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, ' '2~ J. "lIfe, !;\lIldo's'O'Ne,wsf M"nda;,:. January 'l'l5" '1,990 No 8'dd,ress?----'---~",....,-,.,.,-"------", ClO!l(ll.l'T<:I,eg from~a:glil, t,A March, 6', Bub, si\nce it is unlll'wfUl:to registration f'Otmil Wez;e In: l!rd.QJ; fu 16.3" " . , keep 'the wt;er T,egF~~ 'on, b'!O~ time 'toge~ 01;1 palliltB., 'I1pllt;reqUll'&o "1;hif,,:!I' ,Wll~ rY\ltMng i~l;m-t cllllilg!iYll lillJse-Q :Ill0;l',e:tR!ill ",4Q ' !t~!l,~ Q!ell~, itbll~, a,PP a:a~lI~ ;1Xl)!lll; aQtrll," Jlai:q a):!idltS,Q J)'~s: 'l!/lJ;in'g Jilr!iJ1tieJ1 'mU P:~ t1'le , at i> Ii'll' U!i'~;, WIUl '. in election ~n~ vil1ag:e: d,ed: Lea:oo:,'Wcelbj'{\i;'h~SQe Il"lji, l1'elmilll.n' (t, ,1I11l!fe' ;!ill t}111' t9maj;J.(lll.. . in: The" alUa she ,[rotieed :that'!l:n ,addile.sJi ll'hang'll,s 'she It~$ s~kill1itltlld 'W ,het' lluidusn N~W8'" ,wjl,sn'{oTi .the ,/b:rrn and mentIonea byt'hat'thnll" ana ;iiiDiiJ'eiIillttlly Ji!ose, "The.stia:tepeople saidli!l'lj!' we~ It j;j;J, ~re~~r '~hlJIl ,s);)El:1eu' ,dt' Q!>eooxg '!'l,rew.",r':., nus:uand asked, for a'~eopy lJ!~I'. Qr ~akl\: ~lutngeB:in time ro al1d.~hr.qimll' books h" HIj:l!S bT\ the (If a:l1 I1ffidllvii~\ 'Of ,"\Gmr J'~Ili~~J;!tti,oJj;. :,::!!tB tn, the. March:61l1nnicip;ll. tll~ t'fa:n.Bj~ rp'\Q;!; Bi!iS,P®tts' tfult, );)1\ ,dtif!i,t tell, :l!", •, :!'lIgi(ll!;tcill:JP,!'\ 11'118 L!:l <::1"sl/ ;a'tJ' f,!lW," ~""' I1'lilrmbll""f thll!!'}~tJ<:\s ,0mM s,taff 'fyte' &,t1 ,ele:r>t)'oJ'i"O'I1 ,~o"bnl'l' 'mrn f61" vJ!e:rsa,Iid: :ma'kl:c'hatlge'!l 1la. vater ·t\tw f~l !1J,,1,~i;1'!J!:1 ,e:1l':l't!.QL!" ~l!:t (:ill j;!,fJ;ln'" dId ·w,,:ke;a,I;IT:~' .tb~~1" 'Vjl,~1(' '!l!i'giallra.ti:oh inl'OD:b.a'tilin. ,

- , '" " , " ,,, ~, A ffio,vJng was outside,'the residence ,at r.esidenceoJlJanuar,y 1:. but.diQoJ>t move: t~:~ Rcrw:al1 Raadon Fril:lay. JianVar;1 't2. thf;J fraavier \hir1rgs :untll 1i'anuary 1:2; ~{~1N"" :M.litr:iit:rp~] Q~ndirlatl=lCli"I~.tIel:l o jut!ge Hj;lii!.V­ thO'rn'ewas;:lppOil'j'ted to 'tha' llill,lnltllp,a,1 fhQrrie said. .be li.egali{'f:lQii"g lntottie j.liJliIgs's poS'ffionih No~e,mber" ,0 ,,' W rollg.• , ,addrc:ss1------=------.-.",-'-~- ...... ~ ,.; --

Ruidoso a'G.lWnS "'.<::11''''9 de'rK Le,a:f'ir'1 O'er PQsr.tJanon ,the bqollo!" I;rtllQJtibe'nJ Wei,~r':ecJj;1 [Ief:t} hCDJdS.. 'fUe ba'$meit a$c trustee Le:Veme C'ola 1C.aflt~J~) aIiQthe other'Itandl­ c :::Iri:CjIi:1

,'~ Aretlw·atergroup P&,Z to meet The RuidcrsoPfa~gl(nr:l Z)Q'h'ing' Comm1ssion 'will ))allle J;,f,g .. ,r~gu:laf:ly schedul'ed :meetc· ,elects ''}()o:fficers unl,j, " .\.-5. " b'y 8 F1IAN.~ L(\L:(]Cl ,~t<""f 'NTII.,,, "J.'"1"'WTI1,""n, tlr,,"kmFj "bb6ffi "ftl'r 's,r1'1" urc'ludlY: 1~~y T~;l,P '~V-H{P'f ]-b·rt'rj~~ ,'t\1'~liCJ.,tJ j('IIl pur'! I.rq~ 'th,- WJ1A by ell",;r in'ljpjrfng , -1\ ,req:ue'lt by Way,dell Hl'lI foc a V.M'3nCe :at 4.02 Fifbh . 'W1I:;\', k"i£J It~, III~\ br-"mrl ,;1 d~n'," I C' II,v [1 ~ Ikp'l'rtl'mrisoop,ber . .cb:inson ·for.a vaca­ tftl"? ,,> FI'I)II;rp r1 11 j, ""~! F'), p'!>,l;r1! .frlIlill 'L'I:,,, ,p:enple lm' ~o;.:.. '~ ',I,I'li'1,llJl:1! !.' il ~I 'libe bTIJI r,rL rlw Lb,,' ,1',fVI"'" "y"t;e-ms 'mil U:rat l'1'tople t;iJlrrdf '8 'strip, Q,f laJ.1d, ·at, '1~,iil!d, H(J,OUJJ'I)I,l:l t:tl't ft.'( f1.1,) 'rn") tttt"(: U1tlt't HI,I ilo:1-1­ \ 11 il[hi'r "YnffilS 'Of 'the ,{;,1;!(UltTy 1I1'e :1.25 :and 127' gLl'\1!lld ,U""1) 'Il" ~'nil '~"H.n' n;p' 'wl,th tb,· liJl, "';il,rh"JR the WI~A caS,lli ,00, siJli!' JIil1 -A req.u'est by: ,James 'Wtl" a" Ili\ltrng fl;r,f1o\;l·,S j Jir ,rl1'i\"~ "'. I Q. IJJJ"l'llJ U I J ~('()~n1V;;! jj'amGox' r:er '"aoanee ,at 1.13' .P~rl<:brive. ,jWH'1 (I {"n t;. 'l>-!j,h 'Wi'j b:!J,1ll 'c rrr 1HNlrfll'. "'f h~, rt' ffiW stun,e fo1 k inte.rested' TMSltem waS 'l:4bIed ' • ilt Y'j,re p,r'~"'l(l'!m!. \);1\YI[( ,I' _" r,c ,1:11,'" rn M" fl'M I I'~ hn'p p:el\tm g, l>o !lS", aJtld' the :1'8!OC .m;eetin,g of De-qam1)er r_~<~-~ ~'l: '~fi'CT1~l~ary', (;~d f!J',kul'~ .18. 1989, }! ,(!)'( Wl'llm.I1M F'Lcarh~, trP3.QllJ'!,'T, 11r \~'ll1:<'r 1J<.,p· 'I ~"" '~h"lOjTl'l IA:'!S;is]atwe ,and , :J'H1'~ rr r pre''! d",; mem (,,;oT,' ~,j,,- t'ltrg'c , '$1 ,H,)j:>; IJ)' 'I" fe£t Tn the' ,g:t:an[ ,for' 1'e;­ }lot'I PO" AnM.frs'Io '1f11:0"""",11 . ,p\-trch wlnl"h \9rne fr,"!II, .the !iiI<:,w' A" ,tI1ll.l>:J(Hl W,H:$li llU'ad€!' frrd:11 {~!!f:'~ }1i'0J\If''nl,.;f.1 "'md himr I'ur w, 1ilo,d'llo¥ 'deja,}' i.n '.fi'Jling,brielll, r JOl'l' ",II tu'r,'!>" ",hu'n ('rrc b1d:ftd 'LL"li,e·1 1'1:<1 ;'''''0 'thi'" woula neiL pJlsh !be :El,,~. ''W&N''ti'cr I?IlQI N~w M~ejlj'jj6 !i;ll' 'aw'l'!'Jlll wat..r {,!,oilli; III ,Appeals ,a:FJ. Ii" ll:t 'the .Lincoln: 'CtlUnty Medi. Jilrin!LP!lI' :&1,,1 nu,q(l',I1aJ',"" CJ:s" ,,,:prr !".aR I< hl«l:d 'ui1, ithei\' ,d6CJll,T:d they m6'lr:ed 'to Ruidbso: from Lu~ t!w '&Pl',~al w:flLoh tame fro:m '~he

MliITtn." ~ 1exAS• -" and,. " v •BroW11lteid• < ., J Texas" :U.e :vo:IlIlul,membe.t',onM ,NIlrsomc' boitge, ' ,anll llh.e 'Odd, FellowlI, :fOr ,more. lhan 6j} years. He was 'a MasQn~nd SbI;l~!!I'. ,", a lIe " , . ~all ,II1:sO" aJl ~,matel1T ota.di:q:q~,rlll\lll~ wtth tire IlJdl let.tllrs 'W~FQ. ,:lfnd he helpe.d: 'Iila~y others ohtain"lli~it nte' ,,,'.-

.....,. ,

The :Water Defense As,sQ\S.raf)l;il;t:li:!xebutNe dite,ctO'r Hql1)arJ Quihtal'l:a tl=lll'sthe :@raup .of the statu's Glfthe Untted Stales and .Mescafer¢ Tr.jb~·s al::II"i1e~lt:o J'\Js'He:e, LaFiel's de· efsloni.nthe or\:901nlJ watl=lr ca;se., "

~ ":1,- '. ''- ," ,

." , .

, .? • 00.-" ~ '" C ".,~. ~";"iI'_,• CAFU~E,LL;J3" ," PianQ .' ~!!Olice" ,~,--..""" :'.' '. '.-~]< , 8m canell "'1801,Lamll'l'Clrcle " 0-.": "" AIam~"'nll>. Nil 88310; i:, "'ed.nldan" '(5051'~12l1O, ,' ,

, " ..,.,- - "~-- ,..,." " - ""'l:"~ ',.,."~"'- .~- ~ ""I"":~"",:"","",""""""'''''' ...,."."~"II'"IIf.'.'""'''''''1\iI.'"'''I'P'~''''''ll'"~~"'''lII''~_~ ~''' --""', ...... - ...... _. -.' , " ." ,•.•,.,.,.,. "1-' 0'"'' _. ". .,,- <.'"" -, .., ,-", ""ll'''''- -....- ""'- ..-, .• ... " " "".-.-,..,.."..,..,. ... _,"_,- ...' ...... ,,.,''"...... '....'-...'''Ii- :'j'''''.',;-et;o,f'iIlit'Of'4II\t' 11£ _"III, 1-111. ... • , \, "t , '. ' . , " ,,' . .. . . \ , " . '. , ,: , I •

'0-' • {I ,-.- .• '. .'. •• , o . .-. ,,' . • I 4A lThe'Rulcioso \'!ews IMondlly,January1S, 1990 " . -3. '

·". . , ,Warriorsoeat·Bulld.ogs;

S ....-:.-._,_.~...... L. .. • ,-, ' l()seto··tougl1'Cavemeri "" , "., " " ,'. t . , .- Warriors~ta ~y FR~NKIE JARRELL Willard fow.ed ~ut in:the:foul:th tiredandemQtionally di1Hned.. ' .' Lady ..t Ryidoso News Editor ..q\lll.1'ter, and,that, t

Trapp tak,es second" in.·· .SportsTheat~r. to. sho"Ythe invitational meet "·ForelDan vs. Cooney figl1t Carlsbad . , , . . . · RUII)OSODOWNS-After a spe- won 64 and had 60 knockouts.' Uis as- a "WilY ofkeeping disadvantaged Warrior wrestler KelUlY Trapp took second in frOIl). Rosw~ll and followed.with a six-t me aftera moment's C p~onship June 15, 1987~ , callin,g for injury time to get, his shouldllrpopped . 119. pounds, l!lst two straight:matches each, ...... followed by several other bouts m- .tUI1oe." . .Never able to get everytlnng to­ back mto place. '. , ". The Wllmors won 14 matches and l(jst 17 for eluding a wao Middleweight Fight .. George soon re.tired and.becall1e· gether in the fight with Spfilks, "Mike Rea! of-Lub~oc~,Texas. t

. I \ ( .. \ ~ _~ .c,,~_. """"" _>_ .. ... -" _.. _.- ----~ , , '" 'p, p. M, WI t pi p,., i'!'"' i+ --]If • ,.... 'M' pt PI' ,p= W' r,I." ' J"'" F 'r ..,. ,..,., f'I. ": ,... jii*' f _.iF.Od F P; F, ~ "'**"7'", ..:-'\"'.,... .~'~T~~~~~""'.,~ __ "~_~~ ~~: ~~.' ,' ~ ~ '~.I :,"'~ ,~, -'.'1 ~ I '" . ..

.. ~ .~ ',> . . ; .. """ . '~.' ., . • - 'I ,. ,~ .. , " . .. ,; . _ .. .' . • .. , ',-' ..' ,~ . .J. ,,~ . .. " ; .-

. . .. C(JlInt:y~onsiders .tougH ,. ·'l;!YRICHARD It HARI'lO/..O bl1l:1l ofthe ,,-udience.except fOli the said~Belluvais. . ." .... miles of a permanent .O! .~~mi •. ing~~:Q:I;:&otn'outflide .entitieae.s~ '~rrect1y >idt:Iltm.~, as a new ~&Z • p~an..~nt ta~lWbing·, '. Jluldoso NewsStatflll!r1ter,' ,itilm QfvislbUi(;y; was the issue of Another issue waS a landfill's waterwayl · 'W.Ith. j;he controvelill11l1 enter- "member, Philllpsis'an alternate to .' :. .. Landfill relrolations' in Lincoln water quality. proximity to ll\.1rii.lce water. As oncHondo, Ruidoso, :l!omw\. Carmo. pnses...... ". .the peliSonneI boatd,} , County may 'become'more strict 'We have to ke~'p 'om watet in . ..,. ,llndothllr waterwa;rs tllDenamed., In T01'1:'IIl;~Ce County,for ~~m· Ol1cethe' ~o:mprehellllive iomng" thlm' new regulations endorsed' by this county," said Glencoe teaident .gets closer to a pennanent or semi- "y tJieat~mey. ,., ". .'. . pIe, a firniyn~hesto locate apnaQn ordinance is in place, .the courit)' the State ofNew Mexico. . CalvinWesch. . permanent stream, the d!Wth to . A.mOtion, prohib19n~a la~dfill luthe MOflanty area, wl,rile anoth-willh!,,,e f/;oninlJ authoritY; as well . ;.. B.esides complying with st!it:e B~s~des ' .. modify!,n~ various gJ;o~dll'atet beco11Jes ·silffilncantly "!lthin 2.5 1Il11es ofeXlllting reS1l1e1),., er firnimshesto estabhahan aI).- as pi1li~ power, over landfills, .and EnV1ronmental ImJl1'ovement D1V1-' defimtillns 111 the ordinance and less, smd Wesch.' . , . tia,J. areaS'· also passed. Bllauvais bestos.,!aste.dump in N.ewJ'dexico. .other 1l6terprises such as lwsp~tals; sion (EID) ;reg).illitiQn!!J a' landti.11 adopting additional· "Whereas" Pr).~ty sti"eamaauch as the lUOSald he would .hAve to lieY1ewtbe Count1es W1thout a ;omng. or- treatment centers cemeterie!!) and operator in Lincoln I;olmty may clauses making the cOunt;ispolice Ruidoso, lUo .BoniW, and the ". langl1 not alone, Of the map research~(1n thEiThurs. .Estates,. althollgh tl1ecounty ·man- . The C01Dl11on tlu:ead lmkmg all there's that much ..more "dirt be- A secon.d. motlonpas~ed, that. the 33 count,ies 1I1~Restate,. 24 do day, January.J1 issue. of ThE\ ager'(l ()ffice was unable to locate of the concerns e.xpresaed by mem- tween the garbage an.d "the water," would prohib1t a landti.ll mthin two not have zomng otdmances protect- News, Earlene Phillips was in~wherethe plat was filed." . . . . .' .

,Judge rules. in~ Ruidoso Downs,land dispute . -SUva hearing.. issetthis week District Judge Richard A. Par­ fact. . .'.' . . .saYI! you can't d~ that;" he added.'" sind Parsons, .' '.' ." ,. ., , sons ruled last week on a land dis- ..·i, , The:dispute was' over property . Parsons said he also ruled in fa- The case went to the state' he was arrested in. Albuquerque · pute between some Ruidoso Downs . behind the viUage municipal build- • vor ofNi~k Cleckler i1l. hi(l case Supreme Court where ilie ruling' . Elmo Silva of RuidosoDoWllll ·residents and the Village of will have a preliminary htiil.r!ng on .Septemeber 27, following a ing that the. Village of Ruidoso against· the Village of Ruidoso· was infavor ofCleckler. Hawthorne CrimestopPerst!p,. . Ruidoso DoWllll, DOWllll paved overllbjections of the DOWllllwhere he claimed he was said the Village ofRuidoso DOWllll at 9 a.m, Thursday, Janua'9: 18, Parsons said he found in favor of .ltffected homeoWners.' . wrongfully terminated. The award paid the $13,400. '. . in Magistrate Judge J.R. '-Tim" the Raymon Silva and Richardur. Hawthorne said the Silvas and in tbat case was about $14,000, but·· The village got its garbage truck Wheeler's court; . Silva faces. charges'of rape, ban. families, and awarded $30,000 . Urbansalleged that thevillage took· it wasn't iJaid until a dispute that back. . '. ' '. " Silva isaceused ofthe August kidnapping, ~obbery and an open in daJnag~s to be paid by theyn­ property that belonged to them. led tl1eaefen~t to have the Anotl1er personnel matter has 27, 1989, rape and beating of a chatge ofattempted'mUrder, He lage ofRmdoso DoWllll. . The hinged on that properly .Ruidoso DoWllll garbage truck im-' ·been in court for more than two female in the area between was previoUsly convioted for , "Tliecase is goi1l.g to be ap- Wood Land and Mockingbird manufacture .of methamphe., that wail eventually paved,.over the pounded.. years. Former Ruidoso Downs clerk. slx~yeat ·pealed," said Ruidoso Downs village' objections ofthe Silvas and Urbans, Parsons said he entered his Wilma Webb, who has since been . Lane in' the Pinecliff area of tanrines and given a ·attorney RIchatd' Hawthorne, who . ¥itchell said it was agreed for judgment in June, and the attorney elected to the villagf;l board, filed a Ruidoso; . sentence. He was out of jail· on , SilVa' was .the subjeCt of a po­ an appeal at'ilie time of tl1e inci- said Thtlrsday that the judgD1e11t yeai'll that the road was i1l. one for the Village of Ruidoso DoWllll wrongful termination suit after she dent. '. isn't official yet, He.predicted the place, but tl1e village resurveyed filed a notice of appeal 91 days was: dismissed' by Mayor Jake lice manhunt for a month before · appeal will be filed no matter who the land and then paved within five .later. . Harris. , ·wins tl1e case. feet ofhis clients' properly, . "You have to file in 30 days," That case is still pendi1l.g. . Defense'attorney Gary Mitchell ."The village. went in there and • agrsed that the case will be ap­ took properly they had no right to peale.

• 16,400 1,200

6-30-87 6,;30-88 6-30-89 12-3'1-89 6-30-87 6-30-88 6-30-89 12-30-89 MOVING TO EXPAND SERVICES ,.

NEW. UPPER CANYON BRANCH . \ . ." , .. with

.. Extended"Hours on Weekends

. -. .LOOK NO.'FURTHER. . • • .than,


• ...; ,

, .. " ~. STNationalB8n. '. '01' RUIDoSO' . RtJ.tlOSO. NEW ME)UC.O_~ .' I I I , . ".257-4033 • I .. 451 Sudderth .." , MEMBER.~D.I.C. Upper Canyon Branch ..

• i "I ;"d'h~""~';"'i('.tA' *,.trit)ftt'.~1.)~ '. 7 ••_1 C,ci__...... U*'*"6t!rtt',;pjf-••,·J ,~"~,,,~,,.~,,.~"-,~,~,.~,~,!'~"~~~'::,,"!~"'~~~'"';"""W'J':'·J!;'''r'··''',iIW ...... : ,f; 44 __ ''"1·," ...... '.....' '.....'ItH ...... "..... ~...... '"",...,...... ,~...... '...'. 'fft...,.',...""...... "'l""...... _ ," . • '. .' .: . '.,'. ',c,'" '" ,-", "J" ." ~. .. , - ,'.' . . , , ' " • . i •

" ,;,.

6A I The Ruidoso News (Mondav, JanuaFY 15, 1990 . ;' . ,I ~ i I "7 :- ",- ,t, ,t ,1 "i .' " ~. ::'" ;, ,,'. • •

" " .. - , .' .. Busln'ess'" . , "', • , , Al Stubbs-Business Edllor . .-;, ."', " -",;, '" , i-- " .t, , .. • ., '

:' ,-' , . ,.': ".') :, '

"'" '., '.' ~< ,,"~., . ,,' . ',' , .' ':.

