MEAT. PATI. n ...... YO. ZJ ... At 1I,.n,1I t1S .... ,_. PIlOOK88ED rOOD8. 10'.. •.... ,. B~ Partly cloudy lI,r•• ,b Z2 an' A' Ibr... ,h 01 ....._ . IUGAIl, 10.... f ... alaln,. SJ ••• 341 nil. r.. rio. ,...... JOWA: Putb eIwIb wi... 8HOES..... It 110'" ~r,laa. t\a.... I. I ••4 • I." 1••• flaUel, . GASOLINE. ta· A ... , ...... r., r•• , ,IU...... B-t. C .... B·' .ad c •., ., ... peD_I van. I ... fl•• ~-aDd \IuuMlenio...... ••U....r-VEL OIL, ,arto.... e ttar •• ,1l 'Iv. e •••••• DAILY IOWAN - CedDwtI .od. ••u. al.1 'alt y •• ,', ,erl.. f •• r ••• '1.. "I"" 1111 nil• • lowo City's Mornln" Newspoper ~nvE~~CENT====S==~======~==~======~==nu~=~=~====~===~======~====~~======K)=VV==A==C=~~Y=.~k)~VV=A=Z====~~~nuo~~A=y~,=~~~y~~~,;l=~~S======..===&~.~ ••~n~&~~~~ ...= .. ~~=====V~ot~UME~~J~XI~~NUMB~~ER 20:

EIGHTH AAF MEN HOME ON WAY TO PACIFIC Marines Reinforce Patrols BaJtling .Inside City of Naha • Conference Tackles No.1 War Criminal Deod- Reduce Jap Ouestion of Dispo~1 Of Armed Forces Gestapo Head Commits Suicide Strongholds LONDON (AP)-No. 1 war charled member of the German who had sillled the unconditional criminal Heinrich Hlmmler took field security poUce. surrender papers. Proposol Mode his own Ute Wednesday nilbt by For three days he hid the vial Sup rem ~ headquarters con­ 'Importont Advances' For World Supervision bltln' Into a vial of poison hidden of poison in his mouth as he was Clrmed that FrledebUJ'f sUpped Registered by Yonks In hill mouth all he stood before qUHtioned, then finally admitted unaccompanied ioto a bathroom at Of Reconstrudion his British caplors at Lueneberg, his Identity by ripping of! the eye Flensburg and bit Into a vial 01 Below Yonabaru Germany. patch nllht In the parlor 01 a polson. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Supreme headquarters at Paris house in Luneber" 25 miles south Meanwhile It was announced G U A M, F rid a y ( P)­ United Nations conference for the confirmed latt night the death of of Harmurl. that seven of Gran~ Admiral Karl A'lro briug thrown over the SIXTY-FIVE LIBERATOR BOMBER and Flylne Fortresses. earn'lnl' 800 enll ted personnel and %75 tirst time last night dipped into the the most linl.ter of all the Nazis, Wrapped only In blankels he DoenJu's dissolved German cab­ wUi Auto l'iv r und r n my fire, .meers. arrived at the arlllY base at Bradley field. Conn.• In lbe flnt mass redeployment 01 the United question of how armed forces who as head of the dreaded was told by an examlnlng doctor Inet had been picked up by allied be put at the disposal of a world Slates alrforces from the ElU'opean and M.edUerran ean thul.eNl to \he Pacific. A ,roup or ortlcers and tjestapo and the SS had ordered to open hi. mouth. troops and an ellhth possIbly had nth divj ion marin rein- organiUltlon so It may take "ur­ the rut h) e s s extermination of 01'1 are shown above wallml' to 10 throu,h customs as another Liberator comes In. Th men will be When the doctor saw a .mall been arrested. forced ir forc , fighting in­ gent military meBSur .. 10 pre- thouland,. th ....n~ 30-day furloul'M and tben be reasalrned. blue vial hidden there, Hlmmler That would leave 0 n I y Dr. vent war. Three days earlier Rlmmler­ bit Into It and 25 minutes later. at JuUus Dorpmueller, relchsmlnlster ide the eapital city of Nahs on With gold braid, navy blue and object of history's ,reatest man­ 1l:04 p, m. (4 :04 p. m. CWT) was of communications, sUlI unac­ th w t eoa t of kinawa · Iarmy khaki of many lands present hunt-had been picked up In dls­ dead. counted tor. TllUrsday. in pro~~sion, a committee deolerTed iee al he tried to cross a brld,e His discovery and death left A supreme headquarters control 'U Marine pat r 0 1 fou ht. Plan to Expand 'Social Secur,'y a deCISIon on whether the new at Bremervoerde, 25 miles west only Forel,n Minister Joaehln von party It Paris said Dorpmueller league should be able to strike of Hamburl, in the company ot Rlbbenthrop amon, the bll-shot still was In Malente, a town In througbout the day inside the originally with an airforce alone two loulh-looldnl NuJs. Nazil to be a c c 0 u n ted for, Oldenbur, province on the Baltlc rubbl ' of th ('ily to r duc Ja­ or with a mixed contingent. althou,h reports of Hitler's death seacoast between Klel and Lue­ He had shaved oft his tooth­ panese strongpoints. Medicallnsural!ce IAt a Glanat- I laps Rush Support What the committee tackled wu brush mustache. A black patch have never been ,Iven official beck In the BritJah zone of oc­ a portion 01 the Dumbarton Oaks over his rllht eye replaced hts allied substantiaUon. cupatJon. n th IllIt coa t, " nth di· formula foe a world ch&l'teI' cl.eal­ Only a few hours earlier. the vision infantrym n in the fa e Program Proposed Ill&' with how a proPGled ReUrltJ hom-rimmed II asses. The Russian-controlled Berlin To East China Sector He was in clvman clothes and same death route had been taken radio lave the lreatest promin­ of aUff resistance drove further council would 11M loeclble meaaa {Oried Identity papers bore the by Gen. Admiral Georg von ence to the news ot H1mmler's south below captured Yonabaru in Today's peace to keep It clIplomadc, "0- Wage' Deductions name ot one "HIWnler," dl.~ Frledebur" chief of lhe Nazi nav)' capture and suicide. what today's fleet communique re­ Fear American Strike nomic or other pl'88UI'e falled. ported as "Imporlant advances," The blueprint says the council To Be Increased From Sea; Attempt lleav, mud re.lrJc&ecJ operations I "should be empowered to take To 4 Per Cent Iowan · To Halt Retreot such action by all', naval or land ellewhere alone the "LltU. Slew­ forces as may be necessary to Three Yank Divisions Great Britain's PowertoChange frW Ime," WASHINGTON (AP)- A multi­ ]n the Noha sector, while Jap­ Marines relnrorce* * unll3* f1ghtlne CHUNGKING (AP)-The Japa­ maintain or r tore Inlernational billion dollar expansion of social I anese artillery poured shells on the Inside Okin::rwa capital city. nese have rushed reinforcements peace and s curity." Join on Mindanao Executive Plan Asked SEcurity. including a new program by warships into lhe critical east Members of the new league river area. marine eniineers built 01 medical care insurance, was in­ coast sector 30 miles northeast ot would be expected to sI,n special Truman Requests two bridges across the Asato. One troduced in congress yesterday by Unlted Nations con t ere n c e MocArthur Reports Election Delays was of sufficient Ize to accommo­ tackles problem of disposlUon the liberated port ot Foochow, agreem nts on the size of the Senator Wagner (D., N. Y.) and torces they wo'uld make available date vehicles briniini supplies lor Representative Dingell (D,. Mich .). of armed ro~es at world organ- where they fear American forces Compoign Reaches I 1 P I Continued Authority to the council on call. Dumbarton the expandlni bridgehead inside ContrlbUtiOIl3 would increase to ization. ' soon may strike from th s a. the In Postwar Yean high command announced I a s t Oaks says, however, that for 'Mopping Up Stage' BIg ar ey the ruined capital. four per cent on workers' pay and The Seventh division's gain ex­ Plan (or expansion of social se­ night. ur,ent military measures, mem­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ four per cent on employers' pay­ ben of the orlanlzalion should MANIL.... Friday (AP) - Three panded a bulie In h I,hts south rolls. At present each pays I cent urlty law introduced In con­ A special communique said the American dlvlslona joined alonl a d nt Truman asked ye$terday for nemY- I'out d {rom senboord po­ hold airforce continlents Jmmedl­ LONDON {AP)-The posslbllJty contlnuln, Il).IthorU" Bubject. only of Yonabaru from which the Yanks 10 flnan e, old age in s uran~e. gress. SItions he ht1u :tprtilleci against an ately av IIble tor pl!lIce~enl e­ IlOI' --* bJ,hway on central 01 a BI, Th meet/nj before to an atttrmatfve veto frOm con­ are in-po.H· wlnll in behind Among the.bnI's provisions art': m!,,,t action. M1ru\a,* 'WedOHday, aDd Oen. fortress Shurl. Gestapo ChJer Heinrich RImm­ American Invasion-had thrown mid-July apJMIar d extremelf re­ "ress, to make unlimited chanles An expanded unemployment in­ Doullas MacArthur reported today Bomb-bar d Japan sen~ down ler commits suicide while allled th se fresh furceij Into battie In an The problem 01 rebuUdl1l&' "'&I'. In t"e admlnlsu-ative I-uP of ,urBnce system wilh benetits uni­ the campalln on that bIg PhllJp.. mote last nliht al Pre m I e I' prlsonel·. attempt to stum a Japnnese rekeat ra,v8Ced lands aI80 eam.& into lhe government. more plllOelJ Co reI/eve .be WOlW­ form throughout the nallon. They con/eren e u a DeW problem ye.­ pine Island had reached the "mop­ Churchill plunged Into the task of enln&' .Uuatlon 01 the Nipponese now vary among the states. which hod rolled back to near Such lellslation II needed, he terday. A pro~1 wa put for­ pina-up stale," formlna a temporary cabinet and ..arroon on southern Oklno,Wf,.. Health insurance, to which all Loyaun, 31 miles northeast or Foo­ said, to make the executive chow. ward that the woeld orl'anbaUon The juncture bisected Mindanao rallying his Conservative party for branch. "more business-like and Raiders aueeeecled In dalll8lin, a persons covered by social security from Macajalar bay on the north "llrht unit" of the American fleet The landings were made Tues­ as&yme I'eneral IUpervlsion over a finish fl'ht In the eeneral elec­ efficient." would have to subscribe. recoJUltruction problems. to Davao on the south, and served lions July II. WednesdaY nllht. Inclusion of 15.000.000 form Truck Drivers day north of Luyuan Irom "s v- The requested legislation would Greece, battered a war swept to doom remnant, of an enemy The powerful and challenging extend to non-war operations, Thul'sday numerous iroups of workers. domestic>;. protes 'ionnl s, I'al wonhips." all fully loaded Japanese planes began altacldng with enemy troops, but the high h r I and. and pillaged under garrlson once estimated at 50,000 Labor party served notJce It would and Into peacetime years, the re­ and mall businessmen under the enemy occupation, advanced the troops. be a Ilo-Quarler battle for the con­ Aml'rican forces ashore and afloat old age and survivors' in surance command said the Japon se were shumln, power which the chief Idea in a committee considering The 31$t division, m 0 v In, on the Island of Ie a mlh! west of system. Resume Work being checked with the help ot trol of Britain when It voted unan­ executive now holds on a wartime creation 01 a council for social and swtrtly, north trom captured Ma­ J'dotobu peninsula on the north­ A lO-year feedrol-state financ­ "Iocol militia," Imously In convention at Black­ basis over government oUleRS and economic copoeratlon. laybalay, joined the (Oth and pool never a,aln to JOin the Con­ aHalrs having to do with the war. west coast. Acknowl dging "some ing (\f hospitals, health centel's and CHIC-AGO (AP)- Trucks rum­ WhiLe the hlnese braced to damage to Installations." the com­ meet this fresh but not unexpectt'd It was so well received that a Americal divisions north of that servatives In a coalition "overn­ Mr. Truman, in a messale to clinics in rural areas. ',Ieu through Chicago under gov­ Bukldnon provincial capital. mUnique said that at 10:30 p. m. Permanent establishment of the onslaught, they were bolstering drafting committee was asked to ment and called tor "complete ex­ congress asking for the authority. el pment supervision last night, put the proposition In linal 10rm MacArthur said the move com­ tinction" of Churchill's "Tory" was very specific that he wanted the a ltllcks were continuing. By United States employment service, their positions ::rbout Foochow, lhat time, 15 raiders had been de­ taking over Wllr manpower duties whittling at stocks of goods plied mopping up the lust enemy resist­ for a vote at the next committee pleted the American hold on the porty. no strings on It other than the meeting. central road net of the island. The Responsible government quar­ veto. stroyed. and other similar activities aiter ~p at terminals and w8l'ehouses ance on the north bank of the Min Unll.ed Slates military I'0VerD­ V-J day. France came along with a u,­ roaln enemy ruenlth Is belleved ters took the po Itlon that the acri­ "The le&lslatlon should be of IUI'ing a week-long strike. river- the old treaty port·s outlet in the northeastern section of Min­ ment u\horUles are develoJll1\&' Under provisions of the health to the sea. gestion thot th ocial and eco­ mony certain to be en,endered by permanent duration." he said. Total normal op ration by thl, uomic council try to promote loai­ danao. The orilinal (arrison on the the country'. (Irst general elections "No agency of the executive 'uUIt... on Okinawa ror the ad­ Insurance plan, a worker would The Chinese w re nearing Lo­ mlnlatratlon or more thaD 139,_ receive compensation for periods m31ning was forecast by Ellis T. yuan after advonclng nine and a col and orderly distribution of raw Island was estimMed at 50.000 In 10 years would rule out any branch should be exempted from materials throughout the world. troop•. posslblllty of a Big Three meeting the scope of the lelislation. elvlll..,.. alrea.d.:r under their con­ he was not paid due to illness or Longeneck r. federal half mil s Wedn sduy beyond cap­ trol. E1ahtJ-two per cent of titHe dJsability If hosplta I CD re is in­ This, too. was turned over 1.0 a Maj. Gen. Clarence Martin's 31st before mid-July, at the earliest. "The lellslatlon should be :auf­ lIJder an office of defense trans­ tured Lienkong. 20 miles northeast division made contact with the are _men and children under 17. volved, he would be allowed 60 of Foochow. drafting commltt e. Results of the election will not be flclently broad and flexible to JUrtation s iZlOre order. The French argued that proper 40th, under Maj. Gen. Rapp Brush, known \lnUl July 27 or 28, due to permi t of aoy fonn of oraanLu­ The majority ot adult males were days 8 yeoI'. draftel In to la bor !lerv lee by the Women would get 12 weeks ma­ Ope I' a t ion s are proceeding distribution of such supplleli would and the Amerlcal diviSion under the necessity of countlnl the serv­ lIonal adjustment. large or small, trul'k­ Maj. Gen. WiUlam H. Arnold. laJllUltlle prior to the United krnlty leave with the same scale oj 'smoothly" among the 1, I:.!a help promote lull empioYlllent Ice vote. for which necessity may arise." ing concerns under nominal ODT among nations. Untll Churchill suddenly broke The veto proposed for cOllifess States lancllnn April I. bele(its, They would be eligible for American Comm~nists American escort carrler planes old age assistance a ndwJdow's control .he said, and no trouble is Presbyterians Elect up his wartime coalition cabinet would arise from a Provision anticipated. The ODT has taken no It had been lenerall believed here whlch Mr. Truman sl.IIIested be continued Thursday to pound Jap­ benefits at 60, instead of 65, anese alrfields n Soklshima, In the The sponsors ot the legislation physical conlrol of any lines. May Reorganize, Rev. W. B. Lampe that a Big Three conference was Incorporated direct. from the recr­ Milital y pOlic who came to Chi­ Immlnent. • ganiza lion act of 193ft southern Ryukytls. aid they were impelled, to some Tokyo Allame As New Moderotor Today'. ('ommunique reported degree. by (he "shockingly high" ~ ago Tuesday as government lnter­ v nlion became imminent pre­ Browder Discloses that light naval unil3. presumably Dumber of rejectioni of draftees MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-The Rev. OKINAWA BAnLELINE TODAY destroyers, bombarded Surabacbl for military services. They saw :;I8red to told up their tenls and NtW YORK (AP)- Amerlcan William Blakeman Lampe of St. leave for their base without hav­ port and Installations on tre east the program as a giant builder of CJmmunists. who disbanded as a Following Raid Louis wal elected moderator of the coast ot Paramushlro In the Kur­ Ing been used to safeguard or man Presbyterllll1 church in the United ~alth and well being for the post­ political party 0 year ogo, are mak­ ilea Sunday. Fires and explosions war nation. lhe trucks. States of America at the opening Ing "Il most careful Inventory" of GUAM, Friday (AP)-Flames resulted. Two enemy planes were One snag to full resumption 01 tbeir position and may resume dir­ aesalon 01 Ita 157th ,eneral as­ driven off before they could cause oPlrations developed among ubout swept the Shlnagawa Induslrlal Hmbly yesterday. ect political octivity. area of Tokyo hours aUer the bi,­ dam.. e to Ute warships. 100 drivers 10r the Keeshln Motor 'fbis was disclosed yesterday by Dr. Lalllpe was elected on the .Committee...... to ,Probe . li;xpress company but was cleared gest Super fortress raid In history second ballot, receiving 159 votes Earl Browder, presldenl of the - more than 550 planes-showered .... ' lip rapidly. Tile men said that on Communist Political aSSOCiation. to 82 lor the Rev. Ezra Allen Van c ..... I' , turning to work the company 9.000.000 pounds of incendiary Nuys ot San Prancisco. W' Distillers Granted Nation's Food Supply who urged "most respecUul con­ bombs on the Nipponese capital " ilskpd them to sign new Job appli­ sideration" or a French CommunJst The new moderator succeeds the cations and that they refused. lest yesterday. • Rev. Roy Ewln, Vale of Indian­ WASHINGTON (AP)-The man leader's assertion that the Ameri­ Japanese imperial headquarters, July Holiday President Truman chose for secre­ such actIon jeopardize the status can party should not have been dis­ apoliS. tary of agriculture last night ot retroactive pay, never prone to give an expansive Dr. Lampe, 59 years old, has solved. report on aerial raid damale to the ordered a pantrY-Wide congres­ been pastor of the West Presbyter­ To Produce Liquor The Daily Worker, edited by homeland, said that five and sional investigation of food short­ Restrictions Lifted Browder, published In full an 11,­ ian church of St. Louis since 1920. ages and black markets. one-half hours after the bil planes For the last three years he has WASHINGTON (AP) - Chair­ OOO-word article in which Jacques struck the city at 1:30 a. m. (11:10 Chairman Clinton P. Anderson On Manufacturing DuClos. prominent French Com­ been a member of the Presbyterian man J . A. Krug of the war pro­ J, m. Wednesday, Unite4 States leneral council. (0" N. Mex.) of the House food nUnist, asserted that Browder's duction board yesterday an­ investigating committee announced Dining Accessories C.W.T .• "almost all fires" were ex­ A native of Galesbur" III., he nounced that distlilers would get lOlicies had "swerved dangerously tinguished. the group will leave Washington 'rom the victorious Marxist-Lenin­ was Iraduated from Knox coJleie a month-lonl "holiday" fOr pro­ June II for a cross country probe WASHINGTON (AP)- The war The Super fortress squadrons of that cl~y 1ft 1907 and (rom the duction of liquor In July. st doctrine." smashed 1'okyo under a full mOOD, Presbyterian theolol'ical seminary of butter. eggs, poultry. fruits and production board yesterday re­ Browder. former secretary of the Krua made the announcement at Vegetables, meat and fish. moved its restrictions on the man­ dumping their loads on a concen­ at Omaha In 1910. He was or­ a news conference at which he American Communist party and its trated area of Japan's preclsion In­ Anderson will become secretary ufacture ot table flat\l.oare and dained the same year. also said the automobile industry Jresidential candidate, said in a strument and machine tool in­ of a reorganized agriculture de­ metal sugar bowls, creamers and (oreward that Duclos' article "re­ has been authorized to make about partment on July 1. dustry. • • • 200,000 p8SJIeJlier cars this year If similar dining accessories. Oects the general tr nd o[ opinJon Returning fliers said the flamel The. committee started out two of European Marxists in relation to Today, Some Typical I Utey can let the materials. The lIlonths ago with $IO.OOO-most of While most 01 the metalS' needed licked through factories and water­ automobile produc'Uon announce­ America, and demands most front yards which handle one-third \ Summer Weather "Weh was spent during ' invest!­ for silver plated. chtome plated respecU'ul attention." ment waa released yesterday aft­ lalions of meat and sugar. It wlll aod stainle~ flatWqre are scarce, of Japan's rail traffic, and the fires • We are In for some typical• ternoon In . open public hearini;J in Washing­ WPB said its action would permit • were visible 200 miles away. summer weather: fairly warm Authorization of the third ton June 4. dealing largely with manufacturers to slep up produc­ Possenger Automobiles High winds helped spread the temperatures, partly cloudy 8kles. liquor-making holiday within a IIOUltry and egg black markets. tion as soon the the materials be­ DETROIT (AP)-Production ot flames over the target area, re­ len tie winds and occasional thun­ year was made possible, Krug said, come available. Some metal will 200,000 passenger automobiles this turning fliers said, cOll8umini ~er shower.. Which Is all right, by the luspenslon of lend-lease al­ WAC Annivenory be released July 1. year was formally authorized yes­ flimsy home-shops surroundinl the provided It doesn't aet too wann cohol shipments to Russia and the In another step toward partial terday by the war production big plants. Vivid flashes indictted or rain too much. We will have i increased use of petroleum instead n . DES MOINES (AP)-Grad­ reconversion, WPB revoked its boa r d, carrying out decisions that stores of explosives were de­ some of the thunder showers this of alcohol by the synthetic rub­ uation exercises tor the first regulation which I1miled the out­ reached at WPB-il'ldustry confer­ stroyed. momlni but the rest of the day ber Industry. ... omen's army corps officer can­ put of dishwashers for restaurants, ences in Washington a week ago. The (Iiers said the bllndiol pro­ should be only partir cloudy. BOLSTDBJ) ' It, .the elltrance illIG tile _We ., a freIIl "vIaIaD, The July distillation 8hould pro­ didate class to be eommissioned at hotels and institutions. WPB re­ Tied to the authorization. how­ fusion of searchlights wu more Wednetday afternoon and early United .ta ... torca 01 OIIlna"a COIlUaH &0 batU. at Uae ...,.. duce about 50,000.000 gaUona of Port Des Maines since Sept. 2. tained control over delivery of the ever, was a stipulation thal the in­ harassing than Japanese ack-ack. yesterday momln, we received Naha IlIIe feDowlq eaJliare ., Yoaabanl. eaatena ucbor of tile...... 100 proof blendlnl spirits and 1843, will be conduoted here Sat­ dishwllshers, however, in order lo dustry must find its own mate­ Some of them thought the "fke­ .19 Inches of rain. The hllhst Ialaa•• ele .... .,..&em. In bu.-IG-baJul eo..... t, &lie HUa Do...... ,.. , straight whiskey, based on est!­ urday as a part of the third an­ channel supplies into the hands ot rials in the "free market;" that It balls" thrown at the American temperawre recorded was 78, the drove &lie I... fro. COIlIeaI bin, whlcb dollll...... y .....,. "'j mated beverage alcohol output In lIiversary celebratlon 01 10rma­ the most essential users, mostly could not be accorded materials planes mlght have been robot low 54 @4 at ' 11:30 last night it tile ,...... lilt, 01 Sbllrl.. A three-wa, _... Oil 8,.,. II ...... the holidays of last August and CloD of ~ WAC. lovernment asencies. priority. bombs. wa.~. _ _ ...... January. - -~ - .------~ . -. ---

roO 'AGE... TWO THE DAILY IOWAN ,~IOWA-CITY, lOW A FRIDAY, MAY 25" INS IHE DAILY IOWAN FITCH OfFERS CONGRATULAnONS TO 'BRAVEST MAN' Fewer Civil Affairs OFfiCIAL DAILY BULLETIN Published every mornlng except Monday by Student PubUcationa ll••• I. I •• UN'V'Ratr1' C"LI,",". are ...... 1 .... 1M ..... ;:,,,,.=W ..... 1·. OUloe, 01. Ca,llol. II..... tor 1100 OIN.SAL HOTtCII .. a..'Orporated at 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Iowa. Officers Required t!' "',0I11e" ,..It. lb ...... , ...dll ... r Tbe D.I'7 I •••• or .., .. ~ ,..... I. Ill. ,.. "nl•• d for Ibelr d ...tli .. lbe .me" " no • ~ • Dall, ...... OENIRAL HOT.CIII .....1 "' .1 Tile Dur, ...... , Board of trUBtees: Wilbur Schramm, Kirk B. Porter, A. Crai, . 4:81 p . In. tbe 11.7 .ree~dID' lint ... blleaUea; a.tlU:I .10 .NO'I .. l...6ird, Paul R, Olson, Donald Ottilie, Mary Jane NeviUe, Mary Beth For Pacific War ....'I •• II, '.I.'b •••. a ...... 10. TRIOO oa LIOOmLl' ...... ••• IIGNIO " a r •• p ••• llole ...... '71m~, Karalyn Keller, Jack Moyers. e Fred M. Pownall, Publisher By Elton C. Fay VOl. XXI, No. 1844 f'rhlar, M.y IS, It11 • • E:crothy Klein, Editor Dick Buter, Adv. Mar. The army's staIf of civil aflaira officers for the Pacific war is ex- Entered aa second elass mall Subscription rates-By mall $5 pected to reach a total of about UNIVERSITY CALENDAR matter at the postoUlce at low. per year; by cenitr, 15 c:etlll 2,200, substantially less than the City, Iowa, under the .ct 01 con­ weekly, $5 per )'8IIr. &atlU'tay, Ma, 28 Tuesdar, Jot S 3,fiOO officer spetialists who wer~ are- of March 2, 1879. 3:30 p. m. Iowa Mountaineers: 12 M. Professional WOIIItn', The AssocIated PreSI '- exclu­ trained and sent to Europe. Iowa river canoe ouling; meet at luncheon, University Club wi TELEPHONES sively entitled to use for republl­ Pm·t of the exPlanation of this Fitzgerald boat bouse. Sat.telar, IDle , JU cation of all news dispatches Tueaday, M.y !II Registration for freslunell, Col. Idltorlal Office _____. 4192 difference seems to rest in com­ 101 credited to It or not otherwise 7:30 p. m. Society for Experi- lege of Liberal Arfs. 0 Society Office ____. 4193 parative statistics. Germany Is a III credited In thls paper and also mental Biology and Medicine, room 12 M. Summer Session Tel'lll Business Office ... _.____ .. 41111 country of 225,000 square miles the loetll new. pubUahed berein. and about 80,000,000 population; 179 mt!

ATtENDING A DINNER ctven In honor of Marshal KonJev or the ILllII8lan al'lDT at Bad WUduqcn, ALAN LADD .. Mown at the right above signing autographa at the Loa Angeles Induction station, Germany, are, lett &0 rll"ht, Jaach. "emil, tamed v lollnl.&; Marshal )[onJev, Gen Omar N. Bradley, wbere he look a phyalcal lor service in the Army. At the left ia John Gartleld, also ahown at the sta­ eommandlnr reneral or the 12th army rroup, and P Ie. Mickey ROODe" lormer screeD actor. This is an tion, where he underwent hi. pre-Induction pbyllical exatnlnatlon. The two movie atars wllJ report tor official UDI&ed 8&a&el army Ilrnal corp. photo, ------!,rv!ce upon paaalnJ their phyalcall. La4d w.. discharged from air toreca Jut)'~ (lnter'!M.il1ul)"; 'AGE FOUl . ~RE DAILY IOWAN. I OWA CITY. IOWA FRIDAY. MAY 25. 1945 P.'~======~ , e Second Yanks Whip Ch .M~··KI R~osevelt, W oterloo Meet IJ Guess Bo1 pame ~, 6-3, for Second PlaceAll I t ' elect! ()Ick In State Finals Today vicco; Cooper Makes- ofE Losers Use CIiJIe ,.eta ..: PACE . SETTER By Jack Sorci. .( WalerlooOnl, Mickey Cochrane "ey, Huge Disto_n_c_e_Leop four Hurlers in' ' , " rotl Arrives .t Pre-Flight By ROY LUCE By WlllTNEY MAitTIN money behind them now, out to John Dally (owan Sport. Edi_ NEW YORK (AP) - Mort buy a pennant much as Larry btst .Unbealen Nine Assigned 10 Athletic Cooper thought he was jumping MacPhail bought one for Brook­ Atley Donald Allows . An THE lOW A PaE-FLlGBT base from hetght, salary height, when lyn? took Department; Will checked in another noted baseball 12 Hits; White Sox Teds Reach Finals he jumped the Cardinals last week. Concerning the latter the Braves oeo CoOch Same Sport player yesterday morning in the He bad no idea he was jumping fOr could be the dark horse of the Almost Lose 1sf Spot rotkl In First Year of High person of Mickey Cochrane, former distance, but that's the way it league, if Cooper comes through of Bl Detroit Tiger star and manager. Lieut. Comdr. Gordon (Mickey) turned out, as he jumPed all the the way he did for the Cards last NEW YORK (AP~ ~Four errors, of g, School Diamond Play The 45-year-old . ~ochrane, how­ way from St. Louis to Boston and year. The club spent about $250,- Cochrane, former Detroit Tiger two of them by .ljooJtie shortstop mus, ever, will not add much to the from a world cl'Iampjonship club 000 for new talent last winter, Cass Michales, al ~ pu t cost the Chi­ MANSON (AP)-East High of manager and star , reported Seahawk baseball power-even if to a silcth,place team. picking 14 Waterloo, held to one safety for six up 12 or star minor cago White So,x: the American at the Iowa pre-night base thill they do decide to use him. Officials MeUvatln« Fact« leaguers, a couple ot whom are league lead yesier~ay as the New' innings, exploded three hits for said yesterday that it was not morhing and has been assi&ned to The bJ.g 's salary dlspute going great. guns. York Yankees r~.\l'pcd out a 6-3 two runs in the seventh today to the athletic department. probable that he would be con­ beat Mason City 2-0 and earn a with owner unques­ Some Player Ripe? margin to take seprd place. Pre-flight officials said that it nected with the Cadet nine in any final berth with Roosevelt high of tionably was the motivating factor Ordinarily, in the past, when Atley Donald tos~eQ the Yanks was not known what sport Coch­ form-so, it appears that hopes of Cedar Rapids in the state high in the surprising deal, and Cooper the Cardinals disposed of an out­ to within a half ~ame of the Pale rane would take over, as Lieut. some will be dashed before they should have known better than to school baseball championship. can be raised very high. standing player they had some Hose but he was ~ouched freely for Comdr. Mullins, head of the ath­ needle the Card boss if. he wanted player in their organization ripe 12 hits, one more IhJjn the winners The two leams will meet th" No One Knows afternoon at 2:30. letic department of the pre-flight to stay with the club. to replace the departing slar. Were collected off Orval Grove, Johnny school, is out of town attending the No one knoW\!! ~ what Coch­ Anyway, the Cooper deal, the these normal times they would Johnson, Frank P,apish and Earl Jack Brumble led oIl the sev­ Big Ten conference meeting of rena. can do on a baseball field enth inning with a single fo r biggest probably since the Cards have so many capable on Caldwell. athletic heads and coaches at now-not even Cochrane. It bile Waterloo after Mason City's Babe sent Mize to the Giants in 1941 for call that even the loss of a man Champaign, Ill. Cochrane will not been a number of years since he But Metheny prove in hall the DiMarco had kept the Mohawks Bill Lohrman, Ken O'Dea and like Cooper would not be 100 great pIa)'ed active ball, and 45 18 cetiifta' New York scores, starting with a well in line for six innings. With be assigned to any sport until cash, opens a wide field of specu­ a handicap. up In the ),ean to lIIlaat behllld single after George Stirnweiss one out George Potts singled and Mullins returns. lation. But most of those good pitchers the plate. We Imaaine hili bones scored in the first cashing Donald Everett Debl followed with an­ It was emphasized, however, Ba)'~ a Pennant? are in the service, and that, com­ with a in .\he second and oth er bingle to score Brumble lind that he would not take over base­ wouJd lIQueak ~ tban Lippy Have the Cards already given up bined with an epidemic of sore Leo's of the Bums - but. then Singling home H,erb Crompton in send Potts to th ird. Potts scored ball, as pre-flight officials are sat­ on their chances of repeating as arms, has left· the fifth. . on Vincent Cutler's fly to the out­ isfied with Lieut. Carlos Ratlitfs &fain, the lone months thai champions again, and figure Mort's with a headache, so there must Cochrane s)lent In the Pacifto It was the third victory for Don­ field. work as of the Seahawk presence or absence would make have been extenuating services in mJ,ht have stren&thened blm &0 ald and a ~ecopd setback ~or nine. no difference? Cooper's departure. Maybe $75,000 The Mohawks, also held to one tbe extent that he would be able Grove who had cop bed three. \ Are the Braves, with plenty of worth of them. hit for six innings by Dick Orth Cochrane hasn't played active &0 &0 a full nine Inning route. . of Waterloo. fired an unsuccessful baseball for a number of years, Chicalo rally in their half of the seventh. and it is very doubtful if the 45- Until the decision is handed M f I' ,., DIMarco singled and moved to year-old lieutenant commander down from Lieut. Comdr. Mullins, oses, r ...... r .. 5 02 o third as Ray Henely drove out a will play lor the Seahawks. we, like the rest of you, will just Deyil DiYer Wins Hockett, cf ....., .. ~,.. .'.I' 5 o I o safe hit. But Orth pinched out iiny have to sit and do some wishful Cubs Tumble Dickshot, H .... ~.: ...... 3 o 0 J rising Mohawk hopes as he fanned thinking with our dr eams. Coch­ Nagel, Ib ...... Ii 1 1 o Harold Quinley to end the inning rane will definitely be attached to Handicap for Second Cuccinello, 3b ... :.~ .. 5 1 3 o and the game. Bray~s some sport, but whether it will be Schalk, 2b ..... :...... 4 o 1 1 Both pitchers hurled fi ne ball Fall baseball, remains to be seen. We Year at Jamaica To Last Place Michaels, ss .. A~: .. :!.. ''I 1 1 2 with southpaw Orth striking out personally think that Coach Carlo-oS Tresh, c ...... '2 o 2 o Ratti!! is doing a fine job with the Grove, p ...... 1 seven and DiMarco, pitching his NEW YORK (AP)-DeviJ Diver, o 0 o second consecutive day, lanning Cadet nine, and that no change is Baker- ...... ::.:.. ~.I l o 0 o To warranted. We believe that the big train of the handicap division eight. The vielory left Waterloo Pirates Phils,6101 Johnson, p ...... ~.!... 0 o 0 o still undefeated for the season. Pacifi c Coast Watches- Pre-Flight officials are lhinkin, last year from the Greentree stabl~, Curtright...... :.'... .I.~:' 1 o 1 o Waterloo :...... 000 000 2-2 4 0 along the same lines. yesterday won Jamaica's Paum­ CHICAGO (AP)-The Chicago Papish, p ...... ~ ....:' 0 o 0 1\ Athletics Hall onok handicap for the second Mason City ...... 000 000 0-0 3 2 Bic Question Cubs tumbled below the .500 mark Farrell·" ...... !::.. ~: .. 1 o 0 o 10-9 by Homer straight time as he stepped off the Orth and Potts; DiMarco and But then the question pops up as they bowed, 6-3, 10 the Iallt Cald well, p ...... :" 0 o 0 o six furlongs in the last time of 1:10 Duncan. as to just what Cochrane will place Philadelphia Phils b·efore a "Pepper 4/5. Roooevelt of Cedar Rapids, play­ Tigers, 7 1o 2 PITTSBURGH (AP) - Johnny coach. Personally we don't know paid crowd of 3,178 yesle·rday . • ·BatLed for Ot jn fifth ing Its first year of. high school Barrett's 11th inning hom e r and can think of no sport that he Breaking last 01 the seven start­ Dick Barrett gave the Bruins "Batted for ohruon in seve th baseball, advanced to the final of snapped the tension in a wild scor- would be capable of coaching aside ers and taking the oVC1"land route only five hits, but two were hom­ "·Batted for Papish in eighth the stale championship high school ing duel between Pittsburgh and of baseball. Oh well-its the Pre­ aU the way, the six-year-old son of ers by Harry (Peanuts) Lowrey o Marlin" Hurler Benton Hurt; New York 'AB R H I: baseball tournament yesterday Boston yesterday as 2,156 fans saw Flight's problem,-not ours. We'll St. Germans hung it on William and Andy Parko which accounted with a 3 1 victory over Elkaoer. to Batting Order Causes the Pirates nose out the Braves let them figure it out. Woodward's Apache, winner of the for all three Cub runs. Stirnweiss, 2b .• :.,.1. 4 1 2 0 Elkader's defeat leCt East Wa­ stake in 1943 and runner-up last The Phils chased Big Paul Der­ OAKLAND,* *Calif., * (AP)-John Manager Protest 10 to 9 in a game that was tied • • • Metheny, rf ...... J).L1' 4 1 3 0 terloo as the only prep learn in the lour times. We bow our heads in deep year, by one and one-half lengths. ringet· in the fifth as they shoed Marlin, If ...... • 4 0 1 0 unbealen class. The Elkader team Leonard "Pepper" Martin, the The Millbrook stable's Alex Barth, across five markers on five singles. Lindell, cf ...... L ..... 5 0 1 0 had piled up 13 straight victories one-man baseball blitz, is making PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Pitcher The Braves nearly had the game shame over the outcome of the in the bag in the 10 th when Tom Roosevelt-Elkader battle in the champion second place borse of Etten,lb .. •••• -1 .•.• 2 -0 0 0 in climbing to the semi-final;;;. the PaciIic coasl Icague sit up and At Benton, shut-out ace of the De­ 1944, trailed by another four Pblladelphia AB R n E Holmes doubled bringing in two semi-finals of the state high school Grimes, 3b .••••. :-.4-hj. 5 0 0 The Cedar Rapids team got off take notice again, whether It likes troit Tigcrs, suf!ered a broken Q runs. In their half of the inning, baseball finals being held at Man­ lengths for third money. Crawford, ss 4 2 2 0 Crosetti, ss 4 1 2 0 to a good start with two runs in it or not. right leg yesterday as the Phila­ the Pirates, wlth two men on base, son. It will be remembered that The Devil's money, made with Dinges, rf ...... 5 1 1 0 Crompton, c ..... J., .. : 2 1 0 the first inning. Its third came in The San Diego leam he manages delphia Athletics defeated the put In pinch hitter Lee Landley we predicted-and very strongly 132 pounds in the saddle, was only Wasdell, If ...... 5 1 2 0 Donald, p ...... 3• 1 1 0 the fourth when Elkader matched is winning games it wasn't sup­ Tigers 7 to 2 in a game whieh was who duplicated the feat to tie uP. too-that Elkader, not only would two-fifths of a second otf the track Foxx, Ib ..... 3 0 0 0 it with its only score of the game. protesled by both managers. posed to win, and instead of chug­ the game 9-9. beat Roosevelt, but would win the record held jointly by Apache, Di Maggio. cf ...... 4 0 1 0 Totals ...... • 135 6 11 • Roosevelt ...... 200 100 0-3 6 0 ging far back in the race, as many Benton was hit by a line-drive The Buccos used 20 player.. to state championship. Riverland and King Saxon. He was Antonelli, 2b ...... 4 0 1 0 Chicago ...... 000 ' 010 020-3 Elkader...... 000 100 0-1 3 1 predicted, it is heading for the oIr the bat of Bobby Estalella and the second winner of the stake to Mancuso, c ...... 2 0 0 0 New York ...... 11".120 110 lOx-6 Petrezelka and Mebhus; Drahn high spot of the first division. By was carried from the field in the whip the Braves in the second Arter yesterday's record of overtime game of this four-game .1000 per cent, we began to dream carry so much weight. Snark did it Picciuto, 3b ...... 3 1 0 1 and Giesen. way of aggravating mailers for fourth inning. Dr. James F. Pugh, under 132 pounds in 1938. Barrett. p ...... 4 1 • 1 0 Red Sox Beat Browns rival managers a trifl\! mOl" e, Athletics' club physician, said the series. of a big career of picking winners The Gwentree Bay ruled favor­ BOSTON (AP)~T he Boston "Pepper" calmly insists ne sees no five-game winner suffered a frac­ In all types of sports, but now that Bosto___ n______A_B __ R__ H__ E dream has been shattered. Elkader ite at $4.60 for $2 and took down Totals ..•...... 34 6 8 1 Red Sox fOI·ced pitcher Jack Kra­ reason why his club should not tured small bone above lhe right Cards Rally, Defeat Joost, 2b ...... _...... 6 1 1 fell to the Rough Riders of Roose- $5,800 in this initial start of the mer to the showel'S 'Yesterday dur­ win the pennant. ankle. Chlcaro AB R H E ing their Live- sixth inning Detroit was leading 1-0 when Holmes, r1 ...... 5 2 3 1 vell by a close score 01 3 to 1. We season. Last year he won seven of "Sure, I ugure San Diego will Hack, -, 4 as they beat the St. Louis Browns Joe Burns struck out, opening the Nieman, If ...... 5 2 3 2[ have some consolation, however, in his 12 starts and was out ot the 3b ...... 0 0 0 Brooklyn Bums, 7-5 win the championship," said lhe money only three times. J ohnson, ...... 4 8 to 6. Ten of tIle.sox came to bat A's haH of the second inning. Ac­ Mack, 1b ...... " 1 2 0 lhe tact that Jack Dittmer, Elka- 11 0 0 0 one time hotshot of the '1034 gas Nicholson, in the big sixth and Ben Steiner, cording 10 the balling order posted Workman, 3b ...... 5 0 0 0 dar's star hurler, did not pitch. Henry Lustig's Mrs. Ames broke rl ...... 2 0 1 0 ST. LOUIS (AP) - With Red house gang-properly known as Gillenwater, cf ...... 6 0 2 0 Just why he was kept off the In front yesterday but was quickly Cavarretta, Ib ...... 3 1 0 0 who got four hitsl in five times at Barrett, who was obtained by the on the scor-eboat·d, Kell followed the St. Louis Cardinals. "Why Kluttz, c ...... " 0 1 0 mound is more than we can figure headed by Apache. The Woodward Rice, c .. 4 0 1 0 ba t, brought in tM (first two runs. Cardinals in lhe deal which sent Burns. Rommel's official Card, not? It can't rank any of the other Ulisney. c ...... 2 1 I 0 out. We stiU maintain that the Flyer held command into the Pafko, cf ...... 4 1 1 0 Mort Cooper 10 Boston Wednes­ however, put Hall ahead of Kell. clubs ahead of us." (San Diego Culler, ss ...... 3 0 0 0 Warriors would have won it Ditt- stretch while Eddie Arcaro gradu­ LowreY,lf ...... 4 1 2 0 day, making his (irst Redbird Kell (ollowed Burns and struck was some eight games out of first Wielelmanll, 55 ••••..• 3 2 2 0 mer had been hurling. But that's ally drove Devil Di ver Into a co n­ Schuster, ss ...... 3 0 0 0 oul. Hall singled and Dick Seibert I' THf BfSTOF starl, the world champions · de­ place when this prediction was Andrews, p ...... 4 0 0 0 water over the dam now, and all tending position. The Devil caught Gillespie·· ...... 1 0 0 0 feated the Brooklyn Dodgers 7 to came to lhe plate when Detroit Derringer, p ...... 2 0 0 1 made, currently, it's six games out protested. Ramsey • ...... 1 0 0 0 we can do is weep, but SILENTLY. Apache inside the last furlong and mE BLUE 5 tonight. of first place .md half a game out pulled away to win well in hand. Stewart, p ...... 0 0 0 0 The Cards came from behind in Since Kell was ruled the first Logan, p ...... 0 0 0 0 We ~~~t ~:!"~"f.r.aI~::!, &he Becker- ...... 1 0 0 0 of third.) improper balsman, he was an the fourth inning to score four Erickson, p ... -...... 0 0 0 We asked "Pepper" if he plans 4 other semi-final &amc. Our rrld - 0 1540 runs and take lhe lead. Barrett fig­ automatic putoulr-the second time Totals ...... 48 9 15 has overcome us to such an extent Secory·" ...... 1 0 0 0 for the iI-lure. IIe replied, "my · Batted for Andrews in tenth 50.000 WATTS I ured in this rally with a double in the inning that he was listed that we're &oing h ome 10 bed and goal is to be a manager in the big A-None out when winning run against the left field wall, scoring as an out. hide our faces In shame and DIS­ __Th_ e_B_i_g_ S_ho_w_ .I Tolal!! ..•...... _... 33 3 5 1 leen O'Dea for the fourth run and leagues. Anybody wHo hasn't a Batting in sixth position, Kell scored GUST. A_rlcan Leq"ue ·Batted for Stewart in seventh sending Hal Gregg to the showers. goal should give up." was ordered to lead off in the ------,------­ As long as Roosevelt is still in Teams W L Pd. "Batted for Schuster in ninth LAST! "EVE S\I'. MARK" Brooklyn ...... 012 000 011-5 13 1 third, which meant only five bat- the tournament, and doing right Chicago ...... 15 9 .625 "·Batted for Erickson. in ninth DAY! "LET'S GO STEADY" SL Louis ...... 000 421 00x-7 12 0 ters provided six putouts in the favol·ably too. just casts that much New York ...... " ...... 16 11 .593 Philadelphia ...... 100 050 000- 6 first ~wo innirigs. more glory on the Little Hawks Detroit ...... 14 10 .583 Chicago ...... 000 201 000-3 Doors OpeB fJ:15-9:45 Board Sets Manager O'Neill said Benton and little Wyman, who feU to de­ St. Louis ...... 13 11 .542 'Gabby' Street Stunts would be sidelined "three or foUr Cleveland ...... 11 14 leat to them in the district finals .440 Ends Today ST. LOUIS (AP) - Charles weeks." here last week. More power to you., Washington ., ...... 12 16 .429 'SONG OF BERNADETTE' (Gabby) street, who once caugl'lt Two walks, two singles and a Rough Riders! Boston ...... 11 15 .423 STARTS SAJURDAY'@ a baLI dl'opped 555 feet lrom \he two-base wild th row by Skeeter """i"'" Game"Prices Philadelphia ...... 1 I 17 .393 top of Washington monument for Webb gave tile Athletics four runs NaUenal Leac1ae - Starts one of his noted performance.3, and. the ball game in the fifth in­ New York ...... 23 .. 7 ...... 767 VAH5lTY Saturday! fielded a .500 percent~e hltre yes- The Hawkeye board has decided ning, with pitching in Darby Dieppe BrOOklyn ...... 17 12 .586 that the admission to the univer­ Benton's place. Roy CuLlenbine hit St. Louis ...... 16 13 .552 Sl N1STER a.nd S TARTLING ! sity's three home conference foot­ a homer for the Tigers. Pit1!sbUrgh ...... 14 14 .500 ball ,ames next season will be Chicago ...... 13 14 .481 M..te Detroit AB It H B City League three doU ars, with all seals re­ Wins Upsel Boston ...... 11 15 .423 !!~! "FIRST served, while the nonconference Maier, 3b ...... 4 1 1 0 Cincinnati ...... 10 15 .400 TOilE 'CO-HIT The Navy Enlisted team RUN" 11"l I ,ames' prices will be $1.50. Philadelphia ...... 8 22 .267 scored a crucial run in their Mayo, 2b ...... -...... 4 0 1 0 ,,- The ra te for conference games is LOUISVILLE, Ky., (AP)-Mrs. Yestenla)"s Reealte IITC1IO.l half of the seven th ir;lDi ng last Cullenbine, rf ...... 4 1 I 0 I standard at most of the league W. C. Lewis' Darhy Dieppe scored American Lea&Ue night to defeat the University York, Ib --_ ...... 3 0 1 0 universilies, and has not been Cramer, cI ...... 4 0 1 0 an upset over Bymeabond yester­ Philadelphia 7, Detroit 2 • PLUS. Veterans' association, 9-8, in changed from last year. day in the Idle Hour purse feature Boston 8, St. Louis 6 City softball league play. Outlaw, II ...... 4 0 1 0 'Circus Bands'-Muslcal Iowa's home games are with In­ ...... 3 1 1 race of the Keeneland program at New York 6, Chicago 3 Hitting early in the third Webb, ss 0 'Harness Racers'-SPOrt diana, Ocl. 20; Wisconsin (home­ Walker- .. __ ...... 1 0 0 0 To&als ..•...... 41 JO II 3 Churchill Downs. Both colts are Cleveland I, Washington 0 frame, the Veterans went ahead Late News Events coming), Nov. 3; and Minnesola Swift, c ...... 2 0 1 0 -Batted for Slrlncevich it! sev- Kentucky Derby eligibles. NalJonal Le...... e of the Na vy, 2-0, and increased (Dad's day), Nov. 17. A non-con­ New York 7, Cincinnati 6 Richards, c ...... 1 O· 0 0 enth Shady Brook farm's Iron City, Doors Openll:u-io:" their lead to 7-3 by the sixth. ference game for Sept. 29 is yet Benton, p ...... 2 0 0 0 " Ran for O'Brien in seventh another Derby nominee, won third Philadelhia 6, Chicago 3 Undaunted, Navy loaded the to be scheduled. Mueller, p ...... 0 0 0 0 .·-Ran for Salkeld in eighth money in the seven-furlong event. Pittsburgh 10, Boston 9 bases, and then Fee smashed a The board also said that season Houtteman, p ...... 1 0 0 0 ····Batted for Lopez in tenth Darby Die p p e was timed at St. Louis 7, Brooklyn 5 l~: [tJ' ~ ' {J j hard ball to cen terfield for a football tickels would sell for • ..··Batted for Butcher in tenth 1:26 4-5 but worked a mile in 1:r·l~7!' ", I EN DS , tying the count at 7 $7.50. Non-com missioned service ······Ran for Davis in tenth Totals ..•...... 33 2 8 1 1:40 1-5. The winner paid $15.60, 2 FIRST RUN HITS NOW 1">0 MONDAY aU. personnel will be admitted to each · Balted [or Webb in ninth BCJSton ...... 200 010 310 20- 9 $3.20 and $2.20 . Today's Games The winners tallied a n c e game for 50 cents and that rate Pittsbur&h ...... 220 ()()() 210 21-10 Meantime, it was announced AIIIerlean u...e more in the big sixth, .to lead PhUadelphla AD B E also applies to school pupils who .. here that Eddie Arcaro, who rode Chicago at New York-Hum­ the Veterans by one poInt, but obtain Knothole club tickets from Lawrin and Whirlaway to their phries (1-0) vs. Gettel (1-2) that was nullified in the Wilkins, ss ...... 3 1 2 0 Hawkeye Nine Moves their principals. victories in the Derby, had agreed s eve nth when one more Rosenthal, If ...... 4 1 1 0 St. Louis at Boston - Potter Up in lig Ten Race to ride John Marsch's Fr~e ~r (3-2) \'5. Wilson (1-4) Veteran crossed the plate, again terday in a similar slunt for. pro­ Estalell a, cf ...... 4 1 2 0 molion of war bond salcs. Burns, rf ...... 4 1 2 0 All in the Derby this year. Detroit at Philadelphia (night) k noUini the score. Idle since its season closed April In their final trip to bat, the The one-time battery mate of Hall, 2b ...... --...... 3 0 0 0 -Overrnire (1-1) vs. Newsome when the "big Kell, 3b ._-.... __ ...... 5 0 1 0 28, the Hawkeye baseball team (1-3) Navy learn hit twice and scored has nevertheless moved up in the the winning run. traih" was' in his prime, stood in Siebert, Ib ... ---_.- ...- 4 1 2 0 Indians Triumph, 1-0 Cleveland at Washington (night) Hayes, c ...... Big Ten averages within the past The winners collected seven front of the city's civil courts 3 1 1 0 -Smith (0-2) vs. Pieretti (3-2) Christopher, p week. WASHINGTON (AP) - Tenth hits off the Veterans pitcher, building and held lwo of four ...... 3 1 0 0 NaUonal Leaa-ae inning doubles by Pat Seerey and Cebuhar, while the Veterans pitches from the roof, which the The Old Golders are fourth in New York at CinclnnaU-PI!ld­ Totals ..•...... 33 'I' 11 • team pounded opposing hur1ers sponsors est.imatcd at "about 400 fielding with .93 1, tied for fifth Jim McDonnell gave the Cleveland ma.n (4-1 ) vs. Heusser (3-2) feet" up. Detroit ...... \ ...... 101 000 000-2 White and RUPIt for 12 .. Each in batting with .200, and Jack Indians and pitcher Brooklyn at St. Louis (night)­ Actually five balls were thrown Philadelphia , ...... _.. 001 '040 02x ...... 7 ilt~s team committed two errors. Spencer, ' catcber, is fourth best a 1-0 shutout victory over Wash­ Seats (1-3) VB. Byerly (1- 1) tram the building but the first GabrleI'ClI rehklUe. Navy 000 206 1-9 7 Z balter among pL1YcrS appeavlng in ington last nigh l. Philndclphin nt Chicago-Wyatt "Cartoob" One was announced liS a "pitch The Great Lakes , naval nine At least five games with .440. The Gromek gave up five hits, all Veterans 002 104 1-8 12 2 (0-2). va. WYfle . (4-3) -Latest News- out" to enable Gabby to judge the yesterday defeated ))jodbwest.rn, team shares Blxth pl~ in ~ per­ .!pgles, an4 did llot ~rmit a Scm­ Boston at Pittsburgh - Tobin Extra-Fury In the " acULc drilt in a fairly strong wind. 9 to1. ccnLalle standing. ator to reach third base. 1( 2-5) vs. Roe (3-2) l'RJDAY, MAY ~, IkS PAGE FIVE I 1945 =::::'" I Nu Sigma Nu Names NEW ARAB LEAGUE PROTESTS FRENCH ACTION GABlE BEfORE CAMERA AGAIN Bob Aile der HOUSE to HOUSE

New House President ALPHA DELTA PI ents. Mr. and Mnl. It. SynhOnlt or Cory Synhorst, J4 of Pella, left Newton. Bob Alle'¥ ,M3 01 Boone, wall yesterday for WIchita. Kan .• where Mardis Shively. A3 of Marshall­ named prepci t of Nu Sigma Nu she will be the ,uest of Aviation town, will ha\'e as her weekend JIIedlcal fraternity at a recent Cadet Coy! Paseur. guests her parents, Mr. and Mrs. vedion. Other ol!lcers include D. M . Shively of MarshaJJtown. Oia Goenne, M3 of Davenport, CHI OMEGA vice-presiden eorge Rugtlv, M3 Mary Beth Porterfield, former GAMMA PHI BETA of Eslhervitle, treasurer; Hubert student, of Holstein will visit in lhe chapter house this weekend. Eileen Ehred of For t City will CliM, M2 of Shenandoah, see­ be the weekend guest ot Nancy ., retlt'y; Jack Conant, M 1 of Har­ Noble, A2 oC Princeton, m., and vey. Ill., and H~bert Cline, rush­ CUIUUER Carol Ohman, A4 of New York Manetta Waldron, A2 of Peoria, Ing chairml!I1l Jim Householder, Ill. Ml of Chicago, sidenhan, and City, will have as her guest this lIlY John Gottsch, M2 of Shenandoah, weekend her father, Chief Petty P Hunter of Cedar Rapid.! historian. Officer Frank Ohman, who has re­ will spend the weekend with Au­ An Initlat on of pledges also turned to the states after two drey Ro ,A3 oC Des Moin . look place. Those initiated were years' service in the south Pacific. Mary Eleanor Pinnell oC Ot­ Mary Alice Rossen ot Des Moin , tumwa will be the guest of Jean It (Jeorke Hegstrom, Ml of Grand forks, N. D.; Joseph Schupp, M1 Cormer student, will be th week­ StaIny, A4 01 Marion, this week­ of Burlington; Robert Rigler, Ml end guest of Carol Blllmyer, A3 of end. !rrors 01 Kenilworth, Ill.; Robert Ras­ Rockford, III. IrtstoP lIIus, Ml of Dec 0 r a h; Jaln@s Spending thi weekend at home IGM" C1II e Chi­ Householder, Ml of Chicago; Ar­ wiU be Hard t Mon on, A3 of Dan Oom. A2 of Ft. Madison, lerican thur McMahon Jr., Ml of MIno­ A STATtMENT ISSUED by the secretary 01 thll Arab lea~e , representlnr sevell. Arab .taw, ",s the Shenandoah. and Roy Luce, G of McGreeor, will ! New' monis, Wis.; John Conant, Ml of learue eonsl.en French aetion, which move!! Fren eb troops Inle tbe member naUOIl or ,ria and Lorraine Bryant of Muecstlne visit friends In Davenport this a 6-S wil be the weekend guest of Estelle \ftCK en·d. Harvey, 111., and Robert Alberti, Lebanon, "Imperialistic." ProtllsUnr the action, th II leal'ull declares l~wtJl Alecunl the Indepe~ce NI of Council Bluffs. 01 an, threakbed naUon member, Map above shows the territor,. lnvolvetl in dispute. Fuchs, A2 of Brooklyn, N. Y. CLAaI GABLE, hI RrvlCH in tbe army at an end, Is back before thl! Yank! Tuesday evening the fraternity Rosemary Moorhead of Moor­ In Fez, Morocco, tbe general ca-. lor the ftnt time In three and a hall years. Enlisting as a e Pale entertained at a faculty smoker head will be the weekend guest of dampness make.! the town un­ printe, Gable rose rapidly to the rank of major. n e served with the !Iy for and banquet in the chapter house. Truman to Go by Air her iter, Barbara Moorhead. All healthy and gives the inhabitants arm, air forcH In Atrlca and Europe, t klnr part. in numerous r Jds inners Guests included Dean E. M. Mac­ Funeral Tomorrow De Molays Elect Cady of Moorhead. pallid faces, bul this is considered al'aln t German,.. He is hOWD above \\ltb Greer GarliOn, at left. and ohnn:y t,,!!n, Dr. F. R. Peterson, Dr. To San Francisco Betty Synhorst, A3 o( Newton, a mark of distinction and ' js jeal­ \'Ictor t1elnmlnr, co-lltar and director of the picture on wblch he II I Earl bean Lierle, P. G:. jeans, Dr. had as her gues Sunday, her par- ously guarded. now wvrldnK in HollyWood, Dr. WASHINGTON (A P)-Presi­ H. D. Kerr, Dr. H. W. Korns, Dr. For F. J. Messner Master Counselor dent Truman decided yesterday to lit the W. M. Fowler, Dr. E. W. Sheld­ travel lo lhe San Francisco con­ POPEYE /lith a rup, Dr. L. W. Leighton, Dr. W. R. Funetal services for Fred J. At Monthly Meeflng Iwelss Messner, who died In a local hos­ ference early next month by air. Miller, Dr. F. E. Thornton, Dr. S. He thus will establish a prece­ lonald N. Key, Dr. J. W. Pichette, Dr. W. pital Wednesday night will be held dent since no chief executive has The l owa Cit, DeMolays, in ~ and Harhess, Dr. C. A. Vander II. tomorrow at 2 p. m. at.l!!e Oathout ver flown across this continent their monlhly meeting Wedn s­ ton in Laan, Dr. George Scahlon !lnd Dr. funeral chapel with the Rev. E. while in ofCice. S. C. Cullen. day night, elected Phil Cad y ClaudE! Smith in charge. Burial Truman also may make an : Don- master counselor of the chapter. wlll be in Oakland cemetery and ocean flight soon-if the coming k ~or Mrs. Schrock Asks Big Three meeting which the Other oUicers elected were Dale .- , members of the local Spanish­ Separate Maintenanc. American war veterans' camp will White House said yesterday Is Godoey, senior cQnselor; Evan -H I aerve as paIL bearers, "detinitely in the works"- is Smith, junior counselor; Leonard A peUtion for separatc mainten­ held outside the United states. strasburg, treasurer, and Chan 2 Mr. MeMner was born in Iowa 0 ance was filed by Anna Schrock City and has lived here all his lile Coulter, scribe. 1 0 street. ,gains! Dan W. Schrock in district with the exception of the past 12 Mr. Messner served with the A DeMolay team of 15 boys from 0 1 court yesterday. 1 years during which he lived at 50th Iowa volunteer regiment in Muscatin presented the DeMo lay 0 They were married March 13. the veterall$' home In Marshall­ 3 the Spanish-American war and 0 1913 in Shickley, Neb. She charaes town. degree ;12 members of the Marlon 1 1 was a member oC the Van Alstine chaplet also attended. cruel and inhuman treatment. He was engaged In the retail camp here. 1 2 The plaintiff asks cllstody of During the meeling, "Dad" W. 2 0 )neat business for many years with He is survived by a daughter, !heir nine minor children, two of his two brothers, Louis and J ohn, Betty Messner of Iuwa City; one E. Beck gave the traditional nower 0 0 whom are a t present gainfully em­ 0 0 and operated a store on North Linn son, Fred, slationed in San Dicgo; talk. Other talks were given by ployed. They have 15 children. one step-son, Chester Filter of Du­ "Dad" Buerbeck of the Muscatine BLOND IE CHIC YOUNG 0 () An Injunction has been granted or property in any way. 1 0 buque; three sisters, Clara, Rose chapter, "Dad" Robinson of the by Judge Harold D. Evans restrain­ Harold W. Vestermark Is attor­ and Mary, all o( Iowa City; and Marion chapter and Charles Beek­ 0 () ney for the plaintift. Ing the defendant from disposing two brothers, Louis of Iowa Clly man, m~ber of the local advisory 0 0 1 s , 0 0 and John of Long Beach, CaIH. council. Women to Present Organ, Vocal Numbers- !ve th 19hth W'UJ (.10) 7:15 fI!\f'~ W"f) (INt' Ollll-WMT (III, The Ald rich Famlly (WMT) H t Daily Iowan Want Ads Highways in Melody (WHO) 2 0 Mrs. Alexander Ellett and Mrs. Raymond Paige Orchestra 3 0 S. A. Neumann will present ah­ (KXEL) LOST AND roUND olhel' of their weekly series of CLASSIFIED 1 0 7:30 LOST: Brown Bnd white striped Vesper Music program at 7:45 this Adventures of the Thin Man RATECARI 1 0 Schader pin. Phone 8449. o 0 evening. The program will I.n­ (WMT) o Q elude lwo organ n u m bel' 5, I)utty'S Tavern (WHO) CASH RATE LOST: Light tan wallet, Initialed 2 0 "Dreams" (Strouehton) and "In­ This Is Your FBI (KXEL) lor 2 da1_ M, at WSUI radio station. Re­ termezzo" from a Rogers suite, 1 0 '7:45 lOc per llne per day ward. Call Muriel Mansfield '1711. 1 0 played by Mrs. Newmann, and a Adventures ot the Thin Man • consecutive day_ Losl: Black key case in tront of vocal selection, "Calm as the (WMT) 7c per Une per day Bremer's Sunday A.M, Please Night" (BOhm) sung by Mrs. El­ .1 • Duffy's Tavern (WHO) II consecutive day_ contact. Ex. 475 between 3 & 5. 20-3 lett. Thls Is Your FBI (KXEL) Gc per line per day HENRY CARL ANDERSOJt Ox-6 Views and Interviews 8:00 1 month- Lost: Key chain with one key. Prof. Ralph Ojemann of the It Pays To Be Ignorant (WMT) 4c per llne per day University pendant attached. chlid welfare research station will Waltz Time With E'rank Munn -Filure 5 words to Iln_ Daily Iowan, Box D. be interviewed by Dorothy Mielke Minimum Ad- 2 Unel ~o ston (WHO) 01 the WSUI staff at 12:45 this af­ Krli­ Famous Jury Trials (J:{XEL) WANTED dur- ternoon on thc Views and Inter­ 8:15 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY pOP VOlJR views program. Wanled to buy: Trumpets, cor- nnin, It Pays To Be Ignorant (MT) BOc col. Inch nets, clarinet:!, alto and tenor OWN CORN 'owns Waltz TlI'ne With Frank Munn Or S5 .oo per mont.b TODAY'S paOGkAMS (WHO) saxophones, baritones and other a bat • instrumen • Curl I. WaUetidorf, .. 8:00 Morning Chapel FamoUs Jury Trials (KXEL) All Want Ads Cash in Advar-ee ~@~ ~ iner, Crestoll, la. 8:15 Mu sical Miniatures 8:30 Payable at Daily Iowan BIIII­ les at 81G BoX 8:30 New!!", The Dally lew_ ThOse WebAters (WMT) ne.. oWe., dally until II p.m.. runs. 8:45 Program Calendar People Are Funny (WHO) WHERE TO WY IT 8:55 Service Reports Spotlight Bands (KXEL) Car.cel1atlons must be called In 9:00 Hasten the bay 8:45 before II p. m. PLUMBING AND BEATINO 9:15 Music Magic Those Websters (WMT) Re.ponslble inr one lncorrect 9:30 Good Morning, Ladles People Are Funny (WHO) lMerUon only. bpert Wol'kmaaalal., 9:45 Marc~g tb Music Coronet Story Teller (KXEL) 9:95 NewIJ, the Dally 10Mn 9:00 LAREW CO. 10:00 Weel.: In the Magazines Durante and Moore Program U'1 E. Wuh. Pllne HI 10:15 YestertJay's Musical Fa- (WMT) DIAL 4191 vorJtes ' Amos 'n AndY (WHO) 10:30 The Bookshelf Pacific Flieht (KXEL) You are alwan welcome. ETT A KETT PAUL ROBINSO~I 11 :00 Melody Time 9:15 aud PRICES are low a& &be 11 :15 Behind the War News Durante and Moore Show WMC Regulations II I 11 :30 Mllsio for Millions (WMT) A.dverUsemenlll for male or ..- ~ . 11 :45 Red Cross Girl! in Action Amos 'n' Andy (WHO) 11 :50 Farm Flashes sentlal female worken are car­ DRUG SHOP l'acific Flight (KXEL) ried tn theM "Help Wanted" 12:00 Rhyttlm Rambles 9:80 col limns with ~be underatan4- 1Z:30 . Ne~ The Datly toW" Danny Kaye's Show (WMT) 12 :45 Views and Interviews inr that htrlDr pr_d.". ahaIl Hollywood Theater (WHO) conform Ie War ManpOwer 1:00 Chats The Ooctors Talk It Over Comm"'lon Reul.UoDL 2:00 VlctOlY ~tJlll!tin Board (KXEL) ,.". Baked GootU 2:10 18th~ Century Music 9:45 .... Cu. • ... 3:00 France ,Forever Danny Kaye's Show (WMT) FOR BENT aolll P ..... 'Iall New Tbe DaUy lowaa Hollywood Theater (WHO) 8peci61 Qrdf ... 3:35 MuWc ' Otper Countries .... Hedda Hopper (KXEL) For Rent· Ideal student rooms, 3:45 News .~ Other Countries 1t:00 mell, also basement apartment. C~... ,,=.ry 4:00 Aftemo n Melodi~ Doug Grant News (WMT) 14 No. Johnson. III&.W ...... 4:15 Science News Supper Club (WHO) 4:30 Tea Time Melodies H. R. Gross, News (KXEL) FOR SALE 6:00 Children's Hour 10:15 Ft1RN1TURE MOVING 5:80 Musical Moods fulton Lewis (WMT) FOR SALE: Two nearly new PaJm Beach suits - size 38. Tuxedo 1:15 Neww, 'l'be Dally towan News (WHO) ROOM AND BOARD By GENE AHERlf OLD HOME TOWN By 8T ANLE r 6!00 Dinner Hour M\JSic Sportlight Parade (KXEL) complete. Dial 6318. MAHER BROS. TRANSFER For EffIcient Furniture IIDviq 8:56 Newwr The bally Iowan 11:30 7:00 We Dedicate Symphonette (WMT) JNSTRUCTION A1Ik About Our WILL. 'rt>U STEP ASII>E MRS Pe~y 1l0LD .. TR.IFLE A TOY TRAIN? 7:30 Sportstime WARDROBE SERVICE 7T'''~_JSO M!e BoWeli!SQ( CAN ~OOL Can You Top This? (WHO) Danclna Lessons-ballroom, bal­ WITH MY WILL '(OU , TIlEN IVE BEEN TAKEN 1:45 Vesper Music MOfi5 FREELY W/'EN 1 SHOW M Melodies of the Masters let, tap. Dial 7248. Mimi Youde I . DIAL - 9696 - DIAL MAD E.M~ TIlE. VICTIM OF'IOl.JR IN BY 11IE r;:',RL,lOO/ I"n'-~ MY LI"ER! OF 1~38! __--~ I 8:00 Boys Town (KXEL) CHEAP OC)AX ABOUT BECO\o\ING Wurlu. 1. WAS GOING 10 = 8:30 Album of Artists 10:"5 PRESI DENT OF A RAILRO... 'O QUIT MY JOB TO BE ':U News, The Da.lly Iowan Sylnphohette (WMT) iHE EARL ~GIIT!" HMp·· HIS GENERAL. Can You Top This (WHO) I DARE 'IOU 10 DENY YOU PASSENGER.. NETwOa5 8IGHLIGHTS Melodies of the Masters (KXEL) DION'" KNCM' iT WAS A AGENT! -',----I -- "tOY ELECTRIC TRAIN SET! 6:00 11:00 J~ck: Kirkwood Show (WMT) News (WMT) Lucia Thorne & CO. (WHO) Bill St4!m (WHO) Gl'flln Belt Rangers (KXEL) News (KXEL) It Gets Results 11.:15 11:15 Jimmy E'i leI' (WMT) Off The Record (WMT) ~4!Ws of Tht World (WHO) . timely Topic (WHO) \ It. R. Gross, News (KXEL) Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) • 6:30 11:3' If you have a room to rent, insert your ad ~Ida, on Brol,\dway (WMT) Guy Lombardo's Band (WMT) in The Daily Iowan. Not only will you ~ews From WHO (WHO) News From WHO (WHO) Did You Know? (KXEL) Rev. Piet$ch's Hour (KXEL) get desirable tenants, but you ICIve ,6:J5 ll:Ui Friday on Broadway (WMT) Guy Lombardo's Band (WM1') money with our low rat•• News, H. V. KaUenborn (WHO) Muisc; News (WHO) l'rererred Melodies (KXEL) . Dance Orch~stra (KxtL) ,. 1:00 l!:OO Call 4191 Today The A1drlc~ .Family (WMT) Prell.'! News (WMT) Highway!!' i~ Melody (WftO) Midnight Rhythm Parllde Classified Dept. Daily 'Iowan ·-ftaymend r~~ grehMrll (WHO), '. ..' (KXEL) 111ft Oft (KXEL) 5'·1~ . , -..-.. PACEm T RED ... I L Y lOW ... H, lOW A CIT T, lOW A F'BIDAY. MAY 25. 1945 ======~=='~~ ~~~~======---======-======7======~======Test (ase MARINES TAKE SHORTCUT "THROUGH" NAHA HOMES Lieuf. Donald Ashby UNIVERSITY CLUB TEA Serves in Tripoli Filed on New Second Lieut. Don Ashby, SUI graduate whose wiCe reSides at 218." E. Coliege street, is serving as statistical control officer in the Fuel Tax Law North Atrican division of the air transport command in Tripoli. During his six months overseas he l. V. Carlton Charges has visited many colorful North African cities, including Cairo and Act Unconstitutional Casablanca. In Injunction Petition The Distinguished Plying Cross A test case on the new stote has been awarded Lieut. Allan M. motor vehicle fuel tox low was Spencer, 24, son of Mrs. Verne filed in district court yesterday by Spencer, 223 Melrose avenue. Lieu­ L. V. Carlton. Iowa City real lIma nt Spencer, who holds the Air estate agent. The case is in the Medal with Oak Leaf cluster, is a form of a petition Cor injunction pilot with the 7th bombardment against the county board ot super­ group in the India-Burma theater. visors and John M. Grimes, state AT THE UNIVERSITY club tea held yesterday afte rnoon In honor of Mrs. lIarry Newburn are lerl .. He attended the University before rlI M, Mrs. Franklin Knower, reUrlne president el the oreanlza tlon, Mrs, William fl. Batl's, newly eJeeW treasurer. entering the service. Carlton, represented by Edward president, Mrs. Newburn, and Mrs. Vlretl Hancher. The event took III ace In the University clubroo.. " L. O'Connor, former state attor­ Iowa Union. ney generat, and D. C. Nolan, James W. Wray J r., 26, of Oska­ charges that the act is unconsti­ loosa, tormer university student, tutional because it contains two has recently been promoted to the Lieut. Robert Duffy, separate, unrelated subjects, the rank of Lieut. Col. lifter more than USO Gold Record Club Recognizes Junior increased gasoline tax and a sec­ 52 missions against vital targets in tion allowing county boards of southern Europe. He is the com­ Pte. KennethH ~ ffman supervisol's to Increase levies for manding officer a nd lead-pilot Ilf Hostesses Who Have Served 100 Ho ~ rs secondary road maintenance. the 78]st bomb squadron of the The law, known as SF 229, was 15th airforce. He wears the Distin­ A new recognition tor the con­ junior hostess for two years and Freed From Nazis passed by the 51 st general assem­ quished Flying Cross, the Air tributions of the Junior hostesses has been chairman for one yeaar. WHEN THESE SIXTH divisIon Marines entered Naba, capital clty of Okinawa Island, they did not atay Gold Record bly this year. It is to become ef­ on the main roads, which were heavily defended, Instead, the Leathernecka took shortcuts between Medal with several clusters, Ule at the USO is the Gold Record Lieu!. Robel't Duffy, 21, Eon of Other Gold Record hostesses are fective July 4. the houses and even through a few as 18 evidenced In the above photo. Thi. stratagem al80 enabled European-Africa-Middle East the­ club. Mr. and MI;". J oe P. Duffy, ]424 In his petition Carlton asks that them to plck olf stray snipers who attempted to . tay their drive. (1utelu. tion.J Sounclllboto) ater ribbon with four stars and the To become a member a hostess Eleanor Pownall, Maxine Belger, E. Court str et, and pre. Kenneth the state treasurer be permanently Distinguished Unit badge and a must complete 100 hours of service, Maureen Farrell. Dorothy Lowery, Huffman. 20, son of Mr. and Ml'I. reslrained and enjoined from en­ cluster. followi ng all the rules for Junior Nadyne Mathis, Eleanor 'parizek, Arthur Huffman. 1030 Muscatine forcing the act raising the slate New Real Estate hostesses during that time. When Gladys Parizek, Evelyn Powers, avenue have been liberated from gasoline tax from three to fOUl' Poppy Sale to Begin Sergt. Merle M. Arnold, son of she has completed the 100 hours or Corinne Freswick, Marquerite German prison camps accord in, cents a gallon. Office to Open Here Legal Group Mrs. Mae Arnold, 223 S. Lucas more, her name is inscribed on a Galens, Evelyn Munay. Mary to word recei ved by their families. He also tasks that the county street, has received the Oak Leaf small gold and black imitation of Mundin, Mm-ian Isebl'ands. Lieutenant Duffy, has been rt· A. J. Larew, 308 N. Clinton Katherine Bothell, FiJ Rohner, board of supervisors be restrained At 7A. M. Tomorrow; cluster to Bronze Star medal for a phonograph reaord and placed on ported miSSing in lIction sinc~ from enforcing the part of the act street announced yesterday that he a large replica of a phonograph Merle Fleming, Virginia Dwyer, April 4. lie had been overseas is opening a real estn te office in outstanding courage and initiative which makes it optional for county Elects Officers Headquarters at Hotel when his platoon came under in­ record. This record is displayed in Kathleen Pugh, Dorothy Metzger, for more than rour months. board" to raise levies up to five the Iowa State Bank lind Trust tense enemy fire. the ballroom every Saturday and Mildred Sedlacek., Ella Mae Goody, Lieuten:lOt Duffy was a pilot on mills for secondal'y road main­ company building. Sunday and in the usa lounge Vera Kodras, Arlene Eldred, Max­ a B-24 Liberator bomber. He en· tenance. Larew has been a post office em­ Gamma Eta Gamma, professional National Poppy Day will be ob­ ine Teefy, Arlene Teefy, Norma served in Iowa City tomorrow, First. Lieu!. Gerry A. Copatelli, during the week. li sted in the air corps when he W83 The petition charges that the act ployee ror the past 21 years, 18 of legal fraternity, announces the 1934 University graduate and for­ Kos, Pauli ne McDowell, LOrna An­ 18 years oid. He was based in Which as a mail carrier. when approximately 35 members TY llical Hostess derson, Elaine Freswick, Kathleen is a violation of section 29 of arti­ election of the foliowing officers: mer Cleveland Rams professional England wJlh the l~ighth airloree. The firm will be known as the of the junior and senior groups of A typical Gol d Record J unior Lenny, Gloria Schone, Marilyn cle IH of the state constitution be­ Richard Nazette, L3 of Iowa City, footba ll player, recently completed Lieutenant Duffy wears the Air A. J. Larcw Real Estate Co. the American Legion auxiliary hostess is Nadine Wharton, who Lf.wis, Coral Bradley, Mnrgaret cause it contains two separate, dis­ a course coaching at the central Medal. the ETO ribbon and the tinct, unrelated and incongruous chancellor; Max Christie, L4 ot wlll sell poppies. Headquarters says it takes almost a year of Daoghton, Jean Anderson, Lor­ Iowa Oity, recorper, and Gerald will be established in the lobby of sports school in Rome, Italy. in "faithful duty" fOl' a Junior hostess retta Lekin, Iiarriet Glaser, Al­ preSidential citation. lIe graduated subjects: the increase in the gaso­ urer is forced to increase the state gynmasiums and stadiums once from City high 8chool and attended line tax and the pal't which allows gasoUne levy July 4. Carlton Chinn, L3 of Des Moines, activities lhe Jefferson hotel and the sale to acquire the necessary hours lor lene Gleason. will start from there at 7 a. m. used by Mussolini to train Fascisl membership. Myrtle Booth, Lillian Bauer, the UniverSity of Iowa before he boards of supervisors to increase charges that the 'County board of and rushing chairman. troops. Lieutenant Copatelli weal'S en listed In the nil' corps. their secondary road levies. supervisors will take advantage of lnitia tion of ofCicers and a fare­ Poppies for the local sale have Most of the hostesses on the Helen Mae Gardner, Maureen Rus­ the American Defense ribbon, and sell, Magdeline Lenoch, Ruby Private Huffman was serving at The act attempts to join in one lhe optional part of the act and in­ well dinner for departing seniors been made by veterans ot World the Mediterranean Theater ribbon Gold Record are members of the War I, who are now in the Soldier's committees which meet once a Hauk, Thelma Teery, Goldie Kin­ the time of his copture in Feb· act the subject of a property tax crease levies for secondary road are being planned tOL' the near fu­ with two baltle participation stars. ruary, with the 314th infantry unit. with the separate subject of on maintenance at their September lure. Home in Marshalltown and the week to plan the weekend program ney. Margaret Nosek, Mnrion Nich­ ols, Olgn Max and Ellen HOll'l'is. lie has been in service since May occupational or license fee for the session. Veteran's hospital in Des Moines. Henry J. Webb, 30, of Chicago, and assign a post to each woman. There are four of these committees, of 1943. Private Huffman also privilege of using the public high­ If the board does act as it is The welfare work of the American former University faculty member one of which is in charge one has four brothers in the service. ways. authorized under the act, taxpay­ Hotel Jefferson Lobby Legion auxiliary, including aid to who received his M. A. and Ph. D. 32 Local Men Leave The peli lion further charges ers in Johnso n county will be re­ veterans of both wars and their degrees at Iowa, recently received week ot each month. that the 5 cond part of the title quired to pay this additional levy. families and orphans, is conducted Some of the posts which are as­ For Pre-Induction; Sorority Al umnae to Mee' the Bronze Star medal and was signed to the committee hostesses to the act as added by the house oC Carlton declared that he is To Be Remodeled; with the proceeds of the sale. promoted to the grade of mastel' One Enters Army Mrs. Paul Sayre, 330 Magowan representatives is too vague, un­ bringing the action as D citizen, A lunch will be served for the sergeant. The deCoratioin was are stations at the Junior hostess street, entedained members of the certain and complicated. The act resident and taxpayer of Johnson workers at noon in the American given fOI' outstanding work as as­ desk, checking credentials of Jun, Wednesday night 32 Johnson Gamma Phi Bew ulumnae group itself is so omnibus in torm that county. He stated that he is acting Cof CMoves Office Legion rooms oC the Community sistant combat historian with the lor hostesses, selecting and play­ county men left for their Pl e-in­ at a buffet ~upper Wednesday eve· members of the legislature and the on behaII of himsel f and all other building. Participating in the sale 8th and 104th infantry divisions in ing records for the dances when duction examinations at Jefferson ning. Assisting hostesses were public could not possibly be able to prope.rty taxpayers in the county The Hotel Jefferson lobby will wili be 14 members of the junior Brittany and HOlland. He also the public address system is used, Barracks, Mo. One man, William Mrs. Robert Oibson and Mrs. Sid· understand its real meaning. • and all persons who own 01' oper­ be remodel d soon after June 1 auxiliary. Co-chairmen oC the 10l;al wears battle stars lor campaigns and planning special parties. Frank Smith, left for finnl induc­ ney Milier. U ()'Stess Activities Under the oct, the slate treas- ate motor vehicles within Jhe state. it was disclosed yesterday by observance day are Mrs. Jeff Lack­ in northern France and Germany. tion. George W. Davis, mannger. Offices end I' and Mrs. WlL1iam J . White. Sunday afternoons live women Those leaving tor pre-induction of the Iowa City Cllamber of Com­ After more than 60 combat mis­ on the committee are in charge of examinations were George Alfred merce now located in the hotel sions over Europe's most heavily the tea dance. Not only do they Smith, Allon Elmer Young, Orion will be moved to the second tloor Girl Scouts Hold defended targets, Lieut. John K. serve as head dance hostesses, but Louis Frantz, Elmer John Poggen­ of the Iowa State B:wk and Trust Bonnell, of Cedar Rapids, former as partners Cor the servicemen who pohl , James Manley Brack, Amos company building. student of the University, has com­ wish to pIny ping-pong and other Coblentz, Arthur Wayne Webster, The ceiling in the hotel lobby Court of Awards pleted his tour of duty and is on games. Thus a Gold Record hostess George William lIamen Jr., Mar­ will be lowered two leet, the fire­ his way home. The 25-year-old must be more than a good dancer. vin Harold Janko. place removed. the north wall mir­ Fourl en Girl Scouts from Troop pilot of A-20 Havocs and A-26 In­ she must be a good companion. Leo Edwin MiJler, Donald Gor­ rored and all the woodwork will be 8 of Henry Sabin school received vaders, has served with the 409th Once a month a Gold ~ecora don Trumpp, Edwin Joseph Kron, bleached. badges Tuesday at a Court of bombardment group of the 9th hostess assists with the dancing Carrol Everett Yoder, Maynard Awards held in the Scout oUice. airforc!!. He wears the Air Medal class on Saturday afternoon. She Francis Poggenpohl, Donald Spev­ The oWces now occupied by the also attends training courses given Chamber of Commerce are needed Receiving Second Class badges and 12 bronze Oak Leal clusters acek, Kenneth Ray Smalley, Rob­ were Catherine Beasley, Renata for meritorious performance in the under the direction ot J. B. Martin, ert Lee Mills, David Lewis Yoder, for administrative offices of the loca l USO director and the national hotel. When remodeiing is com­ Beasley, Doris Brogan, Lilian Con­ rec nt smash through Germany. Cecil Edwat'd Christner, Eldon ner, Shirley Clark, Joyce Julis. USO. At these meetings new ideas Leland Jarrard, Billy Dean Rogers. pleted they will be pal'tilioned are disc ussed and awartls are made from the lobby with a glnss bloCk. Joan Stoner, Joan and Louise Vill­ James William Hurley, Eugene hauer and Barblra Wilken. Florence Musson Dies to the outstanding h~stes ses. A WilJi/lm Musser, Robert George A public paging system will be Awarded the Hostess Badie were In Council Bluffs banquet or tea usually follows Umbdenstock, Duane Olen Wilson, installed in the lobby and in the Renata Beasley, Audrey Belle, lhese sessions. Leo Aaron Huffman, Richard Na­ Huddle. The lobby desk will be Lemon Chip* Ice Cream Doris Brogon, Lillian Conne~, After Long Illness Sometimes the Junior hostess than Olney, Harold Francis Dvor­ Try Old MIII's tIppy. lanKY modernized and wood panelled.• gets an "emergency call" too. For Lemon Chip Ice cream mad. Patsy Hardiman, Joyce Julis, J oan sky, Edward Franklin Miller, Paul with crushed lemon drops mixed The new Chamber ot Commerce Stoner, Phyllis VeDepo, Joan nnd Miss Florence Musson, 619 Tem­ instance, a group of servicemen Fan, Robert Millon Taylor and with Old MllI'~ smooth. rleh. offices wi1J be located in rooms LOUise Villhauer, Barbara Wilken plin road, died Wednesday in may come into Iowa City during Mark Anthony Durst. lemon·custard I I a v 0 red lei 208 and 209 of the bank building and Gladys Zwicki. Council Bluffs after a long illness, the week, or navy cadets may be cream. You'lI love It. and include a general oUice, a re­ Patsy Hardiman and Audrey it was learned by friends here yes­ given special liberty. Then hostes­ Fri. Sat.* and Sun., ception room and storage rOOm . Belle received the Cook badge and terday. She was 78. ses will be unexpectedly needed Open 10 A . M . to 10 P. M . The new location was selected Audrey Belle also was awarded a She died at the home of her for dancing partners. IStUdents in HOSPital Tu ••.• Wed. and Thllro. Open 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. after a committee appOinted at a Painting and Drawing badge. Patsy brother, Fred Musson. Miss Mus­ Mrs. Thomas FarreLL is chairman recent board of directors meeting Hal'diman and Gladys Zwicki re­ son graduated fro m the University of the junior hostesses. She is as­ Elinor Danforth, G of Sioux I ALL OLD M*ILL ~TO R £8 investigated the locations avail­ ceived a Clothing badge. of lowa in 1891 and for a number sisted by Helen Focht, assistant Falls, S. D.- Isolation ARE CLOSED ON ~fON D A YI able. Preceding the presentation of of years was house mother for director of student affairs. Char­ Carol Meyers. G of Fiandreau, awards the girls enttrtained their KapP3 Kappa Gamma sorority. lotte Penningroth is chairman or S. D.- Isolation mothers, Plans were made for an Arrangements lor funeral serv­ the university women and Nadine ~obert Horne, D3 of Keokuk- overnight hike to take place to­ ices have not been made, but in­ Wharton is chairman of the Iowa Isolation • Inter-Fraternity night. terment wi ll be in Des Moines. City hostessEs. Nadine has been a Dorothy Trumpy, N4 of Avon, IIl.- 2W Council to Meet Fredric Sloan. M3- Isolation An inter-CI'aternity council MARINES HOT FOOT IT ACROSS NO MAN'S . LAND V lsi Ull r H 0Ul'S meeting will be held next Tues­ Private Patients 10 a. m. to 8 :lay at 4 p. m. in the house p. m. TilE BRONZE Star medal Is presented to Navy Comdr. Winslow T. :hamber of Old Capitol. Dean Ward Patients 2-4 p. m. and 7-8 Tompkins MC), right, by Marine Maj. Gen. James T. Moo re. Com­ C. Woody Thompson, director of p. m. 1Z S. DUBUQUE ST. mander Tompkins formerly of Philadelphia, as senior medical officer itudenl aUairs, will meet witll the council. Each fraternity is of of the second marine aircraft wing, developed a. practical method of thl sllrayine comba. t areas with DDT Insecticide from carrier-based requested to send two represen­ B y Gr sfle AileD lntives. planes. Commander Tompkln's wife. the former Jean Beatile, lives at and George Bur. wi 1301 Pickard stna . HJs father, Dr. E. D. Tompkins, Is In Clarion, la. IllUitrated by Eric Ericaon. thl cal NEW MEMBERS JOIN PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S CABINET PI'< Cf'1 rtI hl! I 01 Be III wi Vel

, , I tol bel trt 191 M( thl ~ t: tid PRESIDENT HARRY S. TRUMAN has made three further chanr es In his official (amU, with the ap­ to. pOintment of (lett to rleht above) Federal Judee Louis Scbwellenbach or SpOkane,' Waah., al his new pi' ncrew)' 01 labor; Tom C. Clark 01 Texas, asslstan t aUor.ney eeneral In charle 01 the criminal InvesU­ MAIINES OF THI PlIST DIVISION run acrou lID open .tretch on Oklnawa aa they head for the fronl ,atlon division of the department of justice as aUo rney r eneral, and Representative Cllnion Anderton, line. One ot the Leathernaokl carrI.. a .lrelcber but nol tor one ot their buddi .., mown In the tore­ WI Sr! Democrat of New Mexico 10 be secretary 01 acrlcuUure. Judl'e Sehwellenbacb I, a former UnUed S&&"', .-round, who fell mortally woun~ • few m1nut .. before tbII pboto wu taken, whlJl another aecUon " ...... ,., ..,. ... ,.. PIl_e"'ered • It.tla' t Ito.... , • w. til MUlor and Clark hu been connected with the justice department .lae. 1931. of ~ "!lit mail ~ ~ ~~~~ Coli' 1l.boto' .. _ (llIrfllJJtiollal SolUJd,lIorol · .... ,... ..,..'. ru