
This,iý а, пеw tочrist,, ýpot. The, hottest place,iýthe,Ь;?у area. Thg futuiisticn urban space ,nicknamed,Shiбdome, SIO-SITE is lined:up with tall,buildings including Nihon ТY Headquarters. TheTe is,enteitainment]and great food, including VIT1\ ITAT,IA, also,,known,as]Little,Italy. You can extend your trip tо опе of 's' best.knowR ,landmaTks, Tokyo Тоwеr,, which is be.aвtifuЦy lit uр after dark. Frоrп TakeBhiba Pielor Цпоdg Pier;,,the, Water' Bus or Restaurant Shiр -,,рiц take you on а rеfrеshiпg Тоýо Вау cruise.

] Onbday сочБе to seeTokyo's ] landmarks, the чrЬап oasis, and the f рорчlаr Ьау area

о sniodome sta. 1-miп, }.walk О Slo-SlTE ]0-miп. Ywalk о Hama-rikvu Gardens 10-miп, ýl Waterbus @ Hinode Pier ,l9-min,'!walk

О Kyu-Shiba-rikyu Gardens 15,miп..Ywа|k

@ ZojojiTemple

6-miп t7walk OToKyoTower

8.-rпiп:V walk

@ Onarimon Sta. *тhё. estimated,time is based оп the route indicated Ьу the dotted line on the mар. l}.Wtir :ffi.I:1ffirз

Bйllliii]].iýý8; lh' Ьrоiidсаiiiф:ltофr,.ls..:lЗ. 33й ltФ ;:;ТФ:.{ФЬi,qgý,!фЙtq_фц:tаii*!:щ] to the,Poit , ,аiilпъ Y,.qti,.,sit0]li'qk,q.сliэl!hё_]ёO.t[аýjИоJ.]Тlqki,_Фi:а!l,q. :|: к$ : I:б\у ýa |lrпd|lо,thФl.1 ь.ауýiф,sýбJs lthe from the two observatories. А wах museum ind Guin- |]&аjdзl9dфllRi.у:ёri{тhё],,,рi.ltiie,Ь,ý lHirnikФ",. lhё ness world rесоrds museum are also attгactive Spots. gj|gl ljР ф:,Ч',?9-ilЗ-99:1u"d: oouiи, l fr|5-m;п. watk from Akabaпebashi Exii of Akabanebashi Subway Sta. (Ё1) оп ОеОо Line. or 6-miп, wаШ< fюm E*t A'l о{ 0паrimоп SuЬшу Sta, (106) оп MiЪ Цпе. оr 7-min. ,,l.,lv;iltatrЙ,gxil' 1.,Ф Kфiyachý ýи, {tt0$lФd:lnki.ii.nt4rý,: :..i.:Ёц,irа:iii!Ф;'d.--10,гоjгi,йlh:-!iiriтi,,Е;il:Абlя::.ВrlйоФ::. subway Sй, (А09) оr (Е20) оп Цпе of oedo Line :,нSьýёýаiбгу.Аdцliýtý,: :ВдфФ!,:iiЦфз.{уоi{ш.F€ýФ Е[ýlФ.22lФ,,'ýlФеп.3ý. ý,dayt ll, Е03_з43J-511 1 Fi!!}Ф,щ:!t}i!ФвiлiiйЁрвi :,;,,."' |,:,,.., iйr.ýiо;ýlтЁ..] :фвiа.*хь,,; Ж,ж

fu ind9d.in,Jз,93 Ф а JцпdаФgлаllеfiЬutsцs9гдitdliрJ Jodo: iТhb. ]]rjёФltо.цliбt]ý.р,Ь. t .offefý, ]mапу .рорчIаг. ýг]орs ]and i9!ц. ýфs,?l,iп: еа9LJqрзj;,иqj|]lаlеГb!.сац,9:ф,OJа,пtlчlt9фЧ aI tп.,thё...саrёttа .ShiФdome",NTv. Тэwеr hotels; Тоkuýаwа.Ьhоgцпаto_. Тф,Wфdф:ýаtе 0I,thе,t9mi$q:,Ёmа]iЙýФ ]hе рщiпаt аt!пiЁ_сlЦФ iamaiфci of .tм.giitly] .llth:cc,niФ Ф!d is d$ignated as imрогtапt cultural ргореrtу of Jарап. Е.{ _.Йl* "wat["Й*r,".Ygl&aйon?elýub/vay'Shiodome Ёl ЕlЗ-miп. watk irоm Опаrimоп Subway Sta.({06) оп :,,.;ýtа(U02l€19}....ý..ц,Qфб:.j.iцЁ.lЦit 6, з-miп: w. a|k tr Mlta Line Exit А1. 6-miп. walk fгоm Dаimоп Subway ::1, flgfi lýttiiriýaýfu i:ý!ьiФбir:ýt.а"tА10}.оп Asqkusa. Ling н Sta,И09),(E20) qп Asakusroedo Line EXit А6, ,.l]]uпdёфrФuпid'.,.раth; ý.rt!.ift;:.walкl frой JBlSubWay l ] O-min. walk frоm lR HamamaБucho Sta. :]i:ýhiйbaýH ýta:{ý08). €i.lGinza,Lifid .гжit А2 l Elg:oo-l7:00 мVaiiei_ ac;ýldins !о.thФ{фýiliпЁý ghip:l/цs/$,ýig,it'ti:ýi jii{й Kv_ari*ý icecrdiф.to rhý ti*ilцiФj ýliвуrрф;tritаiлоt.liягдЕl J Нзffiт,тз; ) ,ЁdýЙЦiaiitýlti g',',, vz: ь,5 >> lffortd'T'faCЭ.,Centar,,O-býeryatot'J ёя на|>, -t }rRgA

