Faculty of Natural Resources Department of Forestry

BA/BSc Program in Sciences & Engineering Course Type Credits

General 22 Basic 21 Compulsory 87 Optional 10 Total 140

MA/MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering in 3 subfields (- Forest Biological Sciences- Forest Engineering & Utilization) Course Type Credits

Compulsory 10 Optional 16 Thesis 6 Total 32

PhD Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering in 2 subfields (Forest Management- Forest Biological Sciences) Course Type Credits

Compulsory 8 Optional 10 Thesis 18 Total 36

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: General Mathematics Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 3 Instructor: - Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Familiarize students to the applications of mathematics in solving natural resource engineering problems. Syllabus:

Lecture: Cartesian coordinates, polar coordinates, multiplicative complex numbers and their roots, geometric representation of complex numbers, polar representation of complex numbers, function, algebra, algebra of functions, boundary and boundary theorems, left and right boundary, conjugation, derivative, derivative statements Derivation, Inverse Function and Derivative Function, Derivative of Trigonometric Functions and Inverse Functions, Relativity Theorem, Mean Theorem, Tiller Expansion, Derivative Engineering and Physical Applications, Curve Equations in Polar Coordinates, Derivative Application to Root Equations Approximation, Definition of Continuous Functions and Integrals of Continuous Functions Continuous fragment, basic calculus theorems, approximate methods of integral estimation in computing area, volume and length Curve and torque and center of gravity and work (in Cartesian and polar coordinates), logarithm and exponential function and their derivatives, hyperbolic function, integral methods such as variable substitution and fractional analysis, some variations of specific variables, sequence and numerical series and the related theorems and Taylor series power and theorem with the remainder.

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: General physics Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: - Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Familiarity of students with general Physics


Lecture: Measurement of physical quantities, units, unit conversions, errors, linear motion, Newton's first law, velocity, acceleration, rotational motion, force torque, momentum, static fluid laws, pressure, barometers, Archimedes principle, density, densitometers, surface tension, Osmotic pressure capillary, Gases law, Marriott law, Dalton law, Complete gas equation, Temperature and heat, Different scales of temperature, Thermometers, Heat and objects change due to heat, Change of boiling point due to pressure, Heat transfer, Displacement, Conduction , Radiation, thermometry, Ionization and electrical conductivity in gases, photoelectric phenomenon and particle theory of light, Ionization of gases, light, various light sources, rules of reflection and refraction of light, neuroscience, quantities of light and its unit, classification of electromagnetic waves in terms of Wavelength, spectroscopy, radiation absorption and radiation, nucleus and natural radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma rays, nuclear transformations of radioisotopes, application of radioisotopes.

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Geology Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: - Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (64 Hours) Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Familiarity with minerals, rocks and sediments of Iran, familiarity with the geological phenomena of the surface of Iran, investigation of the role of geology in the occurrence of natural hazards such as landslides, earthquakes, floods and flooding.


Lecture: Appearance and position of the Earth in relation to the solar system, surface characteristics of the Erath from surface to depth, mineralogy and important types of Iranian minerals, crystallography, silicate polymers, lithology and important types of Iranian rocks, sedimentological studies, evaluation the susceptibility of geological materials to erosion and sedimentation, the role of geology in the formation of various types of vegetation (Geobotany) soils, lithological and geological studies in different natural resource projects, stratigraphy and its units (time stratigraphic, rock stratigraphy), Iranian geology and geological zones, structural and tectonic geology (earth surface changes of Iran including folding, faulting, nonconformity, and etc.) due to internal and external forces, diapirs or salt domes of Iran and their impact on degradation of natural resource quality, plate tectonic theory, isostasis, geological hazards including earthquake, landslide, flood and desertification and their hazard mapping, geological maps, geological phenomena in aerial photography.

Tutorial: Identification of minerals, identification of rocks, granulometry and investigation of sediments mineralogy, application of topographic maps in geological surveys, application of aerial photographs in survey of geological phenomena and rocks detection, application of geological maps, mapping the watershed border on the geological map and preparing the geological sections


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Vegetation Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Morphology &Taxonomy Number: 3 Instructor: - Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours) Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours) Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Understanding the vegetative and vegetative organs of the plant and the methods of plant classification


Lecture: Overview, Importance and Use of Botany, Morphology of Vegetative Organs: Types of Roots, Stem Types, Leaves, Leaves, Morphology of Generative Organs: Flowers and Inflorescence, and its Types, Fruits, Fruits, Seeds, Classification: Definition, Principles of Tracing Vegetation, Types of Classification, Classification Units, Principles of Scientific Naming of Plants, Vascular Plants and Plant Sciences, Pedigrees, Study of Different Pedigree Vegetable Glands including Ancestors (Cedar, Pine, Yew), Intermediates, Ephedra, Angiosperms Including: Monocots Important voles in the flora of Iran.

Tutorial: Macroscopic and microscopic identification of plants in the Herbarium Laboratory, visiting botanical gardens and herbarium, familiarity with how to collect and nominate plants, and the principles of preserving dried specimens and naming them. References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: General chemistry Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 3 Instructor: - Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours) Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Familiarity of students with general chemistry


Lecture: Introduction to Chemistry; Molecules, Ions, and Chemical Formulas; Chemical Reactions; Reactions in Aqueous Solution; Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions; The Structure of Atoms; The Periodic Table and Periodic Trends; Ionic versus Covalent Bonding; Molecular Geometry and Covalent Bonding Models; Solutions, Structure and Bonding; Acids and Bases.

Tutorial: Laboratory review of some of the material presented in the theory section


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Statistics Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 3 Instructor: Dr. Loghman Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Ghahramany Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours) Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing statistical methods in natural resources to students


Lecture: A review of statistical definitions (population, sample, variable); Frequency tables and charts; Central tendency and dispersion Parameters (Arithmetic mean, Mode, Median, Range, Standard deviation, Standard error of mean, Confidence interval); Probability; Expectation; Combination & Permutation; Binomial Distribution; Normal Distribution; Testing statistical assumptions (One-sample T test, Independent samples T test, Paired samples T test, One-way ANOVA); Correlation analysis; Regression analysis; Chi square test; Non parametric statistics (Kolmogorov- Smirnov Test., Wilcoxon test, Kruskal-Wallis test; Leven test;Q-Q plots; P-P plots ); Sampling methods.

Tutorial: Introducing statistical software (SPSS; MINITAB) to students. References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: General Ecology Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Naghi Shabanian Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Presenting the concepts and applications of the ecology knowledge as well as specifying its contribution in natural resources for the environment engineering students.


Lecture: Ecology knowledge definitions, Ecological studies goals and importance, Ecosystem and its components, Niche, Biome, Ecosystems evolution and development, Sustainable development, The principal and concepts of energy flow in ecosystems, Energy flow in ecosystem and its outcomes, Production and the related influential factors, The principals and concepts of the organic material decomposing and recycling, The principal and concepts of the ecological limiting factors and their rules in the ecosystems stability, The principles and concepts of the population and community, Climate change and its effect on the ecosystem functions, Habitat degradation and destruction, Conservation and biodiversity

Tutorial: - References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: General Soil Sciences Credit Type: Basic Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 3 Instructor: Dr. Vahid Hosseini Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours) Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Recognizing the soil as the base of life, Soil properties, identifying disturbed soils and solutions for improving them, Soil degradation and erosion and methods to prevent it.


Lecture: Introduce scientific references and brief description of the importance of course – General descriptions in soil sciences (soil components – Evaluation of soil – Effective factors on plant growth) – Pedogenesis factors –Soil texture - Soil structure and different forms – Soil density – Soil aeration and relationship with plant growth and other soil organisms – Soil atmosphere – Soil Color – Relationship between soil and water – Role of soil physics on soil management – Lime and gypsum of soil and its relationship with plant (description in soil profile in the field) – Different form of elements in soil and CEC – pH of soil – Soil nutrients (Macro and Micro) – EC of soil – Salinization and alkalization of soil and improvement methods – Soil organism (Macro and Micro) and their roles in decomposition – Soil organic matter – Relationship between agricultural operation and biological activity of soil – Soil classification (Order and sub order) - Soil Erosion.

Tutorial: 10 experiment in Lab, including measurement of: Soil texture, Soil lime, Organic matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Gypsum, pH, EC, Soil density, Filed capacity, Welting point. Soil profile description in field. References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Weather and Climatology Number: 3 -

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Bakhtiar Mohammadi Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to theoretical and basic topics related to weather and climate.


Lecture: The nature of the atmosphere, Layers of the atmosphere, Definition of meteorology and climatology, differnce between climatology and meteorology, Atmospheric phenomena and factors affecting them, Includes: air pressure(definition, unit of measure, factors affecting air pressure variations, isobar lines and isobaric mapping, Cyclones, anti-cyclones and local winds) Radiation (introducing the solar spectral irradiance and its units of measurement) Air temperature (concepts of temperature, heat, units of measurement, temperature regime, temperature normalization, atmospheric thermal divisions, stable and unstable air, soil temperature), Air Humidity (concepts, humidity measurement parameters, humidity changes), Wind (pressure gradient force, coriolis force, friction force, analysis of wind speed and direction), Climatic classification (Domarton, Ambrose's climate), Global warming and its contributing factors, Introducing the phenomena of El Nino and Lanina and its long term effects

Tutorial: Introducing the performance of atmospheric phenomena measuring tools (pressure, temperature, precipitation, evaporation, wind), Analysis of meteorological device strips (rainfall, radiation, temperature, wind) performing a regional climatological project.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Surveying Number: 3 General Mathematics

Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Kyumars Mohammadi Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Explaining to students the main methods mapping and surveying in natural resources.


