

Bound states in the continuum

Frank H. Stillinger and David R. Herrick Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 (Received 5 November 1974) Quantum-mechanical examples have been constructed of local potentials with bound eigenstates embedded in the dense continuum of scattering states. The method employed corrects and extends a procedure invented by von Neumann and Wigner. Cases are cited whereby deformation of the local potential causes the continuum bound state to move downward through the bottom of the continuum, and to connect analytically to a nodeless . A doubly excited model is also displayed, with interactions between its two ", " having an infinite lifetime (in the Schrodinger equation regime). In the light of these examples, attention is focused on quantitative interpretation of real tun- neling phenomena, and on the existence of continuum bound states in and .

I. INTRODUCTION that parameter in the neighborhood of its value corresponding to the crossing. In 1929, von Neumann and Wigner' claimed that Several generalizations are examined in Sec. IV. the single- Schrodinger equation could Included are cases involving higher angular mo- possess isolated eigenvalues embedded in the con- mentum, dimensionality differing from three, tinuum of positive energy states. They offered a Coulomb interactions, and external electric fields. constructive method, based upon amplitude modu- In each of these categories, families of localized lation of a free-particle wave function, leading to steady-state solutions to the Schrodinger equation a localized (i.e., integrable) eigenfunction and a can be constructed, with energies embedded in the local potential which produces it. The potential continuum. was bounded and could be made to vanish at in- In order to pave the way for eventual considera- finity. Diffractive interference was cited as the tion of many- systems, we have devised reason such localized positive-energy states could a model involving a doubly excited atomic state. exist. The specific two-electron realization appears in The von Neumann-Wigner states have gained Sec. V. Despite interactions between the "elec- importance recently with the growing suspicion trons" which one might expect to cause autoioniza- that some atomic and molecular systems might tion, the state lives forever (in the Schrodinger also exhibit bound states in the relevant continua, ' ' description). For that reason, we have reexamined the von Neu- We terminate this exploratory paper with dis- mann-Wigner analysis with a view to exposing cussion of a wide variety of chemical and physical those directions in which it could fruitfully be phenomena whose quantitative interpretation may generalized. The results obtained thus far raise require careful accounting for the possible exis- interesting questions about the validity of conven- tence of bound states in the continuum. tional theory for tunneling phenomena, and for certain processes in atomic and molec- ular spectroscopy. II. VON NEUMANN-WIGNER METHOD The original von Neumann-Wigner paper con- Using suitable reduced units, we consider the tains a superficial algebraic error which affects single-particle wave equation its results in a significant way. However, that lapse in no way compromises the cleverness of (--,'V'+ V)e =re (2.1) those authors's underlying strategy. We provide to be solved in infinite three-space. We restrict the corrected version in the following Sec. II, for attention initially to potentials V which are bound- completeness. ed, and which are local operators in position rep- Section III demonstrates by concrete example resentation. Since an equivalent form of (2. is how localized states can be adiabatically manip- 1) ulated so that their energy drops below the bottom V =E+-,'[(V'4) 4/], (2 2) of the continuum. This process can occur for- it is obvious that nodes of the wave function 4' mally as the result of continuous change in a pa- must be matched by vanishing of its I aplacian. rameter in the potential. It is noteworthy that The free-particle S wave the energy eigenvalue, the potential, and the local- ized wave function can all be analytic functions of 4', (r) = (sinkr)/kr (2.3)

