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>IARC H !>. 1908. 4 M.\V-V((RK DAILY TKIHLXE. MONDAY. DANGKMS OF MSAWCWf. bomb follows u:tti:rs REPORT OX CTT) PRISOXS. DEBATE ON SOCIALISM. Says All Forces McCreery & Co. Result His Dr. MacArthur James Henry Solomon Given of Martin W. Littleton Speaks for In- Black Hand Follow Traditional Must Join to Extirpate It. Street 3+*h Street Inspection Here. anarchy 23rd Forum. R. S. MacArthur attacked with JVUliamsbvrg Man. So'.omaii, a mem- dividualism at the People's The Rev Dr. Methods Albany. March I—Whii- Henry yesterday n his sermon before »a Current Events Commission, would like to opposed to individ- Bible school. An -unsucce^Tul was made early i«Ber ber «T Ike State Prison The merits of aadaOMß a«? Class, "ofIthe Calvary Baptist Church Monday Tuesday, City aeaud in- by Martin W. L«- "only anarchism in us On and r> momiru: Jo Mow up the five story double Bane- recommend changes in New York ualism were debated yesterday He. said that Inert was not the report of Boston, at that an- Tn^rst" Ijous" at No". 12* Rsvbllng street. W'illiams- stitutions, li*-refrains from doing so in -.;\u25a0•.\u25a0: and Franklin K. \V-:itwort.ii. aouMmlc pens.- in thai country, but also March the IHh. and lOtlr. of public to-day, because Rochell.r. Morris Hii- who plan brrjr. by placing a bomb i:i » coal Inn in front of Ida inspection, made the \u25a0pics Forum at Ne.v archism supports by "the men cruel contomplatefl v.illbet- many York, he •V grocery sior* «f Anton Galinto :\u2666:\u2666\u25a0'-«'. «1alin!o chances are already which quit. the East Side socialist, presided, and calamities and atrocious crimes." New. inspection cover in the. men. had previously reoeivtl four Black Ha»»«! letters. t.r conditions. The reports of his of his followers from that district were said, was a happy hunting ground tor such Island, Folics " held the brief for eaßaaa the <ffort of Eae^ Mm demanded \u25a0£\u25a0 and ushered the the penitentiary on Blackweir^ audience. Mr.-Went worth, who He* also denounced those w who Both Store. ™ street, the DEPARTMENTS, m •yman that if the mo-.- y was not paid by the Headquarfrs. el No. Mulberry and the aaiUWTi. opened Ike debate.. "Even when Governor Hushes to stop racetrack sambllnp. BLANKET formerly known as the plundering robbing -.'• :;$\u25a0 of ilarch r hi? Tamil*--,would lie killed. city prison in Brooklyn, men become vastly rich by and Continuing, ho said, in part: Sunday tri* BlsckwelVs Isltnd Mr. Wentworth, "they f Bed Spreads. Shortly after S o'clock 01 moraine laial street jail. Of their frllow i»en," amid Mr. Mew York seems to he the nurppr?- of the tS! 9f9 Sal« of good will by anarchists, and t if *»"; '• twenty f«xifc<ies occspyicg tenements in the house tinman says in part: generally try to boy ?ack their socialists »nd Uiinchakista port 01 ** public. ous Black Hand panpK. New V«rk the Bed Spreads, English were thrown into a panic by £bie explosion, ark* In goo.i order, eleaa niHkinp enormous pift? to the I cannot for «angcrous fcireipners Or»^neral White The Institution was found to- entry all these that entire neighborhood. In the pa""" scores and -while there could be many sus- a pathetic fijrure in public life Bhighamrin rt-cent clearly- variety pattern*. \u2666-"hook ib* sanitary. an the ract think of more a address a comparatltHximplied A of new < tad way to the cestitms made as to Improvements, from Rockefeller, but he i? only one of he knows of -rin.- factorte* within • manufacture. of tightly made their • -> a day than Mr. >.<• that it is '<.»i.>.i-<i erect in the near future Short aiPtam-e ofCity Hall. mlso ;; xBB inches. scnockirj: one another downstairs in their take its place. U the men who won at the fame we are all ata>la«. equal political oraintsatton* weight. Size 78 *tr»ct. new buildin; on BJker'« Island to game. cU-arness lhal certain place? out ol Summer iCwiMto pair, pofetr. The police of the Bedford would no: be '• spend mote money aa tie uc We socialists in\u25a0 wani to change the are interest.'d in keepinp them Satanic 1.75. 2.00 and 2.50 •" «iwi police. _ *v«ju- tonly few short block? aura i aajeh men as Mr. Rocke- the hands or the local •\u25a0«:_« o rt the station. which is a We do not want to attack The secret Hocifties among Armenians andthe raise* 2-"S. 5.9» «n« 2JI« «r»ios:<-r.. the w*»re "- is de- for they only the same orpan.zations i T avi.' heard the and reserve* The condition Police HcAJUjUartera feller or Mr. Carnegie, are Black Hand and other similar '™? ) sweatshop." a m.naoe v. and \'*to Kuttj><J i>ere with several detective?.