Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 527-531

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 6 Number 1 (2017) pp. 527-531 Journal homepage:

Original Research Article

Persicaria Species in Flora of Azerbaijan and Etnobiology of their Use

Gulnara Shiraliyeva*

Institute of Botany of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan

*Corresponding author


K e yw or ds Data about spreading, reserves and bio-ecological properties of Persicaria Hill., medical value, Hill. Species (water pepper) have been gives in paper. Usage of this species reserves. is very important. Some of medically important substances in above-ground Article Info part indicate their usage both in folk and scientifically medicine. It’s

Accepted: nourishment and spice-based properties are revealed in results of ethno- 23 December 2016 botanical research. Available Online: 10 January 2017


Persicaria Hill. – Pepper peachwort-grass or Flavonoid glucoside from and surface Water pepper genus is the the most interesting parts of Persicaria lapathifolia different representatives of the Juss. zones of Siberia have been learned by local Family. All species belong to the genus meets scientist and the biologically active on pastures, in forest, and also in freshwater substances of have been used in the lakes, spread in the water. preparation of drugs (Visochina, 1998; Kifakh et al.,1984; Khaziyev et al., 2007; Khvorost et For the chemical consist as well as significant al., 1980). species for the food and for medicine. Polysaccharides in undeground part of Representatives of genus are used in folk Persicaria species in different development medicine of different nations, in surface part phases was determined in Russia.This are located essential oil (0.5%), glucoside, 2- substances are indispensable in preparing of 2.5% poliqopiperin, flavonoids (ramnetin, drug preparates and nutritional supplements izoramnetin, rutin, kvercetin, hyperoside, (Yakovlev et al., 1983). kempferol), sapinin 4%, acids (formic, acetic valerian and apple), vitamin K, vitamin E, Flavonoids aglycone researched and prepared carotene, ascorbic acid 0.2%, ergosterin, drugs from Persicaria hydropiper by one tocopherol, naftoxinon, acetylcholine, iron, group scientist in Latvia. Another species of sugar and microelements. Persicariya genus are also important. 527

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 527-531

Antroglicoside and sapinin are meetin the Stationary methods and routes of research roots.The ancient Greeks and Romans were have been applied in studies. Geography- used this plant as drug against malaria and as systematically, floristic-systematically styptic. In scientific medecine used as methods are used in determination of drugstores in anestezol, the pine against (Beydeman, 1954; Flora of Azerbaijan, 1955). hemarroy (component-extract). It’s used for Names of plants are given according to Flora hemarroy, chronic endometritis,childhood and taking into account changesof to the latest fibromioms, for prevention of strong nomenclature (Askerov, 2016, Talibov et al., menstrual bleeding in modern medicine. 2008). Leaves are keeping poligopiperin glucose, flavonoids 2.0-2.5% (kvercetin, kvercitrin, Experimental parts kempferol, rutin, ramnazin), potassium salt, sapinin, pyrocatechin group 3.8% and 0.005% Persicaria Hill. – Peachwort-grass genus are essential oil, ant, fitoserin, filloxinon, represented in the flora by 8 (P.amphibia (L.) tokofepol, valerian, acetic acid, vitamin K, S.F.Gray, P.brittingeri (Opiz) Opiz, 0.78%, 42.35 mg% carotene, 200 mg% P.lapathifolia (L.) S.F.Gray, P.maculate vitamin C and 13% of the ashes. The liquid (Rafin.) D.Love, P.minor (Huds.) Opiz, extract can be used by 30-40 drops in several P.orientalis (L.) Spach & P.tinctoria (Ait.) times a day, brewing (12:200) by 3 times a Spach) species. This species (except day with a tablespoon for childhood and P.brittingeri) divided the genus L. hemorrhagic bleeding, women's diseases (Conspectus, 2006). (Lerato et al., 2015; Mozaffari et al., 2013). The toxicity of herbal parts of Persicaria is Morpho-ecology, phenology and anatomic very low. In medicine, herbal part of the plant properties of this plant have been stydied by used in the form of solutions, extracts and scientist and also havebeen determined their decoctions from from hemorrhoids and resourse value and received information about internal bleeding. Often used as atonic and their therapeutic effects on many diseases spastic weakening means. Also found diuretic (Gumenyuk et al., 2006; Krilova et al., 1987). effect of these species (Khaziyev et al., 2007). It should be noted that the species are widely spread within the country and widely used. So Persicaria amphibia (L.) S. F. Gray (= areals of some species of genus narrowed and Polygonum amphibium L.) - water pepper, is have been exposed to the danger of extinction a perennial plant with creeping stems at a (Shiraliyeva et al., 2007). The diversity of the height of 1 meter and the bulbous root system. plants are very interesting for etnobotanic Lancet-shaped or oblong leaves arranged on researches and also for to determine the the stem, from the main part leaves are the current state within the country. round or heart-shaped, hard edges with hairs and curved shapes. Group of the flower at the Materials and Methods end of trunk or branches, which is also close 35sm by length, cylindrical or oval. Flowers - Field research and expeditions was carried out pink color. Seeds been raised on both sides, in the interests of research conducted in black and shiny. different parts of Azerbaijan: norten districts of Lesser Caucasus, Steppe plateau, Ismayilli- During the scientifical inspection of the genus Gabala-Sheki regions of the Greater Caucasus for Azerbaijan flora have been meet 3 and in two districts (Shahbuz, Julfa) of variation of this species: Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 528