11 BOUND STATE S IN THE CONTINUUM satisfies Eq. (2.2) with energy eigenvalue approach cannot supply any other exact wave func- tions and their energies for that same potential. (2.4) But since V(r) vanishes at infinity, scattering and V identically zero. Although +0 is not in- states for all energies E) 0 will exist with wave tegrable, von Neumann and Wigner suggested that functions that could numerically be approximated it would be possible to generate an integrable wave by standard techniques. The existence of the function by modulating the amplitude of 4'0 in an bound state in this continuum requires a discon- appropriate way. If one writes tinuous increase by m in the S-wave scattering the incident rises through e(r) =+, phase shift as energy (r)f(r), the fixed value 2&'. In other words, the bound then 4' integrability only requires that f (r) drop state amounts to an infinitely narrow resonance. ' to zero as r, P ) —,', for diverging ~. A far wider class of modulating functions f can Substituting expression (2.5) into Eq. (2.2), one be considered, such as obtains f(r) = (A'i[2kr —sin(2kr)] "j ", ——,'k'+ V(r ) = E k(cotkr) f'(r)/f (r) m- -'„mn)-,', (2.12) (2.6) for which a corresponding V(r) can be derived. We note in passing that von Neumann and Wigner Note, however, that a choice which decays ex- erroneously obtained "tan" in place of "cot" for ponentially to zero as &-~ is not consistent with their version of this last equation. ' vanishing of V(r) in the same limit. It should also In order that V(r) remain bounded, it is clear be stressed that no f(r) seems to exist, producing from Eq. (2.6) that f'/f must vanish at the poles a bound state in the continuum, whose V(r) decays of cot(kr), i.e. at the zeros of sin(kr). This can more rapidly with increasing & than the type of , ' be achieved by selecting f (r) to be a differentiable modulated r shown in Eq. (2.11). function of the variable r III. ANALYTIC CONTINUATION ACROSS THE dr' = —,'kr ——,' sin'(kr') sin(2kr). (2.7) CONTINUUM EDGE 0 the positive-energy The specific choice suggested by Ref. 1 is The eigenvalue for preceding bound state can be moved up or down within the f (r) = (A'+ [2kr —sin(2kr)] 'j ', (2.8) continuum merely by varying k. Equation (2.9) specifies the way in which V(r) must deform to where A. is an arbitrary nonzero constant. Be- continue supporting its bound state. We shall now cause decreases as r ' in the limit r-~, it f (r) see that it is pcssible analytically to carry such a is obvious that 4' is integrable. bound state downward, through the bottom of the Having made assumption (2.8) about the form of continuum, into the negative energy regime. can substitution that the terms f, one verify by This feature can easily be demonstrated for the containing in (2.6) vanish as r-~. There- f Eq. corrected von Neumann-Wigner example. How- fore itself will vanish in this limit provided V(r) ever, it turns out that after the crossing the po- that E continues to be identified with 2O'. The tential V(r) approaches an infinite-r limit that be- potential then can be readily derived: gins to rise above zero. The continuum edge 64&'A' s in4ks would of course have to rise as well. Fortunately, [A.' y (2kr —sin2kr)'] ' we can circumvent this peculiarity by examining instead any of several slightly modified examples 48k' sin'kr —Sk'(2kr —sin2kr) sin2kr for which V(r-~) remains zero after the crossing. A'+ (2kr —sin2kr)' One possible modification consists first in re- placing the variable shown in Eq. (2.7) by the (2 9) equally acceptable choice Near the origin, the function behaves thusly: s(r) = 8k2 ', r' sin~(kr') dr' V(r) = (80/SA' —64)k'(kr)4+P((kr)'), (2.10) ' while its large-& character is' =-, (2kr)' —2kr sin(2kr) —cos (2kr) + 1. (3.1) V(r) - -Sk'(sin2kr)/2kr. (2.11) If the modulating factor f is now taken to be a func- tion of s, the poles of cot(kr) in Eq. (2.6) will con- have established that the local potential (2.9) We tinue to be cancelled. For simplicity we use possesses a bound (that is, normalizable) eigen- state with positive energy 2O'. Unfortunately, the (3.2) FRANK H. STILLINGER AND DAVID R. HEBRICK where again A is nominally an arbitrary param- 0 (r, A. & &,) = (s inh sr)/sr[a' g' + s (x)] eter. Since & rises quadratically with & in the ~a~2 K r )- t large-r regime, wave-function normalizability is (2 ~ (3.11) assured. By using expression (3.2} in Eq. (2.6), The potential becomes the potential which produces the bound S state, 64«' sinh'x& 4, is found to be f, [a'8 + s (r)]' 64k'r' sin'kx 4k'(sin'kr+2kr sin2kr) [A'+ s(r)]' A'+ 4 z'(s inh'xr + 2 mr sinh2 vx) s(r) g'z'+s(r) (3.3) somewhat surprisingly, the long-range behavior of This modified potential displays the same asymp- I/ has become Coulombic: totic form shown in Eq. (2.11)for the prior case. However, near the origin V(~, a&A.,)-z/r, ~&0. (3.13) V(r) = -(20k'/&')(k~)'+0((k&)'}, (3.4) The energy E is trivially analytic in ~ at ~„by definition. For any r, both V(x, &) and 4'(&, ~) are in place of expression (2.10). also analytic in ~ at ~, since they possess power In general, V(&) could be deformed by separate series in k' =-&' that are convergent is some non- and independent variations in A and k. For present vanishing neighborhood of the origin. Note, how- purposes it suffices to consider just a single de- ever, that the convergence is not uniform in r gree of parametric freedom; so A and 0 will be since zeros of the denominator factors varied together in a special way. In particular, g'k' we shall set ps(r, k) (3.14) &' (3.5) in the complex plane move inward toward the origin as r increases. where a is fixed. It is important that the resulting The variations of V(r, A. ) and 4'(r, A) as A. sweeps expressions for 4 and V, when expanded in power through ~, are illustrated in Figs. 1-5 for a =1. series, contain only even powers of 4'. When ~& ~„ the negative-energy state continues to As a result of condition (3.5), the wave function have a nodeless wave function, as Eq. (3.6) has and potential undergo simplification to algebraic shown to occur at the continuum edge. Conse- forms as k approaches zero: quently, this state must be the ground' state for the limk'4'(r) = (a'+2r'} '; (3.6) given potential V(r, &) when &&&,. The continua- tion effected by increasing ~ beyond ~, causes the state to lose this distinction as it rises above an = — 1im V(~) 4r'(6r' 5a')/(a'+ 2H)'. (3.7) infinite number of continuum states. It is inter- esting that this situation superficially might appear Note that in this limit + is uniform in sign; its to violate the "noncrossing rule" for energy levels zeros have all receded to infinity. of the same symmetry type, ' but in fact this rule is As a of notational convenience, we use a "coupling parameter" ~ to follow the variation: z=x +-,'k'-=x +z (3.6) C 5 ~am \ where &, is the (arbitrary) coupling strength at 4- which the continuum edge is encountered. The \ extension of both V(&, &} and @(&,&) to negative E (or equivalently A. & &,), both as real functions, is I permitted by occurrence in each of only even Q powers of k, Writing for this case (z&0) (3.9} the extension of s(r) has the form —6 s(r) = p(2(cr}2+2tcr sinh(2Kr—) —cosh(2zr) +1. 0 (3.10) FIG. 1. Potential-energy function constructed in Sec. III. The specific form shown follows from Eq. (3.12) This expression rises exponentially with increasing upon setting a=1 and I(;=2 2. The wave function 0 (dashed r at such a rate that the wave function is exponen- line) has energy -1 and is the nodeless ground-state tially damped as follows: function. BOUND STATE S IN THE CONTINUUM

