MAY 0 D You pushed WHICH button!!! (For more on refresher training at Guan- tanarno Bay, Cuba, see page 4. Photo by PHI Terry Mitchell.) MAGAZINE OF THE U.S. NAVY - 54th YEAR OF PUBLICATION 19 7 7 NUMBER MAY 1977 724

Features 4 NO PLACE FOR THIN SKINS A fresh look at Gitmorefresher training

14 SEARCHING FORNEW RED SEAS An interview with RADMHarvey, Dir. of Naval Intelligence Page 14 22 LIFE IN THESOVIET NAVY . . . And we thought WE had it rough

26RUBE GOLDBERG WOULD BEPROUD The Naval Academy develops a heat balanced engine

32THERE AREN'T ANY STOPSIGNS IN THE AIR The demanding job ofNavy air controllers

40 BEST IN THE NAVY SecNav awards for messes and clubs

43 FROM KATHMANDU TOEVEREST Two Navymen trek through Nepal

46 HELPING NAVY FAMILIES IN NEED The Navy Relief Society in action Page 26

Departments 2 Currents 13 Grains of Salt 30 Rights and Benefits 38 Bearings

covers: Front Cover: A Tartar missile is find from the Tartar-Dsurface-to-air launcher on the forwara deck of the nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser USS California (CGN 36). Photo by PH 1 William J. Pointer.

rage 52 Currents

Arlington Interment Criteria Expanded 0 The Department of Defense recently announcedrevised criteria for interment in Arlington National Cemetery, effective Apr. 15, 1977. The ac- quisition of additional land by the cemetery has provided room for approxi- mately 100,000 more graves and will extend the life of Arlington as an active cemetery through the year 2000. Under the expanded criteria, veterans who have been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the Air Force Cross, the Navy Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Silver Star or thePurple Heart and were honorably discharged, now will be eligible for burial in Arlington. Veterans who were separated from active duty with a physical disability of30 per cent or greateralso will be eligible. Since 1976, eligibility has been limited to persons who died while on active duty, those eligible for retirement compen- sation, Medal of Honor recipients,high government officials who were veterans and the dependentsof those eligible or already buried at Arlington.

Uniform and Grooming Regulations Revised May 1, 1977 0 A forthcoming “Change Two” to Navy Uniform Regulations contains several changes whichwill further standardize Navy uni- form and grooming regulations. Thechanges, which go into effect onMay 1, include specific grooming standards on beards and moustaches, provide guid- ance on regulation uniform items obtained from non-Navy sources and set uni- form requirements for travel on government aircraft. The regulations specify length and bulk guidelines for beards similarto those already in effect for hair. The bulk of a beard (distancethat the mass of facial hair protrudes from the skin on theface) shall not exceed one-half inch. The length of individual facial hair shall be limited to three-quarters ofan inch. Additionally, when a mous- tache is worn with a beard, it must blend smoothly into the beard. Anew arti- cle in the revised uniform regulations also provides guidelinesfor personnel in- terested in suggesting changes to Navy uniforms. Full details on changes and ad- ditions to uniform and grooming standards are contained in BuPers Notice 1020 of 2 Mar 1977.

1977 Navy League Award Winners Announced 0 The Navy League of the United States has announced this year’s winners of its national awards. The awards recognize outstanding in- dividual achievements in leadership, maritime affairs, science, serviceto com- munity and literature. The winners are: Rear Admiral KentJ. Carroll, Com- mander, Naval Forces, Marianas; Air Controlman 1st Class Joe D. Huey, USS John F. Kennedy; Senior Chief Air Controlman Bonnie Sue Creamer, Recruit Training Command, Orlando, Fla.; CommanderAllison J. Holifield, Officer in Charge, Nuclear Powered Research NR-1; and E. B. Potter, Pro- fessor of Naval History, U.S. Naval Academy.

ALL HANDS Junior Officers Needed for Nuclear-Power Training 0 The rapid expansion of the Navy’s nuclear- powered force has created a demand for qualified unrestrictedline junior of- ficers (0-3 and below). The Navy currently has 29 Los Angeles class , five Trident submarines, threeVirginia class cruisers and two Nimitz class air- craft carriers authorized or under construction in addition to the1 15 nuclear- powered ships currently in operation.Nuclear-trained officers are needed to fill billets in these ships and those scheduled to be built in the future.Eligible of- ficers are encouraged to apply for nuclear-power trainingin accordance with BuPers Manual,66 10300.Details are in NavOp 038/77 of March 1977.

Yeoman, Personnelman Volunteers Sought for Submarine Duty0 An increase in requirements for Yeomen and Personnelmen on submarines has createdpressing a need for volunteers from the YN and PN ratings. Currently, there are 24 billets in Pacific Fleet subma- rines and 67 billets in Atlantic Fleet submarines open for Yeomen andPerson- nelmen in pay grades E-4 and below. Specific homeport requestswill be guar- anteed. Requests may be submitted on NavPers 1307/6 in accordance with Chapter Five of the Enlisted Transfer Manual. For further information, inter- ested personnel may contact their detaileror Enlisted Rating Coordinator for Submarines (Autovon 224-1014).

Self-Help Bronze Hammer

, AwardsProgram Winners Announced 0 TheChief of Naval Operations has announced the winners of theNavy Self- Help Bronze Hammer Awards Program. The pro- gram recognizes those naval activities which have made the most progress in improving the quality ofNavy life by using self-help for the enhancement of living quarters and personnel support,welfare and recreational facilities. The winners and runners-up in each category are:

Category Winner Runner-up

ConstructionBattalion NAS,Alameda NTC, San Diego in the area, enlisted al- lowance greater than 1,000

ConstructionBattalion PearlNS, Harbor NSA, Treasure area, enlistedin the area, al- Island lowance less than 1,000

ConstructionBattalion NSA, NAS, nottheinarea, enlisted Philadelphia Chase Field allowance more than 1,000

ConstructionBattalion NSG, NWC, not in the area,enlisted Winter Harbor China Lake allowance less than 1,000

In addition, special awards were made to the Pinehurst Community Center at NAS Lakehurst, and to Helicopter Anti-Submarine SquadronLight Thirty- five at San Diego.

May 1977 3 Gitmo Refresher Training BY 502 DAN WHEELER Officersand men in a ship under- “Thetraining here pays off,” said PHOTOS BY goinginstruction can expectt’o work a 30-year senior chief, one of Gitmo’s PHI TERRY MITCHELL halfdays-that’s 12 hours under the I/Os. “Whatthey learn here may gun, sixdays a week.Underway at somedaysave their lives or possibly A sailorfumbles with his OBA. 0600, sometimes earlier; tied up again theirship. Down here a green crew An instructorthrows out aquestion at 1800, sometimeslater-and that’s becomes a team in short order.” about damagecontrol. The answer the easy part. Timein-between is Ships come to FTG for shakedown catches in a fireman’s throat. A flame- spentdrilling, practicing, learning. cruisesmanned by menwho never safety lamp malfunctionsand a petty General Quarters quicklybecomes servedtogether before. They come officer’seyes close in despair-what the standard steamingcondition. En- from extended stand down periods and else can gowrong? Even the engines gineeringand damage control drills, from theyards. Most ships have ex- seem to cough and stutter in embarrass- warfare exercises and maneuvering op- perienced a high rate of crew turnover ment while a divisi,on officer and CPO erations are the Plan Of The Day, not sincetheir last trip to Guantanamo. commiserate in silence. just one day, but every day. For four Some are sharper than others, but they They thought their men were ready weeks there is no stand down. allneed one thing-intensified7 unin- for Gitmo. They weren’t. Gitm,ois the toughest, most thor- terrupted training. That’swhat refresher training at oughshipboard training the Atlantic Gitmoisn’t a place f,or thin skins. the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base can Fleet has tooffer. It makesaship Saidone CO aftera particularly try- do to acrew. It usuallydoes. No combat-readyand molds her crew ing day, “Sure I’m concerned about one claimed training would be easy and into an efficientfighting team. After thediscrepancies, but youcan’t let it isn’t. a few days under the scrutiny of Fleet yourselfget upset. Each commanding Training Group (FTG) instructor/ officerhas to realize that if hiscrew observers (I/O), seasonedNavy men were atthe level of trainingthey sharpen their skills, recruits get a taste shouldbe, his ship wouldn’t be here. of“salt” and alarge helping of con- fidence.Gitmo demands even more. No operational procedure,fleet doc- trine or piece of gear escapes untested.

4 ALL HANDS Firefighting teams don’t waste timP whenthere is a drill.

Each group of I/Os gives the captain a report on the day’s drill results. This captain has been to Gitmo several times and is not upset by his crew’s initial failure to score highly.