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1. var. notans Leyss. - Leaves floating. The This plant (Persicaria hydropiper) distributed body under the water. in flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and used by local population as food plant 2. var.terrestre Leyss. - Trunk is straight or have been established in results of branched. Lancet-shaped leaves with etnobotanical research. At the same time, this sharp, short - stalk-shaped, found in damp plants are used in folk medicine for to treat a places number of diseases. Areals of this plants in Shakhbuz district are narrowed and are not 3. var. decumbens Klett. et Richt. - Creeping found in common place by comparative to stems. Lower leaves with short stiff hairs. earlier time according to the opinion of local In contrast to the previous variation is communities. formed by drying the water area Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach –Water Organic acids, saponins, vitamin C, carotene, pepper or pepper peachwort-grassnamed by coumarins, flavonoids in roots, sapinin in local population as bitterness, pepper, bitter, leaves; hydrocarbons, organic acids, vitamins male-frog herb, known as kakra in districts. C and K, carotenoids, carboxylate acids, Good melliferous plant. Odorless and burning coumarins, flavonoids in a ground part of delicious. After drying, strongly loses weight Persicaria amphibia species have been identified. The plant roots are used as a Annual grass, plant stems, smooth, height 20- diuretic preparate in medicine. Local 50 (70)sm, reddish, usually upright, on the population replaced the drug «Smilax» by basis of branching and often poorly broth brewed from the roots of plants. articulated-bent slightly below. The leaves are alternate, oblong, sharp or blunt, the wedge- In various regions of Azerbaijan the young shaped base, with 3-9sm in length and width leaves and shoots of the plant are used as a by 0,7-2sm. Flowers at the end of the body spice. The plant is also used as forage. Seeds are like funnel, curtains, red, cylindrical, of plants eaten by poultry and leaves by smooth side up, and the edges, covered by waterfowl (geese and ducks). Plant is a bristles. Flower field line 4-5, 3-4.5 mm valuable raw material for sapinin and dyeing length. There 6-8 units of stamens. Slightly materials of color woolen thread and used in branched. Convex or three-edged black- carpet weaving in Lagich region of brown colored fruits hypocritical, petty Azerbaijan. walnut-shaped forms, with the length 2.2-3.0 mm. June-September are blossoms, the fruit Among them Persicaria hydropiper species grows in August-October. Flowersare are the most interesting for the beneficial collected in the ear,formed at the end of the properties. According to the last literature branches. Flowers by 3-5mm in length, date this species is common distributed only simple, green-pink, and brown dots on going. in the Talysh (Askerov, 2016), but results of Flowers are delicate, elegant, soft, whether the long-term research has shown that species brush spikes, by 4-6sm length. distributed also in Shakhbuz district near of Batabat lakes in the NakhchivanAutonomous The more interest moments in investigations Republic, and around the Ustupu village of of morphology properties of Persicaria Ordubad region. The "Nakhchivan hydropiper specieswas the study of internal Autonomous Republic taxonomic spectrum" processes of developed phases in intracortical is referred to in (Talibov et al., 2008). part of the root and at the end concluded that