..,,: .. '., by AL STUBBS new member, .' . . ", CLe, . ,-,,~ ..,.- , RuidosoNews Business Editor .... Officers ofthe (/rganizatioil were : 'I'heyi~clude H&H!tecycli.lig, Members of the Economic Devel· re-elected during the meeting at Juma Farms, Apac;heFutures; '., opinent Corporation of Lincoln' the Texas-New Mexico Power .Co.· Warp .Speed,. Dllvidson.Machine County heard progress reports and building, ' ":', Shop and Alto Engineering...... : .elected three men to the board of Carroll "Buddy" Bundick is pres. . He sllid negotiatiolls-are neating' directors at' an annual meeting ident;Scott Shafer is vice presi-" cOmpletion for situating a chemical Thursday night,. dent, Cindy Lynch, secretary,ail.d plant near Corona. An aqull cuIt1.tte ' . Incumbents Ronnie, Paulger, Frank Sayner, treasurer, ..operation for Carrizozo apparently, president of the First National Outgoing' d:i.rector :Roy Crocker is in the development Stagll" .. '

Bank of Ruidoso. and Pat Huey of was given a round ofapplllu.,se, Shaw said a bottling,(lompany " . Huey Construction, Capitan, were-- Director Don' Shaw enumerated .has shown a se.rious interest in Lin~ re-elected to the board,' James the businesses or indust;ries whichcoln Courity, .. ..' Hob!?" of the Flying J Ranch is the have come to Ruidoso through ED· 'Roy Seay of the retention and ----rr---,:?"~·~="--'-----~---,·-:.~---,---,---,---'--'-...... -"":'-" expapsioilcoII1I!rittae". said Texas ,.,.,-.;.;.~ Ie '.' ~": I. ". ,;~ Furr has asked for financial help in 2;. ) \;~W:f~ .'fi. relocating a factory llDd 12 emlalOY" ,~-' diwr~'~':j~' eesSr:;s~':f:~ ~~:~Ift~:p~:o~f

L-~_<", (~ \t ;:~. .\,<,;~ ..•.•. . ..~~~:nE:~O~c~~;~~;~irt ~:;. 't~,;;.' \ ...,.....,;u;,.....~.., porationhave offered mllnagement , ~ i _ :¥'f:< .f'f'·' . training to the are8:. Seay.referred. .. ;, .. ,':\ ;';" 1 \.I'*\, .~,TexasFurrto th¢ Roswell campus .Ol·re·.c'.. ~o··'r·s "'f .th·e'. Ec"o'n'·.·o·m·.I''''' Deve..lo·p·ment', Hobbs; Pat Huey of 'Capitan, re-eJected; ·i.' {', L \·,.c:,.....I,·. and management.coursewoi'k. .: 'l OJ ",. :~,;.. t ..t~ \;,\, " " 4"\". . Apache Futures has requested a Corporation of Lincolp County. Were Rpbert· E.' . Hemphill '. of . Carrizozo, ~ f' J;.LX~:\· .' c ""~~: . business plan from EDCLC.The elected or re-elected at ananniJal meeting, '. representing the county commission on ,'" ~ ";" I"',. '. '\';' plllD is needed to make application Thursday. night., Shown after the, voting the EDCLC board; and re-elected board \ '1,.""\\ \ 'Ii' .>;1,'0'1. for a govermnent loan, Seay said.. '(from left) are new board· member James member Ronnie Paulger. ~"rfif';.y , -1/ Dorothy Smith reported on, her . . '. . , . ,q '" \ '. 'J :'1: ....'. .. / ," 'research committee and said every Mexico. Puckett said. plan fordues ~hould be voted on biY dr, \ :'...".; municipality,... CQurp:y elttensionHe said Albuquerque people got He said competition is fierce the membership. .' '.. ~:....~:;. 'J~' agent, and'schools at 'Hondo" and real excited when they'thought the 'among communities in the United Bundick sllid America W-est, <"J~~"-'~ Ruidoso High School helped in a project might be located outside States to attract industries which which flies between El Paso, Texas, I "1 - county.wide labor survey during Bernalillo county. '. em~loy fewer than 1,000 people, .' and .Albuquerque is a possibility for I ,"'.' 1989, In his annual report, Puckett· I guarllDtee w(/re going to do serving Lincoln County. A packet of I ofattracling"indus~ L__~_...L....--=:J Puckett said that although ED· said an arrllDgement has be.en it," Puckettsaid information is being assembled to CLC was unsuccessful in a bid to made ·with Rancho Ruidoso try not only ,to Ruidoso, but to send the company, Officers of the Economic Developm~nt Corporation of Lin­ provide Manufacturing Consulting whereby 80 acres are available as Corona, CarriJoJozo, Capitlln and ''I'm very pleased with the prog· coln County were re-elected Thursday night at. an annual Services to small and niedium-size .lln industrial·park. Ruidoso DoWl¥B. .' r~s made, Ifwe could work five or companies in New Mexico, "people Puckett said the old Gibson Bundick mentioned the $26,000 six years and not have to scrsmble meeting, Pictured at the meeting are (standing) George in the state know we are here," . 'building has been ,rezQned and shortfall expected later in the y.ear. for funds, I believe we can be very Puckett, executive. di,rector. and Cindy Lynch. secretary; The New Me'lico LegislatUl'e had could become a centerfor electrQn- Heaslred for ideas on funding and successful," Bundick said, and (seated, from left) Scott Shafer of Carrizozo, vice allocated $225,000 for the prciject;· ,ics firms to operate, said SQme sortor annual meinber~ , Eddie Lueras has been named president; and Carroll "Buddy" Bundick, president. there were only two finalists, ED· "I am olltimistic about the fu·' ship dues may be necess~ry. .' Coronll representative on the ED· Treasurer Frank Sayner is not pictured. CLC . and 'the ,Uiriversity of New ture. We orily need more funding,M'. One board member saId that any CLC biiard. . • NM economic development re.port· distributed . ,j , \ ,. The updated long.rllnge econom· . Copies ofthe plan are being sent The . first .i~ a concise, ilctlon­ Anyone i'nterest in receiving a • ic development plan for New Mexi- to the state's congressional delega. oriented document pr9viding focus. copy ofthe Updllted long-range plan I co is being distributed throughout tion, state legislators, city and and direction based on an ongoing for economic development can write . the state, Some 2,500 copies of the county officials, chambers. of com­ planning process. 'The second plan have been printed. The title is 'merre, economic development volume provides more detailed in­ to the stllte Economic Development "Economic Development for New '. groups. various llssociations llDd or­ formation about the programs and and Tourism Department; 1100 St. Mexico; Preserving Our Past, ganizations, and libraries. activities of state agencies; and Frances Drive, Santa Fe, New Mex·· '. • f "I, Building Our Future," ' The plllD contains two volumes. regional planning districts. ico 87503; or 'Call 827-0089. .

• • • , , ""~,,,, r~ \. .' , . .. Revco drivers assist MAD)) I t , ' i c' , ,'. Revco truck drivers did their bit motorists to abstain from combin­ • ing alcohol and driving. . /,-' for safe driving during the holiday '/ '. period. "This is Revco's second year of , • Throughout the holiday season• involvement with Project Red Rib­ ~vco drivers V(e~ "tying il!1e on" bon," said Lynch. As a drugstore l'" msupport of "Project Red Ribbon," chain, we promote helllth and well­ a nlltional public awareness being and sup.port programs such , ,~ campaign sponsored by the as Project Red Ribbon that stress \ the- importance of health and 1 , ) Mothers Against Drunk Driving , \f (M.A.D.D.) to promote safe. alcohol­ safety. .. ..- '. " .," free driving. Revco currently operates more :-:{i.' ,~ )/ According. to David E. Lynch, than 1,800 drugstores in 27 states. .." ReVCQ'S vice president of trans' Helldquarters is in Twinsburg, po~tion, llbout 104 tracto~.trailers Ohio. ,. • beanng the drugstore cbam'sblue The Ruidoso location is between and red logo were adornedwith red Saf'ew'ay . and Sierra Mall on ribbons .as a reminder to all Mechem Drive. '". : .' . "~ilI!'lItj>,,,' ; ; ••.u;ifto-#-~t.JI . ;,' . Huge bronze , Jacqueline Donahue (right) has been named "Sales -Per­ LEE MEJIA son of the Year" by Century 21-Aspen Real Estate, She is the winner of a trip to Century 21's internatioQal conven­ This giant sculpture Realtorjoins'Century 21 tion in Orlando, Florida. Office manager Jan Holleman titled .' "The Bear. " . .' , Mej'ia.tapped. (left) made the announcement. She, too, will travel to Or­ Society"stands in the A veterllD real estate sales agent lando, courtyard 'of Fenton's in Ruidoso, JaclrieCovingtori, has Star~ing' Art Gallery, 2629 Sud-jciined Century 21-Aspen Relll .as derth.· The multi- :E:state.after 12 years with Whitlock ' G;ateln~nager faceted work 1$·' by· . Md Lyle !Wal Estate. .. ' . Jackie Donahue,honored · d . 8 '1 . fA' Whitlock and Lyle, at 1608 Sud- C in y .ur eson 0 US- derth .Drive, has' closed ita.doors. . Lee Mejill is the ~ew manager of • Jacqueline Donahue is Hie win­ Donahue was named Sllies Per­ . . tin, Texas. ..after 21 years ilfhant!ling aU types The $tarting Gate· relltalll'anton . ner of a trif to the international son of the Year within the Ruidoso' ofreal estate transact1ons, U.S. Highway 70 next to Wal-Mart, . ~f'e, ~uidoso convention 0 Century 21 associates . Century 21 office which has 112 . Wayne Whitlock and his • '. Mejia moved to the area, and brokers this Februa:ry in Or­ sales associates; according to James . , Jeanne, will live ln .Artesia where ' from. San Frnncisco, .'California, lando, Florida, af\;er being named Paxton. one of the Pllrttlerfl in the he hllS joined an abstra.ct finn, His'~ .' thteemonths /lgo. She has 25yewll ' ... sales person of the year by her business,' ...... ' .RHSart displayed: '. familywillfQl10w when' school is '. ",' eltp(;lrienlla in cuatomerrelations; peers, Other, . CentUl'Y21 ' peopl¢ outciot'lvm'~h~ynn'nagn' d" h'e1' 'h''usban'd, ,'.' . ".;'" ..,''''...... She came to Ruidoso over the. Donahue is a sales associate honored by the. firm included Har-, i,· '. .; . 6~ , < ...... years with friends who raised with Century 21-Aspen Real Estate vey Foster, largest sales volume;, . '-The Great Southwest, 2314 Ernest, have been residents· of,if ' ,~~ ;,-:" homes, '. of Ruidoso, ' Joe Zagone,'most sales; Donahue,Sudderth Drive,will be showing Ruidoso for 12 years, moving from "'~, .';'''''..~'" "I -traded the ocean for snaw,"· Jan Holleman, office maMger largest numbilr(lf listiJ}gs;. Peggy .Ruidoso High School students .Davidson, Oklahoma, She has heen" "',,,,- .. ". <' '. .. ~;;"~,.,,..,'. said Meija. .' .." for Century 21-Aspen Real Estate, Jorilan, highestmunbl!r of'listings art work the nextf'ew weeks. :ve:I;::;~1~:J~~~~ ti!:~~: "jil\4l!1~~~1.!~~~~.b~t.'1~f~~i:l:j m:::e~~tbi~$~a~~in~ G::~lltant said, Donahue was chosen for the sold.. . Jer'rr Mattolt, who with his ~ ', ',,' ,,'v,:····,-~,t.~'... ;$..

~' ". "(" . .. '~'- ~ ,~. - ~.. ~- ~. -' .- .- ~, • ,p,p ,Pi.....pi;._ Pu...... W;P.--...... po; :-:,pz,p,_ ...... P"W FI" FF,»:,",WP~ ~,.,~'"~...-,.,...... ~-""':'"...,.,...... ,"""'7"...... " _ ...... ,._•• *"':".A·...·PI_·...... _....." ....'-fI"-•.•_••. ...,''"f'1-'-O:-.....,.,...... ',.'..... -... '''''''- ,,,.,.. ',"'" ._ ..; ...,...,',., ".. _,.p. , , , '. " ' • .. , " , , ." . " . , , ... .' ...."-'" , .. , ' '., " . , .' .. ,MoMay, J""uary '$, 1900 I The I'luldqllo News 17A" .. / ".r' ,,'. j .:' 2 ; , " .. ,j " Ll, . .2 , j L ... " • r " '''' , ::, " ," . " ,'"

" '.:', , ,

• .. ' , The Dreamer ", '" . , •, by.Danlel' Agnew Storm' " ""'"," ;,"- , '~'.. ,,,,,

~' .,

.,~ "

,. STATE:-..,'-----'"=':::-::.:::~~-~ '. FROM A 'START.. , -, OUT" , THE ., ·FAMO.,S FOR ITS ',' SUNSHINE VVITH v· I> SAVI.NGS II:...--'----'----==

~. NEW MEXICO . IN SPITS OF oun SUNNY DAYS. ,Anu',kQnTimning Sys4nns cf i .··Jan~ary· N~ ,Clearance '. __',' cr(ly1oh,.lndiana tiJr£'s IhF: rXpv3l1re...and MIljng suntan ,p,-"ln IfJ == == Mtxicrms. (II'sllke ~1l;"R S12l.lwc'cmellll" E:siimt1S;, Wli" s~ppr>'~,) , -, ..- h a N~ Mt'rit:cJ Cla,sifkd Ad Ndwbrk adrrmis~.. Amaican I. .,' . =CLASSIFIED TQn"~n8·s tuI,'haVl! "Uri O";ttr 40 ti'nle1.l in ,ht: pdst Y«fr iff3! ~ommuni.ty =- ~;D --.... nrrmp:tpW$ tindl}llin§l 'hip onr) and hiroe rrD::hea Ule't'kly own-?29,otJO . - :=::::81 • 9~Tiloers. .. 30% - '50% OFF , -- 'Thai's f)tJ~ I'x,wsure! 11 you·u lo-cJTcihll for .1:41 typ~ ol,u/JJn11,'::'rlg In,NETWOf(K t'~pooure ccm'ad 'his ntw!JptJp". . Reach 219,000 readen through 31 hometown newspapers, Contact: r~.-.h,~.lU.~·._~. .. ' '"\. t\..~,:Q.. U'~'7--~ -SIERRA'MALL- The. Ruidoso. News .\! ~. ,AT__ .# . 721 Mechem' 'It Phone 257-4001 • W~ Behind Safeway . It can work for YOU~ too. ....c~ • 1'-: ,.9>'" ~ R & R FURNITURE W-9>~( ...... llOl'li.MN1000l'. ) ~ 29B '- ' ....14007•.0:1271.:';...... "" DitraceJI Alkaline ri\,\), .20!! 'LOST our LEASE' """:::,, tv Batteries ~~ .99 ..,.- , Stor;k. up WIth your c.holce of 4 p\;.. • ~'SfJ c or 0 size alkaline .All Inventory MUST Go!! ~ ~ ,-' long lOs-ling operahon rOr fadlos. <~ ." -;;Jif}!~"~ toys & appliances. WHU£ ":li 3" Sp..'VIN<=:;S ~!!!" DURACELL .. s~~s ~.l\ .~ .AA Size a-pack ~~ 1·w UP TC::> 6oere>"


500j1000j150bw Heater Fan • HeolE,r ron works great ror sLIm­ mer or winter months. 3 heci set­ --1>-''''''' BEI>-­ Richly upholstered incliner sectional tings on~. 51 20 BTU out.put. COMPLETE DAV BE:D FRAMES IN ~ •. YoU'R novet t,icp ~nJOying lUxUdous lurritum RkBlhI..Slllt and + Whito MGtat w/Br.:1S!S Aeeon' , + Pink Molal wi&rass Acx:ont p1uSh;eomplulOOnRng Illday's smart Inl8rIOI$•. lhIs-...... I" . +' Sros!:i- Motal wJBrii,S!i. A.c:ecnt C4rnpl!llo~th my.9YOO two IneIloo",. abl-mvlll co1n9rlablundtolld oak . l'IJ.' . .- OPIEH1' IIPN. lhl"U SAT.. f '10"to G pM "'m.COUkiYOUasktotlnoralnlooturrituIll1Shopl~l. ' . .. ~,-1.1age, , , ,

, , " Save $300,.00 '. ,I , --.' " - j " ()neach priVqte kibei ,Tiny canal Hearing Aid Through February 28th .', ' •'lOU• ,;'.• CJ.\,Nr _ , ,'_ , 'S,"ale $',65000 ,. . , . '. ~tax • , . .', ····Fire - Smoke.-"': Water D a." . ., .' '., , ',,". """~ m Reg. $95000 plus tax , ' '. a···· BU''l',IT.IN cuslOrn ~ClJ1dfdted.6ne. year wotranty.' " • g". Fds trlO$J fleClJlng losseS. (Ollervolcl With I1'liV previouss",o<;lals) .. 'e· ,. . d .. ., Free Hearing Test. With this ad;Adul!s only

.. " '".' ,,' " RUI:DOSO . , " ,"thIbIa~ , - SOUTHWESrt-lEARING SERVICES ~ND '., :HelI , ~lng.A1IQi~ 257-7714,' N.M.II029672 'llu!doIo AkimogotdO -... • \ .' ! <. •• " '---." 'r'", -~' ...... r :'~ """...... ,.. ''1"'' ...... q ... ~ .' (" .,..- e,_ \HII' • "'i&!k!""OO ''f'i ''"P__...... "T' TWOi"''''''''''''! 4,lft "'" llfllj!' Q1,4' ,"'" if"'. tLiJ, ,; JJ " " "'P'-"'" '" • 'Si'''iW. !!!if"'iFOW *: ,.".. ,. fI '4 01 t4 A 44 Ii

--, ------; ' ,.' . ,. ."''', . --. - '.. .,<' '. ," ,j .. .' ", • -", . SA I Th'" Flu Idc;>so N",ws I Monday, January 1$, 1990 , , .r-...... ;;,.....-:...:.....-....,.-.;....:.....'--'~ _ _- r---- _-.....,:;..;...... ;...-..,....---:-.,-.-.., Alioplso, Barrow, Garvey' -Scli()olsuperin:t~ndent. cJhalleyge incumbenttn'ayor ... " "'1'. ,'.' •...... '... '.. ·1"1"'1"" .... t' : ., ".." ~l" ". ,: ... exp a.IDS .evy-yo .,e, "

'; , .' ~ent, and.'a~ould1ia1l'eto ~ut:. ". · by RICHARQ A. HARROLD anew 'kctiVity'bus, be ." Ruidoso NeWs $t.-ff Writer. .. metal '. building .. for jihe .... Also, owrational funds from Victor M. AlonsQ has announced he is a candidate . ~e ~a~d,b~ca)lSlto(ih~ econQmic u,nt;9rta~ty,.of, Tues~,Jj'ebrQ.aur ~Uldoso'st<~sm-bl1-l!edeco~omy, h,e~. .' ..... 6,RUid9somaintenancedepartcilmt. ., ··thi;l state budget woUld have to' .' for mayor of Ruidoso. . '. .... '.' .. continue j;o .voters Will be asked' to· renew a . Otherroutinl!· expenses·' the .be 1J.sedto i:overtbelQss of the. "I believe it is time for a change and I can offer the lmprove,wunsm by completmg the.e!Qsting coi'llmit;;, UII~dfor 'people a positive choice in the l!lection," Alonso said in me';lts at the new Il'(jlf course andClVlC eY~ntscenter .two .mill:leVy for the,BuidQsomi1llevy)a inel1J.Qe; re, .' mill ·leu; w;bich would.cut into · Schooll)jstrlct. .' ..• . jroottng 30bs at,.tlte ",apous tedxtbookpurcha·• ses,' adn~t other ',' ,', a press statement, '. proJects, but he willsupp(lrt the.EconQp11cDevelop-' ·.. The IllV)', which., generates ..' sohoolll,andre-pavmg'()fparking . lissrp(J:Qlsuppyexpenl 1 mes; .. Major coq.cems ofAlonso are aneed.for a local atti- ,ment Corpln:-ati0l:l0fIanc\iln;County mo?:,etbanit'has about $350,000 annually, islots~ said Miller. . .., .. ' .' ." .. . "T,ilt;llast few years the state tude of "glasnost," the economic diversification of the been supPil1ted m the past,to help bnllg l1-bout the ~ain~lW-nce recyc~ing, necessary.f!!r of,' '.' Needs inthis area mclude the, ,hils' e*rienced the dedine in. area, the need for hard choices that need to economic diversificationofthe;irea,. '" '...' . ,_ school facilities, and for the pur-. roofatWhiteMountamIntenne-, . oil andgllai'evenuesj", seated ·an. be made in regard ,to the village budget, and coopera-A1onso said he believes RuidoSO should, take the ." ch{tse of new equipment and 'diat6J3' • • , .. '.1.'1111 tiiilllevyW/ls mst pilssep. 'W1iite Mountain site, said 'Mi1~." ;unable to produce the aid ~eee!l" power is exercised, it needs to encourag~ ill.verse, He said moneyunderllelililUJ;hese qthet:concerllS•.' .a~,. gete~l)ug1l:~fittom~~e Rili~os~'s · in 1975, a.lld has been renewed ler,. . ... '. "...... sary for ilur ·schOols to mamtam thinking. consensQS building and comprOUllse m "How do·w.e fu- every threei~!l!sJn.~~.lW!lewal· - .':'- metaJ 'l>uildii:lg for t~e., the excellent progrlllllS t»which . atmosphere where people are encolU'3~ed to partiCle ture bej;ter Wlthout m¢I'6asmg taxes? hes~d.. lIard ofthe levy.this FebruaryWlIl n!ltmamtenance departl:nen~ .IS. we ,have become· a~custom.ed,· . pate and are not intiinidated or insulted. choices of budget cuts in some: necessaty. , ~ate an m~ase in taxes, Slud nee,ded .. bE!Ca»se" vebi.cle·. Hpwevel',passage of.the tw~:i;uill .' to promote areas ofhigh priorities'!' _.' . '/ :'.."'. Miller. . .. ' .... maintenance ·IS culTently bemgha:/il'becj)me a necess:ilrysilpjJle~ .- , Alonso' said the ViQa.ll'e, of Ruidoso needs to . The millle:vy is,not to be con- done .0utdilors,lIaidMiller.' ,ment :which helps sustain OlU'to- ." cooperate clollel' with.the Mllscidero 'l), but he said '. fused with the .bond issuethltt- ThextiilUevjfundilClfil.C also'· tafeduC!l'tl./ln prom'ams;£amlitiell . i',,'­ we need 'to continue·8. 'strong defeMe' of our w!lter. passed in. October. The i'bond be used to purcha'~e fuIni~e f!lr and grounds;" .. ",' ..' .. " rights: .' . . '. . :". '. . . '" b .mouies are for remodeling. of· the new clasBrooms\wbich wilL MiUe:t:also wanta votera to be "" • ''We need to hil-ve close, cooperation with· the Mes­ school b.WJ,dings and fol' maJor . ,stretch the dollars frbm'tliJlbond aware . that . the . bond issue calero Apache Tribe in areas ofcommon interests and . in~ · improvements, said Mi!ler, .. ' .issue, said Miller. .. passed in Oetobel."had no effeCt continued 'strong defense ofwater rights where our Thelevy, however, lSUl!ed to . Although no speClnc pro- on tax increases proWrty owners . terests diverge," he said. . .'. '. . .'. maintain existing facilitieS and woUld have to be may have realiZed on theittax: 'A1onso hils been a resident of R1-1idoso siIlce 1977. gratilS ', to purchase new. equipment 'and e1imhtafed ifthe mill levy railed, .• bills. '. 1';' (_, }, He is a graduate ofthe University ofTexas atEl Paso, . \1 ':.<': ,~,- · supplies for educational, pro-cuts would be, necessary', creat;. ,, " ..~ where be. received a Bilchelor. of Science-d!lgree in grams. mg, ainore austere educational Any ~pact on taxel! caused Meta1lurgical En~ee~g. in' 1970. lIe worked for sa.,~d.Mill~r; ~he ~ond is~ue IBM'as'a materials scientist and was in management· . In the.event Fhis nill1 l,:vy program" .... by will, mit be f,:lt ' , passes,' Miller BIlld the nloti).es'· For example,' Wlthout a new until tHe tax bills a1'll Bent outIn for seven years,before as he saYs "ff!lling in love with will pri'!1arilybe.U!led to pur- a~tivity bl1!!' the nw.nb~r of oIl' .' f'l'ovember1990. The actual co~t '..,', the area after a weeIrelld tri.p." ,.i. , .'. He is married al1d .together .with his wife, Virginia" cl;iase SCI.ence eqmpment for t,he. clllllpUS trips, .field trips'!ffid Impact wi)l not be assessed'until runs Don. VietOr's .mexicanJ Food ,Restaurant. The high schpo!, other office eqwp- other school onented excursIOns July, 1990.. ..

·couple have two teenage children, Vietor David, 16, - -t.-. , and AngelaMari, 14, both students in Ruidoso~ Alonso has served on the Ruidoso Village Council, first as an appointee of Mayor George White in 1985, foUowing the death of Councillor Sherman AtwQo~, Residential bui1ding 'isup and later after being elected .for a two-year term m 1986. . . ., . He is a member of Saint Eleanor's Oatholic Church Building penI!its, for single fam- . comp.ared to $80,675 in November -Skyland, office partitions, where he is a lay presider and leeto.r for the Spanish ily :dwellings issued in December and $34,500 for Decewber of1988. $800. masses. He has been a member of!;pe RUidoso Valley 1989 showed a dramatic gain over Permits'for December 1989 in all -AirportWest IV, add bedroom, VICTOR M. ALONSO Chamber ofCommerce since 1981. December. 1988, and over Novem- categories totaled $367,129. For $6,000., ' . bel' ofJast year. . .' '- November of,1989, the. figure was ' -White ·Mountain Estates V, Th-e figure for singlefainily $1,126,575. That figure includes single family dwellillg, $92,000. dwellings in December was $900,000 forgrading at the old 'air- -Alto North, complete house $316,679 compared to no such port site for the new golfcourse. construction, $30,000. permits in December 1988. The No- December is traditionally a slow ~Gtllf Course Estates, single . vember 1989 figure wa's $127,000. buildingmonth. . family dwelling, $87;052. i).II< Ii,lrn,w, a 14-y(,ar resident of Ruidoso, wants Residential add-ons and altera- Building permits issued in De- . -White Mountain II, single t.o bt'-ron 1>' t hf· ftf-xt mayor of Ruidoso. . .",~ tions for Decexnber of-1989 were camber were as fQllows: . family dwelling, $79,223.·' . 'A~ "j;" "r "j Hu;do(e ecouonur development £i)" provide the. Residential add-ona and altera- .-Loo)l.Qut Estates, upstairs -Holiday Acres I, extend walk- llnWu;tles of quality life, while protecting the same tionstotaIed $49,650 for last month deck;$850. way, $400, . from unn·gulated growth." ,O'<.. Harrow asked for the vots of the citizens of Ruidoso to (msure hi, promi,es are kept. .. fie ha< been an active member of the community. ,. , \ Study will determine if the He i, active In the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Com­ ,, m"rce aud ,erveR on the Advertising Committee. " \ fie ;< a founding member of both Ruidoso Little J Th"atre and I':AGLE ' ca~paign,' w~el'e , j, his 1986 i1!-cludingan incident he .. hurled a pIlll' of bowling balls through a ~elghbor's window.' ,.'. .' .' The . Ruidoso Higl1 " .. " , , Garvey said no one ever asked him: why he threw . School. cheerleaders .' the bowling ball through the window, lIe: said the are-· on . hand to cheer' neighbo~s son had blown out ei8'4t windows on a re~t . for the Warriors Varsity , house With a BBgtUl. GIl-I'Vey smd an eye f(l.r an eye .basketball team. ' , - seemed fair to him... . '. .. " . · Garvey promises to take his campaign directly to the voters. . '1 }lroinise to show the constituents the worthiness IOAiJ\IDiElL "HOaS" GARVEY ofmy becoming yourfuture xnayo~'" he said. .

I -~._'-' :.',' " .. , . . . , " :~ .. . '.: ", .,.. .. ' • ,.' • b ", .. ' ", ' , ' ':;'" -: ,. ,: ., ":, ' ',', ., . . ' • \ ,,.. Monday. January 15, 19901 Tho RUjdQ~OWews ISeetion'S \: , . :" ,,; . 5. . I, , ,'.'. ,'" ... . .'- -- .- : '-. . , . . ;.;." .' " . . .. ,.' . , I .' 1 ;\ " , .. .. , , . ~ .. -- Ii:" inion , . , .~ . '" ". . ~';r::::' -_---.;.-~-'2'/-·,C'": -_-:..~-_ ~,:G' '" :.::::::'(:.!':..:::ii:.l...... :·:::::::::::::::::.:.:::.d_'-._...... _,..,--.---.,..,'"'":...,..;,...... ,...... <,.;...,._...... 1"':.-"::",7."""'":'."'" -.;.;,...... ---...... ,-,_,.---...... "'".,...... -"':-__...... _-...... - .. -7.,_,,L....,,..,...-,-,...... - __._;.,_.---.....,..--__"...... f. ·EDITO~IAL ~'" .~~~~~~~~~~~>~,~~~-.~_"~'~

:~ , ," "."

, ' ''':', " . ,'. • ,••' <' "- , .. ) .. ,.,. 'We have a giftforeachoft!'le,cartdidatesfcmpubUo . , . ; offiqe.The Office oftheAttqrney GEm,eral for the State ·QfNew Mexico pUI:)Ii$he~dll)rochUr~on the OpEln "" 'I' Meetings Act, and wewant all thepeople'whci may b~ ... .'sitting on public bQards and ribmmi$sion$ to h~ve a . ­ popyof that .~roohure inhana before taking office...... • ' - ,- . . . '.. Sittingonvillage,countyand$ol1pQI !:loards .is a' • •.• serious, andcpnductinglhose'meetings . , , .' ·,acc.ording to state law is a requirement, not a~hoice; "" ~ . " .,,'. · " ," , '" .--'. '< ", ,,' ~ ", ) ." .' The .open Meetings Act applies to all boards. com- , mlssionsahd ,other policymak'ip{;J'group$ of state .' ,,'.' r . age,ncies, 'counties, municipalities, districts and oltler, ' I . pOlitical subdivisions. Undertpatapt,a meeting of a,. public group must beop¢n to '.the. pUblic when a . "quorum is present; andw'hen thegn;>up is meeti.,g to .. ' make.pUblic policy, discUsspublic business orlo take ,. any action authorized byla.w•.

There are, some e~ceptlons to the.Open.Meetil'lgs .... Aot, times ""hen a public body may legally close'a meeting. eut t,hose exoeptions are very limited, and .. ' closing a meeting to retire Into executive session 'S a very serious business. It should!:';t be taken lightly..

The seven exceptions dealwith licenses, personnel matters over. a specific public' elTlployee,colle~tive bargaining, purchases over $2,500 that can only be made from one source, threatened or pending litiga­ tion, acquisitiOh or disposal of real property or water rights, and certain portions. of hospitalboard meetings. That's it. . • • • Capitol Comments Before ctosing a meeting, a member of the board must make a motion to close the meeting, stating the by Kate McGraw justification. The motiQI1 must be seconded, and the board must vote in the open meeting, with each , The GoodNews... '. .. right, Gave mea chanceto'seejust mysel£) the counter (they kept cQlUing. and member's vote recorded in the minutes. In order to .. ,That oil prices went into the how they do thingsthere,) .' *..*** ...... "'''' going), eight perSOllil at the counter record each vote, a roli call vote must be taken. mid-twenties (i.e., $24-25 per barrel Here'swhat I have to report: TWrtyMinutes After I'd Enter" and I was 12th In hne, ;. on the sP:f>t mlU'ket for West Tc:itaS When I joined the line I was eeL.. . ''Whoeverchanged this 'proce­ Intel'lllediate Crude) last, week aI- 30th in line, there were seven 'per- ...There were three persons at ,dure probably. never asked the em- . Action agreed .on during an executive session, must ready has some folks. saliv/lting solis at the counters and five clerks the eounters, four clerks behind the . ployees;' said my buddy bebind Die: be voted on during the open meeting. over the possibility that therll will . behind them. There was only one counter and I was 18th in line. She, it'turned out, works for the be more state money to spend next 'line snaking up toward the Five minutes later, I was 20th. Bureau of Land' Management in yelU'than we thought. counters, with no differentiation be- Meanwhile, I was learning some- Santa Fe. Violations MeetingsAct maybe reported Not the official spenders, tween persons waiting to take driv. thing about friendship. I was "And they're the ones who have to the district attorney or to the attorney general. A . though. . ing test. persons who needellto reg- learningthat some people find their to..:" I began. . . . challenger may ~(j apply to a district court for an It's just too Boon to say those ister their cars of the first·'time, '~eates~; dearest, long.lost mends "Who have to take the crap from prices are going to hold, Fitlance persons who needed to renew m the line atthe MVD. the people who are pissed off," she injunction orotherappropriateordertoenforcethe act. and Administration Secretary Wil- drivers' licenses andpersollll' who . An' employee 'at the state finished sweetly and with a grin. lard Lewis told me, Said his coni- nee __ ~... • "K•• , _ ....._ (202) 224-5521. In Washington DC .. paul Hartlngton. R~Dl$trjct 52 'f .. . sammy M, Ll!pez, PubUsher . '. '.. <. ' '," I;,. Box AQ. Elephant Butte NM 87935 . .. Frankie Jarrell, Editor. ". .', C!lrmetl Edward\>, Ad .M(UlIIgat. \ . . 894.75()1 Gay S\ok"s, Cort1f»$ing Manager U.S.Rep"eseQtativ~s . ",-- " .. . '. " ,', .' -~. Copyright 1990,Raljon Publlshh';glno. ~~. ' .. . Richard Knowles, R-01strict57 I,'; . Mailing addrlol$s: P. o..Box 121.l.Ruld(lso. NM 1l1lS45 ... , , PhotiG: (505) 257·4001 ' . Steven Schiff; R-Dlstrict.1 Box 285, Ros~ell NM 88201 .':n.~ NoworOGsrvo~ advSr~ll'l!llllld . . 1323 Longworth Hous~Offlce Bulldlng .' 623-8484 ' FluldOoo t1m'llghtt<> teJect edll""Py "'alll consldsrs (20~) ObJectionable. UabtliLY loranyertOt In adllertlslng ohall nol excej>d tMv~of lbe.actual . .... WaShington DC 20515 225-631&: .'. .' 7(j6~2538' .cpace In which the error occur" and illtalloooatlsfted t>r corrxIIMUe. No Albuquerque:. DEinnisChavez. Federal Building,. . JlOrtitln of The. FluldoGO NOWll may be' used tn My l\laMO. wlth!>Ut tim expressed, written , . '1 consent of \fie pubtloher. . ,.' . . Joe Skeen, R-DlstrIct 2 Subscriptionrales InadoJandoc... Sirigf"copy, liScenIS.·MIllI dolilloryonly: ;;ll'l!llaCOpy. $1 ; 1007 Longworth House Office building State Senator · "neyoar oul 0\''''''''1)1. ~2; one year wllhln counl)l. $30; elx monlhs outofoounty, $30'; ! sl"mon"';;wlthlncounIY,"$2e. HQ·medtlllllsryonly:monlhly. $4.00;mlnlmumlhroemsnUI", washlnglon DC 20515 (20:;!) 225.236~ . James L. Martlll, RepUblican n ·$12.00. Call (50S) 257-4001 fC/l' homo delivery. .' .' . . Las Cruces: Federal Building, 527·1771 . . . Tl1a flU/dO';' ~wil(tiSPS412-aoO) Is published e~ch Monday lllld-nIOOlday by RalJon RosWell: FederalBulldlng.500 N. Rlchardsop. Room 127; 88201 . Box 1006, Socorro 87801 o !i PUbllel~nglno' .. 104Part ,Jnah¢lal ~$ponsl- t7WORDS.,: ;••;t ; ~ •••••• ~" ••·;•• ~.~ ••;..~ ••~~72 .•-WORoS.. ~~~.~ ••• ~ ~,~.. ~:;,._ ~~'••••,.oi 4'~f5 " "" "" ' . ' _, _., _ _,_ CLASSIRED READER ADS are sched· '. ' .blllty ''1ttYPoAf!Illh1clll llrrorS In lldvertlile- fa WORDS : , ,•.: ; 2.87 27WOflDS ; ; , .lI.33 .' '.2-57..4001 uled only In consecutive Issues or on a DEADLINES FOR A.LLSHOW·PRQQFmenbl eXC\1PU..,publish a.¢orrectlollin the ,19 WORDS ;~.., ; ; 3.04 . :so WORDS.•; ; ; .4.80 " '., ~on~e~t~im~e~b~a~s~IS~.::::::=:.=~~A~DS~.~.R~E~A~L~ES~.~T~..A~:t~.,E~'O~R~C~L~A~S~S~~F~I~E.~D:-·. ~n~ext~... ~l~ss~,~~e.=··=·~=·=2.. ~. -~~.~W~O~R~I)$~.. ~~.,..::..::.. :~:~.::::.·:;.::· ::~:~~.::::::..~ ::.~='.~'~:~~.;':.· ::.;.::a.2~.o~··~35~W~O~R~D~$~= ~::: :.~.:::.•:.::~.•':..•.::; : '::.-.:.;..:::5,$~9S·:~·±:':,::::::·J:·,,~::,:::==..;:::=.:"i-::;:.:.:_

.~ TRYING· TO REACH MORE ~. . .. NOtiCEl .. ,.... .:ftavea .sharp iiwo..FIx:mR,.;UPPER - cheap. '$2;500 ONE BEDROOM HOUSE,.... com· ~ARD OF THANKS .people than our.local mar~et~: bedroom 2 112 b~thlux.ury, fully: .' down, 'tl!ke over .pay:JD.enta.Two·. .'pletely fuinish~. N~ pets.~290 HQ:N about 215,000 readerliin ~3 . . .. ':l1.mrlshedcluidonear:.Cree llIDbilllllmth addition onS Iota. . Illonth ,plUlJ bIlls and dePOSIt, WE WISH TO THANK - Ilur hometown newspap(,lrs allover FOR SALE BY OWNER . ";""two . MeadowaG>l£ OOllrSe, Just 'tl!ke·:'tireplace, storage, fenced. 257- Upplir Canyon. 257-7543. , ..' . frieillis and neighbors fi;lr their Ne'W}\1:ex;ico. For $85.20 your 25 bedroOm.. 2.. 'ooth,' . fireplace. "QVlll';payIlie~s or'lease. In:l.riIedi. . . 7452, . .' . ... 9-M"7'4-5tp· ..,,: . .' M.l\IJ•.6l-tfc concern in our time of grief. Also .. word ad will reaCh· 33 .Rapers .' ·:declta. 257-2633... 'M.q-5.~fc. 'ate poaseSsIon, Oall Glen m.AI- 'ONEBEDROO:M\ HOUSE -fur- for the flowers and food sent. .. o~tBide ofAlbuquerque. can The .DRASTIC . ·REDUCTJQN .....:.. our. buquetqul!, .505-298c5555: 294- '. nishild,pnvate, utilities' paid. God Bless You. Ruidoso News at 257-4001 for '.' loss, your 'gain. '.t'W1l story, II _4Q45 ~e11lngs,.,' . .32-V'li8-8tp .~"" ., exceUentllccessible .locatioI).. Mrs. B,J. Wall<,er morilinformation. 'R-92·tfuc bedroom, 2 bath h\l1lle.,3/4 acre FOR SALE OR. TRADE - iricome~ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT -I .... 257..-4882, 336"707'" .M.F-61-tfc . Sherry Taylor arid Family DON'T BE A THROWAWAy -1W-. .' lot, all city'utilities,red~cedto ·.pl,'op(,lrties i~ Odessa and Mid~ . need several nice .h9uiles .andHOUSE • FOR . ~NT '._ two' Judge James K Walker andFamily tycle youi liJuminum cans, '.' $80,000. Ca!! ,2574798 or 257. '. land, fo'!' RUIdoso prop(,lrty.CaU condos. fol,' . permanent rental. . I,leili:oom. one. bath, furnished, C-74·1tp , . Donate youi' alwninum .cana.t,b ,;6918.. '~. .26-I;.r18.~e378.4990. '.. M~V~69-16tc Ple\'Se call Don Harmon. Four. $~~Q,watm:PlUd.HUDwelcon'le. ' '. the Boy Scouts ofAm~caTrlloP ..;UNBELIEJ\':ABLE ACliEAOE .~ PROPER~·. MANAGEME~. - Seasons ReI,l1 Eatate, 257<-9171. 257.5044 or 258-5024.· ...... 195 and the:no~n LIons. Club. 29.& acres or? am;elQtsin Alto~ental\& InvestJ;ne.nts.s~es,.U,~..>· .•.. " 21.H78s"t(c '. . ." .. M-M~62-tfe' Marked, collection dumpsters . area; moUh~m VIews. stream,' mgs. 1JMA;.Contact13il1 SnuthMOBtLEHQME SP'A9,E!3 fotRENTILE)ASE PURCH.ASE'_sell; PUBLISHER'S NOTICE - All real' are provided at the four RUidoso '. heaVUy;' wooded. .Sun .' Valley 'Realty, 1925SudderthJ)rlve. ~cated on thenve;Fnear .... like-riew, 3 bedroom. 2 bath, 2 ~, '. sto~, estate advertising in this news- firestatiuful.· CrtIllhed or Road m:Alto lq:ea. Stephen RUidoso, 505·257-2727; .····shoppmg «:enter. Call 257-44181 in the woods.$6(l0 month paper is subject to the Federal crumpled cans I!referred. Join US .' Stout,ownerlbroker, 1-898·2188...... ')." 17.S:71-tfc 257-76~7 .. ' ...• M.K-1.tfc. ·or78.000. Call l;lietra Blanca Fair Housing Act of 1968 which in this commumty recy· . CaUcolleet. 29·S-21-tfc RESORT PROl;'ERTIES -several SHAW APARTMENTS -'1 and 2 Rea ty.257.2576.24-S-6l!-tfc makes it illegal to advertise "any cle. . L-48-tfnc WILL .' PURCHA:SE owner 5tQ 35 acre tracts and near thebedriiom furnished. apartments' ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT- preference. limitation or dis-BIWGO - Chamber of Commerce financed mortgage· notes .and . wildemes8~north of RUidoso. for rent..Good lQ!:8tion: No pets., . applianCes. natural gas. s\;orage•. crimination based on race, color, in Oapttan. Thursday nights at 7 ..real esta:te .contrac,ts.. C;j.ll. 505- OWner finan.cing, 28 acres on .258-3111. M~V49.tfc .carpet, goodview, $204 monthly. religion, sex. handicap, .familial p.m., east Main Street: Come ' .. {j36-4372. ;. M-D"55.tfc. Hwy380, 2 ;zqlles north of.Car· NIGHTLYfWEEI{LY/MONTHLY 318-4236,378~8136.. M-l.63.tfc status, or national origin, or an . join us.' . 17-C-z.tfc SMALL BUSINESS FOR SALE? - nzozo.Bllykin Realty, 1>05-64<8- -. cab\Ii..'·con~os;· toWnhouse,. CABINS FOR RENT ..... one 2 intention to make any such pref- FAMILY CRISIS CENTER .- 24 ' RUido$or~sident, :ivis'hes to pur- . 2577, Box 490, Carrizozo. NM homes· and mobxIe rentals. Call. .bedroom; one efficiep,cy, mid. erence, limitation or discrimina"· hour crisis, line. Arlswei-ed by chase Ruidoso busmess. Prefer .88301.35,B-71.tfc·.C~n~ury 21 Aspen Real Estate;· toWfi.aJ,'ea. Call 257-5963. tion," This newspaper will not RUidoso Police. 25'1·7365... women's " fashions,.. under WHERE CAN" YOU _ find a new 3' VIcki 257·9057. 19·C·92·tfc M-H.63.tfc knoWingly accept any advertis-M-J.99.tfnc $250.000. Principles' only, 258- bedroom. 2 bath; fireplace, ap· RENT _ furnished Illobile home, 3 EFFICIENCY APARTMENT.- ing for real estate which is in KNOW A CRIPpI,.ED - or burned 5718. \. 19·5·70.13tp pliaJices. on~ covered. one .open bedrooms. 1 112 baths.. Call 378- . good location; behind RUidoso violation of the law. Our readers child? Call Shririers for free FOR SALE BY OWNER ~ Wood· deck on a .mcewooded reslden- 8478 or 1-437-1817, .. Paint Center. $75 deposit, $220 are hereby informed that all help. 258-4406,257-4871. 257-land Ridge area. 3 bedrooms, 2 tiallot under $50,OOO? Call Alex Alamogordo. ..M-S-17-tfc month, utilities paid. 257.7447. dwellings advertised in this 2079, During 1988 there were baths. central heat. carport. "Adams, 258·3330. . 1107 .TWO BEDROOM HOUSE _ on' 336-8073. 'M-R-65.tfc newspaper are available on an 107,756 patientS treated in our dllllk. Franklin fireplace, recent- Mechem. ,. 3\-H-73-tfc river, across fro.Ill swimming' CLEAN TWO' BEDROOM _ "-__• . ..equal opportunity basis. To com· h' 1 27 S °tfu 1 ted Call 257 9281 NITY ...... plain of discrimination, call Ovm OSpIta 5. ,'. -Q- C Ycarpe. '. . RARE QpPORTU' ~. rent to pool. Near school, library, banks.' nished hoUse with washer and BUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. WINTER OIL PAINTING .....:.. 21·H-58-tfc own. New home, quality con· $375; year lease. ·Deck.fireplace. dryer; $200 plus utilities. $50 . For the Washington, DC area classes begin January. Every PARADISE CANYON - two struetion..Three bedrooms, two 257-7186. 19-C-29·tfc. deposit. RUidoso Downll. 37ll. please call HUD at 426-3500. T!t~sday. 9a.m. to 4}I.m.,call . bedroom, one bath, 1.008 sqJt., batIis, garage. Low option NICE,' FURNISHED _ one .; 4396. 17.H.66-tfc The toll-free telephone number Bllhe Long, 378-4979. M·L-71-tfc . greenhouse, $33.500:$.1,000 deposit, .price $83.900. Call bedroom apartment, bills paid. FURNISHED _ three bedroom.'l is 1-800-543-8294. R-62-tfc CONFIO EN DIOS - con todas down,. owner finanCIng. 257- MarEe Woodul. Four Seasons one person only,. no pets, $.225 112. bath; den, fireplace. ~;L1{S LODGE BINGO - every mis fuerzas por eso pido a elque 6317., M-D-61-tfc Real Estate, 257.9171; res. 257- month.1-434om8. M-H-67·31tp washer/dryer, excellent condi. Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. ilumine mi car;mino yotorgue la ESTATE SALE - 6 lots, clean 7681.. 29·F-73-4tc 3/2 _ furnished; $550. 2fl.un. tion, easy access. 437.5284. . E-81·tfnc garcia.que taritodeseo. Mandar mobile. gu~st house. workshop, OWNER MOVING ..:.. must selL furnished; $360. 111; $200. Jo M-H.67-6tp y publicar y observe 10 que pasa fenced. Price reduced; $32,500. Alto Village. 3 bedrooms. 2 Steele, 336.4975. 257-7373. TWO BEDROOM _ furnished 1'HRIFT SHOP ~ Hospital Awril· el cuarto.dia; L.M.O. 23-0-74-ltp Call Marge. Woodul. Four.Sea- baths;' ~ar~ge. Last appraised Perteet Parks and Associates. ., mobiles; washer/dryer. $150•. iary. Open Tuesday 1:00 p.m. to HOLY SPIRIT - you who solve all sons Re~l Estate, 257-9171. reS. $98,000, WIll s~U. for $79,900. M-S-40.tfc . month up. Three bedroom, 2 4:00 p.m., Wednesday thru Sat- problems. light all roads so that· .. 257.7681,.'. 23·F-73-4te 2574731.· evemngs and FURNISliED _ efficiency apart- bath avai!able January 1. urday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. I can attain my goal. You who THREE BEDROOM - two bath weekends. 21-C·73-tfc m.en~; $2.00 plus electric. Depo~it Cherokee Vi1la~e, 257-4;973. 140 Nob Hill Drive. Telephone, gives me the .divine gifl; to for· home in Forest Heights. in ex- MOTEL FOR~S/lLE- by owner. reqmred. TWo blocks east ofCtt. i9.N.67-tfc 257·7051. .. H·43·tfnc give all evil against me and that cellent condition, In~ludes, ad· Good location. Owner financing • del{, 378-4661. M-R-41.tfc TWO BEDROOM _ one bath, ex- FOR ANY PERSONAL CRISIS - in all instances in my 1i~e you joining lot. Real pnvaror· 206 available•. great location. 257- HOYT APARTMENTS ~ two tra . large living area with call the Mental Health Hotline are with me. I want in this .An~eles Drive. Priced $73.500'2986. . M.B-73-4tp bedrooms, 1 112 baths•. un. fireplace. washer(dryer, at 1-437·8680 (collect). sh~tt prayer to thank you for ~ll Cal 258-4932. evenings. SELUTRADE -RUidoso prOperty'furni.,shed, all !1ppliances, refri~erator. stove; ='. ===-:-=,,-,;==-;;-;m-iM;;,;::-5',c things as you confirm once agmn 24-M·63-tfc Large brick 4·2-2. fireplace. for- waslier/dryer. Call Cmdy Gary :l1.mrlshed. P.ood location and aa- PREGNANT, NEED HELP? - call that I never want. to ~ sepa- . LOW DOwN PAYMENT - on ~t1, mal dining. ~any extras?D: ~0.6 Lynch Realty. 257-4011. " cess. owner/agent. 257.7313. Birthright. (915)533-1818. rated fr°11?' yo~and m SpIte of aU charming 3 bedroom log cabin acres. Private subdiVISIOn, . 17.P-44-tfc 23-L-68-tfc M.S_87.tfcJ:l1!itenal ~lusIOnS'.,I WIsh with river rock. fireplace, N~cogdoches.Texas. $117,000. TWO' BEDROOM _ trailer, com. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT- =--,.----;~...... ,,--:-;-;-;,..:::..::...;:..:,;::: WIth you m eternal glory. TJ.uink $63.000..#2;' 3 bedroom Will consider les!l8r value trade,. $200 bill .d Call J Ens Thank you Holy Spirit for your fa..' you fm; your mercy towards Ille remodeled house on Carrizo you pay difference. 1-409.564~ . pletely furnished, part bills paid; .11 pm . ace· tor, . vor granted. L,M.O. M·0-74-1TP aD:d mme. The person ~ust say Creek•. $34,900. Closing costs 5104 or 257.2986. 31-lJ-73~2tp deposit; N0:J_~:5~~J~ Coldwell Banker SDC'J~~=~rJ:c this prayer.3 consecutive days. down on #3, 3 bedroom fur· MUST SELL _ before Feb1"Ull1'.Y 1, . JACK'S TV & APPLIANCES After the ~hird,day. the (avor.r~ .nIshed home,' gameroom.1990. Two bedrooms 1314baths, WANTED _ responsible tenant. TWO .BEDROOM FURNIS~ED- We Service All Makes quested will be granted even Ifxt br thtakin' $63 500 All all'. li . fir 1 ulted. Two bedroom, one bath, un· mobile, cable TV. water pmd.. 2 Home Appliances. may appearust b difficultuhli hedThisim with'ea ownerg VIew, financing.,. ceilingsapp ances.with fun:s.epPavedace, vastreet. fittnish.. ed'," $300 month plus uti!.•.... weeks$235 freethrent.378-4979$100 depoSIt.378 TVs and VCRs praJie~i' fte e fhi sf: ~ Owner/agent; 257-4861. Ludwick easy access. $39,500. Assumable ities, water paid. $200 deposIt.' mon. or.- CALL 257-9247 m:n~d ~thou~ me;tioni~':the Realty.'. 46'-L-65-tfc loan. Will tak-e 'trade•. Alex· . 1.298-7294, before lOam. 8200 20-L-69-tfc E'vo... 'Only your initials should OWNER FINANCING - three Adams. 258·3330, 1107 . 19-F-51-tfc RENT 12'" d .------,' a ear,· at the bO""hm. bedroom, 2 bath, under $55,000. Mechem. 30·H-73·tfc COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - on FOR SALE OR t -' "0 an :Jl.0. Evans and Co. Real Estate, 258- GONE BACK TO TEXAS _ Carrizo Roa!!; 3 acres with im· 14ft wide mobile homes; from 5200. M·C·68-8te '''sacrifice sale. Landscaped acre. provements. previously Valley $250 to $300 monthly. deposit RESORT RENTALS INVESTOR SEEKS ..... free and immaculate mobile, d.oiJble car._ Transit Mix site. Call 257-2300. required. Call 378-4990. clear executive house or condo. port.RV pad• appliances" m· M.M.51-tfc· 21-V"69-16te STAY A NIGHT - or a week; 2 Can offer 20% down; must have eluded. $35,000 o.b.o, Call Marge FURNISHED - one bedroom LARGE 3 BEDROOM -'complete- bedroom condo in great location. owner financing. No realtors. 1- Woodul. Four Seasona Real apartment with fireplace; Upper. ly furnished, washer an.d dryer, easy access. 257-9085. 536·3150. 20·B·67-12tp Estate, . 257·9171; res. 257· Canyon. Main Road, easy wmter firepl~ce, $385 plus bills and M-A-67·8tp 7681 28-F 7" Ate access. SUitable for one or two der,ll1t. No p(,lts. Upper Canyon. CABINS AND CASTLES - 2641 TIllS IS IT - two bedroom. fur·· - <>-'* adults. No pets. $285 per month,. 25 .',7543 . 19-""..~.69-""o,c CONGRATULATIONS! Sudderth,~ 257·9300. Everything . nished, only $35.000. Evans and BEAUTIFUL ..... 2 year old home. 3 utilities and cable paid. Lease FURNISHED.:.... two bedrOoIll, one ROSE PEEBLES furnished and paid. Winter Co. Real Estate. 258·5200. bedrooms, 2 baths. very energy and deposit required. 257·7267. J bath house, fireplace. Near ~~d. ~alesperson Of The Month rates.' M-C·73·2tp ""'=__....;n;;n"i~i"UiM=· .:.E-:..=:68:.-.:;8tc:=- efficient..beautiful lot and view.' 33-H-52-tfc derth and Mechem. ElectriClty GOOD RESTAURANT - opo P.riced to sell, $59.500. Call THREE BEDROOM home, $495. and water. 'furnishe?- $300 portunity. Successful in the past. daytime 258-3313; 6. 378· . Three bedrooIllhoIlle,.$295; Both . Illo~th. $100 depoll1t. 336- .All .eqUipment in·. 5470. . 25·H·6-tfc . furriushed. plus bills. Ludwick . .4839.. . .20-W.70.tfc . 257-5111 cluded. good location, terms rea- CALL 257.4001- to find out about Realty, 257-4861. TWO BEDROOMS 'oJ1ebath, fur- SOC. REALTORS"· 1-800-626-9213 sonable. Call Gary Lynch Realty, 1 d Th 17-L-52-tfc . 'Ill"shed or unfurni·shed. natural' t.,r~!llII~

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~REACH ~' c~~ap. BEi:>~OOM ~m-- TRYING MORE -,J." '. d' .,; . • NOT1CEl Have a sharp. two FIXER'-UPPElt _' $2,5()0 ONE HOUSE _ people than OUT local market? . bedroom 2 112 bath 1~, fully ·down,.takeIiVel' JlayriIents. Twopletely fuinish~. Nli pets.$2qO H w b t 215 000 d . 33 ·.fumished condll .near Cree w.obiles 'Wit4 additililli on 3 Iota, . mon~h ]llus bIlls·and deP08lt. WE WISH TO THANK - out ,h~e~':: ne';spa:ee:a ~iI~vel' FOR .sALE BYOwi-!'ER"';'two ··Meadows Golf Gourse. Just ~ fireplace, .' storage; fenced. 257· .... Upper Canyon. 257-7543. . friends and neighbors for. their New Mexico., Fol' $85,20. y()UC 25 . bedroom, ja lJath.fueplace, 'oveniaynll~~tsllrllilase.Im.medi- ..... 7452.9-M-74-5tp· M-M-61-tfc concern in our time of grief. Also word ad will reac.ih 33 pa~r~-·-ilecks ..257-2633. .M-G-5-t~ ate ,possesslon.CallGlen. In Al~ .... '. ONE BEDROOM:HOUSE' :....2. fur. for the flowers and food sent. . outside ofAlbuquerque. Ciill The.. DRASTIC:REDUCTION --'-our ·liuquerq\l~j. .505.298·5556; 294;; roshed, priv:ate, utilities paid, . God Bless You.. Ruidliso News at 257-4001. for' loss, your gliin. Two. story, 3 4045 evemngs.· 32·V·68-8tp •. '.' . . excellent accessible location. Mrs. B.J, Walker II1Qre information. . R:92·tfuc bedroom, 2 bath home. 3/4 acre FOR SALE OR TRADE - incQme' PROPERTY MANAG:mMENT ....:.1257-4882. 336-'J:()77. M-F.61-tfc Sherry Taylor and Family' DON'T,BE A THROWAWAY-:R6-' lot, all city utilities, reduced to.pr9perties i~ Odessa.andMid. need several mce hQuse.s· and HOUSE FOR. RENT -twQ .Judge James K Walker and Family cycle your aluminum .' cans. $80,000. Call 257·4798 or 267- . land, for Rmdliso pro~rty. Call condos' for permanent rental. bedroom one bath, .futriished, - C-74-1tp Donate yow:' aluminum caris to 6918. .• 26-L-18.tfc 378-4990. ". M·V-69-16te . Please call Don Harmon, .FoUl" $290, water paid. BUD welcome.' the Boy.scouts ofAmerica Troop .' UNBJjJLIli1VAllLE: .ACREAgE .' .--0' .PROPERTY MAN.A.GEMENT·...:... Seaijons Real Estate, 257-9171.. .' 257-5044 01' 258.5024•. 195 and the noon Lioris Club. 29.5 acreS or 7 aClie l,ots ln Alto '.l'entals, investments, lIaleS, .list- .. 2.l.H.88-tt'c.· . ." .. M-Mc62.tfc

Marked, collection' d11n:i.psters area;.. mountain "le:ws, st;ream,. ings CMA. Contact Bill S¥th MOBILE HOME SPACES . ..:- fol'., RENTIJ.,EASE PURCHASE --0 sell; PUBLISHER'S NOTICE...,... All real are provided at the four Ruidoso heaVlly wooded. Sun yalley Realty,J 1925 .Sudderth . Drive;· ~cated on the river;;.neal', like 'new 3 bedroom 2 bath, 2 estate advertising in this news­ fire stations.Cl"\lShed.· or Road in Alto area. Stephen . Ruidoso, MM, 505·257,2727.· " . shoPPlng center. Call 257-4418,. story, in ,the V'!'oods. $690 month paJiler is subject to the Fede:r:al crumpled cans preferredi"Join u,s Stout,oWnerlbroker, 1·898-2188. . ", 17-S-71-tfc 251-7697 ." M-K-l-t(c or $78,000. Call Sierra Blanca Falr Housing Act of 1968 which iri this community effort to r'ilCY- '. Call collect. . 29-S-21·tfc RESORT PROPERTIES.-: several SHAW APARTMENTS _ 1 and.2 . Realty,257-2576.· 24-S-62~tfc makes it illegal to advertise "any cle. ,L-48-tfnc WILL PURCHASE ,- owner 5 to 35 acre tracts and near the' bedroom furnished, apartments ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT- preference, limitation or dis­ BINGO '- Chamber .of Commel'ce" financed mortgage notes and wildemess north· of RuidoSQ.·. for rent. Good location, Ne-pets. appliances, natural gas; storage, cri~!"atiop based ~n race, c~I?I"' in Capitan. 'I'h~daynights at 7 l'~al estate contracts. Call 505- ..Owner finiUi.cirig, 28 acres on. ·.258~111. ., .' M.V-49.tfc carpet, good view, $204 monthly. rehgton; ~ex; handicap, fafilIial p.m., east MalQ street. Come .. 336-4372.· . M-D..55-tfc. Hwy 380. 2niiles,north of Cal'- NIGHTLY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY378-4236,378-8136. M-I-63 tfc status, or national origin, or an 50~·648· c intention to make any such pref­ join us. 17-C-2-tfcSMALL BUSINESS FOR SALE?- rizozo. Boykin Realty, --0 cabin, cond;os, townhQtise, CABINS FOR RENT _ one 2 FAMILY CRISIS CENTER - 24 Ruidoso resident wiahes to pur- .2577, Box 490, CllJ'rizozo, ,.NM homes and moMe ·rentals. Cllll bedroom' one efficiency, mid. erence, limitation or discrimina­ hour crisis. line.A.nsw~ed by chase RUidoso business. Prefer 88301. 35.B-71-tfc Century 21 Aspen Real Estate; i:ownare~. Call257-5963. . tion." This newspaper 'will .not 257~7365.' -~ Imowingly accept any advertis­ Ruidoso Police. . women's fashions, under WHERE CAN YOU --0 fina' a new 3 . Vicki 257-9057. . 19-C-92-tfc . .- M-lI-63-tfc ing for real estate which is in M-J-99-tfnc $250,000. Principles ow..y, 258- bedroom, 2 bath,fil'eplace, ap- RENT _ fun1.ished mobile hOme,' 3 EFFICIENCY APARTMENT _ violation of the law. Our readers KN="'O"'W;>-;A"'-;;C"'RIP"""'p"'Ir;.E;;;D~-=;::0'::r-i.b::um=e3d 6718, .. 19-5-7Q-13tp pliances, on~ coVered, one.ope~ be.drooms, 11/2 baths..Ca1l378- ,good locaj;j,on; behind. ~uidoso are hereby informed that all child? Call Shrlners for free FOR SALE BY OWNER -Wood-· deck on a mce wooded reS1den- 8478· - or 1·437-1817, Pa,int Center. $75 depo8lt, $220 . dwellings advertised in this help. 258-4406, 257-4871, 257- land Ridge' area, 3 bedrooms, 2 tiallot under $50,000? Call Alex . Alamogordo. M-S-17-tfc month, utilities paid. 257-7447,. new.spaper are available on an· 207lJ.Durlng 1988 there were baths,' central heat, carport, . Adams, 258-3330, 1107 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE _ on . 336-8073. . 'M.R-65-tfc equal opportunity basis. To com­ 107,756 patients treated in our deck. Franklin fireplace, recent- Mechem. 31-H-73-tfc river, acrQSS from. swimming CLEAN TWO 'BEDROOM --0 fur-" plain of discrimination, call ownhospitals.'.27-S,2-tfnc lycarpeted.CaU257,-9281. RARE OPPORTUNITY-rent to . 11001. Nearschool,library, banks, : nished house with ,,!~s~er and liUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. WINTER' OIL PAlNT1NG :...... 21-Hc58"tfc' own. New home, quality con- .:ji375; year lease. Deck, fireplace. dryer; $200. plus utilities, $50 For the Washington. DC area classes begin JanUary. Every PARADISE CANYON- two struction.. Three bedrooms; two 267-7186. 19-C"29-tfc deposit. Ruidoso DOwnll. 378- please call HUD at 426-3500. Thursday.9a.m. to 4p.m., call' . bedroom, one bath, 1,008 sq.ft., baths, garage. Low option NICE, FURNISHED _ one 4396. 17~H-66-tfc 'I'he toll-free telephone number' Billie Long, 378-4979. M-L-71~tfc 'greenhousl!, $33,500. $1,000 deposit, price $83,900. Call bedroom apartment, bills lIaid, FURNISHED _ three bedroom, 1 is 1-800-543-8294. R-62-tfc CONFIO EN DIOS - con todas doWn, owner financing. 257- Marge Woodul, Four Seasons Qne pex:son only, no pets, :ji225. 1/2 .bath; den, fireplace, ELKS LODGE BINGO - every mis fuerzas pOr eso pido ael qU!l 6317. . M-D-61-tfc Real'Estate, 257·9171; res. 251- month. 1-434-4428: M-H-67-3ltp :washllr/dryer, excellent condi- ~7-5284. Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m.. iluminemi'carmino y'otorgue la ESTATE SALE - 6 lots, clean 7681. 29-F-73-4te. 3/2 ._ furnished; $550. 2/1, tm-tion, easy access. E-81-tfD.c garcia que tanto deseo. Mandar mobile, guest house, wOl'kshop; OWNER MOVING - must s.ell. furnished; $350. 1/1; $200. Jo M-H-67-8tp y publicar y observe 10 que pasa fenced. Price reduced; $32,500. ,Alto Village, 3 bedrooms?.2 Steele,' 336-4975,' 257.7373, TWO BEDROOM _.fumisl).ed THRIFT SHOP - Hospital Auxil­ el cuarto dia. L.M;O. 23.0-74-Itp Call Mlll'ge Woodul, Four Sea-paths, gar~ge. LastapprSlsed Pertee~ Parks andAssociates. '. mobiles; washer/dryer, $150 iary. Open Tuesday 1:00 p.m. to· HOLY SPIRIT - you ~hoElolve all sofis Re~l Estate, 267-9171; res. $98,000, Wlll ~ell .for $79,900. M-S-40-tfc" month up. Three bedroom, 2 4:00 p.m., Wednesday thru Sat­ problems, light all roads s!'that 257-7681:. 23-F~73-4te 257-4731 evemnge • ~d FURNISHED -' 'efficienw apart- bath. av~able, January 1. urday, 10:00 a.m, to 4:00 p.m. 1 can attain my goal. You who THREE BEDROOM '.:.- two bath weekends. . 21-C-73 tfc ment;$200 plus electric; Depo~t Cherokee Village, 2.57-4973.. 140 Nob Hill Drive. Telephone, gives me the divine gift; to for- home in Forest Heighta, in ex- MOTEL FO,R. SALE -: by ow~er, required. Two blocks east ofCir- " 19.N-67-t(~ 257-7051. H-43-tfnc give all evil againllt me and that cellent condition. Ineludes ad- Goo?- lo.cation. Owner}inancmg cleK. 378-4661. M.R-41-tfc TWO BEDROOM:- one bath, ex- FOR ANY PERSONAL CRISIS'-: in all instances in my life you .joining lot. ll.eal privacy. 206 .. aVSllable, great location. 257... HOYT APARTMENTS. _ two tra large living area with call the Mental Health Hotline are with me. I want in this Angeles Drive. Priced $73,500. . 29~6. . M-B-73-4tp bedrooms 1 1/2 baths un. fil'eplace, waJlher/dryer, at 1-437-8680 (collect), short prayer to thank you for all . Call 258-4932, evenings. . SELIJTRAI?E _ R~doso property. furnished: all appli~nces, refri~rator, stove; o~erwise l:Jl- M"55-tfnc things as you confirm once again 24-M-63-tfc Large. b!lck 4.2.2, fireplace, for- wa,sher/dryer. Call Cindy, Gary furnished. Good locaj;"jon and ac- PREGNANT, NEED HELP? - call ~any ~0.6 that I never want to be sepa· LOW. DOWN' PAYMENT --0 on #1, mal dimng, extras ?Il: Lynch Realty, 267-4011. cess. Owner/agent, 257-7313. Birthright, (915)533-1818. rated from you and in spite ofall .cha~g 3 bedroom log cabin acres. Private subdiVlslon. 17.P-44-tfc 23-L-68-tfc M-S-87·tfc material illusi0::illwiSh~~with river. rock. fireplace,' N~cogdoc~es,.Texa.s.. $117,000. TWO BEDROOM _ trailer, com- ONE BEDROOM. APARTMENT- Thank you Holy Spirit for your fa­ with you in ete' gory.rd$63,000. #2, 3 bedroom. Will cOnllld~ lesser value trade, . letely furnished part bills paid' $200 bills paid. Call Jace Ellllor, vor granted. L.M.O. M-O-74-1TP ~~d:Jn~~Th:;C;;:o~':us: =;remodele$d houseC on. CllJ'rit~ ~lMpa~5~':"986nce. 3t1°~3~~tp $200 plus deposit,No pets. 257= Coldwell Banker SDC, 257-5111. this prayer 3 consecutive days... Cl'eek, 34,900. IOBlng. cos '. or -. '-, - 7543. . . .M-M-50-tfc.. M-J!l-68-tfc JACK'S TV 8. APPLIANCES After the third day, the favor re- down on #3, 3. bedroom fur.. MUST SELL - befote February 1, WANTED .responsible tenant TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED. We Service All Makes quested will be granted even ifit nished. hOlll;e,. gameroom, - 1990, ~o bedrooms 1 3/4 baths, . Two bedroom one bath, un: mobile, cable TV, water pll,id.2 Home Appliances, may' appear .difficult. This . In:ea,thtaking "lew, $63,pOO,.All all appliances, fireplace, vaulted .. furni hed' $300 th I. til weeks free rent. $100 deposit. t b bli h d . Wlth owner financmg. . ceilings with fans. Paved street, . s, mO$n p us 1,1 •- $235 th 378-4979 or 3'78- TVsand VCRs prayer mus e pu s e un- Owner/agent, 257-4861, Ludwick .easy access. $39,500. Asslffilable ities,. water paid, 200 .depOSlt. 8200 mon . .' CALL 257-9247 media~ly after this [avoris Realty. 46-L-65-tfc loan. Will take. trade. Alex 1·298-1294, before lOam. . 20-L-'69 tfi granted without mentioning the OWNER FINANCING '_ three Adams, 258-3330. tl07 . , . 19.F-51-tfc, . - c favor. Only your initials IIhould bedroom 2'bath under $55000. Mechem.' 30-H-73-tfc COMMERCIAL PROPERTY _ on FOR SAL]!l OR R~NT -'- 12ft and near at the bottom. Evans ~d Co. Real Estate, '258. GONE BACK TO TEXAS _ Carrizo' Road.; 3 a.cres with im- . 14ft. Wlde mobile home~ fro~ 0.. 140-0.74-~tp 5200.' M-C-68-8te sacrifice sale. Landscaped acee, prov~en~s, ,preVlously Valley ~5~ ~:3~W6' ePOBlt RESORT RENTALS INVESTOR SEEKS - free and immaculate mobile, ~ouble ~- Transit Mix 8lte. Call ~-1i.~~~tfc q. 21-V-69-16te clear executive house or condo. port, RV pad, appliances m-. ROOM 1 te- STAY A NIGHT - or a week; 2 Can offer 20% down; must have eluded. $35,000 o.b.o. Call Marge FURNISHED. one bedroom LAf~B~ h - cample bedroom condo in great location, owner financing. No realtors. 1- Woodul, Four Seasonll Real apartment '!'th fireplace; Upper' y. s , was er aD: dryer, easy aCCeBs. 257-9085. :repl~ce, b~ . M-A·67-8tp 536-3150. 20-B-67-12tp Estate, 257-9171;· res. 267- Canyon, Main Road, easy wmter $385 '(}us and TffiS IS IT - two bedroom fur- 7681, 28-F·73-4te .access. Suitable for one or two eposlt. No pets. PP1e9-rMan69-Y~' CABINS AND CASTLES - 2641 " .' , adults. No pets. $285 per month, 257-7543... .. • o.' . '. .. .., ". 26·B·'l1-4tp furnished, utilities paid. DePOS1t PRIMECOMMERCIAL-'property" SDCREALTORS~ reqt!ired.257.6493. 27·0·57·tfc lOT lease. Lecatedin high traffic .' '- .' ..... EXCELLENTACCESS....,.. on Riyer; .... area With good . access•. 258- '. private, 2 bedrooms, 1 1I211aths, . 5858. .. M·P·'73·2te WELCOMES niajor appliances. 'dishwasher, TWO BEDROOM - llnfurnished. . .''. .partinlly furnished,· fir~p~~ce, apartment; RuidQso' I!Q~ns.. . earpeteii, storage, IQW utilitiel!t ·$250 month,' plus utilities. . .ga'!t split,first month; 267-699u .. Deposihilquired.:ta67.5102. . "JOELRUTTEN. -',' . . . or :.167-9041. 26·5-6S-tfc '. . M.G-71-4te . ." .. "THREE BEDROOM - house for· .., . rent. Call 25'1-9417. A·1Mini Monthly Rentals 'TO'" .-. . THE·, . . .:...TEAM. Storagei~57-9417, 1 Bedroom, Kitchen, . M"A.n-tf:c . Fireplac('. fUlly furnished. • 4X8 UNITS -nowQpen and ready Storag~, All Bills paid Inciudlng cabie. £01'.$20 month. A-lMini . THATGETSRESULTS' 29 Pines Motel 257.9417. .. M-A-71·ttC .' .. ' '.' 257..5111' 257-4249 FOR' RlilNT OR SKti1...... three -bedrooms· 1 va' baths, natural .gas, earth oto!C unfurnished•. PINON PARK l "', :' $400 month, 370-4712. '.' . .. ' 1..800..626·9213.. ···· CONDOMINIUMS . .' . M·A.,/2-4te Niqtltly. Srasonal. Monthly Rr-llt,JI'":i i\v~ S"l:;~.50 up Fall .RENT '- .Capitan. . . BestTM~ , Joel Rutten . .E¥pect The PhH"J1l Park COlldomilllum~.~_5n-:1.129 bedroommobUo.Outo£tQwn.No . _. - ' SDGREALTORS®. . . Crown Rt'ul Es-hltc ~51[j10n animals. Very reasonable. 1·354-. - . .- _. . 26"A .... . '. M-S.'73-2te . " " ...... \ • .• ' \

--- -~ ...... , -~, - ~ ...... -- ~-- -- ~ .. ' , " ·n /,

... ~ . . ' • • . . .. ,. • • :0 ... ,. 'J' • •• . . • , .., .. Monday. January 15, 1990/ The Rl-Ildoao Nows /3$ ~OY)nLYTWOS'.l'~RY ~ fu11yfur~ . 1976 DATSUNJ;J210_ blue, 2 "TAP~1 :..... 'Elmon in tap, bal- FURNlTURE REFINISmNG - nqJjlLLENTWAGliJS ~ forSlll,remGHT A'UDITO,R - ,e:l:qlerie~ce mshe~· .three .bedrooml!> two .dwl',· radial tiles, .If' speed, Jet and jazz. Lotsa fun! Call257.·· ..•·deek painting. Old f~ture into ..'.tuneassem.bly•.l!Jasy wOfli .Ilt reque.sted .but n;jt .necessarY. . 'baths,washer, dryer, fireplace. . AM1FM eassette, excellent condi- . 4349.' •....•. M~n.5S.tfe-A new,. stripping, .sanding, stain, home..No lmP!lnenc~ needed~ Apply.inperslln. SWlssChl1let · Close 'inon pavement. QQod ae- tion, $1,650.Sa1:tDXly.··.257400:J.nUrVIANE SOCmTY ...... : Kits. N,vllrmsh..Reasonable rates. II'ree . Call 1·518.293.1101 ElQ;.1002. Inn, Hwy MIN.· '. M-IM44tc ceSll. Cil:n~57..0474. . . days; 257-4.883.eveuings. .... Kaboodles ThrllY Shop has pick up and delivery. 257· . Open 24 .hours, including Sunk '. ." .' ....' .21.H.7S·2t;p.A . '. .' ,..8-67.tfne-A . moved to larger quartefll: 629 .5886. .. 1\l.W..73·.2tp .. '.' days,. ..,,',' 22-C-73~2tp, PRIME OFFICE SPACE ~ in. 1m. 1985 CHEVY/ SUBURBAN""':"foUx . Sud,dWth~IlelQ; toMl:i:Y's;wbiteHOUSECLlW'fiN9 ...:.. office, 'odd '. PERMANENT. HOUSEKEEPING . . ccellent location. 950 sq.ft., air wheeldrlve Silverado; .excellent stucco' building. inl'earJ. Lots . jobs, i~onil1g and laUb.dti, _ ·position availabl~ :at·· Tiat!:'ll " ":. conditioned. J;Jills paid, Fornierlfi conditl9n, 1I)W :tui!es.257'46.22moreodQs and en,qa,jncluding. '" References. Dependable. Rea-' .' Del Sol Condo::muuu:m.s . ,on ~et~~O::if~l5~;es. 51 'd,ayS; 25~'4.060e'Venin~.S.6s.tfc· ~~':f:~'t~::;:ui~:O~o::~ , ~513~le. Call 378:8~rv1.~3~~~; ...Camelot~oUntain.2~~~~~4tP .. ' ,.' . 20·C-73·tfc FOR: SALE - 1973 Au.di Fox: eon- any eerv;i.eeable household itemsSH,ARPjjjNING.....::.E.3".Sharp·Alk SIERRA 'i'WINCINEMA: -' part . TWO BEDROOM- mobUe home. vertibIe, $2,000 o.b.o. Call 378· '. for donation. If you. cowd. We give youagreat edge. Erwin, . tin¢ .·eiqJerleneed operaj;ol',· :.Airport West, < 'range; . 4990.. .' M~V.·69.16tevolunteerafew hours a week, . 258-5699, M,E.74·8tJi nights only.. Apply in person be- refrigerator, w!lah~rand d;ryer 1988 SUBURBAN JUSTY '-'- front. please call 257-1.1547 or 257-7661,' '., . " tween 1:00·3;00 pm. See TjlUJ, hiloki,lp. . U~shed. ,$250. . wheel drlveAC···A'MIFM .cas.' . ppeIl.. We!lnesclll.Y, ·10:00.~:00; . HO V~IT KiNMIL"H~derBon. . ,'.' 17·8-.73-t£e' .( , month ~us utilities 2t>8 3178' '. "'T'k .'.' .. ThursdllY 11:00·3:00' Friday ...... , ...... " '" uOUSEKEEPER'" NEEDED ' ... · 9C 7'S "t' ..sette p,ayer•. a,e over, 'lIay, lO'0(),;2'OO' 'H-6'7"tfn' . ~uahtY'"Q~!II"g, ...... P ..' .. ' -. --!!'k £Of IlFge· .-1 ~ ~.. p inents.$160.118 month. 3784364'. . '.' ,.'.'. .:; Co • ..I!~ 9.i!om,pg • year around '!ork.0Jilr depllnd. NElW"'"Bf:1S!NESS- need 11 Jllace? .' tter5p.m.' . l!3-B-74.2tp BRO~~_aU~ooden bedroom· 3'7104017 able andmot1Vl~te~ need apply. · Old Qus1l).ess? Need spaee? Good '1986SUBARUBRAT _ 4;4 till set, .triple dresse~ alld chest. at .for a "io"l'>ll.m; Come to Ch~mJllona RUIl to app- . eoromei'cial properties for lease. '.' ", . .J"'_ ""'1 s II di:awers,·queeIlBIZe l!~adbo.ard PP...... , ly, 1/~ nuleeastof Race · .258-5858. . M-P.73."te"· m. ':Varran~ ,s~oo, 1'!l and queen size floatation sleep •.' ..Track·' 23.C.73--4tp .. '. · . "'' excellent condition.. 258-" t . . II ..' ditl '25" .. '.. .' ','" AC.CEPTING ..APPLI.CATJONS. - '425h ····1.746.2262 17.u.7·3.2tsys em, exce en eon on.. I· SILVERADO CONSTRUCTION' TAKING APPLICATIONS - for , . .' '" or. '. P 4622. dayS' 258.:4060 .even· . . L '~;". .• di'n h··.b . . ·fin'lease on A Place In The Sun· . FORSAbE -19!!9 30fopt Nomad. in, ' 41cS.6$.t£c AU Typ9$ 0' Con.'ruetlon .waltl'eal!es, S wasers,?Ssets ·,.building, 2610 Sudderth. Please· FifthWh 1ti' 1tr ilE t·· - gil .' , AI! Type< RooRng .. and cooks. Ollly expenenced ". Qpply I·.n wn.. 'tl~g to abo¥.e. ad·' . ee. ave.R et. !VIn% FIREwOOD- eight varieties to . Ho1mop ""d Bulll·up • Fr.... ~othnot... need apply'. Please li,ppby in per· ~ . ~'. lU'ea upstaIrs. Excellent condi· 'ch' fr 'Pr' t ...... :.. . (505)257'4810...... d-ress; .. 1nclude. mj;ent, . date tion.257.7413.. ..M.M.73,-4t;p. t!Jse • om, . omp, ew.wou~ DIU ...... "" "...... 307 son at· the starting Ga~ needed,'. !lffer··of terms' and ='. . '. . dehv~, any amount. Ca11257 .. ' .....d=NM>l834SRestaurant,Hwy10ne'fl;toWaI. amount·oflease. Allapplieations ~ NICEl- 19.87 Olds Outla~s . 98l?9.. ., M-~- 714tp Ma:I't. No phone calla please. . will b'e held incon:fidell-ce... ~lerr?-. Loaded, e¥eilet?-t c~n~. StGK OF DIETING _ try new SUIf ..••. " '.' . 30-S~74-4tp 38,r~73·3tc . ti;:r' $7~~r' .S318-~~66nqU),fkspress Tablets. Send stamped self O"'NE=--;B"'E..D"'Rn"O=Q"M<.;;;FU;o;·"'RNI~Sii;HcrEr.l'Drr-_'-· .. :;~: , '. 17-D.7:4{ addressed. envelope. to: Jo clean,deck with view. Utilities' p hT' .p Pet:r0wsky,. PO Box 4387, 'paid, including cable. $250 19!14CHEVY SUBVRBllf'l - S11· Rmdoso, NM 88345. 21-P·724tp month $50 depOsit. No pets. Bi. verado,4x4, 6.2 liter Ihesel. Call LARGE COMMERCIAL - storage.. weekly rate available. Call 258" 258·5569.. ·M·S·74-ltp Monthly, yearlyrent~il.· 315 5192.sq.ft.,.750 sq.ft. GaVIlan and - 23.B-73-2tp Meander: 10 and 12 foot doors. ·N...I.,C..,El;7·~:o;C"'C;y.E:;;;S"'STTIBYiL"'r.E;':"· ...... _ -;;:'funrl'='..::;·-.:;'sh-:;~i"", ..' Inswated. Sto·A·Way, 257.701,4, '. .twl{'hedroomapwtliIent..Utili. AT JOYCE'S,,"Furniture 8am, we 257-2365 evenings.. 22.R,72·t£o ". tl~il&:.aid.· No pets please. $400" have a "large invelltory of rea. AKC REGISTERED - Siberian 2572647 M M 73 t£ sonably pricedf~ttlI'e .and ap-· Husky puppies for sale, 6 weeks . mon ._. . ••• c pliannces.O.pen 10:00 • 5:00, .6 Id b' iii'" 378-4646 TWO ANn THREE - bedroom days a w~ek. We buy, sell and 0', eaut w •.'. M.s..73.tfc', · mobiles. Covered porches, good . trade. 650 Sudderth.' 257. . HELP WANTED . ". .. · levelroad. Call 378-4964. • . 7575. 30-C.77.tfc GOOD STOVE - east iron Ben . " . . M·R·73·tfc MASSAGE THEDAUV _ l'S 'fior Fra.nklin, $40. 378·4364 after CATTLE 'BARON -Steak and .' INIURSING ASSISTANTS .""" • 5p.m. '. M-B·73-2tp Seafood Restaurant, located 657 FOR BENT - Capitan. Three Every Body, Relax, rejuvenate. PIANO FOR SALE _ Kimball '. Sudderth Drive, isaccepting ap- IExlPl6trienced individl.llais. lOr Uiosedl6sDlI"ing] a ~~. · . bedroofumobile.. dd hOut N Call Jan Prince at The Perfect spinet in :mint condition. $1,000 . lications '. "lor expenenc",",.. c?lll"eer in heaUthcare are ir.ayiieiSl to appiy now' Large a on pore. 0 aruma s. Ten, .257.·3233: .' M-P-65-tfc·A t . 'J: h h lil, 354-2664 includes delivery and 257~two ostess, servers, wS was ers, .at oo..nll" IlOng~1i:ierrm carefacility_ On-the-Job1i:rain­ .., Very·reasona e.l· .' FIREWOOD _ for safe. Cedar, ·tnn1ngs.-~ Call Friendly TV. bussers. bartenders, and line ,. ... .' ..M·S·73·2tc'" pini<;m and fir• F,ree'n. ki dl'. mg fior 7023. . 18-F.73.3tp cook positions. AppIy m• person il1lQJPfl\l!vUded. We offer excellent pay amjJ ;" FURNISHED -twQ bedroom, 21/2 customers. You pick up. Also b h . rd 1/2 for appointment. Monday , bath .Condo. Fireplace, washer, . Flagstone. Call Porters Nurs.ery. FIREWOOD -. y t e co, • through saturday 2:00 • 5:00 benefits, inclUding medlica«Jhealtfn1 iIrlisllJIlI"ance ,; . dryer, $375. Call A-1 Carpet 378.8347. 20-P.29.tfc 1/4, 1/8. Cut, delivered and p.m. Gro~p Health Benefits and [Olaud! time-off_ fo~ 257:~~3.3tP Cleaning,257.44.42. M·A·74·2tP BUYING _ wrecked ears sal-.. stacked. Call Lee, available. SeriouS inquiries; no Contact Ruidoso Care Celi11ter, UNFURNISHED HOUSE - 'two vage and selling parts. Mountain ==",===';---'--:-":';;;-;;;':;'';'':''''::'':-:- phone.calls, please. E.O.E. bEldrooms, plus loft room, 1 V2 Salvage, east of Back 40 Trailer NON/JUNIPER ~ :mi,~-,-._~~--..-..-' , , ;'"

, I j , . . ,

", ' " ; I. ~ ~,! -; 48 I Tha Ruidoso News I Monday, January 15,1990 \," . .==:.. ~: . .. i' " 'l'~··.Kl.Q@Q,·M~t·Ji1I'C ~.' \S7~~~ 0'v~· "e." ~.~ . '" '.', .... ,. , '''. , ," '." t," '. ,\

DEADLINES FOR ALL lEGAL NOTICES .' ., ~ . .,. Thursday, 5p.m. fonhe Monday Issue; Tuesday, 5p,m,. for the·ThurSdaYIS~ue,.' .

1"" )" '" ,.' • ,j' lLEGAJL NOTIClEplaceof be~nning and containing quiredin full.' . Fedl . . .' .... , FUBUC NOTICE 2.000 acres IIl1!re orles~. . Fonnl of Payment All pay' " era pepo~t fniurance COljlOl1\. 'The ahovedescribed leal proper: gage datcil ~ 2Il 1982' by The Lmcoln (Aunty Board ?f ., Slngle family dwelling 2500 ,sq. ' menls nmsl be by eash, certified. tJen8llfollows~", . ..' ',' ty is ~luate at 101 Oam Grove and be_JAMES E, _S Com~lssloners WIll hold therr ft.,.' ,chiiCkcashier's or lreasure'a eheclr Amount 0/ Platnlill's, ' ""PIace,~uidollO, NewM.~\iI),,· and SANDRA Y, JENKINS, Moil- meeti~g on January 22, 1990, in . Submission of Bids: '. All blaser by:a United,Stales postal, bank, Judgment. $1,35~,536,37,. The' Judgment d,.· fure.' gagOl8, and FI1lST N!TlONAL th~ (~m~I"lOn, Meuling Roolll, mult be submilled on ~otn) 2222, express, or telegraph,money aider, . InWresl todate of , clOBtm 0/ the M~go on the lOI11 BANK OF LEA COUNTY Moil­ Lmcllin County Comheuse, Car. Sealed B11I forPurchaseof' Seized ~ eheclr onnoneyorder payable' ~a1e ffilI9~!~. i5~:~,~ pIop01\! described as. Trael 1 to gagee, being 1AI118, Bleak 9of Sun f1Z0W, at 100 P,M, I118tead of 4:00 Property, Contaelthe office indi; til tho Internal Revenue Slnfua 'l~r as rs il406 84i01 satisfy thefoll~Jitdgment lien: Valley SubdillsiblltJ;i_ CilJlllly, P,M " cated below forFortnil 2222 and in. ,Na~efTi~, fu :ddition to the ati9V~ ~ .' PiinOlPA1 and 1IIterest ..' '. NewMOlful, and being 6ugar aush . 1~!'lICh J. Pappao f0rt11l!bon aboul the PlIlperty, Sab. .·The nght, blle, and lJl\ereal of will be aeeruin cost toe~ with 1/26/00 . 1355;lt41.40. Roa~ Ruidoso, New MeXico. Lilll:oln C~~ty lIianager IDItlnds to the pmon.named beJow the taxpayer(~ed above) in and theOOllt ill ~li~li~ of this .1lolIl eatate!alres 4,157,90 · That ~~ ;01\ - your ap' Leg..1M11(1)15 before the lime hlds WI~ be opened, to \he ,p(llll6rly ~ offered fonale Netite, and attorney fees.:' Cools' 383~2 pearance 1II8ll1d cause on or befute Paymeul Terms: Bills mus!, be~~etltAl any pnor vahd oulsWld. WITNESS Illy hand and seal Special Master's fee, 100,00 ~e 8th day of Febrna!y, mo, . IJ~GAL NOTiCE a=pamed by the fall amount of ' mg morlga~s,encmnb~ances,.or ljtia 20th day ofDecember,1989, Altlin)ey's fee . 34,324,10' Judgment by dofault Will be enreted UPPER HONOO the bId I(rt. totals $200 or less, If ~ henum favor of third parbes ". .', IlliGIeI! IlaIn Tel~ , $394,006.42' agaillalyOu; , , . . . AND WATER • the total Ind nore than .$200, ~ the t~pay~ tbl:t are anpe- '. . .. ' Special ~ TBACT 2: . '. .,. . NBJlle imd addreils ~ (Pl$lill's) (,()NV~:RSAT!ON IlISTRlC'II' stilinnt 20 ~t 01 the amonnt .nor to the hen ?!' the Umted SUittl!. 1Legll11l661H«12)25.(1)IS 16 !.1 days in advance the validIty, of thto CAILU'OlllJlIIJS biBaDll.lilll!l!Jl~wife, JIl\Il P. COllUlro Deposit Insurance Corporation, ill \'8, '. or lh,' ml"ling. . . quantJty, weight, 9tte, or.conthtionfi~ssnuidoso. Notice jg hereby given that the . '. CO~TONc. couwroN, its corporate eapacity (FDlC.c) . JORGI! BAYON!ANIl t gmerKl'lHneetingR may be of any of the PlIlperty,purpos~orlls Doard of Educationop~ng basbi~of. bis wife, '" In addition to ilie suma due on YOILANDA Jll\YONA, call,.d I,y th, CI"innan or amajori. fomy,nse.o' ~lowanceNo cIann ftcially ehange Cl!nform WIth any expressed ~r .p,nt to Fehr.~lry 13; 1990, 7:00 1\1'] """"''''1' ,.a"ew we' ome by the Plaintifl; VI. U! 0 ngmen ,en re mt e. · pn h.d 11: til!' SOlI Convel;ation Ser- lillphed representat/~ n~ C p.m. ~t the I!mdoso Schools Admm- '. emS~ Mo;aS~BirSFD~iNESS my hand this 21st '. ~~~t1~e~~~nQb:~~~oWo,CciJ§: 4 !'iJpllalVH't' i1HIlT,\M Hlghwav. 380 West, Reve:tllueOffn~l!r,• re,ech lstratlOn Ofllce,ugalUi$5~3 3tm8,l1,15. l\~HJClMr:1~S!n.l'IITrri'f:l' lINC:, day 0fDeeember,1989. 161 on the·~ d day of October, :J '!l'Shirley A. Goodloe Internal Revenue Semee . al1ew exlill eorporalion; . IBJlIIick Vega 1989, wherein TIlE VALLEY " Chairman . P.O.lIox 1631 mOlllt\SON Speeiall\llasleJr !lANK OF EL PASO is thePlainlili . !AY'al #6605 1l(l)16 RoiWeII, N1II88201 IIJlGAILNOTICE ,CONS'I'IIII!JGTEON IJlIllJmOOIJ, IJIIJ'1'roN II and. JORGEIlAYONA 00 _. (1i05) 623-8161 Tl'iELIF'II'H JUllJlCIIAL COl\iPANf{, aTIlJ!lIIl GIlIFFIN, LID. YOLANDA' IlAYOMA are the , I 1-8-98 mSTRlCT COUIIT OOll'Poralion, JllANl[ OW· . 2291lio Stroot . Defewl:nils, the 1lIlderaigned win LI\I:Al NO'flCE !Legal 06599 6«1)15,1~~9 CO\lNT1i OF LlNOOILN lIlUIDOSOj RIJIDOSO STATE RnilIooo, New llieJIieo8G346 offer ~rsale at pnblie tAl the high- PIIIIUC NO'i'lCE (2)1 STATE OF NEW mco lIlANlI; TAJrATlON ANlIl AtIomel'd'or I'IalnliIl' est bIdder for cIIIIh at the frMt 'I~,' LIl!["In (' IIunty Commission fEllEIlAL DIlI'OIl1'lI' lllEVENUE DEPAIlTl\llllNT lFIJIC·C fl!lrance o!the Mnni~pal Building, Will hill rl a'ilrl"hilp se~,ion at 3:00 LEGAL NOTICE IN!lIJilANCIE Of TIIE STATE OF NlIlW ILegal 06582 41(1)1,8,15,22 Ctty 0/ Rtndos~ County of Lincoln, PM "n W", January 17, . IlEPAIlTMJllllT OF COlll'OIlATION illits MEXlICO; TlllI& RIllDOSO New Mexico on the 19th day Of Jan· 19!KI. I'. thi' ('IInUUls"oners Mee~ TIlE TIlllllASuRY Corporate Capacity NEWS; J1llIlST FEJlIlJW, LEGAIL NO'lI'ICE nary, 1990 at 10:00 a,lll., all rights mg II"Jill, Lmrnlll ('IInnly Com. IN'I'EIINAL RIWllNUE oolLiquidalor 01 SAVINGS BANI! OF NEW TVIIlLFTII JUJlIClAL of the Defendants JORGE huu,,'. C,m""iJ, The pnrpoae for SERVld.: .fillJlNationalBanlr.· l(ImCOjAUllElll8'l'01lES, .nlSTlUCT ' BAYONA AND YOLANDA till' "'''IIiI! " U, fCVleW the pro- NOTICE OF of ILincnlta Connly, . . INC., Wa T·BIIRIJ C01JNTll' OF LIlICOLli BAYON! to thifollowing descrllted i'",,,i lilli'"ill l'"nntv Persounel SJlALEIJ 11m OF SAlLE fonnerly Imown as 1II0~1I1l CIl!'ffllIlS, a S1'ATE OF NEWMEXICO properly !oealed i~ Lincoln County, Il'mdi....L • Under the authority in Internal lIIoncor Blmk, NA anti cOi'\lOmlti01lt and J:11IDEl!AIL NATIONAL New MeKico, to'WI~ IlJiNick Happas Revenae Code seelion 6331. the prior thOl'elo IIIJ PIONJi'.EIl SAVIlNGS & MOR'l'GAGE ASSOCIATION, Lot 17, Blook3'of P!NESCAPE I.illl'oln ('onnty Manager P,?ptJd' descnbed below has been Fh~t City Nalional'll'/lUST,J1.A.,. ~ ADDITION, Ruidoso,iincola l.ega11161l1l41l(1)15 sette or nonpayment of internal Bank 01 Lillooill Cnnnty, ' 1lef0lldants. va, .. . County, New Mexico, as shown :renue taxes due from James . lI'lainliff, No. CV-8Il-375 JAMES E. JENllIN§' by \he amendedPlatlhereof oyle Spruill. The property will be VIl. ]]]iv, m S1\NDRA Yo JENIDlNS, higfiledin the Office ofthe U:GAI. NOTICE sold at ptililic lIIIle under sealedbid WIJ1SE. MALlJANAlJO lIIlIi NO'Il'ICE OF wife, II'lLLIAM IlIJ CAllS, County Clerk ofEx.()ffi~o .. IJI;PARTMENT Of as PlIlvided by Internal Revenue IlACIlEL N. ~iJ\LIlONAllO, FOllECLO_ §ALE ALICE CAllS, Iris wile, Recorder ofLincoln County; TIHlE TREASURY Code section 6335 and related h:ooband mcl vIi,ie, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' IDAVID CABS, JANICE CABS, March 29,1971, in Tube No, INTh1lNAL REVENUE regolations. individually lIIlIi dIhIa that the undmigned Speciol bill wife, SUN VALLEY 390. . REIlVlCE Date Bids will be OptJned: Feb. RUIDOSO ALro VISTA Maaler will, on the 26th day ofJan- SAmTA'I'ION DISTIUCT, and Said Judgment directed fore- NOTICE OF ruw 7, ~ds90, II b' JOlINfWNTIJlIm, S1UJ!UJ:IT uary, 19S0, at 10:00 A.M., at the ANY AND.ALLOTBER closure of the mortgage on such HEAlLED BID SALE me I wi eopened: lO~O SAVIt"1GS ASOOCIA'IlON, front entrance to the Village of PERSONS CLAIMING properly to satisfy the following l'ndertiteauthority in Internal a,m, a'rem Slate Savingll Ruidoso Mnni~pal Building in INTElllm'IN00TO TBll items: Ht'venut" ('ode section 6331, the Place of Sale: Public LibrllrY AssocnaHon,JBlill1McCARTi Ruidoso, N.ew Mexico, sell to the SUBJECTREALPROPERTY Amount ofJudgment $8,729.48 pmjl'rtyd"cribed beluw hae been Ruidoso, NM. J' CONmllJCTlON CO., aNew highest hidder for cash, the follow. AIlVllllSE TO TIlE 1988 Ad Valorem ,,,,I'd fur 1I0npavment ur internal Tille Offered: Only the righ~ Ilimeo Corporation, 1li0N'1l ing doacribed real preperlies' PLAINTIIFF, taxes' $57,21 tax~lanr('.. rlur.FII~krfmm Thl~Harvey M, and Con. title" aM interest ?!' James Doyle C. RIlAGAN, RANDY JAY situate in Lincoln County, New IlefendanI& Attmney'sCosts~110.00Fees' $1,309.42 property will be Spnnll III and tAl the property will mSfi,~rnrRUIDOSO STATE Mexico, to-wit: No. CV.89oS52 11) 1I'\\lt'lT slild at p1lhhc sale under sealed bid be offered for sale. Ifrequeswd, the Jj)ro~~A N TRAC'T1,' lUlU m !\ltOI•20611 pm~ I wiRe S' 11 a eVl Merlco tjl as ded hI' In"'rnal Revenae n rna veaoe ernee wi fur·. Banlting Corpcration, Lot 17;Blnck 1, ofGrindstone NO'l'ICE OF SUIT fuaddition thereto there will be Cude ,eclllin 63:>5 and related rush information abeut pos~ble en·' UNiTlllJ STA'l'ESOf Canyon Resort Cmmnunity, STATE OF NEW MEXICO to accruing ceale, together with OOIIts reKolatiun;. cumbrancea, whieh may be useful WRICA, IN'lI'EIlNAL Pbas~,l, Ruidbso, Linooln . the a1Jove.nallJed Defendanl(s), ol'pn~lication ofthis Notice and the Date Bihill be Opened: Feb. in determining the vabm of thto in· REVENUE SERVlICll, (Aunty, New Mexic0 as shown . GREETINGS: . Spemol Master's Fee of$200,00 and mary 7, 1990. terest heingaold. (See/Nature of ltlefendanIB. by the plat thereoffiledl Yon are hereby notified that the atromel's fee~ ,...... ' Time Bill\ will be Opened: 10:00 Tille" below forfurther details.) COlllloUdaliilll 01 in the office ofthe County ahov&-nallJed (PIainlif!)(Pelilioner) \V1lness my hand. this 19th day a.m.. Description of Property: CV.§4.36S & Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder . ~aB filed acivilaet.ion against you ofDecember; 1989.· . . . Place of Sale: Ptililic Library, NW/~ of the. SEl4 of Seelion30, . CV-U372' olLincoln CountY, February 12, 111 lite ab8ve entJlJed Court and. Is/()Iydene H1!lI Rmd""J, Nrw Mexico. Township 9South, Rango 14 East, Ilivision n 1984, in Cabinetll, Slides 217,' calISe, the general'ebject theroof .'. Speclal Master Tille Offered: Only the righ~ N.MU" Lincoln CoJlllly, New No. CV.a9-B8 . 218, and 219, being to Jilreclose that etlrlmn Morl- LegllU6li7li 4t(U)25(1)1,8,15 tItle, anrl mterest of Harvey M, and MeXlcb~;' ,JOivwionlll Constance ,Foster in and to the ,su crect to exceptIOns, teserva- NOnCE Of SAlLE ' , property will be offered for sale. If tIOns and easements ofrecordj ~nd, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ...... , •.•••••••••• requ~Rted, .the In.tern~1 Iteve~ue FURTHER. SUBJECT to a t~~y ,that by virtite of aCorrected Judg- if' . Samce WIll ,furntsh InfOllllat,on (30)/oot WIde roadway ~. utihty mant entered in the abeve styled . O'. '0'" IT'.' ,...... ,. ahout poSSIble enfumbrances, easement. around the penmeterpfand numbered calISe on December . . . which may be useful in determining a~~ four SIdes of t~e tracv, ·andlor~ 11, 1989, the undersigl1id SiciaI .' ..' . . • the v~lue of thto hl~est being sold. silly (60). ~~t. nghj.of·way ease- ..Master Will, on the 19th day ofJan· . .·F.·lA··.·,.'0''.'NT''.' .' .. "'. ISee Na~ure of TItle below forfur-. m~nt for el1sting road~ay thto~gh.. uary, 1990t at 10:30 a,m" at. the ' theT de~Ils: ) ou~ the prope~ heremdescnbed, .fropt entrance of the Administra· DescnptJon of Property:- . which were ,prevIOusly reserved for .tion Building located in Ruidoso Atract of,land si~ua~d within the benefit .and use of adjoi~~g New Mexico offer for sale to th~, 'IT: . .",.,'. ""'. the N~1/4 NE 1/4 of Section,28 and property owners and the publIc In highest bidderfar cash the follow· . •• gener~l. propertie~ the SE,IJ4 SEU4 ofR~geSection 21, '. i /' .. ing described located in TownshipN~M, 10 South, 13 East, Ununproved land approI1ll1ately Lincoln'1?tsl~24,bothinc1u8ivejo£AltoCounty, New Mexico:'·' . S· '. I' P' ' d' .. .., '., . more ,particularly de- 40, acres" .' ' I' _ ~dl:,... ,·.It.e,C.II. ..,. ..'0.·.. ··.·: U' ,., .•..••'.·S'·.', "be,·'.·.·C·.··I.ft.·.··I· , scnhelhs follOWll. . Snbtmamom, of BIds. All . V1IIta Ealalooiwoln CilJlllly, r • tillt r a I, Starting atN~114the Northw~st co~er must be ~ubnutted on .Fonn~~2~22, . New MeIDco, as shown b the· . S· S" I P' \.'. . of the NE114 of Sal? Seebon Sealed B11I for Purclmaeoflicell1~·01 pialtliereoffiled in the 6ftiCil '. 'e'M'c'eS· . hee'II" . '·-IC··e"S,· 28;3~1.96Thence S88 51' Ead!atance ef l'(ttperty,~elowOentaetthe tn~. .' of!lie County~eorderClerk and Ex- .. .. •.. r .' . ".~ . ~tanCilfeet; Thence N01. 09' Ea· f~oncared fo.rForms 2222 and . Officio of Lincoln ,... 1'1'" 'E' . .. " 0/75,00 feot; Theaoo S88' abolllJheproperty. Sub- Goun!y, New Mexico, on Oetobef . .e'" . , ...' . ..L.III ·it' 51 Eadlstanr:e ~f 13ll.52 feel ~ 1llltlnds tofbe P!'OOn,named helow 6, 1981, in Cabinet ]),Slide .. . m,.,0...... the p!ees of begtnallJg 0/the heretn beforethtolime bids Wl~ be opened. '.. Numbeta46-ind 47. \. . . .' tra~ of land; ~ence eon- Payn1e~t Terms: .Blds must be·. ··LESS AND EXCEPTiNG LOTS '. AD-V: t2m69Ul4nSg r;S t88Th51' ESaodl~stoan9lcWe oi athceob~Pd'~~~tdE~Alth~2fu1001 amlount 01£ . 1, 7"AND 10. . . ,..... EIT····..··1·'S'.E·····' . "\, ~ ~ w~ ch~nce0' lee ; enca .' . . . ~tal1 11 1, S'!' or eas. f. The following described ofdJs!anc~15.00 feel; Thence27~,OO S10 tltes~nllt bill lJI moreoH~eamountthan $200, prepetlioo are 10000ted lla8l of High. ~I,,(j· ..'~N·.· 25 Wa of feet; 20peree.nt. Way' 37 in Alto Vista EStllteB and .T.·. e'e'.. R··.,M,·U._:..J>.' ..'0'./'·','·5''''0'.. ", .•.e·····W···.' S·'..' ' .', 2-··5'·..... 7-".4''0",'0··t'·· . Thence Ng85i Wa dmtance of ,b1d or $200, whichever lS greater, Northwest oflt))tt Stanton Hoad. 11 - 2~5.:J6 fe3t; 'fhence Nor 09' E,3 On acceptance of..ths'lrlg~c~~·bidl Said Judgment ditected fore· .. ..'. . . '. .' . d19mnce of 345.42 feet to the saId the balance dUO/If any, VillI bere- clOQure of the Mortgage held by the


" ..... • '.. ... U.l:.,IIIo.... f.. ~ r------;------.."..,,~--~'~~-'- -~------~------.-.. _-,.---.,-- -. - ',' "

, '

Page 21The Ruidoso News • I:l) (TlI) The Magnlflcont Yankee ~ Now.Hour " @Halel @DlalMTV r I:l) (WE) The Busler i(oalon Story tID Uve Wllh Reols r. Kathlo Lee @ CN~ HosdllnONows (JIJA·Team, ' r I:l) (TH) Madame Curle I1ID Young And Tho Resll,ess C!D Glmme Ailreokl ' , Q). ScoobyOoa r ... 5:00 j' (MOl Girl On The Edge 01 TO\1n I:l) (FR) Loak for The Sliver Lining @ Goraldo ' @(WE) TIlo Fill Troo 'S: (FR) Hang Tight. Willy QIII @ (ri10,WE) Te Be Announced t!XI Dlscovory On Tho Go 12:35 (lD (MO) Munsters ,~Wlpeout " t ~OO ,f DayBreak @ (TU) Hol.'J To Got A Second lW Amorlcan Magazine 1 (l)' (MO) Bud Ughl DareDevils 3:05 ClJAdiJams Family . , '1Z Carson's Comedy Classics Paychock [lID SIralght Talk III ITU) Flshln' Hole· '," @ (MO) Downtown Julio Drown Shoel (l) ,WE},Besl 01 Muscle Magazine 3:30 (l) (TU) NBA Today , @ Teddy RUlpln 7:05 (!lJ lime Houso On The Prairie· i!!I MTV Morning Sho\1 @ (TU,WE,TH,FR) Music Videos (l) (TH) 1989 Michelin LonO Drive CD SQua/ll One TV Q 7:30 jMO) Sportralts , 1Jl; Gumby m lll1 Woathor & You Championship' @)Dlvorco Court ' , 1M (TH,FR) Allred Hitchcock Hour @ Leave II To Boaver @ What's Happonlngl CD MO,TU,WE) lTV an (MO) Sw/lchlngChonnels Q l!l!I Ono Non'/ay Stroet @ (MO) Treasure 01 Swamp Costlo ill) Nulrillon In' Acllon CID ShowBiz Today ~ 5:05 'll Fllntstones @ Woody Woodpecker @ TU) The Magic SnOwman ' CD FIl) Reading R~lnbow tl .. @l(MO,WE,TH,FR) Lovo Connecllon r 5:30 (~ Nallon's Business Todoy @ Mousorclse @ WE) Hockey Night @ Mill Seap OpnraAwarUs . l!%I Fun HDuse ' , it NBC Ne\1s Al Sunrise @ (TU) To Be Announced @THgBllTryOITheGroaISI.BOrnard@,WE,TH,FR)SantaBarbara t!XI Molher Nature ' l' (MO) Tales ot L1n1e Women Skating On @ (FR) World Tomorro~1 @ FR Almasl Angals @ Intemallonsl Heur, llJ) Amorl¢lin .Magazlna '. r Thin Ice 7:45 iII (WEI Florida Strolls [J @ M) Crlmo In ThO SIrools CD (MO) Scarlace , (lID lIatman • . , , ~' (TU) Encyclopedia: The S Volume 0 iII (FR) Murder On The Orlenl Express @ TUI The Horizontal Uoutonant . (Z) (lUI Nolhlng Sacred Q) AlVin 'And The Chipmunks ,} (WE) Nature Walch Little Tern Bird @ WE) Killer McCoV (Z) (WE)Mlchatil Shayno, Prlvato @ (FR) Grimm's Fairy Tales & ThO SIory f B:OO (l) (1.10) Amorlca's Horso o @ TH) Mlslor Iluddwlng Detectivo Book SerIes ' r 1 (TH) Babor (l) (WEI U,S, Men's, Pro SkIIng ill Mister Rogers' IJelghborhood 0 @ FR) Om or Khayyom (Z) (l1l) The Enchanted Collage @ (MOl New HollywoodSquaros ' .5 (FR) Adventures 01 Tom Sa\1yer: The 10:05 (lD Pony Mason (Z) (I:R) I Cover The Wllterlrtmt . @ (TU.WE,TH,FR) 1,I0llyYiood SQuaros r Show Must Go 0n iII (TH) Uncensored Channels II: TV I , Around the World 10:30"" lIadyShoplnn . (l!) General HospUal 3:35 C!D Good Times ' I 1, Business Day I.N u I!]) Prlcels Right ~ r l) Everyday With Joan Lunden @World Day ill (TU) Socand Voyaoo 01 Tho rlllmi E;J @ (lU.WE.TH,FRI Facls 01, Ulo 4:00 rnflMO) Scholasll,c Sperts Amerlca I I!l!J Solly Jossy Rap heal , ~ How To Marry AMillionaire @) Gonorallons @ DlDcevory On The Go ' lID TUI Super iloWI XHighlights I f!5, The L1l1les @ Thoatre Of The Stars iII (TH) SWllchlno Channols 0 ' lID Crook & ChaDO lID WE) Super Bowl XI Highlights ~ @ @ Children's Room (1'.10) American Album t!ID (MO,FRIAmorlcan Baby "'" F Ih Kilt ,III HI Super Bowl XII Highlights t!XI (TUI tlatuml World . t!ID (lUI iioauty Breakthrouoh For ThO "'" a er nnws os I; , @ Popeye Hour 90s . @ MTV Allemoon Show lID FR) Super Bowl XIII Hlghllllhts ~~ (MO) To Be Announced t!XI lWEI \'loman Of The World CD MO) Survillal SpanIsh ,r "'" lWEI A ISh QB) Magnum, P.I. 1M (\'/EI Allred Hllchcock Hour t!XI TH) Dlscovory Showcoso "'" mer can naps ols (!) Wealher & You lD U,WE,TH,fR) 3'2-1, Conlact r:;J ~ FR) Colloctor's Journnl ~ @ ardCopy , , , 5:35 !l Tom And Jerry's Funhouse t!ID TH) Dolly Mixer Laverne &Shlrloy t!ID Clltl Telethon @ clm Headllno Nows @Lunch,Box· CD (lU) Young Sherlock Holmes Q ,I 5:45 ~, Farm And Rench Report l!!lI Broadcnst Plaza d' @ (TU,WE,TH,FR) Downtown Julio IIrown @ Couch PJltaloe· CD (WE) Funny Farm r:;J , ~ ~ I 6;00 I Homestrelch Pollco Academy [J Show IE Worll! Today @ [\l Sliver SpoonD '. 1:05 mJ TemAnd Jorly's Fun!louso Geral~o 4 News Good Mornlno, Mfckeyl W I' I, -~ (MO) Jim Henson's Ghost 01 Fallner ® Cartoon Elpress @ (TU,WE.TH,FR) Partridge Family 1:30al (MO) Conilnonllli Baskdball tW 3rd Degrilll Hall C 9:05 (!lJ (1'.10) Sunburn 11:00 (l) (MO) Bud Ught World Chnmplonshlp Associallon· , @ Charles In Chargo 1;1, 1 (lU) White Nights C (]I) (TU) AOuestlon 01 Love Grand Prix (l) (TU) SunklstK,I.O.S. ' @ New AnImal World ~ (WEI U2 Rallie And Hum (]I) (WE) Final Jeopardy • (l) (TU) Mickey Thompson's Oil Roa~ CD, (WE)•. BUdwelsor Thoroughbroa rrn' (MO,TU,WE,TH) Hardcastlo And .5, (TH) For Keeps 0 (]D (TH) Tho. Hunted Lady Championship Grand Prlx Olgosl . . McCormick r:;J , .5 (FR) Vibes 0 II) (FR) Klllloy (l) (WE) Collogo BaskotlJall: Caoch'l; CD ~H3 ,NASA At Work rrn IFR) Zarro ~ Oayilreak 9:15 ~ (MOl Jusl Ono 01 Tho Guys Courl CD FR Sblnlng Timo Stallone t!?l Martha's Graalest Hits 0 (TI~ (!Jl Who's TIle Boss? J;I V ABC World Ne\1s This Morning 0 iIJ (TU) Agnos 01 Go~ 0 (l) Tep Rank Doxlng GO M) Remo WIlliams: The Adventure 10 CBS This Morning III FA Insldo Tho PGA Toui BogIns r:;J I!! (Mll,TU,WE,TH) Wealher Walch ' I 12; BOlO 0:30 rn Squaro Ono TV Q . CD M) Challengo Unknown 00 (WE) You DOll'I ~avo To 010 Q I!! ,(FR) This Weekend I 15, Wewser iIJ {THI Arthur 2: On Tho Rocks 0 CD TU) lTV @ C.O.P.S, a MUPPel BabIes 1lJ, Bugs, Porky And Friends @ (TU t1olurol World CD TH) Roadlng Rainbow r:;I @ Discovery On Tho Go , @ Welcome To Pooh Cornor 3 COPS @ IWE) Looklno East @) Dayn 01 Our Uves lID Tog Card @ Fraggle Rock ~ (TU,WE,FR) Wall Oisney Presents !J]) FR} Tastes Ot Tho World @ Sonya Uvo In LA. l!lD Father Knows Besl ~ Tic Tac Dough ~ 3 (TU) To Be Announced CtJIJ Headllno Iloills tID ~ Mork & Mindy 4:0500 Beverly HilIbllllos 3 (TH.FRI Madame's Place I2!l Donnls Tho Monaco I!l!J As The World Turns @ (MOl MusIc Bex: Undo Arnold @ 4:30 mSpor!sLook • Wolcomo To Pooh Cornor @ (MO) NBA Basketball @ (lU.WE,TH,FR) Dumllo's Circus 6:05]l. GIlligan's Island , @ r.1r. Magoo lit Frlonds 0 III (MO) SlIrvlval Spanlch 1!21 (l'U,WE,TH,FRI Hews 0 IS Name TIlat Tllne W (lUI MotolWeek 'gn ' 6:3(),iA: SportsCenter ~ 9:00 mGolllno FII @ Discovery Field Test 1:35 Fllntsfones (II (WE) Sblp Quilling L To LIlet Yoga CIJ 3-2·1 Contae! 0 5; (MO) Rocket Glbrallar 0 @ (MO.TU,WE,FR) On Stago 1:45@ (WE) Boxer Shotts ,00 ITH) Computer Chronicles @) Scrabble lID THI Country KUchel! ' ~ Moplelown @ DayWatch I!'ID MO,TH) Varled 2:00 ~ ITU) Legends 01 World Class CD FR) Victory Garden r:;J ,~ Ctm Headline News 00 Current Allalr ® I!2l Joan Rlvors [lID Ul Dally Mixer Wreslllng lZl The Mo~l~ Masters @ TOIlay's Menilor @I Donahuo [lID WE) WeIght Lilss In America CD (WE,TH,FR) PGA Goll all Smurls ~ am Jeepardyl tJ ' Great Chols Ot New Orlonns t!ID FR) Play Tho Plano Overnight CD SIlS3me Slreet r:;J l!%I (MO) My World And Welcome To If @ (TH) Scheme 01 Things @ r,'artho's Greatost Hils @Bonanza @) (W!WE,TH,FR) Hlghwn To Heaven aJ Froggle Rock @ !llFibber McGe~ And Molly @ Succoss-tl·UJo em 9 To 5 l;J • jt: ' , r!:l HoI 011 The Wire , @ (r,10,\'/E) Selid Gold Rock 'tl Roll @ Donaltl Duck Prosonls @ Last 10 Spaco 00 1TU) MOm s 00 Strike we) ® (THJR) To Be Announced ~ I Great Gildersleeve @ (MO,TU.\'IE) Modlcal Cenlor 11:05@ (MO) Marlin luther King Jr. Nallonal Wall (WE) Jim Henson'n Gllost 01 FaUner ~ . FR Caplaln Nite 6: 35 (!lJ Bewilched @ tlo-Man Holiday Parade 00 &ft) Survival Series: GenUe Glanls 01 (Ill Wildlife Chr/mlctes 6:45 rn At,' Weather 9:30 (l) Basic Tralnlno Workout mJ ~J) Siunts TIle Pacific lID Top Card rn News CIJ (MO) rlowlon's Applo 0 @ E) Revenge For A Rap a (3) IFR) Sabar ~ (FR) Bln'rln Tin K·9 COil 7:00 IJ) (TU,TH,FR) Collego Basketball rn (lU,WE,TH,FR) lTV @ HI The 3.000 Mile Chase (i) liewsDlY l!iJ eNN Headline Newt (1; (VIE) Advenlure @ JackpoU @ FR Mllchell (!) TIle JUdge (!J) ComadV Wheel rn Sesame Streot 0 iII (WE) Accltlontal Tourist 0 11 :30 al (FR) LPGA Goll tml GUiding Ughl a Super Marlo Brothers (!1) Pasqualo's Kllchon Expross ':!J Today 0 (II (MO,TH) lTV @ Yo;1 Belr @ IMO)Supermall Clitooos t!ID (lU.FR) Strslahl Talk @ TUI Ponlollal Pock @ DayWatw' CID (WE) WIlo Is Killing Tho Groat Cllets 01 (Ill DiscoverY FIeld Test , i]) Good Morning Amorlca 0 @ Oumba's Circus Europe? lID NashvUle Now @ (WE,FR) Pound puppies @ IFR) Courtship 01 Edtllo's Falhor '!2i Bugs Bunny And Friends @ Your Healthl 1m Somethlng Else @ (TH) WiJzzlell @ MO) Guillvor's Travels !J]) Assignment Discovery lID VldeoCcuohy @ Yol MTV Rapsl '/D Bugs Bunny And Pals @ (lU,WE,TH,FR) Carloon Elpross 'HI Vldeor.1ornlng [lID Celebrity Chefs (!I) HawaII Flve-D @ $25,000 Pyramid ~ Our Houso 10:00 Illllodios In Mollon em Talkabout (lg Leave 1\ To Beaver 4:35 (J) Andy GtillillJ crm Lovo Cennoction ill (MO) lTV @ (MO,TU,WE,TH) Yeu And Me, Kid @ (MO) Oncll Upen ABrothers Grfmm ~ I!Jl Morning Report @ llovo lucy 5:00 (MO,TUIR) SpllllsCenler 11 :35@ (FR) Yeu Aml Me, Kid @ (lU) Secle! World 01 PollyFlynl (2) (WE,TH) College Baskelllall I2!l Jotsens (1) IMO) Ho's My Girl 11'45 CD (WE) Equal JDll!lce Under Tho law @ (WEI Who sin Chl/ge lIere?· TIle-Rnnn (J) CNN @ You And t,1e, I(ld (3) (lUI Roostor Cogburn , Lucas Special r:;J , (!) NBC Nlglltly News r:;J @ (r.10) Marga rei Bourke·Whlle iII (FR Murphy'S Romance 0 11 :55 @ (lU) Se~ Here, PrIvate Hargrove @ (TH) .Mooncussers • @ (FRI The SIory Of RObin Hood Mil His rn !) For Keeps e , (I) FR)lnslde The tift AFTERNOON Menle Men Iil aneyllne 13 ~P) Bad Bey CD (MO) The lasl TIme ISaw Parls 12:00 III (MO) super8euts 13 lVi~ What Ned, Corporal HargroVll? CD II Follow l'he Fleet CD e) The Itall Major (l) {TUI USHRA Batllo 01 Tho Moostol g ~H~ r~~~ W~A"lln . Trucks And Mud Racing II 0 CD ) Hall Anget (II (MOl Equal JusUce Under Tho law 13 F Lilslln AHarem CD FR) Nothing Bul The Troth (II (TU,YHl CreaUvo Uvlog ~ Cha n Reacllon l!J "A'S'H m (FR) Grabe Watch 2:05@ Fllntstones am News ;~ , . @ ------@) U,WE,TH.FR) Another World ,2:15 (Z) (lU) A Time To Remember. The (MO,TU;WE.FR) Abboll AlldCestello 00 MOl YoUO" love, First Lilvo 1930s ' . ~ (Til) Abbot And Costello " HBO IS 24 HOURS EVERY DAY CID I' Winners Take All (l) (FR) Rshl ,. . . @ Rendezvous MONDAY M~ llJ) VldloCounlry , ' 00 FR He'li Girl 2:30 tIl ,(WE) Pollee Academy 3:.Backltl ~ " @ oweOay TrainIng e . SClretlllw &, Mill" King t;I , 6p,m. - ROCKET GIBRALTAR with Burt Lancaster @ (MO) Now Hear TIllsl " (!) One Ule Te Uve rn 'IFR) Hang Tight, Willy Bill @ MTV's 1/2 Hour Comedy 1I0ur' 7:45 p.m. - HE'S MY GIRL @) News (l) ,WE) Tulsl ' . I I!!J .W Just Say Jullel .. TUESDAY @ (lU,WE,THJR) Andy Grllmh CD ITHI Swamp Waler a~~:\CheIS @ ,The Big Picture 6 p.m. - THE MORNING AFTER with Jane Fonda g Of New Orloans (J) Inside Edllion I!!J Fm KevIn seal: Sporting Foot (!I) T.J. Hookor l!%I DuckTalese (!J) Cosby Show r:;J , ,' 8p.m. - LOUIE ANDERSON: COMEDY ON CANVAS B @ Your Health! a Family Ties r:;J , I WEDNESDAY ~e:::: (~J,~~,WE,TH) Wall ,D1~ey ijjll:~iT8J~~:m:nosallcers ,@ R_cellons 'I i;JPress Vour Luck I 6p.m. - CADDYSHACK with Bill Murray. ~~ ~w"ne Ne~$ j 8p.m. -1ST &TEN: "Earn This One For'i:rnie" @ (I1ID) Hot flods Tollell· : 5:05 ciJJellel$Ont J @ '~THI ,Crossroads ,~ Futdl~use . " 1 r THURSDAY Bjllllp~r Diamonds . 13 ,S(umpe(S " 13 5:30 I}'j JMO,TUI Cbl!egellaskelblll 5 p.m. - FOR KEEPS? with Molly Ringwald 12:05 CIJ (MO) Beverly Hillbillies 2:3$ (llBrady Bunth ., '~ I FR),SubafU Ski Wolld • \ ~ IFRI Wall Dlslley Presents I 7p.m. - MAGNUM FORCE with Clint Eastwood ID FR, Son Of Sinbad ~:45 CD (MOl Aapture ' (J) Ighlly Business Rellor! \ FRIDAY , (TU)S~methrnllT~ C!l Cosby Show r:;l , 12:15 CD (WElltv . (l) Sing About 00 (MO) Babar 6p.m. - VIBES with Cyndi Lauper @ (WE Knockout ,3:oororrU)IllrneSiRlclng '911" , (J) Crosstire ' , 12:30 "", rWE) Blae'kColl·e'ge 'S' p'o'rts''Tod'a'y' , m",l$llr ROllers' HalghbOrhood Q 7:45 p.m. - TWINS with Dan'ny DeVito .... \ . , t!lPeopla's Court', ' , ~~:~~:::g' r mHomesltllch 'm (TUI HlghPowdlr t:;I, . I!2l Hight Court ' SATURDAY ,m (THl Joe Kldd ' . \II ,~" Six Pick " , r 6p.m. -ANIGHTMARE ON ELM ST. 4: THE DREAM MASTER tIm Fam IV Feud , ' ' Ill) WOlkl Multot, ' , (!])(TU,WE,TH,FR) IIlcHall Dyke ,(5). Fa Rock,tOlbr.llar Q ' @ Remola Call1rol' 7:30 p.m. - THE YOUNG COMEDIANS ALL·STAR REUNION 'KI b ... ' til NIWSWaltb ' . (!J) Ka.. & AIII'~'" , Il}) PIsqUIIas i c en upress ,(!l,(jprah Winfrey , , ~ , llJ) (MOl Sidell, Side, ','. , Family na. ',; " , SUNDAY llJ) (Ttl,'rH) Remodeling And DIlllorlllng , ,(\)) ~~,WE,TH,FR) Flmlly FlIilH • '@ Donald, Duck re$ents , , 4p.m. - SIX PACK with Kenny Rogers Today· ,,' " . ~ C'h,ll~p),~~g~:~iJ::~ =~:~lt;1·,,· 18 HIOIl RlIllell ' 6p.m. - DANGEROUS LIAiSONS with Glenn Close @ (WE) Country KI(chen ' M'" ov,. t:;I S~n r @ (FR) Celebrlij Outdoors (Ill oUl.r Nature ' '5:35t1l Sanlord Ald. I , , , l!5l Blllllln, , , , .,,1 257.5121 CABLEVISION 117 Wingfield Ave... , , " ", " ; r • ,r • ,r , r, , --, -" - _':"'".iiI'Wi.",., "h.,'H.'.....iilll"£ ../ ... --0.::,:'" ;", " ',.""".,.,. . .. _. .. , . .' .. '. .. , , The RUidoso News I Page 3 . , · I EVENING '(1954) '. I. ." • 8:1'5 ill MOVIE: Agnes 0' God When anun is @ nal'lce party USA . . QJlJ Newhall JUlIa. DUffY, Peter Seclarl, Bob. accused of murd~rlng her illegitimate child, G:05CIDMOVIE: Llvlill!prool: Tile Hank Williams .... New,MtJiirlW·Qld ..'.'. apsYCQiatristissentlntofindthetruth,Jane J SI A '1' .I kill 6:00 (]) NlacNellLehrer Newsllour .@ y or And Wolcomo To II Fonda; Anne Bancroft (1985)." . f.' ory .coun lY. smger n~ar y' s @) CD ®J News '.:' ..... \ .1Dl Challengo . .•.... g.OO"" Gttl . 'Flt ..... himself, literally, trying to get· out 01 hiS .

, • Pags 4 11hs Ru Idoso News 10:00 (!I 1909 BMW Vlnlage Foil FasUval 12:30 (!I ilIock Collego Spolill Taday ctJ Evening News . ask him to. help bring thll Durling ganO to ASearch for Solid Ground Alook at the ® Ooogle Howser, M,O, Belinda Man!- lusUCQ.. Ronafd Reaga", Dorothy Malolle, m 1:011 (!IlIosl Of Muscle Magazine ~~~~~a UR' Intifada, the palestinian uprising directed (2) MOVIE: Michael Shayne, Prlvalo __ against Israeh occupation of the West Bank OotocUve A private delective is hired 10 Slicking C " :. ,. (17) M1'V Prime TIme . and the Gaza Stnp, through Israeli eyes. protect the daughter of arace track executive am Jake llnd The Falman WIlliam Conrod. OIl Movie .. @ ® I1llI tlews when she accrues enormous gambling Joe Penny, Alan Campbell Q r,m GIliwIIlO. Pain, Q II) Na\'Jstllghl debts. Lloyd Nolan, Marjorie Weaver (lJ) Survival @ KIds, Incorporated @ , am CBN Telalhon 'K A' I' QJ MOVIE:, The far CountrY When men Secrats Of tJolura (1940) (11) Nea 6:00 W MOVIE: For' leps young enup eStaking a hetd of callie to Alaska run Into @) tJoshvllla Nol'J 1:30 ~ Iludwelser Thoroughbred DlOesl 9 MOVIE: Raising ArIzona After discover- dream of attending college Is put aside Y(hen laWlessness, thoy declde to clean up the (lID MOVIE: Drums Across TIIa River Against ing they're unable 10 have children, an pregnancy lorces' them Into marriage, Mally. town. James Stewart, RuthRoman, Corinne hiS falher's WIshes, a youth lOins a gang 2:00 (!I PGA Goll Bob Hope Classic, 1sl Round B~-eon which raids Indian terrrtory for gold. Audie from Palm Springs, CA (l) and his wife po about remedying the Rlngwafd, Randal/Barnlkoff (1988) Q (!aIV8t (1955) . '. Murphy, Walter Brennan, Usa Gaye @ MOVIE: Righi CroSll Romantic triangle situation by kidnapPlOg aquintuplet NIcolas 6:30 III SportsClnler \ lB Dantt Party USA . (1954) develops between prizefighter, sports writer, cage, Holfy Hunrer, ,Trey Wilson (1967) 1:00 (2) ~ollige Basketball Duke vs 'North 6:05 W"MOVIE: BadBllyaJaHedforanaccldental lID PoslModom t,1TV and the girl they both love. DlckPol'lell, June Q Carehna (R) '. killing. ayClung man struggles 19rthe top of llI]) Jock Ilannv Allyson (1951) IS Miami Vice l2J MOVIE: Madame Curia love ~ory oUha the prison snake pit In this drama of young lBJ Temorrow's Oullook 2:30 CID MOVIE: Pollen Acadomy 3: Back In 0:10 (I) MOVIE: I.8st Train From Gun HIli A famous Woman sclenljllt who discovers' criminals. Sean Penn , Esal @ Nlghl Courl Q Training Mahoney and his fellow slapstick sheriff must fight off an ~ntire town to bring radium, and the tragedy that befalls her Morales (1983)· .' .. _ ' @ t.101lIE:r.1urder AI Tho Gallop MISS cnmebusters are back with a single goal: a young killer to justice, Kirk Douglas, husband. Greer Garson, Wafler Pfd9l1Oll. 6:30 (!l'Whlel 01 FOrlt!ne ~ I '. Marple, an amateur sleuth. suspects that the save the academyl Steve Gunenberg, Bubba Antheny Quinn, Carolyn,Jones (1959) (1944). . ,CDThII.IIVour Ufe: Francea Firmer death of an old recluse IS not an accident Sm/lh (1986) Q 0:20 @ MOVIE: Convlcl$ Four Convict John 8:05 W MOVIE: The Hunted Lady A speCial mEntartlrament Toqlgbt Margaret Rutherford. Robert Morley, Flora (Z) MOVIE: Tulsa The fiery daughter of an oil Resko, while serving sevanteen years in s~curity olftcer betomcs a target, for aDl Who's The Bou? Q Robson 11963) man strikes It rich, but her newly found prison, becomes an accomplished,' and elimlnallon when she agrees to assist a lBl Croak" Cbase . ® Prolosslonal Figure Shallng power nearly ruins her chances lor love and renown artlst Ben Garzaro, Stuart Wh/lman, fellow officer with his Investigation, Donna (11) CNN Heldlln. Nea 10:05 all MOillE: Esenpo From Bogen Counly happiness. Susan Hayl'lar(J, Robert Proslon Sammy Davis Jr. (1962) Mills, Robert Reed ~1977) a Night Courll;l , . (1949) Story of a ruthless political czar who stnps 9:30 @ Dear John Jere Bums, Susan Walters, 8:30 W MOVIE: Arthur 2: On The Rocks Arthur .. =Mickey Moulle Club Q hiS wife of her human and legal nghts. Jaclyn 3:00@ MOVIE: Tho Fig Troo After her mother Judd Hirsch C .. loses everything for love, When he is left 7'00 (2) Coiligi Baiketban Smith. Milchell Ryan, MIchael Parks dies, achild becomes obsessed with dealh aD Kids In The Hall Dave Foley, Bruce bankrupt, the world's most irresponsible ' W Mvsleryl·Polrol (Pl, 1 01,9) David (1977) and must leam its role in her life. Karran MeCullech. Kevin MeDanald C .playboy must learn to be poor or beenm~ '. ,'Iucllet, Hugh Frazer. Phiflp Jackson Q 10:30 (!) Tonlghl Shol'J Graves, Teresa Wrlghr (1987) (!) The Movie Maslers Kitty carllsfe, Peggy rich. again. Dudley Moore, Uza Mlnnelll -< ~ Coiby Show Usa Boner, Tempeslt I1llI Cheors Q , 11:60 (!I Supor Bowl XI Hlghllghlll Oakland vs cass, Clive Bames '. (1988) Q Bledsoe C', . . @ MOVIE: Exo·r.1an When a phYSICS Minnesota I!) Anything Bul leve Jamie Lee Curtis, 9:00 (]J Gelling AI W N!9VIE: M'qnumFo~ San Francisen . professor IS paralyzed after an assault by a CID MOVIE: funny Form Asportswriter with Courtney Thome-$m/lh, Richard Lewis Q 9'30 (2) Blslc Training Workout homlCldo detetllve, investigating a rash of mob hit man. he Inesto create asuit that will vIsions of VlritlOg the Great American Novel a2l News Q . 'gangslermurdersdlscoversthaltheyarethe· allow him to move hiS limbs David Ackroyd. moves to the peaceful setting of rural (IJ) Hollywood Chronicles 10:oo@ MOVIE: BlnyOt The Grell SL Bernard wQrk of apollee assassinatilm squad. ClInt Anne Schedeen. A. Martinez (1977) surburbla. Chevy Chase. Madalyn Smith 1m On Siage Alearn ~f rugged men and,huge St; B~mard Eastwood. Hal Hofbtook, Mitclioll Ryan @ CtJtJ Helldllne tJOI'JS (f988) Q 1m CNN Headline Ne\llll mo~ntalDrescuedogsdedlcatethClrllves~o (1973)... .' . @ Oenger Bay Q saving othelS tr~Ped In SWitzerland S (J) Lany King Unl ' .' .. , ® Music Vldoos 11:30 (!I Sporlslook llI]) Pold Progrnmmlng 9:00 aD Molorwaek lIIuslr8ted "dangerousmountains, Jean Cfaude DauphIn, III MOVIE: So.mewhereln The, Night Awar QD Arsonlo Hall 6:60 (!I Collego i1askotboll Boston College vs (]) Arrau & Mull & Bealhoven Muti Pierre Ta~rd (1976) . vet,e,lan ~ulfenng !rom amnesia ro!Urns 10 Georgetown (l) sufferi~g 10:35 ® !.l'A'S'H conducts pianist Claudio Arrau and the @ MOVIE: M($ler Buddwlng Man ciVIlian Ina bellevlOq he was. preVIously a (2) MOVIE: Tho Iron Major Frank Cavanaugh Philadelphia Orchestra in Beethoven's 4th Irom. amnosla pursues a search.for hiS racketeer. John Hcdlak, Nancy Guild, Uoyd 10:40 ill MOVIE: Frighl rJlghl An Imaginative distingUished himself both as an outstand­ piano enncorto. Identity and desperately seeks hiS past, Nofan (1946) • teenager suspects that hiS mystenous new 109 football coach and World War II horo,Pat @) Quantum Leap Scott Bakula t:;I James Gamer. Jean Simmons (1965) (f) Flther oowllnq Mysteries Tom Bosfey, neighbor IS avampire, but no one wdl believe O·Bnen. Robert Ryan (1943) CIDMOVlE: The Blob Two teens In asmall 10:30 rn BodyShlplng.. Troey Nefson, Kavln McDermott t:;I him. nol even the local horror show host ~hennels ~ William Ragsdale, Roddy McDowall. ChriS town try 10 warn Iheir friends and neighbors W MOVIE: Swllchln.g A 48 Hours C Sarandon (1985) Q EVENING 01 amalignant life form from outor space. beleaguered news .executive tries 10 provont (!J) Beyond,2OOO Kevin Dl/lon Shalvnee Sm/lh Donovan his star anchorwoman from marrylng a ® Nashville Now . , 11 :00 tIl Aula Racing Leitch (1988l ' dimwitted millionaire, Burt Reynolds, Kath· g Wealhll Wetcb , 6:00 (I) raocNolI Lohror NowsHour 1.) Shol'JBlz Today CAl MODeyllne leen Tumer (1968) t:;I ~ a SImon 111 Simon r @ ® @I tlows m MOVIE: Angel On My Shoulder A (2) MOVIE: Thelren MaJor Frank Cavanaugh 11:00 Top Rank Boxing USBA, Middleweight @ MOVIE: The Jo~"!ey Of Nally , (ID MOVIE: Coddyshock Acaddy who works aD Gallo A mOldered convict returns to earth as a dislinguished himsBIl bolh as an oulstand- . Eliminator from Atlantic City, NJ (R) . courageous young gIrl intho 1930s allompls , respected ludge who IS supposed to help the at astaid country club IS anxious to I'IIn the Ing football coach and World War II hero, Pat •' .' to overcome extraor~lOary odds when she club's college scholarship In a big playoff ~ devil, but he outsmarts Satan Paul Mum, O'Brien, Robert Ryan Ruth Wan/ck 11.05 (J) M~VlE: Th~ ,3,000 Mile Chlse A travels cross country In search of her father. , Claude Rams, Anne Baxter (1946) match Chevy Chase. Rodney·Dangerfield, (1943) , p~QfesslOnal enuner s efforls~odellvera key Meredith safenger, John CUsack, Ray Wise I1llI Pal Solak Shol'J Ted Knight (1980) Q ® China Boach Q I'Iltness cross country to testily coma ~nder (1985) Q • @ World Manliar II) Prlmotlows CIliJ Wiseguy Ken Wahl, Uennis Lipscomb allack by professional gunmen. Cit" De C) JIm aID Joo Franklin @ Hogan's Horoos Q Young, 'Gfenn Ford (1971) 7:30 00 Ollfer~nl World,Kadeem HardisoT1, John @ Wlldllio Chronicles I'" @) Convorsaflon Wllh Dinah @ Hot 011 Tho Wlro H. Francis, Jasmine GuyQ @ C) (lID MOVIE: EI Paso After falling to rid atown Safari He·Man I . wednesday of corruption during the chaotic days after @) Conversallon Wllh Olnah 8:00 III Aileins ChroniCles " I !lID Hardcastlo And r~cCormlck 12:00 @ MOVIE: Crossroads A respected. (!l Cheers John Rartenberger. Alex Trebek, _ __ ... J the CIVil War, a young lawyer learns to l-c_ ® Just Say Jullel diplomat suffering amnesia is accused of Ted DanSlln D. outshoot hiS enemies John Payne, Gail Ve~rs Russell. Sterlmg Hayden (1949) tml 50 Ago being aformer notorious criminal. William WEvening tfews .. ® MTV Primo Tlmo @ MOVIE, Tho Time Mochlne. Inventor of Powell, Hedy Lamarr (1942) . (!) Young Riders Yvonne Suhor, Roger aID II Takes AThief lhe time machine undert?kes ~ Journey Into 12:30 CID MOVIE: Joe Kldd Mexicans invade a Raes, Don Collier Q ~f 6:30'J) SportsCenler @ Growing Pains Q the Infmlty Ihe fourth dimenSIOn, based on small New Mexico 10l'ln and lighting breaks @) Island Son Q HG We~ls. fantasy fiction. ROd Taylor, out belween them, th~ Mexlcml townsfolk News 7:00 @ mOVIE: Tho Ouster Koaton Story True @ Kids, Incorporolod @)l!il C I,fe story of one of the greatest comiCs of the @ tJllA Baskotboll Q Yvene Mlmleux, Alan Young (1960) and powerfulland operators. CfintEastwood, (!J) Proliles Ol 'Naluro Silent screen, hiS climb upward and hiS fmal @ Oanco Party USA 9 Murdor. She Wroto John Sexon (1972) @l CBNTelethon .PaY~heck fall Donald OConnor Ann Blyth (1957) 6:05 (J!) MOVIE: Tho Scalpbuntors Fur trader and 9:30 (2J SllorlsContor 1:011 rn 1969 Mlchellnler.g Drivo (gI How To Get ASecond a slave fight Indians 10 the Old West One CID Spoils Tonlghl ChampIonship From Bermuda (R) @ MOVIE: Thunder Bay 011 dnllers off the 7:45 'IJ MOVIE: Florida Slflllls An unlikely tno of \V~th aloner. acollege student and aformer Cuban tnesto regain stolen furs and the other tnes @ Hili Sireetllluos Cl) MOVIE: The Enchanled Cellage While in Louisiana coast must deal sab.olagaand @) Crook &Chase a strange house, a homely girl and a hatred from the local shnm~ fishermen. officer 1010 forces to fmd aload of gold buned to galO hiS freedom by way of Mexico. Burt 25 years earher Raul Julia, Fred Ward Lancaster, Shelley Winters, Telly Savalas ® MTV's News AI Night disfigured maJ1 fall In love. DOfOthyMcGulre James Stewart, Joanne Dru, Gilbert Roland (1986) Q (1968) tml Comedy TonIght Robart Young (W45) '(1953) '. 6:30 ® Whool 01 Forluno Q 10:00 (!I U.S. Gymnastics Challenge 2:00 CD PGA Goll Bob HopaClassic, 2nd Round @ MIamI Vice . 8:00 tIl U.S. r,1en's Pro SkIIng The Plymouth III MOVIE: Meet John 000 A repart~r from Palm Springs, CA '(l) 8:05 ~ MOVIE: Valley Girl ACOol. Valley girl From SQuaw Valley. CA I (Z) Amorlcan Movlo leoand: John Wayne ThiS senes of speCials offers profiles of creates aS!0!Y about aJohn Doe who Will @ MOVIE: Mo.ncmers Ships are led to .giVes up her.Valley dude boyfnend to find B:05 ClD MOVIE: Final JoopardV A small-town particular film artists ThiS show celebrates commit SUICide on Christmas Eve as a destruction when ex-plratesdispJay phony happl~ess with a Hollywood punk rocker couple faces amght of terror when they fmd Ihe UniQuely Amencan portrayals of screen protest against the stale of the world, Gary blinder lights on rocky shores, Oscar Who IS totally awesome, Nicolas cage, themselves Irapped In a large Inner City Cooper. Barbara Sranwyck, Edward Amold Homofka; Kevin Corcoran (1962) Deborah Foreman, CoJlepn Camp (1983) Richard Thomas, Mary Crosby (1985) giant John Wayne. ® Entorlalnmanl Tonight (1941) N @ MOVIE: I Leve YClu Again Head blow 8:30 l!l Grind Pamefa Reer!, Ed Marinaro, Sara 9:00 ~ Golling I'll Iilll Who's Tha Bosa? Q @

• I .0.-" • , .. -. '\', --..------.------~.~,.,..,...... ,-c·.. i;-,-~·,_-"7.-·C--- ~----,-~-----. ------.- ~~ -: -. -;- ,.... • . , , The Ruidoso Newsf Page 5 .... 1D:llIlIDNewHorlJOnl . o!Greekfiretogalnhlsfre~domandfreethe " RBggloVoljohnsbn,R0S8tta'6n~/reQ .. ' ,(1977) .. .~BDlgl··St~!Y·G IB /.Wj I Th' H.~ln'.· N ,CltyfrOm the forces 01 mighty Tamatlane. , ra • ,I8Hltehhlklll'., . ; . < IV In!lY $ umm.ears nne a .~ ,w~'lgb~~' ' . " .[)Plo RQ,bcrtSon, Sally Fo!rest (1955)' 7:4511) MOVIE: Twins Thaylook and ac(:vary"'O:05(1) MOVIE: Gcilll01 l1Je Am.zon Women ~o~u~:jables l;I Thousall~ tWin~.Two , aJ) V1ttnam:The Ten nlrWar 1:00 Cll, ",OYIE: ,I COYer lhe ·Walerfront ," :different,but they:re actually . Two expillrerssearching for a tr!lilSure In (!2l PIP.plilTo People, ." . h.\ , . O!lNashvnle floW ' Oesperalolrn;CIUOS, areporter befriends Ihe ,brothers, the results of genetic expenmenls, .• oold deep In t~eSouth American. jU~~le tm G!ii1Jert ..' ! ,f> ·tmMOVIE:LawAnd Order A retired daughter DI ~,suspected murderer and ,look for their long·lost mother. Amold encounter ~ society of statuesque woliten., l!ll CNN H..dllne News .marshall must postpolTe his plans to marry smuggler after aman Is found dead aUhe Sc/Jwarzenogger, OannyOoV/to, Chloo We~b So Svenson, Anita Ekberg. Donald Plliasance 7:00 (2) Ma.Uosln's Sail Waler'Jotimal ...... , andleaveTombstonewhenthetowospeople San Diego Waterfront Sen'wn, Claudott.e (1988) Q (1979) . CD Humanllles ThruMs ask him to help bring the DudinQ gaog to 'Colbert(1933) . 8:00 CD Wuhlnll10n Week In Review Q ' 10:30 (l) Ught.r Slde'QISporls' ® Captain N: The GarneMaster Q justice. Ronald Reagan, Dorothy Malono, 2;OO(l) PGA,GoIfBob Hope ClllSSlc, 3rd:Round[!)MOVlE:NBCMovlaOlThIWeekMullfef lli The A.ddlctad BraIn Take atour of the WHllY(i UPdate AIIIX Nicol (1953), • from Palm Springs, CA (l), . ' 1ft P"'dlse A burned·out, blg-cltycop, . mostproliflcmanufactureranduserOf'drugs @ C"-r1lndo JPao~ktrt, H~wali ! OII_nlnmy MTV ,@MOVIE:1IIeStorrofRoblnHOOllAndseeks.refupe In only to become ' in existence-the hI/man brain. Q ' «J]' ProOles 01 Naluro "., • - His Mem, Me.. Rob.," HOOd and his ban~ of embroiled '" ~ sanal murder case thaI's ® Tonight Show .' . '., (!jJ Backyard America '. OTomorrow'lOuUook . fearless men defyPnnce Charles to free Klftg Identical to hiS .last CalifornIa Raisins 0 ho IS. the killer. E1lloU Gould, Nina Van managrees to tell nothing but the. truth, he legends including Peter Noone Of Herman's «J] World Monitor • (12) Minority Business !lopoll Pallandt, Sterling Hayden (1973) , ~acomes awareolhownecessaryllttlawhn~ Hermits, Raro Earth, and Frankie Valli and (!)) Joe Franklin • @ Secrels 01 Nalura ail CNNHI.dllne News lies can lJe, He almosl breaks up tfis tho Four Seasons perform in Ihis concert. @ MOVIE: Damon And Pyttl85 In Ihe @ RemOdeling Acd Decorallng Today @MuslcVldeos romaJice. Bob Hope. Pauletto Godd¥d (!'ilCHN Heldlihe News colorfulancientworld,theBohemianQamon ~ I'm TelRng OJ Plld ProgrammIng (1941) .1: M V'" HIS ., UI . and the logical Athenian Pythias put their @ Yal MTV Rapsl S Arsenio Hall . 5:30 (2) Sublru Ski Wolld 6.:l0@ 0 I", ereu es, amso~ a ys~es long,standmg friendship to the test. Guy' (!J) Three Sleogos @MOYJE:RuUkJesAshipwreckedRusslan Phenomenal feats 01 strength "nd herOism Williams. Dan Bumett, Uana Odei (1962) t» Comic Slr/p sailor and three all·American boys venture are performed by legendary characters who ra Hitchhiker @ Welceme To Pooh Comar • . 'I ' .I th' lOin forco to protect Greece from the . - H·oW lbo We-t W"" W"n on tho lo~moy of aII etlmlJ prov ~g aworsl Philistines. KirkMorris, RiChard Llol/d. Leana ...... ' " ,," " 01 enemies can become best fnends, Whip Offel (1965)· r @ To Be Announ~od Hubloy, Leaf PhoeniX, Pater SiHingsloy •. W rid SkU " , 9:05 (!D MOVIE: Mbtor Roberts The lJeloved' (1987' 6,0000 o. CuP. ng a:OOrn Greal Peilollllanceo Rabm LViI/tams, second ollicer on a U,S, Navy cargo ship GD MacNeil Lehre~ NewsHoOr catherine Barowitz, Jerry Stiller Q durtng World War II longs for comlJat. but ® l!l @) H~ws. (I) Moneyllne • musl Instead battle w.thhls autocratic (Il MOYIE:. Vibes Two psychICS are conn~d CD MOVIE: HeUllng BUt Tho Trulll Vlllen a captalO, Henry Fonda. James Cagney. Jack IOta searchlOg lorgold and encounterdang"r man agrees 10 tell nothlO9 but thlltruth, he L (t955) and romance 10 thll process. CyntH l.auper, becomes awars-ofhownecessarylittlewhile emman Jeff Goldblum, Peter Falk (19118) Q lies can be. He almost breaks up hIS 5:GO (l!) SpaltsCenler 9:10m ShowBiz This Woolf ~ PrMIOmyeINE.ewUs I "'" " .....;·0" NI 'I T" 0 romance. BDb Hope. Pauletto GOddard, m°LaayBreJ ak 9:3000 ESPIJ Ootdsors MORNING ~ • pOn" .,awn,. g".1 Edward Arnold (1941) @ rry cnes (D Business 01 Mllnooement working man allempt to recover a stolen ro %9/20 0 ~ Miracles TodaV ~Styla lollerytrcket from IhablaCk underworld after @l Falcofll:rost 1:;1 C1!l World Tomorrow wlJootlejulca t;l . conn~d 6:011 CID MOVIE: Vibes Two.psychics are . they Vl.ere nppc~ off at,~ eft.or hours @ Captain Nlco ~ MOVIE: Loch Noss ~orror Greedy \!l!I Garfield And Frlor.~s i:;! G~arehing into for gold and encounlerdanger gambling j0101. Sidney Pilltrer, BIll Cosby. @ Dlrlcovory Sho'oll'toso IOvesllgators and a dIscredited 'naturalist @ Al Tho Movies and romance In the process•.Cyndll.auper, Harry Belafonte (1974). ~ Zarro Invite unknown horror whon they steal an ®Hlountry KiI.~en Jeff Gofdblum (1988) Q. @ BlII Burrud's Animal O~YSS!lV ® Friday Night Reck Blecks unhatched egg from the l8Irofthe luch rless (!ID Now Generatioll 6:3000 SportsCenter @ Chllreh Slteel SlallollC1!lClnemAllracl!ons creature. Barry Buchanan, Mike- McKeoZie, ® CNN noadllne flews , M~VlE: 13M~rder 7/00 ~ College Basketball Ohio State vs ® The FUlles Acaltle baron 'Silo Wroto . Sandy Kenyan (1982) @ Oumllo's Circus remarllOS and must lace the Jealous fury 01 ' . 5:0S (l!) tlWA Wreslllo" Power Ilo~r S ' I TIS' II G Michigan (R) . hiS tempestuous, ranga ndmg daughter. 9:05 ~ Hlabt Tracks: Power Hils .. 9:00 cal tar S"ot Coy mgo 00 arne @ MOVIE: Lock For Tho Sliver Unlng 'Vi if, II 5:30@ Captain's Cup: IllgGamo Flshlog (]) Bllslr.oss File MustC "homo toolOOd' l>anqtlel!J,~, 'Wllddingtl ond~JtXl1>" construction wotker lries tocopa WIth the " '1lliS stJnOl!R'l1I1)R. ;. aneah al·pi Ballingil. '!'tu1 iloo [oa!tJre" ~llnS liro Qlll"I!l~l1y1l1-ailalilll. ". '11:ao OOLPGA GoJfJarrtaica Classlo,211oRound 1'h~e ~1ilitI'8lunch, , ,from Mlll1tego Bay, Jamaica (l) ,.. ' fact that his 21 year !lId would be writer son $ ..105 dally dinro!r sl"'dah,-oolIIor .I can Only land meniallobs,l'dul Neltman, Enjoy the .1tJar.~ecl~n Irdllildoeo ~,Jdd\l mentiandfast,lrieM!y'aUv!oo. I , , AFTERNOON :b6o~rtl~~~~erll =s'=::.t.~~«.:'~~r.iO~~~DS ~~~="N I, I ate' ' lreaSures to discoverandadVentutes falthe am t~a.lll. Until 10;(X)'p.m.MnI\d.t;p. WlIclc.: a.s JiIl1..SOlid! oHlaldo.o Af11..,"mf&~ew. I 12;llIl t!> MOVIE:",'. My GkiWhel1Bryan Wins Y(h~le falllily when Big Bird and 1I1sfriends nmsrAtt'I'm(H';A11l rhlnil! #51.$141 rhOtle2S7-93Z8 . I , , a contest requiring him to bring a dale. VISit the MetropofJlal1 Museum of Art. , lIJ&Iriwi 171l,NoxUo Wat.t.wt 1!n~~tllI1lm\o1cla.lorlllrllh,and""'J"'rl~tho ,(j,o"blrandY.1J,b SIoNl and 1amUl,loI1ne:rl}' at I RelKlifl taosalongln drag, beCllttiing Regina,. 18 J.m .' . , .. 'l'hotle~, luxurlOlllJ~dhIh\g~tll&'whkhthe ~l'iru Fl,.latmnt, ltlvlw you to th2it oavrd HlJlyday. r.t<. C8rler(19871 ' ; 7:30 ltl' SUllkls!'lll'dhltlHal ThoS~ GalelWelatir6l\ opi!llTt1eII<¥1 thni Innl\a!I.beeomc ~ 11\ thn Oan tJ.I

l , ' •

, ' , , , ~ . .' ' "':' ',,', )", ·s.w _ ,;' .... w·:,;_.,#-',-" ". ..:.... it -, e ': "" " ; . d j ".( .. J Page 6/The Ruidoso News I m~ther. yqung~ters @)MOVIE:TllI1pFlyer An 11-year~0Id boy, 11'S'5= MOVIE' H b @ MOillE: Nlghtbreaker A neurologist money to viSit their \VIa fascinated by' tales about hIs inventor- • "'" •.. ' .~m .ul1ler.,.Thtl • MoUon 141 Side By Side fake Ihelr own kldnapPlnll. and wait for their arrives In Las Vegas to accept a medical aviator grandfather, is ,jr.ansported to 1921' Picture Young .man must earn a degree to .' " • j' 11'1 Club MTV award and IS confronted with nagging gUilt grandfather to pay the ransom. DavldNiven. ~hen Inher~ancetso ~e ", ~ ~ Superman former mechaniC c6nstructsa time . claim his 5Wears Off sex abo~t Darren McGavin/ Don Knotts {1976) i:;i unlv~rsllY I,j ~ S~perman hiS past as a US nuclear tester in machine. Peter Coyote Hucklebetry Fox Art for a fastfoqll course. Leigh Cartoons Nevada Martm Sheen. Emilio Estevez. Lea @ Double Trouble GameY (1985)Q ". .,. ' ,. McCloskey~Dlck Qutkus, Chuck McGann 10:00 ~ Road Race 01 The Month Thompson (1989) 5:30 tID MoJor Loague Iloseball r,1ogazlna @ MOVIE: Love With ThoPropor .Stranger(1986) Q .. . '~ New Literacy: Intro 10 Computers @ MOVIE: Vou're fJevar Too Young Then mSnoak Prevlows Goes IIldeo .\ ALF [J Alter aone-night fling. a'shopglrl discovers 12:00 C1l Spol1sCenter . of alarge diamond and the search for it by @ rmc tlows I:;'l she is pregnantand goes In search of the (I) AusUnCliy Umlts 9 NewsOay police and the thief create a zany ill Sports Saturday baby's father. Natalie Wood Steve' @) WWF Wrestling Challenge ~ Flintstone ~ids [J background ,Dean Martin. Jerry Lew;!), Nina CD MOVIE: Valley 01 Tho Sun EXCitement McQueen, Edie Adams (1963)'Cillntern~tlonal Correspondents College Baslletball 10 Foch (1955) begins when an Army scout tries to carry on @ Miami Vice @J SlJIash Hils . 1.'. Soul Train aromance and avert an Indian uprising at the 1~ Nature 01 Thi'ngs 1:30 mWoodl.'Jrlght's Shop 11:30 rn ~OdYbUlldrng . .~ ~~l:e ~~~Tbe Darksldo @ Vour Money , same time. Lucille Ball. James Craig. Dean 14, Celebrity Outdoors Jaggur (1942) . @) mplY..Nest R!chard Mulligan, Park ~ CountryCllps • li The Virginian @ MOillE: The Man Who Would Be tUng Kf/~ty ~ewlsh Fortune and danger await two En9lish rogues CID AIlC flows i:;J • Overall. McN(chol Q .' ([ID Voice 17 Music Videos mistakenly showered With royal adulation In Q]) Nows Gil .MOVIE. January r"an An eX-l:0p IS l!:9J Pilclllo Weekend OuUeok II Barena @ $100,000 Fortune Hunt brought back to the force to hunt dovm a . MO"VIE' .' ,,' . b . ~ the remote ASian kingdom of Kaflristan serial killer His case Is complicated by a . @ .• Roo.ter Cog urn Astaunchly , 1 ThiS Weekend @ flaturol World r 10 ti it· 'th th .. d' .religious schoolmarm forms PO uneasy :!z Wuzzles Sean Connery, M/chael Gaine, Christopher ; an c ~ aIr WI e mayor s aughter, alliance with coarse, one-eyed marshal to Plummer (1975) Il3J This Woek In Country r,1uslc a ~ (lID TAnd T evm Klme, Susan Sarandon. Mary capture agangof im:ompetent outlaws John 1030 College Basketball (HI Country tlilchen :~~~~f~gl~;89) 3 New literacy Intro to Compulers @I Munsters TodaY @ r.1uslc IIldoos Q . Wayne, Katharlnu Hepburn, RIchard jordan 4 ~Issyfur @I I\'s A Living [J @ Teen Win. Lose Or Draw \lID elm Hsmlllno Nows ~1975).. , .' . s MOVIE U2 Ranle And Hum Cameras @ Suporboy aID Unllod Cerobrol Palsv Telethon Live MOVIE. Covem~n. F~II.01t ~he slone age 2:00 Creallve living ® In 1'Iv" ~ "~"i :r,',t, ~)d[lO acnJ<'s tile us ()rl m @ MV 31stor Sam edventures of a misfit liVing One Zillion 'Ii MOVIE: Winners Tako All Old rrvalrres .' ,<1 T,p~' '(Ill as lhey discover ~I"'f' 9:00 G!) Nova C -. B~. who fetmshis ovm tribe,'composed of and lealOus passions are Ignited when a 5:35 ® MOUIE: American Grolflfl Four fnends . ,: ,j ',<,,1 ,,' ArTierlCd Bono Da,l' get together on the last nlghl before two of @) Hontot Fred Dryer. Stepfame Kramer. outcasts from other caves. Ringo Starr, young motocross racer returns to hiS home ChaIres Hallahan i:;J . Barbara Bach, ShqlleY I'," :ddll' Lid'yrun 11988, town Don Mlchaei Paul. Kathleen York, them depart for college 10 thiS memonallo ¢ Evans And Novall the 1950s Richard Dreyfuss, Ronny Howard, @ Copllol Gono .. : . • .' . ~ New LaSSie Deborah R/chter (1986) mMDVIE: Sholl Wo Danca When afamous 12.15aD 1lI0ht Trocks.1:horllustsro .~, Ne\~s Updato Cmdy Williams (1973) 14 ThiS Week In Counlry rAusit ballet dancer and a leading revue. artist 12:30 rn Scholastic Sports America 1lli College Basketball 1¢ CNN Headline Nel:Js - pretend to be married. theY are forced to ®Sllorls Lotetlioht To Be Announced Th Beyond 2000 ' make it true. Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, @ Monolers '0 'H) Celebrlly Outdoors n Ooneld Oucll Presenls 60S' Eric Blare (1937) . . @ varlod ~ 'rnJ Gunsmoke '4 Hollywood Insider : 0 ~ R~~~~ ~r~es::,~ Fo @J Saturday flight With Connie C~UIlO @ ctl,tJ Headlino fJows , ., TIl Top 20 Video Countdo\'JR ® tV fJe\'Js i:;J . 12:35 ® MOVIE: P<.lrtnoro In Crlmo l"sfotmer 1040 0 MOVIE EnSign Pulver Ttli', ,eQ'Jel~!) M' 1llJ l(nlght Rider 'y" '"I,vy" "t: l ,rP,er dQveflfule\of HII-' .~ World lIislon f1!') MOillE: A NI ht 0 EI St t 4 @ Twilight Zona wives' tif a recently deceased private '" H ". Iv' " 'r1t:', ~'J j(ee~A) the r~IVr1 t' ~ Lord Of The Lions: Adamson Of DrO~m r,1~stor gnc~a:~aln~ Fr~d/~~eal~ I!1l toC-TV • investigator. iointly inhent his detecliv.e '" HUON I 1V.lke, Ir Bur: 1,'1", Alrlca Into hiS Victims' dreams With his deadly crID Scarecrow IH.1ro.liIng i:;J agencyanddecidetilfindtheir,ex-husband's /, I If;" M,I'thdU '~4b41 trademark blades and faces anew oppOnent iIZJ Music Vldoos killer. lynda Garter, Loni AnderSon, Eileen 2: 10 '~ Sports Close-Up ~ 1 00 1 Understandmg Human BehaVior Robert Englund. Tuesday Knight. Radney @ Frldoy Tho 131h: The Sorlas HuckfJrt (1984) . 2:30 I Sirip Quilling Eastman (1988)@·r,mVIE:R.ano:ThOLagand{)fShado\'J12'1)5""'MOVIE·G· . 'II 1 4 Beauty Breakthrough 90's Loko An evil froglike crealtJte vows to ' "" " re1J~" ano on.08ased on VII·H. 3 Bob Hope Chrysler Classlc ~ NewsDay ~ ~~~~;oN~lIonol G009fllP'hIC protect asunken treasure from those who H~dson ~ !.ove "tory of a. young political I MOVIE PiMsburgh A m4n S ',Ir'le''' ,i Future Watch I~ ABC Wide World 01 Sports @ Hogon's Heroos would tilke it. Karen McDiarmid, Jerry re uge.e In tho Venezuelan lungle and Rima. " ~f' 'fl' ;H;W":' In nle COdl and ~1eel IrlOu(;lf" [3J Chollonoo Gregoria, Glen Scherer (1981) the ~Ird girl. Audrey Hepbum, Anthony 'l ~,,, 1.,pnr~'J rC t~-;p womdf1 tle IOVe(l iHJ Wish You Were Here PerkinS, Lee J. Cobb (1959) @ CNN Hoadllne NC~JS 'i" Ndvm' M.llfne Dle/flrn Rando/pll Il3J Grand Ole Opry Uvo Backstage 9:~.30 SportsConlor l' 0 C "II ,g4{, 3:00 mFrugal Gourmot (lID MOillE: The Tin Stm A bounty hunter, @ Sports Tonloht .' .0 tID 0110 go lIaskelbell @ @ Q ABC Weekend SpeCial 0 'IJ NowsWatch befnended by ayoung half breed Indian and MOVIE: Day;n PatrolTwo British flying HOW.TD Got ASOCOija Paycheck 1:1. MOVIE Tuke DO~Jn A dlbillusionel' T MOillE: Shall We Dance When afamous hiS white mother. helps ayoung sheriff to buddies face a crisis, when one orders the @ ~~~·rlgrt . """QP'i, M1erness fades i/l Ihe 'ace 'It pallet dancer and a leading revue artist handle a tough town bully. Henry Fonda. Inexperienced brother· of the other into @. on Dht ,., ."e.:re ,:hallenge 01 leading t'l~ pretend to be marned. they are forced to Anthony Perkins. Betsy Palmer (1957) combat, where he is shot dovm and killed. ~ tru~l: J~~~~rd ..•··r.,4Ic/'ed htgh school wrestling te4m 10 . make It true Fred Astatre, Gmger Rogers. !lID fJilA Ilasketball" Errol Flynn, David Niven, Basfl RathbOne " . .'. .• •.r!or, Edward Herrmann LorenlO Lamas Eflc Blare (1937) . @ Insldq Uldoo This Weok {1938) ~. 1:1500 night Tracks Kathleen Lloyd (1978) [3J Explore @ MOVIE: Dlnnor At Eight Ahostess with ® Classic Roc~ Wilh Wolfil!an Jack 1:30 C!J Country Music Television 11 Colleclor's Journal @ Side Ily Side grand dreams of a fabulously chIC dinner @ Sidekicks Gil ·Gerard. Erme Reyes, Jr. CD MOVIE: Eiger Sanction Aprofessional 1'1, CountryClips 1m Bonanza: Tho Losl Episodes party hnds her plans goin.g awry. Aremake 10:00 rn LPGA Gall' killer; now a prolessor, is contatted by.a 1~ Almoll !lID A·Toam of the 1933 MGM classIc. Lauren Bacal/. rn Western Tradlilonformer employer 10 kill Mo men in n Alice In Wonderland (PI 101 2) Natalie @ College Basketball Marsha Mason, Charles Durning (1989) Q @) rn CiID News Switzerlalld. Clinl Eastwoad, Gcorge Ken- ,reQury Red Buttons Carol Channing @ MOillE: Donnls The r,10nace DenniS @ Murdor, Sho Wrote CID NewsNlght nedy, Vonetta McGee (1975) . ~ MOillE ASouthern Yankeo ASt LOUIS Mitchell IS up to hiS old antics agam, and thiS 6:30 rn Adventuro ~ MOVIE: Bra.lnslorm Ascienlist'develops @ This Week In Japan 'JP,II,op 0n the trail of a dangerous lime the mischief and mayhem revolve CIl At Wook's End a recording machine that lets one human ill MOVIE: ValleY 01 The Sun Excitemenl :Infederate spy IS Sidetracked by love Red around the discovery of an ancient bone @ Whoel 01 Fortuno Q being exp.erience every sensation felt by begins when an Army scouttries to carry on ,kellon Arlene Dahl. Bnan DonJevy VIctor D/Mallla. PatriCIa fstrinn. James (2) Church Of Laler Dav Solnls another. Christopher Walken, Natalie Wood. aromanco and avert an Indian uprisingatthe '9481 Jansen (1987) @ Collego i1askolball Louise Flu/cher (1983) . same lime. Lucille Ball, James Craig; Dean ~ Slreet Hawk @l f,1an From U.N.C.LE. ® Grand Ole Opry LJ1Io @ Arthur C. Clarke's Myoterious World Jahger (1942) . . 11 :30 T Underslundlng Human Behavior @ Prolesslonol Figure Skating @ CnN Headline News @ Grllnd Ole Opry Uve Backslage @ Runaway With The Rich & Famous ! Barney Miller 3:05 (!lJ Fishing With Rolond rnortln @ Missing: Roward crID lola Levitt (1]) •United Cerebral Palsy Telethon L Ne\"Jsmaker Saturday 3:30 rn Super Bowl 11\ Highlights 7:00 (I) Lawrence Welk @ Headbanger's Ball Confd . . '1[) lIertlcal Roostor mThis Old House Q @ 227 Paul Winfield. Marla Gibbs t;I (!J Weekend Update .13 Comic Strip Uve !1Jj Tastes Of The World @ flowsmokor Soturdoy lID ShowBiz this Week C!lI Twlllght Zone • 2:00 (i) Larry KIng Weekend ij5; The Rilleman Il3J Classic Rock With WollmDn JDck CD This Is Your Ute: Francos Farmer @ MOVIE: Lucas When ~ pretty girl !"oves .. @ MOVIE: All That JmThe intense story @ American Skier rn Mission: ImDosslblePeter Graves. Thaao to town, asmall and booklsh~oy declde~ to of a self desttuctive Broadway director- 3:35 (!lJ Fishing Wllh Orlando Wilson Penglls Phil Morris Q try oul for the football team tn ateuchlOg. choreographer and his relationships with his Af TE RtH> Cff\ii 4:00 rn SuporlJouls Q]) Pan.dlse Q funny attempt te Y:'in her love. Cofey Haim, eX-Wife, hiS girlfriend and his daughter. Roy .. -' - .. ~ (1) Hometlme 1:;1 @ Wings Kern Green, Charllu Sheen (1986) Scheider. Jessica Lange, Ann Reinking 12:00 mArt Undertool CID MOVIE: Voung Sherlock Holmes Aseries ~ Merle Haggard On Track Country music 10:15 mMOVIE: The Bfo~ Two teens in asmall (1979) . . . . . ® Stop Smoking llroalrthrough of bizarre murders provoke the young legend Merle Haggard perlonms in concert town try ~o warn.thelr friends and neighbors =MOVIE:.'~o Dlposl~ No Return Needmg (ID News Upllate Sherlock and his sidekick Watson lOla before a capacity crowd at Church Street of a mahgnant life fonm from outer space. money to VISit their mother,1WoyounllSlers (1] Family Guldanco Notwork 10Ining forces to unravel the mystery of an Station In Orlando, FL. Kevin Dllfon, Shawnee Smith, Donovan fake their owniMeMlcao bOrder withc~nmanc.onlactsstolen money,a CD MOVIE: Back To Balaan Acolonel forms .Im The Big Picture @ Golden Glrla Beatrice AilhUf, Betty IOstallmenl profil&S legendarY producer-. cruel, .unstrupulousm~med ane a guerrilla anmy and leads a raid on the 4:35= Here's Boomer Whfte, Dick Vanf]yke t;l philanthropistSamuel GoldwYl1, lnnocent I1I1cher to biscoe tilll • CIl ~ve.lno Haws ... '. . l!J) Am.rlca: Coilsl To Coast ... accompfiee:. Ray M,lfant!, AnllHitly Quinn, Japanese in order to help Americans landing 5:00 00 SporlsCenler on Leyle. John Waylle. Anthony Quinn ()) Sewing Wllh Nancy (J) Gold'n Globe AVillrd. EKChJslve cover· lBl TIlls WItk In IlOllnkyMuslc DebraPaoet (1957) age Ofone ~tthe most.prestlglous awards Ol Chlldr.llln ExIle '. . .01BluBlocket , . Beulah Bondi (1945) '(I)Capllal Ga~g outstan~lngachlevements . CIJ MOVIE:. Coogan's Blull An Arlzona CD American Movie Legend: Samuel s.hoW honanng In lID HeObllllOtl1H~hlkirBan conllnua· .. ' . ...' .'~hanliillll:.' . • deputy shenff ap~lIes his rough and ready Gol~wyn This series of spoclals offers film and televisiOn. Audrey Helpbum will be ' . aJ 1'11I " 3:40 (5) UIlCIIl- TV Atotillll the awarded thtl' cecil B. DeMlIIeAward. FrolJlW10 (I) tr•.,.IGuldt: ~orld Georpe Plimpton leads atOUI thrciUflh tactics of the frontier when he arrives in New profiles of celebrated Kollywood artists. This Los Angeles, CA (L) .., ...• .<'- . . . wild andvaned television prOgratrimlngfrom York to find and extradite an escaped installment ptoflles legendary producer- (f) ABC Satllrda, Mpllry C."'Pllter11:~(i) PInucll' .... around tM world. SfIe .cllp$ frem variety murderer. Clmt Eastwood. Lee 1. Cobb. philanthropist Samuel Goldwyn. Fall(, AlatlScattll, ,Deldro Hall ~'. .. .CD MOVlE:BIHtf T1\alll,llW ~n ill man and .' shOjVs, music vIdeOs, l1IlIre, Susan Clark (1968) 1m CBS News C CIJ Pro Bowler's Tour ~ Abbott And Costello OIl Tout· Of Dli\y Stephen caffrey, Tony his familY~$onesUffetthrOUOh his sickness and . '. '. ~ • lUl Olscovery On The Go lUl Natural World BecItBf, Terence KtIOXt;l • lear,nthat CllI1I1e bOth an effectiVe 4:1)0 m Jimmy JlOIlSl", ~ Remodeling And Decorallng Today ~ Country Kitchen IIZH.... E;I ...... alld a dISI§tl'OUS di1JQ. ..JamB$ MaStilt, 00 CIUIlIY MIIsle TeIIvIsIoIl OJ VIt"am: 'Tll1I T•• ThOUi.1l4 Oa, Wat ' ,Bat~11 Ru$h,WsIIBf'M.ttlhlU (1956). (J) Nm UpIIate . !Ill Big Valley !Ill Rln nn Tin K-9 Cop C~M'd , @ Music Videos 1m M1V Rockumentary OJ) Conftra.tIOII WIth Dinah. . a 1tt\IH!" (J)Worltl TlIIIlOrttW QJlHlrdClstlfi A~d McCOl'lrilck Q CBlWIII'V.. (jJ) IfIWsIIlIl . , ' l1Il Knight Rider !II Kat•• Allie 1:1 ' ~ W...... ~ . , 1m This Weekend C!D Oul 01 this ·World mVel MTV napsl. HlkbCock , m MuilC VIMs :I ~ '; @ Bost Of MI=ltoy Meline Clll!! =MOVI£: No Deposit No Relum NeedinG a Report.... 11:35 mFI1iIdV'* MIgIdniaras .0w",l.Ipdatl .

• . .. ."..', "~ . ---_...-...... -~------~------.- ', • ._- , ... , , .

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