“Having Your Say on Planning Matters”

P M Stone Director of Planning and Community Development Broxtowe Borough Council Council Offices Foster Avenue Beeston NG9 1AB

Telephone: 0115 917 7777 Fax: 0115 917 3377 Email: [email protected]

October 2006

Statement of Community Involvement – Having Your Say On Planning Matters Page No

Contents: 1

Introduction 2

Part One – The process of Community Involvement Relationship with the Council’s aims and objectives 3 Scope of Involvement 3 Methods of engagement 4 SCI examination process 5 Resources and Management 5 Feedback, monitoring and review 6 Availability of information 6

Part Two – Policy documents The principles of community involvement 9 Which documents are in the Local Development Framework? 9 How communities will gain from the process 10 Stages of the process which incorporate community involvement 10 How we will consult you on preparing policy documents 12

Part Three – Planning applications Explanation of current consultation procedure 13 How we will consult you on planning applications 16

Appendix 1 Extract from Local Development Scheme programme

Appendix 2 List of consultee groups

Appendix 3 Title and description of Local Development Documents

Appendix 4 Definition of Terms

Appendix 5 Potential Methods of Community Involvement

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


Statement of Community Involvement – Having Your Say On Planning Matters


In 2004 the government introduced The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act. The Act requires local authorities to prepare a Local Development Framework (LDF) to replace the previous system of local plans and county structure plans. The LDF will give details of where new development will take place and the policies which will guide the decisions on planning applications. The LDF is designed to be regularly reviewed and updated. It will consist of a number of Development Plan Documents (DPDs), accompanied by Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), which support and enlarge upon the content of the DPDs. The overall plan which informs these documents is the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS). A draft of this is currently out to consultation and gives options for local authorities and key stakeholders to comment upon.

The first document, which has already been prepared, is the Local Development Scheme (LDS). This gives the title and a summary of each of the documents that will combine to form the LDF. A timetable for the production of the documents and an explanation of how this is to be achieved and monitored is included in the LDS. You will need to refer to that document to access full details of content and the times for involvement and comment.

The central theme of the new process is public engagement. Communities, interest groups and individuals are encouraged to assist in developing each document. Every authority is to produce a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) as one of the Local Development Documents (LDDs), to inform all interested parties about how we propose to achieve this. The timetable for the SCI is given in Appendix 1 attached to the back of this document.

There are two elements to the SCI:

• Involvement in policy documents and • Involvement in decision making on planning applications.

This document does not contain new planning policies or allocate sites, but outlines how we will involve all sections of the community in future document preparation.

A preliminary consultation based on the content of the SCI was held in July/August 2005 and responses to that stage have been taken into account in producing this document. This document is being formally submitted to the Secretary of State (SoS), and is subject to a further 6 week consultation period. The submitted document will be put before an independent inspector for a binding decision and then adopted by the council.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters



Relationship with the Council’s aims and objectives:

1. The council has five corporate objectives which it already pursues through the Local Plan and expects to continue to meet on implementation of all LDDs. These are:

• Successful and inclusive communities • A safe and healthy society • A successful economy • Enhancing our environment • Providing high quality services.

2. The council is committed to community involvement and this is achieved partly through the Community Strategy. The corporate aims of the Council include the following:

• Represent, promote and include the community at all levels • Identify the causes of social exclusion and take action to ensure services are accessible to all • Improve the infrastructure of the borough • Focus on environmental needs • Take action to enhance the environment for future generations • Strive to continuously improve the quality and level of services

It is expected that the Statement of Community Involvement will encourage progress in achieving all of the above aims.

Scope of Involvement

3. Groups will be invited to contribute to discussions and an exchange of ideas once the preparation of a new document is due to commence. Statutory consultees comprise the organisations included in the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) () Regulations, 2004.

4. It would be unrealistic to expect to speak to everyone in the borough, but there are many representative groups that are best placed to communicate the views of the communities they represent. New groups may be formed as a result of the widening of public involvement. We will endeavour to be inclusive and consult regardless of colour, ethnic origin, sex, religion or sexual orientation. We recognise however that there are ‘hard to reach’ groups who tend to be underrepresented in responses to consultation exercises. These may include:

The young Single parent families

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


The elderly Those with disabilities and access problems Black and ethnic minority groups Carers Those unable to read/write/speak English Those whose principal means of communication is not speech and/or hearing Those with learning difficulties Refugee and asylum speakers Deprived communities Those in poverty Gypsies and travellers Gay, lesbian and bi-sexual groups Homeless Drug users

The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and Disability Discrimination Acts 1995, and 2005, apply to this document and the provisions of these acts are complied with.

Members of the public have been asked to suggest any groups that may have been omitted in the questionnaire and online through the council’s web site.

Methods of engagement

5. A number of methods will be adopted by the council to enable this process to be as productive as possible. The methods adopted have been chosen according to their suitability for each document and area of interest. Tables of intended methods are given on pages 12 and 16. Elected members of the council have a positive role to play in this process, acting as information disseminators, mediators and a contact point for both the public and officers. Early involvement is to be encouraged to enable identification of issues. The questionnaire therefore asked consultees to indicate at which stage(s) they would like to be involved.

An assessment of the various methods of involvement considered is given in appendix 5.

6. In order to reduce the possibility of ‘consultation fatigue’, the council aims, wherever possible, to bring together other participation exercises in which they are involved to make the best use of people’s time. The council already has a network of effective community liaison meetings throughout the borough which are central to disseminating information on planning matters. These are the Community Action Teams (CATs) which exist in all but one of the borough’s wards and meet on a quarterly basis. As they already represent a broad range of organisations, CATs will be able to perform a useful function in dealing

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


with planning issues and may be able to suggest some other ways of contacting ‘hard to reach’ groups. Additionally, the Broxtowe Partnership members will be contacted and asked to participate. The partnership has a broad interest base with members of community associations, voluntary groups and the business community, all with a different perspective and a set of contacts which will prove useful. A list of those groups identified and consulted is included in Appendix 2 and includes the members of the partnership and key stakeholders, together with ‘hard to reach’ groups identified so far. The council will endeavour to keep the list of consultees up to date through contact with them at requested stages. The council will learn from the experience of involvement and improve the arrangements when this is indicated to be necessary.

7. The council will submit DPDs and documents to the Secretary of State prior to adoption. The requirements are for; a sustainability appraisal report, the adopted statement of community involvement, a statement setting out the consultations carried out, how bodies were consulted, the issues raised and how those have been addressed together with a statement giving details of all representations and supporting documents used in the preparation of the DPD.