The onlything that concerns meis, ‘are my men trainable?’ ” The answer to that question begins to unfold on a ship’s first day in Gitmo. TheFTG I/Os explain to each division what will be expected of them. Informative handouts are distributed to everysailor. Each isgiven a list of questions and answers about his job which he is expected to learn and learn well. Quizzingindividuals, however, is only a small part of the overall train- ingprocedure. The primaryobjective istwo-fold. First, ea&division and department must be taught to operate as a team.Weak links have to be identified and given extra instruction. Each individual must understand what role he plays in the team operation. Next, each division has to be taught how to operate as a part of the ship’s overallteam, a unifiedcrew. No longer is the weapons department, for instance, unconcerned about the en- gineering department-now each learns

5 When a personnel casualty strikes, sometimes it’s necessary to give some on- thmcene instruction. Drills are held both in port and at sea. Sailors tote rescue and assistance gear onto the pier during one of numerous inport drills.

how its job depends on the perform- “Hey, you got a fire here! Are you go- ing for the crew in which strong points ance of the other. When malfunction- ing to put it out? Who’s the scene are noted and weak points discussed. ing gear in any department breaks the leader here, who’s charge?”in There’s no browbeating yelling.or rhythm, each segment of the team Abig sailor clad iniire fighting The tone is subdued but intense like must continue to carry theball. Not gear- said, “Me.” * that classroomin a professorwhere a until a crew learns to do that are they “Scene leader, take charge of your isteaching students eager io learn. ready to leave Gitmo. men!” “Today you had a little problem,” The first step is the “walk-through” The time factor is important in beganthe I/O, “but that’s O.K. -ungradeddrills for eachdivision. drills,yet the safetyfactor is never You’re here to learn and we’re here Again an 1/0 explainswhat is ex- ignored. Equipment isnever tied up to teach you. Before long this will be pected and thensolicits questions. to the point that it cannot be activated routine and your scores will show it.” “Speak up!” he said, “there’s no such quicklyin case of agenuine emer- Frequently, when a briefing is com- thing as a stupid question, just people gency- pleted, the leading petty officer (LPO) acting stupid by not asking.”Ques- Those initial drills don’t win any orchief asks an 1/0 if it’spossible tions are asked,answered, and then commendations. It’s obvious that most forhim to come aboard after hours the walk-throughbegins. Content of of the crew knows generallywhat and critique several of their drills, off these initial walk-throughs is the same they should be doing, but they’re ner- the record. It’s not an unusual request as those to be faced later except vousand make mistakes. In the case and most I/Os don’t object to re- no grade is recorded. Its purpose is of the fire drill just described, the turning. entirely instructi,onal. 1/0 stopped it and gaveeach man After the crew is briefed, the cap- Atypical example was aberthing individualinstruction. Then he ked tain is brought up to date on his ship’s compartment fire (drill) recently a salvo of questions. If a crew mem- progress. “You’ve got some good men sprung by I/Os on a ship in training. ber hesitatedfor more than an in- The word was passed on the 1MC and stant, the 1/0 answered his own ques- a fire party went into action. They took tionand fired another. When that too long and soon the voice of an 1/0 walk-through was over, the division penetrated their battle dress station. knewthey’d been drilled and had profited from it. Following each drill there’s a brief-

6 ALL, HANDS Much signalman training is conducted from the signal shackat FTG. An I/O hoists a set of pennants during a drill with an inport ship.

“What else canhappen to me today???” Training continues after hours as a scene leader instructs his men on some of the finer points of damage control. on this ship, Captain, and they’re pay- ing attention. That’s whatwe want,” reported one I/O. “That’s what I’m concerned about,” replied the captain. Thereafter, each ship’s performance isreviewed weekly in a conference with the COS. FTG personnel look for overall progress, allowing for an occa- sionalbad dav. All shipshave them from time to time when they can’t “get it together.” That’s taken into consid- eration, but if the backsliding contin- ues, extra training is in order. I ~ Though the pace is hard on crews -“We’ve been at it 16 hours a day for more than a week,” lamented one sailor-it’s equally hard on I/Os. No man is expected to keep up a 12-hour per daypace for an entire two-year tour of duty. Consequently, I/Os usually get underway three days each week and ships in training don’t draw the same I/Os each trip out. This benefits the ships as well as the in- t structors byaffording crews the op- portunity to draw on the experience of many I/Os during the course of training. I/Os, in turn, are able to May 1977 7 I Heading back into port after a hard day of training. Many days a crew will leavebefore dawn andreturn after sunset.

During Rescue and Assistance drills, it is not enough to have the gear on the pier in time.It also must be insound working order.

work a somewhat normal schedule by about 30 minutesearly. Their coun- (fake) “intestines” hung fr’om his shirt havingtwo and a half dayson shore terparts on board meet them and the and “blood” (a concoction of chemical weekly. inspection begins. coloring) soaked his clothes. It’sa learning experience for them Watertight fittings are checked, dis- The OOD treatedhim quickly and also. “We come to FTG as an expert crepanciessigned off and training correctly.“Most crews have agood in onearea,” said a warrant officer problems,thus far, hashed out.The idea what to do in case of a casualty,” I/O. “By the time weleave, we’re engineering 1/0 checks out his spaces saidthe corpsman I/O. “Onceit has usuallywell versed in three or four and reports to thecaptain, “Captain, been impressed on them that their due to our associationwith fleet sail- you are ready to go to sea for train- corpsman or doctorcould get killed ors and other FTG instructors.” ing.” or injured,they learn fast. By the On themorning of thefirst graded Once the graded drills begin, a per- time they leave Gitmo, they can easily drills, I/Os arrive at the quarterdeck sonnelinjury can beexpected at pass a basic first aid course.” anytime to testany crew member’s Incessantdrilling takes its toll in knowledge of first aid. The firstcas- strength and tempers, but witheach ualty,in one instance,happened on newtry, the results get better. “It’sa the bridge. A sailorwith a chalk beautifulthing,” commented one white face staggered in and fell by the ship’scaptain, “to watch your crew helm.Before he hit the deck, it was obvious he had a stomach injury-his

ALL HANDS The 1/0 is physically on the scene during each drill to instruct and correct as needed. It is more important that correct procedures are learned than it is to get a good grade. Every man on board is required to know the basics of first aid. Here, knowl- edge is tested when a sailor stumbles onto the bridge “suflering” from a stomach wound. being transformed from individuals to a team; changed from persons go- ing their own way to a team working together., My experiences at Gitmo haveconvinced me that I/Os here are real professionals.” “I’ve been here four times,” a sen- ior chiefboatswain’s mate said, “and everytime I’ve learned something. I’m good at my job, but I always learn more.” You can’t help but learn something. “Most of the people who come here,” said a senior I/O, “have the knowl-

~ edge to pass a routine inspection. We try to delve deeper, though, so if

May 1977 An I/O's day can start as early as 0500 and last until late in the evening. Here, an inspection of ship's records by damage control and engineering depart- ment 110s draws rapt attention, and at least one chuckle.




Grains of Salt

Exploring the ArcticIce CamA

BY LT TOM DAVIS European andAmerican, one man’s During the first 20 years of the 19th Eric the Red led the way with the work dominates the history of Arotic Century, U. S. interest in the area disaovery of in 985, but it exploration-Robert E. Peary, a U.S. south of Cape Horn waxed as sealers wasn’t until the late 15th Century that navalofficer. In 1892, Peary estab- and ship ownersbecame concerned other European adventurers and sol- lished for the first time that Greenland that America wasfalling behind EU- diers of fortune followed by showing was an island, and during the next 40 rope in the race for fishing and sealing an active interest in . years he travelled farther north and grounds, new trade routes and bases Excited by the possibility of finding a added more to the knowledge of Arc- in the area. In 182 1, pressure was put ndwest passage to the Far East- tic geography and survivalmethods on Congress to appropriate funds to and tales of jewels and emeralds scat- than any other man of his generation. outfita naval expedition to explore tered on the oriental beaches-Eu- On April 6,1909, after 13 years of the Antarctic waters, but 15 years ropeans organized numerous expedi- obsessive work, eight separate expedi- passed before legislationwas finally tions during thenext 350 years at- tions and nine winters in the Arctic, enacted. tempting to discover the elusive route Peary realized his life’s ambition when On May 14, 1836, the United States connecting the Atlantic and the Pa- he and five companions became the Exploring Expedition was authorized. cific Oceans. first men to reach the . For Another two years passed before it set Perhaps the most ambitious of the this magnificentachievement, Peary sail $om Hampton Roads, Va., under early expeditionswas headed by Si was promoted to rear admiral. the command of LT Wilkes in six ves- of the Royal Navy in Seventeen years lateron May 9, sels in such poor repair that only two 1845. Setting sail with 129 men on 1926, another Navy officer, Comman- survived the four-year voyage. board two ships, Franklin thought him- der Richard E. Byrd, made history During three forays into Antarctic self well-equipped to venture into the when he and his co-pilot Floyd Ben- waters proper, Wilkes was able to sight Arctic ice, butthe hoary northern nett flew their tri-engine Fokker over enough points along the 1500 miles of wintersoon proved him wrong. His the North Pole for the first time. Three icy coast to establish that entire expedition perished when their years later, Byrdagain made history wasindeed a continent and not a shipsbecame entrapped in drifting when he became the first man to fly group of separate islands as previously pack ice. over the . From his first supposed. During the next 12 years, more than trip to Antarctica in 1928, Byrd Perhaps the most dramatic moment $20 millionwas spent on 20 rescue continued active exploration and re- in modem U. S. naval polar explora- missionsostensibly formed to deter- search for more than 28 years. He tion came on March 17, 1959, when mine the fate of Franklin and his men. not only took part in the International USS Skate (SSN 578) surfaced through Between 1850 and 1873, three major Geophysical Year in 1956, but also the ice at the North Pole. Four years American expeditions entered the directed the exploration activities of later on August 2,1963, Skate again search. One was commanded by Navy the Navy’s I in madehistory when she rendezvoused Lieutenant Edward DeHaven; two the same year. Deep Freeze Opera- with USS Sea Dragon (SSN 584) un- others by Navy surgeons, Elisha Kent tions have continued uninterrupted to der the ice at the North Pole. These Kane andIsaac Israel Haynes. Al- this day. sub-Arctic achievements demonstrated though a wealth of scientific informa- Byrd, however,was not the first that the is not only ac- tion about the lands and waters of the American to take an expedition to the cessible under the ice cap, but is actu- eastern Canadian Amtic and the west southern polar cap. The credit for ally an operational area open to nu- coast of Greenland was collected, few that belongs to another Navyman, clear submarines regardless of season. traces of the ill-fated Franklin Expe- Lieutenant Charles Willres, who be- After nearly 500 years of searching, dition were ever found. came America’sfirst polar explorer the had been found, Of all early Arctic explorers,both nearly 100 years earlier. with the North Pole thrown in to boot.