,:]ГhЬ.. rе$аuiапt].iý.рФрчlаr .Ьесачýе.'ýf 1he соrп. Thiý]obýervatory, locaied :].52 m аЬоче grоцпd, ifбttбЬ1е:сlцj,siпg,,,thаt,lсап, ЬЭ. expellenqed о( the offeaý а, р,апоЁmiс.чiеw ql Týkyo,, .inctudinQ the ;'Port,of,Trikyo апd,tg exquisjte.dishds;, .,. l'' .. "]. ТOýо T:Qw.er,and. . l, viлqt et Uп lTakeshiba Pier] Ell-min. Mдlk from таkеshЬа SIа.[UOз) 0п Yulkamorne Цпе,, 8-miп, 'Elca'iinectёd fiorn. JЁlтOýо..мФпOвiI t ffr|аФаtýuсh0 |,:i.Фаlii floмJa]fiaiiftяatýKhn'ýb. i,фrЕ it,.10"fiin..Фalk froin Dai- ',, mоп SчЬwау Sia.(A09),(E20) оп ДБаhrýа/Oеdо Цпе Ыii В2 ýii;connected fr.om оаimоп' ý.ilbway ýй(АOý),iЕа0) ý|9:0&20:30 ýOщл3б5мр ýAduitV2,0Ф (ridеOф- Е0}З436_2]21 l.]on],qйku9al0edolineth.oцih,Bj.F .. . ., . -: ,Е 1.0l00-Z0:30.Фntl| 2.1 :30:diгiпg ýуФрtбiу iНhФd.е'Рiеd::':; |l, .l ýrmrпеr iacafii!] :.:.:andChtiBtmas,timё}...... Et'_1liфtn,walk.ii0rn:Hinode,".stii, ФJirriliamtyni' tjne,;' 1.2:min, wdk ,Elli!l0rДФДtrE-i!.iФi:ý8;jЙШ . :: .Elt'2.30-3t ,.ýlАйiltYбзо, . i tom.JR,}Jix]ифatallchq,ýи;,.,9jtф:.ыt;; tý-яiп .uiаlk f{fin.Dairпqý ' Subway Sh,(дФ),(Е2Oi оп Дsakusa/Oedo Line fuit В2 ,- Еltrtlg/дшш.исыоg, iO.isд.т]) Е103-з435:60а6.. lgtiрrФФiýiwiмМВl]. 99,00_20:Ф ВlOкп 365 dфS ЕlАфц и,500 (Iiф 0ф)_ Еl0з"37g8.8r 01

Tokyo Тоurist lпfоrmаtiоп Gепtеr UsefuI NumЬегs

ifr We provide information for tourist spots, access fl ЕmеIgепсу ý? Firе StatiOn Telephone Service specs, and recommended accommodations. s Police*---- -,----.-,-,- -'.- 8110 ж (Guidance for medical inýitutionф 8 03-3212-232l Police (calls answered iп English)803-3501-0110 * Youlh HOslel You need а map? lt's all hеrе! ж ý tireiEmergencyiAmbUlance --- 811 9 Japan YOuth HOStels, lпс-----803-3288-1417 r*" TOurisl lпfOrmаtiOп сепtеr TOkyo YOUth HOstel ASSOciation Д03-3851-1121 loei oBdO TMG Building Headquarters: Tokyo TOurist lnformation Сепtеr: ж Tokyo lnternatiOnal HoStel-'.-. 803-3235-1107

