RYAN E GRADY Dept of Mathematical Sciences Montana State University Wilson Hall 2-214 Bozeman, MT 59715 Email: [email protected]

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RYAN E GRADY Dept of Mathematical Sciences Montana State University Wilson Hall 2-214 Bozeman, MT 59715 Email: Ryan.Grady1@Montana.Edu RYAN E GRADY Dept of Mathematical Sciences Montana State University Wilson Hall 2-214 Bozeman, MT 59715 Email: [email protected] Employment Assistant Professor, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. August 2016-present. Postdoctoral Fellow, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, September 2015-August 2016. Instructor and Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2012-June 2015. Research Visitor, Universite´ Montpellier, France, June 2017. Visits Member, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, June – July 2015. Concur- rently/supported by Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. Visitor, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, January 2015. Education Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, May 2012. Advisor: Stephan Stolz B.S. in Mathematics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado May 2007. With honors. Publications: Homotopy RG flow and the non-linear s-model. Contemporary Mathematics (to appear). Joint with Published or B. Williams. Accepted Lie algebroids as L¥ spaces. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu (to appear). Joint with O. Gwilliam. The A-genusˆ as a projective volume form on the derived loop space. Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 21 (2018), no. 2, Art. 13. BV quantization and the algebraic index. Adv. Math, 317 (2017) 575-639. Joint with Qin Li and Si Li. L¥-spaces and derived loop spaces, New York J. Math, 21 (2015) 231-272. Joint with O. Gwilliam. One-dimensional Chern-Simons and the A-genusˆ , Algebr. Geom. Topol., 14 (2014) 2299-2377. Joint with O. Gwilliam. On geometric aspects of topological quantum mechanics, Ph.D. thesis, Univ of Notre Dame, 2012. Covers, Laplacians, and heat kernels of directed graphs, Electron. J. Combin., 16 (2009) no. 1, Research Paper 31. Joint with C. Brasseur and S. Prassidis. Publications: “Topology and Quantum Theory in Interaction,” Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathemat- Books Edited ical Society, Providence, RI, 2018 (in press). Edited with David Ayala and Dan Freed. Ryan E Grady Publications: Parametrized L¥-spaces. 15 pages. arXiv:1603.06930. Submitted Kazhdan’s property (T) for graphs. 13 pages. arXiv:math.0607351 Joint with C. Brasseur and S. Prassidis. Publications: A one-dimensional AKSZ s-model and sheaves of twisted differential operators, in preparation, Drafts 2018. Joint with O. Gwilliam and B. Williams. Boundary observables and Koszul duality, in preparation, 2018. Joint with B. Williams. Honors and NSF Infrast. Grant: Topological and Geometric Methods in QFT #1642636, Dec 2016–Nov 2017. Grants A NSF-CBMS regional conference held at MSU (Bozeman). Co-Principal Investigator, with PI David Ayala. NSF Standard Grant: Geometric Analysis and Topology #1309118, July 2013-June 2016. Co-Principal Investigator on the project Geometric Aspects of Quantum Field Theory and Topological Strings. The Principal Investigator is Si Li (Boston). MAA Section NExT Fellow, 2018–2019. Member, Center for Faculty Excellence, Montana State University, 2016-2017. Faculty Excellence Grant, Montana State University, Fall 2017. U.S. Junior Oberwolfach Fellow, May 2016, June 2010. AMS Travel Grant, August 2013. Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Participant/Workshop Organizer, September 2013. Invited Talks: “Higher Structures in Topological Data.” SIAM Central States Fall Meeting, Fort Collins, CO, Conferences September 30, 2017. “Observables in Courant s-models.” Gone Fishing Poisson Conference, Notre Dame, IN, May 5, 2017. “Topological invariants via local-to-global constructions of QFT.” Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Lubbock, TX, February 16, 2017. “Algebras and modules from boundary QFT.” AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 30, 2016. “Observables in effective BV theory.” (2 of 6 talks in a lecture series.) Oberwolfach: Factorization Algebras and Functorial Field Theory, May 8–14, 2016. “Perturbative QFT from derived stacks.” Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory, IBS-CGP, Pohang, Korea, January 14, 2016. “Moduli/b-functions for BV theories.” Homological Methods in QFT, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, September 30, 2014. “Factorization algebras and an application to algebraic index theory.” Special Session on Mathemat- ical Physics, Operad Theory, Algebraic Topology and Higher Categories, Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Guanajuato, Mexico, Aug 8, 2013. “Ricci flow and the space of quantum field theories.” Quantum Theory’s Influences on Topology, Analysis, and Geometry; Center for Deformation and Symmetry, Copenhagen, May 27, 2013. Ryan E Grady Invited Talks: “Twisted differential operators as observables.” BU/Keio Workshop on Geometry, Boston Univer- Conferences sity, September 14, 2012. (cont.) “Observables and index theorems.” FRG Conference on Topology and Field Theories, University of Notre Dame, June 5, 2012. “Topological quantum mechanics in the BV formalism.” Loop spaces, loop groups, and loop alge- bras, CIRM, Luminy, May 31, 2011. “Chern-Simons theory and the Todd genus.” AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting, Notre Dame, IN, November 5, 2010. Invited Talks: “A hierarchy of symplectic s-models.” Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of Illinois (Ur- Seminar & bana), October 25, 2018. Colloquium “A hierarchy of symplectic s-models.” Geometry, Physics, and Representation Theory Seminar, Northeastern University, October 11, 2018. “Manifold invariants via Perturbative QFT.” Colloquium, Creighton University, April 12, 2018. “Manifold invariants via Perturbative QFT.” GST Seminar, University of Nebraska, April 10, 2018. “Manifold invariants via Perturbative QFT.” Colloquium, Utah State University, November 9, 2017. “Manifold invariants via Perturbative QFT.” Geometry Seminar, Vanderbilt University, October 20, 2017. “An intro to quantum BV theory.” University of the Aegean (Samos), Greece, June 26, 2017. “An intro to quantum BV theory.” Geom´ etrie´ algebrique,´ champs et homotopie, Institut de Mathematiques´ de Toulouse, June 20, 2017. “An intro to quantum BV theory.” Colloquium, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, April 3, 2017. “Some elementary applications of algebraic topology.” Computer Science Seminar, Montana State University, November 21, 2016. “The BV formalism and some applications to index theory.” Topology Seminar, University of Notre Dame, April 5, 2016. “The BV formalism and some applications to index theory.” Math-Physics Joint Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, February 11, 2016. “Derived geometry as a tool for QFT, QFT as a tool in topology.” Topology Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 9, 2015. “Applications of quantum field theory to geometry and topology.” Colloquium, Montana State University, January 29, 2015. “Applications of quantum field theory to geometry and topology: observables and index theory.” IGERT Seminar, Brandeis University, November 12, 2014. “Derived geometry as a tool for QFT.” Topology Seminar, University of Notre Dame, June 26, 2014. “Ricci flow and the space of quantum field theories.” Talks in Mathematical Physics, ETH Zurich, May 21, 2013. “Factorization algebras and an application to algebraic index theory.” Colloquium, University of New Hampshire, May 2, 2013. “Factorization algebras and an application to algebraic index theory.” Geometry Seminar, Brown University, April 3, 2013. Ryan E Grady Invited Talks: “Factorization algebras and an application to algebraic index theory.” Topology Seminar, University Seminar & of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, March 12, 2013. Colloquium “Ricci flow and the space of quantum field theories.” Topology Seminar, University of Notre Dame, (cont.) March 7, 2013. “Twisted differential operators as observables.” Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Wis- consin, Madison, March 23, 2012. “On geometry and quantum field theory.” Geometry Seminar, Boston University, January 26, 2012. “Volume forms on the derived loop space.” ETH Zurich, January 9, 2012. “Some observations toward the algebraic index theorem.” Topology Seminar, Stanford University, December 6, 2011. “Some observations toward the algebraic index theorem.” GAP Seminar, Penn State University, November 15, 2011. “Categorical traces and field theories.” Geometry/Physics Seminar, Northwestern University, April 28, 2011. “Characteristic classes in derived geometry.” Felix Klein Seminar, University of Notre Dame, March 31, 2011. “The free fermion in BV theory.” University of California Berkeley, January 18, 2011. “Genera from effective field theory.” Topology Seminar, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, November 30, 2010. “An Introduction to Topological Field Theory.” Canisius College, Buffalo, July 17, 2009. Graduate Chair, Adam Howard, Ph.D Candidate, Montana State University. Current. Advising Co-Chair, Eric Berry, Ph.D Candidate, Montana State University. Current. Committee Member, Eric Fink, Ph.D Candidate, Montana State University. Current. Committee Member, Daniel Perry, Ph.D Candidate, Montana State University. Current. Committee Member, Anna Cepek, Ph.D Candidate, Montana State University. Current. Committee Member, Robin Belton, Ph.D Candidate, Montana State University. Current. Undergraduate Research Mentor, Montana State University USP, Fall 2016 & Spring-Fall 2017. Advising Research Mentor, Boston University UROP, Spring 2014. Undergraduate Mentor, Geometric Group Theory, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2010. Ryan E Grady Courses Montana State University Taught Lie Groups (M597), Fall 2018. Methods of Proof (M242), Fall 2018. Introduction to Differential Equations (M274),
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