May 1977 13 ALL HANDS1 I1


ALL HANDS recently visited Rear Admiral Donald P. Harvey, Director of Naval Intelligence, to discuss the growing Soviet naval threat to US.national interests. Following is the transcript of the conversation.

Q. Admiral Harvey, a topic of in- capable units. And, the fastest creasing concern to many Ameri- growing areas of the Soviet Navy cans is the growing Soviet naval are the ones that give them the challenge. Is there any way of greatest capabilities. Notable measuring their Navy against among these are thecapability to our own? push their maritime defense A. Unfortunately, there%no easy way farther into the open ocean; to to dothat because there are so deny use of the sea to others far many variables in thecomparison. from their shores; and to support Some people compare numbers their national policies worldwide. of ships and weapons, but that’s just one factor, and it can be Q. Could you give some examples misleading. Actually, on paper, of those areas where the Soviet the total number of units in the Navy is expanding in both Soviet inventory has been gradu- capabilities and numbers? ally decreasing over the past few A. They include sea-launched ballis- years; yet their capabilities are tic and cruise missiles, nuclear- increasing. powered submarines, high endur- ance surface combatants with Q. How can that be? missile capability, sea-based air- A. Because they are replacing larger craft, supersonic missile-carrying numbers of older, less capable strike aircraft, ocean-going units, such as small surface com- amphibious ships and underway batants and diesel submarines, replenishment ships. (4) with smaller numbers of highly 15 Right: Soviet Victor-class nuclear submarine in the shadow of U. S. patrol aircraft; Opposite page: Yakovlev YAK-36 Forger fighter plane approaches Kiev's flight deck.

Q. If raw numbers don't always give an accurate account of Soviet naval strength, how can the challenge best be measured? A. One of the most relevant yard- sticks is to evaluate the combat capabilities of individual Soviet naval units, and the ability of those units to fulfill their missions.

Q. How can we be sure what their missions are? A. We can draw a pretty good esti-

mate based on a number of i factors. One is their basic needs with regard to the seas.We find those needs to be different from our own. We, and our allies, must depend on ocean commerce for our economic as well as our military survival. But the Soviets are essentially a continental power, and though they are increasingly exploiting the benefits of the sea, those benefits are not vital to their oontinuedexistence. Simply stated, the U.S. Navy must be prepared to control the sea areas required to fulfill our objectives, while the Soviets need only be prepared to deny us this use of the sea.

Q. Do the 'Sovietsthemselves give any clues as to how they plan to use their Navy? A. Of course, their very activities givesome indicatison. But, be- yond that, the Soviet Naval leadership has been quite out- spoken about their goals. This is particularly true in the case of Admiral Sergei Gorshkov, Commander in Chief of the Soviet Navy since 1955, and chief architect of its growth. Gorshkov speaks of broad ranging strategic

,, ',E,I,IUl~l'. 16 ALL HANDS and tactical missions for the priority that it has in the U.S. modern nuclear ballistic missile Navy in support of what he calls Navy? submarines, the Soviets maintain “the battle against the shore.” A. Over the last decade the Soviets a force of sane 30 older ballistic To carry out such missions, he have allocated considerable re- missile subs-bdh nuclear and calls for a large “balanced sources to their fleet of nuclear dieselpowered. Today about force” capable of carrying out a strike submarines and that trend 35 pw cent of the Soviet strategic wide variety of tasks. He en- continues today. In the past 10 missiles capable of striking the visions an expanding role for the years, they have completed 53 U.S. are aboard submlarines, Navy as a worldwide instru- nuclear ballistic missile subma- and that percentage will probably ment of state policy. rines. They added eight in 1976 grow in the future. alone-an extraordinary effort. Q. What is the nature of the Navy’s Q. Based on all the available evidence They have 34 Yankee Class sub- sea frontier control mission? then, what is the Soviet Navy marines, largely equipped with 16 A. This is a traditional Soviet naval up to? What are its missions? SS-N-6 missiles with a 1,300-plus role in which they consider the A. I think we can discern at least nautical mile range. There are Navy as an extension of their land five: strategic deterrence and now 19 of the more recent Delta d’efenses. The kind of forces strike; control of their sea Class subs, which carry the 4,200- ‘assignedto this mission include frontiers; sea denial; seaborne pro- nautical mile SS-N-8 missile. their large mine warfare force, jection; and support of state That range, by the way, is com- numerous amphibious craft, the policy. Their capabilities in these parable to our Trident system naval infantry force, coastal de- areas vary; some are old mis- which is not yet operational. fense units, segmentsof their sions, slome are relatively new. Some DELTAS also carry the naval aviation and surface com- But the sum total of their ability new SS-NX-18 missile,an im- batant farces-many equipped to perform each is the best yard- proved version of SS-N-8 capable with advanced missile and anti- stick we have of the Soviet of delivering multiple warheads. submarine warfare systems. A naval threat. Both the SS-N-8 and SS-NX-18 notable feature of the Soviet sea are capable of hitting most targets hntier control mission is that Q. Has Soviet naval strategic deter- in the U.S. from Soviet home modern technology has allowed rence received the same high waters. In addition to the 53 them to extend their defenses far-

I May 1977 Right:Kotlin class destroyertrails in the wake of the fast frigate USS Bradley; Below: Kythera anchorage in the Medi- terranean, showtng units of the Soviet Pd. ther and farther from their shores. denial threat. Surface combatants like the Karaand btaclass Q. How does that differ from the cruisers, Kashin andthe Krivak sea denial mission? destroyers provide a large back- A. Sea denial involves operations in up forceto the submarine and air waters outside those which the sea denial forces and are a Soviets consider necessaryto their necessary part of the "balanced" defense. Relying primarily on their Navy as perceived by Admiral vast submarine fleet and their Gmhkov. Undoubtedly, some of increasingly formidable land and the most dramatic recent develop- sea-based air power, as well as ments in this area have involved their qhisticated principle Soviet naval aviation. Their new surface combatants, Soviet sea supersonic Backfire bomber, denial operations could seriously now operational, represents a threaten U.S. and allied sea lines significantly improved capability, of communication. Modern permitting anti-ship operations nuclear attack submarines such over the north Atlantic sea

'asthe November and Victor lanes, as well as those to the classes pose a substantid sea western Pacific.

18 .., (..

Left: Backfire supersonic bomber has greatly improved*capabilities over itspredecessor, the Badger; Below: Kamov Ka-25 Hormone ASW helicopter in flight near Moskva class helicopter carrier.

Q. What’s the significance of their weapons platform! And there are you mentioned was that of sup- new aircraft carrier, the Kiev? at least twomore Kiev class parting state policy. Does that A. Kiev and its embarked vertical carriers .under construction. mean an increasing “show-the- short takeoff and landing aircraft flag” role fortheir units? mark the beginning of a new era Q. Aircraft carriers, then, would in Soviet naval development. seem to fit into the’Soviet‘Navy’s A. Yes, that trend is quite clear. The Soviets call Kiev an Antisub- seaborne projection mission? Since the 19606, the Soviet Navy marine ‘WarfareCruiser, reflect- A. Carriers could imply an interest has established itself in the seas ing their concern for U.S. sub- in that role. Seaborne projection o€ the world with forces operating marine capabilities. The fact is, is the use of naval forcelo project regularly in the Mediterranean, they have designated all principal powerashore. Although the the Indian Ocean and off the west combatants built since 1968 as Soviets now have little ability for coast of Africa. They also make ASW ships of one type or projection against well defended occasional deployments of their another. Kiev’s 35 aircraft, areas distant from their shores, combatants to the . In which include Forger VSTOLs they are building farces that addition, Soviet ships have made and Hormone helicopters, repre- could be the beginning of projec- calls to an expanding number sent only one aspect of her ,titian power. Developments. we of ports throughout the world. capabilities. She also has at least are watching include an expand- Soviet naval reconnaissance two sonars, a nuclear-capable ing oceangoing amphibiouscapa- planes use airfields in Cuba, ASW missile launcher, ASW bility, their new carrier-b,ased Guinea and Somalia for staging rockets and torpedo tubes, eight air strike potential, a growing operational sorties. Soviet intel- large surface-to-surface missile merchant marine that is adapt- ligence collection, oceanographic launchers, two twin-arm medium able to amphibious support, their research and space supportships range and two twin-arm short .large.fleet of multi-purpose deploy around the globe. Be range surfaceto-air missile surface combatants and a slowly cause of this greater worldwide launchers, two twin 76 mm guns, increasing underway replenish- naval reach, the Soviets are now eight small caliber gatling guns ment capability. in a position to narrow our naval and extensive electronicsand options, while expanding their communications.That’s some Q. The other Soviet .naval mission own in times of tension. (-1 19 May 1977 Below: Krivak class destroyer Bodry in the English Channel; Right: Kiev underway in the Mediterranean.

