Gartengasse 1, 3580 Horn, Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Niederösterreich Neustiftgasse 95-99, 1070 Wien Mr. Michael Shirar (new) Mr. Robert Schultz (extension) Denison University, OH University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule, Traunsteiner Weg 11, Bundeshandelsschule, Pocksteinerstraße 3, 6370 Kitzbühel 3340 Waidhofen an der Ybbs Bundesgymnasium und Bundes- Öffentliches Stiftsgymnasium der Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Neubauweg 7, Benediktiner, am Klosterberg 1, 3353 6380 Sankt Johann in Tirol Seitenstetten Mr. Andrew Shoenig (extension) Mr. Peter Seilheimer (extension) Emory University, GA Lewis & Clark College, OR Bundesgymnasium und Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt, Bundesrealgymnasium, Theodor Kramer- Dr.Karl-Widdmann-Straße 40, 8160 Weiz Straße 3, 1220 Wien Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe, Dr. Karl Widdmann-Straße 40, 8160 Mr. Thomas Simeone (new) Weiz Denison University, OH Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Bundesgymnasium und Birkengasse 1, 8190 Birkfeld Bundesrealgymnasium, Wagnastraße 6, 8430 Leibnitz Ms. Nessa Severson (extension) Bundeshandelsakademie und University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, WI Bundeshandelsschule, Klostergasse 18, Bundesbildungsanstalt für 8430 Leibnitz Kindergartenpädagogik, Grottenhofstrasse 150, 8052 Graz-Wetzelsdorf Ms. Rachel Simmons (extension) Bundesgymnasium und College of William and Mary, VA Bundesrealgymnasium, Klusemannstraße Bundesgymnasium und 25, 8053 Graz Bundesrealgymnasium, Rebberggasse 25- 27, 6800 Feldkirch Ms. Melissa Shalter (new) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL Ms. Brandi Smith (combined Fulbrighter) Northern Illinois University, IL Northern Illinois University, IL Höhere technische Bundeslehr- und Bundesgymnasium, Karajangasse 14, 1200 Versuchsanstalt, Technikerstraße 1-5, 2340 Wien Mödling Ms. Elina Stelman (new) Mr. Richard Sharpe (new) Lafayette College, PA Guilford College, NC Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Land- und Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Ernährungswirtschaft Kematen, Birkenweg 8, 10.Oktober-Straße 9, 9620 Hermagor 6175 Kematen HBLA für wirtschaftliche Berufe, 10.Oktober- Strasse 9, 9620 Hermagor Mr. Laurence Stewart, II (new) California State University Long Beach, CA Ms. Lauren Shaw (extension) Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Mode und College of William & Mary, VA Bekleidungstechnik und Höhere Bundesgymnasium und Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe, Bundesrealgymnasium für Slowenen, Michelbeuerngasse 6-8, 1090 Wien Professor-Janezic-Platz 1, 9020 Klagenfurt Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Bundeshandelsakademie und der Caritas, Seegasse 30, 1090 Wien Bundeshandelsschule, Mettingerstraße 16, 9100 Völkermarkt Ms. Rachel Stori (new) University of North Dakota, ND Ms. Alison Sheets (new) Universität Regensburg,


Bundesgymnasium Tamsweg, Lasabergweg Bundeshandelsakademie, Raitfeldstraße 3, 500, 5580 Tamsweg 5280 Braunau am Inn Fachschule für wirtschaftliche Berufe Sankt Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Augustin der Pfarrpfründe Sankt Berufe, Michaelistraße 70, 5280 Braunau am Margarethen, St. Margarethen 60, 5582 St. Inn Michael im Lungau Bundeshandelsakademie und Ms. Katie Weltner (new) Bundeshandelsschule, Lasabergweg 10, University of Portland, OR 5580 Tamsweg Tourismusschule HLF, Langenloiser Straße 22, 3500 Krems Mr. Ronald Strasik (extension) Bundeshandelsakademie und The George Washington University, DC Bundeshandelsschule, Langenloiser Straße Handelsakademie III und Handelsschule IV 22, 3500 Krems an der Donau der Wiener Kaufmannschaft, Schönborngasse 3-5, 1080 Wien Mr. Jonathan Werkmeister (new) Handelsakademie II und Handelsschule III Lafayette College, PA der Wiener Kaufmannschaft, Hamerlingplatz Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt 5-6, 1080 Wien für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Raumberg-Trautenfels, 8952 Irdning Mr. Adam Troldahl (extension) Macalester College, MN Ms. Clara Williams (new) Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, Lewis and Clark College, OR Grenzackerstrasse 18, 1100 Wien Gymnasium und Realgymnasium des Instituts Sacre Coeur der Erzdiözese Wien, Ms. Elisabeth Ullman (new) Klostergasse 12, 3021 Pressbaum Lewis & Clark College, OR Privat Gymnasium der Stadtgemeinde Bundeshandelsakademie und Purkersdorf, Herrengasse 4, 3002 Bundeshandelsschule, Hieflauer Straße 89, Purkersdorf 8790 Eisenerz Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Mr. Luke Williams (new) Hieflauerstraße 89, 8790 Eisenerz Kenyon College, OH Bundesgymnasium und Ms. Erica Umpierrez (new) Bundesrealgymnasium, Hauptplatz 7, 7432 Emory University, GA Oberschützen Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Evangelisches Realgymnasium und Berufe, August-Scherl-Straße 1, 6330 Oberstufenrealgymnasium des Kufstein evangelischen Schulwerks Oberschützen, Bundesgymnasium und G.A. Wimmer-Platz 2, 7432 Oberschützen Bundesrealgymnasium, Schillerstraße 2, 6330 Kufstein Ms. Maija Witte (new) St. Olaf College, MN Ms. Taylor VanDorp (new) Bundesgymnasium, Josef-Preis-Allee 3, Hamline, MN 5020 Salzburg Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Herzog Wirtschaftskundliches Leopold Straße 32, 2700 Wiener Neustadt Bundesrealgymnasium, Josef-Preis-Allee 5, Gymnasium der Erzdiözese Wien, 5020 Salzburg Sachsenbrunn, 2880 Kirchberg am Gymnasium für Mädchen und Oberstufenrealgymnasium für Mädchen der Mr. Jacob Vidourek (combined Fulbrighter) Ursulinen, Aignerstraße 135, 5061 Elsbethen Tennessee Technological University, TN Bundesgymnasium, Franklinstraße 21, 1210 Mr. Craig Wyatt (new) Wien University of Oklahoma, OK Bundes-Oberstufenrealgymnasium, Mr. Benjamin Vogelpohl (new) Bahnhofstraße 150, 8990 Bad Aussee University of Kentucky, KY Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsakademie, Weinzierler Straße Bundeshandelsschule Bad Aussee, 22, 4560 Kirchdorf an der Krems Bahnhofstraße 150, 8990 Bad Aussee Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche HBLW Bad Aussee, Bahnhofstraße 150, Berufe, Weinzierler Straße 22, 4560 8990 Bad Aussee Kirchdorf an der Krems Mr. Daniel Wynn (new) Ms. Rebecca Vorel (new) University of Delaware, DE University of Maryland College Park, MD


Bundesgymnasium und Mag. (FH) Anna-Maria Jung (09-10) Bundesrealgymnasium, Lerchenfeldstraße Fachhochschule Salzburg 22, 9020 Klagenfurt Master Illustration BG/BRG Europagymnasium, Fashion Institute of Technology Mössingerstraße 25, 9020 Klagenfurt Mag. Philipp Kapl (09-10) Mr. Joseph Zabinski (combined Fulbrighter) Universität Graz Boston College, MA Master International relations Höhere Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Syracuse University chemische Industrie, Rosensteingasse 79, 1170 Wien Mag. Daniela Jauk (07-08) PhD, Gender Studies / Sociology Universität Graz Austrian Fulbright Students in the U.S. University of Akron Program extensions from previous Mag. Katharina Norden (09-10) academic years (25) Universität Wien Master International Affairs MMag. Linda Aicher (08-09) American University PhD in Music Education Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Mag. Romed Perfler (09-10) Wien Universität Wien Northwestern University Master International Relations University of Chicago Mag. Thomas Bernhardt (09-10) Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Mag. Agnes Peterseil (09-10) PhD Development Economics Universität Wien The New School for Social Research Master Non Profit Management The New School for Social Research Felix Faltin, B.A. (09-10) University of Warwick Mag. (FH) Ruth Pollak (09-10) Master Public Policy IMC Krems Georgetown University Master Public Administration Indiana University at Bloomington Mag. Jakob Feinig (06-07) University of Vienna Jonathan Rameseder (08-09) State University of New York - Binghamton, PhD in Systems Biology NY Fulbright Science and Technology Award PhD in Sociology Fachhochschule Hagenberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology Peter Holzkorn, Bakk. (09-10) Technische Universität Wien Mag. Paul Reisinger (09-10) Master Interactive Telecommunications Universität Wien New York University Master Film Production / Directing