Congressional Record—House H1405
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February 8, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1405 this seemingly unending cause. So I am tration’s open-ended stay-the-course ‘‘The New Way Forward,’’ and Mr. requesting in this resolution, House policy in Iraq and start a new direc- WOLF assures me that the entire strat- Resolution 140, that they be taken off tion. That unity has changed control of egy in Iraq is right from the Iraq Study the streets and allowed to focus on a this very Congress, led to the departure Group. mission that would truly help bring of Secretary Rumsfeld, helped drive So I point out to the gentleman from about an end to this war once and for the bipartisan consensus behind the Missouri, and I would be happy to yield all. Iraq Study Group recommendations. to him if he had a response, that the Make no mistake, the job of hunting Yet the Bush administration, in re- plan and the strategy of the Presi- insurgents throughout Iraqi neighbor- sponse, proposes another escalation, a dent’s for a new way forward in Iraq is hoods is noble, but this is a job for the so-called surge. As I said last month on not flying in the face of the Iraq Study Iraqis, not American troops who should this floor, the escalation plan flies in Group. In fact, it follows directly down be on their way home. The time has the face of military experts, of the bi- the path of the Iraq Study Group. If the come for a new strategy, Madam partisan Iraq Study Group, Democratic gentleman from Missouri would care to Speaker, one that focuses on taking and Republican leaders in this Con- engage, I would certainly be willing to our troops out of harm’s way and pres- gress, and the American public. This yield. suring the Iraqi Government to finally Congress has a solemn duty to listen I came here to talk about that sub- take the mantle. and take action. ject matter, in fact, Madam Speaker. Once that government is up and run- Recently, the mother of a young sol- And as I listened to my colleagues in ning, they will be able to put the Iraqi dier being deployed back to Iraq told preparation for this 60-minute Special military into action; develop a plan to me, Congressman CARNAHAN, I am one Order, I will just take from the top ensure Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds ben- of those mothers who is against the some of the notes that come to mind. efit from Iraq’s vast oil resources; cre- war in Iraq. But my son volunteered to And one is, from the beginning, the ate jobs; and do the numerous other serve his country. Please be sure they gentleman from New Jersey spoke things necessary to bring peace to that get the support and equipment they about ExxonMobil’s highest corporate troubled land. need to come home quickly and safely. profits, the highest corporate profits, We must also consider the lives of That mother’s heartfelt request is a perhaps, ever in the history of the millions of Iraqi civilians. Are the in- powerful example of our national unity country, and the promise by this Pelosi surgents using our presence, the pres- and resolve to support our troops and Congress to provide energy independ- ence of United States troops, on the oppose the escalation policy that is not ence. And then the gentlewoman from streets of Baghdad as an excuse to blow making the Iraqi Government more Ohio also spoke about ExxonMobil’s up neighborhoods? Would they be bet- self-reliant, not making the Middle profits, and the details of that were ter protected if we significantly reduce East region more stable, and not mak- such that they have $40 billion in prof- our presence? I believe so, Madam ing our country safer. its. Did they lower prices at the pump? Speaker, and it is another reason that Next week, after this Iraq war has ex- Well, yes. Prices at the pump are a the President and the Secretary of De- tended longer even than World War II, dollar a gallon cheaper than they were fense should consider instituting this this Congress will have an historic, when oil prices were up to $75 a barrel. plan. This is a practical solution to long, and thorough debate about the In fact, the prices at the pump almost that seemingly unsolvable problem. escalation plan. I believe the result directly reflect the lowering of the The use of the Iraqis will reduce war will be a bipartisan vote reflecting the prices and the cost of the barrels of expenses as well, lessening the burden reality that a fourth U.S. escalation is crude oil. on the American taxpayer and bring the wrong direction for our country. And then, of course, the argument about a quicker conclusion to this con- When this Congress acts in unison that there was a class action lawsuit flict. with the American people, great against them for $3.5 billion. And one Madam Speaker, it is time to bring change is possible. In the weeks and might take that as a concern until one this war to a responsible end for the months ahead, I believe this Congress sees that that, Madam Speaker, is Ala- American people, for the Iraqis, and for will undertake its constitutional re- bama. Well, Alabama is a venue shop- our brave troops. And I will continue sponsibilities with all seriousness and pers’ State of choice. Someone who has to do all I can to help make this a re- dispatch to continue this solemn de- a lawsuit, and the attorneys across this ality. bate, to exercise detailed oversight, country know this, when they want to and to use the tools available to us to bring a class action lawsuit, they look f change the direction of the war, to sup- around and they say what State has fa- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a port our troops, to de-escalate the war, vorable laws; what State produces fa- previous order of the House, the gentle- and to escalate the political solution in vorable juries. Where is the class envy woman from the Virgin Islands (Mrs. Iraq. so focused and where they have a belief CHRISTENSEN) is recognized for 5 min- Working together, great change is that you can put 12 men and women on utes. possible. a jury and they would lay out a puni- (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN addressed the f tive case against a company because House. Her remarks will appear here- they see a company as somehow or an- after in the Extensions of Remarks.) THE WAR ON TERROR other an evil Big Brother. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under That is how you end up with these the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- $3.5 billion or maybe $9 billion punitive THE PROPOSED TROOP uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from Iowa damages in a class action lawsuit. ESCALATION IN IRAQ (Mr. KING) is recognized for 60 minutes We have dealt with this, Madam The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a as the designee of the minority leader. Speaker, in the Judiciary Committee previous order of the House, the gen- Mr. KING of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I in the years that I have been in this tleman from Missouri (Mr. CARNAHAN) hope the gentleman from Missouri Congress, and we passed legislation out is recognized for 5 minutes. would just suspend a moment before he of the House, and not successful in the Mr. CARNAHAN. Madam Speaker, I leaves the floor. Senate, that would allow a company want to congratulate the gentleman I would like to have the privilege to that operates in multiple States, in from Georgia on his legislation, and I address the subject matter that he fact, maybe internationally, to be able look forward to working with him on raised and the issue of the Iraq Study to ask that a case that has been venue those efforts with many others here in Group. And it is somewhat of a long shopped and taken to a State where the House. book to read through, but I had a con- there is a minimal amount of economic When the American people and this versation this afternoon with the gen- activity but a maximum amount of pu- Congress stand in unity, great change tleman from Virginia (Mr. WOLF), and I nitive damages offered by the juries is possible. Last fall from every corner have lifted some things out of the Iraq there, a State that has that kind of of our Nation, we spoke loud and clear Study Group’s report that are clearly reputation, we have passed legislation to demand an end to the Bush adminis- part of the President’s agenda in Iraq, here in the House that would allow VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:07 Feb 09, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08FE7.158 H08FEPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMHOUSE H1406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 8, 2007 that to be changed to a Federal venue particularly some leases that were per- said, well, yes, but we think that you rather than a State venue so that we haps profitable in the gulf coast, if you have some to give, and so we are ask- can eliminate some of this ghastly have leases that are deemed by the ing you to discount your work, do it profiteering that is taking place and government to be profitable, we are more cleanly, because we think you the punishment of some of our best going to require you, as a company, to can afford to.