SCI examination process:

8. The SCI will be subject to independent examination. The examination will be carried out by an Inspector, from the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). When the SCI is submitted for examination, anyone with unresolved issues will be able to make representations, which will be considered at that time. The document will be adopted after the Inspectors binding report is received and any amendments incorporated. After this date, the council will make the DPD and all supporting information available during normal working hours at the usual deposit points. The adoption statement will be sent to anyone who requests to receive a copy and to the Secretary of State.

9. The Inspector will subsequently produce a report, which will be binding upon the authority, with reasons which relate to the soundness of the SCI but not to individual representations. The council must adopt the SCI as amended or approved by the inspector’s report unless the Secretary of State intervenes. Once adopted the SCI will be included in the Local Development Framework.

Resources and Management:

10. Staffing resources will mainly come from the planning policy team with technical and administrative support. It may be necessary to involve staff from other sections or other directorates at various stages and there may also be a requirement to employ consultants. Other staff may be required to be included in the process to ensure sufficient

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


back-up to the policy team. The existing planning budget and a proportion of the Planning Delivery Grant (PDG) will be allocated to producing the relevant documents and meeting all the direct and indirect costs of public involvement.

Feedback, monitoring and review:

11. It is important that in order to be fully inclusive, feedback should be given to all those involved in the process. Acknowledgement will be made of all responses received in the post, by email or fax. A database will be set up to record all such representations and contributors will be kept informed and invited to participate further when necessary. The record of all such representations may be made available on our website as well as in a hard copy format, and therefore, contributors need to be aware that their comments will be public. Representations will be considered and any amendments deemed to be necessary will be made as a result. The schedule of representations will be submitted to the Secretary of State with the final documents. It is important to note that representations regarding the site allocations will be treated in exactly the same way as those for other general representations.

12 The council is required to produce an annual monitoring report. The report will look at progress against the LDS programme (among other things) and at that stage it may be necessary to adjust the timetabling to make provision for unforeseen events and delays. The report will be a public document and will be available to view at the council offices and on the council website.

13. Procedures for public involvement will also be reviewed at this time to ensure a robust and successful process.

Availability of Information:

14. LDF documents will be made available to view, at all council offices, libraries in the borough and on the council website as an additional facility when available. Publicity will be given to this availability by advertising in the local newspaper and on the website. Details of availability and an end date for representations will be given at the same time. Documents will be available to purchase, but there is likely to be a reduced uptake of this option since so many people now have internet access. Statutory consultees and known interest groups will be notified by letter. The list of these groups is appended to this document. The council will aim to inform groups and individuals living and working just beyond the borough boundary who may be affected by the content of documents relating to this borough. The period set for community involvement is 6 weeks for DPDs and between 4-6 weeks for SPDs dependent on complexity.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


15. All representations should be submitted within the allocated time period, either as a letter, a response form where supplied, email or fax. Responses received after the given time and date have elapsed will not be considered. All information received as a result of the consultation will be available publicly. If you object to a particular form of wording in documents, please suggest your preferred replacement wording.

16. The council aims to write documents in plain English. This can be particularly difficult given the large number of acronyms and the jargon associated with the planning process. However, we will endeavour to explain these where there is no alternative way to express requirements. A glossary of terms should assist with this and has been included as Appendix 4 in this document.

17. The procedures for DPDs are set out by regulation. The council will make proposal documents and a statement of the proposals matters available during normal office hours at the Council Offices in Beeston and public libraries in the borough. The information will also be available on the council’s website

The DPD bodies will be sent the DPD proposals, supporting documents, notice of proposals matters and the statement of fact. Notification of availability of these items and relevant times will be advertised in the local press.

18. Procedures for SPDs are slightly different to those for DPDs. The council will consider the appropriate level of involvement for each document prior to preparation and will consult the relevant parties on the full draft document. A Statement of Conformity with this SCI will be required to accompany the SPD, together with a sustainability appraisal. A statement of representations received in respect of the draft SPD will accompany the document with an explanation of the way these were taken into account. It will be possible to form partnerships to deal with area or site specific SPDs and this will be considered for each document. Adoption cannot take place until representations have been considered and a statement has been prepared outlining the main issues raised with an explanation of how these have been addressed in the final SPD.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


Table 2 - Summary of the Council’s approach to Community Involvement

Vision, standards and links Be inclusive and engage groups and individuals in the process Front loading Recognise the need to involve stakeholders at an early stage and resolve issues to make decision making speedier Reflect community needs Identify local groups by involving established groups and drawing on their knowledge and contacts Understand how communities Encourage involvement early can be involved in a timely and in the process. Identify accessible way relevant groups and maintain contact Identify involvement Refer to matrix (appendix 5) techniques that are appropriate and employ relevant methods based on feedback Be clear about stages of Methods will be employed that involvement are relevant to the stage reached and to the communities involved making use of the prepared table (end of section) Resource and manage the Make efforts to reduce process unexpected events by making contingency plans Show how results feed into Monitor results and success of preparation of LDDs and documents. Publish sustainability reports information and update stakeholders Set out authority’s policy for Publish SPD community involvement on planning applications Set out how authority will learn Will examine carefully from experience and improve responses received and incorporate new methods where necessary and practical

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters



The principles of community involvement

1. The Statement of Community Involvement sets out the council’s intentions in involving the community in preparing documents which form the Local Development Framework. The reason for doing this is to give groups and individuals the opportunity to have meaningful dialogue and express their opinions on a wide range of issues. These will contribute to the overall production of Local Development Documents, which will shape the way that the borough will evolve, develop and be conserved over the next few years. If this part of the process is successfully carried out, it can considerably reduce the time taken in the examination, thus shortening the time needed to take documents through to final adoption. The council’s vision is to see a greater participation in and ownership of documents and their contents by a wider spectrum of groups and individuals.

2. Realistically, it is recognised that not every view can be incorporated and therefore a balance will be needed, achieving general consensus, rather than attempting to please every individual. If unresolved issues remain after the process of engagement, these will be taken, as before, to the examination. However the prior discussions should lead to a reduction in the number of issues being considered resulting in a shorter examination.

3. This document is the first of the council’s documents produced under the new system to go to examination.

Which documents are in the Local Development Framework?

4. The Framework will supersede the current Local Plan and will comprise a number of separate documents based on specific issues. The SCI describes part of the process, whilst others will allocate sites, list development control policies or give details of redevelopment based on specific geographical areas, such as a town centre. These documents are known as Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and will be subject to regular monitoring and review. Other documents, known as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) will give details for developers to follow and advice to the public on how to ensure that their planning application has the best chance of success by following the policies. The ‘folder’ that all these separate documents fit into, is called the ‘Local Development Framework’.

