Nereis. Estudios y propuestas Universidad Católica de Valencia 2 51 - 63 ISSN 1888-8550 científico técnicas Valencia San Vicente Mártir (España) Visión Geográfica del Parque Natural de las Salinas de Santa Pola (Alicante, España) A. M. Blázquez Morilla† † Instituto de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y Ciencia Marina (IMEDMAR). Universidad Católica de Valencia. C/ Guillem de Castro, 94. Valencia, 46003. España.
[email protected] BLÁZQUEZ, A.M., 2009. Visión Geográfica del Parque Natural de las Salinas de Santa Pola (Alicante, España). Nereis. Estudios y propuestas científico técnicas, 2, 51-63. ABSTRACT Instituto de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y The aim of this paper is analyzed from the standpoint geographical the space occupied by the Natural Park of Las Ciencia Marina. Salinas de Santa Pola, located S of the province of Alicante (Spain). It is therefore to study the geomorphological variables, climatological, hydrological and biogeographical physical environment and assess the degree of human interaction with it. For this has been carried a geomorphological study from photo interpretation of stereo pairs, and has collected information on various types of historical records and public sources. The results indicate that the Salinas de Santa Pola is the stronghold of a very large wet area, known as l'Albufera d'Elx, formed after the maximum of flandriense BP 6.000-5000. The natural tendency of filling this space is increased markedly by human action, from the execution of works of colonization of the wetland area for agricultural use, which occurred mainly in the eighteenth century. The most widespread current use in the nature reserve is the salt plant, whose current process favors the permanence of the wetland zone.