'Ust'-Belsk' Natural Park and Its Vicinities Материалы К Фаун

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'Ust'-Belsk' Natural Park and Its Vicinities Материалы К Фаун Arthropoda Selecta 23(3): 301–310 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2014 On the spider fauna (Arachnida: Aranei) of the ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park and its vicinities Ìàòåðèàëû ê ôàóíå ïàóêîâ (Arachnida: Aranei) ïðèðîäíîãî ïàðêà “Óñòü-Áåëüñê” è åãî îêðåñòíîñòåé A.N. Sozontov1,2, S.L. Esyunin3 À.Í. Ñîçîíòîâ1,2, Ñ.Ë. Åñþíèí3 1 Department of Ecology of Animals, Udmurt State University, Universitetskaya Street 1/1, Izhevsk 426034 Russia. Кафедра экологии животных, Удмуртский государственный университет, ул. Университетская, 1/1, Ижевск 426034 Россия. 2 State Zoo of Udmurtia, Kirova Street 8, Izhevsk 426033 Russia. БУК УР “Зоопарк Удмуртии”, ул. Кирова, 8, Ижевск 426033 Россия. 3 Department of Zoology, Perm State University, Bukireva Street 15, Perm 614600 Russia. Кафедра зоологии беспозвоночных животных, Пермский государственный университет, ул. Букирева 15, Пермь 614600 Россия. KEY WORDS: spider, fauna, Udmurtia, ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: пауки, фауна, Удмуртия, природный парк “Усть-Бельск”. ABSTRACT. A list of 160 spider species of 20 To date, no special arachnological studies have been families collected from the ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park done in Karakulino District. The record of Eresus kol- and its neighbouring area (Karakulino District, Udmurt lari Rossi, 1846 from Bima River [Zubko, 2001] needs Republic) is provided. Two spider families, Hahniidae confirmation [Sozontov, Dedyukhin, 2012]. In 2011– and Mimetidae, and 45 species are reported from Ud- 2012, we collected about 2000 spider specimens be- murtia for the first time. Faunistic records and habitat longing to160 species, of which 45 species are new to preferences for all species and data on distribution of the fauna of Udmurtia; in the following list these spe- the newly recorded ones are provided. cies are marked with asterisks * and are provided with data on their global distribution. Yet, two families — РЕЗЮМЕ. Приводится список 160 видов пау- Hahnidae and Mimetidae — have been reported for ков из 20 семейств, собранных в природном парке Udmurt Republic for the first time. Thus, as of now, “Усть-Бельск” и прилегающей к нему территории the total diversity of Udmurtian araneofauna is 254 (Каракулинский район, Удмуртская Республика). species of 26 families. Два семейства, Hahniidae и Mimetidae, и 45 видов The aim of this paper is to present a faunistic list of впервые указаны для фауны пауков Удмуртии. Даны spiders of the ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park with details of точки находок и данные по местообитаниям всех their habitat preferences. видов и распространение новых для региона видов. Material and methods Introduction The ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park is located in Kara- The araneofauna of Udmurt Republic has been in- kulino District, on the south border of Udmurt Repub- tensively studied during recent years [Sozontov, Esyu- lic. Its territory lies in the fluvial plain of the lower nin, 2012; Sozontov, 2012a,b, 2013] and currently in- reaches of Kama River and belongs to the broadle- cludes 209 species. In the present paper we have pro- aved-coniferous forest subzone of the subboreal zone, vided new faunistic data from several