european automobile manufacturers association p u b l i s h e d b y ACEA Communications department Please order your personal copy via [email protected]

s t a t i s t i c s c o m p i l e d b y Quynh-Nhu Huynh, Director Economics & Statistics Please direct enquiries to [email protected]

This paper is made in an environmentally-friendly way and according to FSC certification © ACEA_september 2013 the automobile industry pocket guide


With the latest data on vehicle production, registration, use and taxation, as well as employment and trade, ACEA’s Automobile Industry Pocket Guide provides a map of the European automobile industry today.

As the key figures of this sixth edition clearly show, the automobile industry is the engine of Europe - in terms of its skilled workforce, levels of investment in research and development, the size of its manufacturing base, as well as its trade and tax contributions.

Today, however, the industry stands at a critical juncture, with the economic crisis having taken a harsh toll. Since the 2007 peak, vehicle registrations have shrunk by a quarter - down 4.4 million vehicles. Despite this difficult context, the is ready to meet the challenges ahead. It is also ready to support Europe in its ‘mission growth’ of boosting industry’s share of EU GDP to 20% by 2020. In order to be able to adapt to changing demands, our sector requires a robust industrial policy. It needs a supportive regulatory framework that will foster competitiveness, ultimately stimulating growth, jobs and investment - thereby benefiting the European economy as a whole.

Erik Jonnaert ACEA Secretary General


ACEA as wellwitha numberofindustryassociations withrelatedinterests. It alsoworkswith avarietyofinstitutional,non-governmental, researchandcivil societypartners and maintainsadialogueoninternational issueswithautomobileassociationsaroundtheworld. ACEA hascloserelationswith29 nationalautomobilemanufacturers’associationsinEurope which istheindustrybodyforcollaborative researchanddevelopment. ACEA haspermanentcooperation withtheEuropeanCouncilforAutomotiveR&D(EUCAR), Group, ,Volvo Group. Hyundai MotorEurope,,JaguarLandRover, PSAPeugeotCitroën,, MotorEurope, , ,truckandbusmakers:BMWGroup,Daimler, DAF, ,FordofEurope,GeneralMotors The EuropeanAutomobileManufacturers’Association(ACEA) representsthefifteenEurope-based Members andpartners ACEA Europe’s represents car, van, truckandbusmakers the automobile industrypocketguide 5 ACEA acea

ACEA’s mission and priorities

ACEA’s mission is to: define and voice the common interests, policies and positions of the European automobile industry; engage in dialogue with the European institutions and other stakeholders in order to advance understanding of industry-related issues, and to contribute to effective legislation; act as a portal for specialist knowledge on vehicle-related regulation; communicate the role and importance of the industry, using reliable data and information; monitor activities that influence the automobile industry, cooperating with the actors involved; undertake strategic reflection on the increasingly global challenges of sustainability and competitiveness.

The automotive industry is one of the most regulated sectors in Europe. This legislative framework consists of around 80 EU Directives and over 70 international UNECE regulatory agreements, mostly covering technical issues and standardisation. Through its member companies, ACEA taps into a wealth of technical, regulatory and practical expertise in the following priority fields: – Environment and sustainability – Competitiveness, market and economy – International trade – Research and innovation – Safety – Transport policy

6 are chairedbyACEA staff. compliance. These specialistworkinggroupsare madeupofexpertsfromthe membercompaniesand groups ontopicsasdiverse emissions, roadandvehiclesafety, generaltransport policyandregulatory Board ofDirectors’prioritiesare addressed.Technical expertiseandadvisoryinputcomefromworking The day-to-dayworkoftheACEA secretariatisoverseenbytheSecretaryGeneral,whoensures thatthe Volkswagen CommercialVehicles andVolvo Group. manufacturers thatACEArepresents:DAFTrucks, DaimlerTrucks, Iveco,MANTruck &Bus,Scania, a CommercialVehicle BoardofDirectorsaddressesthespecificissuesfacingcommercial vehicle The ACEABoardofDirectorsiscomposedtheCEOsitsmember companies.Additionally, How ACEA works the automobile industrypocketguide 7 ACEA acea ACEA secretariat

Secretary General Safety Director Communications Director Ivan Hodac Gianfranco Burzio Cara McLaughlin Erik Jonnaert (as from 1 October 2013) Statistics & Economics Director Communications Manager Emissions & Fuels Director Quynh-Nhu Huynh Charles de Lusignan Paul Greening Technical Affairs Director Information Technology Director Environmental Policy Director Erwin Kirschner Marc Vanderstraeten Peter Kunze Trade & Economics Director Finance & Administration Director Legal & Taxation Director Erik Bergelin Tanguy De Decker Marc Greven Trade Adviser Mobility & Sustainable Transport Director Máté Kander Petr Dolejsi Transport Policy Director ACEA Tokyo Office Parliamentary Affairs Director Fuensanta Martinez-Sans Anthony Millington Céline Domecq +81 3 350 563 41 [email protected] Regulatory Affairs Director ACEA Eskil Sturesson Avenue des Nerviens 85 ACEA Beijing Office B-1040 Brussels Dominik Declercq +32 2 732 55 50 +86 10 6463 4055 [email protected] [email protected]

8 the automobile industrypocketguide T. Eindhoven PT NL –5643 Hugo vanderGoeslaan1 DAF TRUCKSNV T. Munich D –80788 Petuelring 130 BMW AG ACEA members

+49 893820 + 31402149111 T. Turin I –10126 Via Nizza250 FIAT SpA T. Stuttgart D –70546 DAIMLER AG

+39 01100311 11 +49 711170 T. Rüsselsheim D – 65423 Bahnhofsplatz ADAM OPELAG GENERAL MOTORSEUROPEAG T. D –50725 Henry Fordstrasse1 FORD OFEUROPEGmbH

+49 6142770 +49 221900

9 ACEA acea

RENAULT SA Quai Alphonse Le Gallo 13-15 F – 92109 Boulogne-Billancourt GmbH T. +33 1 41 04 50 50 Kaiserleipromenade 5 D – 63067 Offenbach am Main T. +49 69 271 4720 TOYOTA MOTOR EUROPE SA Avenue du Bourget 60 B – 1140 Brussels IVECO SpA T. +32 2 745 21 11 Via Puglia 35 I – 10156 Turin T. +39 011 006 11 11 VOLKSWAGEN AG Berliner Ring 2 D – 38436 Wolfsburg JAGUAR T. +49 536 190 MAN Truck & Bus AG Banbury Road (Commercial Vehicle Board member) Gaydon Postfach 50 06 20 UK – Warwick CV35 ORR VOLVO CAR CORPORATION D – 80995 Munich T. +44 19 2664 1111 S – 405 31 Gothenburg T. +49 891 580 01 T. +46 31 59 00 00 PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN SCANIA AB Avenue de la Grande Armée 75 AB VOLVO (Commercial Vehicle Board member) F – 75116 Paris Cedex S – 405 08 Gothenburg S – 151 87 Sodertalje T. +33 1 40 66 55 11 T. +46 31 66 51 70 T. +46 8 55 38 10 00

10 T. Brussels B –1160 Rue JulesCockx12A Fiat DelegationtoEurope T. Brussels B –1040 Rue Froissart133 Daimler EUCorporateRepresentation T. Brussels B –1000 Boulevard deWaterloo 25 BMW GroupRepresentativeOffice Brussels ACEA memberrepresentations the automobile industrypocketguide

+32 22331145 +32 27375030 +32 25136392 T. Brussels B –1050 Rue d’Idalie11-13 & GovernmentRelations GM EuropePublicPolicy T. Brussels B –1000 Rue Montoyer40B7 Ford MotorCompanyEUAffairs

+32 27736981 +32 27610611 T. Brussels B –1040 Rue AbbéCuypers3 Jaguar LandRoverBrusselsOffice T. B-1702 Groot-Bijgaarden A. Gossetlaan28AB3 Iveco DelegationtoEurope T. Brussels B –1040 Rue delaLoi227 Hyundai MotorGroupBrusselsOffice

+32 27412460 +32 24671211 +32 22050360 11

ACEA acea

Volkswagen Group EU Representation MAN Truck & Bus Brussels Office PSA Peugeot Citroën EU Delegation Rue Archimède 25 (Commercial Vehicle Board member) Avenue des Arts 53 B –1000 Brussels Rue Jacques de Lalaing 4 B –1000 Brussels T. +32 2 645 49 53 B –1040 Brussels T. +32 2 545 11 79 T. +32 2 230 41 95

Volvo Car Corporation Renault European Affairs Brussels Office EU Affairs Scania EU Representation Avenue des Arts 40 Rue du Luxembourg 3 (Commercial Vehicle Board member) B –1040 Brussels B –1000 Brussels c/o Kreab Gavin Anderson T. +32 2 274 10 00 T. +32 2 503 69 67 Avenue de Tervueren 2 B –1040 Brussels T. +32 2 737 69 02