5 ~ 5-~ E=I 4— 3— 3—

I I l 0 0

-6 —6 0 0 I

FIG. 2. Potential (3.7), with a=1. The nodeless FIG. 4. Potential-energy function from Sec. III for ground-state wave function 4 is the dashed curve; it has energy l. moved up to zero energy (the continuum edge). not applicable where dense continua are involved. IV. SOME EXTENSIONS %'ith the present example, eigenvalue 8 is un- A. limited both above and below. The continuation Higher angular momentum process can carry F to infinity in either direction. The non-normalizable free-particle state with For very large negative the potential develops E, total-angular-momentum quantum number l, a deep single minimum, while for large positive E it is rapidly oscillating. Figure 5 shows that E +',"(r)=j,(k~)& (S, y), (4.1) can rise above the maximum of t/; so even classi- has energy E = 2O'. It may be converted to a local- mechanics would not of the cal permit trapping ized normalizable state with a suitable radial particle in the neighborhood of the origin. modulating function f,: The ascent of ground-state energy E for in- creasing ~, eventually through the continuum edge, e&'&(r) =f, (r)j, (I r)r, .(S, y). (4.2) is analogous to the behavior that appears to apply One must still require that drop to zero as x ~, to the two-electron isoelectronic sequence. The f, P &&, in the limit ~-~. reduced Hamiltonian for this sequence is This new class of states may be supported by H(Z) =--', (V2 ~V2) —1/~ 1/y, +X/~„, (3.16) central potentials. The analog of Eq. (2.6}is where ~ represents the inverse of the atomic num- ber. Numerical study" of this physically impor- tant system suggests that its ground-state energy penetrates the (1&)(») continuum (at reduced ener- gy -2) when & increases through To keep V(r) bounded it is obvious that f,'/f, must ~, = 1.0975. (3.16) 5i 4- 4- E = I/8 3— 2— 2— P I r 0