localities of with a noticeable influence of the forest-steppe. Yet, a Karakulino District of Udmurtia situated on the terri- rather large part of the district has been turned to agri- tory of the ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park or its vicinities cultural fields. Although such human impact has slack- (see Map). The vicinities are those localities that cur- ened during last decades, the forest areas have signifi- rently do not belong to the Natural Park but have their cantly decreased already which resulted in a more no- own status of ‘monuments of nature’ and thus have ticeable steppification. already been recommended for inclusion in the ex- This paper is based on the spider collections made panded version of the park [Baranova et al., 2011]; by the first author (not marked in the following text) numbers 1–3 in the list of localities given below un- and by S.V. Dedukhin (marked in the text as SVD) der ‘Material and Methods’. from the several localities of the ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural 302 A.N. Sozontov, S.L. Esyunin Map. Collecting localities (1–5; see for the explanations giv- en in ‘Materials and methods’). Карта. Локалитеты (1–5; описание см. в разделе ‘Мате- риал и методы’). Park and its vicinities in 2011–2012. Detailed informa- Araneus marmoreus Clerck, 1757 tion of the collecting localities is given below (see MATERIAL. 1 subadult $, [3], flood-plain of Kama River, 6– Map): 10.VII.2011. 1 — Byrgynda Vil. (55°53′N, 53°25′E), ‘Byrgynd- insk’ stow; recommended for inclusion in the natural Araneus quadratus Clerck, 1757 park. MATERIAL. 1 #, 1 subadult $, 1 juv., [3], dry meadow on slope, flood-plain of Kama River, 6–10.VII.2011. 2 — Shygnanda Vil. (55°53′N, 53°27′E), vicinities of ‘Ust’-Belsk’ stow; recommended for inclusion in the natural park. Araniella proxima (Kulczyński, 1885) MATERIAL. 1 #, [5], multiherbaceous dry meadows on slope, 3 — Ust’-Belsk Vil. (55°54′N, 53°31′E), ‘Ust’- 16.VI.2012. Belsk’ stow; recommended for inclusion in the natural park. Argiope bruennichi (Scopoli, 1772) 4 — Malyashy Lake (55°57′N, 53°41′E), ‘Ust’- MATERIAL. 1 #, [1], dry lichen-grass association on wood Belsk’ Natural Park (in its current limits). side of inundated mixed forest, 4.VIII.2012. 5 — Chegnanda Vil. (55°57′N, 53°31′E), vicinities of ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park; already included in the Cercidia prominens (Westring, 1851) natural park. MATERIAL. 2 ##, 1 $$ [1], dry lichen-grass association on The typology of species ranges follows Esyunin & sand, inundated Quercus-forest, 12–21.VI.2012; 1 subadult $, [3], Marusik [2011]. flood-plain of Kama River, 6–10.VII.2011; 1 juv., [3], Populus The studied material is shared between the collec- tremula-Tilia forest with oak and Acer, 3.VIII.2012. tions of the Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia (UdSU) and the Department of Zoology of the Perm Cyclosa conica (Pallas, 1772) State University, Perm, Russia (PSU). MATERIAL. 1 #, [2], river flood-plain, 11–20.VI.2012. Abbreviations used in the text: SVD — S.V. Dedyukhin, juv. — juvenile specimens. Hypsosinga pygmaea (Sundevall, 1831) MATERIAL. 1 $, [3], dry meadow, 7.VII.2011; 1 $, [4], inun- dated meadow, 11.VI.2011. Annotated list of species Larinioides folium (Schrank, 1803) ARANEIDAE MATERIAL. 8 ##, 11 $$, [2], multiherbaceous meadows, banks of former river-bed, 11–20.VI.2012; 1 #, 4 $$, [3], dry Araneus angulatus Clerck, 1757 meadow on slope, banks of former river-bed, flood-plain of Kama MATERIAL. 