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00 Kwajalein Hourglass .. 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXII, NO 67 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1985 Khartoum Reported In 'State Of Total ParalysIs' Large Explosion Rocks Baghdad SHULTZ, SECRET SERVICE By WADlE KIROLOS BAGHDAD, Iraq (UPI) -- A large exploslon rocked down­ INVESTIGATE DEATH THREATS town Baghdad today shortly af­ By HANZADA FIKRY cllned to comment on the Iden­ fesslonals called to protest ter Iran sald It flred a mlS­ CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) -- Com­ tltles of the callers recent hlkes In food and gas slle at the Iraql capItal In munlcatlon and alr llnks to Desplte the threats, a State prlces retallatlon for IraqI attacks the Sudanese capltal of Khar­ Department spokesman sald Nu­ Calro Alrport authorltles on Iranlan border towns that toum remalned severed today on melry met today wlth Secretary sald Khartoum A1rport remalned kliled at least 39 people the thlrd day of a general of State George Shultz for 45 closed for the second day today Iraq dId not conflrm the at­ strlke denounclng the govern­ mlnutes at the home of the Su­ and that telephone and 1nterna­ tack, and reporters who heard ment of Presldent Jaafar Nu­ danese ambassador The spokes­ tlonal telex llnes were cut for the bLast were barred from tra­ melry, who came under death man had no detalls of the talks a thlrd day velIng to the area In central threats In Washlngton Dlplomatlc sources In Calro, Mlnor demonstratlons were Baghdad where It occurred A Brltlsh Broadcastlng Corp meanwhlle, denled reports that reported Thursday, and the BBC Iran's offlclal news agancy report monltored In Calro sald Numelry had cut short hIS trlp report quoted dlplomatlc sources announced the mlsslle was flred there were no Incldents of VIO­ to the Unlted States because of In Calro as saylng pollce had but dld not say whether any lence today In Khartoum where the unrest at home that erupted flred tear gas on rock-throwlng damage or casualtIes resulted pollce and troops patrolled almost Immedlately after he protesters In Khartoum's tWln Iran had warned It would the streets but reported a left last week for the Unlted clty, Omdurman, late Thursday raId Baghdad In retalIatIon for "state of total paralysls " States On Wednesday, 20,000 demon­ IraqI attacks Thursday, despIte In Washlngton, the Secret The BBC reported a sharp strators marched on the PreSl­ an appeal from Iraq1 PreSIdent SerVlce sald It IS Investlgat­ fuel shortage In the Sudanese dentlal Palace In Khartoum wlth Saddam HusseIn to peacefully Ing death threats made agalnst capltal, 1ndlcatlng an expan­ a petltlon caillng for Numelry's end the gulf war Numelry In telephone calls to Slon of the strlke declared reslgnatlon Tear gas dlspersed The mlsslle would be the the Sudanese Embassy but de- Wednesday by the country's pro- them, and no one was InJured nlnth fIred at Baghdad In about the last month The last two were on Sunday Iraq had not REAGAN: NEIGHBORS WILL 'LEAN' conflrmed the attacks "The IslamIC Republlc of Iran wlll flre a mlsslle at ON NICARAGUA FOR ACCEPTANCE Baghdad today," Akbar Hasheml By IRA R ALLEN plan was," Reagan sald "I un­ Reagan sald, "I don't thlnk RafsanJanl, speaker of the Ira­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- PreS1- derstand It They don't want to they've heard from everybody nian Parllament, sald before dent Reagan today brushed off glve up the cushy spot that Thelr nelghbors are gOlng to the flrlng "As the spokesman Nlcaragua's reJectlon of hlS they've got rlght now," he sald, be leanlng on them also " of the Supreme Defense Councll, peace plan, saylng, "They don't predlctlng "the people of Nlca­ Earller today, Secretary of I wlsh thIS mlsslle beIng flred want to glve up the cushy spot ragua wlil be hlghly supportlve State George Shultz sald Rea­ at Baghdad today wlll be the that they've got r1ght now," of It " gan's offer wlil rema1n open de­ last to be fIred at Baghdad " but added the hope that Nlcara­ Reagan, who was eager to talk spltL the early reJectlon "We wlil show you what WIll gua's Central Amerlcan nelgh­ about Nlcaragua and hlS new bud­ "We wIll keep the offer on come down on Baghdad's head to­ bors "wlll begln leanlng on get compromlse wlth Senate Re­ the table," Shultz sald In an day," RafsanJanl sald them" to accept publlcan leaders, ordered the Intervlew on ABC televlslon But RafsanJanl sald Iran was At an Impromptu news confer­ englne of h1s departurL hellcop­ "We hope N1Laragua wlil thlnk wlillng to stop attacks on Ira­ ence before depart1ng from the ter turned off so he could en­ It over a 11ttle more careful­ ql cltles as "soon as Iraq Whlte House for Callfornla, gage In questlons and answers ly " stops attacks on Iranlan cltles Reagan was abked about Nlcara­ on the Whlte House south lawn In announclng hlS plan Thurs­ for 24 hours " guan Forelgn Mlnlster Mlguel He sald It wab "curlous" that day, Reagan sald If It IS adopt­ Iran saId a delegatIon flew D'Escoto's statement that the 1n ne1ghborlng El Salvador, It ed the Unlted States wlil pro­ to Moscow today for talks wlth admlnlstratlon's call for a was the government that made a vIde money to the Contra rebels KremlIn offlclals on Improvlng cease-flre and negotlatlons peace offer, but In Nlcaragua 1t only for humanltarlan purposes relat1ons, Iran's offICIal Is­ wlth the Contra rebels amounted was the rebel guerrlilas for the next 60 days But no lamIC RepublIc News Agency saId to "a declaratlon of war " Asked agaln how he could sell matter what happens after that, The VISlt comes one week after "They were saylng that be­ the peace plan In the face of Reagan sald, "we're not gOlng to talks In Moscow between Iraql's fore they even heard what the strong Nlcaraguan Oppos1tlon, walk away" from the Contras Tarek AZIZ and KremlIn offICIals Schroeder Awaits Saturday Discharge By DAVID E NATHAN LEXINGTON, Ky (UPI) -- Dr Wlillam C DevrIes, the surgeon who Implanted Blil Schroeder's artlflclal heart, sald he IS glad Schroeder 1S able to leave the hospltal but saId It dld not necessar1ly mean the Im­ plant program IS a success Schroeder, who has llved Slnce Nov 25 wlth the Jarvlk- 7 heart beatlng In hlS chest, wlil leave Humana Hospltal Au­ dubon In LOUlsvllle Saturday to become the flrst mechanlcal heart patlent ever to llve out­ slde a hospItal "I thlnk he's well enough to leave the hospltal," sald De­ vrles, who appeared In Lexlng­ ton for a panel dlScusslon on the future of health care "We're glad he can reach one of hlS goals " But Devrles sald that Schroe­ der's move out of the hOSP1- tal does not slgnal success for the artlflclal heart Implant program He sald each case must be taken on an Indlvldual basls Schroeder plctured ln an earller photo wlth LOUlsvllle Mayor Harvey Sloane (UPI Photo) LOCAL NEWS PAGE HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1985 ON TIIRGET IITKHS I By t Jennifer , Brooks Glrls' softball teams, the boys' Spar­ tans II softball team, and golf teams for EucharistIC Ministers Installed the sprlng seasons have all recently been Seven spec1al m1n1sters of Holy Commun1on were comm1ss1oned on Sunday, March 17, at chosen at Kwa]aleln Hlgh School' The teams the 9 15 a m Mass 1n the Island Memor1al Chapel Father Donald V O'Br1en, S J , Cath­ are as follows OllC chapla1n, read a short 1nstruct1on to the cand1dates, then asked them to undertake Softball the off1ce of glv1ng the body and blood of the Lord to the1r brothers and slsters By Spartans I Debble Amante, Cheryl Aus­ the1r serV1ce and the example of the1r Chr1st1an llves, they w1ll be strengthen1ng the tln, M1SSY Falrcloth, Nlcole Kadas, Ronell Cathol1c commun1ty of Blessed Sacrament Par1sh The new spec1al m1n1sters are (left to