-6l 0 -6 0 FIG. 5. Potential-energy function from Sec. III for FIG. 3. Potential-energy function (Sec. III) for energy energy 4. This energy exceeds the maximum value =2.7 Equations (3.1), (3.3), and (3.5) provide the functional for the potential, so the particle could not be trapped by form, with a=1 and k = 2. classical mechanics. 450 FRANK H. STILLINGER AND DAVID R. HERRICK vanish when j,(kr) does. This can be accomplished tinuing penetration of the continuum, for some with D 0 3, when ~ became sufficiently large. We now outline construction of model states in the D-di- f, ( ) = [A' ( )]-', (4.4) ", mensional continuum, along the lines of the pre- where ceding sections. r The D-dimensional free-particle state with =k. (kr')""j2(kr')dr' +0 s, (r) &&' the 0 energy satisfies equation (kr)" '4 (V' 4 k')213, ( r) = 0. (4.9) [j',(kr) +j'„,(kr)] (4.5) The solution corresponding to no angular momen- This quantity always rises fast enough with in- tum is creasing & to render +' integrable. klj, (r) = (kr) 'Z, (kr), )2 = —,'(D 2), (4.10) The central potential V(r) implied by E(ls. (4.3) and (4.4), subject to vanishing at infinity, may be where we have used standard notation for the Bes- easily computed: sel function. 40 is not normalizable, of course, but can be made so by amplitude modulation: , (kr)""j,(kr) [A'+s, (r)]' e(r) =e,(r)f(r, D). (4.11) 2(kr)"'j, (kr) j', (kr)+ (1+-,')(kr)""j', (kr)) It must still be required that A'+ s, (r) f (r, D) - const && r ' (p & -,'), (4.12) (4.8) for arbitrary D. Its long-range behavior follows the previously The potential-energy expression for the present established pattern: case is — V(r) - (-1)'"8(l+1)k'[(sin2kr)/2kr]. (4 7) (2 r + 1 )J„(kr ) 22r Z.„(2r)) 7 2r J', (kr) No new difficulties arise in causing these states f'(r, D) 1 f"(r,D) to continue analytically across the continuum edge (4.13) at E =0. , f(r, D) 2 f(r, D) Choose 8. Variable dimensionality f(r, D)=[A'~s(r, D)] ', (4.14) The ground state of the helium isoelectronic sequence has recently been studied for variable where r dimensionality. " In this generalization the Hamil- s(r, D) =k (kr')""[J'„(kr')]'drj tonian (3.15) continued formally to apply, but the 0 arbitrary number D of spatial dimensions for each (kr)"" particle required that the Laplacian have the ob- = (kr)]'+[~. 2 2, , I.P, „(kr)]']. vious form (for particle j) (4.15) D V]— (4.8) The requirement of normalizability demands that n=y ~&go. D 3 One calculates the potential corresponding An important part of that study concerned the con- to expressions (4.14) and (4.15) to be

r)"2"(k2„( )J„„kr(kr) —(3r rl)(kr)''(3~ (kr))' (kr)""(Z,(kr)]') ~ (4.18) A' 4- s (r, D) [A'+s(r, D)]'

