THURSDAY,Newfound DECEMBER 1, 2016 FREE IN PRINT, FREE ON-LINE • WWW.NEWFOUNDLANDING.COM Landing COMPLIMENTARY Participants of all ages — and species — take part in Turkey Trot BY DONNA RHODES There were a few
[email protected] new additions in this BRIDGEWATER — year’s efforts, though, From the very young adding to both the to the elderly, par- fun and the funds. ticipants with two Proceeds from an ed- legs to four legs, baby ible “turkey cookie” strollers, walkers and painting table, a silent runners could all be auction for barbecue found making their grills, smokers and way along Mayhew other outdoor items as Turnpike and Whitte- well as a special raffle more Point in Bridge- for 100 gallons of heat- water for the 32nd an- ing fuel from Dead Riv- nual Turkey Trot last er Company in Bristol Thursday morning in all benefited the cause. Bridgewater as they Each race/walk par- helped raise money for ticipant also received the local Santa Fund of tickets they could en- the Newfound Region. ter for other raffle Each year, the San- drawings from local ta Fund provides local businesses, including families in need with gift certificates to a va- food, gifts and warm riety of local eateries winter clothing, and and shops, glassware, DONNA RHODES this year it was sup- holiday ornaments and Hebron resident Ron Delisle and Kris Hering of Bristol were fashionable standouts in the crowd that assembled for the 32nd ported once again by a artwork. annual Turkey Trot at Newfound Grocery on Thanksgiving morning. large and enthusiastic “We really had some crowd.