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 527-531 for this radial allocation of primary cortex cell Persicaria lapathifolia (= Polygonum are characterized. nodosum) – Scapula leaved peachwort-grass, 20-60 sm (120 sm) by tall, often thickened, As shown etnobotanical researches for straight or ascending, simple or branched hemostatic action local population are stem, annual plant. Leaves are elongated or collected, dried and used year-roundof this lanceolate, located on steams, and a lot of plant. Hemostatic drug. The effect of uterine time on the bottom side of the bare surface is muscle is weak in the rye sput extract. There covered by the veins. is also painkillers feature. Clusters form . Flowering part Aqueous extract of Water pepper with 70% completely without veins, 2sm long, white or ethyl spirt in 1:1 proportion is used in folk pink colour. Seeds in the lentils form, dark medicine as analgesic. brown. Persicaria lapatnifoliya has a wealth of chemical composition: in the roots - The practice of folk medicine are shown that anthraquinones; in an elevated part - organic decoction and aqueous extract of the plantare acids (malic, citric), saponins, vitamins C, K, applied as hemostatic under disorders such as PP, sapinin; in leaves - alkaloids, vitamins C medicine and hemorradial uterine bleeding and K, carotene, flavonoids; in the seeds and menopagiya and dismenorreya functions. fruits - vitamin C. The broth from the ground Plant with rye spur are used as analgesic. parts of the plant have antibacterial activity against Flexner dysentery sticks. The seeds Decoction prepared in 12:200 proportion and are used in food as cereals. have taken 3 times in day by a tablespoon. Persicaria maculata (Rafin.) A. et D.Löve In folk medicine plant is used as astringent (=Polygonum persicaria)- spotted peachwort- analgesic and hemostatic agent. In addition, grass. for kidney stones, edema, gastric ulcers, eczema, asthma, and used in the treatment of The height of plant - 20-60sm, annual herb thyroid diseases. plant. Short stature, lanceolate leaves are Plantsof this species are collected in nature alternately arranged on the stem. Small pink and exportedfor medicines purpose in the flowers tightly arranged, without veins. Fruit - North Caucasus, Ukraine and Belorussia. triangular-shaped nut. Plants are distributes basis on humid coasts, meadows, forests andat about forest roads. The ground part of Persicaria maculata formed during the flowering period. and Plant must be cut by sharp instrument in consist hyperoside and quercetin, vitamin K flowering period, in 4-5sm tall from the soil in a small amount sapinin, essential oils. cower. Presence of anthraquinone found in the roots.

Raw material must be lined with a thin layer In folk medicine since ancient times this plant on roofs, in well-ventilated areas, or at a 40- used as a remedy for hemorrhoids. Liquid 500Ctemperature in the oven. Rawmaterials extract and broth for the same purpose are and other parts should be kept in cool,air- used in medicine. Raw is green, low odor, permeable areas. Detention period - 3 years. bitter taste, has a little astringent effect. The Above-ground part of the plant used in above-ground part of the plant used for preparing of spicy salads, soups, sauces in healing wounds, consist the essential oils and regions. 530

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How to cite this article:

Gulnara Shiraliyeva. 2017. Persicaria Species in Flora of Azerbaijan and Etnobiology of their Use. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(1): 527-531. doi: