>IARC H !>. 1908. 4 M.\V-V((RK DAILY TKIHLXE. MONDAY. DANGKMS OF MSAWCWf. bomb follows u:tti:rs REPORT OX CTT) PRISOXS. DEBATE ON SOCIALISM. Says All Forces McCreery & Co. Result His Dr. MacArthur James Henry Solomon Given of Martin W. Littleton Speaks for In- Black Hand Follow Traditional Must Join to Extirpate It. Street 3+*h Street Inspection Here. anarchy 23rd Forum. R. S. MacArthur attacked with JVUliamsbvrg Man. So'.omaii, a mem- dividualism at the People's The Rev Dr. Methods Albany. March I—Whii- Henry yesterday n his sermon before »a Current Events Commission, would like to opposed to individ- Bible school. An -unsucce^Tul Bttnr.pt was made early i«Ber ber «T Ike State Prison The merits of aadaOMß a«? Class, "ofIthe Calvary Baptist Church Monday Tuesday, City aeaud in- by Martin W. L«- "only anarchism in us On and r> momiru: Jo Mow up the five story double Bane- recommend changes in New York ualism were debated yesterday He. said that Inert was not the report of Boston, at that an- Tn^rst" Ijous" at No". 12* Rsvbllng street. W'illiams- stitutions, li*-refrains from doing so in -.;\u25a0•.\u25a0: and Franklin K. \V-:itwort.ii. aouMmlc pens.- in thai country, but also March the IHh. and lOtlr. of public to-day, because Rochell.r. Morris Hii- who plan brrjr. by placing a bomb i:i » coal Inn in front of Ida inspection, made the \u25a0pics Forum at Ne.v archism supports by "the men cruel contomplatefl v.illbet- many York, he •V grocery sior* «f Anton Galinto :\u2666:\u2666\u25a0'-«'. «1alin!o chances are already which quit. the East Side socialist, presided, and calamities and atrocious crimes." New. inspection cover in the. men. had previously reoeivtl four Black Ha»»«! letters. t.r conditions. The reports of his of his followers from that district were said, was a happy hunting ground tor such Island, Folics " held the brief for eaßaaa the