Q. Greater reach would require greater access to support bases in distant areas, wouldn’t it? A. Yes, and Soviet interest in the state policy support mission is indicated here as well. They have acquired access to port facilities in the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and West -africa. The loss of Egyptian port facilities last year caused them to seek alternate facilities, and they have made some increased use of Syrian and Yugoslav ports. They have also begunto use air facilities in Somalia.

Q. Admiral, to gain some perspective strategic submarine force, the I

on the exact nature of the Soviet ~ largest general purpose submarine naval threat, would you identify force, the largest mine warfare some of their current strengths force and mine stockpile, and the and weaknesses? largest shipbuilding industry in A. Let’s start with the weaknesses. ,the world. Their extensive Ocean The Soviets’ open Ocean ASW surveillance system includesthe capability is low. They presently largest fleet of ship dedicated to lack a meaningful sea-based intelligencecollection. They tactical air capability. Their possess an advanced anti-ship strike and reconnaissance bomb- missile capability which is spread ers are vulnerable to attack be among a variety of launch plat- yond the range of their lland- forms-including ships, subma- based fighters. Their underway rines and aircraft. Chemical, replenishment clapability is low. bacteriological and radiation de- And last, but by no means least, fense measures are built into their geography limitsthe effective use ships and are regularly exercised. of their Navy. Major fleet areas And, they are prepared to op- are geographically separated and erate in a complex electronics located great distances from the warfare environment. world’s major sea lanes. More- Q. Admird Harvey, the Soviet Navy over, access to the open ocean is is clearly our most formidable limited by narrow straits in the threat on the high seas. How Black Sea, Baltic Sea and the Sea should U.S. Navy men and of Japan. women view that threat, and what, if anything, can be done to counter it? Q. Andtheir strengths? A. As professionals, we ought to A. First, possession of the largest look at the threat objectively,

20 Below left: Moskva class helicopter car- rier, right, refuels from Soviet fleet oiler Borls Chilikin. based on facts rather thanem+ mary adversary is building a side of that coin is a substantial tions. We should not discount the large, powerful, flexible Navy rise in the complexity of the threat fact that theSoviet Navy lags the that provides theirleaders increas- facing the U.S. Navy. We cannot US. Navy in technology, combat ing political and military options. stop the development of Soviet expexience, sea-based air power The Soviet Union is clearly on seapower. We can only meet the and overall quality of many sys- the move to capitalize on the challenge to forestall a narrowing tems. At the same time we use of the sea as another (and of the naval options available to should be aware, as should the for them a new) area of com- the US, while tempering those American people, that our pri- petition with the West. The other available to the Soviet Union. & ..

Rear Admiral Donald P. Harvey received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the U.S. Naval Academy in June 1947 and also holds two Masters Degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He became the 50th Director of Naval Intelligence on July 20, 1976, after serving as Chief of Staff and Director of Phs, Defense IntelligenceAgency.

21 BY 502 DAN WHEELER Berthing areas are divided into srnallliving compart- “It interrupted my civilian career, but I find that inevi- ments, eaoh sleeping about a dozen men. A single shelf in table,” a Soviet sailor said of his tour in the Navy. An- each space serves as mess, study and operating table in case other, more inclined toward the Cmmunist,Party line, de of emergency. Warrants, officers and enlisteds are segre- S0ri;bedhi’s tom of duty as the “selfless &aging up of arms gatedin this “clas8sless” society, yet none have quarters in defense of the Motherland.” equal to those ina U. S. Navy ship. Officers’ staterooms Both accept the Spartan life of the Soviet Navyman with- are similar to the officer quarters in U. S. ships of the out complaint, though it’sunlikely that either will serve 1920s. There are a lot of woodenfixtures and they are , longer than the mandatory three years. somewhat cxamped. - .1 And whyshould th&y? It’sa demanding, ex,acting life Newervessels have heads withshowers-a luxury not wherebasic training beginsmany years before induction found on older Sovietmen-d-war-and while at sea, ac- and “morale”means “political reliability.” There is little cording to an officimal Soviet publication, submarine sailors basis for comparisonbetween the Russian navyman and have it better, “The crew can regularly take ashower.” the Ammiam sailor. Here are sane hard facts about the Showersevidently double as laundry facilitiessince there hard life of your Russian counterpart. are none on bard, however, their main purpose is nuclear biological decontamination. Life Aboard Ship It would .seem that Soviet sailars rarely wash and never _. Only the mostphysically fit and best trained go to sea iron their two sets of wool blues though they are worn for <\far their initial tour of duty; there is no sea/shore rotation liberty, work and inspection. Comfort and habitability are dming thisperiod. Living conditions in newerships are not high on the list of Soviet priorities. good-by Sovietstandards-most have showers,mess Thme are no ship’s stores comparable to those on U. S. decks and some air conditioned spaces. vessels.Uniform replacements are evidently taken weof Soviet Navy food is about the same quality as that served by the government; toothpaste, soap and other toiletries are to workers in Soviet factories. Though selection is limited issued in sickbay. Luxury items such as watches, camems and culinary beauty ignored, no one complains-they expect and jewelrysimply are not available-even if they were, no more. few sailors could afford thean. Typically, breakfast is dried fruit heated and softened in An internal radio systemplays popular and classical water,brown bread and hot tea; lunch is similar-soup, music as wellas an ample supply of political inbtrina- bread and tea; and for dinner, dried fish, potatoes, bread and tion material throughout the day, and”on birthdays-the tea.Such capitalistic frivolities as chewinggum, candy, pre-recorded voices of relatives wishing their favorite sailor cookies and other geedunk are nonexistent. They’renot even manyh,appy returns. (Birthdays are no small matter; the readily available at home, much less at sea. Compensating ship’s cook bakes a cake and the entire crew joins in the for the blandness of daily fare is a tea break each evening celebration.) at 1930. Idle chit-chat, card playing and other frivolous uses of \

time are frowned on; certain types of approved recreation tically different: are scheduled. Every hour of the seven-day work week is Reveille is at 0600 followedby calisthenics at 0630; earmarked for some “useful” activity-any free time is usu- breakfast at 0700 and turn-to or political classes from 0800 ally usurped by the political officer. Hours not spent doing until 1300 when lunch is served. Following the noon meal, ship’s work are used in learning Soviet history and philiso- the crew turns-bo until dinner at 1800. Be~tween1800 and phy (according to Lenin)or studying rating (specialist) taps at 2300, eifther more political lessons, ship’s work or requirements. “constructive” recreational time is scheduled. Underway watches are stood in much the same manner Much emphasis is pldon learning the history of the as those in the U. S. Navy and the typical day is not dras- Soviet Navy. Each crew member is expeoted, and strongly 23 encouraged, to learn about hisship’s combat record and officers in our Navy. They are the hands-on professional honors awardedher. Frequently, the entire crew spends specialists who can handle most maintenance in their de- thematicevenings in the ship’s martial museumstudying partments-enlisted specialists are actually little more than theirship’s exploits, charts olf her past cruimses, photo al- low level technicians (by U. S. Navy standards). During his bumsand the livesand deeds of heroes drawn fromher early years of service, each junior officer is evaluated by ranks. Each is urged to live up to the glory accorded his hiscommanding officer for his potential to assumecom- predecessors (thme names are neverremoved from their mand at sea. If not judged to be command material, he ship’s roster). will become a career specialislt, continuing to rise in rank It’s traditional fior Soviet ships to lower their colors when but limited to one field only. passing over the coolrdinates where another Soviet warship Commanding officers of Soviet ships usually choose their sank in battle. During a solemn ceremony, the crew listens ownsuccessors. Each selectshis executive officer from to an officer recite the st’ory of the heroic ship’s contribu- among the dep~mentheads; the X0 has the opportunity tions to the Soviet cause and, finally,a commemorative to be tutored by the captain and take the command-at-sea wreath is’ tossed ceremoniously overthe side. test. If successful, he will be given command d his present ship when the captain is transferred, or command of a ship Promotions,Pay and Liberty of the same class. Every Soviet sailor does a particular job and only that While the Soviet Navy officially endorses “one-man com- one job. It may be maintaining a specific piece of gear or mand,” the captain (a line officer) is subject to strict pro- painting the ship’s side, but that is his only assignment dur- fessional and political checks. For instance, when an offi- inghis initial tour. Eventhough the Sovietshave begun cer senior to the captain and qualified for command at sea some cross training in recent years, each sailor is responsi- rides his ship, the seniorvisitor may take the conwhile ble for training his own replacement. He maynot be re- entering port and conduct training exercises. Additionally, leased from active duty until his replacement can perform the CO, asa member d the Communist Party, is liable satisfactorily. to socialistcriticism from the lowest ranking seaman in (Unlessa sailor attends an advanced specialistschool, matters political. Constant interference by seniors and the this on-the-job training is the only hands-on instruction he shipboard political officer (ZAMPOL) along with criticism will receive.) by subordinates’tend to undermine the COS authority and Every sailor trys to win at least three special badges or create a situation whichstifles innovation, initiative and pins: one as a specialist (3rd, 2nd, 1st and master); another decisiveness on the part of commanders. In the past, poli- tical oEcers were not naval officers-now, however, there Sailors who are technically is a trend toward giving these officers some shipboard duties and experience. proficient,politically enthusi- Officers’ pay structure is very complicated since it is based on rank, speciality, time in service, type of duty, astic and well-disciplined are position on board ship, etc. Pay is considered quite good by Soviet ‘standards, however, and is equivalent to that of encouraged to make the Navy any highly paid Soviet professional. Because of the good pay and social prestige, most officers make the Navy their their career, though less than Car€XX. Sovietwarships make maximum use of everymile of 10 per cent do so. every cruise. Every possible training situation is seen as an qpo-ity to make the crew more proficient. It is not for the Komsomol, a political achievement pin; and an out- unusual for a Soviet ship on a seven-month deployment to standing conduct award. Specialist pins are designators of stay at sea for the entire seven months, al’though mu& of technical proficiency and not indicators of rank (though pay that time is spent at anchorage or tied to a buoy. Liberty is affected by specialty at least as much as rank). Rank is for the crew is almost unheard of. determined by time in service and advancement is more or Liberty, when it does come, consists of several hours of less automatic. Pay is based on a number of factors but shopping in a town near the homeport. A pupof four or the average recruit earns about $10 a month to start and five sailors accompanied by an officer make up each liberty can earn as much as $35 a month by the end of his three party. This is normal routine and is never questioned-the years. officer is simply the man in charge; every group must have Sailors who are technically proficient, politically enthusi- someone in charge according to oommunist logic. The of- astic and well-disciplined are encouraged to make the Navy ficer is not there to prevect defection as is thought by many their career, though less than 10 per cent do so. As a re Westerners; he is simply the supervisor. Most Soviets would enlistment incentive, qualified sailors are offered the rank never consider defection. of Michman (warrant officer). Michmans have better quar- Leave is another matter entirely. Most sailors don’t get ters, more pay and responsibility and the opportunity to be any during their first three-yeartour. At most, an exemplary advanced to regular officer ranks after advanced schooling. seaman will receive 20 days leave over a three-year period Junior officers do the work normally done by’rhief petty which he will more than likely spend at a sdiiiet recreation