- but they hi part, .is follows: evidence at, disease as the chi.d'of the itaKam hare Income geaar^r Spreads. A com- aeribeal life of a nature .s<- »er»ua as io Bed anybody with they could con- th<» believe, he said, was not the »*«*?* 1,000 Colored failed To find whom The building being • -id. It la rol in a very good What socialists nect the -•\u25a0\u25a0.--. t!ie Afur the police the tact thai a bunding is fittest, but all should be fitted of new colors on white lomb. ronditioii. aid from ; new survival or the that L^OOOplete occupy assortment UaU fucrecded in quieting the frenzied foreigners being erected ai .• wh \u25a0!. they hope to \u25a0 aae day would to .-pen*! any money to surviv* d TO x9O inches. 1.35 : the it not bo advisable • saying that socialism J^.ou;!t;y:W^^hurc•{- Jg grounds. Size hf. found that the bois!> had wrecked entire on' th* old structure . Mr. Littleton started by SSi fiont and shattered most of the ....similar to otnei contrary to the natural laws of every legitimate and^h^^ store visionary human of GaliT3Jo> The basement baa twelve reite. was and discovering pnnlshaig the** in human I: had been bouses, with nfuch light and air one thing and punishing theso h>Vn«»h>«nas windows of the house. placed in the station but te*? it the universe and that there was no than is usually found in •.\u25a0"\u25a0-• places, and II When amoic all ciyO- «-0~l bos and had evidently a Time attachment to prevkiutiy stated, mat equal to another on th» face of the earth. *°We are fast becoming notc.rious < I*Both Stores. were not for the reason a form of " peoples for our ,lisr- ar«i of law ar • « LINEN it. Ac tii? croceryman. before closing Ma Bton look they ire going to move, 1shculu recommend then it came to incorporating Socialism into ized ,-.i.f.-«..0n i?,4v.»I.n^-»•» ...» DEPARTMENTS. de- hu^niliatlnK to make in- «-.-ca>ion to ct> to th«> bin and take out some coal immediate removal. government, he said it became the doctrine of thrn secure!;, • old Raymond jailair Botam cay against the doctrine of progress, the doctrine \u25a0\u25a0Hi fasten the box. be street propaga- The Italian detective;; tinder Lieutenant Vachri*. in par! . of paralysis opposed to the doctrine of office Satin Damask Table Cloth* let- putting the low unhou' LUtiiamaß- Sale took away the remnants of the bomb and the vastly im- tion. Socialism, be said, instead of .urn.-d AinV S the stake 1 found condition? a? to cleanliness high l new and exclusive designs. ters received by prior to the Depart- making thea equal with the would tb, .nt,- , etra-K and Napkins, Gxlinto. proved from what it had been up and len1en m*kina aram- The dread of D Ma X«"gro. which ha? be«-n meat of Correction taking charge. The cells were pull down the high to the level of the low. lX%w^it ? price*. flourishing among filth, and everything abo the to prevail,- Littleton said. At attractive iat»»!y in the district, has spread free from d!n and •\u25a0if socialism hi Mr. ;( -V"Sa!eSSr prison indicated close attention on the part of the universal, one-half of anotb.-. InustratlcM. an. the Italians in IVUliairstrurg, and has caused M would be becanse ;:\u25a0,!\u25a0.;&rt proving i.nnsMf t.. I- \u25a0•»•"•' officers in charee. half would be lazy rWne l« >"*/;\u25a0 Table Cloth-. »any of them to move away. Those who are re- Many pain and alterations are to be made to the world la lazy and the other nd braves) Governors the State of i even wi«-st speech '" the *•** training are la many instance* walking arsenals. prison. Plans and specifications arc now ready if it were not afraid of starvation. cannot has never had. His '•">."{ yard* this contemplate new a V rk! iast was a niodo 'i\ 2 to proit-ct against the Black Hand. to ... bids for work which of myself doing much work under such New Voik on Thursday ewma« themselves toilets, basins, lights, fresh air ven- conceive *-T wash electric system. J x '^a tilators ir. the c?l!s; the ratface interior of the build- >Hrds * recently have begun to turn iiiF and cells If to be painted, new fire lines and "It Is only that men ix :t yard* w properly throughout the eyes besom of the earth and appreciate- ir.iRRVS SOX OX POLK F. !ios«> are to be distributed their to the negroes X2X buildinp. new kitchen appliances, new concrete its vast resources and wealth.