Lecture: The short history of mapping and surveying, the introduction of surveying and main definitions, the methods of scaling and conversions, functional surveying classification, types of maps in natural resources, base levels, measuring instruments, map and geographical coordinates, different types of angles angels and distances and their units and measurements in flat and rugged terrain, benchmark, methods of leveling, introducing and learning all types of direct leveling, reciprocal leveling, stadia leveling, mistakes and errors in leveling, longitudinal and transverse profiles, surface survey preparing plan and calculation of area in different ways, measuring and drawing polygons, different types of geodesy and theodolite geodesy, methods of measuring area, introduction to related software.

Tutorial: Introduction to surveying instruments, introduction of GPS, direct leveling, stadia leveling, longitudinal and transverse profiles, measuring and drawing polygons.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Principal of Remote sensing Number: 3 -

Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Mahtab Pir Bavaghar Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to the basic concepts and general principles of aerial and satellite remote sensing and its applications in forestry.


Lecture: Introduction (Importance and Purpose) - Basics of Remote Sensing - Electromagnetic Energy – spectral reflectance of plant, soil and water – Various types of scanners and remote sensing systems - Active and Passive Systems – Optical, Thermal, Radar, and Laser remote sensing systems - Digital aerial Cameras - Characteristics of Satellite Spectral Images - Types of Resolutions - Common Satellites in Natural Resources (Landsat, Spot, NOAA) - Imaging Methods - Principles of Modifying and Interpreting Satellite Images - Factors Affecting Interpretation; Methods of image analysis including visual interpretation, digital classification and integration of them - Aerial photo acquaintance - Aerial photography - Stereoscopy, Displacement phenomenon - Aerial photo scale – Photo-index and Photo-mosaic - Principles of aerial photo interpretation - Distance and area estimation - Height Measurement - Application of aerial photos in forest and pasture, watershed and environment.

Tutorial: Introducing Remote Sensing Software (ENVI, IDRISI, PCI-Geomatica, ILWIS, ERDAS) - Introducing students to software images and properties - Comparing satellite images with different spatial resolution, Spectroscopy and radiometry - Creating true and false color – composite images - Improving image contrast - Visual and digital interpretation of images - Getting acquainted with aerial photos - Scale determination and measurement techniques - Viewing a stereoscopic pair of two photos using pocket and mirror stereoscopes - Measuring the height of phenomena on the photo - Parallax measurement - Ridge and talweg Mapping - Interpreting and mapping some of the forest structural features and composition of forest species and types on the photo.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Geographic Information System Number: 2 -

Instructor: Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Mahtab Pir Bavaghar Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to the basics of GIS as a tool for spatial analysis and to create spatial databases for forest science applications.


Lecture: Definitions of Geographic Information System and its history, The components of a spatial information system; Geographic Information Systems Sub-systems; Sources of Geographic Information Systems data collection- Global Coordinate Systems and Map Projection- Data importing into a GIS system; data quality assessment and correction - Introducing students to GPS and its usage - Data Structure in spatial Information systems and data conversion methods- Geometric correction and map geo-referencing- Creation and management of a spatial database (DBMs) - data manipulation and editing, Introducing students to data analysis and extraction-General introduction to a variety of spatial and descriptive data analyzes - search functions and query operations (Select by attributes, ..)- Arithmetic and logical operation in geographic information systems. Introducing students to Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and extracted data from DEM. Introducing students to the original and useful functions such as Area, Overlay, Distance, Buffer, Classification, Field calculation- Preparing Layout

Tutorial: Introducing students to ArcGIS software environment and various data type- Recording spatial coordinate using GPS - Transferring GPS data to GIS – Receiving /transferring spatial data from/to Google Earth - Data conversion - Data im[porting and Image geo-referencing - Data correction – designing sample database- Database query operations - Spatial, arithmetic and logical operations in GIS – Producing Digital Elevation Model and Slope, Aspect and Elevation maps - Performing a small GIS project.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

P Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: General Hydrology Number: 2 Weather and Climatology

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Kamran Chapi Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Making students familiar with the basic concepts and water balance components as well as different measurement techniques of hydrological factors.


Lectures: Definitions and history, Water cycle, Effective factors in water cycle, Precipitation forms, Rainfall and its measurement, Rainfall data analysis, Calculation of mean precipitation of a region using arithmetic mean, Thiessen, and Isoheytal methods, Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves, Evapotranspiration and its effective factors, Infiltration, Water balance calculations, Surface water measurement with Floating method, Chemical gaging, Limnograph gages, and Current meter, Empirical approaches to surface runoff estimation.

Tutorial: Problem-solving class, Mean rainfall calculation of a region, Working with different devices of discharge measurement, Visiting water-gaging stations, Measurement of infiltration.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Natural Resources Economy Number: 2 -

Instructor: Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Asad Mahdavi Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduction to Basic Economics Literature, the Application of Public Economic (Production. Distribution. Consumption) in natural resources.


Lecture: Basic Economics Concepts, Relation of natural resources with economic system, Introduction to Ecological Economics, Modern economists' theories of natural resource economics, Economic Resources, Supply and Demand, Production function, Production costs, gross production, Gross National Product, Economics of Conservation of Natural Resources, Natural Resources and Islam, Economic value of Iranian , Purpose of forest exploitation, Supply of and its demand and the market price, Costs of and the factors that influence it, Economic calculations of forest utilization, Economic Value of Iranian Rangelands, Purpose of rangelands exploitation, Supply and demand of forage, Production costs and Factors affecting it, Economic calculations of rangelands utilization, Grazing Economic Planning, The economic value of water, Price of water in Iran, Economic Values in Desert Areas, Earth economy, The economic value of aquatic life, Economic exploitation of water and aquatic life, Economic exploitation of wildlife and importance of wildlife, Economics of Ecotourism.

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Law & Regulations of Natural Number: 2 - Resources

Instructor: Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course aimed to introduce students with basic concepts and definition of law and as well as with main resources of international and national legislation. Student will become familiar with Law and Regulations of natural resources management and its related organizational framework.


Lecture: First section: Law General Law, Definitions & main concepts, Governance and role of governments, Basics of law, Legal rule, Branches of law, Custom and law, Enforcement of law Second section: Law & regulations of natural resources (Forest & Rangeland) Definitions & main concepts, Land & natural resources in Islamic jurisprudence, Natural resources organization, History of legislation for Forest & Rangeland, Basics of legislation for natural resources, Ownership of natural resources, Law, regulations and enactment, Conservation laws, Land audit laws, Utilization of natural resources laws, Restoration laws, Expansion laws, International laws of natural resources management, Developments ahead

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: General Information on Natural Number: 3 - Resources

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Vahid Hosseini Scientific Trip: (64 Hour)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduce resources in nature, importance and situation of natural resources, natural resource management and conservation.


Lecture: Natural Resources Definition - The difference between natural stocks and natural resources - Properties of renewable natural resources - Classification of renewable natural resources types -The importance of recognizing renewable natural resources and their role in human life – Restoration and utilization of natural resources - Introduction to abiotic natural resources (water, soil and air) -Rangeland and its types - Area and distribution of different rangeland -The importance of rangelands from different aspects - Rangelands of Iran and the world – Utilizer of rangeland - Concept of watershed and watershed management -Erosion control in watersheds -Desert and its types - Forests, definitions and properties - The importance of forests and their role in human life - Area and distribution of forests in Iran and the world - and its importance in Iran – Natural and planted forest park - Wood and its products -Wildlife and its importance in human life – Protected area and national parks - The natural environment and importance of conservation it - Environmental pollutions - Aquacultures and its roles in human life - Iranian Aquaculture Resources.

Tutorial: Excursion in rangeland, protected area, forests, watershed and aquaculture.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Number: 2 - Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Farzad Eskandari Scientific Trip: (64 houre)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to theory and practice in entrepreneurship as well as to entrepreneurial opportunities available in the area of forest science.


Lecture: Business and entrepreneurship conceptualization, the importance and role on entrepreneurship, behavioral characteristics of entrepreneurs, business and entrepreneurship typology, process and stages of entrepreneurship and business development, analyzing business environment, entrepreneurial opportunities in agriculture and natural resources, idea identification and evaluation, feasibility study in entrepreneurship, business plan writing applying software, trade and banking system regulations in terms of business and entrepreneurship, social security and welfare regulation related to business and entrepreneurship, government regulation related to business and entrepreneurship, other regulation related to business and entrepreneurship (health and security, environmental rules, natural resources rules and regulations), financial management, venture capital, human resource management, marketing management (sale, advertisement, branding, promotion), risk management, internet and social media application in business, business ethics, environment and sustainability issues in business.

Tutorial: Analyzing market for an identified entrepreneurial opportunity in the field and writing a business plan for it according to the format provided by Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Kurdistan, Case study of a successful business, field trip, interviewing a successful entrepreneur, participating in a speech presented by a successful entrepreneur, participating in an entrepreneurial skills workshop managed by Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Kurdistan, participating in entrepreneurial events held by Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Kurdistan.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: of Broad-leaved Number: 3 -

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Identifying broad-leaved trees and shrubs.


Lecture: Various Classifications of Wooden Trees - Principles of Broadleaved Identification - Introduction to Vegetation and Habitats of Iranian Vegetative Areas - Classification and Morphological Characteristics of Important Trees and Shrubs of Vegetative Region Iran (Hyrcanian, Arasbaran, Zagros, Irano-touranian). - The most important Exotic Broad-leaved trees planted in Iran.

Tutorial: Visiting Botanic Gardens - Visiting the Most Important Forest Region of Iran - Identifying Herbarium samples of Trees and Shrubs of Iran.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Measurement Number: 3 Statistics.

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Loghman Ghahramany Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to tree indices measurement methods (Diameter, Height, Basal Area, Bark, Increment, Volume).