24 ALL HANDS camp. Married sailors rarely see their families during the crats, and career enlisted men will have a better than aver- compulsoryservice; single sailors have little chance of age chance for selection. Thus, bySoviet standards, the getting married. They don’t feel that such regulations are Soviet Navy officer is an urban, educated and advantaged unduly restrictive-itis exactly like what they have been youth. trained b expect. There are more than 100 nationalities within the Union When a Navyman-officers or enlisted-reaches age 50, of Soviet Socialist Republic-15 of them considered major he can usually retire. Althoughhis pension will usually “and the vast majority of Navy officers are Slavs, the elite be sufficient so that he will not have to find other employ- of Soviet society. ment, the state will continue to use his talents as an in- Each November,Socialist Competition beginsthrough- structor or in some other military-related job. There are out the service. Everyone in each ship’s company pledges platy ‘dsuch jobs available, especially for men with skills to meet some kind of politically advantageous goal during and leadership experience. the coming year. For instance, a sailor may promise to read 300 pages of Lenin to earn his Komsomol pin-regardless of‘ whatis pledged, it will be done even if it has to be Training and Politics fudged for the record. Political pressure never subsides- Every Soviet male (few women, imt is believed, serve in the each sailor is continually being urged to do something more armed fyces) receives 140 hours of intensive military train- for the party. ing during his last two yearsof high school and is given the At the end of each cruise or at the completion of active opportunity to join a DOSAAF (All-Union Voluntary So- duty, each sailor is given the opportunity to write for the ciety for Assistance to the Army, Air Force and Navy), record histhoughts about the Navy and the accomplish- a military club designed to teach a specialty useful to the ments of his ship. Most read Something like: armed forces. His membership and particular interests ‘‘I have been deeply moved by the untiring efforts of the usually determine which branch of the service he will join. officers and men to fill their Socialist Competition quotas Regular naval officersreceive five years of training in in the area of speciality development. Their dedication to one of 12 Higher Naval Schools (roughly equivalent to the the Motherland has made me realize what a great blessing U. S. Naval Academy). Selection is based on previous aca- it is to be a Soviet sailor . . .” demic and political achievement, and scores on competitive (Based in part on a Soviet Navy publication-Life in the exams. It is also based on asubjec,tive process ensuring Soviet Navy by V. Mordasov-and interviews with knowl- that sons of Navyofficers, politicians, prominent bureau- edgeable U. S. Navy authorities.) J, May I377 25 The Heat Balanced Engine

m L .I riI c.



STORY AND PHOTOS BY PH1 TERRY MITCHELL involved the addition of perforated caps-not unlike bath- tub strainers-to the tops of the pistons. Cap after cap of Except for a few “Rube Goldberg”” devices, it looks like different sizes, types and patterns of perforations failed in the old standard six-cylinderengine. Orange tubes, how- both theory and mechanically. Finally, Blaser tried placing ever, run from the brass thingumajig to the blue whatsit a solid cap on the piston. Success! He finally had achieved and back again, by way of the chrome widget. Not exactly what others had been trying to do for years. your basic engine accessories. Taking his still crudely modified engine to major auto- This engine, developed at the U. S. Naval Academy, is mobile manufacturers, he received little encouragement. an application of a theory that dates back many years in the Dr. Pouring,believing Blaser’s engine showed promise, history of the internal combustion engine. This theory pur- formed a research team with Blaser and a few other tech- ported that in order to make an internal combustion engine nicians at the Naval Academy to further the development. more efficient, you must lengthen the actual time of com- Blasw was hired as a contract rasearcher. bustion in the cylinder. The team pursued the theory further, refining the cap and Academyengineers, Dr. Andrew Pouring and Richard redesigning it; it soon resembled the shape of a mushroom. “Rick” Blaser,have demonstrated the theorywith their Using a singlecylinder test engine on the Academy’s simall engine, identified as NAHBE, or Naval Academy Heat Bal- dynamometer as a basis for the experiments, the team re- anced Engine. The experimental engine achieves more effi- fined the engine through still more designing and mfodifica- cient combustion through the addition of mushroom-shaped tions. The engine’s operation oonfirmed their expectations- caps machined to the tops of the pistons along with a modi- increase of efficiency up to 40 per cent with more than an fied air/fuel intake system. 80 per cent reduction in carbon monoxide and unburned Standard internal combustion engine pistons haveflat or domed tops which compress a mixture of fuel and air against the top of their cylinder. The ignition of the com- pressed mixture by a spark causes an explosion that thrusts the piston downward. The caps which Pouring and Blaser added to the piston tops accumulate a secondary reservoir of air underneath them.When the spark-produced explo- sionoccurs abGve the cap, the airpreviously trapped underneath is fed out into the cylinder, prolonging time of NAHBE PRESSURE EXCHANGE CAPEXCHANGE B CHAMBERBALANCING combustion, and making it more efficient. - OR AIR RESERVOIR Before he came to the Academy, Blaser had experimented STANDARD since 1971 with various types of engines. First experiments PISTON

* Rube Goldberg (1883-1970) was famous for his cartoons Schematic of engine geometry of mechanical contrivances whose humor was derived from their absurd, unnecessary complexity.

May 1977 27 hydrooarbons (the biggest source of pollution by the auto- mobile),. The time had come to apply the principles demonstrated in the laboratory to an enginein a four-wheel vehicle. Strictly a low budget operation, the team searched and fi- nally found an old Army ”151 jeep in the scrap heap at nearby Fort Meade, Md. The 10-year-old vehicle was towed to the Academy and rolled into the basement of Melville Hall where transfor- mlatim would begin. First the jeep’s engine was removed and completely disassembled. The pistons were sent to the nearby machine shop for necessary modifications. The pis- ton was first machined down at the top, a weld was added to the top, and then machined to form the required cap. The incake manifold was then modified to accept extra air inlets. Small air accumulators were threaded into the holes to provide extra air which is required by the engine. A heater water valve, from a late model car, was pressed into service as a regulator for the extra inlets. With assembly completed, the engine was reinstalled in

%st for kicks we ran it on peanut oil.” the jeep. The body also underwent a few changes, mostly in the form of a paint job. Rolled out of Melville Hall, the jeep was ready for the first test runs; it responded to the turn of the starter. The NABHE jeep was off. After a few short spins, it was evi- dent that the engine functioned like the laboratory engine. With slightly more horsepower and far more torque, the NAHBE-equipped jeep began to do some amazing things. A hill climb was conducted; the jeep bounced and jounced its way through the climb at idle. Transmission gear selec- tion was no problem as the jeep pulled out in third gear. One local skeptic conducted the same test with four pas- sengers aboard. He then stopped and tried again, this time in fourth gear.With a slight strain, ‘the NAHBE jeep chugged away, making the driver a true believer. The blue and gold jeep now awaits other demonstrations and future modifications to its fuel system. Lab research continued on the universal, standard, single- cylinder Combustion Fuel Research engine,modified to simulate the full-scale NAHBE. Study of possible fuels- alcohol,water and alcohol,alcohol and gasoline,diesel fuel-was undertaken. “We studied anything that burns,” said Dr. Plowing. “Just for kicks, we ran it on peanut oil. The engine didn’t like it bmecause the peanut olil is sa thick and we were redud to putting it in with an eyedropper.”