Kuratsu, Panlda Lachman, Collette Maxwell, r1ght) Joe MOSC1llo (veteran m1n1ster), Bob K1ngsley, Joe Stepchew, D1Ck Vernett1, Fa­ Julle O'Brlen, Nancy Patton, Llsa Sahl, ther O'6r1en, S J , B1ll Mastro, Patt1 Mastro, Lee Morton and Mel Sanchez (veteran m1n­ Jesslca Shlmamoto, Megan Stegmann, Cynthla lster) Holl1S Crowe and Edd1e Aklna (veteran m1n1ster) were not present for the p1C- Woodworth, and coaches Becky and Walt Chld­ ture (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) sey Spartans II Joanne Brogden, Sonya Guhn, Ellzabeth Hatcher, Donna Hunt, Danlelle Ka­ das, MIchelle Kltts, Jlll Landrettl, NI­ Worship Services For Kwajalein And Roi-Namur cole Mack, DebbIe Mlchelson, Sara Slevers, CATHOLIC JEWISH Susan Trentham, Stacy Wllllams, and coaches Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Evenlng serVlces for Passover wlll be Cheryl and DICk Shlelds 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel held tonlght at 6 45 ln the Taro Room of Spartans II (boys) Joe Ball, Bruce Baw­ Sunday Masses the Yokwe Yuk Club The Passover Seder com, Tom Blue, Steve HIll, DaVId Jaros, 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel wlll follow at 7 15 p m For more lnfor­ Dave Maples, Randy Marsh, JIm McDonough, 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel mation, call 82805 or 99428 BrIan McLaughlIn, Dan Morton, Chrls O'Don­ 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center PROTESTANT nell, Steve Peres, Brad Salhus, Chrls Monday-Frlday Masses Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be Smart, and coaches Merle Dlhel and Ron Hav­ 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel held at 8 and 11 at the Island Memorlal lIce Confesslons Chapel Chaplaln Rlchard G QUlnn wlll Golf Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacrament preach the sermon entltled "The Potter's Spartans Blue Matt Barslc, Fred Cun­ Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, call Vessel " nlngham, team captaIn Steve HIll, Dan Mor­ 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 Speclal mUS1C at botr serVlces wlll be ton, Nancy Patton, Jenny Salhus, and ErIC beforehand provlded by Nate Jackson slnglng "Were
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    JianrhfHlpr Mpratb Thursday, Nov. 24,1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents Road race, football offer a holiday sports feast By Jim Tierney O’Reilly, Brian Roche and Kieran Stack; Ameri­ Manchester Herald male and female, and the first male and female the Town Championship Trophy, presented by the cans John Gregorek, Keith Brantly, Jim Cooperand Manchester High School finisher. Steve Spence; Mexicans Marcos Barreto and Herald. The latter trophy is presented on a Proceeds from the race go to Muscular Dystrophy permanent basis. The town of Manchester’s most festive day of the Maurico Gonzales, Englishman Dave Murphy and year has arrived. Research of Connecticut. A toal of $23,000 was East won, 38-8, last year. Norwegian Are Nakkim. raised a year ago. The Manchester Road Race The 52nd running of the Manchester Thanksgiving Manchester and East each has experienced The women’s division will be led by defending Committee, for the 11th year, is chief sponsor of the Day Road Race will answer the gun this morning at difficult seasons. The Indians enter today’s final champ Jill Clarke of Sheffield, England, Christine race along with financial assistance from Pratt & 10 with a record 7,000 runners anticipated. game of the year with a 2-7 record while East is 1-8. Pfitzinger, Linda Begley, Sue Faber and Judi St. Whitney and the Hartford Courant. Following at 11 is the annual East Catholic- Junior Aris Leonard will quarterback the Indians Hilaire, who holds the women’s course record of After the race, many may find their way over to Manchester High School football game.
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