Lecture: Relationship between forest measurement and other forest sciences; Definition of tree and it's components; Tree diameter (definition, measurement); Instruments for measurement of standing Tree diameter (diameter tape, caliper, Biltmore stick, Visier Winkel, Relascope); Measurement of Tree Diameter in Above 1.3 m Height (Finish caliper, Barr and Stroud, Relascope); Definition of tree height; Instruments for ( stick, christen, Suunto, Abney Level, Haga, Blume-Leiss, Relascope); Basal area of tree; Bark thickness; Tree crown measurement; Measuring the age of tree; Study of Form of Tree; Form Factor; Form Quotient; Calculation of tree volume, Estimation of tree volume using volume tables, Measuring felled trees/logs, Increments of tree indices.

Tutorial: Practical measurement of tree indices (Diameter, Height, Bark, Basal Area, Volume, Increment) and Data Analysis using Statistical Software’s.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Number: 3 Forest

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Loghman Ghahramany Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation: 

Course Objectives: Introducing students to forest stand indices measurement methods (Diameter, Height, Basal Area, and Volume)


Lectures: Brief history of forest inventory; Principles of sampling (number, shape and area of sample plots); Measurement of stand indices (stand area, stand age, stand composition, average diameter of stand, stand density, basal area, form factor, volume, volume increment/growth); Tree distribution in diameter classes; Average stand height (arithmetic mean height, Lorey’s mean height, height of average basal area, dominant height); Relationship between diameter at breast height (DBH) and height in forest stand; Different methods of forest inventory (full calipering, stripe inventory, Sampling (simple random sampling, block sampling, systematic-random sampling).

Tutorial: Practical introducing students to different methods of forest inventory and data analysis using statistical software.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Principles of Forestry Number: 3 Forest road designing

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours) Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course will focus on how to: Formulate management system objectives in forest Recognize forest goods & services versus need and interest Organization of a wild forest as a management unit Providing a management plan for a forest management unit.


Lecture: Introduction (course outline & objectives), Definition of forestry, History of forestry in the world, History of forestry in Iran, Integration of different forest issues (Ecology & , wood harvesting and transportation, socio- economic issues) into forest management system, Forestry versus other land uses, Forestry compare to other production systems, Hierarchy of management system objectives in forestry, Application of system approach in forestry, Principles of Management, Organizational structures, Forest management plan (FMP), Spatial organization in FMP, Temporal organization of FMP, Ecologic and mechanistic production processes in forest, Maps (reading & understanding), Forest management process, Recognizing forest management unit (FMU), FMU as an organization, Data collection in FMU, Goal, strategies & objectives setting in FMP, Planning of FMP, Operations’ details in FMP, Monitoring & control of FMP, Assignment of FMP.

Tutorial: Working on maps, Scales, Measuring forest area, Specify FMU and its borders on topographic map, Spatial organization of FMU (road network, parcels), Forest excursion (The Center for Research & Development of Northern Zagros Forests)


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Programing and Number: 3 Principles of Forest Management Management

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduce students to principal of forest programing and management methods.


Lecture: Introduction, Review of fundamentals of forest management, Methods of forest management (forest regulation), Coppice forest management method (Simple and single selection), Regular standard forest management method (Permanent unit, Variable unit, Unique block), Semi-regular standard forest management method (Regeneration unit), Irregular standard forest management method (single selection system and group selection system), Irregular standard forest management method (Control method), Introduction of management cycle, Definitions, The kinds of programing methods, Divided of programing, Hierarchical of management plans, Preparation process of management plans (recognition and divide of forest, Inventory and description of stands, forest programing), management plans performance, Control of management plans (process and organized).

Tutorial: Introducing Students to forest management methods in Caspian forests or other forests.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest parks & reserve areas Number: 2 Principle of Silviculture

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Vahid Hosseini Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduce Students to Classification of Parks and Reservations and Recreational Planning Methods in Forest Parks.


Lecture: Leisure – Terminology: (Recreation, Outdoor activity, Recreation resources, Tourism and Ecotourism …) - The Roles, Importance and reasons of parks creation in conservation of natural resources and environment – Different types of parks and their concepts: Urban park, Rural park, Natural park, Forest park, National park, Protected areas and reserves - Global strategy of park management - History of park creation -Introducing the most important natural and artificial forest parks in Iran and the world - The importance of reservoirs in protecting and conserving forest - People's needs and the possibility of using the parks - Negative effects of creation on the park - Principles of selective Park location – Necessary parameters of park creation - Resources management Process - Assessment and estimation of resources, Determination of aim, Boundary and Classification in park planning - Principles and criteria for selecting and design of reservoirs – Zones and park planning - General tasks of Park Manager.

Tutorial: Excursion in important parks and reserves of Iran.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Roads Designing Number: 3 Surveying

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Kyumars Mohammadi Samani Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students how to design forest roads on map and forestland.


Lecture: Concepts and importance of forest roads, environmental considerations, relation of forest roads to other factors in the forest including silvicultural practices, forest management and economic and social issues, and firefighting and finally harvesting systems, standard specifications of forest roads, process of preparation of forest road project based on general criteria and adaptation to environmental conditions including field visit report, surveying the conductor route, path determination (straight lines and curves and screws), hectometry, longitudinal and transverse profiles, road map drawing, drawing the longitudinal and transverse profiles, project line adjustment, calculate the volume of excavation and embankment, road construction cost estimation, introduction to related software.

Tutorial: Implementation the forest road designing in the field operation from surveying the conductor route to road construction cost estimation for 500 – 1000 meters in forest or lands. References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest roads Construction and Number: 3 - Maintenance

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Kyumars Mohammadi Samani Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to construction and maintenance of forest roads.


Lecture: Road construction history, road construction techniques, definitions of forest road structures and standards, environmental considerations, safety instructions, different stages of forest road construction including defining the road privacy and preparing the road and forest roads (clearing the trees from road, removing stumps and roots, removing rocks and wastes), soil mechanics classification, Atterberg limits, soil aggregation, density, concept of optimum moisture and bearing capacity in road construction, excavation and embankment operations, introducing road construction machinery, road engineering structures, longitudinal and transverse drainage (different types and proper design and implementation of forest roads to prevent disruption of natural water flow), stability of the roadbed and cut and fill slopes (mechanical and biological treatment such as compression of the road bed by use of road rollers, construction of retaining walls on cut and fill slopes and so on), forest road pavements, different types of pavement material, forest roads maintenance.

Tutorial: Visiting the road forests in the mountain forests, road construction machinery, road building workrooms and soil mechanics laboratory.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Number: 3 -

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Mahtab Pir Bavaghar Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduce students to tools related to tree and bucking, related techniques and practical implementation.


Lecture: Concept and purpose of forest logging - Safety instructions - Importance and need for sustainable forest management - History of forest logging and development of forest logging equipment - Concept of low impact forest logging- Recognition and use of equipment for felling and bucking Machines - Chainsaw - power vector analysis - torque - correct tree felling, bucking and techniques using manual and machine tools- Introducing forest logging methods - Forest products grading – marketing and sales - Introducing forest logging plan and presentation of work plan and organization.

Tutorial: Understanding equipment, tools and machinery for tree felling, and bucking - Visiting logging operation and logging equipment and machinery by students in the forest - Performing at least one tree felling and bucking operation.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Wood Transportation Number: 3 Forest logging

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Mahtab Pir Bavaghar Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduction to methods and machinery related to wood transportation from the forest.


Lecture: History of evolution of wood transport equipment- Safety guidelines - Physical and mechanical principles and rules used in wood transportation from the forest – Primary transportation to roadside decks (non-mechanized or traditional transport, Ground skidding, Air and cable transportation (Skyline) - New Technologies and idea to reduce costs of the primary transportation - Loading methods - Secondary Transport from Roadside decks to Consumer Centers - Recognition and application of Tools, Machines and systems of the wood transportation, Introduction to wood transportation plans - Cost Calculation - Considerations on economic and environmental assessment of different wood transportation Methods from tree butt to roadside decks.

Tutorial: Field surveying of primary transportation, loading, secondary transportation to get acquainted with wood transport equipment and machinery in different stages and how to use it.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest tree physiology Number: 2 -

Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To introduce students to the general principles of Forest tree physiology and influencing factors on the tree physiology.


Lecture: Concepts of physiology and its application in forestry - The role of light, temperature and atmospheric water on the physiological processes of forest trees (photosynthesis and respiration) - Division of plants by photosynthetic system - CO2 concentration in the atmosphere - water communications - The role of water in forest trees - Role of root system in water uptake - Transpiration - Fruiting of forest trees - Nutrition of forest trees - Effects of environmental pollution on the physiology of forest species.

Tutorial: Introduction to equipment for measuring of physiological parameters of trees - Measurement of physiological parameters of trees in laboratory, greenhouse, nursery and forest (chlorophyll content in leaves of forest species, determination of leaf area in different forest trees, healthy and diseased leaf area) - Measurement of micromorphological characteristics of leaf Stoma in Forest Species


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Soil Sciences Number: 3 General Soil Sciences

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Vahid Hosseini Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Recognizing the soil position in forest ecosystems.


Lecture: The position and importance of soil in the Forest ecosystem – Concept of forest soils – Differences between forest soils and agriculture soils – Ecological Functions of soil in forest ecosystems – Effective factors and processes on evolution and development of forest soils – Soil horizons in forest soils – Influence of trees on soil evolution in forest ecosystems – Physical properties of forest soil – Chemical properties of forest soils – Biological properties of forest soil – Forest floor, Decomposition of organic residual and humus formation – Relationship between soil properties and distribution of tree spices and different forest communities – Forest soils of Iran – Influence of natural factors and anthropogenic factors on soil of forest ecosystems.