5. As part of the new framework, the council is required to make the process completely transparent by publishing a programme of work detailing ‘key milestones’ in the production of each document to allow everyone to know when to expect to be more intensively involved. This programme can be viewed as part of the LDS document which is

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


available on our website. The programme may be subject to change if monitoring proves that the timetable is unrealistic or falling behind.

How communities will gain from the process

6. The Statement of Community Involvement will help to promote a greater sense of inclusion and influence in the borough’s communities. In time, the experience gained should help to boost the confidence of organisations and individuals contributing to the planning process, which in turn should improve the quality of their involvement and their capacity to take the initiative. The process will also offer communities the opportunity to form new partnerships.

7. The council will gain greater insight into what communities need and the support and help that they require. It will also gain local knowledge from contact with the people living in those communities. Much of this information will be guided through the council’s Community Strategy. It will be much easier for the council to feed back more widely to the community than at present when representatives of community groups are fully engaged as they can report to those they represent. An ongoing dialogue will be encouraged, with issues discussed at all levels and with all relevant groups, including those described as ‘hard to reach’.

Stages of the process which incorporate community involvement?

8. The Local Development Documents (LDDs) comprising Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are subject to community involvement. The government expects a continuous dialogue to take place throughout the process of producing all documents. There are however, specific periods of more intensive activity within the timetable at some of the key milestone stages, which are indicated in the programme management chart, forming part of the Local Development Scheme (LDS).

• DPDs will cover such topics as; the Core Strategy, Proposals Map, Site Allocation and Area Action Plans.

• SPDs will give guidance, expansion and explanation of policies.

Both DPDs and SPDs are subject to sustainability appraisals which will check the soundness of the document by ensuring that it reflects sustainable development objectives. The results of the appraisal will form part of the reasoned justification for policies.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


9. For the Action Area Plans being undertaken for the town centres, it is appropriate that a four-week Issues & Options consultation takes place, in the form of a questionnaire. These issues and options are largely derived from a stakeholders’ workshop held at the outset of the plan preparation process. The later statutory consultation stage centred around Preferred Options is thus more logically approached after these important initial stages of community involvement.

10. Another important issue relating to policy document procedure concerns publicity held after a document’s submission stage. Where objections are received which the Council subsequently wishes to support as a modification, they should be advertised so that public response can be gauged before an examination. At present, Regulations require this procedure for site allocation representations but not for other types of representations. If these comments were not given adequate publicity and the chance for further comment not given, an inspector at an examination would have no knowledge of the degree of public support when considering whether to opt for alternative proposals raised at this stage. Accordingly this Statement has been revised to specifically incorporate this requirement.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


How we will consult with you on preparing policy documents

Stage Written Email Website Public Meeting Questionnaire Exhibitions Workshops Website Newspaper (Inc CATS and Forum Broxtowe Partnership) Notification ••• ••• ••• Viewing ••• ••• ••• Comment ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••

Written – We will write to those who have expressed an interest in commenting on specific documents at the appropriate times during the preparation of those documents. Comments in writing are an acceptable way to respond to consultations. Email - It is possible to contact the council with your comments via email. If you employ this method, we may reply to you using the same format provided that you include your email details Website – Documents in their draft form and questionnaires which guide your response, will also be made available on our website. Public meeting - These will be set up to inform and to ascertain views of others, for the appropriate types of document. Use will also be made of the CAT's and Broxtowe Partnership meetings to inform and disseminate information and provide a forum for comment, over a wider audience. Questionnaire - These will be produced with relevant documents to guide responses and allow us to gain a broad overview of comments. Space will be allocated to allow more detailed responses, where required. Exhibitions - These will be set up where appropriate and may sometimes be staffed. This is to reach a wider range of comment without officers necessarily being there throughout the whole of the exhibition period. Responses can be made by letter, questionnaire, fax or email Workshops - It may be possible to set up some workshop sessions which would be in smaller groups discussing individual topics. This gives more people, who would perhaps not speak in a larger group, the opportunity to have a say. Website Forum - We are hoping to set this up so that a forum can run on our website which will discuss relevant topics and allow an opportunity for a meaningful discussion of important issues. It would run in a similar way to a 'chat room' with officers introducing a topic on which comments would be welcomed. This two way dialogue should elicit some interesting views. Newspaper - The public notices section of the local newspaper will be used to notify the public when consultation is due to take place. Issues raised may become a 'hot' topic within the newspaper and have articles devoted to them.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters



Explanation of current consultation procedure

1 A comprehensive system of consultation is in place for consulting statutory consultees, major interest groups, neighbours and the general public, on all types of planning applications (a list of those we currently consult when appropriate to do so and a summary of the types of group, is given at appendix 2). This is a robust system developed as a result of years of experience, and has been reviewed to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements of the current Act. It is the deliberation on planning applications that is most familiar to members of the public and the decision that is most likely to have impact on their lives. For this reason, we need to ensure that consultation procedures are up to date, wide-ranging and complete.

2 The council encourages developers and householders to seek pre- application advice on their proposals. This also applies to Section 106 agreements where an additional legal document is drawn up to ensure that certain benefits derive from the development, eg improved road access, new school or open space provision.

3 The council has issued Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) in the form of an information leaflet entitled ‘How the Council Publicises Planning Applications’. This guidance is carried forward and will be reviewed if required due to associated policy changes.

4 When applications are received and registered, notification is sent to any of the statutory consultees¹ who may have an interest in the proposal. Additionally, occupiers of all adjoining properties are notified by letter and if these are not easily identified from the Ordnance Survey plan, a site notice is displayed. There is a statutory 21 days given during which consultees are able to express their views. Where proposals may affect the character or appearance of a conservation area, affect a listed building or an ancient monument, a site notice is displayed and additionally the proposal is advertised in the local press, as are those which represent a departure from the local plan and the council is minded to approve or, those that fall within the ‘major development’ category. A weekly list of planning applications received is available at the council offices and on the council’s website.

5 The Council’s practice is to negotiate improvements to applications when necessary. We will normally renotify neighbours on amendments, if we consider that they raise new issues that could lead to the need for further comment. Consultees are usually given 7 days in which to respond to an amendment notification. Site notices are displayed 1 Statutory consultation requirements are set out in Article 8 of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (as amended). For Conservation Areas and Listed Building consent applications, the requirements are set out in Regulation 5 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations, 1990 (as amended)

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


again where there was one originally, but in a different colour to signify an amendment. Any major alterations would require a fresh planning application and the full consultation process would begin again. The council endeavours to make plans available at the council offices and on its website.