Toyota Motor Europe Volvo Group EU Representation Avenue du Bourget 60 Rue du Luxembourg 3 B –1140 Brussels B –1000 Brussels T. +32 2 745 33 13 T. +32 2 482 58 70

12 F. T. B–1200 Brussels Boulevard delaWoluwe 46B6 Motorcycle Industries Belgian FederationofAutomobile& FEBIAC F. T. A–1045 Vienna Wiedner Hauptstrasse63 Automobile IndustryAssociationofAustria FFOE ACEA associated organisations the automobile industrypocketguide

+32 27628171 +32 27786400 +43 590900289 +43 5909004800

_ _ austria

Authorised RepresentativesforBulgaria Association ofCarManufacturersandtheir ACM F. T. CY–1511 Nicosia PoBox 21657 Glafkou Street Acropoleos Avenue 2& Employers &IndustrialistsFederation OEB F. T. BG–1504 Sofia Veliko Tarnovo Street37

+357 22669459 +357 22665102 +359 29433944 +359 29461250

_ _ cyprus bulgaria F. T. DK–1550 CopenhagenV Rådhuspladsen 16 Danish CarImportersAssociation DBI F. T. CZ–110 00Prague1 Opletalova 55 Automotive IndustryAssociationoftheCR AIA CR(SAP)

+45 391624 +45 391623 +420 224239690 +420 221602982

_ _ denmark czech



ACEA acea

_estonia _france _greece AMTEL CCFA AMVIR (SEAA) Union of Estonian Car Sales French Automobile Manufacturers’ Association of Motor Vehicle Importers’ and Service Enterprises Association Representatives Pärnu Road 232 Rue de Presbourg 2 Kifisias Avenue 296 EST–11314 Tallinn F–75008 Paris GR–152 32 Chalandri – Athens T. +372 672 23 08 T. +33 1 49 52 51 00 T. +30 210 689 1400 F. +372 650 21 97 F. +33 1 49 52 51 88 F. +30 210 685 9 022

_finland _germany _hungary AUTOTUOJAT RY VDA AHAI (MGSZ) Association of Automobile Importers German Association of the Automotive Association of the Hungarian in Finland Industry Automotive Industry Ateneuminkuja 2 C Behrenstrasse 35 Thán Károly u. 3– 5 FIN– 00100 Helsinki D –10117 H–1119 Budapest T. +358 207 928 850 T. +49 30 897 8420 T. +36 1 382 9805 F. +358 207 928 859 F. +49 30 897 842 600 F. +36 1 382 9810

14 F. T. Turin I –10128 Corso GalileoFerraris61 Italian AssociationoftheAutomobileIndustry ANFIA F. T. 2 IRL– Dublin Upper PembrokeStreet5 Society oftheIrishMotorIndustry SIMI the automobile industrypocketguide

+39 011545986 +39 0115546511 +353 16619213 +353 16761690

_ _ italy F. T. Vilnius LT– 06319 P. Žadeikosg.1b Lithuanian Autoenterpreneurs’Association LAA F. T. LV–1024 Riga Vangažu Street5 Automotive Association AUTO ASOCIĀCIJAS

+370 52301225 +370 52301224 +371 67540315 +371 67529979

_ _ lithuania latvia F. T. NL–1062 KRAmsterdam PoBox 74800 Koningin Wilhelminaplein30 Motorcycle &AutomobileIndustryAssociation RAI F. T. Gwann MT– Sint PoBox 50Valletta Building Association ofCarImportersMalta ACIM

+31 206463857 + 312050449 +356 21223306 +356 21385774

_ _ the malta

netherlands 15

ACEA acea

_slovenia ADS _norway _portugal Association of Automobile Manufacturers BIL ACAP and Authorised Importers Automobile Importers’ Association Automobile Association of Portugal c/o Chamber of Commerce Økernveien 99 Avenida Torre de Belém 29 & Industry of Slovenia PoBox 71 Økern P –1400– 342 Lisbon Dimiceva 13 N– 0508 Oslo T. +351 21 303 53 00 SI – 1000 Ljubljana T. +47 22 64 64 55 F. +351 21 302 14 74 T. +386 1 58 98 217 F. +47 22 64 85 95 F. +386 1 58 98 219–

_romania _poland ACAROM _slovak republic PZPM Automobile Manufacturers’ Association ZAP SR Polish Automotive Industry Association of Automotive Industry Association SR Al. Niepodległości 69 Str. Banu Mãrãcine – Bl. D5 Tomášikova 26 PL– 02– 626 Warsaw RO –110194 Pitesti SK – 821 01 Bratislava T. +48 22 322 71 98 T. +40 248 211 245 T. +421 2 4364 2235 F. +48 22 322 76 65 F. +40 248 217 990 F. +421 2 4364 2237

16 F. T. Stockholm 41 S –100 Box 26173–Storgatan19 Manufacturers &Importers Swedish AssociationofAutomobile BIL Sweden F. T. Madrid E –28020 Calle Orense34 Iberia MartIIBuilding & Truck Manufacturers Spanish AssociationofCar ANFAC the automobile industrypocketguide

+46 87912311 +46 87004100 +34 913431377 +34 913431345

_ _ sweden of SwissImporters Automobile Association auto-suisse F. T. Istanbul TR– 34676 Atilla Sokak10Altunizade Automotive Manufacturers’Association OSD F. T. Bern CH –3001 Postfach 5232 Mittelstrasse 32

+90 21632194 97 +90 2163182994 +41 313066550 +41 3130665

_ _ switzerland F. T. 2BN SW1P UK – London Great PeterStreet71 Society ofMotorManufacturersandTraders SMMT

+44 2072357112 +44 2072357000

_ united

kingdom 17

ACEA acea

The European Council for Automotive R&D (EUCAR) is the collaborative research organisation of the major automobile manufacturers in Europe, with the mission to strengthen the competitiveness of the manufacturers through strategic collaborative research and innovation. Together with its members, EUCAR drives the strategy and assessment The EUCAR Office is composed of: Simon Godwin of collaborative automotive research and innovation, and establishes [email protected] common work with the European Commission, member states and other Director key stakeholders. These activities facilitate the participation of EUCAR’s members in high-quality projects with industrially-relevant results. Projects Alessandro Coda are mainly financed through the EU Framework Programmes for research [email protected] and innovation, matched with industry funding. Research Coordinator EUCAR’s activities also cover commercial vehicle research and development. Assistant to Chairman and Director [email protected] EUCAR collaborative research is focused on the following domains: Sustainable propulsion EUCAR members are: Safe and integrated mobility BMW, DAF, Daimler, Fiat, Affordability and competitiveness Ford Europe, GM/, EUCAR is governed by its Council, composed of the heads , , PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault, of the research and advanced development divisions of the member Scania, Volkswagen, companies. EUCAR’s Chairman is nominated annually from the Council and Volvo Group. on a rotating basis.


Key Figures the automobile industry pocket guide

The automobile industry: the engine 12.9 million people work of Europe Trucks and deliver the goods in the sector – representing 5.3% and services we take for granted of the EU employed population. in our daily lives, carrying 75% of The 3 million high-skilled jobs freight transported over land and in automotive manufacturing delivering 18 billion tonnes represent 10% of the EU’s of goods per year. manufacturing employment.

The automotive sector is the EU’s largest investor in R&D, accounting for 25% of total R&D Many of our essential public spending. Cars and buses offer freedom and services - such as postal, waste mobility for all, providing us with and emergency services - are The EU auto industry invests over direct access to education, health delivered by cars, trucks and €32 billion into R&D and applies and employment. vans. for 9,500 patents per year. Key figures Key

21 key figures

Vehicle manufacturing is a strategic industry in the EU, Motor vehicles account for over where 16.2 million cars, €385 billion in tax contribution vans, trucks and buses are in just 14 EU countries - a vital manufactured. source of government revenue. ACEA’s members operate 208 vehicle assembly and production plants in 22 countries across Europe.

Europe’s cars, vans, trucks The €839 billion turnover and buses are the cleanest, safest generated by the automotive and quietest in the world. sector represents 6.9% of EU Europe leads the way in clean The European auto industry is GDP. production, with decreasing a global player, delivering The automobile industry has quantities of water and energy 6.6 million ‘Made in Europe’ ripple effects throughout the used to manufacture a vehicle, vehicles around the world, and economy, supporting a vast and much less CO2 and waste bringing in a €92 billion trade supply chain and generating an produced in the process. surplus. array of business services.

22 the automobile industry pocket guide

Driving sustainable mobility...

