
Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540

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Weave analysis of on from radiographs

Don H. Johnson a,n, C. Richard Johnson Jr.b, Robert G. Erdmann c a Department of Electrical and Computer , Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, United States b School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, United States c Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, United States article info abstract

Article history: A spectral algorithm is described for measuring from radiographs the densities Received 29 August 2011 of the horizontal and vertical threads that comprise a ’s canvas. A framework Received in revised form for relating spectra to canvas weave type is presented. The so-called thread density and 26 April 2012 angle maps obtained from the algorithm reveal the canvas’s distinctive density Accepted 25 May 2012 variations and provide insights into how the canvas was prepared. Applying a two- Available online 7 June 2012 stage correlation procedure to the density variations allowed determination of which Keywords: paintings’ support could have been cut from the same piece of canvas. The first stage X-ray processing uses a nonparametric test of the similarity of the probability distributions of two Canvas weave painting’s thread counts. The second stage is a new correlation procedure more Thread counting stringent than the usual cross-correlation function. Examples drawn from the paintings Spectral analysis by Vincent van Gogh illustrate the algorithms. & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction angles at each location, providing much more information about the canvas and how it was prepared for painting Standard measures of a painting’s canvas support are than was previously available. its weave pattern – whether it has a plain, , herring- Considering how a works reveals how to think bone or diamond weave – and its thread counts, the about thread count measurements. The vertical threads average densities (expressed in threads/cm) of the hor- (from the weaver’s viewpoint in Fig. 1) are known as the izontal and vertical threads. Thread count data are com- warp threads that, because of the way are con- monly used as evidence for dating, linking pictures from structed, are usually aligned with a fairly uniform the same canvas roll, and attribution [1–3]. For many spacing. The weaver threads the horizontal threads, years, art historians and conservators manually measured known as the weft threads, back and forth through the from a painting’s radiographs the densities at a few interlaced warp threads and compacts the weft threads on locations and averaged them.1 The algorithm described each pass to strengthen the cloth. In most cases, the weft here measures from radiographs the thread densities threads show more weaving and thickness variability (almost) everywhere, thereby providing much more detail than the warp ones. The artist cuts a piece of canvas for than feasible with manual approaches. As a consequence a painting from a larger roll and orients it on the stretcher of how the algorithm works, we also measure the thread in whatever way seems best2; the warp direction may correspond to either the vertical or horizontal threads in the painting. The width of the thread count distribution n Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 713 401 9316; fax: þ1 713 348 5686. provides a strong clue as to how the canvas was cut from E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.H. Johnson), [email protected] (C. Richard Johnson Jr.), [email protected] (R.G. Erdmann). 1 Radiographs are used instead of inspecting the painting’s verso 2 The stretcher is typically a wooden rectangle to which the canvas is side because master paintings frequently have had a newer canvas glued attached. The carved or molded wooden frame to which the mounted to the back to preserve the original canvas. painting is held for display is known as the frame.

0165-1684/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2012.05.029 528 D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540

paintings that had the same fingerprints, we developed a novel correlation procedure.

2. Theory of weave spectra

Our focus here is on x-ray images that can reveal much about what is below a painting’s visible surface [1,2]. The greater the radiographic-absorbing and ground3 thickness along an x-ray beam, the greater the opacity oðx,y,zÞ, meaning that x-ray image intensity variations correspond to paint chemical composition and thickness. Letting iðx,yÞ denote imaged x-ray intensity at a point and z the direction of x-ray propagation: Z iðx,yÞpexp oðx,y,zÞ dz ð1Þ Fig. 1. Vincent van Gogh’s Weaver catalogued as F1121 [17] and JH453 [18] shows a loom’s basic layout. The threads running into The canvas weave is made visible by the thicker ground the weaver are the warp threads that the apparatus in front of him (primer) layer of lead-white paint in the interstices aligns and separates. The weaver manually slides the weft threads back and forth through the separated warp threads to create the woven between canvas threads. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the weave canvas, which is rolled onto the take-up drum directly in front of him. pattern can be seen and the vertical and horizontal thread Drawing published by permission of the van Gogh Museum. densities can be determined from such images. The small variations in opacity due to the ground filling the valleys created by the canvas’s threads, coupled with film non- the larger canvas section. One would expect the thread linearities that tend to reduce the effects of the exponential count having the narrower distribution to be the warp in this expression, result in image value being proportional direction [2, p. 100]. Considered jointly, the horizontal to opacity. When the film image is not saturated,4 the and vertical thread count statistics – the averages and the contributions of paint layers, the wood stretcher and tacks spreads – comprise a crude indicator of whether two superimpose additively to form the x-ray image of a paintings’ supports could have been cut from the same painting. Thus, linear processing – measuring spectra in larger section of canvas. If the thread counts disagree particular – this kind of image well. (even when allowing for canvas rotation), then the can- Appreciating what the spectra of canvas weave pat- vases must have been different. If they agree to some terns should be under ideal conditions allows developing tolerance level, they could have had a common origin, but a thread-counting algorithm that exploits the predicted this agreement criterion is very weak. Accurate, compre- structure. Fig. 2a shows the simplest weave pattern, hensive thread counts, along with other forensic and known as . The x-ray reveals that the hor- historical data, allow the art historian to pose strong izontal and vertical threads intertwine in a simple over/ hypotheses about how the canvas roll was used for under way. Fig. 2b shows a typical twill weave, wherein paintings contemporary with each other [4]. the threads intertwine in a more complex way. Both To increase the detail of thread counting measure- examples are periodic but in different ways. ments and enhance the weave matching criterion, we The weave pattern is produced by the interleaved developed a signal processing technique used in [4] for pattern of horizontal and vertical threads. A mathematical measuring thread counts everywhere across a painting. description of what the x-ray of a paint-filled ideal Our technique is based on ‘‘short-space’’ Fourier analysis, canvas-weave surface should be is difficult to determine, the calculation of the two-dimensional Fourier transforms to say the least. A more phenomenological model is of overlapping squares (usually 1 1 cm) centered on a illustrated in Fig. 2c and d. Here, the vertical and hor- sampling grid (usually 0.5 cm spacing). The idea is that a izontal threads are shown as bars, mimicking the appear- canvas’s weave can be considered a doubly, nearly peri- ance of woven threads. The black rectangles represent odic function in two dimensions. Within each square, a unit-height rectangular prisms with the white back- thread count measurement amounts to determining the ground corresponding to zero. Because of the measure- weave’s local periodicities. We thus acquire thread count ment process’s ultimate linearity, the image’s gain measurements at every grid point, allowing the visualiza- (contrast) and offset (overall brightness) do not affect tion of what we call the vertical- and horizontal-thread the spectral detail we seek to exploit. The horizontal and count maps. vertical thread separations are Dh and Dv, respectively. This details our thread counting algorithm and Each horizontal and vertical thread’s thickness and weave describes its theoretical basis. Once we employed our are captured by the widths and heights of the bars. For procedure on paintings, we discovered that the thread example, the horizontal threads have a thickness Hh and a counts vary slightly across a painting in a characteristic way that serves as a painting’s ‘‘fingerprints’’ [5,8]. Rather 3 Ground refers to a special preparatory layer applied to raw canvas than uniquely characteristic of a painting, our results to smooth the surface and impart a general color tone to the painting. indicate that the ‘‘fingerprint’’ identifies the larger canvas 4 In reality, radiographs of paintings by van Gogh and others can section from which individual were cut. To find have segments exhibiting saturation. D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 529