6 The officer dealing with the application may decide that it would be useful to view the proposal from the property of a neighbour and if this is the case, will request to do so. At the time of this visit, the neighbour may ask to view the plans if they have not already done so or are prevented from doing so by infirmity or disability. If an application is to be considered by the Development Control Committee, then residents who have made representations can apply to speak at the committee, in accordance with the council’s guidelines. One objector and either the applicant or a supporter are allowed to speak. Once a decision on the application has been issued, all those who made representations will receive a letter advising them of the outcome. Decision notices and committee reports can also be viewed on the council website.

7 Applicants have a right of appeal against the decision of the council, although there are no third party rights of appeal. When an appeal is received, all those who made representations on the original application will be notified and informed about how they can make further representations to the Planning Inspectorate, if they wish to do so. Notices are placed in the local paper to advise of the date, time and location of any hearing or public inquiry, if one is to be held.

8 In the case of enforcement issues, the majority of cases are raised as a result of enquiries or complaints from members of the public. The directorate follows up reported cases to ascertain whether there are genuine planning issues. All representations are treated confidentially². If a planning application is made as a result of investigations, then this goes through the normal consultation procedure outlined above.

9 The council has the discretion to consult a wide number of individuals and where it feels that this is necessary may utilise this discretion, particularly where a proposal is thought to have a wider impact than just on immediate neighbours.

² subject to the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


Summary of methods of publicity for applications

The process for the publicity of planning applications and opportunity for comment and involvement that this allows, has been tested through the questionnaire that accompanied the draft of this document. There was overall support for the methods currently employed and no other achievable methods were suggested. Whilst the council is willing to consider viable alternatives or additional methods in future, there would not appear to be a need to alter the methods currently employed at this time.

The council will employ the methods of involvement outlined for publicising planning applications in all cases. These may also include the following:

Table 1

Tier One Development plan departures, shopping development direction applications. Additionally, development briefs may be produced in appropriate cases.

Tier Two Applications requiring full transport assessment or subject to ‘town & Country Planning (Playing Fields) (England) Direction 1988’

Tier Three Demolition of listed building, loss of allotment land, loss of employment land for housing. Involvement will be adjusted to appropriate levels on site by site basis.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


How we will consult with you on planning applications Stage Written Email Website Newspaper Via Council Site Notice Offices

Notification ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Viewing ••• ••• Comment ••• ••• Written - The invitation to view plans and comment upon planning applications will be made in writing to statutory consultees and those sharing a common boundary with the site. Comments can be made in writing regarding the application. Email - It is possible to contact the council with your comments via email. If you employ this method, we may reply to you using the same format, provided that you include your email details Website - We will put details of planning applications on our website for easy access. The weekly list of applications is also on the site. Whilst all effort is made to put details and plans onto the website quickly, there may be some delay at times, in which case reference should be made to copies of applications at the council offices. Newspaper - In certain specified cases, major applications will be publicised in the public notice section of the local newspaper. This also includes departures from the local plan, and those which have an effect on a listed building or its setting or in a Conservation Area and having an impact upon it. Via Council Offices - The weekly list of planning applications and the application details and plans are available to view at the Council Offices in Beeston. Copies of the plans can be made available to view on Thursday mornings at Hill Top, Eastwood, by prior arrangement. Site Notice - A site notice will be placed near to the proposed development in the above circumstances or where adjoining land-owners cannot be identified.

Statement of Community Involvement - Having Your Say on Planning Matters


APPENDIX 1 Extract from LDS relating to programme for SCI production


Overview Role & Subject Represents the council’s service level agreement with stakeholders and the community, covering engagement in the plan-making process and likely consultees. Sets out the standards and approach to involving stakeholders and the community in the production of all local development documents.

Coverage Borough-wide and involving organisations external to the district.

Status Other LDF Document.

Conformity Must at least meet minimum requirements in the regulations and will have regard to the council’s corporate communications strategy.

Timetable Key Milestones Dates

Commencement of the Preparation of document June 2005

Public Participation on Preferred Options June 2005 – November 2005

Submission of Document October 2006

Pre-examination Meeting January 2007

Commencement of the Examination April 2007

Receipt of Inspector’s Report October 2007

Estimated Date For Adoption of the document December 2007

Arrangements for Production Broxtowe Borough Council (Planning & Community Development) will lead the process. Managed by the Director of Planning & Community Development reporting to Cabinet. Resourced ‘in house’. Inclusive approach to involving stakeholders and community

Post Production Annual Monitoring Report prepared

List of Consultee Groups APPENDIX 2

Occasion for Possible Consultee Involvement

Government: Individual MP’s As requested LDF documents/proposals affecting Government Departments Listed Buildings or their setting As appropriate County Councils: Applications spanning local authority boundary, minerals, waste. LDF and adjacent documents. Applications with implications for named services. LDF documents.

District Councils: Applications spanning la. Boundary, others – e.g. major Retail within 10 All those adjacent miles. LDF documents.

Town Council: Applications within local area. LDF All within the borough documents.

Parish Council: Applications within local area All within the borough and immediately adjacent (Broxtowe). LDF documents.

Others: Groups representing the following interests:

Allotment holders and gardeners Applications. LDF documents. Architecture  Civic societies  Crime prevention 

Consultee (type) Leisure pursuits Applications, LDF documents Nature conservation  Parks, gardens, playing fields and open space  Statutory undertakers/services  Trades guilds and commerce  Transportation  Waterways & canals  Young people 

Specific Consultation Bodies (to be consulted in accordance with the Act and Regulations) The Regional Planning Body


Local authorities adjoining (as above) The Countryside Agency The Environment Agency Highways Agency The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England English Nature The Strategic Rail Authority Regional Development Agency Any person to whom the electronic communications code applies by virtue of a direction under S106 (3)(a) of the Communications Act 2003 Any person who owns or controls electronic communications apparatus situated in any part of the area Gas provider Strategic Health Authority Sewage undertaker Water undertaker

Full list of SCI Consultees

LDF Consultee database (*Indicates Stage 1 consultee req. full document and letter)

* Mr Peter Adams Ancient Monuments Society Asset Development St Ann's Vestry Hall North Zone Team Manager 2 Church Entry Pegasus Business Park LONDON Airport EC4V 5HB Castle Donington Derbyshire DE74 2TU