28 ALL HANDS “Anyway,” he continued, “I sent my wife to the market to changes the combustion process,” according to Rick Blaser. buy a quart of peanut oil just for the test, and it cost some- This also eliminates the need for exotic and expensive where mound $1.37.” treatment of the exhaust gases, namely a catalytic converter. Besides the wide variety of fuels which can be used, the Efficiency in combustion also means less fuel usage. NAHBE has other benefits as well as applications. For one, “And, octane rating of a fuel has no meaning in this en- pressures at the moment of combustion in the cylinder are gine,” said Dr. Pouring. lower, putting less strain on the engine’s bearings. Thus, the Blaser stated that based on existing data, that would mean bearings do not wear out as fast and the engine’s structural anywhere from a 15 per atto 40 per cent gain in every strength can be less, thereby making it lighter than a pro- barrel of crude oil refined into fuel for the NAHBE type duction model of a regular engine. engine. Conversion of the Navy’s P-250 fire pump to diesel fuel The brass thingumajigs, chrome widgets and blue what- operation is one thing the researchers are considering. sits work along with a mushroom cap. No, not your basic Again,owing to the efficient combustion process of the engineaccessories-perhaps that’s still in the future. We NAHBE, engineswith the NAHBE modifications can be like to think Rube Goldberg would be proud of this one. run as diesels or on regular gasoline. This conversion would 4& give the fire pump the flexibility of running on two basic fuels. In addition, the pump would be quieter and would run smoother. “Quieter and smoother operation in the Navy’s point of view is an immediate gain for diesel type operations, especially for use in auxiliaries onboard ships,” Far Left: said Dr. Pouring. Dr. Andrew Pouring and Rick Blaser, Seeking to measure the NAHBEs success against other co-developers of the NAHBE, monitor a engines, the team took a partly modified engine to a con- dynamometer measuring engine perform- ance. sulting company in Springfield, Va., for testing against the i Environmental Protection Agency’s @PA) standards for automobile emissions. The NAHBE scored well under the EPA standard of 15 grams per mile of carbon monoxide emissions with only about 7.3 grams per mile. “This per- formance is due to the fact that the NAHBE basically

Above: Trident Scholar Midshipman 1st Class Tim Whited,Dr. Pouring and Rick Blaser discuss Tim’s project, a square-cylinder engine using NAHBE modifications.

Left: Rick Bla8er in the driver‘s seat of NAHBE I, powered by the engine that he and his associate, Dr. Andrew Pouring, developed.

May 1977 Rishts & Benefits New CHAMPUS Guidelines Are Issued Navy dependents and retirees have one of the most com- complex enough to require a surgical assistant to be present prehensive health care plans in the world at their disposal- and provided, also, a qualified intern or resident was not Champus (Civilian Health And Medical Program Of The available. These restrictions are imposed as part of Cham- UniformedServices). Under provisions of Champus, de- pus' overall emphasis on assuring that payment is made pendents of active duty, retired and deceased Navy people only for care actually necessary. are eligible to receive medical care from a number of civil- 0 SUCCESSIVE INPATIENT ADMISSIONS-To give ian medical facilities and physicianson a cost-sharing basis. servicemembers a financial break, Champus regulations Though Champus covers many maladiesand provides for provide that successive inpatient admissions for their spouses treatment at numerous medicalfacilities, there are exclu- or children will be considered as one confinement in com- sions and conditions which must be met in order to qualify. puting their share of inpatient charges, provided no more Misunderstandings about these exclusions and requirements than 60 days have elapsed between admissions. Exceptions have caused some Navy families severe financial hardship; are: successive inpatient admissions related to a single ma- theywere forced to payexpensive medical costs because ternity care episode will be counted as one confinement re- Champus requirements had not been fulfilled. gardless of the number of days between admissions; a ma- In other cases, Navy people who were eligible for Cham- ternity admission or an admission related to an accidental pus did not take advantage of the program becausethey injury will be considered separate confinements and cost were not aware of their eligibility and consequently bore the shared accordingly. entire expense of treatment at a civilian facility. STUDIES, GRANTS AND RESEARCH PRO- In an effort to minimize such occurrences, Champus of- GRAMS-Champus will not duplicate paymentswhen ficials are currently distributing specific, easy to understand medical care is furnished as part of a scientific or medical guidelines Navywide for use in base newspapers, and a new study, a research program, or a program funded by a grant. instruction (DoD 6010.8) has been written which outlines PSYCHOTHERAPY-Champus will share the cost the entire Champus package. Individuals withspecific of one hour of psychotherapy treatment during a 24-hour questions about benefits, or their owneligibility, should period, up to a maximum of fiveone-hour sessions per still contact their Champus representative at the nearest week for inpatient care and two one-hour sessions per week UniformedServices medical facility before seeking treat- for outpatient care. ment. PRIVATE ROOMS-Champus will share the cost of Space doesn'tpermit ALL HANDSto publishspecific private roomsonly when there is a valid and acceptable exclusions and requirements under Champus. In an effort, reason for not using a semi-private room. Such reasons are however, to minimizemisunderstandings about approved outlined by Champus and any Champus representative will treatments, the following list of .covered illnesses and avail- explain them. able health care is offered. The list doesn't outline specific PRIVATE DUTY (SPECIAL) NURS1NG"Champus Champus requirements in detail; a Champus representative will share such cost if certain requirements are met.De- upon request will fill you in as they apply to your particu- tails are available from any Champus representative. lar circumstances. STANDARDS FOR HOSPITALS COMPLIANCE TREATMENT FOR ALCOHOLISM-Champus will WITH CIVILRIGHTS ACT-Champus will share cost share the cost, up to seven days, for inpatient hospital care only for care received from hospitals meeting its standards. required to detoxify a beneficiary during acute stages of al- Furthermore, it shares costsonly for care from hospitals coholism when the beneficiary suffers from delerium, con- that do not practice discrimination on the basis of race, fusion, trauma, unconsciousness and malnutrition, and is color or national origin-those that comply with Title VI unable to function. Such detoxification usually takes from of the Civil Rights Act. three to seven days. CUSTODIAL CAREXustodial care is excluded Benefits related to treatment of alcoholism-detoxifica- from the Champus benefitspackage. Generally, custodial tion and rehabilitation-are limited to 21 days per episode. care islong-term care provided primarily to support the Champus will share the cost for no, more than three re- essentials of dailyliving in situations where the patient habilitative stays during a beneficiary'slifetime. There is must have a protected, monitored and controlled environ- no limit, however, on the number of inpatient stays for de- ment. Champus will not share any related expenseswith toxification. the exception of prescription drugs and medicines, and one SURGICAL ASSISTANCE BY A PHYSICIAN- hour of skillednursing care per day (when such care is Champus will share that cost, provided the procedure was necessary).