This result leads to asymptotic behavior similar It is no coincidence that the variable-D gen- to the preceding cases: eralization resembles the preceding variable-l case. The radial wave equation encompassing ' V(r, D) - [4(D —1)k'/2kr] s in [2kr ——,(D —1))) ] . both cases is invariant to replacement of l, D by l+ 5, D —2& for any g '0 (4.17) C. Coulomb interactions Once again these positive-energy bound states can by analytically continued downward across The pattern of wave-function nodes displayed by E =0, provided A' varies properly with &. each of the continuum bound states constructed BOUND STATE S IN THE CONTINUUM thus far has been the same as the pattern in the Although the potential possesses an oscillatory initial free-particle +p. However, a displaced component, it can differ from the preceding cases pattern of nodes can also appear in the final bound by having only a finite number of zeros for &&0 state provided they were initially present as such. provided that For this purpose one is obliged to replace the free- Z & 2k(q+1). (4.2V) particle +p with an analogous continuum state in the presence of a stationary force center. We now Analytic continuation from positive E to negative examine the case of a repulsive Coulombic force 8 is possible if one first requires A'. to vary with center. & in the manner The unbound Coulomb w'ave function satisfies A' = a' k"' C'( Z/k), (4.28) the equation (Z ~ 0} where a'&0 is independent of k. This condition (V' —2Z/r+k')4', (r) =0. (4.18) plays the same role as that in Eq. (3.5) did earlier The solution in three dimensions, with vanishing for the simpler non-Coulombic case. angular momentum, which is regular at the origin Just at the continuum edge (8 =0), it is necessary has the form" to appeal to a Bessel-Clifford function expansion" of to extract the behavior of + and V. One finds +o(r) = 0o(+)/'r yp q (r, 8 =0}-constxr ' ' 'exp[-(8Z&)' '], y, (r) =C,(q) pe 'PM(1 —iq, 2, 2ip), (4.19) (4.29) C,(q) =e-" Il'(I+in}l, and t/ manifests only the Coulomb interaction at p =kr, r1 =Z/k, 8 =-,'k', long range: where M(a, b, e) is Kummer's function. In the form V(~, Z =0) Z/r- (4.30) shown, 4, is real; however, it is not normalizable. Following the usual procedure, we utilize an At negative energy, 4'(r) becomes nodeless and amplitude-modulating factor f to induce normal- exponentially damped with increasing &. The izability, asymptotic form (4.30) for V continues to hold. The analysis just provided applies only to the =[&'+s(~)] '; (4.20) f(~) case Z &0, that is, a repulsive Coulombic inter- action. The situation for Z &0 is drastically dif- s (t)= k (kr'')' [y,(x')] ' dr' (4.21) 4 p ferent, for even as the bottom of the continuum is approached from above the wave function will re- Exponent q will remain arbitrary for the moment, infinite subject only to the requirement tain an number of nodes. It is doubtful that useful analytic continuation for Z & 0 can be (4.22) produced to connect to bound states below the The potential for which + =+,f is an exact eigen- continuum edge. state will be D. Constant electric field Z ,'qk'(kr)—' '[y„(r"~)]'"()~ 2k(kr)'y„(r )cpo(r) k'(k~)" [q.(~)]' Von Neumann and Wigner hinted' that localized [&'+s(~)]' (4.23) eigenstates could be constructed for the Schro- dinger equation in the presence of a static, uni- In the large-& limit, the asymptotic form of pp is form electric field. However they did not display well known to be explicit results of this kind. We now adapt their method to supply an example. (&) - sin[km —(Z/k) In(2k') + o, y, ], In the presence only of an electric field (i.e. (4 24) , o, = argI'(1+i Z/k). potential linear in displacement along the field) we begin with the corresponding one-dimensional This permits one to conclude that wave equation s(r)-(kr)"' 2/( q+1), (4.25) +Ex 4 =0, (4.31) and that dx', (x) I'(~) - (Z/~) (1 —[2k(q +1)/Z] where we can assume I' &0. The coordinate origin has been chosen to annihilate the constant term. && sin[2kr —(2Z/k) In(2k'') + 2o,] j. The solution of interest over -&x &+~ is the (4.28) Airy function, " 452 FRANK H. STILLINGEB AND DAVID R. HERRICK