Attenborough Village Environmental Protection Assoc Mrs Sylvia Gillespie-Bell 3 Ladybridge Close Attenborough Nottingham NG9 6BS

Beeston & District Civic Society Beeston & District Local History Soc Mrs J Cooke 212 Wollaton Road Beeston & District Civic Society Beeston 27 Dale Lane Nottingham NG9 2PH Chilwell Nottingham NG9 4EA

Beeston Police Station Bramcote Conservation Society Chilwell Road The Manor House Beeston Bramcote Nottingham NG9 1EH Nottingham NG9 3DR

Council for British Archaeology British Gas Corporation Bowes Morrell House East Midlands Region 111 Walmgate P.O. BOX 28 York Ayleston Road YO1 2UA Leicester LE2 7QH

British Horse Society (The) * British Telecom Mrs H Limb For the attention of Mr J Sedwick 7 Orchard Drive 47 Upper Parliament Street Sutton-in-Ashfield Nottingham Nottingham NG17 5GT NG1 2BU

British Waterways Coal Authority (The) Fearns Wharf Mining Reports Office Neptune Street 200 Litchfield Lane Leeds Mansfield LS9 8PB Nottinghamshire NG18 4RG

CABE The Tower Building 11 York Road London SE1 7NX

* Countryside Agency Campaign to Protect Rural England East Midlands Regional Office Broxtowe District Group 18 Market Place 8 Greenacre Close Bingham Newthorpe Nottingham Nottingham NG16 2DB NG13 8AP

D.H Lawrence Society East Midlands Gas For the attention of R Saulks P.O. Box 58 24 Briarwood Avenue De Montford Street Nottingham NG3 6JQ Leicester LE1 9DF

* English Nature * Environment Agency F.A.O. Mr I Evans Lower Trent Area Conservation Planning Advice Service Trentside Offices The Maltings Scarrington Road Wharf Road West Bridgford Grantham Nottingham NG2 5FA Nottingham NG31 6BH

Georgian Group Government Office for the East Midlands 6 Fitzroy Square The Belgrave Centre London Stanley Place W1P 6DX Talbot Street Nottingham NG1 5GG

Health & Safety Executive Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service Hazardous Installations Directorate Bestwood Lodge Edgar Allen House Arnold 241 Glossop Road Nottingham Sheffield S10 2GW NG5 8PD

Network Rail NETwork Development Team Asset Protection Nottingham City Council Netwok Rail - LNE Lawrence House A101, Hudson House Talbot Street Toft Green Nottingham NG1 5NT York YO1 6HP Nottinghamshire Family Health Services Forest House Berkeley Avenue Nottingham NG3 5AP

Ofsted Early Years Directorate Nottingham Trading Standards The Frontate Petroleum Officer Queen Street N.C.C. - Trading Standards Service Nottingham Rolleston Drive NG1 2AR Arnold Nottingham NG5 7JA

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust Cromwell Association For the attention of Mr D Alston Commemoration Hall The Ragged School 39 High Street Brook Street Huntingdon Nottingham NG1 1EA PE29 3AQ

Eastwood & District Trades Guild Mrs Y M Shattower 54 Hall Lane Erewash Canal Preservation & Development Assoc Old Brinsley 264 Bennetts Street Nottingham Long Eaton NG16 5AN Nottingham NG10 4JA

National Playing Fields Association Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce & Industry Midlands Sports Centre 309-329 Haydn Road Cromwell Lane Nottingham Coventry CV4 8AS NG5 1DG

Nottinghamshire Bowling Association Twentieth Century Society County Headquarters 70 Cowcross Street

Tattershall Drive London Nottingham EC1M 6EJ NG7 1BX

Garden History Society Nottinghamshire Anglers Association 70 Cowcross Street 95 Ilkeston Road London Nottingham EC1M 6BP NG7 3HA

Nottingham Building Preservation Trust Ramblers Association 2 Priory Road Mr C Thompson West Bridgford 21 Spindle View Nottingham Calverton NG2 5HU Nottingham NG14 6HF

Nottingham Care Standards Sport England Edgeley House East Midlands Office Riverside Business Park Grove House Nottingham West Bridgford NG6 8RA Nottingham NG2 6AP

Transport 2000 Victorian Society The Impact Centre 1 Priory Gardens 12-18 Hoxton Street Bedford Park London London N1 6NG W4 1TT

Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Records Centre Nottingham Natural History Museum Wollaton Hall Nottingham NG8 2AE

Changeworks Action for Beeston Local Economy 16 Villa Street 17 Harlech Rise Beeston Chilwell Nottingham Nottingham NG9 2NY NG9 5PD

* Broxtowe & District PCT BTCV Priory Court Chestnut Grove Derby Road Burton Joyce Beeston Nottingham Nottingham NG14 5DZ NG9 2TA

Pedals ENCAMS 162 Musters Road PO Box 7529 West Bridgford Nottingham Nottingham NG1 NG2 7AA

The Boots Company Greenwood Partnership 1 Thane Road Greenwood House Nottingham 1-3 Diamond Avenue NG90 1BS Kirkby in Ashfield Nottingham NG17 7GN

Groundwork East Midlands EMBEC Denman St East PO Box 7653 Nottingham Long Eaton NG1 1PU Nottingham NG10 1XD

FWAG Eco Teams - Global Action Plan Brackenhurst College Cavendish Lodge Southwell Devonshire Avenue Nottingham Beeston NG25 0QF Nottingham NG9 1BS Greater Nottingham Business Environment Forum Nottingham City Council The Guildhall South Sherwood Street Nottingham NG 1 4BT

BAG The Co-operative Group c/o Rural Environment 334 Carlton Hill Nottinghamshire County Council Carlton Trent Bridge House Nottingham West Bridgford NG4 1JD Nottingham NG2 8BJ

The Skills Shop Beeston Youth & Community Centre Broxtowe College West End 83 Nottingham Road Beeston Eastwood Nottingham Nottingham NG9 1GI NG16 3AJ

Broxtowe Single & Active Communities Homeless Action Group University of Nottingham Carnegie Centre Annexe University Park Warren Avenue Nottingham Stapleford NG7 2RD Nottingham

Nottingham Inter-Faith Next Step Nottinghamshire Council 159a Front Street Nottingham Bluecoat School Arnold Sutton Passeys Crescent Nottingham Nottingham NG5 7EE NG8 1EA

Nottinghamshire Rural Community Council ISDB Newstead Miners Welfare Community Centre Trent House Tilford Road Nottingham Trent University Newstead Burton Street Nottingham Nottingham NG15 0BS NG1 4BU