Tutorial: Excursion in natural and planted forests – Soil profile description in forest Ecosystems.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Number: 3 Does not have.

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Understanding the forest ecosystem components interactions affecting on forest biological processes.


Lecture: Conception of forest ecology and its application in forest management - effects of environmental factors and stresses (light, Temperature, humidity, atmosphere, precipitation, radiation and air pollution, edaphic factors, physiographic and biological factors) on forest trees - forest biodiversity - and production in the world's forest ecosystems - importance of forest floor cover - vegetation ecology groups - climate recognition (most important climatic formulas and climatograms) - Ecological succession in the forest ecosystems - Nutrient and Material cycles in Forest ecosystems (Water, Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosphorus and ....).

Tutorial: Measuring the most important environmental factors and stresses in the field and laboratory - Measuring the most important species diversity indices - Calculating climatic formulas and climatograms by climatic data


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Principle of Silviculture Number: 3 -

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (64 Hours) Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To introduce students to the principles of silviculture and definitions of silviculture Terminology


Lecture: History and definitions of silviculture terminology - Introduction of forest types and their identification methods - Forest stand structure (forms, composition, age, development stages, longevity, age of harvesting and type of regeneration); Interaction of environmental factors on trees and forest stands - Classification of forest trees in relation to the sivicultural nature and tolerance to environmental factors (solar or light radiation, temperature, soil moisture, physiography) - Classification of world forests (tropical rain forests, subtropical forests, Mediterranean forests, temperate forests, evergreen forests, temperate deciduous forests and Taiga coniferous forests) - Classification of forests of Iran: Hyrcanian forests (North of Iran and Arasbaran, Iran-Turanian forests (Zagros, Central Plateau). Sahara - Sandi (Oman Gulf). Physical and Biological Factors of - Relationships of silviculture to , Environmental Sciences, wildlife, aquatic, ).

Tutorial: Practical identification of forest types and visits to various forest types and communities;


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Silvicultural Techniques Number: 3 Principle of Silviculture.

Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip:(64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To Introduce Students to the Development Stages of Forest Stands and Silvicultural systems. Syllabus:

Lecture: History, Concepts and Definitions of Silvicultural Terminology, Developments in Techniques of Silviculture - Forest Stands and its Characteristics - Forest Tree Regeneration (Natural and Artificial Regeneration, Sexual and Vegetative Regeneration) - Identification of Forest Types - Development Stages of Forest Trees - Types of Tending Operations or Tending Cuttings (Releasing or Liberation operation, or Salvage Operation, Cutting, Lightening Cutting) - Sanitation Cutting - Silvicultural Methods (High or Standard Forest Silviculture Method, Coppice Forest Silviculture Method, Coppice with Silviculture Method) - Silvicultural Systems (Clear Cutting, Strip Cutting, , Expanding Gap Silviculture System, Femelsclag Silviculture System, Selective Silviculture Systems, Close to Nature Silvicultural Systems) - Silvicultural Characteristics of Forest Trees - Marking in the Forests - Planning and Preparation of Silviculture Management Plan.

Tutorial: Practical Implementation of Silviculture Techniques in the Forests - Visiting of Silvicultural Systems Implemented in the Forest Management Plans.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Nurseries Number: 2 -

Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:(16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To introduce students to the theoretical and practical methods of forest tree seedlings production, sexual and vegetative propagation of forest trees, educate skilled experts for construction and management of forest nurseries, educate skilled experts to work in forest nurseries and their supervision.


Lecture: Sexual and asexual reproduction methods of forest trees - preparing seed and cuttings for forestation and seedling production (selection, production, collection, preparation and maintenance methods) - Quantitative and qualitative seed tests analysis - Specifications of forest seedlings - Kinds of forest nurseries and their general characteristics - Design and construction of forest nurseries (selection of location, overall size and shape, construction of roads and ....) - Current (annual) operations in forest nurseries - physical, chemical and biological preparation of land in forest nurseries - Production of container and bare root seedlings (with emphasis on the most important forest species of vegetation regions of Iran) - Care and maintenance of seedlings before transplanting - Prepare of seedlings for transport and storage - the introduction of grading standards and practices of quality produced seedlings - marketing and sales of seedlings produced in forest nurseries

Tutorial: Introduction to different methods of collecting, maintaining and qualitative tests of seeds and cuttings of forest trees - Introduction to different seedling production operations in forest nurseries - Visiting forest nurseries


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forestation Number: 2 Forest Nurseries.

Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To introduce students to the various methods of forest tree theoretically and practically, preparation and evaluation of forestation project, education of skilled experts to work in forestation projects and their supervision.


Lecture: Definition of vocabulary of forestation and - History of afforestation in Iran - Importance and purpose of forestation - Species selection for afforestation - Preparation of seed and seedlings for forestation - Methods of preparation of area for afforestation - Purpose in forestation - Using machinery in forest plantation - Forestation with seed - Forestation with seedlings - Forestation with cuttings - Afforestation on nonstable soils - Design and planning of planting operations - Afforestation methods (Regular afforestation methods, Irregular afforestation methods ) - Fencing, conservation and cultural operations in forestation - Forestation for specific purposes - afforestation with exotic species in Iran - afforestation in arid and semi-arid regions - Suitable tree species for plantation on the basis of regional divisions - The economic, social and ecological effects of forestation - The instruction for afforestation projects.

Tutorial: Practical: Introduction to preparation techniques of afforestation areas - Introduction to techniques and tools for planting seed and seedlings of forest trees - Introduction to different methods of conservation and maintenance of afforested areas - Introducing a sample of forestation project (preferably different species of different ages) and introduction to their problems in the field.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Trees Pathology Number: 2 Does not have.

Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to the concept of and identifying forest tree diseases, factors affecting its development, the impacts of diseases on different tree varieties. Syllabus:

Lecture: The concept of pathology in forest, classification of forest plants diseases, diagnosis of different forest plant diseases (diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes etc.), methods of attacking pathogenic factors on trees and plants, impact of pathogenic factors on physiological performance of tree varieties, methods of behaving trees against different pathogenic factors, disease epidemic and environmental factors affecting its development, influence of environmental factors (wind, temperature, moisture, PH etc.) on disease development and creation,

Tutorial: Visiting forest sites to identify the most important diseases caused by different pathogenic, diagnosis of different pathogenic factors in the lab using microscope.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Economics Number: 3 Economics of Natural Resources

Instructor: Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course will help students to: Understand principles and concepts of forest economics. Evaluate forest investments using basic forest economic theories and applying the rules of discounting to forest investment. Understand relationships between supply and demand and market’s prices in forestry. Analyze the value of both market based as well as the benefits of non-marketed environmental goods and services provided by forests. Syllabus:

Lecture: Introduction (course outline & objectives), Introduction to Basic Concepts (Forestry from an economic viewpoint, Producer theory, Market imperfections), Timber Demand, Supply and Pricing (Forest products demand and supply, Demand and supply for timber, Long-run timber supply projections, Timber market: Iran & whole word), Un-priced Forest Values (Problem of measurement, Travel cost method, Valuation of Tourism, Wild habitat values, Conservation and Protection values), Land Allocation and Multiple Use (Allocation among uses, Combinations of uses, Transportation cost and land-use), Forest Investment Analysis (Compounding, discounting and present value, Criteria for investment decisions (Wald theory, Faustman theory, Hartman theory), Interest rate, inflation, risk , uncertainty and expected value).

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Principles of Forest Policy Number: 2 Law and Regulations of natural resources

Instructor: Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course should prepare students to: Introduce with basic concepts and definition of Forest policy. Understand key policies pertaining to forest planning and management. Analyzing Political System and Political Process of Problem-Solving.


Lecture: Definition of policy, Political concepts, Policy making, Forest Policy, Realm of forest policy, History of forest politics, Implemented policies in Iran’s Forest, Driving forces of in Iran, Trends of forest policy in Iran, Factor affecting forest policy (social, economic, ecological, cultural, religious, administrative and political), Forest good and services, Forest policy and ownership, National, regional and local forest policies, Forest law and policy, Ongoing challenges and forest policy, Forest policy and international processes, Political system, Forest stakeholders, Interest & conflicts, Political Process of Problem-Solving: policy formulation, implementation of policy, policy evaluation.

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Socio-Economic Issues of Forest Number: 2 - Instructor: Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course aimed to study: Introducing social and economic structure of rural communities. The social and economic challenges facing forests. Designing strategies to overcome challenges.


Lecture: Social benefits of forests, Economic of forests, Forest stakeholders, Rural communities, Local communities, Forest dwellers, Rural compare to urban societies, Population characteristics, Social institutions, Social interactions processes, Social organization and production systems in rural community, Rural women, Rural development strategies, History of forest utilization, Customary rights, Easement rights, Forest in law, Role of forests in development programs, Social and economic causes of forest destruction, Traditional methods of forest management, Modification and compatibility of traditional ways to modern forestry, Social and economic features of forest dwellers, Relationship between socio- economic status and forest utilization, Livelihoods and forest resources (livestock breeding, farming, wood harvesting, non-wood forest products, fuel-wood), Livelihood challenges of forest dwellers, Forest related industries, Developmental and infrastructure projects and forest degradation (road construction, civil activities, sand mining), Ecotourism and forests, Cultural issues, Multipurpose forestry.

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Forest Genetic and Biotechnology Number: 2 - Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Naghi Shabanian Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To introduce students to the general principles of genetics and biotechnology and its application in forest science.