Tokyo Metropolitan lvlain Building No.'l , 1 F SHion TMG Building Headquarters-- 803-5321-3077 & currenGy exchaпge Tokyo TOurist lnformation Сепtеr: ý ж World Сurrепсу Shops 2-8-1 Nishi Shin.juku-ku Напеdа АirрOrt Branch ------Д03-5757-s345 ж (Ехсhапgе of foreign сurrепсу) 803-5275-7610 9:30-1 8:30 Closed New Year holiday TOkyo TOUrist lпfOrmаtiOп center: & lпtеrпаtiOпа' ТslерhOпе тЕL.Oз-5321 -з077 Keisei Uen0 Branch ------'. 803-3836-347,| ý Soft Bank Теlесоm- а0088-41 ToýoTlC----, 803-3201-3331 The Internet Service iS available. ж KDDl--'.---- -,------80057 TranspOrtatiOл ý} MObiIe РhOпе IFlight lnformation ж NтТ DоСо[Ло------,,- Ei5 0120-005-250 TOky0 lnternatiOnal Airpoft (Напфа) 803-5757-81'l'| Напеdа Airport Вrапсh: ý Narita lnternational Airport - Д0476-34-8000 Earthquake sufvival Мапчаl jp/survivalmanual.pdf НапеdаАirроrt Теrmiпаl 1, 1 F KanSai lnternatiOnal Airport- 80724-55-2500 W http://www,kanko,metro,tokyo. З-з-2 Hanedakuko ota-ku aJR EaSt -"д050-2016-1603 Business HOurs OTokyo Metro informatiOn -- аШ-394,|-2004 ж oBanks 9:00-22:00 Ореп all Year ж oLost and Fоuпd Offices 09:00l5:00 ClOsed:Saturdays, Sundays and паtiOпа holidays тЕL.Oз-5757-9345 Tokyo [vletro д03_3834_5577 aPOst Offices ffi JR East --- 8050_2016-1603 09:00l7:00 Closed:Saturdays, Sundays and natiOna] holidays Taxi ------,------... 803-3648-0300 ffi aDepartment StOres

TOei TranSpOrtatiOn (buS and sub\ilay) 803-3812-2011 1 0:00l 9:00 (With rеgulаr hOlidays) 0реп SatUrdays, Sundays ж aGочеrпmепt organizatiOns Keisei Uепо Branch: ffi Heallh-cale lnrOmatiOn ж 09:00l7:00 Cloкd:Saturdays, Sundays and natiOnal hOlidays ж TOkyo Metropolitan Health arld lИedical lп front of ticket gate, Keisei Uепо Station lnf 0rmаtiOп center (Himawari) calls EE!0120(NTT)- ж ---,- а Ш-5285-81 81 хFrее dial й* lпtеrпаtiопаl 1 -60 Uenokoen Taito-ku AMDA Medical 9:З0-18:З0 Ореп all Year ж l nf ormation center, Tokyo..--- а Ш-5285-8088 тЕL.03-з836-з471

ATMS afe installed t0 accept the use 0f credit cardý Such as vlSA, Mastercard, JCB, Diпеrs club, апd American Express at locations With the mаrk 0n the left iп the Area Мар. FOr other ATMS m- available, please refer t0 the f0llowing Website: .ATMS at Post otfices: http://Wwwyuubinýoku.com/english/index.html Tqkyo Тоurism Website Ф .other ATMs: http://www.icca-office.9r.jpldocs_visiUe_liSt_tokyo.htmI

Rфm сhаqе(опе niaht oer person) All the hottest tourist info. Just check it| lAn accommodation tax is levied whеп staying at hotels in Tokyo. The ta is used fоr the promotion of tourism in Tokyo, such as less thm Y]5,оо0 100 the issuing of this publication, and the епhапсеmепt of the Y10,000 to http ://www, tou rism. mеtrо. tokyo,j р у200 quality of tourist information seruices.

Photo: coudesyotTolryoconvenl]on &v]SiloБ BUreaU TOKYO METROPýL|TAhI ýOVERruMENT Advice оп barier lree infolmation: ВаIг]еt Frcе Сопlрапу еr=+ _JL- ?Tourism Division,Bureau of lndustrial and Labor Affairs This mар s based on the geographic mар ol ]:20,0оOЪсаlе, he dig]ta geogйphic map 25000 (ýра. lG' -; lrr]t, |PBlilTED WlTHl = 2-B- l,Nishi-Shinjuku,Shinluku-ku,Tokyo, 1 63-B001,JAPAN ::iзilij,iililfр,},iili]li::ж:ъ,,дж:lllтfl,l1i,lаl3fiп[ilн#:,н|3*;;па*, вжiъ*fiй" l'9lsovlmKL