1 #, 2 $$, [3], inundated broad-leaved forest, River, 6–10.VII.2011; 1 $, [3], inundated broad-leaved forest, flood-plain of Kama River, 6–10.VII.2011. 13.VI.2012; 1 $, [3], limestone denudation, 3.VIII.2012; 3 ##, 5 $$ [4], banks of former river-bed, inundated meadow, 11.VI.2011. Araneus diadematus Clerck, 1757 MATERIAL. 1 juv., [3], river flood-plain, 4–10.VII.2011; 1 Larinioides ixobolus (Thorell, 1873) juv., [3], Populus tremula-Tilia forest with oak and Acer, MATERIAL. 1 #, 1 $, [2], flood-plain of Kama River, 11– 3.VIII.2012. 20.VI.2012; 1 #, [3], river flood-plain, 6–10.VII.2011. Spider fauna of the ‘Ust’-Belsk’ Natural Park 303 Larinioides patagiatus (Clerck, 1757) Clubiona stagnatilis Kulczyñski, 1897 MATERIAL. 2 ##, 1 $, [2], banks of former river-bed, 12– MATERIAL. 2 $$, [2], bank of former river-bed, 12– 20.VI.2012; 1 #, 3 $$, [3], banks of former river-bed, flood-plain 20.VI.2012. of Kama River, 6–10.VII.2011; 1 #, [3], limestone denudation, 3.VIII.2012; 1 #, 3 $$, [4], banks of former river-bed, 11.VI.2011. Clubiona reclusa O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863 MATERIAL. 1 $, [3], flood-plain of Kama River, 4– Mangora acalypha (Walckenaer, 1802) 10.VII.2011. MATERIAL. 1 $, [3], ravine, 9.VII.2011, leg. SVD; 2 $$, [5], multiherbaceous dry meadows, 16.VI.2012. CORINIIDAE *Neoscona adianta (Walckenaer, 1802) Phrurolithus festivus (C.L. Koch, 1835) MATERIAL. 3 ##, 1 $, [2], multiherbaceous meadows, MATERIAL. 1 #, 1 $, [1], inundated Quercus-forest, pitfall- 15.VI.2012; 1 #, [5], edge of route, 16.VI.2012. traps, 12–20.VI.2012; 1 $, 1 subadult $, [2], Populus tremula- DISTRIBUTION. Trans-Palaearctic nemoral range. Tilia forest with oak and Acer, 14.VI.2012; 1 $, [3], Populus tremula-Tilia with oak and Acer, 11–20.VI.2012; 7 $$, [3], dry Singa hamata (Clerck, 1757) and sunny bank of former river-bed, 2–5.VIII.2012. MATERIAL. 2 $$, 2juv., [3], flood-plain of Kama River, 4– 10.VII.2011; 2 $$, [4], banks of former river-bed, 11.VI.2011. DICTYNIDAE Singa nitidulaC.L. Koch, 1844 Argenna subnigra (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1861) MATERIAL. 4 $$, 2 subadult $$, [3], banks of former river- MATERIAL. 1 $, [4], inundated meadow, 11.VI.2011. bed and Kama River, 6–10.VII.11. Dictyna arundinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) CHEIRACANTHIIDAE MATERIAL. 6 $$, [2], multiherbaceous meadows, bank of former river-bed, 11–20.VI.2012; 3 $$, [3], bank of former river- Cheiracanthium erraticum (Walckenaer, 1802) bed, flood-plain of Kama River, 4–10.VII.2011. MATERIAL. 5 $$, [2], bank of former river-bed, 11– 20.VI.2012; 1 #, 4 $$, [3], dry meadow, flood-plain of Kama *Dictyna major Menge, 1869 River, 4–10.VII.2011; 1 #, [4], bank of former river-bed, 11.VI.11; MATERIAL. 2 $$, [3], flood-plain of Kama River, 6– 12 $$, [5], edge of route, 16.VI.2012. 10.VII.2011. DISTRIBUTION. Circum-Holarctic temperate Cheiracanthium pennyi O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873 range. MATERIAL. 1 #, [3], ravine, 9.VII.2011, leg. SVD. Dictyna pusilla Thorell, 1856 CLUBIONIDAE MATERIAL. 1 $, [3], flood-plain of Kama River, 6– 10.VII.2011; 3 $$, [4], bank of former river-bed, 11.VI.2011. Clubiona frisia Wunderlich et Schuett, 1995 Dictyna uncinata Thorell, 1856 MATERIAL. 1 $, [3], flood-plain of Kama River, 6– MATERIAL. 4 $$, [3], flood-plain of Kama River, 6– 10.VII.2011.
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