CJL MBMMAS03 04 /21/2020 13:35 Board Minutes Minute Book Text Detail Book 0209 Page 362 OPENING for APRIL 20, 2020 Date 4 /20/20
CJL MBMMAS03 04 /21/2020 13:35 Board Minutes PAGE 2 Minute Book Text Detail Book 0209 Page 362 OPENING FOR APRIL 20, 2020 Date 4/20/2020 AGENDA FOR APRIL 20, 2020 APRIL 20, 2020 The Board of Supervisors met at 9:00 a. m. the 20th day of April, 2020, in the Supervisors Board Room, in the Pearl River County Courthouse Complex in the City of Poplarville, Mississippi, with the following members of said Board and officers of said County were present to-wit: President, Sandy Kane Smith, member from District Five; Vice President, Malcolm Perry, member from District Two; Donald Hart, member from District One; Hudson Holliday, member from District Three; Jason Spence, member from District Four; County Administrator, Adrain Lumpkin, Jr. ; Board Attorney, Joe Montgomery; Chancery Clerk, Melinda Bowman; Joe Quave representing Sheriff. The following proceedings were had and entered of record to-wit: Pearl River County PEARLRIVER Board of Supervisors PEARL RIVER COUNTY Meeting Agenda COUNTY �M!SS!SSlrrl � M1SSISSI!'PI • �:.t. I H!HI � April ,,,to 1!l1K! � • 20, 2020 Welcome & Call to Order A.M. 9:00 Claims Docket: Consider approving 01) Consider Amendments to Agenda 02) Sheriff 03) A. Personnel B. Travel to pick up donated K-9 to San Antonio, TX on April 22-23, 2020 C. Consider executing Grants - FY2l Impaired Driving and Occupant Protection Consent Agenda Items: 04) A. Consider partial payment for furniture at the Annex B. Personnel in Planning & Development C. Chancery Clerk request for destruction of Redeemed Tax Sale Notices D. Acknowledge Proof of Publication - Inspection dates for Litter Collectors and Haulers E.
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