Young Potential (East Midlands) Ltd Sure-Start Co-ordinator Ground Floor Chester House Humber House 2-6 Mansfield Road Humber Road Eastwood Beeston Nottingham Nottingham NG16 3AQ NG9 2ET

Midland Womens Aid Broxtowe Crossroads PO Box 8 89a Nottingham Road Beeston Eastwood Nottingham Nottingham NG9 1HL BNG16 3AJ

Broxtowe Mediation Connexions DH,H & L 24-32 Carlton Street Carlton Nottingham NG1 1NN

Activities Officer Nottingham City PCT Widening Participation Team 1 Standard Court University of Nottingham Park Row University Park Nottingham Nottingham NG7 2RD NG1 6GN

South Base Legal Services Commission Sir John Robinson Way Fothergill House Arnold 16 King Street Nottingham Nottingham NG6 6BD NG1 2AS

Citizens Advice Bureau Scargill Walk Centre The Library & Information Centre 32 Scargill Walk Wellington Place Eastwood Eastwood Nottingham Nottingham NG16 3AY NG16 3GB

Nottingham Youth Offending Service Broxtowe Womens Project DBH House PO Box 6660 Carlton Square Nottingham Carlton NG16 2YG Nottingham

Nottinghamshire County Drug & Alcohol Team Nottingham Chinese Welfare Assoc. 5a Beeston House 61b Mansfield Road Ransom Wood Business Park Nottingham Southwell Road West NG1 1FN Rainworth Nottingham NG21 0ER

Nottinghamshire Childrens Fund M Clarke Community House Derbyshire Building Society 36 Wood Street Duffield Hall Mansfield Duffield Nottingham Derbyshire NG18 1AQ DE56 1AG

New Leaf c/o Sure Start 18 Strelley Road Broxtowe Nottingham NG8 3AP

NEBA Business Link Mansfield Business Centre 5 Phoenix Place Ashfield Avenue Phoenix Park Mansfield Nottingham NG18 2AE NG8 6BA

Caunton Engineering NBV Moorgreen Industrial Park Shipstones Business Centre Moorgreen Northgate Nottingham Nottingham NG16 3QN NG7 7FN

The Prince's Trust Research Team Manager East Midlands Regional Office Regeneration Division Mansion House Nottinghamshire County Council 41 Guildhall Lane County Hall Leicester West Bridgford LE1 5FQ Nottingham NG2 7QP

Environment Agency Countryside Agency Trentside Offices 18 Market Place West Bridgford Bingham Nottingham Nottingham NG2 5FA NG13 8PA

English Nature * Robert Watson Eastern Area Team Strategic Rail Authority The Maltings 55 Victoria Street Wharf Road London Grantham SW1H 0EU Lincs NG31 6BH

* English Heritage Trent Barton East Midlands Region 88a Mansfield Road 44 Derngate Heanor Northampton Derbyshire NN1 1UH DE75 7BG

* Broxtowe and Hucknall PCT * Powergen Priory Court PO Box 7750 Derby Road Nottingham Nottingham NG9 2TA NG1 6WR

* Severn Trent Water Ltd Equal Opportunities Commission 2297 Coventry Road Arndale House Sheldon Arndale Centre Birmingham Manchester B26 3PU M4 3EQ

* Nottingham East Midlands Airport The Planning Inspectorate Building 34 Temple Quay House Ambassador Road 2 The Square Castle Donington Temple Quay Derby Bristol DE74 2SA BS1 6PN [email protected]

* East Midlands Regional Assembly Paul Stock The Belvoir Suite North Country Homes Gp Ltd Council Offices North Country House Nottingham Road Barlborough Melton Mowbray Chesterfield Leicestershire S43 4WP LE13 OUL

British Telecommunications Actimax 2 Castle Wharf 1 Yardley Business Park Canal Street Luckyn Lane Nottingham Basildon NG1 7BT Essex SS14 3GL

BlackBox Communications Toucan Tamar Science Park PO Box 50244 Davy Road London Derriford EC2B 0ZY Plymouth PL6 8BX

Teleopti Forestry Commission 8 The Square (England) Stockley Park National House Uxbridge Great Eastern House Middlesex Tennison Road UB11 1FW Cambridge CB1 2DU

* East Midlands Development Agency * Geoff Wise - East Midlands Network Apex Court Strategy City Link Highways Agency Nottingham Broadway NG2 4LA Broad Street Birmingham B15 1BL

* Council * Erewash Borough Council Council Offices Town Hall Urban Road Long Eaton Kirkby-in-Ashfield Derbyshire Nottinghamshire NG10 1HU NG17 8DA

* Rushcliffe Borough Council * Gedling Borough Council Civic Centre Civic Centre Pavilion Road Arnot Hill Park West Bridgford Arnold Nottingham Nottingham NG2 5FE NG5 6LU

* Nottinghamshire County Council * Nottingham City Council Environment City Development County Hall Exchange Buildings North West Bridgford Smithy Row Nottingham NG2 6BJ Nottingham NG1 2BS

* Derbyshire County Council Andrew Galloway Environmental Services Radleigh Homes Shand House Riverside Court Dale Road South Pride Park Matlock Derby Derbyshire DE24 8JN DE4 3RY Fao David M Dale Forward Planning Section

* Awsworth Parish Council * Brinsley Parish Council Mrs M Hornby Mrs M Frost 19 Valley Drive 7 Park Crescent Newthorpe Eastwood Nottingham Nottingham NG16 2DT NG16 3DS

* Cossall Parish Council * Eastwood Town Council Mrs S Elliot Mr M F Plumb 17 Beech Lane Eastwood Town Council Offices West Hallam Nottingham Road Derbyshire Eastwood DE7 6GP Nottingham NG16 3GN

* Greasley Parish Council * Kimberley Town Council Andy Marshall Mr D Wheeldon 54 Hall Lane Parish Hall Brinsley Newdigate Street Nottingham Kimberley NG16 5AN Nottingham NG16 2NJ

* Nuthall Parish Council * Ms M Downie Mr S M Strickland Stapleford Town Council Temple Centre Carnegie Civic and Community Centre Nottingham Road Warren Avenue Nuthall Stapleford Nottingham Nottingham NG16 1DP NG9 8EY

* Trowell Parish Council Rachel Patterson Mrs A Mitchell Leith Planning 8 Wynwood Close 13 South Clifton Street Toton Lytham Nottingham FY8 5HN NG9 6NA email: [email protected]