Fig. 2. The top row shows 2 2 cm swatches taken from x-ray images of van Gogh’s paintings Old Man with a Beard (F205/JH971; left) and Still Life with Red Cabbages and Onions (F374/JH1338; right). The left radiograph reveals a plain weave while the right is a twill weave. Idealized woven canvas image models for developing a spectral theory are shown in the bottom row. Our model of the ideal plain weave is expressed in Eq. (2).

width of Wh. The thicknesses and widths must satisfy bhðx,yÞ by the same amount but shifted to the right by Dv ZðWh þWvÞ=2 and Dh ZðHh þHvÞ=2. To develop a the vertical thread separation (Dv). Continuing the first mathematical expression for this pattern, define bhðx,yÞ line, the convolution of this expression with impulses to be a bar corresponding to a horizontal thread: spaced by twice the horizontal thread separation 2D 8 h < creates the pattern of every other row. The expression in 9 9 Wh 9 9 Hh 1 x o , y o brackets on the second line shifts the first line’s bracketed bhðx,yÞ¼: 2 2 0 otherwise expression by the vertical thread separation and the outer convolution repeats it, interleaving it with the first line’s A similar expression applies to the vertical threads but pattern. A similar expression is developed later for the parameterized by Wv and Hv. The entire weave pattern twill weave. can be captured as a convolution of the basic thread As we shall see, the key aspects of the spectra calcu- shapes with a field of impulses that locates them. We thus lated from x-rays of the canvas weave are captured by this obtain a general expression for the x-ray image that model. More accurate models would replace the rectan- describes the plain weave pattern and serves as the basis gles with smooth, rounded surfaces that represent inter- for describing other patterns: " woven thread profiles. Such models would replace the X quantities bhðx,yÞ and bvðx,yÞ with more accurate descrip- iðx,yÞ¼ bvðx,yÞ dðx2nDvÞþbhðx,yÞ tions, leaving (2) sufficiently correct for algorithm design. n # We show subsequently that spectral peaks that indicate X X the thread densities are due to the weave’s periodic dðxð2nþ1ÞD Þ dðy2mD Þ v h structure while their amplitudes are modified by the "n m X assumed thread model. Furthermore, we need only con- þ bvðx,yÞ dðxð2nþ1ÞDvÞþbhðx,yÞ sider a continuous-space model for the weave patterns n # because the digitization issues are well-understood. We X require radiographs be sampled at sufficiently high fre- dðx2nDvÞ dðyð2mþ1ÞDhÞð2Þ quencies (300–600 dpi) so that aliasing is never an issue. n Furthermore, zero-padded transform lengths are much This complicated expression can be readily deconstructed. larger than the size of square sections extracted from each To express the top row of Fig. 2c, the first line in square painting’s radiograph, which has the effect of over-sam- brackets uses convolutions to space the vertical-thread pling the spectrum to foster accurate determination of bars bvðx,yÞ 2Dv apart and the horizontal-thread bars spectral peak locations. 530 D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540

F205 Spectrum 30 25 20 )

-1 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15

Vertical Frequency (cm -20 -25 -30 -30-25-20-15-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Horizontal Frequency (cm-1)

Fig. 3. The frequencies at which the canvas weave spectrum shown in Fig. 2c can be non-zero are shown. Note that 1=Dv on the x-frequency corresponds to the vertical thread count and 1=Dh on the y-frequency axis to the horizontal thread count. The unfilled circles correspond to frequencies that are identically zero because of the parameter values in the example of Fig. 2c. The spectrum of the swatch shown in Fig. 2a is shown on the right, with annular regions, within which spectral peak locations searches occur, indicated by the red curves. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