4,(x) = Ai ( F-'/'x) (4.32) Warning should be posted that this doubly ex- cited state may be misleading in regard to the The following asymptotic formulas apply: nature of doubly excited states in real atoms. - 111 (x) [2&1/2F1/12~x~ /4]. exp[ 2F1/2~x~3/2]. Most, if not all, of the latter should be expected to possess finite l ifetimes in the Schrodinger (x - -~); (4.33) description. " The present case nevertheless serves an illustrative purpose in the larger mathe- (111/2F1/12xl/4)-1 sin(2Fl/2x3/2 1 matical context of general Schrodinger operator (x) + ~) spectra. (x-+ ). (4.S4) The general class of two-particle Hamiltonians of interest includes the one shown earlier in Eq. In order to convert to a normalizable func- 4, (3.15) as a special case: tion, we introduce the quantity H = --,'(V', +V,') + V(r„r,), (5.1) s(x) = [4,(x')]' dx'. (4.35) If the electrons were attracted only to a fixed nu- cleus and did not interact with each other, Since = V(r„r ) -1/3', —I/3' —V ( „33) (5.2) s (x) (~F1/6) lxl /2 (4.s6) With t/0 the problem is separable; one solution is as x-+~, it suffices to use the amplitude-modu- the doubly excited (2s') 'S state lating factor f for 4', : —3' —3' . ~.) =(2 )(2 exp[--'(&, +&, (5.3) f(x) =[A'+s(x)] (4.37) ) )]I, for which the energy is The model potential-energy function for which E 1 @,f is an exact eigenfunction can easily be found: 0 (5.4) This state formally lies in the (1&)(ks) continuum 24,(x)@,'(x) [4,(x)]' A'+s(x) [A'+s(x)]' ' beginning at energy -&, but that fact has little significance while the electrons move independent- (4.38) ly. To induce interaction between the electrons, For large negative x only the constant-field term @, can be modified to include spatial correlation be- -&I'x survives in t/, but in the large positive x tween those electrons. we limit Specifically, examine the wave-function family V(x) - ,'Fx —(F/x)'/-' -sin( —'F'/2x3/2+-2'w). ll (r„r,) =1I.,(3'„r,)C(r„r,), (5.5) (4.s9) where C represents a positive correlation factor The oscillatory component of U(x) is confined with interchange symmetry, largely to the neighborhood of x =0 it suffices to ) (5.6) prevent the particle from being permanently re- C(r„r, =C(r„r,), moved to +~ by the constant field. and with the usual rotational invariance required for S states. The potential to which + belongs as V. DOUBLY EXCITED ATOM an exact eigenstate will be All of the bound states in the continuum con- V =E+ +(lI4',C) '(V, ll'2 V,C+V211, V,C) structed thus far have had wave functions with an + (2C) '(V', C+ V,'C). (5.7) infinite number of nodes and associated potentials with comparable oscillatory character. However, Since +, vanishes on the surfaces &, =2 and r, =2, these examples have each involved just single divergence of V can be avoided there only if ~,C , and, furthermore, have each reduced and V', C vanish, respectively, on those surfaces. " to one-dimensional form by virtue of separability. For the sake of concreteness we assume Under these conditions the occurrence of an in- finite number of nodes in 4 may be a general re- (5.8) quirement. We shall now demonstrate that this feature is not universal. To do so we introduce where a, &~0, and g&1. This correlation factor a model "two-electron" atom which, with suitable serves to keep the electrons apart in a fashion interaction between the electrons, will have a qualitatively similar to that for the purely Cou- doubly with infinite lifetime (within lombic problem (3.15). It also renders the present the Schrodinger description). model inherently unsepar able. BOUND STATES IN THE CONTINUUM

Straightforward but tedious calculation leads to an explicit expression for V: '" age (5-r,)(2-r, )' (2-r, )'(5-r, ) C(r, , r,) w(r, ) w(r, ) w(r, ) w(r, ) '" g(2 —r,' )(2 —r, ) e 4a + ') ~,--,'b(2 —r, ) 4 —r, + 4a,u, u„——,'b(2 —r, ) 4 —r, + u, u„ ( ) ( ( ) ( )