Lecture: Principles of genetic - Genetic significance in forestry - Mendelian genetic principles - Biological diversity and variability of forest species - Cytological effects of heritability on forest species - Chromosomal theory of heritability in forest species - Mutation and adaptation of forest species - Population genetics of forest species - Genetic resources of forest trees and their conservation - Biotechnology and its application in forests

Tutorial: Observing the stages of cell division - Observation of chromosomal aberrations in forest species – introduction to genetic markers in the field and laboratory - Introduction to DNA extraction steps


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Skill Training I Number: 3 Does not have. Instructor: Hours: - Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Performing individual practical work by the student (at least after 6 semesters for at least 60 working days) in private or government forest science related units under the supervision of a faculty member as a supervisor and collaboration forest expert. Students in this course, as they collaborate in their field activities, gain a thorough understanding of their workflows and solutions in technical laboratories with workshops or field work.


Lecture: -

Tutorial: Introductory meetings to introduce skill training goals, tips and safety principles - skill training results and feedbacks – student’s practical participation with specific planning in all major stages of executive projects (participating in forestry plans, forest nurseries, forest parks and so on) from the beginning of the project to the end of it, under the supervision of supervisor and forest expert- Presenting quantitative and qualitative results of project implementation as a report for final evaluation- Presenting the results of the slide show in the presence of students and faculty members - Review of project strengths and challenges – presenting the proper idea and suggestions.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Skill Training II (Development of a Number: 3 - Forest Management Plan) Instructor: Hours: 192 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour, Dr. Loghman Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar Ghahramany, Dr. Naghi Shabanian  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Student will practice: Spatial organization of forest management unit Formulating objectives in a forest management plan (FMP) Collecting data needed for development of a FMP (Socio-economic data, Stand description, Forest inventory) Synthesis various features and compiling of FMP handbook Syllabus:

Lecture: -

Tutorial: Introduction (course outline & objectives), Definition of FMP, FMP components, Organizing students into 3-4 individuals working groups, Define FMP framework, Addressing FMP area (working on map and Google earth), Field training GPS, Socio-economic study (collecting data from stakeholders by review and questionnaire, compiling report), Forest inventory (designing sampling network, measuring sample plots, compiling report), Description of forest stand quality (silviculture planning), Synthesis of the sections, Planning activities, Conclusion, Compiling FMP handbook.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Compulsory) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Seminar Number: 1 - Instructor: Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To introduce students with how to search databases for identifying and gathering scientific resources and compiling and analyzing a particular topic.


Lecture: -

Tutorial: The student individually selects the subject under the supervision of a supervisor to research a subject area related to his / her field. Refer to relevant English and Persian databases and collect analytical reports and present them in the presence of students and their supervisor. The student can also do field studies if the conditions and possibilities are available.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Optional) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Social Forestry Number: 2 -

Instructor: Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course explores the use and role of small scale forestry to promote social and human wellbeing. Traditional/local ecological knowledge and its implementation to sustainable forest management will discuss in this course. The course will give student an understanding of the theories and evidence underlying social forestry.


Lecture: Introduction (course outline & objectives), Introduction to social forestry. A glance at traditional forest management systems, Interactions among rural communities and forests, The right of human and forest, People demands for goods and services, Establishment of social forestry as a management system, Indigenous knowledge, TEK & LEK, Participatory approaches, Integration of ecology, silviculture and people needs as social forest management system, Linking traditional management to formal administration, Forest cooperation, NGO’s and forest management, Small scale forestry, Household scale forest management, Social forestry in practice: samples from oak woodlands in Zagros.

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

P Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Optional) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Application software in forest Number: 2 - sciences

Instructor: Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Loghman Ghahramany Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing software for description and analyzing of forest stand structure to students.


Lecture: -

Tutorial: Methods of description of vertical and horizontal structure of forest stands using SVS software (Stand Visualization System); Charts and Descriptive Statistics in Excel, Descriptive Statistics, Hypothesis tests, Regression analysis and modelling using SPSS and R, Spatial data transformation from GPS and Google earth, Determination of leaf area using software; Study of crown opening (Gap) in forest stands using software; Estimation of species diversity using Ecological Methodology software; Nonlinear modeling using Cure expert software; Forest data analysis using software.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Optional) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Number: 2 Does not have. Instructor: Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Students will introduce with common agroforestry systems, related technologies and practices. Students enable to analyze the agroforestry systems conducting in oak forests. Students will equip with knowledge and skills of designing of new technologies and practices for promoting and development of existing agroforestry systems. Syllabus:

Lecture: Introduction (course outline & objectives), Definition and concepts of agroforestry, History and importance of agroforestry, Classification of agroforestry systems, Agrosilvicultural systems: designing and development, Silvopastoral systems, Agrosilvopastoral systems, Agroforestry systems compatible with arid and semi-arid, high elevation and mountainous regions, Elements which contribute in an agroforestry system (trees, honeybee, mushroom, silkworm etc.), Ecologic-environmental features of agroforestry, Economic aspects of agroforestry, Social features of agroforestry, Administrative aspects of agroforestry, Analyzing agroforestry systems (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), Designing an agroforestry system.

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Optional) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Coniferous Trees Number: 2 -

Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Hosseini Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Recognition of coniferous trees.


Lecture: Geographical distribution of coniferous in the world – Principals of coniferous recognition – Classification of coniferous family up to genus, site requirements, introduce more important spices, including: Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, Taxodiaceae, Araucariaceae, Taxaceae – Classification of Chephalotaxaceae and Podocarpales.

Tutorial: Excursion in coniferous plantation and and arboretum


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: BSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Credit Type: Technical (Opthional) Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Professional English Number: 2 -

Instructor: Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Dr. Ahmad Valipour Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: It expected that Forestry student: To introduce with the most common forestry words in English To improve understanding professional forestry texts To practice writing, listening & communication skills


Lecture: Introduction (course outline & objectives, Evaluation of student English skills), Professional forestry terms, Reading & understanding professional forestry (Ecology, Silviculture, Harvesting, Socio-economics, Policy, Management, etc.) text, Finding scientific resources/papers, Writing and sending email in English, Free discussion on Forestry topics, Translate forestry text into Persian, Listening & watching forestry related files, Writing CV in English, Student Introduction in English, Searching papers, selecting a paper and presentation in English

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- All 3 subfields Course Title: Research Method in Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Forest Science Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Vahid Hosseini- Dr. Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Kyumars Mohammadi Samani Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing the main procedures of research method and proposal, manuscript and thesis preparation and edition in the forest science.


Lecture: The concept of science and history of thinking and human beings and stages of evolution and experimental sciences - Introduction to research in developed countries and Iran - The relationship between research investment and economic growth - Definition of research and scientometrics - Introduction and classification of research types - What is Research Ethics? Introducing the principles of Research Ethics - Importance of research in forest sciences, forest management and natural resources - Research features in forest science with emphasis on forest ecosystem conditions - Main factors in research priority with respect to Iran's forests - Executive steps of analytical research - How to use recourses and manuscripts - How to use internet to select a subject as well as literature review - Choosing a research problem in forest science - Definition and formulating the main objectives and hypotheses and questions in the research - Research variables - Data collection methods - Sampling methods - Application of statistical methods in data analysis by stating use of some examples - Scientific Journal Rankings and introducing some factors (IF, MIF, H index and so on) - Introducing some useful software like MINITAB, ENDNOTE - Writing practice and editing scientific proposals, articles and dissertations.

Tutorial: Each student chooses a topic and prepares the relevant proposal.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- All 3 subfields Course Title: Statistical Methods in Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Forest Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Loghman Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Ghahramany Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing statistical methods in forest science to students.


Lecture: - Basic statistical definitions and concepts - Statistical tests (parametric and non-parametric) - Basic experimental designs-Analysis of variance and compare means - Regression (single-variable, multivariable and nonlinear) - Multivariate analysis (PCA, CCA) - Neural networks - Fuzzy methods

Tutorial: - Working with statistical software


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- All 3 subfields Course Title: Sustainable Forest Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Management (SFM) Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Valipour Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: To promote student understanding of the concepts and methods of natural forest resource management systems. The students shall develop the necessary skills to design and implement management activities and to monitor and evaluate the outcome of operations.


Lecture: - Course Introduction: What is SFM? - History of forest management. - Objectives of SFM - Classic forest management VS SFM - Humanity & natural resources; main attitudes. - Global process & innovations on SFM - Criteria & Indicators for evaluating SFM - Forest regulation methods and silviculture methods - Introduction to Social forestry - Management of oak coppice forest - Regulation of oak stands structure: methods & indicators - Case studies of Zagros oak forests

Tutorial: - Scientific field trip and forest excursion, Survey of forest management plans, Visiting traditional local forest management practices.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- All 3 subfields Course Title: Supplementary Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Silviculture Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Naghi Shabanian Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Coordinating and completing the silviculture materials learned at the Bachelor of science level and comparing classical silviculture systems with close to nature silviculture systems, emphasizing their application in the forests Iran.


Lecture:  The evolutionary process of silviculture in the world and in Iran as well.  Generalities of the principles and concepts of classical silviculture  Evaluation and analysis of silviculture systems appropriate for regular even-aged forest stands and for irregular uneven-aged forest stands as well  The generalities about virgin forests  Principals of close to nature silviculture systems and comparison with classical silviculture systems  The role of silviculture in Forest Conservation and development  Silviculture and sustainable development  A study and analysis of current silviculture problems the world and in Iran as well.

Tutorial:  Visit of most important forest types of Iran.  Practice of marking in the most important forest types.  Evaluation of marking done in the most important forest types.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- All 3 subfields Course Title: Forest Road Network Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Planning Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Kyumars Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Mohammadi Samani Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Learning how to design a forest road network and evaluation of road network performance.


