BRUNNER's ETHYL Gasoline Dr. Sakbury's

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BRUNNER's ETHYL Gasoline Dr. Sakbury's Average Daily CtrenldCion ■ i IHDRSd Xt , SEPTEMBER 6, l94S^' i^e/Weather i f A ^ X S E L V B Manchester tvening Herald For the Month oC Aagna^ 1845 Forecast of C/ 8. Weather R«ireao 8,985 Fair tonight and Saturdny, ex­ cept for fog In lowland# tonight; Chapman Court, O*’*!**’ ELECTRIC MOTORS Member o i the Audit continued warm and humid. ranth, will meet tomorrow eVe^- Seven SeW of Twins Alleiid Church School Squires Elect Tocal Soldier Repairing • Rewinding Bureau of Clroolstlona About Town nlng In the Masonic Temple. Thtf All Work Gudrantecd memorial aervlce will be> 'e*em- Their Officers Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm T te fln t MMion of th« Matoa pllfled and the officers are re­ Is Decorated Acc Electric Motor Repairs tor tho North Motbodlrt church quested to wear white. 221 N. Main St„ 0pp. Depot (Mnaatlled Advavthiag aa MANCHESTER^ CONN.i FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS •Choel la achodulad for Sunday, Richard Foley Is Chosen Telephone 5642 VOL. LXIV., NO. 287 !•) ■antomber 16. A board meatlng Mr. and Mrs. Jo.seph B. Pave- Ffc. Albert D. Worden ■ af all olflcera and teacher# will lack of 144 Main street have re­ Afi Head ( Lift of the 1)0 held at the paraonaje, 70 Hon- turned home after spending a Receives Purple Heart; .-y atreet, Thuraday evening. Sept. few days in Boston. Other Officers Selected Yanks Run Into Trouble With Jap Auto IS, at 7:30. Story of Heroic Deed 90,000 Idle Mary Buahnell Cheney Auxil­ Richard Foley waa alacted 'cblad Oil Burners > Fanatical Officer^ Americans Mr. and lira. Edward P. Paganl iary, U.S.W.V., will meet Monday Pf& AhMlrt D. Worden. 24, aon squire at the meeting of Brown- of 135 CSiarter Oak atreet, -have ^ and - During Wave evening at eight o’clock In the of iu . and Mra. Joaeph Blnok qt LaGacc Circle, Columbian Squire# r Isaued Invitation# for the marriage State Armory. It wlU be inspec­ 36 Aah streeLVwaa dacoratad Aug' at the Knights of Columbus club­ Furnaces of- their daughter, Miss Carolyn, tion night, with Department Pres­ uat 31. with tha Pumla Heart by house last evening. He succeeds Failed to Prevent T. Paganl to Raymond R. Glnolll. ident ■ Mrs. Elisabeth Holland of Brig. Oen. Lnrry^B. McAfee, com­ John Donovan who was tha first A Few Stin Available. O f Disputes The ceremooy wlU take place In manding gonaral', Bnins General Hartford present. The color chief squire of the organiaatioa. In Center o ; StI James’# church, Saturday] bearers are asked to report at Hospitol, Santa Fe, N. M., during Although the new officer# will not morning, September 22, at 10 a retreat ceremony; Private Wor­ RACKUFFE OIL CO." 6:30 lor rehearsal, and the offi- be installed untilO ctober Chief Tel. HaHfnrd 1-8181 Surrender Report New Work Stoppages o’clock. cara are also requested to wear den auifered a shraphel wound at Squire Donovan vacated hla seat Roth, Germany, December 16, 18 Maple Aveitcn — Bartfetd whlU. A aodal time with refresh- and requested the new executive In PasL Few Days manta wUl follow the meeting. 1944 and wna taken prisoner the following morning, as stated In to carry on the remainder of the Push Total to Highest meeting after the election. Commanding General of MacArthur to Enter! this paper February 20 Iqst. DON WILLIS Other officers elected arc; Notorious Jap Since Late in July With 12 other men manning Deputy Chief Squire— Charles Emperor Hi^hito's GARAGE 1 two halftracks towing three Inch Tarplnlan, Jr. DO IT NOW LECLERC i anti-tank, guns, Worden became Personal Guard /Divi­ Bulletin! Three Mile Parade Ic Oonplcto Aot® Serrle* Notary—Martin- Scholsky. Black Dragon Chinese Units I aware that he had been cut', off Bursar-^Peter Pinto, Jr. Before Cold Weather! Three Lines Begin Within Sighlj FD N iRAL HOME from his own lilies. It was \a. sion Killed in *' > Yain By The Associated Press 18 Mato 8 t Td. 8085 6 Marshal—Francis Mader. The number of workers ,m., December 16. Through-tfw in Mhhi StTMt Sentinel—Thomae Shea. Effort to Keep Peo^e Society Ends made idle throughout^the na­ Given Ocean Of Emperor’s Palace; early morning hare the Tank.s Captains—Donald Hubbard and AH types Hot Air Furnaces Alone to Run Phone S268 could see moving enemy fehlclbs. From Hearing Rescript tion becanah of labor hlaputes wj- n s , Seventh and Eighth Donald Donovan. , cleaned and reset. Eaves- aoared beyond the 100,000 a u o b o o f b a m They cut loose with their artillery Auditors—Gerard Chapdelalne, troughs and. conductors re­ Most Rabid of Nipppn- mark Ibday—-for the first ttme H o p -c I d ft 6 8 1, Regiments of First Cav<| (Known An QMen Allo^ pieces. Frank VIchl ahd Herbert Keama. Tokyo, Sept. 7.