Andrew Golodny 202 429 1357
[email protected] 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-1795 202 429 3000 main November 16, 2018 BY ELECTRONIC FILING Kathleen H. Burgess Secretary New York Public Service Commission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 Re: Case No. 18-C-0396, Joint Petition of T-Mobile USA, Inc. and Sprint Communications Company L.P. Concerning an Indirect Transfer of Control Dear Ms. Burgess: DISH Network Corporation (“DISH”) submits this letter and the enclosed materials in response to the Notice inviting comments in the above-referenced proceeding. Enclosed are the public, redacted versions of DISH’s Petition to Deny and Reply filings as submitted to the Federal Communications Commission. The Highly Confidential Information of Sprint and T-Mobile is redacted pursuant to the FCC’s protective orders in its transaction review proceeding.1 Please contact me with any questions. Respectfully submitted, Andrew Golodny Counsel to DISH Network Corporation Enclosures 1 See Applications of T-Mobile US, Inc. and Sprint Corporation for Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, Protective Order, WT Docket 18-197, DA 18-624 (June 15, 2018); Applications of T-Mobile US, Inc. and Sprint Corporation for Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, NRUF/LNP Protective Order, WT Docket 18-197, DA 18-777 (July 26, 2018). Panlelis Michalopoulos 202 4296494 Steptoe
[email protected] S f[~T OE & JOHNSON U~ 1330 Connecticut Avenue, tw'rI Washington. DC 2oo36-1795 202 429 3000 main REDACTED-FOR I'UBLIC INSPECTION August 27, 20 18 By ECFS Marlene H.