Pakistan Centre 163 Woodborough Road St Anns Nottingham NG3 1AX

* Aldercar & Langley Mill PC * & Felley PC Baileybrook House Hyde Heath Amber Drive Salmon Lane Nottingham Annesley Woodhouse NG16 4BE Nottingham NG17 9HB

* Hucknall PC * Barton in Fabis PC 117 Station Road 2 The Limes Hepthorne Lane Brown Lane North Wingfield Barton in Fabis Derbyshire Nottingham S42 5JQ NG11 0AA

* Thrumpton PC * Heanor TC 50 Church Lane c/o Town Hall Thrumpton Market Place Nottingham Heanor NG11 0AW Derbyshire DE75 7AA

* Sandiacre PC Base 51 5 Minton Road 51 Glasshouse Street Castle Donington Nottingham Derbyshire NG1 3LP DE74 2UP

Shelter Karibu Trust c/o Nottinghamshire Housing Advice Service Karibu House 15 Broad Street Duke Street Nottingham Nottingham NG1 3AJ NG7 7JN

Macedon Trust New Toton Youth Club Albion Centre Greenwood Community Centre Sneinton Road Chester Green Nottingham Toton NG2 4QH Nottingham NG9 6LN

Stapleford Youth Club Age Concern 8 Church Lane Astral House Stapleford 1268 London Road Nottingham NG9 8GB London SW16 4ER

Eastwood Volunteer Bureau Beeston Volunteer Centre Wellington Place Cavendish Lodge Eastwood Devonshire Avenue Nottingham Beeston NG16 3GB Nottingham NG9 1BS

Stapleford Volunteer Bureau Commission for Racial Equality Stapleford House St Dunstan's House Wesley Place 201-211 Borough High Street Pinfold Road London Stapleford SE1 1GZ Nottingham NG9 8DP

African-Caribbean & Asian Forum ACNA Centre Unit 1 31a Hungerhill Road 35 Ebury Road St Anns Sherwood Rise Nottingham Nottingham NG3 4NB NG5 1BB

Asian Women's Project Muslim Women's Organisation Chapel House 165a The Lodge Noel Street Ilkeston Road Nottingham Nottingham NG7 6AS NG7 3HF

Nottingham Black Drugs Project 4th Floor 12 Kings Street

Nottingham NG1 2AS

The Carers Federation Ltd Andrew Thompson Barton Wilmore 1 Beech Avenue 1st Floor Sherwood Rise Corner Oak Nottingham 1 Homer Road NG7 7LJ Solihull B91 3QG

Smith Stuart Reynolds * Mark Leivers Cottage Farm Chairman Sywell Greasley & District Civic Society Northamptonshire 86 High Street NN6 0BJ Kimberley Fao. Mr Simon J Smith - Director Nottingham NG16 2PD

Felicity Wie, Malcolm Judd & Ptnrs Lee Freeley (email when doc ready) 70 High Street, Chiselhurst, Kent [email protected] BR7 5AQ

Katy Walker Stagecoach East Midlands Atisreal New Street 90 Chancery Lane Chesterfield London S40 2LQ WC2A 1EU

Council for British Archaeology The Society for the Protection of Ancient 66 Boothman Buildings York 37 Spital Square YO30 7BZ London E1 6DY

The Showmens Guild of Great Britain Friends, Families & Travellers Advice Maple House & Information Centre Woodlands Park Community Base Hopwell Road 113 Queen's Road Draycott Brighton Derbyshire East Sussex DE72 3SD BN1 3XG 01332 874745

The Gypsy Council Derwent Housing Association European & UK Office Derwent Living 8 Hall Road No 1 Centro Place Aveley Pride Park Essex Derby RM15 4HD DE24 8RF

East Midlands Housing Assoc. Ltd Leicester Housing Assoc. 65 Church Street 174 Derby Road Sutton-in-Ashfield Nottingham Nottingham NG7 1NF NG17 1FE

North British Housing Assoc. Ltd Council for British Archaeology 16 Vivian Avenue 66 Boothman Sherwood Rise York Nottingham YO30 7BZ NG5 1AF

The Showmans Guild of Great Britain Friends & Family of Travellers Bert Holland & Son Advice & Information Unit 1 Hall Road Community Base Langley Mill 113 Queens Road Nottingham Brighton NG16 4HP East Sussex BN1 3XG

The Gypsy Council DeMonfort Housing Assoc. European & UK Office Eastern Shires House 8 Hall Road 80 The Parade Aveley Oadby Essex Leicester RM15 4HD LE2 5BF

House Builders Federation National Farmers Union Suite 4 Agriculture House Shakespeare Building North Gate 2233 Coventry Road Uppingham Birmingham Rutland B26 3NJ LE15 9NX

British Waterways Friends of the Earth The Kiln 26-28 Underwood Street Mather Road London Newark N1 7JQ Nottingham NG24 1FB

The Woodland Trust Church Commissioners for England Autumn Park 1 Millbank Dysart Road London Grantham SW1P 3JZ Lincolnshire, NG31 6LL

Arriva Fox Dunn Line PO Box 613 The Coach Station Leicester Park Lane, Basford LE54 8ZN Nottingham NG6 0DW

Nottingham City Transport Nottinghamshire & Derby Traction Lower Parliament Street Meadow Road Nottingham Derby NG1 1GG DE1 2HB

Beeston Gardenholders Beeston South Gardenholders Mr J Marston Mrs M Mclaughlin 180 Wollaton Road 52 Lace Street Beeston Dunkirk Nottingham Nottingham NG9 2PH NG7 2JA

Chilwell Gardenholders Inham Nook Allotment Mr M Gabbitas Gardener's Association 27 Clumber Avenue Mrs H Lane Chilwell 56 Great Hoggett Drive Nottingham Chilwell NG9 4BH Nottingham NG9 4HR

Property Services Agency The Active Communities Team Midlands Region University of Nottingham Five Ways House University Park Islington Row Nottingham Middleway NG7 2RD Birmingham B15 1SL

The RSPB Bennerley Marsh Wildlife Group 46 The Green 19 Arundel Drive Banbury Bramcote Oxfordshire Nottingham OX16 9AB NG9 3FX

Broxtowe Youth Council Peacock & Smith c/o PDC Brown Suite 2A Broxtowe Borough Council Joseph's Well Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB

ADDITIONAL CONSULTEES REQUESTING INCLUSION (during publicity) Malcolm, Judd & Partners 70 High Street Kent BR7 5AQ

Roger Freeston Savills 1 Fletchergate Nottingham NG1

Smith Stuart Reynolds Cottage Farm Sywell Northampton NN6 0BJ tel: 01604 782712 [email protected]

Nottinghamshire Police Sherwood Lodge Arnold Nottingham NG5 8PP (John Wood, Force Architectural Liaison Officer)

* National Grid For gas distribution network info - Plant Protection Team, National Grid House National Grid Gas Warwick Technology Park Gallows Hill (Transco) Lakeside House, The Lakes, Bedford Road, Warwick Northampton NN4 7SN CV34 6DA


Title and description of Local Development Documents

Core Strategy - Sets out the strategy for meeting development requirements, including number of dwellings required. Does not include primary development control policies – these will be prepared separately.