30 ALL HANDS DENTAL CARE-Dental benefits are limited to care shared by Champus on an inpatient basis when the diag- medically necessary in treating a medical problem covered nostic tests could n0.t have been performed on an outpatient by the program, and is essential for controlling that prob- basis. Diagnostic tests which can be performed on an out- lem. patient basis are cost-shared on an outpatient basis regard- ORAL SURGERYAuch treatment performed by a less d where the tests were actually performed. physician or oral surgeon is considered as medical care, not CONTINUED ELIGIBILITY FOR AN INCAPACI- as dental care. Champus will not, however, share the cost TATEDCHILD AGE 21 OROLDER-Champus will of preparing the mouth for dentures, nor for removal of un- continue to share the cost of treatment for a child over 21 erupted teeth, teeth that are partially erupted, teeth that are provided the child cannot support himself because of men- not in their normal position, or impacted teeth. Orthodontic tal or physical incapacity. There are exceptions to this cov- workis also excludedexcept as related to correction of erage and your Champus representative should be consult- cleft palate. ed for details. COURT-ORDERED CARE-Champus doesn't share 0 CONCURRENT INPATIENT PHYSICIAN CARE the cost of court-ordered medical services or supplies. -In illnessesinvolving one of the three following situa- 0 PREVENTIVE CARE-Generally, Champus will not tions, specific guidance should be sought from your Cham- share the cost of preventive care such as physical examina- pus representative to ascertain the exact limits of Champus tions,immunizations and screening procedures when no coverage: same physician/different types of care given con- symptoms are present. Exceptions are outlined in the currently; different physicians/inpatient medical, only, given Champus instruction ( DoD 60 10.8) . concurrently. PHYSICAL THERAPY-Champus will share the ANNULMENT, EFFECT ON ELIGIBILITY-An cost of several physical therapy sessions per week when it. individual whose marriage to an active duty member or re- is provided by a physician or by a registered physical ther- tired servicememberis annulled losesChampus eligibility apist under supervision of a physician. These benefits are as of 12:Ol a.m. on the day following the day on which the generally limited to a 60-day period for each illness or in- court granted the annulment order. Champus benefits re- jury. ceived between the date of marriage and the date of annul- MILITARY SERVICE-CONNECTED ILLNESS OR ment do not have to be reimbursed. INJURY-Champus benefits are not available for such AMBULANCE SERVICE-Champus willgenerally care-VA administers a program to cover this. share this cost. 0 MATERNITY COST SHARING - Champuswill EDUCATION-Champus will not share the cost of share the cost on an inpatient basis for all services and sup- any service or supply for general education as in the case plies related to a maternity care episode when an expectant of natural childbirth, remedial reading and special tutoring mother plans to have her baby at a civilian hospital or simi- classes. lar medical facility. The only exception to this rule is am- DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT - Champus bulance servicewhich is always cost-shared on an out- shares the cost for a wide range of durable medical equip- patient basis. Consult the Champus instruction or your ment under both its Basic Program and its Program for the representative for specific details about this provision. Handicapped, provided that the equipment cannot be bor- EYEGLASSES-Champus usually will not cost-share rowed from a local Uniformed Services medical facility. for eyeglasses, spectacles, contact lenses or other optical PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND MEDICINES - devices.Exceptions involve optical devices required as a Champus will share the cost of all prescription drugs and result olf surgery or serious eye damage. medicineswith certain exceptions, most of whichinvolve DUAL COVERAGE-Active duty servicemembers weight control drugs,non-USFDA approved drugs and are not eligible for benefitsunder Champus even though drugs used in drug abuse related situations. theymay be dependents of eligibleChampus recipients. COSMETIC, RECONSTRUCTIVE AND/OR PLAS- Active dutymembers are coveredunder the Uniformed TIC SURGERY-Champuswill share the cost of such sur- Services Medical Care System. gery when it meets the following criteria: corrects a marked DOMICILIARY CARE-This is care provided by an deviation from the normal standard and it existed at birth institution where the facility serves as a "substitute home" (congenital anomaly); restores body form following an ac- -it is not medically necessary for the care to be provided cidental injury; or revises a disfiguring resulting from can- by an institution. An example of this is an extension of a cer surgery. hospital stay beyond the time considered medically neces- PROGRAM FOR THE HANDICAPPED-Champus sary because the beneficiarylives alone. This is excluded will provide carefor the physicallyand mentally handi- under Champus cost sharing provisions. cappedwhen certain requirements are met. Consultyour DIAGNOSTIC ADMISSIONS-This expense will be representative for details. J,

May 1977 31 6 There cren’t.- I any BY JO1 JERRY ATCHISON troller comes in,” he said. “I always think of it as playing dou- Air Trafiiic Control can cover a ble-deck pinochle,” he said as he laid broad range of feelings according to out adrinking-straw diagram on the one Federal Aviation Administration table. “The onlydifference is we (FAA) man. “On the one hand it can Navy Air Controlmen (ACs) have to be hours of boredom followed by sec- possess the ability to remember every onds of sheer terror,’’ he said. “On the card played.” other it can be likened to an orchestra Navy Air Traffic Controllers are, by conductor smoothly leading his group Navy standards, a small community of through a performance.” about 2,500 men and women (includ- All ACs learn that their primary ing the Marine Corps) whomay use mission is to ensure the safe, orderly the pinochle analogy as a description and expeditious movementof air traffic of their work but consider it anything under varying weather conditions. Con- but agame. Recently, when a group trary to the popular mythsrevolving of ACsgot together in Memphis, around air traffic controllers as the men Tenn., to swap professional no’tes and who sit in glass-enclosed airport tow- discuss air traffic control in their areas, ers and-while under a great deal of their seriousness became apparent. stress-tell the pilots of planes where “Suppose each of these straws rep- to go and when, there’s a lot more than resents a runway,” the AC said. “Now meets the eye. each of these runways crosses or runs “If all aircraft were the same, the parallel to each other or intersects at job would be pretty simple,” the AC rightangles and all of themmay, at said. “One of our jobs is to maintain various times, contain aircraft moving separation between planes in the air. from one point to another. But if you’ve got a single-engine pri- “In the meantime you’ve got aircraft vate aircraft putt-putting along at 100 overhead in the area of this airport. knots, being followed by an A-7 that’s They, too, are flying paths that may cruising at 500 knots, the air controller cross or run parallel or-God forbid- has to do something about it.” right at each other. ACs learn, therefore, not only how “If they were all cars on a highway, to direct aircraft, but theyalso learn things could be sorted out and con- details of hundreds of military and ci- trolled quite nicely.Such things as vilian aircraft designs and characteris- stop signs and exit ramps, lane mark- tics. “After all, youcan’t expect a Q ers as well, tell the driver where they commercial jet to turn in the same ra- may and may not go and when. dius as that little two-seater.” “There aren’t any stop signs in the And it growseven more compli- air and that’s where the air traffic con- cated. When a pilot calls in for land- 32 --. Naval Air Trafic Controlmen (and women) The AC must make all thesede- are on duty around the clock and around the world ensuring the safe, ex- terminations in the splitseconds dic- peditious flow of aircraft. tated bytoday’s high speed aircraft. He doesn’t have time to refer the mat- ing instructions, the Air Controlman ter to his superior. In the end, having must give precise and correct instruc- to bear that type of responsibility is tions. These instructions contain and what attracts many of the Navy’s ACs are based on a great number of deter- to their work. minations made quicklyby the AC. “The best air controllers are not just First of all,he has to recognize the those who accept responsibility,” said aircraft andmentally review the per- one lieutenant commander,a former formance characteristics associated enlisted AC. “The best are those who with this plane. Does it have a fast or actively seek additional responsibility.’’ slow landing speed? Can it land safely Sharing the burden of responsibility with a cross wind or a tail wind? How within the rate can make for some in- much runway does it need to land and teresting occurrences. For example, it under what conditions? Can the plane is not unusual to seea second class be safely fitted into the approach pat- pettyofficer working asan air con- tern‘! trolman while a new chief may not be

May 1977 33 r


Left: AirControl students learn proper airport procedures using this mock-up of a typical airport. Above: An air control module is manned during flight operations. Right: Operations onboard USS Inchon (LPH 12). come home from work and I’ve known he still ‘hasn’t landed’,’’ she said. “But there’sreally no differencebetween him and anyone else who has a hard day at the office. qualified to do so. AC aboard the carrier must consider “Besides, if they didn’t like their Every time an AC is transferred to a that the ship is moving, that his land- work, why is it that every time two air new duty station he must be retrained, ing field is much smaller than ashore, controlmen get together the only thing requalified and recertified. Every air- and that-if it werea combat situa- they talk about is air traffic control?’’ port has different characteristics. The tion-those planes he is responsible Navy ACs are governed by the rules new AC not only must learn the par- for recovering may not be in the best and regulations established by the Fed- ticular patterns flown in the area but of shape. eral Aviation Administration (FAA). other things as well, like memorizing What effect does all this have on the It is theFAA that grants their “li- all objects over 200 feet high in a 20- air controlman? cense” to do the job as ACs-the Fa- or 40-mile radius. He must know what “I know books and movies show us cility Rating Card. It is also the FAA type of air traffic to expect and from as nervous fellows with ulcers who fi- or aNavy doctor designatedby the where.Because of this and many nally give it all up when the stress gets FAA who conducts annual physical other variables, the newly arrived AC too great,” a master chief AC said. examinations of each air controlman. at NAS, Pt. Mugu, Calif., for example, “But that’s not the way things are. If TheAir Controlman Class “A” may spend as much as two years learn- we were like that we wouldn’t be in the School at NATTC, Millington, Mem- ing the layout before being certified. program in the first place.” phis, Tenn., is where all fledgling ACs Then there are the unique require- The master chief’s wife was quickto get their first exposure to the maze of ments placed upon the Navy AC. Air- qualify that statement-justa bit. equipment, procedures, rules and reg- craft carriers are moving airports. The “There have been a few days whenhe’s ulations that dictate theair control-

34 ALLHANDS’ man’swork. The students train on equipment that closely approximates whatthey will find in the field. In- cludedin their 14-week training pro- gram is time spent on various simula- tors that can sometimesbe scarey in their ability to recreate “incidents” that the AC should never have to deal with but be prepared nonetheless. One verynerve-wracking exercise for the AC student points out the im- portance of not onlyknowing what must be done and when but also the limits of one air controller’sabilities. Students sit at their radar panels and guide targets on their screens through the patterns and in the right direction,maintaining safe separation between planes and following the prop- er procedures. The instructor gradu- ally adds first one, then another target At Air Controlman Class “A” School, individual instruction ensures each student to the radar display. Eventually the learns the precise procedures required of student reaches a point where he can their demanding rate. no longer safely guide all the simulated aircraft through the patterns and he asks for help. “The air controller who doesn’t ask for help is kidding himself and endan- There are about 26,000 FAA civil- gering the planes intrusted to him,” ian air traffic controllers. Aninstruc- one instructor said.“That’s whywe tor at the FAA school for civilian air put these kids through what can be a traffic controllers recentlypointed up pretty frustrating exercise.” the reputation of NavyACs: “Navy The story about the air traffic con- Air Controlmen accept a monumental troller who didn’t need help also cir- responsibility day in and day out, ev- culates around the school. One AC, ery hour of the work day. Their abil- with many years experience, guided so ity to dothat well is an example all Air many planes during a three-hour period Controlmen know and try to emulate.” that he did not once “un-key” his mi- Anyone for a little double-deck pi- crophone during that enae time. His nochle with an Air Controlman? & supervisor, who stood by ready to start passing off the overload of planes to another air controlman, wasflabber- gasted.When it was all over,dupli- cates of the tape made during all con- versationsbetween air controller and aircraft weresent to other activities. That NavyAC, and others like him, have earned high praised from the FAA.

