Unofficial English Translation from Bahasa Indonesia
UNOFFICIAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION FROM BAHASA INDONESIA RULING Number 43/PUU-IX/2011 FOR THE SAKE OF JUSTICE UNDER GOD ALMIGHTY CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA [1.1] adjudicate constitutional cases at the first and last, passed a decision in the case of petition Testing Act Number 36 Year 2009 on Health of the Constitution Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, filed by: [1.2] 1. Name: Dr. Widyastuti Soerojo, M.Sc.; Occupation: Physician; Street Address Bhakti Kav. 25, Village Cilandak Timur, Jakarta 12560; ------------------------------------------- Hereinafter referred to as Petitioner I; 2. Name: Dr. Muherman Aaron; Occupation: Physician; Address Parks Aries E 12 / 8 RT 007/008, Village North Meruya, District Kembangan, Jakarta West; ------------------------------------------- Hereinafter referred to as Petitioner II; 3. Name: Association of Public Health Student Senate Indonesia (ISMKMI); Represented by: Name: Nilna Rahmi Isna; Occupation: Secretary of Health Student Association Senate Indonesia Society (ISMKMI); Address: Independence Pioneer Road, Jati, Padang; Hereinafter referred to as Petitioner ------------------------------------------ III; 2 Based on the Special Power of Attorney dated July 21, 2011, authorizing Todung Mulya Lubis, SH., Azas Tigor Nainggolah, SH., M.Sc., Tubagus Haryo Karbyanto, SH., David Tobing, SH., Ari Subagyo, SH., Muhammad Joni, SH., MH., Mustakim, SH., MH., Mike Mariana Siregar, SH., Andry Oktriawan, SH., Arief Ariyanto, SH. Yobelny Coal, SH., Rizki Zulkarnain, SH., Rio Arif Wicaksono, SH., Alfred Koko, SH., Asep Bambang Fauzi, SH. Heriyanto Yang, SH., Daniel S. Sinaga, SH., Nina Zainab, SH., And KA. Rahayu, SH., All lawyers and Assistant Advocates who are members of Solidarity For Public Advocate Tobacco Control or the Sapta INDONESIA, the address at Jalan Residents Panca IV No.
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