—(A*)— Well- Nanking Show ■x I fi l l DnnKhterofnBevenHiSdh since months before Japan’s For one'liqiir the Americana re­ Following the business nqeetlng placed. 21 years* experi­ Cse Super - Patriotic BUlTender^^, Fluctuating be­ \ ------- j ‘ airy Division to Bom With n Von - tained communication with theijr Seven aeta of taina wlH befCarol and Barbara Hewitt of the Informed, Japanese Bources FENDER AND tha Squires and a large number ence. Free estimates given. tween 80,000 and 50,000 dur­ ■anA n n Dnfly. tnoWdlng lines, until a- Jerry shell demol­ among the children and yOung Priiriary; Robert and William Von Knights Prepare of *prospectlvc membera viewed a said today,, that fanatical Organizations Dissolv­ Americans Ordered to Probably Will Be Able corl General; Band B A. M to • r. BL Or Bj App^t- ished the radio. When the gun­ people-' retumlng to Church- School Deck of the Intermediate; Lucille young Japaneije officers on ing August, the strlkt total . BODY WORK movie program, Including two rose sharply to 75,000 near the Play Martial Musk ■ant. In Uw BerrleoxOf tho Peo- ners saw Royal Tiger tanks mov­ In South Methodist church thia and Lola Smyth who one year ago For r.alJiolic Houl* comedies and an educational pic­ CALL 5413 OR 641,4 Aug. 14 killed the command­ ed at End of August Stay in Background at To Begin Commercial ] pla for M Tanra. _ .SOLIMENE & FLAGG ing In on their left Bank they real­ coming kunday morning. One aet had perfect .attendance- in the month’a end. New strike# SPIBITDAL MEDIUM ture about an elephant hunt. Later ing general of Emperor Ilinv brought the number of idle Flights Over ISorth 4f-i INC. ised that they had been duped at least will be found In each de­ church school of the young peoples; they were entertained by a trio Tokyo, ^ Sept. T.—C*V-J*pan’a Official Japanese Sur­ Ballct|n! i m Chmeh Strqot, Bnitford, Conn. earlier into giving away-their gun and Robert and Barbara Haugh of hito’8 personal guaiTls . divi­ to 104,000 today. aS4 Center St. Tel. 5101 partment of the school. A meeting of the CathoMe Hour ennsieting of Fred Bocchlno, Jr., notorious Black Dnigon society— Membera of the U. 8 . llth Alrbomq division Rave trouble trying render in China lantic in Few Weeks Yokohama, Sept. Phono B-Mti positions when the enemy moved Beginning In the front row of the Intermediate. sion and by forging his name comniittee of Campbell council, drums; Richard Brunette, saxo­ most -rabid of tha hundreds of to keep operating the tiny Jap auto provided for their transportation obsolete vehicles such as wagona the picture above and continuing The picture was taken in thc_ phone, and Robert Munson, trum­ By The Associated Press in Yokohama. (AP wtrephoto.)' General Mac Arthur will Ic sent troops to surround the Hanking, Sept. 7.—(O —Indlca-: Washington, Sept 7—{/Pi— and old gun carriages Into range from left to right, the names and chancel of South Church by Ber-' Knight.s Ilf Columbus, haa' been pet. Rev. Frederick A. McLean palace In a vain effort to prevent Nipponese auper-patrlotle organl- A wave of labor disputea Idled a three-mile parade of Amer«| Blew i:p Ro.y«l Tiger depdrtnienta of the persons in the nard Campagana of the South JAMES A. tlona today were that the official Three American airlines probably AMBULANCE called for 8 o'clock this evening by also displayed his ability as a the Imperial aurrender announce­ miiions. was dissolved at tha and more than 90,000 worker# today, ican military might into thd But the anti-tank gunnera suc; picture are aa follows: Church Choir. Copies of thia pic­ John Lyons, chairman. It Is the drummer. ment from reaching the people. Japanese surrender In China -will be able to begin commercial ture were mailed this week to all of August while headed by one of one o f the largest totals on the heart of Tokyo Saturdi deeded In blowing up one German Donald arid Ronald Stevens of expectation that this event will be Light refreshments were served SERVICE membera of the parish welcoming WOODS Hot Cbaae After Recording its original organiaera, Japanese would take place In this capital flights over the North Atlantic-in (Friday, U, S. time) and Royal Tiger. Private Worden, as the Beginner's: Barbara and Bev­ .ocheduled this year either late this 'to end the evening’s entertain­ nation’s strike list .this summer. ;e (6f Missing Sunday, (Chinese time) and an them to Rally Day services st The kining- climaxed a fantae- sources M id today. six to eight weeks." They have maehina gunner, watched through­ erly TUden of the Primary; Joan month or early in October and a ment.
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