2.1. Model of the plain weave pattern The expressions for the Fourier transforms of the bars are n m Wh Hh We denote the Fourier transform of iðx,yÞ by Iðf ,f Þ. Bh , ¼ WhHh sinc pn sinc pm x y 2Dv 2Dh 2Dv 2Dh Because the images are real-valued, the Fourier transform is conjugate-symmetric, meaning the spectral amplitude values n m Wv Hv Bv , ¼ WvHvsinc pn sinc pm ð4Þ in the third quadrant equal those in the first and those in the 2Dv 2Dh 2Dv 2Dh fourth quadrant equal those in the second. The spectral plots where sincðxÞ¼sin x=x. that follow show all four quadrants for completeness. The To interpret the result shown in (3), note that when the Fourier transform of Eq. (2) is easily calculated. The transform sum of the indices n,m is odd, the spectrum is zero. Fig. 3 of the sums of impulses become sums of impulses located at shows the locations in the spectrum that can be non-zero. the separation harmonics. The interleaving shifts become The spectra of the bars given by the previous expressions phase terms. Gathering the expression for the spectrum into provide the spectral values at these frequencies. In general, terms corresponding to the horizontal and vertical bars: " the larger the frequency indices, the smaller these spectral X n m values will be. The largest spectral value is located, of Iðf x,f yÞ¼Bvðf x,f yÞ d f x d f y 2Dv 2Dh course, at the origin. It provides no information about the m,n # X canvas weave but it must be removed to produce accurate j2pf D j2pf D n m 5 þe x v e y h d f d f spectral estimates. x 2D y 2D m,n v h Considering (3), the value, even existence of a spectral " X n m peak, depends on two factors: the value of the spectra (4) j2pf xDv þBhðf x,f yÞ e d f x d f y 2Dv 2Dh at harmonics of thread count frequencies and the signs m,n n þ m n m # of the indexed terms 1þð1Þ and ð1Þ þð1Þ . X j2pf D n m The bar spectra depend on horizontal and vertical thread þe y h d f d f x y separations and on the heights and widths of the bars. m,n 2Dv 2Dh For example, in Fig. 2c, Wh=Dv ¼ 1=2, Hh=Dh ¼ 1=5, Wv= Dv ¼ 2=7 and Hv=Dh ¼ 1=2. The first zero of sincðxÞ occurs The spectrum contains impulses located on a rectangular grid when x ¼ p. Consequently, Bhð2=Dv,m=2DhÞ, Bhðn=2Dv,5= with centers at ðn=2Dv,m=2DhÞ, the half-harmonics of the DhÞ, Bvð7=2Dv,m=2DhÞ and Bvðn=2Dv,2=DhÞ all equal zero. basic thread counts (frequencies). Consequently, we need Thus, particular values of thread thicknesses and densities only evaluate the spectrum at these frequencies: will cause spectral components to disappear. Further- n þ m n m n m more, the first indexed term 1þð1Þ equals either 0 C , ¼ B , ½1þejpðn þ mÞ 2D 2D v 2D 2D v h v h n m 5 þB , ½ejpn þejpm The current spectral thread counting algorithm highpass-filters h 2D 2D v h the image before calculating spectra to remove the spectral spread a n m n þ m peak at the origin would induce. In more detail, we apply a zero-phase, ¼ Bv , ½1þð1Þ separable (rectangular unit-sample response in each direction) low-pass 2Dv 2Dh filter having a cutoff frequency of a few threads/cm to the radiograph, n m n m then subtract result from the original radiograph before making spectral þBh , ½ð1Þ þð1Þ ð3Þ 2Dv 2Dh calculations. D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 531 or 2; the second, ð1Þn þð1Þm, equals 2, 0 or 2. Both horizontal threads are identical, the prediction is no peak terms equal zero when the sum nþm is odd. The primary on the diagonal. This analysis implies that a peak on the spectral peaks at 1=Dh and 1=Dv, which correspond to the diagonal will occur when the vertical and horizontal vertical and horizontal thread counts, respectively, cannot threads have very different characteristics. be zeroed this way. The second term equals 2 when both indices are odd, which introduces the possibility that the two terms in (4) could nearly cancel each other. In 2.2. Model of twill weave patterns particular, the diagonal component at n¼1, m¼1 falls into this category. In this case, The plain weave pattern analyzed in the previous section corresponds to a weaving pattern wherein each horizontal 1 1 1 1 1 1 thread passes over one vertical thread then under the next C , ¼ 2Bv , 2Bh , 2Dv 2Dh 2Dv 2Dh 2Dv 2Dh one, etc., with the vertical threads following the same pattern. Twill patterns vary the plain weave pattern in a For the plain weave pattern shown in Fig. 2c, the spectral simple way. Each horizontal thread passes over To vertical values at the primary thread count frequencies is almost a threads then under Tu vertical threads. The next horizontal factor of five greater than the diagonal frequency value. thread starts its interleaving pattern Ts threads from the ~ Letting Iðn,mÞ¼Iðn=Dv,m=DhÞ, with the numbers in par- previous. Fig. 4 shows two such patterns that have Ts ¼ 1. entheses being normalized values, For such twill patterns, the notation for the pattern is To : Tu.Thefirstpatternshowninpanel4ashowsan ~ ~ ~ Ið0; 2Þ¼0:14ð1:00Þ Ið2; 0Þ¼0:14ð1:00Þ Ið1; 1Þ¼0:03ð0:21Þ over-four/under-one pattern, making it a 4:1 twill. The second (panel 4b) shows an over-four/under-two pattern, Consequently, we cannot always expect a diagonal spec- making it a 4:2 twill. Note that these different patterns tra peak located at the vector-average of the horizontal share the same thread counts, differing only in the heights and vertical frequency peaks. Presumably, this situation of the vertical bars and the widths of the horizontal ones. occurs in the spectrum shown in Fig. 3a and b and is due Each row in both cases repeats horizontally and vertically at to similar thread characteristics. When the vertical and a separation of ðTu þ1ÞDv and ðTu þ1ÞDh, respectively. The