Europe’s cars, vans, trucks and buses are the cleanest, safest and quietest in the world.

Europe leads the way in clean production, with decreasing quantities of water and energy used to manufacture a vehicle, and much less CO2 and waste being produced in the process. Over the past 30 years, safety technologies have helped halve the number of road deaths, despite a three-fold increase in traffic. One car in the 1970s produced as many pollutant emissions as 100 cars today. The average car engine emits 28 times less carbon monoxide than 20 years ago. In 2012, 71% of new cars emitted less than 140g of CO2 per kilometre, and more than half of those less than 120g. An average new car today consumes 15% less fuel per 100km than 10 years ago. Noise from passenger cars has been reduced by 90% since 1970. Pollutant emissions from trucks have been slashed to near-zero levels, down 98% since 1990. Trucks’ fuel consumption - and therefore CO2 emissions - has decreased by over a third since 1970. A modern truck needs just 1 litre of fuel to transport 1 tonne of goods over a distance of 100km.

25 of today’s trucks and buses are quieter than one built in 1980. figures Key

23 key figures

The automobile sector is the EU’s biggest investor in R&D

R&D shares of sectors of the main world regions | 2011

Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology Technology hardware & equipment Automobiles & parts Software & computer services Electronical equipment Chemicals Industrial engineering Aerospace & defence Leisure goods General industrials Other

EU 15% 12% 25% 3% 5% 5% 5% 6% 1 1 23%

US 23% 23% 7% 16% 2% 3% 3% 4% 1 4% 13%

Japan 11% 11% 25% 4% 11% 7% 3% 11% 5% 13%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Source: The 2012 EU industrial r&d investment scoreboard European commission, jrc/dg rtd

24 the automobile industry pocket guide

Spurring innovation

Patent applications filed by the automotive sector |2012

55.6% EU In 2012, 21.6% 14.8% US a total of 9,541 patents were filed by the automotive sector 1.9% Switzerland at the European Patent Office 1.2% South Korea

0.9% Canada

0.8% China

0.8% Taiwan

2.4% Others

Source: based on European Patent Office data - 2013 figures Key


Employment key figures

Key figures

Production Total motor vehicles (World) 2012 84.1m units Total motor vehicles (EU27) 2012 16.2m units = 19% of worldwide MV production Total passenger cars (World) 2012 63.1m units Total passenger cars (EU27) 2012 14.6m units = 23% of worldwide PC production Production value 2011 € 718.7bn New Registrations Total motor vehicles (World) 2012 82.1m units Total motor vehicles (EU27) 2012 13.7m units = 17% of worldwide MV registrations/sales Total passenger cars (World) 2012 69.1m units Total passenger cars (EU27) 2012 12.1m units = 18% of worldwide PC registrations/sales Diesel (Western Europe) 2012 55% Employment Manufacture of motor vehicles (EU27) 2010 2.2m people = 7.2% of EU manufacturing Total (including indirect, EU27) 2010 12.9m people = 5.3% of EU employed population Turnover Manufacture of motor vehicles (EU27) 2011 €840.5bn R&D Investment ACEA members 2012 €32.3bn = 4% of turnover Value Added EU27 2010 €141.1bn = 9% of manufacturing sector Exports Extra-EU27 2012 €119.8bn Imports Extra-EU27 2012 €27.9bn Trade Balance Extra-EU27 2012 €91.9bn MV in use (Parc) Total motor vehicles 2011 277.0m units (EU27) Passenger Cars 2011 242.2m units Motorisation rate (cars) 2011 483 per 1,000 inhab. Tax Revenue from Motor Vehicles (EU15) 2012 €384.6bn

W.Europe = EU15 + EFTA

Source: ACEA, VDA, AAA, IHS Global Insight, Eurostat

26 Source: Based on Eurostat most recent data available - 2010 Automobile sector:directandindirect*employment generates 12.9millionjobsintheEU The automotive industry Employment › enting andleasingofmotorvehicles › R etail saleofautomotivefuel › R ale ofmotorvehiclepartsandaccessories › S aintenance andrepairofmotorvehicles › M ale ofmotorvehicles › S anufacture ofelectricmotors,generatorsandtransformers › M anufacture ofcomputersandotherinformationprocessingequipment › M anufacture ofcoolingandventilationequipment › M anufacture ofbearings,gears,gearinganddrivingelements › M anufacture, retreadingandrebuildingofrubbertyrestubes › M oTHERMANUFACTURING ATIVITIES quipment andaccessories › E oachwork, trailers,caravans › C utomobile manufacturing › A ndirect employmentdatadoesnot reportemploymentinrawmaterialsector(egsteel,aluminium, glass,etc),textile,drivingschools,licensingactivities,vehicle testing,vehicleinsuranceandfinancing,etc. * I onstruction ofbridgesand tunnels › C onstruction ofroadsandmotorways › C CONSTRUCTION › TRANSPOR Freight transportbyroad Passenger landtransport(urbanandsuburban, taxi) AUTOMBILE SE AUTOMTIVE INDSTR Y (PRODUCTIONPERATIONS) (NACE h4941) (NACE c2711) (NACE c2825) (NACE c2815) (NACE c2211) (NACE f4213) (NACE f4211) (NACE h493) (NACE n771) (NACE g473) (NACE g453) (NACE g452) (NACE g451) (NACE c262) (NACE c293) (NACE c292) (NACE c291) 0.7m jobs 4.8m jobs 4.3m jobs 0.8m jobs 2.2m jobs indirect direct non-manufacturing manufacturing 10.7m jobs 9.9m jobs 3.0m jobs indirect 12.9m jobs Total 29

Taxation Trade Employment employment

Trends in automotive employment in the EU

EU automobile employment – by year | 2008 – 2010







6,000,000 manufacturing direct 4,000,000 manufacturing indirect* automobile use 2,000,000 Transport 0 Construction 2008 2009 2010

Employment related to the automotive sector 2008 2009 2010 % chg 10/08 Manufacturing direct 2,233,422 2,218,600 2,176,498 -2.5% Manufacturing indirect * 813,947 877,120 816,994 0.4% Automobile use 4,443,645 4,549,700 4,348,100 -2.2% Transport 5,111,300 4,816,500 4,818,900 -5.7% Construction 759,100 748,400 713,200 -6.0%

Total 13,361,414 13,210,320 12,873,692 -3.7% b le - 2010 availa most recent com p rehensive data Source : Based on E urostat

* Indirect employment data does not report employment in raw material sector (eg steel, aluminium, glass, etc), textile, driving schools, licensing activities, vehicle testing, vehicle insurance and financing, etc.

30 Source: Based on Eurostat data - 2010

Source: BasedonEurostat most recentdata availa ble -2010 Total manufacturingemploymentintheEU EU’s10% of manufacturingemployment isintheautomotive sector Employment EU27 employedpopulation inthemanufacturingsector EU27 totalemploymentin2010 EU27 totalpopulationin2010 Total automotiveemployment(manufacturing,services*andconstruction) Manufacturing employmentrelatedtotheautomotive sector Direct automotiveemployment(manufacturing) indirectautomotive 2.7% directautomotive 7.3% manufacturing employment0.8m manufacturing employment2.2m

(% share) 216.4m people 493.8m people 30.0m people 12.9m people 3.0m people 2.2m people

= 13.9%oftotalemployed population = 5.3%ofEUemployedpopulation = 10.0%oftotalEUemploymentinmanufacturing = 7.3%oftotalEUemploymentinmanufacturing EU manufacturingemployment non-automotive 30m *in activitiesspecified

90.0% 31

Taxation Trade Employment employment

A closer look at automotive employment

Direct automotive employment - by country | 2010

Units - in thousands 900

800 749 700




300 225 200 171 149 141 140 136 117 100 66 65 51 35 30 29 20 13 10 7 4 3 3 1 1 0 0 DE FR IT PL ES CZ UK RO SE HU SK BE PT AT NL SI BG FI DK EE IE LT LV CY

urostat data 2010 - revised in 2013 data Source : Based on E urostat

32 Source: Based on Eurostat data - 2010 Employment* –bymodeoftransportintheEU alltransport-related of jobs foralmosthalf accounts Road transport Employment

Road transport

46.5% Passenger transport Feight transport 28.0% 18.5% (% share) | 2010 * Employmentincompaniesthemain activityofwhichliesinthetransportmodeconcerned Railways Pipelines Warehousing andsupportactivities Postal andcourieractivities Inland watertransport Sea transport Air transport 23.9% 17.0% 6.5% 0.4% 0.2% 1.7% 3.8% 33