I Here we have introduced the abbreviations decay rates of radioactive nuclei are also con- trolled by tunneling. " In addition, it has been a + . — )', w(r, )= (2 r, proposed" that some cases of molecular predis- u, = r,./r, , (5.10) sociation require tunneling. Finally, tunneling films between adjacent solid phases ("tun- — — through = ~ u;g (ry r;)/I r; r& I nel junctions") has become an important research de- The energy E remains equal to -4 as V replaces tool and a source of solid-state electronic vices. " ' V,. In the event that one of the electrons, say of continuum bound states con- electron 2, recedes to infinity, V reduces to the The examples nuclear attraction for the remaining electron: structed in this paper should sound a warning against quantitative over-interpretation of the cited lim V(r„r,) = -1/r, . (5.11) tunneling phenomena. These modelistic examples ~ 00 each have characteristics for which orthodox opin- If both electrons recede from the nucleus, but at ion (and the WEB approximation) would predict fixed interelectron separation, those electrons finite transition rates for tunneling into the con- experience a nontrivial central interaction: tinuum. Yet their lifetimes are infinite. If a given physical system were to possess a potential close — (in some suitable sense) to the subspace of poten- r 'r~~ gg 12 j. 2 tials with continuum bound states, then its tun- On account of the interelectron coupling present neling rate would be anomalously small. Uncriti- in V, it is kinematically possible for autoioniza- cal use of the WEB approximation in such an in- tion to occur. However, it does not; the perturbed stance would mislead one with respect to barrier doubly excited state lives forever. The significant height or width. point to notice is that + has only the two nodal A similar situation obtains in understanding surfaces that occur in +„not an infinite number. autoionizing states and for atoms and Furthermore, no characteristic energy shows up molecules. The usual theoretical methods for as an oscillatory-component wavelength in either describing these states are ill suited to identifica- 4 or V. Apparently, nonseparability in multiple- tion of infinite-lifetime positive-energy bound particle systems permits bound states to exist states; included among the methods are the "sta- in the relevant continua for reasons somewhat bilization method" devised by Taylor, "Feshbach's different from the simple diffractive interference projection-operator technique, "and the close- applicable to the elementary examples in Secs. coupling approach. " It would be interesting to see II-IV. It must be these less obvious considera- numerically how each would come to grips with the tions to which one must appeal in arguing for the model doubly excited state offered here in Sec. V. existence of continuum bound states for realistic More to the point, there may exist real atomic atomic and molecular Hamiltonians, such as H(A. ) and molecular states (specifically for doubly in Eq. (3.15). charged anions") in the continuum with infinite lifetimes in the Schrodinger description. Excep- tional computational care would have to be exer- VI. DISCUSSION cised to avoid assigning spurious widths to these Quantum-mechanical tunneling appears in a wide states. variety of physical phenomena. Cold emission of On account of the requirements of wavelength electrons from metals, under the influence of matching of oscillatory components in 4 and V, strong electric fields, supplies a prominent ex- for those examples which are separable (Secs. ample whose explanation has often been based on II-IV), an arbitrary small change in V would, the venerable Fowler-Nordheim formula. " Alpha with probability one, destroy the continuum bound 454 FRANK H. STILLINGER AND DAVID R. HERRICK state. Only if the variation in the potential (a) component wavelength matching. Thus positive- maintained a long-range oscillatory character in energy bound states in atoms and molecules may V and (b) were consistent with an eigenvalue whose not be zero-probability occurrences at all, but associated wave-vector magnitude k' appeared in U physically realizable phenomena. ' 4 It seems ob- would it then be possible to retain the continuum vious that serious effort should be devoted to de- bound state. In this sense, positive-energy bound veloping more realistic atomic and molecular states are an unstable feature of separable Hamil- models with bound states in the continuum. tonians. However, the situation may well be dif- Finally, we remark that conditions on potentials ferent for «@ePamble problems, as indeed real have been identified which eliminate the possibility atoms and molecules are with two or more elec- of bound states in the continuum. " However, they trons. The doubly excited "atom" provided in Sec. do not include the cases of interest in real atomic V clearly shows the irrelevance of oscillatory- and molecular systems.

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