Fig. 4. Panel (a) shows a 4:1 twill pattern, wherein each horizontal thread passes over four vertical threads, then under one. Panel (b) shows a 3:2 twill pattern, in which each horizontal thread passes under two vertical threads. Here, Dh ¼ 1:2Dv. For panel (a), Wh ¼ 4Dv, Hh ¼ Dh=5, Wv ¼ Dv=5 and Hv ¼ Dh; in panel (b), Wh ¼ 3Dv, Hh ¼ Dh=5, Wv ¼ Dv=5 and Hv ¼ 2Dh. Panel (c) shows the predicted spectral locations for the 4:1 twill pattern. 532 D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 northwest-southeast pattern of the vertical threads can run locations can be very small compared to others. Further- northeast-southwest. For the derivation here, we consider more, the value of n determines whether the bar spectra the former; handling the second amounts to changing a add or subtract. These spectra are given by the same few signs. formula as (4) but are evaluated at different frequencies: To describe mathematically twill patterns, we simply n m extend the description of plain weave patterns: Bh , ðTo þ1ÞDv ðTo þ1ÞD " h XTo X Wh Hh 7 ¼ WhHh sinc pn sinc pm iTo:1ðx,yÞ¼bvðx,yÞ dðxðnðTo þ1Þ kÞDvÞ ðTo þ1ÞDv ðTo þ1ÞDh k ¼ 0 m,n # 8 dðyðmðTo þ1Þ kÞDhÞ n m Bv , " ðTo þ1ÞDv ðTo þ1ÞDh XTo X Wv Hv þbhðx,yÞ d x nðTo þ1Þ ¼ W H sinc pn sinc pm v v ðT þ1ÞD ðT þ1ÞD k ¼ 0m,n o v o h T þ1 7k7 o D dðyðmðT þ1Þ8kÞD Þ ð5Þ However, the twill pattern constrains the values of two bar 2 v o h parameters, ToDv 4Wh ZðTo1ÞDv and 2Dh 4Hv ZDh. " Returning to the case of the 4:2 twill, its spectrum is also XTo X non-zero only when nm ¼ kðTo þ1Þ. The expression differs i ðx,yÞ¼b ðx,yÞ dðxðnðT þ1Þ7kÞD Þ To:2 v o v only in the phase relationship between the bar spectra: k ¼ 0 m,n dðyðmðT þ1Þ8kÞD Þ n m o " h ITo:2 , T ð þ Þ ð þ Þ Xo X To 1 Dv To 1 Dh 7 7 To þbhðx,yÞ d x nðTo þ1Þ k Dv sin pðnmÞ n m 2 ¼ B , k ¼ 0 m,n pðnmÞ v ðT þ1ÞD ðT þ1ÞD sin o v o h 1 ðTo þ1Þ d y mðTo þ1Þ8k Dh ð6Þ 2 nT om n m þexp jp Bh , ð8Þ To þ1 ðTo þ1ÞDv ðTo þ1ÞD The choice of sign in the 7terms depends on the direc- h tion of the diagonal pattern. For the patterns shown in Furthermore, the constraints on the bar characteristics Fig. 4, we choose the plus sign (and minus sign for the 8 are different—ðTo1ÞDv 4Wh ZðTo2ÞDv and 3Dh 4Hv Z term). Concentrating on this choice and converting to the 2Dh—making the bar spectra different as well. A compar- frequency domain simplifies this expression considerably. ison of the spectra for the 4:1 and 4:2 twill patterns (Fig. 4) Looking first at the 4:1 twill, reveals that the difference is the values of the spectra when evaluated on the grid shown in Fig. 4c. The primary X n I ðf ,f Þ¼B ðf ,f Þ d f difference between the two is the appearance of large To:1 x y v x y x ð þ Þ m,n To 1 Dv spectra values on the diagonal n¼m for the 4:2 twill, which m sin pðTo þ1ÞðDvf D f Þ are absent for the 4:1 twill. In both cases, the prediction is x h y d f y that spectral peaks will appear on the horizontal and ðTo þ1ÞDh sin pðDvf xDhf yÞ vertical frequency that correspond to the thread X n jpðTo þ 1ÞDvf x þe Bhðf x,f yÞ d f x counts we seek. However, the vertical-frequency peak is ðTo þ1ÞDv m,n predicted to be bigger than the horizontal-frequency peak, m sin pðTo þ1ÞðDvf xDhf yÞ especially for the 4:1 twill. Also note the appearance of d f y ðTo þ1ÞDh sin pðDvf xDhf yÞ larger spectral values near the on-axis grid points for the 4:2 twill case. These spectral peaks make it difficult to find the vertical-frequency peak and allow for spectral rotation ¼ ð þ Þ The spectrum can be non-zero only when f x n= To 1 Dv, due to deviation of the weave pattern from an ideal ¼ ð þ Þ f y m= To 1 Dh: horizontal/vertical orientation. The spectrum shown in n m Fig. 5c of a twill swatch demonstrates the expected diagonal I , To:1 ðT þ1ÞD ðT þ1ÞD spectral locations in the second and fourth quadrants. The o v o h sin pðnmÞ n m presence of strong spectral values on these diagonals ¼ Bv , indicates that the twill factor is 4:2, an observation not pðnmÞ ðTo þ1ÞDv ðTo þ1ÞD sin h easily discerned from visual inspection of the x-ray, at least ðTo þ1Þ for the ones we have examined. n m þð1ÞnB , ð7Þ h ðT þ1ÞD ðT þ1ÞD o v o h 3. From spectra to algorithm First of all, note that when To ¼ 1, this expression is exactly the same as the one for the plain weave. The ratio of sines The two-dimensional regularity of the canvas weave term is non-zero only when nm ¼ kðTo þ1Þ, k any integer, patterns shown here directly point to a spectrally based which corresponds to the grid indicated by the dots shown algorithm for estimating the two thread counts. As the in Fig. 4c. Depending on the spectral characteristics of the theory shows, the peak on the horizontal axis corresponds vertical and horizontal bars, the spectrum at some grid to the vertical-thread density, the peak on the vertical axis D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 533

F374 Spectrum 30



15 ) -1 10




-10 Vertical Frequency (cm Vertical -15



-30 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0510 15 20 25 30 Horizontal Frequency (cm-1)

Fig. 5. The spectra predicted by Eqs. (7) and (8) are shown in panels (a) and (b) for the 4:1 and 4:2 , respectively. Panel (c) shows the spectrum of the twill swatch shown in Fig. 2b. The encircled sequence of peaks correspond to the line of peaks in the ideal spectrum shown in the fourth quadrant of (b). The peak indicated by the corresponds to the strong peak in the ideal spectrum located at (1,1). The strong peak on the horizontal axis marked by an ‘ ’ occurs at half the frequency of the actual vertical-thread density peak we seek. A color version of this figure can be found online.

