Ostrich Producti Joan S

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Ostrich Producti Joan S Tooe Z TA24S.7 . :r-- - 8873 8-5049 NO.S049 gricultural ~ Extension se;'ce .J~---.~{/ Ostrich Producti Joan s. Jeffrey BnensioD Veterinarian The Tsas A&II University Sptem Commercial ostrich farming began in South Mrica more than 150 years ago and is now practiced in Israel and Ostrich leather is a popular the United States as well. product for making boots, Currently there are 40,000 clothing and upholstery. An to 60,000 birds in the U.S. adult ostrich will produce 14 Some breeders project that square feet of hide. One hide in order to penetrate the can make three pairs of boots. existing meat and hide In Texas, several custom markets, 250,000 breeding leather goods companies and pairs would be required, and one large boot manufacturer that a slaughterhouse would are buying ostrich leather have to handle 200,000 produced in the U.S. ostriches annually to Ostrich meat is being promoted operate economically. as a low-cholesterol red meat because o~ its red color, beef-like texture and low fat content. Texas Agricultural Extension Service' Zerle L. Carpenter, Director The Texas A&M University System· College Station, Texas Processing studies conducted and newly hatched chicks, they. at Texas A&M University show require incubation equipment that the average carcass and eggs are not insurable. dressing percentage is ,57.57 There is tIle possibility of percent. Therefore, a 2_50- , having too many chicks of one pound ostrich would yield sex. Also, birds don't reproduce about 130 pounds of meat. until 2 to 3 years o~ age. Private companies in Bowie and Austin, Texas are Current prices for sexed chick slaughtering birds. Ostrich pairs 3 to 6 months of age are meat products are being $6,500 to $9,500. Chicks of this marketed under the trade '. age can be judged for size and name "Table Readi Meats" by conformation, the sex is known a company in Arizona. At least and they are less costly than one restaurant in Dallas is adults. Disadvantages are that serving ostrich meat as an . mortality risk is still high until appetizer. after 6 months, it is still 2 to 3 years until birds reproduce and Ostrich feathers can be cropped chicks mayor may not be once a year. Feathers a"re used insurable. for a variety of products including the well known Current prices for yearling "feather-duster." There 'are U.S. ' pairs are $17,000 to $25,000. companies which are potential Birds this age can be judged buyers of American ostrich for size and conformation, feathers. mortality is not as big a factor and birds are insurable. However, birds are still 1 to 2 years from reproducing and Starting a Buslnes. ~ their reproductive potential is unknown. There are several options for getting into the ostrich business, Current prices for pre-breeders each with its own advantages more than 30 months of age are and disadvantages. ' $35,000 to, $40,000. Advantages and disadvantages are about Current prices for eggs or the same as for yearlings, hatched chicks are $1,000 to except that the birds are much $1,500. This is the least co~tly closer to reproducing. method of buying an ostrich, but there are disadvantages. Current prices for p~oven Mortality is highest with eggs breeders are $45,000 to $90,000 per pair. These birds are ~~------~--------------------------------~--. ~------- insurable, their reproductive The large intestine or colon potential is known, and comprises almost 60 percent of because there is no wait for the total length. reproduction there is a faster I return on capital. Disadvantages Ostriches come in several are that adult birds are most "colors," each representing a costly, incubation and hatching different subspecies or group of , requires special equipment and subspecies. The "African black" knowledge, and there are is a hybrid produced by mortality risks in raising ostrich selective breeding from blue chicks to saleable age. and red species. The Redneck ostrich is from east Africa Buying shares in a syndicated (Tanzania and Kenya). The pair of proven breeders is also Blueneck ostrich is one of three an option. species native to north, west or south Africa. The African black is shorter, smaller and has darker feathers than other species. It has iittle Ostriches are ratites, a group skin color. Redneck males have that includes all species of creamy white skin on the thighs flightless birds: ostrich, emu, and neck except during breed­ rhea, cassowary and kiwi. The ing season when the skin of name comes from the shape of the entire leg and neck turns a the keel or breastbone, which bright pinkish red. Blueneck resembles a raft and is actually males have blue-gray skin on a large, mostly cartilagenous the neck, legs and thighs; only plate. The wings of the ostrich the fronts of the shanks turn are well developed but are used red during the breeding season. primarily for expression during The adult female Blueneck has courtship or aggressive displays. blue-gray skin, while the Ostriches have two toes, are well Redneck female is creamy adapted for running and can white. The adult male plumage attain speeds of up to 40 mph. is black with white, while the Kicking is the major means of female plumage is a light grey defense; some birds also are to grey-brown. reported to peck and bite when threatened. The gastrointestinal Ostriches live an estimated 20 tract of the ostrich is very long to 30 years in the wild. Domestic (approximately 26 feet in an ostriches have been reported to adult) with large, paired ceca. live and reproduce for up to 50 years. An ostrich will reach ----~------------------------~ adult height between 18 and 20 territory. Both males and months of age and continue to females sit on the nest. Laying gain weight for a few months season for ostriches begins in after that. Adult height is 7 to 9 the early spring and continues feet tall. Weight varies from for 2 to 3 months. Usually an 200 to 350 pounds. Birds are egg is laid every 1 to 2 days. slaughtered at 12 to 16 months Production estimates vary or older, when they weigh at widely frofIl 30 to 90 eggs per least 250 pounds. hen. The average range is 35 to 55 eggs per hen. incubation Ostriches reach sexual maturity and Batehlng :'\ between 2 and 3 years of age. Females tend to mature slightly Ostrich eggs have an incubation faster than males; different period of 39 to 49 days, with an species may mature at different average of 42 days. Incubation ages. Laying season is heralded and hatching techniques are by courtship behavior, a improving rapidly in the ratite complicated series of displays, industry, which helps reduce dancing," vocalization and early mortality. Inadequate synchronous behavior. An ventilation, improper humidity example of receptive behavior and ill-fitting egg racks have by the female includes bowing been major problems in the and ruffling her wings at her past. At least five U.S. sides. Male ostriches also get a companies are marketing lot of color during the breeding incubators and hatchers for the season. Ostriches will reproduce ratite industry (e.g., Buckeye, in monogamous or polygamous GQF, Humidaire, Natureform, situations. Most breeders let Pureflo). Eggs are turned the selection of mates occur through a 90-degree rotation naturally in a large communal four to six times per day and pen and then separate the set air cell up. Suggested bonded pairs. The male "builds" temperatures for incubation (digs) the nest, typically a range from 90 to 98 degrees F, shallow depression in the earth. but a temperature range of 96 A male ostrich can become very to 98 F is most common. aggressive during the breeding Humidity is also very import­ season and will guard the ant. Eggs need to lose a certain female, the nest and his amount of water during -------------------------------------------Jr-'~, -------- incubation; 15 to 15 percent is chicks are removed from the optimal. Humidity and airflow hatcher when dry. Some play important roles in the rate producers give each chick a of water loss. Humidity settings dose of beneficial bacterial flora will vary widely from one at hatch. Chicks are unable to geographic region to the next, thermoregulate at hatch and but usually range between 10 must have an external source and 50 percent. Egg weight loss of heat. At hatch, supplemental is determined by weekly heat should be 90 to 95 degrees weighing. Based on egg weight F. The temperature can be loss, humidity adjustments can dropped 5 degrees every 2 be made in the incubator. Good weeks and supplemental heat record keeping is very impor­ removed at 16 to 24 weeks. The tant. Computer software has heat source should be large been developed that can help. enough for all the chicks to get Candling of eggs is usually around it. Also, the pen area done at weekly intervals to should be large enough that the identify infertile or dead eggs. chicks can get away from the It is also performed prior to heat to avoid overheating. transferring the·eggs to the hatcher. LIBR.f\ .t?y .---~-~ Eggs are moved to the hatcher Nutridl.14 199 " when they have internally TfAli8 A&M U . pipped. Internal pipping Commercial ostr~W~tilfi¥are usually occurs 24 to 48 hours available from a number of before hatching. Hatcher sources. Most commercial feed temperatures are usually 1 to 2 companies are producing degrees lower than incubation starter, grower and breeder temperatures and the humidity rations. Rations may be in a slightly higher. Percent mash or pelleted form. Limits hatchability, or the number of on the addition of other sources chicks hatched divided by the of roughage or nutrients, such number of eggs set, is around as alfalfa hay, may be recom­ 70 percent.
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