Lecture: Basic information about forest road network planning and individual roads in the forest - Multifunctional design of forest road network (socio-economical, environmental, tourism) - principles of forest transportation - Affecting factors on the Forest road planning and networking using geographic information system - Introduction of decision-making methods in assessing transferability of land (AHP, ANP, ANN, etc.) - Landings as network components - Technical specifications of forest roads - Correction coefficient of skid trails - Optimal density forest road network - Economic calculations of road network - Forest road routing techniques - Technical routing of forest road network variants (Backmond method, shortest route, ton-kilometer, cost-benefit method) - Ecological assessment and landscape preservation on forest roads - use of innovative and meta-innovative algorithms to design optimal forest roads - Network planning in mountainous areas, hill and plain region - New computer technologies and software in designing and calculating road facilities in the forest (bridge construction, piping and walls).

Tutorial: Field operation and design and evaluation of various road network variants using computer software and engineering techniques.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Forest Biometry Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Loghman Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Ghahramany Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing different forest inventory methods.


Lecture: - Forest biometry concept - Introduction to necessity of forest inventory - Measurement errors and bias concept - Accuracy and precision - One stage inventory - 100 percent inventory (application and method) - Strip inventory - Sampling, Selective sampling, Simple random sampling, Block random sampling, Systematic random sampling, Stratified sampling, Cluster sampling, Two phase sampling, Ratio estimation

Tutorial: - Implementing different sampling methods on data obtained from 100% inventory.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Forest Spatial Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Information System Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Mahtab Pir Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Bavaghar Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Application of spatial information system and practical introduction to the capabilities of the system in performing different spatial analyzes related to the forest basin by master's degree students in the field of forest.


Lecture: Introduction to Spatial Information System, Introduction to Data Quality and Metadata, How to Create Database - Data Conversion, Modification and Update, Spatial and Attribute Data Query- Data Recovery - Data Analysis Methods, Data Overlapping Methods, overlapping analyzes, methods of extracting forest spatial statistical information (Zonal, local and regional), distance methods and measurement of distance relations, Boolean spatial modeling, fuzzy modeling - ranking spatial modeling - Vector modeling - topographic and three-dimensional (3D) analysis.

Tutorial: Performing all sections practically in a common GIS software environment such as ArcGIS.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Remote Sensing in Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Forest Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Mahtab Pir Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Bavaghar Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course is designed to familiarize master's students with the remote sensing of the forest and its applications.


Lecture: Investigating the geometric and radiometric quality of satellite images and data - Geometric and radiometric errors and their corrections - Ortho geometric corrections - Atmospheric corrections - Illumination corrections - Spectral characteristics of vegetation phenomena, Water and soil - Image clarification methods - Image Enhancement methods (Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Tasseldcap conversion, filter application, bands ratio, and creation of vegetation indices, data fusion) - Image statistics - Image analysis and data extraction from images – UnSupervised Classification- Supervised Classification - Preparation of training samples and investigation their separability, selection of the best band set- A Common classification algorithms (Minimum distance from the average (MD) – Parallelepiped classifier (PPD), Maximum Likelihood (ML)). Methods of preparing a ground-truth map and accuracy assessment- providing examples of the use of satellite images in various forest areas.

Tutorial: Performing all sections practically in a common remote sensing software environment with different data.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Forest Modelling and Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Simulation Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Valipour Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing non-parametric statistical methods in forest science to students.


Lecture: - Course Introduction: What is Modelling and Simulation? - The role of models in the decision making process - Different modeling concepts (growth and yield models, vegetation dynamics models, static distribution models, biogeochemical models, physiological models). - Strengths and weaknesses of modeling approaches/model variants - Dynamic and Statics models - Empirical and Mechanical models - Individual (single tree) and Stand level models - Selecting appropriate modeling approaches for specific situations - Fundamental of Gap models - Changes, Development and Improvement of models - Model evaluation approaches; application examples and active use of existing models. - Parameterization of a Gap models for Zagros oak forests

Tutorial: - Working with modelling and simulation software - Modelling forest components - Validation of models


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Application of Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Decision Theory in Management Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Valipour Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course is designed to familiarize students with the basic concepts, models and statements of the decision theory and decision making. The course aimed to introduce multi-criteria decision making techniques and software.


Lecture: - Course introduction: Definition and basic concepts of management - Short history of management theories (scientific m.t., administrative m.t., behavioral m.t., management science theory, organizational environmental theory, system thinking, learning organization, chaos theory) - Management cycle, responsibilities of manager, strategic management framework - Decision making theory: definition of DM, Types of DM, restricting factors of DM - Approaches of decision making - Analytical hierarchy process (AHP), Expert Choice software - Analytical Network Process (ANP), Super Decision software - Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) - Fuzzy theory - Game theory - Goal management - Decision making under uncertainty


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Monitoring and Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Control of Forest Resources Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Valipour Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course is planned to promote student understanding of the fundamental, importance and key issues of monitoring and control of forest resources. Students will introduce with organizational control methods, criteria and indicators of forest monitoring, national forest monitoring and forest management plan monitoring. The students shall develop the necessary skills to monitor the forests and to evaluate the outcome of projects’ operations as well as preparing of monitoring reports.



- Course Introduction: Definition and concepts of monitoring and control - Objectives of monitoring and control - The methods of monitoring and control - National forest monitoring: goal and scope, method, principles - Monitoring criteria and indicators - Methods of organizational control and assessment - Monitoring principles of forest management plans (FMP) - Applied indicators for monitoring forest structure, functions and services - Control and assessment training: Sample forest projects - Framework of monitoring and control reports

Tutorial: - Field excursion and surveying forest projects - Manipulating and analyzing forest control forms and documents


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Forest Fire Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Management Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Mahtab Pir Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Bavaghar Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students with the structure and methods of fire management and modeling, fire risk mapping and fire management in the forest.


Lecture: Developing a pre-fire operational plan (fire detection, fire forecasting) - Prescription fire - Monitoring control system and timely detection of forest fires - Use of remote sensing data in fire detection - Introduction of fire detection algorithms with remote sensing data - Methods of modeling the probability of fire in the GIS environment, preparation of fire risk zoning map - preparation of fire risk zoning map in terms of time (seasonal) - fire operation plan Confrontation - Management levels of firefighting (at the county, provincial and national levels) - Organizational system and organizational structure at different levels of fire management – Using local communities in fire management - Forest fire control system at the time of the accident - Management of fire control system in nature - Evaluation and effectiveness of fire control system - Operational plan after fire (restoration and reconstruction of damaged areas) - Impact of fire on the of soil - the impact of fire on suburban lands and air quality.

Tutorial: Performing several samples of fire occurrence and fire risk modeling- Visiting fire areas - Visiting rehabilitation and reconstruction operations.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Course Title: Nonparametric Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Statistics Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Loghman Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Ghahramany Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing non-parametric statistical methods in forest science to students.


Lecture: - Non-parametric data definition, - Non-parametric statistics definition, - Differences between parametric and non-parametric statistics - Application of nonparametric statistics in forestry - Nonparametric tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Chi square test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Mann–Whitney U test, Friedman test, Cochran's Q Test, Sign test, Hotelling's T test, Nonparametric Analysis of Variance (Kruskal– Wallis test), Regression and nonparametric models (Random forests, support-vector machines, Regression Trees)

Tutorial: - Working with statistical software (SPSS, Minitab)


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: Phytosociology Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Vahid Hosseini Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Understanding the importance of phytosociology and its application in conservation management projects, especially evaluation of the methods and effects of management on the forests of country in a long period.


Lecture: Definition and the Concept of phytosociology, Importance, amis and practical aspects of phytosociology - History and developments of phytosociology in the world - Evolution and the concept of ecological succession (types of succession - succession models - - climax) –Description methods of vegetation (Physiognomic – Floristic and Ecologic methods) – The Braun-Blanquet approach in phtosociology (Releve, Minimal area, Differential and character species, fidelity, synthesis of B-B tables and nomenclature of association) – Numerical methods in classification of vegetation ( Cluster analysis and TWINSPAN) – Ordination of vegetation ( Eigen vector - Eigen value – PCA , Principal component analysis, DCA , Detrended Correspondence Analysis, CCA, Canonical Correspondence Analysis, Monte – Carlo test, Variance of axis in Ordination). Indicator species analysis – Biodiversity of plant sociology (Concepts of Biodiversity, numerical index of plant biodiversity)

Tutorial: Excursion in Forest sites and installs a plot (Releve) and measure vegetation composition. Introduction some software in classification and ordination of data including: Pc-Ord, CANACO and Juice.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: Geography of World Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Forests Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Vahid Hosseini Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduction to geographical characteristics of world forests and their classification.


Lecture: Main biomes of Earth – Different types of world forests – Origin and development of forest – Structures of forests in the earth – Geological era and forests – Plant Realms - Holarctic – Introduction to vegetation of arctic and Atlantic Europe and Central Europe – Territory of Balkan – Territory of Siberia – Altai – Middle Siberia – Baikal – Kamchatka – Canada – Manchuria – Sakhalin – Japan and Korea – Taiwan – China – Eastern of Himalayas – Tallgrass prairie of north America – Rockies – Morocco – Eastern of Mediterranean – Crimes – Mediterranean area in the world – Desert – Egypt and Saudi Arabia – Anatoly – Armenia and Iran – Hyrcanian – Torani – Aral – Turkmenistan – Northern of Balochistan – Himalayas – Tibet – Mongolia – Western coasts of America – California – Mexico – Palaeotropis (Africa and Madagascar) – Neotropis (Amazon and south America) – Australia and New Zealand – Introduction to Non native species for reforestation in Iran.

Tutorial:- References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: Ecophysiology of Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - forest trees Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Naghi Shabanian Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing to the impact of environmental stress on forest trees and the mechanisms to deal with them.


Lecture: - Introducing of forest ecophysiology and explain it's concepts - Stress and its types - Forest species reaction to environmental stress - Resistance mechanisms of forest species to environmental stress - Effect of environmental stresses (biological and non-biological) on forest trees (water stress - light stress - thermal stress - cold and frost stress - salinity stress - oxygen deficiency stress - environmental pollution stress - nutritional deficiencies stress - biological factor stress)

Tutorial: - Visiting the impact of environmental stresses on forest species - Measurement of some physiological parameters of forest trees in relation to environmental stresses


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: in Forest Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Vahid Hosseini- Dr. Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Kyumars Mohammadi Samani Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introduction to the ecological effects of forest fires and the recovery process of forest ecosystem after fire.


Lecture: Ecological effects of fire on forest – Fire damages – regimes and plant habitats – Fire behavior – Severity, Frequency and intensity of fire – Fuels in forest – Resistance of plants against fire – Role of topographic and climatic conditions in fire behavior – Influence of fire on plants and secondary succession - Influence of fire on trees (crown, stem and root) - Influence of fire on wildlife and their habitants – Influence of fire on insects and microorganisms of forest – Influence of fire on soil, water and air – recovery process of forest ecosystem – Ecological methods for restoration and recovery of burned area.

Tutorial: Excursion in a forest burned area: 1- to survey effects of fire 2- to survey recovery process in ecosystem.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: Forest Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Naghi Shabanian Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing to genetic diversity in the forest species - The principles of protection of genetic diversity of forest trees - Various methods of improving forest trees


Lecture: - Principals and concepts of forest genetic and forest tree breeding - History of forest tree improvement - Genetic diversity in forest tree species and factors affecting it - Geographical diversity and provenance tests - Plus trees and seed collecting area in the forests - Elite trees and forest seed orchards - Mating plans variations in the forest species and filial tests - Pollination and hybridization techniques in the forest trees - Biotechnology and genetic engineering in forest tree breeding - Application of Isozymes in forest genetic - Forest tree breeding and improvement to Increase resistance to biological and non-Biological Stress

Tutorial: - How to choose the elite and plus trees in forest stands - Detection of genetic diversity based on morphological and molecular markers in forest stands - Visiting of forest stands with emphasis on tree genetic and phenotype diversity - Introducing to artificial pollination in forest species - Introducing to electrophoresis techniques and DNA evaluation


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: Biological Control in Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Forest Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Naghi Shabanian Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to the history and importance of biological control in the forests and its successful methods in the forests of Iran and the world.


Lecture: - History of biological control of pests and diseases in the forests - Benefits and limitations of biological control in the forests - Objectives and methods of biological control of pests and diseases in the forests - Factors affecting biological control in the forests - Introducing different groups of natural enemies of pests and diseases in the forests - Mechanism of action and how to use natural enemies of pests and diseases in the forests - Introducing important antagonisms and parasites of plant pathogens in the forest - Types of biological control methods of pests and diseases in the forests - Biological control of parasitic and semi-parasitic plants in forests - Application of Mycorrhiza in biological control of pests and diseases in the forests. - Use of biological compounds as pesticides in pest and disease management in the forests.

Tutorial: - Field visits of pest behavior and diseases in the forest ecosystems - Detection, identification and collection of some insects, parasites and natural predators in the forest ecosystems - Introducing to various applicable pesticides and biological compounds in the forest ecosystems.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: Fertility of Forest Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Soils Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Vahid Hosseini Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Assessment impact of forest vegetation type and management on soil fertility.


Lecture: Principals and concepts of forest soil fertility – Relationships between soil fertility and potential site productivity – Chemistry and Biochemistry of soil and nutrients availability – Organic matter dynamics, Humus formation and their relationship with soil fertility – Mineralization and nutrients release – Influence of tree canopy on fertility of forest soil – Nutrients in forest trees and re-translocation and its relationship with soil fertility – Mycorrhiza and fertility of forest soils – Impact of human activity on fertility of forest soils.

Tutorial: Excursion in forest ecosystems and soil profile description, soil and litter sampling, Macro element measurement in soil and litter samples.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences Course Title: Biology of Forest Soil Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Vahid Hosseini- Dr. Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Kyumars Mohammadi Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Study and assessment of different forest cover and its impact on soil biological indicators.


Lecture: Forest soil and the soil fauna (soil environment, soil organisms population, their sampling methods, living organisms and nutrient dynamics), living organisms in the soil from micro to macro fauna (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, soil algae, soil viruses, plant roots Protozoa, nematodes, rotifers, earthworms, arthropods, vertebrates, suitable conditions for the soil microorganisms activity) - Soil biochemistry (Substrate supply, Substrate quality, soil bacterial nutrition, soil biochemical processes - soil enzymes - Measurement of live microbial soil mass) - Root and microbial interactions in the rhizosphere, microbial processes in the rhizosphere, Pathogens root germination of plants, legume symbiosis - Rhizobium - Actinorhiza, Agrobacterium, Mycorrhiza) – soil as an Environment for living organisms - soil temperature, salinity, acidity, heavy metals, radioactivity, moisture, movement of living organisms in soil, the effect of roots on soil properties - biological processes – soil origin and development (soil origin, weathering of rocks, role of organic matter, soil profile development, human impact), soil and human biology (effects and development of afforestation , Soil contamination (pollution), use of genetically modified microorganisms, sustainable forestry systems).

Tutorial: Field operation and sampling, soil preparation to measure biological factors – Determining fine root mass - Sampling and counting of different soil organisms. References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Forest Spatial Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Information System Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Mahtab Pir Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Bavaghar Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Application of spatial information system and practical introduction to the capabilities of the system in performing different spatial analyzes related to the forest basin by master's degree students in the field of forest.

Syllabus: Lecture: Introduction to Spatial Information System, Introduction to Data Quality and Metadata, How to Create Database - Data Conversion, Modification and Update, Spatial and Attribute Data Query- Data Recovery - Data Analysis Methods, Data Overlapping Methods, overlapping analyzes, methods of extracting forest spatial statistical information (Zonal, local and regional), distance methods and measurement of distance relations, Boolean spatial modeling, fuzzy modeling - ranking spatial modeling - Vector modeling - topographic and three-dimensional (3D) analysis.

Tutorial: Performing all sections practically in a common GIS software environment such as ArcGIS.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Decision Support Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Systems Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Mahtab Pir Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Bavaghar Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Learning a set of decision models to help analyze and make the right decisions in forest engineering operations.

Syllabus: Lecture: History and definition of decision models - Explaining the role and importance of decision making - Introducing the dimensions and consequences of decision making - Types of decision making models (verbal, drawing) - Decision making process (problem expression, finding solutions, formulating, determining the results , Evaluation of solutions, Selection of the most appropriate solution) – Decision making criteria (Wald's, Hurwicz's, Maximax, Savage's)- Decision tree - Multi-indicator decision models, Multi-objective decision models, Index measurement scale, Weight assessment Indicators - Principles of hierarchical analysis process, hierarchical construction and paired comparisons - Relative weight calculation methods (minimum squares method, Logarithmic minimum squares method, special vectors, approximate methods) - Calculation of incompatibility rate - Sensitivity analysis - Ranking method - Principles of network analysis process - Construction of network types with feedback – Profit, Cost, opportunity and risk concepts in network analysis - Sensitivity analysis .

Tutorial: Working with related software and project presentation by students at the end of the semester


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Computer Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Programming Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Mahtab Pir Hours: 64 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Bavaghar- Dr. Kyumars Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Mohammadi Samani Presentation:  Course Objectives: Familiarity with programming language and algorithms in order to planning and solving problems in forest operations.

Syllabus: Lecture: Introduction to Computers/Computer types - Computer architecture (description: input, memory, control, calculation and logic units, output) - software - Programming languages, executing a program in advanced language - Introduction to a programming language: History - Basic structure of a program - Identity - Fixes - Readability of text - Programs sample - Calculations: variable, fixed identifier, calculations, multiple operators (computational, alternative, increase, decrease, type, size of) Input and output functions: printf, scanf, getchar, putchar, gets, puts- functions - Repetition control commands: while command, decision operators, do…, for command, comma operator - nested loops - Conditional and query commands: conditional statement (if, while), conditional operator, order Break statement - Continue executive command - Continue jumping command - conditional statement if, conditional statement if… else, conditional operator, break jump order - continue jumping command - conditional switch command - functions; condition function, return command - call function - Local and global variables - self-reading - Arrays: One-dimensional array, multi-dimensional array, array object - Pointers: features of pointers, Call by reference, Calculations, Pointer and Array - Pointing specific markers - Files: Text files - Binary files - Access arrangements - Direct access - Description of related functions - Pre-processing commands: More discussion about macros.

Tutorial: Writing programs and solving exercises related to forest science and engineering


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Logging Methods Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Kyumars Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Mohammadi Samani Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Familiarity with logging methods in forest.

Syllabus: Lecture: The necessity of forestry and forest harvesting - History of logging methods and its changes in each region - Introduction of the most common logging methods (whole tree system, tree-length system, log system) - Factors influencing the logging method (silvicultural methods, topography, road network, machinery, forest stands, consumer market, environmental considerations) - Wood products according to the consumer market and their price - Preparation of operation plan: Objectives, environmental factors and how they affect the work (Physical characteristic of the area, topographic condition, geology and soil mechanical characteristics, stability status, climatic conditions) - equipment and methods of logging methods - Networking Status – wood landings - Operation Program in Parcel - Work Organization - Economic Computing - Application of New Software and Technologies in Wood Output Planning.

Tutorial: Excursions and field work to familiarize students with the different shapes and dimensions of wood transportation.


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Advanced Design of Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Experiments Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Valipour Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing methods of designing and processing forest science experiments to students.

Syllabus: Lecture: - Basic concepts, The importance of experimental design and statistics in forestry - Application of basic experimental design in forestry (Completely randomized design, Randomized complete block design, Latin square) - Factorial experiments (Concept of simple/main and interaction effects, treatments, implementation and analysis) - Split plot designs (Implementation and analysis) - Compare means/Post Hoc multiple comparisons (LSD, Tukey, Duncan, Dunnett, SNK) - Contrasts, Response curve in factorial experiments - Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) (Implementation and analysis) - Data transformation - Analysis of nonparametric data

Tutorial: - Working with statistical software (SPSS, Minitab, SAS or R)


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Project Management Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - (PM) Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Valipour Hours: 32 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: This course provides students with insight on key aspects and challenges of Project Management (PM). It aimed to recognize the importance of PM as well as projects stages in different fields emphasizing on Forestry projects. The course helps students to understanding concepts, principles and main techniques of PM in Forest engineering projects.

Syllabus: Lecture: - Course Introduction: Importance of PM in forest management - Fundamental concepts & Definitions of PM - The process of PM - Stakeholders & key actors of a project - Statement of a project - Framework of project management - Work break down structure - Time management: scheduling & planning - Risk management - Cost control - Types of project in natural resources management - Types of contracts - Application of MS project into PM - Planning of a Natural resources project - Introduction to Primavera software

Tutorial: -


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Forest Roads Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Maintenance & Upgrade Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Kyumars Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Mohammadi Samani Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Recognizing the effects and indices of road depreciation rate and road maintenance methods

Syllabus: Lecture: Importance of repair and maintenance of forest roads - Management of pavement system - Principles of maintenance and reconstruction of forest roads - Pavement condition index - forest road depreciation, signs and effects - Spatial planning and schedule of road maintenance operations - Forest Road Maintenance machinery - Forest Road Maintenance techniques - Maintenance of drainage structures and protective walls - Stabilizing fill and cut slopes - improve the resistance of forest roads - Repair damages caused by excessive use of forest roads - Dust control - freezing control - Work organization - Analyzing the operating costs of maintenance operations.

Tutorial: Field operation and visiting periodic operations of forest road maintenance


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: MSc Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Engineering & Utilization Course Title: Linear Programming Credit Type: Optional Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - in Forest Engineering Number: 2 Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Valipour Hours: 48 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip:  Workshop:  Laboratory: (32 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: The course develops an introduction to the basic areas of operation research and linear programming (LP). In particular, the main focus will be on formulating, analyzing and solving mathematical LP models. Students will be familiar with LP algorithms especially graphical solution, simplex and its variants. Syllabus: Lecture: - Course Introduction: Operation research (definition, history, scope and techniques) - Formulating LP mathematical model from descriptive problem - Mathematical Optimization and Linear Programming (LP): what is it and what is it good for? (modeling examples) Geometry of LP problems - Graphical solution of LP - Special cases in LP - Limitations of LP - Simplex method for solving LPs - Solving Maximization LP problem - Solving Minimization LP problem - Two-phase and big M method of solving LP models - Duality theory of LP - Sensitivity analysis - Intro to Integer Linear Programming - Network flow problems

Tutorial: - Graphical solution of linear programming models - Training simplex algorithm for solution linear programming models - Working with LINDO, LINGO and Solver software - Designing, description, formulating and analyzing a real world problem in the field forest engineering


IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: PhD Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Advanced Silviculture Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing students to the new findings of silviculture and modern views of silviculture.

Syllabus: Lecture: - Development of silvicultural systems and factors affecting it. - Important challenges in silviculture (applying the principles of agriculture in silviculture, emphasizing the management of homogeneous and uniform forest stands, focusing on single trees, emphasizing the predictability of the results of silviculture tending operation and tending cuttings in the forests, ...) - Emphasizing of ecology science on the complexity of forest ecosystems. - Expressing conflicting views of ecology and silviculture, emphasizing the need to apply important theories of ecology in silviculture - Introducing the concept of complexity in modern silviculture - Management of complexity in dynamic and adaptable forest systems - Introducing silviculture systems in the other parts of the world that are similar to Iran - Investigation and analysis of new silviculture findings - The virgin forests and their role in close-to-nature silviculture systems. - Introducing the most important research findings on virgin forests and their application. - Silvicultural characteristics of the main trees in the forests of Iran and their silviculture systems.

Tutorial: - Visiting virgin (unmanaged) and managed forest stands and comparing them with each other and preparing analytical reports - References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: PhD Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Advanced sampling Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - methods in forest Number: 2 Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Introducing new methods of forest sampling.

Lecture: - The plotless sampling methods (Transect sampling, Distance sampling: nearest-neighbor method, nearest- individual method). - Methods of examining and determining the spatial pattern of trees (distance, density and angle, mapping) - The Variogram and Kriging in Geostatistics. - Three-P and probability proportional to size sampling methods. - Two stage sampling method. - Two phase sampling method. - Three phase sampling method.

Tutorial: - Introducing related software and implementing of sampling methods. References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: PhD Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Planning of Forest Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Engineering Systems Number: 2 Instructor: Hours: 80 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (64 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory:  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: Familiarity with how to select, plan and design logging systems. Syllabus: Lecture: Definition, evaluation, history, selection of exploitation methods, introduction of useful technologies in the system selection and design process (decision-making techniques, simulation,), the role of spatial and aerial data in forest engineering systems planning, Felling and bucking planning , Planning and designing the system on paper, marking and selling wood and its effects on the use of cable devices and other systems, Planning of ground skidding systems, Planning of advanced transportation Systems, Cable equipment and related terms, condition of wood decking places and road network programming, setting-up and harvesting, method and manner, equipment, cable specifications and its bearing capacity, cable weight and quality and winching power, Techniques for connecting cables and securing them to the ground, setting-up techniques, using tree stumps, digging trunks (Deadman), cable tension, techniques for setting up towers and maintaining main towers and spars, tree felling in thinning, lighting, support and correction cuts, wood transportation by helicopter and other advanced systems, introduction of new technologies for designing nature- compatible engineering systems.

Tutorial: Field visit and design of the logging and wood transportation system for a forest unit. References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Program Title: PhD Program in Forest Sciences & Engineering Course Title: Special Case Credit Type: Compulsory Prerequisites/Co-requisites: - Number: 2 Instructor: Hours: 96 Supplementary Training: Yes  No  Scientific Trip: (32 Hours)  Workshop:  Laboratory: (16 Hours)  Seminar  Presentation:  Course Objectives: The course aimed to promote student skills of scientific research focusing on a special issue related to his/her Ph.D dissertation.

Lecture: -

Tutorial: - Suggestion and finalizing a special issue in scope of forest sciences and preferably related to Ph.D. dissertation under supervision of a supervisor. - Designing a research plan in order to investigate and solving the problem - Conducting required laboratory and filed experiments and collecting data - Analyzing data, testing hypotheses, discussing results - Providing final report and presentation References:

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Technical Optional Courses Technical Optional Courses for Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Management Row Course Name Course Course Credit Prerequisites Credit Course Lectures Tutorial 5 Comprehensive Programming of Forest Units 2 2 - - 6 Advanced Remote Sensing in Forest 2 1 1 - 7 Advanced Spatial Information System in Forest 2 1 1 - 8 Forest Ecosystem Management 2 2 - - 9 Forest Information System 2 1 1 - 10 Supplementary Land Use Planning 2 2 - - 11 Optimization Methods in Forest Management 2 2 - - 12 Spatial Statistics in Forest 2 1 1 - 13 Forest Ecotourism 2 2 - - 14 Advanced Forest Service Valuing 2 2 - - 15 Habitat Carrying Capacity 2 2 - - 16 Landscape Ecology in Forestry 2 2 - - 17 Operation Research in Forest Management 2 1 1 - 18 Agroforestry and Development 2 1 1 - 19 Progressive Statistical Analysis in Socio- 2 1 1 - Economic Sciences 20 International Institution and forest Policy 2 2 - - 21 Bio-economics Modelling 2 2 - - 22 Progressive Social Forestry 2 1 1 - 23 Evaluation of the Socio-economic Consequences 2 2 - - of Forest Plans 24 Participatory Methods in Forest Management 2 1 1 - 25 Decision Methods in Forest Management 2 2 - -

IA Office, University of Kurdistan DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY SPRING 2020

Technical Optional Courses for Forest Sciences & Engineering- Forest Biological Sciences

Row Course Name Course Course Credit Prerequisites Credit Course Lectures Tutorial 26 Quantitative forest Ecology 2 1 1 - 27 Determination of forest Ecological Capacity 2 1 1 - 28 Ecology of Forest Soils 2 1 1 - 29 2 1 1 - 30 Resistance of Trees against Pest & Disease 2 1 1 - 31 Supplementary Tissue Culture & Micro 2 1 1 - Propagation 32 Application of Biological Technologies in 2 1 1 - Forest 33 Physiological Process of Forest Trees 2 1 1 - 34 Geostatistics in Forest 2 1 1 - 35 Management of Forest Soils 2 1 1 - 36 Seed Science of Forest Trees 2 1 1 - 37 Forest Microclimatology 2 2 - - 38 Carbon Sequestration 2 1 1 - 39 Silviculture of Tropical and Subtropical 2 1 1 - Regions 40 Quantitative Genetic & Biometry in Forest 2 1 1 - Trees Breeding 41 Forest Species Palynology 2 1 1 - 42 Forest Medicinal Plants 2 1 1 - 43 Progressive Forest Soil Science 2 1 1 - 44 Forestation in Arid Land 2 1 1 - 45 Phytoremediation 2 1 1 - 46 Numerical Methods in Forest Plant 2 2 - - Communities Analysis

IA Office, University of Kurdistan