to the horizontal-thread density. Simplistically, we would attachment point are displaced. At horizontal and vertical search for spectral peaks on the horizontal and vertical locations away from the point force application, little axes, the locations of which corresponds to the thread thread displacement occurs. In this way, the originally densities we seek. The theory predicts that this approach linear paths of threads now show scalloping, which means would work for both the weave patterns considered here. locally that the thread count may decrease slightly while But in more detail, weave-related spectral peaks cannot the thread angle swings positively then negatively (or vice be presumed to be precisely located on the frequency axes. versa) at the attachment points. Possible angular rotation As Fig. 3b shows, tilting of the horizontal and vertical and the expected range for the thread counts imply that threads from alignment to the sampling grid leads to a the search for weave-pattern-related spectral peak loca- corresponding rotation of the spectrum, a property of the tions can focus on annular wedges centered on the two-dimensional Fourier transform [6].Threadanglesare frequency axes, indicated by the red annular regions in also distorted by the phenomenon known to art conserva- Fig. 3b. The parameters of these wedges – the two radii and tors as cusping: the displacement of the threads from a the angular spread – must be determined on a painting-by- rectilinear pattern caused by attaching raw canvas to the painting basis. We use a simple graphical user interface to stretcher or priming frame prior to surface preparation. To set the parameters for the nominally vertical and horizon- envision cusping, consider vertical threads that lie next to tal spectral search regions. In effect, focusing the search the edge of a stretcher’s vertical member. When the canvas amounts to bandpass filtering the x-ray image to remove is pulled laterally with a point-applied force induced by the non-weave related ‘‘interference,’’ such as stretcher bound- attachment, the vertical threads closest to the edge and the aries, tacks and stretcher bars, and the painting itself. This 534 D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 interference has no typical spectral signature but in most densities characteristic of the original canvas section from cases, but certainly not all, occurs ‘‘out of band.’’ Once the whichthispainting’ssupportwascut.Consequently,by rotations and expected ranges are used to focus the searching for other paintings having a similar pattern, we spectral analysis, the vertical and horizontal thread counts could possibly reconstruct the positions of matching paint- are taken to be radii of the nearly horizontal and nearly ings on the canvas roll, which could provide dating informa- vertical spectral peak locations, respectively, that lie in the tion [4,5]. The horizontal-thread angle map shows strong annular regions. If multiple peaks occur within a given cusping along the top but not along the bottom. This result region, the algorithm chooses the location closest to indicates that a larger canvas was prepared with a common spectral peak locations found in single-peak regions. The ground layer and then this painting’s canvas was cut from thread angles correspond to the angles of the chosen that prepared canvas. spectral peak locations. About 90% of the image excerpts Obtaining thread count results for the twill-weave surrounding the locations of spot hand counts on the painting in Fig. 2b is not as straightforward. If only the examined paintings by van Gogh have peak locations (approximately) horizontal- and vertical-axis peaks are within 1 thread/cm of the manual thread count, as do used, inconsistent results are obtained because of weav- approximately 80% of examined spots in paintings by ing variability and a relatively poor-quality x-ray. Obtain- Matisse, approximately 75% of examined spots in paintings ing thread counts required exploitation of the twill by Vermeer, and about 65% of examined spots in paintings weave’s spectral properties. Our spectral theory predicts by Rembrandt [7]. that the off-axis trail of spectral peaks in the fourth Fig. 6 shows the results of spectral-based thread count- quadrant of Fig. 5a and b is completely determined by ing analysis for the example plain-weave painting. As the horizontal and vertical thread patterns. Using vector described in [8], the count maps show variations of thread notation for the spectral peak locations, the nth peak is

2 Thread Density Deviation (threads/cm)





10 Thread Angle (degrees) Thread Angle



Fig. 6. Count maps – displays of departure of thread densities from painting-wide average values – are shown in the top row for painting van Gogh’s painting F205. The average thread counts are 13.3 threads/cm (horizontal) and 16.0 threads/cm. The color map (from deep blue to deep red) spans72 threads/cm. Angle maps – displays of the departure of the thread from horizontal/vertical are shown in the bottom row. The color map spans 7101. Black areas in the count and angle maps correspond to locations at which the current algorithm could not determine a value. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 535 located at the 1 cm2 squares we typically use in processing. When ! ! multiple peaks occur in-band that cannot be related to ! ðT þ1nÞ f nf single-peak results, the algorithm does not produce an f ¼ h v , n ¼ 0, ...,T þ1 n T þ1 estimate for one or both thread counts. Furthermore, even ! ! for plain weave patterns, ‘‘on-axis’’ spectral peaks can be where f and f are the sought spectral peak locations h v weak or non-existent. One fallback is to use an approach on the horizontal and vertical frequency axes, with n¼0 similar to that employed for twill: use predicted off-axis corresponding to the horizontal frequency location and spectral peaks to infer the frequency of the obscured or n ¼ T þ1 the vertical frequency location. Here, T is the missing ‘‘on-axis’’ peaks. As shown in Fig. 3, our theory twill factor, equal to 4 in this case. This system of ! ! predicts a spectral peak will be present at the vector- equations can be used to determine f h and f v by ! ! 7 measuring the locations of the second-quadrant peaks, average of the desired thread densities f v f h.Justas each of which was obtained by establishing annular off- with twill, all the off- and on-axis spectral peaks judged to axis regions for peak location searches. In many cases, not ! ! be present are used to infer values for f v and f h. all of the predicted peaks can be located, which is an effect due to inaccuracies in our model of threads as rectangles.! Because! the set! of equations relating measured 4. Thread density map matching values of f n to f h and f v is not invertible and supports multiple solutions, our algorithm uses a consensus algo- Once the horizontal- and vertical-thread count maps rithm! that! finds the L1 centroid of the various solutions for have been measured for two paintings, we want to f h and f v to estimate the thread densities we seek. determine if their maps match (agree). Before searching Fig. 5c shows that not all of these fourth-quadrant peaks! for a match, we found it convenient to relate horizontal have a significantly large amplitude. In our example, f 3 and vertical to . In essence, we want to was not measured; the remaining five peak locations convert from painting coordinates to canvas coordinates. were used to estimate the thread counts and these results Using the convention that each painting’s count and angle are shown in Fig. 7. Again, cusping is present only along maps are oriented so that the warp-thread direction is the right side, indicating the same canvas preparation as vertical, we mimick the appearance of a loom’s thread in the plain-weave example. layout from the weaver’s viewpoint (Fig. 1). Paintings Several circumstances contribute to the algorithm’s made from canvas cut to the left or right of an analyzed inability to obtain a reliable thread density estimate at painting should share the same variation pattern in weft certain locations. The bandpass-filtering implicit in the (always running horizontally after being re-oriented) algorithm cannot remove in-band interference from the while ones cut above or below should share the same brushstrokes, the wood of some stretchers and tacks. warp-thread density variations. Because of thread count Such interference has no single model, certainly not over consistency along the thread direction, shown by the