Taxation Trade Employment production

Production Production

23.2% of the world’s cars are produced in the EU

Passenger car production - international comparison (% share) | 2000 – 2012

Units eu* NAFTA Japan south Korea BRIC 25,000,000 37.1%

35.2% 20,000,000 Production 39.3% 34.1% 26.2% 15,000,000 23.2%

10,000,000 19.2% 20.3% 20.3% 14.3% 15.8% 13.6% 14.2% 11.0% 8.7% 5,000,000 6.6% 6.6% 8.4% 7.2% 6.3%


Source : OICA - 2013 2000 2005 2010 2012

Passenger car production - world | 2012

Volume % share EU* 14,611,284 23.2% NAFTA 6,956,158 11.0% Japan 8,554,219 13.6% south Korea 4,167,089 6.6% BRIC 23,401,647 37.1% Others 5,379,144 8.5% Total World 63,069,541 100% Source : OICA – 2013 * Constant EU27 perimeter throughout the period

37 Production

Passenger car production - world (% share) | 2012

11.0% NAFTA South Korea 6.6% 13.6% Japan India 5.2%

23.2% EU Asia-Others 4.3% Brazil 4.2% 24.6% China Others 3.2% 3.1% Asia - others : , Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand Europe - others : Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine

Source : ACEA - OICA – 2013 europe - Others 1.0% Others : Argentina, Egypt, Iran, South Africa, Uzbekistan

Commercial vehicle production - world (% share) | 2012

Thailand 7.2% 6.6% Japan India 4.1% 7.7% EU europe - Others 3.6%

17.8% China Others 3.5% Brazil 3.4% 41.9% NAFTA Turkey 2.7% Asia-Others 2.2% Asia - others : Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan Europe - others : Russia, Serbia, Ukraine Source : ACEA - OICA – 2013 South Korea 1.9% Others : Argentina, Egypt, Iran, South Africa, Uzbekistan

38 Production

World car production is on the rise

World passenger car production – trend | 1997-2012

Units +5.2% +2.9% 60,000,000 +22.0% +6.6% -0.9% +6.5% 50,000,000 +5.2% -9.4% +6.2% Production +3.7% +3.8% +1.5% +4.2% -3.4% 40,000,000 -0.7%



Source : B ASED ON OICA - 2013 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

World passenger car production – international comparison | 2001-2012

Units 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 EU 10,000,000 China 8,000,000 Japan 6,000,000 South Korea India 4,000,000 USA 2,000,000 Brazil 0 Russia

Source : B ASED ON OICA – 2013 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

39 Production

World commercial vehicle production is climbing

World commercial vehicle production - trend | 1999-2012

Units 25,000,000 +4.5% +6.7% -1.6% +3.9% +4.1% 20,000,000 +6.0% -1.6% +38.1% +7.0% -11.3% +4.0% -4.0% 15,000,000 -21.2%




Source : B ASED ON OICA – 2013 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

World commercial vehicle production - international comparison | 2001-2012

Units 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 USA 5,000,000 China 4,000,000 EU 3,000,000 Thailand Canada 2,000,000 Japan 1,000,000 Mexico 0 India

Source : B ASED ON OICA – 2013 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

40 Production

16.2 million vehicles are produced in the EU

Motor vehicle production in the EU – by country | 2012

+ TOTAL AUSTRIA 123,602 19,060 142,662 BELGIUM 507,204 33,890 541,094

Production CZECH REPUBLIC 1,171,774 568 1,172,342 FINLAND 2,900 2,900 ² 1,682,814 284,951 n.a. 1,967,765 ² 5,388,456 260,813 n.a. 5,649,269 HUNGARY 215,440 2,400 217,840 ITALY 396,817 241,186 33,411 671,414 NETHERLANDS 28,000 21,800 49,800 POLAND 540,000 103,923 764 644,687 PORTUGAL 115,735 43,831 3,990 163,556 ROMANIA 326,556 11,187 22 337,765 SLOVAKIA 900,000 900,000 SLOVENIA 126,836 4,113 130,949 SPAIN 1,539,680 392,624 46,875 1,979,179 SWEDEN ² 162,814 n.a. 162,814 UNITED KINGDOM 1,464,906 94,045 16,289 1,575,240

EU ¹ 14,611,284 1,435,990 186,204 16,233,478 ational A utomo b ile ssociations) Source : ACEA - 2012 ( N ational

1. double countings are deducted from the totals 2. Figures for CVs + B&C were not communicated in 2012

41 Production

Trends in EU car production

Passenger car production in the EU | 1990-2012


18,000,000 +5.6% +3.1% +0.2% +1.9% +1.3% +1.1% -1.2% -1.2% -0.9% -6.7% +2.7% 16,000,000 +8.8% +9.9% +4.3% -6.9% -12.8% 14,000,000 +2% +3.8% +2.9% -3.2% +12.4% 12,000,000 -15.1% 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0

Source : ACEA – 2013 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

42 Production

Trends in EU commercial vehicle production

Commercial vehicle production in the EU | 1990-2012

Units 3,000,000

+5.4% Production +3.8% -5.2% +13.2% +3.3% -3.3% +3.8% +7.5% -6.0% +2.3% -3.3% +17.3% +9.8% 2,000,000 +39.3% -7.7% +10.2% +2.2% -1.0% -18.7% +20.6% -23.5% -47.3%



Source : ACEA - 2013 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

43 Production

The EU produces 35 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants

Motor vehicle production per 1,000 inhabitants | 2012

180 167 160


120 112 100

80 69 64 60 49 43 40 35 30 25 22 20 17 17 17 16 16 11 3 1

Production / 1,000 inhabitants 0 SK CZ DE SI BE ES FR UK HU SE* AT PL RO PT IT NL FI* urostat; ACEA - 2013 Source : E urostat;


* Only production of cars available in 2012

44 Production

ACEA members operate 208 plants across Europe

Automobile assembly and production plants in Europe

eu Plants NON - EU Plants austria 6 2 Belgium 8 Kazakhstan 2 Production Bulgaria 1 russia 32 czech Republic 11 Serbia 2 Finland 2 Turkey 15 France 36 ukraine 5 Germany 46 Uzbekistan 2 Hungary 5 Italy 23 ALL manufacturers Countries Plants Netherlands 9 Total Europe 25 293 Poland 14 Total EU 18 233 Portugal 6 Romania 3 Acea members Countries Plants Slovakia 3 Total Europe 22 208 Slovenia 1 Total EU 17 183 Spain 15 sweden 14 united Kingdom 30 Source : ACEA - 2013

45 Production

Europe leads the way in resource-efficient production

European automobile manufacturers have significantly reduced the environmental impact of vehicle production in recent years. Long-term strategies to reduce water consumption have made it possible to reduce the water use per car produced by 28.5% from 2005 to 2012. This includes the increased application of re-circulation technologies for the reuse of water. Water used

million m3 m3/car 100 6.50 95 -35.3% 90 6.00 85 80 5.50 75 70 5.00 65 60 4.50 55 50 4.00

Source : ACEA - 2013 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Water total (million m3/year) Water per unit produced (m3/car) Total industry volume production

46 Production

Energy consumption

million MWh MWh/car 45 -10.7% 3.3

40 3.1 As cars are equipped with more and more features to make 35 them safer, more comfortable and more environmentally- 2.9 friendly, the complexity of production increases as well,

30 which affects energy demand. However, manufacturers Production

2.7 constantly work on improving energy-efficiency. As a 25 result, total energy consumption over the last years, from 2005 to 2012, decreased by 10.7%. Fluctuation in energy 20 2.5 per car produced can be explained by lower volumes in Source : ACEA - 2013 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 production in certain years and weather conditions such Energy total (million MWh/year) Energy per unit produced (MWh/car) Total industry volume production as the harsh winter of 2012.

CO2 emissions

million tons tons/car 14 0.90

13 0.85

12 0.80 0.75 11 -19.0% 0.70 10 0.65 9 0.60 8 0.55 The CO2 emissions per vehicle produced in the same 7 0.50 period dropped by 10.4%, while the overall figure went Source : ACEA - 2013 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 down by 19.0%, reflecting the industry’s efforts to reduce CO2 emissions total (million t/year) CO2 emissions per unit produced (t/car) Total industry volume production CO2 emissions.

47 Production

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions

tons kg/car 65,000 4.10

3.90 60,000 3.70 55,000 - 42.6% 3.50

50,000 3.30

45,000 3.10 - 34.8% 2.90 40,000 2.70 35,000 2.50

30,000 2.30

Source : ACEA - 2013 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

VOC emissions total (t) VOC emissions per unit produced (kg/car) Total industry volume production

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are organic solvents mainly emitted from paintshops. The graph shows the VOC emissions per car produced and the absolute emissions of all passenger car manufacturers altogether. With new technologies such as water-based paints that replace solvent-based paints, manufacturers have been able to reduce emissions by 34.8% per vehicle over the last eight years.

48 Production

Waste (excluding scrap metal)

tons kg/car 1,700,000 120.00

-3.8% 1,600,000 100.00


80.00 Production 1,400,000 60.00 1,300,000 40.00 1,200,000

1,100,000 +6.3% 20.00

1,000,000 0.00

Source : ACEA - 2013 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Waste total (t/year) excluding scrap metal Waste per unit produced (kg/car) excluding scrap metal Total industry volume production

The total amount of waste generated by the manufacturing of vehicles went down 3.8% over eight years. The 6.3% increase noted in the waste per unit produced occurs mainly due to the increasing portion of one-way packaging which is a result of globalisation. Fluctuation both in absolute waste and waste per car, especially in 2008, can be explained by the occurrence of singular events such as the formation of demolition waste.


Registrations Registrations

Europe accounts for 23% of all motor vehicle registrations

New motor vehicle registrations – world (market shares) | 2012

Motor Vehicles in 1,000 units 2012 % share 2011 % change 12/11 Europe 22.6% America 27.0% Europe 18,573 22.6% 19,648 -5.5% EU 16.8% Nafta 21.4% EU 13,749 16.8% 15,065 -8.7% EFTA 0.7% USA 18.0% Russia 3.9% EFTA 549 0.7% 539 1.9% Turkey 1.0% Mercosur 5.6% Russia 3,194 3.9% 2,902 10.0% Ukraine 0.3% Brazil 4.6% Turkey 818 1.0% 911 -10.2% Ukraine 264 0.3% 231 14.2% America 22,151 27.0% 20,105 10.2% r ations Regist NAFTA 17,525 21.4% 15,596 12.4% of which usa 14,786 18.0% 13,041 13.4% Mercosur 4,626 5.6% 4,509 2.6% Asia 41.0% of which Brazil 3,796 4.6% 3,625 4.7% China 23.5% Asia 33,644 41.0% 30,594 10.0% Others 9.4% Japan 6.5% china 19,304 23.5% 18,505 4.3% India 4.4% south Korea 1.9% India 3,580 4.4% 3,292 8.8% Asia-Others 1 4.7% Japan 5,370 6.5% 4,210 27.5% south Korea 1,542 1.9% 1,580 -2.4% Asia-Others 1 3,849 4.7% 3,008 28.0% Others 7,704 9.4% 8,110 -5.0% Total World 82,072 100.0% 78,457 4.6%

Source : ACEA , VDA - 2013 1. indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

53 registrations

Over 16 million cars were registered in Europe in 2012

New passenger car registrations - world (market shares) | 2012

Passenger Cars in 1,000 units 2012 % share 2011 % change 12/11 Europe 23.5% America 31.2% Europe 16,257 23.5% 17,048 -4.6% EU 17.5% Nafta 24.8% EU 12,054 17.5% 13,130 -8.2% EFTA 0.7% USA 20.9% Russia 4.3% EFTA 474 0.7% 462 2.5% Turkey 0.8% Mercosur 6.4% Russia 2,935 4.3% 2,654 10.6% Ukraine 0.3% Brazil 5.3% Turkey 556 0.8% 594 -6.3% Ukraine 238 0.3% 207 14.5% America 1 21,529 31.2% 19,492 10.4% NAFTA 17,098 24.8% 15,221 12.3% of which USA 14,440 20.9% 12,734 13.4% Mercosur 4,431 6.4% 4,271 3.7% Asia 35% of which Brazil 3,634 5.3% 3,426 6.1% China 19.2% Asia 24,200 35.0% 21,428 12.9% Others 10.2% Japan 6.6% China 13,239 19.2% 12,214 8.4% India 4.0% south Korea 1.9% India 2,777 4.0% 2,514 10.4% Asia-Others 2 3.3% Japan 4,572 6.6% 3,525 29.7% south Korea 1,307 1.9% 1,316 -0.7% Asia-Others 2 2,306 3.3% 1,859 24.1% Others 7,074 10.2% 7,448 -5.0% 1. including light commercial vehicles Total World 69,060 100.0% 65,416 5.6%

Source : ACEA , VDA - 2013 2. indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

54 Registrations

Europe accounts for 18% of worldwide commercial vehicle registrations

New commercial vehicle registrations – world (market shares) | 2012

Commercial Vehicles in 1,000 units 2012 % share 2011 % change 12/11 Europe 17.8% America 4.8% Europe 2,316 17.8% 2,600 -10.9% EU 13.0% Nafta 3.3% EU 1,695 13.0% 1,935 -12.4% EFTA 0.6% USA 2.7% Turkey 2.0% EFTA 75 0.6% 76 -1.8% Russia 2.0% Mercosur 1.5% Russia 258 2.0% 248 4.1% Ukraine 0.2% Brazil 1.2% Turkey 261 2.0% 317 -17.6% Ukraine 26 0.2% 23 10.9% America 1 622 4.8% 613 1.4% r ations Regist NAFTA 427 3.3% 376 13.7% of which USA 346 2.7% 306 13.0% Mercosur 195 1.5% 237 -18.0% Asia 72.6% of which Brazil 161 1.2% 200 -19.1% China 46.6% Asia 9,444 72.6% 9,166 3.0% Others 4.8% India 6.2% china 6,065 46.6% 6,291 -3.6% Japan 6.1% south Korea 1.8% India 803 6.2% 777 3.3% Asia-Others 2 11.9% Japan 797 6.1% 685 16.3% south Korea 235 1.8% 263 -10.8% Asia-Others 2 1,543 11.9% 1,149 34.3% Others 630 4.8% 662 -4.8% 1. excluding light commercial vehicles Total World 13,012 100.0% 13,041 -0.2%

Source : VDA , ACEA - 2013 2. indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

55 registrations

The EU represents a market of almost 14 million vehicles

Motor vehicle registrations in the EU - by country (in units) | 2012

TOTAL TOTAL AT 336,010 31,508 6,589 722 374,829 LV 10,665 2,236 1,605 92 14,598 BE 486,737 54,607 8,474 701 550,519 LT 12,170 1,598 2,759 145 16,672 BG 19,419 3,118 n.a. n.a. 22,537 LU 50,398 3,262 995 159 54,814 CY 10,967 1,293 88 n.a. 12,348 NL 502,528 56,576 12,002 779 571,885 CZ 174,009 11,821 7,234 731 193,795 PL 273,589 38,507 16,436 1,271 329,803 DK 170,763 24,109 3,770 506 199,148 PT 95,290 16,011 1,892 223 113,416 EE 17,267 2,139 726 116 20,248 RO 66,436 9,389 2,817 1,463 80,105

FI 111,251 11,469 3,252 533 126,505 SK 69,268 5,103 3,511 307 78,189 FR 1,898,760 381,233 45,678 6,062 2,331,733 SI 48,648 6,412 1,097 92 56,249 DE 3,082,504 219,422 86,937 5,139 3,394,002 ES 699,589 76,933 12,827 1,642 790,991

GR 58,482 3,707 211 118 62,518 SE 279,899 39,303 5,610 1,629 326,441 HU 53,059 10,900 4,158 51 68,168 UK 2,044,609 239,641 42,280 7,233 2,333,763 IE 79,498 10,874 1,120 236 91,728 EU ¹ 12,053,904 1,377,283 285,809 32,081 13,749,077

IT 1,402,089 116,112 13,741 2,131 1,534,073 IS 7,902 444 87 69 8,502 NO 137,967 31,850 5,861 1,231 176,909 CH 328,139 30,922 3,853 509 363,423

EFTA 474,008 63,216 9,801 1,809 548,834

ational A utomo b ile ssociations) Source : ACEA - 2013 ( N ational 1. data for Malta not available EU+EFTA 12,527,912 1,440,499 295,610 33,890 14,297,911

56 Registrations

Vehicle sales mirror economic growth

New passenger car registrations in the EU and GDP | 1990-2012

New PC registrations – EU EU GDP Eurostat forecast 16,000,000 +4 +3 15,000,000 +2 14,000,000 +1 +0

13,000,000 GDP growth (%) -1

New P C registrations (units) 12,000,000 -2 -3 11,000,000 -4 10,000,000 -5 r ations Regist

Source : AAA , ACEA D G EC F IN 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

New commercial vehicle registrations in the EU and GDP | 1997-2012

New CV registrations – EU EU GDP Eurostat forecast 2,700,000 +4 +3 2,500,000 +2 2,300,000 +1 +0

2,100,000 GDP growth (%) -1 1,900,000 -2 New C V registrations (units) -3 1,700,000 -4 1,500,000 -5

Source : AAA , ACEA D G EC F IN 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

57 registrations

Trend in new EU car registrations

New passenger car registrations in the EU (in units – % change) | 1990-2012

Units 16,000,000 +1.0% +3.8% 15,000,000 +1.6% -0.6% +5.0% +5.0% -2.1% +0.6% -8.0% -1.2% 14,000,000 +7.2% -2.7% -5.5% +0.8% -1.7% 13,000,000 -0.6% +4.9% +6.3% -8.3% 12,000,000 +6.0% +0.7%

11,000,000 -16.9%


Source : ACEA - 2013 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

58 Registrations

Trend in new EU commercial vehicle registrations

New registrations in the EU (in units – % change) | 1997-2012

Units 2,500,000 +5.7% +3.0% +0.4% +9.5% -9.7% 2,000,000, +5.6% +9.0% -2.8% -2.5% -2.7% +13.1% +7.5% +8.7% 1,500,000 -29.5% -7.4%



0 r ations Regist data - 2013 Source : ACEA , b ased on AAA data 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

New medium & heavy commercial vehicle registrations in the EU (in units – % change) | 1997-2012

Units 500,000 +6.5% +6.4% -2.6% 400,000 +6.1% +12.7% +2.5% -3.7% +9.5% +16.5% -10.0% -1.2% +19.7% 300,000 -6.0% +7.1% -44.4% 200,000



data - 2013 Source : ACEA , b ased on AAA data 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

59 registrations

A closer look at consumer demand

New passenger cars sold in Europe* – by segment (in units) | 1994-2012

Units Small (A+B) Lower Medium (C) Upper Medium (D) Luxury (E+F) MPV SUV Others 6,000,000







Source : IHS Glo b al I nsi g ht 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

New cars sold in Europe* – by segment (% share) | 2012

lower medium (C) 23.0% upper medium (D) 12.0% Luxury (E+F) 4.0% MPV 12.0% SUV 12.0% Others 2.0% Small (A+B) 35.0%

Source : IHS Glo b al I nsi g ht * Europe = EU27 (without Luxembourg) + Norway, Switzerland

60 More information on trends in new car characteristics at Registrations

2.4 new cars were registered per 100 inhabitants in the EU in 2012

New passenger car registrations per 100 inhabitants (in units) | 2012



10.0 9.8



4.9 4.4 4.0 r ations Regist 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.0 LU CH BE AT DE NO IS UK FR DK NL SE SI IT FI IE CZ ES CY EE SK PT PL HU GR LV LT RO BG

EU 15 EU 11

EU 27 EU = EU27, data for Malta n.a. EU15 = AT, BE, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GR, IE, IT, LU, NL, PT, SE, UK

urostat - 2013 Source : ACEA , E urostat EU11 = BG, CY, CZ, EE, HU, LV, LT, PL, RO, SK, SI

61 registrations

The drive towards fuel efficiency

Demand for passenger cars ≤ 120g CO2 /km | 1995-2012

Units 4,594,922

4,500,000 4,283,478 4,000,000 3,865,560

3,500,000 3,247,803 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,057,924 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,494,098 +6.8% 1,008,992 1,000,000 839,488 958,591 904,845 583,614 500,000 159,384 306,514 813 20,339 88,174 0 2 0

data - 1995-2009: Source : Based on AAA data MT n.a.) f or BG, RO , C Y, EU 15, 2010-2012: 23 countries (data 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

New passenger cars in the EU – by CO2 emissions | 1995-2012


65% CO2 emissions (g/km)

42% 37% 39% 161+ 35% 36%34% 29% 31% 30% 33% 27% 27% 29% 33% 32% 28% 23% 26% 25% 25% 23% 21% 160-141 20% 21% 19% 19% 17% 16% 15% 18% 11% 12% 140-121 7% 8% 3% 3% 0% 0% 120 and less

data - 1995-2009: Source : Based on AAA data MT n.a.) f or BG, RO , C Y, EU 15, 2010-2012: 23 countries (data 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

62 Registrations

CO2 emissions of new cars: continuing the downward trend

Average CO2 emissions of new cars in the EU in 2012 (in gCO2 /km)

average CO2 of new cars % change in 2012 2012/2007

DK 117 -25.7% FI: 139 ; -21.7% PT 119 -16.6% SE: 139 ; -23.3% NL 123 -25.1% FR 124 -16.8% EE: 150 IE 125 -24.2%

GR 127 -22.9% DK: 117 ; -25.7% LV: 153 BE 128 -16.4% IE: 125 ; -24.2% UK: 133 ; -18.8% IT 128 -13.1% LT: 145 r ations Regist ES 132 -16.0% NL: 123 ; -25.1% UK 133 -18.8% PL: 141 ; -8.4% DE: 141 ; -17.0% SI 134 BE: 128 ; -16.4% LU 138 -16.3% LU: 138 ; -16.3% CZ: 141 AT 138 -15.0% FI 139 -21.7% FR: 124 ; -16.8% SK: 141 AT: 138 ; -15.0% SE 139 -23.3% SI: 134 HU 140 HU: 140 SK 141 PL 141 -8.6% PT: 119 ; -16.6% IT: 128 ; -13.1% CZ 141 ES: 132 ; -16.% DE 141 -17.0% LT 145 GR: 127 ; -22.9% EE 150

LV 153 Source: Acea - 2013

63 registrations

Most new cars have a

Diesel penetration in the EU15 + EFTA (% of new cars registered) | 1990-2012

% share 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

) f or the EU 15 + E F TA Source : b ased on AAA (data 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Diesel penetration in the EU15 + EFTA – by country (% of new cars registered) | 2012

% share 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 LU IE FR PT ES BE SE NO AT IT UK IS DE GR DK FI CH NL

) f or EU 15 + E F TA Source : b ased on AAA (data EU15 + EFTA

64 More information on trends in new car characteristics at in Use Vehicles

Vehicles in Use Vehicles in use

Cars in the EU are on average 8.3 years old

Average passenger car age – by country | 2010

Years 14

12.0 11.9 12 11.5 10.7 10.1 10 9.8 8.3 8.3 8.2 8.0 8 7.5 7.3 6.3 6



AC , ACEA - 2012 0


Passenger car fleet* – by age(% share) | 2010 Vehicles in Use

35.6% Cars > 10 years old

32.1% Cars 5-10 years old

32.2% Cars ≤ 5 years old AC , ACEA - 2012

Source : AN F * for available countries: Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom.

67 vehicles in use

The share of diesel in the EU car fleet is gradually increasing

EU car fleet – by fuel type(% share) | 2012

Gasoline 60.6%

Diesel 35.9%

Other 3.4% AC , ACEA - 2013

Source : AN F * for available countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom.

EU car fleet – by fuel type(% share) | 2010

Gasoline 61.5%

Diesel 35.3%

Other 3.2% AC , ACEA - 2012

Source : AN F * for available countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

68 Vehicles in use

The EU’s vehicle fleet continues to grow

EU passenger car fleet (in units) | 1990 – 2011

Units - in millions 300







- 2013 Source : EUROSTAT 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011

EU commercial vehicle fleet (in units) | 1990 – 2011

Units - in millions

40 Vehicles in Use 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

- 2013 Source : EUROSTAT 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2011

69 vehicles in use

Vehicle spread in the EU

Passenger car fleet – by country (% share - in units) | 2011

Units - in millions

45 17.7% 40 15.3% 35 13.2% 30 12.1%

25 9.2%

20 7.5%


10 3.2% 2.2% 2.1% 5 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.8% 1.8% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0 DE IT FR UK ES PL NL BE GR PT CZ AT SE RO FI HU BG DK IE SK LT SI LV EE CY LU MT

- 2013 Source : EUROSTAT

70 Vehicles in use

The EU has the largest car fleet in the world

Passenger car fleet (in units) | 2011

Units – in millions 300

250 242.2 200

150 130.72 100 57.7 55.9 50 35.0 27.5 14.2 13.5 0 EU* USA JAPAN CHINA RUSSIA BRAZIL S. KOREA INDIA urostat, IHS Glo b al I nsi g ht Source : E urostat,

Passenger car fleet growth (in units) | 1995-2011

Units – in millions Vehicles in Use 300 1995 2011 250 200 150 100


urostat, IHS Glo b al I nsi g ht Source : E urostat, * 27 countries included over the whole period

71 vehicles in use

The EU has 483 cars per 1,000 inhabitants

Passenger car density per 1,000 inhabitants – world | 1995-2011

Units 500 483 447 452 448 461 454 417 400 380 373

300 293 251 236 200 179 143 137 1995 108 106 100 100 41 2005 2 11 3 6 11 0 2011 EU JAPAN USA S. KOREA RUSSIA BRAZIL CHINA INDIA urostat, IHS Glo b al I nsi g ht Source : E urostat,

Passenger car density per 1,000 inhabitants – EU | 2011

Units 700 658 610 589 600 570 551 545 535 525 519 502 490 483 482 500 470 470 466 464 461 447 436 428 417 394 400 368 324 300 300 298

200 203



urostat - 2012 Source : E urostat

72 Trade

Trade trade

The EU automotive industry is a formidable exporter

EU exports of passenger cars - by value (% share)

North America (NAFTA) 26.8% EFTA & 25.1%

Asia & Oceania 34.0%

Middle East 4.8% South America & Caribbean 2.4% Africa 6.8% Trade urostat data - 2012 data Source : b ased on E urostat


The EU exported 6.6 million vehicles in 2012

EU motor vehicle trade – by type (in €m)

2011 2012 % chg 12/11 trade trade trade trade in value (¤m) imports exports balance imports exports balance imports exports balance Passenger cars 24,237 93,606 69,369 23,670 107,887 84,217 -2.3% 15.3% 21.4% commercial vehicles (up to 5t) 3,913 3,780 -133 3,388 4,663 1,275 -13.4% 23.4% ++ commercial vehicles (over 5t) + buses & coaches 843 6,369 5,526 819 7,216 6,397 -2.8% 13.3% 15.8% t o ta l 28,993 103,755 74,762 27,877 119,766 91,889 -3.8% 15.4% 22.9% Source : E urostat

EU motor vehicle trade – by type (in units)

2011 2012 % chg 12/11

trade in volume (units) imports exports imports exports imports exports Passenger cars 2,176,517 5,153,725 1,932,420 5,914,655 -11.2% 14.8% commercial vehicles (up to 5t) 326,756 362,268 269,972 428,402 -17.4% 18.3 commercial vehicles (over 5t) + buses & coaches 24,573 856,242 92,838 245,186 277.8% -71.4% t o ta l 2,527,846 6,372,235 2,295,230 6,588,243 -9.2% 3.4% Source : E urostat

76 trade

A closer look at imports of all vehicle categories

Origin of EU motor vehicle imports (in units)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % chg 12/11 % share in 2012 World 3,402,211 3,620,596 3,246,820 2,522,080 2,488,966 2,527,846 2,295,230 -9.2% 100.0% Turkey 561,914 620,836 666,586 497,799 568,896 571,142 518,427 -9.2% 22.6% South Korea 724,689 655,218 452,348 353,423 295,970 384,462 403,690 5.0% 17.6% Japan 970,386 971,861 879,620 691,638 618,914 440,320 347,759 -21.0% 15.2% 322,664 450,533 365,682 155,695 186,425 243,049 241,129 -0.8% 10.5% China 329,426 348,407 267,254 208,718 164,712 161,101 184,927 14.8% 8.1% Mexico 101,378 152,045 183,686 116,308 139,186 184,196 163,550 -11.2% 7.1% India 51,391 63,035 101,705 267,065 233,441 260,922 163,503 -37.3% 7.1% South Africa 29,499 25,056 35,316 38,783 74,278 86,263 67,714 -21.5% 3.0% Switzerland 34,166 47,060 43,751 29,795 26,740 26,691 25,966 -2.7% 1.1% Thailand 75,011 82,865 62,645 35,822 44,383 39,950 25,198 -36.9% 1.1% Source : E urostat

Origin of EU motor vehicle imports (in units) | 2012


600,000 Trade



0 TURKEY S. KOREA JAPAN USA CHINA MEXICO INDIA S. AFRICA Switzerland Thailand urostat data Source : b ased on E urostat


Most EU motor vehicle exports go to the US

Main destinations of EU motor vehicle exports (in units)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % chg 12/11 % share in 2012 World 5,031,578 5,319,592 5,359,061 3,740,221 4,772,147 6,372,235 6,588,243 3.4% 100.0% United States 999,431 981,493 880,691 550,856 714,944 751,824 883,590 17.5% 13.4% Russia 385,147 604,659 731,138 191,937 324,866 516,792 764,172 47.9% 11.6% China 61,764 99,103 137,823 174,242 349,737 487,108 534,662 9.8% 8.1% Turkey 375,636 258,308 256,255 188,650 383,890 434,377 388,250 -10.6% 5.9% Switzerland 237,706 267,905 259,276 225,443 281,867 321,999 329,629 2.4% 5.0% Japan 169,088 191,156 145,094 114,729 148,211 177,975 207,122 16.4% 3.1% Australia 116,744 136,236 136,615 96,376 141,256 156,798 190,335 21.4% 2.9% Ukraine 140,745 126,932 165,388 39,449 113,015 134,468 169,818 26.3% 2.6% Norway 148,012 176,565 143,819 122,510 167,647 178,217 167,214 -6.2% 2.5% South Africa 140,977 124,420 77,117 67,313 102,607 142,086 130,562 -8.1% 2.0% Source : E urostat

Destination of EU motor vehicle exports (in units) | 2012

Units 1,000,000





0 USA RUSSIA CHINA TURKEY Switzerland JAPAN Australia Ukraine Norway S. AFRICA urostat data Source : b ased on E urostat

78 trade

The US, Japan and South Korea account for the highest import value for cars

Origin of most EU passenger car imports - by value (in €m)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % chg 12/11 % share in 2012 World 31,601 33,397 29,721 22,046 22,483 24,237 23,670 -2.3% 100.0% United States 5,470 6,344 5,977 2,952 3,483 4,665 5,492 17.7% 23.2% Japan 12,012 11,796 10,634 8,240 7,672 6,504 5,464 -16.0% 23.1% South Korea 7,272 6,690 3,945 2,610 2,449 3,395 3,900 14.9% 16.5% Turkey 3,393 4,206 3,674 3,194 3,397 3,328 3,119 -6.3% 13.2% Mexico 1,334 1,992 2,405 1,499 1,771 2,465 2,341 -5.0% 9.9% India 270 332 584 1,536 1,341 1,770 1,069 -39.6% 4.5% South Africa 366 70 300 469 847 904 549 -39.3% 2.3% China 298 482 541 398 455 394 331 -16.0% 1.4% Canada 89 86 70 38 70 136 179 32.1% 0.8% Switzerland 142 193 152 120 114 106 123 16.0% 0.5% Source : E urostat

Passenger cars - origin of EU imports - by value (% share) | 2012 Africa 4.9% India 4.5% 13.2% Turkey China 1.4% Trade 16.5% South Korea Efta 0.6% 23.1% Japan ASEAN 0.2% 33.8 % NAFTA Russia 0.1% 0.1% Middle East Mercosur 0.0% 0.0% Australia Others 1.6% urostat data Source : b ased on E urostat


Most EU car imports come from South Korea

Origin of most EU passenger car imports (in units)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % chg 11/12 % share in 2012 World 3,014,086 3,214,833 2,783,532 2,212,025 2,139,820 2,176,517 1,932,420 -11.2% 100.0% South Korea 717,090 651,130 446,544 351,142 294,013 382,871 402,062 5.0% 20.8% Japan 940,670 949,317 852,805 676,461 604,151 429,803 345,895 -19.5% 17.9% Turkey 344,923 385,188 361,161 314,514 330,548 334,349 318,265 -4.8% 16.5% United States 314,856 440,892 351,235 150,142 179,892 236,381 233,835 -1.1% 12.1% Mexico 101,331 152,006 183,647 116,298 139,171 184,180 163,526 -11.2% 8.5% India 49,433 61,389 99,121 265,659 231,987 259,776 162,928 -37.3% 8.4% China 308,720 336,075 252,801 154,266 155,262 149,025 111,881 -24.9% 5.8% South Africa 17,938 3,877 20,515 31,315 65,396 72,074 43,973 -39.0% 2.3% Switzerland 29,346 41,248 36,281 26,232 23,892 23,420 22,254 -5.0% 1.2% Taiwan 54,904 57,492 59,795 32,076 29,670 29,252 19,327 -33.9% 1.0% Source : E urostat

Origin of EU passenger car imports (in units) | 2012

Units 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 S. KOREA JAPAN TURKEY USA MEXICO INDIA CHINA S. AFRICA SWITZERLAND TAIWAN urostat data Source : b ased on E urostat

80 trade

The US is the EU’s most valuable export market

Main destinations of EU passenger car exports – by value (in €m)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % chg 12/11 % share in 2012 World 67,776 70,658 69,416 48,088 76,149 93,606 107,887 15.3% 100.0% United States 27,064 24,748 20,520 12,768 19,127 19,482 24,934 28.0% 23.1% China 2,250 3,344 4,608 5,475 12,182 17,335 19,290 11.3% 17.9% Russia 4,290 6,627 8,758 2,563 4,063 7,016 8,727 24.4% 8.1% Switzerland 4,002 4,318 4,360 3,935 5,219 6,646 6,813 2.5% 6.3% Japan 4,221 4,115 3,249 2,713 3,843 5,089 6,306 23.9% 5.8% Turkey 2,908 2,834 2,806 2,067 4,255 5,229 4,826 -7.7% 4.5% Australia 1,831 2,097 2,186 1,613 2,758 3,177 3,496 10.1% 3.2% Norway 2,266 2,694 2,180 1,854 2,699 3,016 3,166 5.0% 2.9% Canada 2,082 2,074 2,057 1,789 2,414 2,480 2,995 20.7% 2.8% South Korea 1,018 974 911 805 1,682 1,955 2,496 27.7% 2.3% Source : E urostat