Housing and Employment Site Allocations - To identify and allocate sufficient housing and employment land to cover the period to 2021, in accordance with the core strategy (above).

Primary Development Control Policies - Will comprise a limited set of development control policies to guide development for which locational or site- specific provision has not been made elsewhere.

Affordable Housing Strategy - To ensure provision of affordable housing in accordance with identified need.

Town Centre Studies and Area Action Plans - Examining development opportunities in the town centres with additional detail for the centre of Beeston where the possible extension of the tram route will need to be accommodated.

Trowell Parish Plan and Village Design Statement - Parish Plan and Design Guide led by Parish in conjunction with Broxtowe Borough Council. This will become part of the Local Development Framework in the future, when sustainability appraisal work and further consultation are undertaken.


Definition of Terms used in this Document

CAT- Community Action Team A local team of interested residents set up initially to discuss combating crime in their specific area. These teams now cover virtually the entire district and have become interested in a much wider range of issues

Community Strategy - A partnership document which translates other strategies produced by the council and other organisations into a co-ordinated plan for the area which benefits communities now and in the future.

DPD – Development Plan Documents - These will include, the core strategy, development control policies, proposals map and site allocations.

Examination - A planning inspector will look at the DPD to see that it complies with the regulations. He/she will also look at representations that remain unresolved and will deal with both the document and outstanding issues, either through written statements or through a hearing where the objector will be able to attend and put their case in person.

Exhibition - A display of proposals for site allocations or other issues which the council wish to receive views upon. These may have staff present to offer advice and assistance or may be remote, giving information and the opportunity to comment via other means.

Hard to Reach Groups - Groups known to exist, but which are normally outside the scope of the consultation procedure. A list of examples is given in the text.

LDD – Local Development Document - These documents will comprise Development Plan Documents (forming part of the statutory development plan) and Supplementary Planning Documents

LDF – Local Development Framework - The folder of LDD’s which make up the entire policy framework for the location of future development and for the protection of natural habitats and the built environment.

LDS – Local Development Scheme - The Scheme lists which other documents will be produced to make up the Local Development Framework and programmes the work to be done on these with key milestone stages.

LP – Local Plan - The existing policy document which will be partially phased out over the next three years and replaced by the LDF.

LPA – Local Planning Authority - The council dealing with planning issues for a particular geographical area.

LSP – Local Strategic Partnership - Representatives from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors all come together to share ideas and information and identify actions to meet the needs of the community.

Mission Statement - The council issues a Mission Statement which outlines its commitment to the local community and what it seeks to achieve.

PDG – Planning Delivery Grant - The government offers this grant to councils performing well, to assist in further development of their services and improvements to delivery.

Public Meetings - A meeting open to anyone to attend to discuss with officers proposals put forward in a policy or process document or site allocations.

Questionnaires - A structured response form aiming to obtain views on specific aspects of a policy or process issue or site allocation.

RSS – Regional Spatial Strategy - The plan for the region which is fairly general but allocates land requirements to districts for inclusion in LDDs.

SCI – Statement of Community Involvement - This document sets out the way that the council intends to involve the community in decision making.

SPD – Supplementary Planning Document - Produced to support policies and add further information for the use of developers and the general public.

SPG – Supplementary Planning Guidance - SPD will replace this in the future, but in the short term, it will continue to support the local plan until various parts are replaced.

Written consultation - This will take the form of a letter either informing immediate neighbours of a planning application or a consultation on a LDF document.

Methods of Involvement APPENDIX 5


Written consultations Document prepared Easier for public and Not suitable for some for public comment interest groups to hard to reach' groups react to complex e.g. non-readers proposals

Public Meetings Open to anyone. Widely Demonstrates open Can become unruly advertised and inclusive. approach to involving with no real concensus. Two way communication. others in policy making Can include question and answer session.

Questionnaires Carefully designed, can extract Works with large numbers Can 'lead' a response. opinions from highly and provides general view Poor response rate. representative cross-section on specific issues Not suitable for some hard to reach' groups

Focus groups Needs a trained facilitator to In depth discussions Training for facilitator lead the discussion and extract elicit new ideas and fresh or bring in specialist. views on specific issues. thinking May exclude some Usually fairly short but focussed members of public

Citizens' Panels Statistically representative group Can be flexible and effective Unlikley to be fully discussing various issues using as cross-section group representative. Strong variety of methods. Meeting on individuals will participate, regular basis, a % of panel is others may be left out. replaced over a period of time

METHOD DESCRIPTION POSITIVE ASPECTS NEGATIVE ASPECTS Citizens' Juries Can be selected according to Promotes innovation. Can be too long. Needs sector of public required to Gives opportunity for in- trained facilitator discuss particular issue. depth examination of key Works like a court with expert issues. witnesses presenting case. Report compiled from findings which informs policy makers.

Workshops Easier to run with trained Promotes opportunities Training needed for facilitators. Promotes discussion for in depth discussion facilitator or specialist on specific issue with citizens or brought in. Not suitable stakeholders. Can last for a for all 'hard to reach' couple of days. groups.

Working Groups In this case, members and officers Draws on expertise of Very restrictive in discussing fundamental issues, experienced group representation. Tends to specific policies, document prepare the way for content and presentation, funding further discussions with and methods of consultation. others.

Visioning Exercises Stakeholder group affected by Creates concensus amongst Can lead to raised topic under discussion in structured stakeholders expectations debate, developing a 'common vision'.

METHOD DESCRIPTION POSITIVE ASPECTS NEGATIVE ASPECTS Planning for Real Involves specific community in 3D Encourages wide range of More complicated to set Exercises modelling for future needs. Public people as very visual. No up. Needs spacious indentify problem and possible need to read volumes of venue to facilitate moving solutions written material. Informs around. Needs several problems encountered in trained staff to introduce finding sites etc. ideas, encourage participation, point out constraints.

Encourages involvement of many Virtual Planning Office Online discussion board focussing on people Restricted to people with access to specific topics for comment especially the young and computer computer and knowledge of using literate the technology