Thread Count Maps 0 2 Thread Density Deviation

10 (threads/cm) Thread Angle (degrees) Thread Angle 1 (threads/cm)

20 0 30 -1 40

50 -2 Thread Angle Maps 0 10


20 0 cm cm 30


50 -10 02040600204060 cm cm

Fig. 7. Using the same format as in Fig. 6, the count and angle maps for van Gogh’s painting F374 and executed on a twill canvas are shown. The average thread counts are 22.2 threads/cm horizontal and 22.7 threads/cm vertical. A color version of these count maps can be found online. 536 D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540

striping in both the vertical and horizontal count maps where pXðÞ denotes the shared distribution of the two [7], we averaged the vertical and horizontal counts along measurements under hypothesis H0. If the likelihood ratio their respective thread directions to create what we call evaluated at the measurements is greater than the thresh- thread count profiles for the vertical and horizontal old Z, the data are judged to have come from different threads. We take into account an imperfect alignment of distributions, which would mean in the context of com- the canvas with the stretcher by rotating the measured paring thread counts that the paintings could not share a thread counts by the negative of the average thread angle common canvas. before calculating profiles. Thus, for the weft thread The main issue is that the probability distributions are counts, count map values in each row were averaged; not known. In the following parametric framework, the for the warp thread counts, columns were averaged. For form is known (Gaussian) but not the values of crucial painting locations where no count was made, no value parameters (mean and variance). In a non-parametric fra- contributed to the average. We demanded a minimum mework, no assumptions are made about the distributions. number (ten) of counts contribute to the average. Other- The well-known solution to both scenarios is to use max- wise, no value was provided for the profile at that point. imum likelihood estimates of the parameters or of the With these one-dimensional summaries of thread density distributions calculated separately for the numerator and variations, searching for matching x-rays having matching denominator since the two hypotheses (models) differ. variations can be accomplished with a cross-correlation Parametric solution: Here we assume that X N ðm,s2Þ technique. Because painting orientation cannot be pre- under all models, with the distributional ‘‘fit’’ determined sumed to agree with canvas orientation, taking the by the maximum likelihood parameter estimates. The loga- various possibilities into account means correlating eight rithm of the multivariate Gaussian density with statistically combinations of profiles and their reversed versions [8]. independent, identically distributed components becomes, Several issues arise when using the usual cross-corre- upon substitution of the maximum likelihood estimates, c c lation function normalized to produce a correlation coef- ðN=2Þln 2pes2 ,wheres2 denotes the maximum likelihood ficient. First of all, the profiles amount to small deviations estimate of the variance. added to a large constant. For example, the warp varia- For the different-distribution hypothesis H1, we simply tions of F205 shown in Fig. 6 span71 thread/cm about an employ this result for both datasets separately. For the average of 13.3 threads/cm. Because the thread density common-distribution hypothesis, the two datasets are variations are much smaller than the average, the raw merged to produce single estimates of the mean and cross-correlation function will be insensitive to thread variance. After evaluating the logarithm of the likelihood d2 density variations. Second, if each profile’s average is ratio (9), which becomes ðN1 þN2Þ=2ln2pes1;2 after subtracted to remove the constant term, the normaliza- substituting the maximum likelihood estimate, we obtain tion that is part of computing the correlation coefficient a simple test based entirely on the variance estimates: will not take into account the scale of the deviations. N c N c N þN d Because of these issues, a two-stage method was devel- 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 _ ln s1 ln s2 þ ln s1;2 g oped. The first ensured that the histograms of vertical and 2 2 2 horizontal thread densities agreed well as detailed in the d The variance estimate s2 is computed from the merged next section. Once agreement was found, the second 1;2 datasets. The resulting mean and variance estimates stage, described in Section 4.2, subtracted an average become count from the profile and computed a cross-correlation ! function with a new method that demands similar count XX d 1 2 2 variations in both space and amplitude. s2 ¼ X md þ X md 1;2 N þN 1,i 1;2 2,i 1;2 1 2 i i

4.1. Comparing large-scale thread density variations ! X X d 1 The problem of determining if the average thread m1;2 ¼ X1,i þ X2,i ð10Þ N1 þN2 densities agree must take into account the measurement’s i i variability. Our approach was to determine whether the If they were drawn from different distributions, even if it empirical thread density distributions agree. The hypoth- is only in the means, the common-distribution term will esis testing problem for determining if two measurements differ greatly from the different-distribution terms. x1 and x2 came from the same probability distribution or When using maximum likelihood estimates in the like- from different ones can be formally stated as [9] lihood ratio, the choice of the threshold becomes very H : p ðxÞ¼p ðxÞp ðxÞ 0 X1 X2 X important. In this case, the sufficient statistic can be shown to be non-negative, equaling zero when the empirical H : p ðxÞap ðxÞ 1 X1 X2 estimates agree. Because the sufficient statistic is always positive, the threshold g must be a positive quantity. The likelihood ratio solution to this hypothesis test is, Furthermore, to obtain a test that is insensitive to the assuming the two measurements are statistically inde- amount of data, we need to divide the sufficient statistic by pendent, N1 þN2 because of Stein’s Lemma [10]. In this way, the p ðx1Þp ðx2Þ X1 X2 _Z ð9Þ threshold will be a constant chosen to reflect a given pXðx1ÞpXðx2Þ performance requirement (like false alarm probability). D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 537

The test becomes describes how the probability of a particular dataset depends on the empirical distribution – the histogram (known in d N c N c 2 1 2 2 2 _ ln s1;2 ln s1 ln s2 g ð11Þ information theoretic parlance as the type) – and the true N1 þN2 N1 þN2 distribution. We can consider this result as a log-likelihood

