The Kwajalein Hourglass

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The Kwajalein Hourglass YYardard mmaintenanceaintenance rresident’sesident’s rresponsibility.esponsibility. — PPageage 3 ((CiaraCiara SSwanbywanby aandnd AAudreyudrey CCorbettorbett hhaveave a laughlaugh duringduring a fi eldeld ttriprip toto tthehe fi rree ddepartment.epartment. FForor mmoreore onon CampCamp AAdventure,dventure, seesee PPagesages 44-5.-5. ) ((PhotoPhoto bbyy EElizabethlizabeth DDavie)avie) Commentary Returning Iraq War veteran appreciates support By Capt. Steve Alvarez bravery of a seemingly endless line of is refl ected in media opinion polls, there American Forces Press Service Iraqi recruits gathered to join the Iraqi is no doubt in my mind that the public is army, the smiles and waves of Iraqis as behind the troops in Iraq. When I came home from Iraq a couple we convoyed through the city of Sulay- While I was in Iraq, I received hundreds of months ago, I kept the promise I made maniyah, the fi rst fl ight of the Iraqi air of Christmas cards from students at an while I was still there: I wouldn’t watch the force, and the sound of Iraqi tank guns as elementary school and from members news, and I’d step away from the war, ig- they thundered for the fi rst time in years in of a church in Florida. A sorority from noring the events that had consumed my support of liberty, not tyranny. Indiana sent dozens of letters and cards life 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It I remember the jubilation of my Iraqi of support, and Americans from all over was time to catch up with my family and friends as they showed off their ink- the country sent me e-mails from places make them the focus of my life 24/7. stained fi ngers, a badge of honor on their like Chicago, Sacramento, and Texas just For about a month I was able to fi ngertips, indicating they had voted in to name a few. successfully ignore the constant horrid their country’s fi rst democratic election Wool caps made by an Internet knit- imagery and sensational reports fi led from in decades. I remember the Iraqi female ting club kept me warm during the cold Iraq. But as a public affairs offi cer and military police soldiers who became pio- winter months in Iraq and donated phone self-proclaimed news junkie, I soon found neers for women in that region by joining cards kept me in touch with my family myself scanning headlines on the Web the Iraqi military, clearing not just personal who waited for me more than 6,000 miles and tuning into radio news programs, hurdles, but cultural ones. away. Care packages stuffed with good- instead of my favorite jazz station. Mostly, I remember the thousands of ies and comfort items were never in short I don’t think the charred skeletal re- Iraqi and coalition troops that each day supply at our command. In fact, we had mains of a vehicle-borne explosive device hunted the enemy and kept me safe. I to appoint a “morale sergeant” to manage are the watermark of this war. The images remember the drivers and gunners on all of the goodwill pouring into our com- I see back here are not the same indelible convoy, the pilots and crew chiefs in the pound. images I saw in Iraq - those of a resilient sky, the sentries and tankers at the gates, When I came home in uniform on rest country making its way back from de- and all of the warriors who were out there and relaxation, strangers approached me cades of oppression - helped by the many trying to make Iraq a better and safer at the airport and shook my hand, patted friendly nations that liberated them. place. me on the back, and thanked me. Airline But now I’m on the sidelines and in- Someday, probably decades from now, employees did what they could, offering stead of feeling and hearing the car bomb the actions of this generation and its brave passes to their VIP lounges and upgrades explode and seeing its eerie black plume men and women will grace history books. to fi rst class, and those airlines who had of smoke rise nearby, I read about it. And The lesson, I’m confi dent, will be that they nothing to offer did what they could-extra rather than witness history as I did for a left a peaceful and productive imprint on pillows, fi stfuls of peanut or pretzel bags year, I fi nd myself writing my comrades to the region and its people, and forever and free headsets. But their “thanks” get accurate accounts of what is happen- changed the landscape of the Middle alone was enough for me. ing in Iraq. East. What I saw in Iraq was the boundless Despite what is being reported and what See VETERAN, Page 7 The Kwajalein RTS Weather bids farewell Hourglass to longtime island residents Annette Barnhill ing his career here with 3D Research Kentron Company, mov- Commanding Offi cer...COL Beverly Stipe RTS Weather Station ing on to Aeromet and Acting Public Affairs Offi cer..Polli Keller then 3D. Many things Editor...............................Nell Drumheller Assistant Editor......................Mig Owens Ron Kuratsu and changed in the time that Graphics Designer....................Dan Adler his wife Eleanor de- they lived on Kwajalein. Reporter............................Elizabeth Davie parted Kwajalein on When they arrived there Circulation........................Will O'Connell Friday. They had wasn’t even television lived on Kwajalein here. The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces of since August 1971. Ron and Eleanor are Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. We will miss Ron at retiring to Hilo, Hawaii, The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for the 3D/RTS Weather which is where they are military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their Ron and Eleanor Kuratsu families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not station where he both from. necessarily offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It worked for the past They look forward is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range 34 years. The Kuratsu’s raised two to spending time with their two Services editorial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. daughters here and weathered the grandchildren and other Kwaj resi- Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 many changes in contracts, start- dents who now live there. The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, July 2, 2005 Housing residents are responsible for maintaining grounds, yard areas By Elizabeth Davie Reporter Keeping our island beautiful is everyone’s respon- sibility. If you live in family housing you have your own little piece of Kwaj to maintain, your yard. According to U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll Regula- tion 210-50 residents of family housing and trailers are responsible for maintaining the grounds sur- rounding their quarters. Yard mowing and trim- ming should be carried out at least 50 feet from the residence, to the road or fi re lane, or to the midpoint between adjoining quarters whichever is closer. No improvements or modifi cations shall alter the yard drainage (contour or slope). Most yard areas on island are relatively small. Plant placements and quantities should be reasonable to allow for pest control management. Plant and yard accessories Well-kept grounds and yards keep Kwajalein a clean and beautiful may not block fi re lanes and roads. place to live. All housing residents are responsible for yard and “What we see a lot of is people doing landscaping grounds upkeep. which is totally illegal,” said Flynn Gideon, Housing Services supervisor. People are doing it with good intent; he said, “It is not Building material such as lumber, brick, concrete that they can’t do it, we just need to know what they block, pipes, etc. shall not be kept at quarters. Resi- want to do so they don’t create drainage problems.” dents have 90 days from purchase and /or transfer to According to Gideon, if a resident wishes to do any ownership of such items to make use of them or must improvements to their yard they must contact the hous- remove them from the premise. ing offi ce. “I need something in writing telling me what There are many items available at Self Help, free of your plans are to make sure it will not cause drainage charge that can be used in maintaining a resident’s problems or cover up a sewer line or something like yard such as lawn mowers, weed eaters, grass seed that,” he said. and fertilizers. There is information in the Welcome Packet that “Lawn mowers can be delivered to your quarters, defi nes some of the yard work requirements includ- however, there have been times that I have called to ing that grass shall not be allowed to exceed 5 inches reserve one and there is not one available for a few days in height. After cutting, grass should have a uniform so make sure that you don’t wait until the last minute,” height throughout, free of grass clippings on walks, Gideon advised. drives or otherwise fi nished surfaces. Trimming within He also explained that you can hire someone to do the improved area shall be accomplished each time your yard maintenance for you if you wish. Marshallese such areas are mowed. workers must leave the island after work is completed Hedges and shrubs shall be trimmed or pruned prior so sometimes they will make it a two-day job.
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