THE ROGERS ACT Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that hereafter the Diplomatic and Consular Service of the United States shall be known as the Forei Spi-itoof.ihe United States. That the des “■Foreign Service Officer” as-emnlo this^^^shall be deemed An Anniversary Celebration 75 YEARS OF THE U.S. FOREIGN SERVICE Global Vehicle Supply Over 600 vehicles available from inventory for immediate shipment to developing countries ■ Sedans ■ Export Specifications Bukkehave, Inc. 1800 Eller Drive, Suite 420 ■ Sport Utility Vehicles ■ Gasoline & diesel models P.O. Box 13143 ■ Project Vehicles ■ Left-hand and Port Everglades Right-hand drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 ■ Buses, Mini-vans U.S.A. ■ Pick-ups, Trucks ■ Spare parts ■ Motorcycles ■ World-wide Shipments Tel. 1 800 815 3370 Tel. +1 954 525 9788 Fax +1 954 525 9785
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