Another consideration needs to be made before applying function, with the Pk, the probabilities of X having a value this statistical test to thread count data. Each dataset x1 and within bin k, taking the role of unknown parameters. To find x2 actually consists of two components, the horizontal and the maximum likelihood estimate, we want to minimize the vertical thread counts. These need to be handled separately quantity in the bracketed quantity in Eq. (12). Because the in the variance estimates. Moreover, in the common-distri- entropy term is fixed, we need only minimize the Kullback– bution estimate, we need to determine which counts from Leibler term. As the Kullback–Leibler distance term is non- one measurement are best associated with the second set of negative, the smallest it can be is zero, which occurs only counts. In other words, weft measurements need to be when Pk ¼ hXðkÞ=N, showing that the histogram is the associated with weft measurements, warp with warp. This maximum likelihood estimate of the underlying probability requirement amounts to a hidden similarity test, but one that function. does not declare which measurements are warp or weft. This key result allows us to determine the optimal Quite simply, the proper choice amounts to yielding best- non-parametric decision rule for deciding if two datasets case results in terms of the statistical hypothesis test, which X1 and X2 have the same probability distribution or minimizes the variance of the combined datasets. different ones. We assume the datasets are statistically Non-parametric solution: While the parametric solution to independent of each other and have statistically indepen- testing for thread count similarity between two measure- dent, identically distributed components. As before, we ments only requires computation of sample variances, it does use the likelihood ratio test. rely on the distribution of counts being Gaussian. Most Pr1½X1Pr2½X2 measured distributions, as estimated by thread count histo- _Z Pr½X1Pr½X2 grams, do indeed appear to be unimodal and approximately symmetric. But the Gaussian model is not always correct and Because we do not know the distributions, we use the detailed examination may well reveal that histograms maximum likelihood estimates of the probabilities in the appearing to resemble a Gaussian are not. Without a model likelihood ratio. Using these estimates, the probability NHðh ðkÞ=NÞ for the count distribution, we turn to non-parametric meth- Pr½X equals 2 X , which makes the log likelihood ods that do not require a model. In particular, a non- ratio parametric hypothesis testing rule derived from an informa- Pr ½X Pr ½X log 1 1 2 2 ¼N Hðh ðkÞ=N ÞN H h ðkÞ=N tion theoretic standpoint has proven optimality properties Pr½X Pr½X 1 X1 1 2 X2 2 1 2 andweemployithere. hX1 ðkÞþhX2 ðkÞ The main assumption is the horizontal- and vertical- þðN1 þN2ÞH ð13Þ N1 þN2 thread counts have each been each summarized with a histogram, thereby portraying which and how often thread Because of the convexity of the entropy function, we count values occur for each measurement over the entire know that this quantity is positive. Furthermore, the left painting. With X representing a set of measurements, hXðkÞ side of (11) can be seen as a special case of this result for denotes the number of counts from dataset X having values the Gaussian case. The same quantity emerges if we divide by N þN . The more general result of (13) does within the range of the kth bin Dk.Weusedfixed-widthbins 1 2 with D ¼ 0:1 threads=cm. The following theory, which shows not rely on the Gaussian assumption. As described pre- that the maximum likelihood estimate of a discrete prob- viously, each painting’s dataset has two components, the ability distribution is the empirical histogram, does not thread counts for the horizontal and vertical threads. We demand fixed-width bins. Assuming the dataset contains determine which of the two associations of thread count statistically independent, identically distributed components: results yields the smallest value of the test statistic, then use that value in the similarity test. We do not attempt to YN XN match pairs of paintings that do not pass this histogram Pr½X¼ Pr½Xi or log Pr½X¼ log Pr½Xi i ¼ 1 i ¼ 1 similarity test.

The logarithm of the joint probability can be re-written as a 4.2. Correlating thread density variations sum over the histogram index rather than the data index to yield [10] For those pairs of paintings that pass the thread-count hXðkÞ hXðkÞ histogram similarity test, the algorithm proceeds by log Pr½X¼N D P þH ð12Þ N k N subtracting the average value from the profile and then correlating the resulting thread density deviations-from- J DðhXðkÞ=N PkÞ is the Kullback–Leibler measure of distance average (examples of which are shown in Figs. 6 and 7). [11,12] between the empirical and theoretical probability The correlation coefficient is rooted in the Cauchy– distributions and HðhXðkÞ=NÞ is the entropy of the empirical Schwarz inequality: 9/x,yS9 JxJ JyJ. The problem we 6 r histogram. Note that this expression applies in general; it face is that equality, equivalent to the maximal correla- tion coefficient value of one, occurs when xpy. We need