Passenger cars - destination of EU exports – by value (% share) | 2012 Africa 6.8% 8.1% Russia Japan 5.8%

9.4% EFTA Trade Middle East 4.8% 17.9% China Turkey 4.5% 26.8% NAFTA Australia 3.2% 6.8% Others South Korea 2.3% 1.3% Mercosur ASEAN 2.0% 0.2% India urostat data Source : b ased on E urostat


Almost 15% of EU car exports set sail to the US

Main destinations of EU passenger car exports (in units)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % chg 12/11 % share in 2012 World 4,301,184 4,743,045 4,797,916 3,375,224 4,234,470 5,153,725 5,914,655 14.8% 100.0% United States 993,405 972,316 874,508 547,326 708,575 731,138 873,628 19.5% 14.8% Russia 342,762 528,674 670,381 176,595 291,164 470,878 706,918 50.1% 12.0% China 60,383 95,925 136,239 172,218 345,581 478,877 526,769 10.0% 8.9% Turkey 247,886 225,505 223,331 170,456 339,556 388,000 349,979 -9.8% 5.9% Switzerland 212,941 243,348 233,163 203,939 255,874 291,899 300,976 3.1% 5.1% Japan 168,731 190,864 145,006 114,649 148,082 175,242 206,521 17.8% 3.5% Australia 99,876 107,469 109,738 84,157 123,250 141,394 150,460 6.4% 2.5% Norway 125,799 151,956 122,103 110,027 147,473 153,694 144,232 -6.2% 2.4% South Africa 122,877 102,828 65,611 62,834 93,145 123,355 115,808 -6.1% 2.0% Canada 83,707 85,291 98,188 82,576 99,169 94,849 109,767 15.7% 1.9% Source : E urostat

Destination of EU passenger car exports (in units) | 2012

Units 1.000,000





0 USA Russia CHINA TURKEY Switzerland JAPAN Australia Norway S. AFRICA canada urostat data Source : b ased on E urostat

82 T a x ation

Taxation Taxation

CO2 taxation is gaining ground in the EU

CO2 taxation is now well established across the European Union. 19 EU member states currently apply some form of CO2 tax to the registration and/or ownership of passenger cars, up from 17 in 2010. Finland and Greece both changed their annual circulation tax to a CO2 basis recently.

The 19 EU countries that levy passenger car taxes partially or totally based on the cars’ CO2 emissions and/or fuel consumption are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The European automobile industry welcomes this trend towards CO2-related car taxation. However, it regrets the lack of uniformity in the implementation of these taxes.

European auto makers therefore support taxation for passenger cars that is: – exclusively based on CO2 emissions; – technologically neutral;

– linear; and t ion – budget neutral. Taxa

For more information, visit Source: ACEA Tax Guide 2013

85 Taxation

Tax incentives help shape demand for electric vehicles

Incentives for electrically-chargeable vehicles are now applied in all western European countries. The incentives mainly consist of tax reductions and exemptions, as in countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands, and bonus payments and premiums for the buyers of electric vehicles in Spain, Luxembourg and Portugal.

The European car industry supports the further introduction of fiscal incentives for fuel efficiency. Tax measures are an important tool in shaping consumer demand towards fuel- efficient cars and help create a market for breakthrough technologies, notably during the introduction phase. Innovations generally first enter the market in low volumes and at a significant cost premium, and this needs to be offset by a positive policy framework. Electric mobility will make an important contribution towards ensuring sustainable mobility. However, advanced conventional technologies, engines and fuels will play a predominant role for years to come. Governments must continue to include these CO2-efficient technologies and solutions in their overall sustainable mobility policy approach.

For more information, visit Source: ACEA Tax Guide 2013



Motor vehicles are a vital source of government revenue

Fiscal income from motor vehicles in the EU*


€ bn € bn dKK bn € bn € bn € bn € bn € bn € bn € bn € bn € bn seK bn £ bn 2011 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2010 2011 2012 2012 2011 Purchase or transfer 1. VAT on vehicle sales servicing/repair, parts, tyres 2.484 6.060 n.a. 27.175 4.031 1.310 14.554 0.170 0.387 18.100 1.400 1.076 21.000 12.500 2. Fuels & lubricants 5.517 7.534 16.970 40.036 18.325 3.742 35.332 4.143 2.720 31.315 7.708 2.310 49.500 26.920 3. Sales & registration taxes 0.485 0.408 13.800 0.478 1.008 2.076 0.100 0.387 1.142 1.999 0.420 Annual ownership taxes 1.635 1.512 9.872 8.422 2.807 0.706 1.098 1.116 1.075 6.610 3.586 0.362 12.200 5.820 Driving license fees 0.007 0.010 0.065 – 0.295 Insurance taxes 0.310 0.934 1.757 3.656 0.676 0.299 4.276 4.051 0.365 3.000 Tolls 1.512 0.370 10.106 1.422 0.800 Customs duties 0.550 – 0.025 Other taxes 0.274 0.759 0.920 0.349 1.572 0.055 5.186 3.396 0.266 4.200 1.500 TOTAL 12.217 17.214 42.769 80.769 26.731 7.065 69.014 5.584 4.569 67.826 18.749 4.459 90.700 46.740 EURO 12.2 17.2 5.7 80.8 26.7 7.1 69.0 5.6 4.6 67.8 18.7 4.5 10.4 54.3 GRAND TOTAL = €384.6bn

Source : ACEA - 2013 * No data available for other EU member states. t ion Taxa

87 Taxation

Share of VAT in net price of cars

Hungary 27% Belgium Austria Czech Republic Bulgaria Denmark 25% Italy Estonia Sweden 20% Latvia 21% Slovakia Romania 24% Lithuania Slovenia Finland Netherlands UK Greece Spain France 19.6% Ireland 23% Germany 19% Poland Portugal Malta 18%

Cyprus 17%

Luxembourg 15% Source : ACEA - 2013

Excise duties on fuels in (€/1,000 litres)

AT BE BG CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR Gr hu ie it lt lu lv mt nl PL Pt ro se si sK UK EU minimum rates

Unleaded Petrol 482 628 363 429 512 655 593 423 456 650 607 670 432 587 728 434 462 415 469 747 406 585 360 668 576 551 674 360

Diesel 397 428 330 400 437 470 444 393 331 470 428 330 398 479 617 330 335 336 382 440 355 368 330 621 449 368 674 330 Source : E uro p ean C ommission - 2013

88 eu27 Cars AT Austria MT Malta PC Passenger cars SUV Sport utility vehicles BE Belgium NL Netherlands MPV Multi-purpose vehicles BG Bulgaria PL Poland Vans CY Cyprus PT Portugal LCV Light commercial vehicles + / coaches 3.5t CZ Czech Republic RO Romania Trucks DE Germany SE Sweden MCV Medium commercial vehicles > 3.5t but 16t DK Denmark SI Slovenia HCV Heavy commercial vehicles > 16t CV MCV + HCV EE Estonia SK Slovakia Europe EU27 + EFTA Buses + Coaches ES Spain UK United Kingdom EFTA Iceland + Norway + Switzerland B&C Buses > 3.5t FI Finland NAFTA USA + Canada + Mexico Motor Vehicles FR France OTHERS BRIC Brazil + Russia + India + China MV Cars + vans + trucks + buses & coaches Mercosur Argentina + Brazil + Paraguay + Uruguay GR Greece CH Switzerland ASEAN Brunei + Cambodia + Indonesia + Laos HU Hungary IS Iceland + Malaysia + Myanmar + Philippines IE Ireland NO Norway + Singapore + Thailand + Vietnam PM particulate matter NOx nitrogen oxides CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide IT Italy RS Serbia AAA Auxiliary Automobile Association LT Lithuania RU Russia VDA German Association of the Automotive m million bn billion Industry g gramme t tonne LU Luxembourg TR Turkey OICA International Organization tkm tonne-kilometre pkm passenger-kilometre LV Latvia UA Ukraine of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers GCW gross combined weight GDP gross domestic product european automobile manufacturers association

Avenue des Nerviens 85 B–1040 Brussels T +32 2 732 55 50 [email protected]

european automobile manufacturers association