6 Note that although entirely an empirical measurement, hXðkÞ=N is to demand that maximal correlation occurs when the two a probability mass function in that it is non-negative and sums to one. quantities – deviations of the thread counts from their 538 D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 average values – are equal, not just proportional. A simple This formula assumes that the variances of the two extension of the bound leads to what might be called the processes are known. Furthermore, we assume that these maximal linear correlation coefficient7: variances are equal since demanding histogram matches as a precondition for considering the cross-correlation 9/x,yS9rJxJ JyJrmaxfJxJ2,JyJ2g means nearly equal variances: R1ð0Þ¼R2ð0ÞRð0Þ. Now, dividing the inner product by the maximum squared Assuming the two processes are statistically indepen- dent, the expected value of this empirical cross-correlation is norm yields a value of one only when x¼y. Note that if a constant is subtracted from each the same result applies: zero. To establish a threshold for correlated thread-density patterns, we seek the probability that this cross-correlation 9/xm,ymS9rmaxfJxmJ2,JymJ2g. Removing the average thread count in this way leads to a similarity exceeds a threshold despite the twoP profiles being unrelated. We shall assume the quantity X ðnÞX ðnÞ is approxi- measure that focuses on the same waveform and ampli- n 1 2 tude of count deviations. In the following expression, w is mately Gaussian, which means we only need to evaluate its variance to estimate the probability the cross-correlation the average of the two profiles w1ðmÞ, w2ðmÞ combined. exceeds a threshold: Thus, if the two profile’s averages differ, the maximal "# NX1 linear correlation coefficient will be reduced. The result- 2 1 ½b ¼ ð Þ ð Þ ð Þ ð Þ ing maximal linear cross-correlation function is E R 2 2 E X1 n X2 n X1 m X2 m P N R ð0Þ m,n ¼ 0 ! n ½w1ðmÞw½w2ðm‘Þw R ð‘Þ¼ Pm P 1 NX1 maxf ½w ðkÞw2, ½w ðl‘Þw2g ¼ 2ð Þþ ð Þ ð Þ ð Þ k 1 l 2 2 2 NR 0 2 N ‘ R1 ‘ R2 ‘ N R ð0Þ ‘ ¼ 1 Fig. 8 shows the maximal linear cross-correlation between two paintings by van Gogh. The count maps for The most interesting case has equal correlation func- these paintings match in weft, the less consistent direc- tions. That is, the two profiles have the same statistical tion, implying that they were cut side-by-side from the structure but are statistically independent of each other. same canvas roll. However, because of the consistency of After a little simplification that incorporates this assump- count maps [7], these two paintings could be separated by tion, the expression for the variance of the estimated an unknown amount of canvas, but must lie within the correlation coefficient becomes 8 "# roll’s width. The maximal linear cross-correlation value NX1 b2 1 ‘ for this case was 0.61. In general, we have found that E½R ¼ 1þ2 1 r2ð‘Þ ð14Þ N N cross-correlation functions for warp-direction matches ‘ ¼ 1 are far narrower than weft-direction matches and pro- where rð‘Þ is the correlation-coefficient function Rð‘Þ= duce larger correlation values (exceeding 0.95 in some Rð0Þ. cases). To estimate the variance, we computed the term To determine a reasonable criterion for the threshold in brackets for every x-ray in the van Gogh database. In value, the details must be considered. For a majority of this database, each thread count is marked as represent- paintings by van Gogh, the histogram of thread counts has ing the warp or weft direction. Profiles for warp- and a decidedly Gaussian appearance. Consequently, we can weft-thread counts were formed and the normalized describe a thread-count profile (defined to be the average correlation functions of each computed. These were of thread counts along the thread direction), as a discrete- substituted into Eq. (14) and histograms formed of these time, one-dimensional Gaussian process having some values (see Fig. 9). The histogram of the weft thread correlation function Rð‘Þ. Thread count profiles for two pattern’s term tends to be broader than that for the x-rays are cross-correlated to search for weave matches. warp. The variance expression (14) will increase accord- The preliminary criterion is that the cross-correlation is ing to the width of the normalized correlation function greater than a threshold at some lag. Because of analytic term rð‘Þ. The wider the correlation function (a greater difficulties presented by the maximal linear correlation low-frequency content in the power spectrum), the function, we instead consider the more easily analyzed larger the variance. Larger weft-thread count variances correlation function to establish thresholds. result from the lower-frequency nature of weft-thread Let X1ðnÞ, X2ðnÞ be two zero-mean, stationary, discrete- count variations in comparison to warp-thread count time Gaussian processes having correlation functions variations. Because of histogram spread, no typical value R1ð‘Þ, R2ð‘Þ, respectively. The measured cross-correlation portrays the behavior for either warp or weft threads. coefficient over N samples at zero lag is defined to be With a Gaussian model, the probability an empirical 1 P cross-correlation between two statistically independent N1 X ðnÞX ðnÞ b N n ¼ 0 1 2 profiles exceeding two standard deviations is very low: R ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b R1ð0ÞR2ð0Þ Pr½R 42s¼0:023. This rule-of-thumb can be used to determine a threshold the maximal linear cross-correla- tion must exceed to declare a thread-count pattern 7 The maximal correlation coefficient between two random vari- match even though we used the usual cross-correlation ables X and Y is defined as the maximal value of the covariance function in the analysis. We found that the threshold KðfðXÞ,ZðYÞÞ with respect to all possible functions fðÞ, ZðÞ [13]. established this way worked well. From Eq. (14), this 8 Indeed, a painting has been found that has a weft weave match with both of these and fits between them on the putative canvas roll [14, threshold depends on two quantities, the value of the pp. 164–165]. bracketed term (plotted in Fig. 9)andN, the amount of D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540 539

Vertical−Vertical Cross−Correlation 1




−1 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 Horizontal−Horizontal Cross−Correlation 1




−1 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40

F205 F260 30 30

25 25

20 20

cm 15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

30 30

25 25

20 20

cm 15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0 051015 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 1015 20 25 30 35 40 cm cm

Fig. 8. Panel (a) shows the cross-correlation functions between the horizontal and vertical thread-count profiles for van Gogh’s paintings F205 and F260. A clear correlation peak is evident for the vertical (weft) threads. The threshold for peak correlation for warp matches is indicated by the horizontal dashed line. Panel (b) shows both painting’s count maps, rotated counter-clockwise to canvas coordinates with the weft maps aligned according to the correlation function peak. The same color scale is the same as that shown in Fig. 6. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

canvas overlap expressed in multiples of the spatial 5. Summary sampling grid (here 0.5 cm). Because of the larger value of the bracketed term for weft in (14), declaring a weft- Signal processing has proven to play an important role in thread count pattern match is more demanding on the helping to date paintings, providing a better understanding of data. Either the correlation function must exceed a the sequence of artists’ production and, to a lesser degree, larger threshold for the same amount of canvas overlap determining authenticity. Whereas the signal processing or more canvas overlap must be required for the same described in [15] consider colors and brushstrokes threshold value. This analysis indicates why weft evident at the paint surface, the algorithms outlined here matchestendtobemoredifficulttodiscern(many help to fingerprint the differenttypesofcanvaspicture false-positives occur). supports used. As the size of the database increases to include 540 D.H. Johnson et al. / Signal Processing 93 (2013) 527–540

Fig. 9. The empirical values of the bracketed term in Eq. (14) for warp and weft thread density variations are shown for the entire database of over 400 paintings by van Gogh. Implicit in this calculation is the spatial sampling grid, here 0.5 cm. While these histograms have significant overlap, they reveal that the weft-thread density patterns tend to be more variable than those of the weft-direction threads.

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