May 1977 35 ACI JOE HUEY

missile cruiser USS Belknup (CG 26) collided. In Kennedy’s air traffic control cen- ter, hequickly assessed the situation. earned recognition for the air control- As the approach controller, Joe imme- man involved and congratulations from diately notified the 14 pilots of the cir- his fellow operators. cumstances and directedthem into

:: I AC1 Joe D. Hueywas named Naval holding patterns. He gavethem alti- Air Tra& Controller of 1976 be- tude assignmentsand provided con- cause he did his job as he was trained stant radar vectors to ensure their safe to do it-but in some rather unusual separation. He did all this while com- circumstances. You see, Joe was air munication equipment damaged in the controller onboard the aircraft carrier collision gave outand equipment neces- USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67), hand- sary for the safe landing of aircraft on ling 14 planes in the air preparing to a carrier became of questionable use. land, when that shipand the guided Huey coordinated the safelanding of all 14 aircraft at a nearby shore in- stallation in spite of equipment prob- lems. “Petty Officer Huey’s calm coordi- nation of the limited communications available and his correct application of emergency air traffic control pro- cedures contributed greatly to the suc- cessfulrecovery of all aircraft,” his citation read. It may havebeen “all in a day’s work” for AC1 Joe D. Huey . . . but what a day! J.,

ALL HANDS Tomorrow

AlexanderHamilton took quill in hand on Sept. 13, 1789, and signed the first savings bond ever issued by the HERE’S HOW THE Treasury of the United States. That bond, for $20,300, was SAVINGSBONDS RETIREMENT the first of five such b’onds presented to the City ofNew PLANWORKS York for a $200,000 loanto the federal government. It paid six per cent interest. Average Not until 1879, could private citizensinvest small Monthly H Bond U. S. PurchaseOriginal Total ExchangeInterest amounts of cash in the government. Till then, the for 15Accum- Invest- for for dealt with banks because all bonds had tom be paid for in yearsmentInterest* ulation H Bond 10 yrs gold coin and there wasn’t enough gold in general circula- $ 18.75 $ 3,375 $ 1,980.36 $ 5,355.36 $ 5,500 $ 27.55 tion. Then Congress approved a plan where’ the little guy 37.50 6,750 3,960.72 10,701.72 11,000 55.70 56.25 10.125 5.941.08 16.066.08 16.500 83.54 could purchase $10 notes at the window of any poslt office- 75.00 13;500 7i921.44 21i421.44 21;500 108.86 this was the birth of the Postal Savings Sysltem, which only 150.00 27,000 15,842.88 42,842.88 43,000 217.72 recently came to an end. * Add cash to purchase of next multiple of $500. Investment in the government by the private citizen took a big step with Liberty Bond sales in World War I. With HERE’S HOW YOUR World War I1 came’ the birth of Payroll Savings and mil- “DOLLARSFOR EDUCATION” lions of cibizens became shareholders with the purchase of G’ROW IN SERIES E BONDS Series E and, later, Series H bonds. Are you one of the shareholders? Now is the time to get If yourValue of E Bondsat Age 18 on the bandwagon-May isSavings Bond Month. Below Child’s through monthly investments of: we two tables showing how the plan can work wonders for Age $75.00is: $56.25 $37.50 $18.75 a future retirement or business investmentnest egg, or a birth at $7,130.47$14,260.94 $21,391.41 $28,521.88 1 19,510.4113,006.946,503.47 26,013.88 fund to put junior through college. Keep in mind that the 2 5,912.4711,824.9417,737,41 23,649.88 interest rate on new issues of U. S. Savings Bonds is sub- 4 14,490.639,660.424,830.21 19,320.84 6 11,605.837,737.223,868.61 15,474.44 ject to continuous review by the Treasury and may 9,042.66be 6,028.44in- 3,014.22 8 12,056.64 creased or decreased in accordancewith changes in eco- 10 6,765.484,510.322,255.16 9,020.64 12 4,742.283,161.521,580.76 nomic and financial conditions. Therefore the below tables 6,323.04 reflect current interest and growth rates.

May 1977 37 Bearinss

The Middies Show Their Colors. . . June Week at the NavalAcademy of close maneuvers and racing tactics. picked up anew tradidon last year The sailing program will feature ev- when it presentedits first naval re- ery type of boat used by the Academy’s view. mid,shipmansailing squadron, which Last June, theAcademy’s 80-foot competesintercollegiately, and the yard patrol craft and 40 sailboats with m’idshipmansailing club. sails full passed in precision formation In addition to sailing races in the before the Naval Acade’mysuperin- Annapolis area, midshipman crews al- tendent and hundreds of June Week so sailin international trans-ocean visitors. races suchas the Newpbrt- It will happen again this year. Both race and the Trans-Atlantic race. Last the powerand sail contingents will summer a contingent of Naval Acad- have a chance to display their seaman- emyyawls sailed with the Tall Ships ship in two 30-minute demonstrations from Bermuda to Newport. ...But Can They StandUp to the Groton Gang of Four? One trans-oceansailing race the training schedule, would get themall in midshipmenhave entered that may prime shape for the big race. present formidable oppositionis this The other “Wanderer” crewmen- year’s Marion (Mass.) to Bermuda ETCM Mike Quigley, ETC Leroy Os- race to be held in late June. terfeldand QMC Jim Spear (Ret)- The middies will want to keep their count heavily on theircommon sub- eye particularly on a32-foot ketch marine duty and sailingexperience. crewed by a group who profess, “We Two of them are also Navy divers. don’t particularly care about winning When asked if this meant they could the race. We just want to beat the win the race whether the “Wanderer” middies.’’ was above or beneath the water, Chief The four-man Groton crew is com- Williamschuckled and noted as how posed entirely of Navy chief petty offi- he preferred entering Bermuda- ahead cers-submarinersall. “We just want of the middies-underfull sail and to show those middies that ‘Submarin- above the water. ers do it better’,” said ETC John Wil- Watch future issues of All Hands liams,owner d the boat Wanderer for the outcome. and officialspokesman of the Groton crew. in What’s a Name? “We’re even going to sail her under- If you should ever wind up in,the manned to give the midshipmena hospital at Naval Base,Subic Bay, chance.” Republic of the Philippines, you might ChiefWilliams admitted this is his hear the nameRodriguez more than &st trans-ocean race but professed once.Shown from left, Rolando, great confidencein his crew-dl of Rodolfo and Leonard0 Rodriguez, all whom have hadprevious sailing ex- hospital corpsman, are brothers, sta- perience, He noted ;that ‘‘fierce”a tioned atthe Subic Bayhospital. 38 ALL HANDS There’sonly one elementmissing to the robber’s hand. With another kick, extras in themovie “March or Die,” make this photograph complete. he sent the robber sprawlingover a starring Gene Hackman, Catherine Camilo, another brother and also a desk. Sevelral peoplewere then able Deneuveand Max VonSyd’ow. Ex- hospital corpsman, is serving with the to pin him until the police arrived. plained None volunteer, “It’s just some- SeaBees at San Diego, Calif. (Photo by “Mr. Adkinsaverted still another thing I’ve always wanted to do at one JO1 Jun Calaunan) disaster. One of the guestspicked up time or another.” He didn’tindicate the revolver and was twirling it around. whether he was referring to filmmaking Had Adkins not retrieved the gun or meeting Catherine Deneuve. from the womanand kept it, we al- most certainly would have had a third shot fired,possibly injuring someone. “When the police arrived, hetried to forego any hospital treatment for his injuries (fearing it might delay his return to his ship). We insisted, how- ever,and talked him into staying the remainder of the night with us. “For his actions and assistance, Mr. Adkins has my utmost gratitude and Sailor: 1, Robber: 0 respect. To act as he did, in the face ofgreat danger (the robber was an I When Electronics Technician 2nd ClassKenneth Adkins of the nuclear escaped pris’oner) and withoutregard for his own safety, reaffirms my faith submarine USS Shark (SSN 591 ) stopped at the Carlisle (Pa.) motel for in the menwho guard this country’s security.” the nightrecently he thought he was That goes for us, as well! just going to get a goodnight’s rest beforecontinuing on to Pascagoula, Miss. Twelve Who Marched What Adkins got instead was a crack NAVYMEN BREAK FOR A REST on the headand a surprising role in “Navymen? N’o, we haven’t switched foiling an armed robbery. Here’s how cutlines.Actually, several of these the motel manager told the story: “legionnaires” are Navy personnel as- “. . . Shortlyafter midnight . . . signed to the NavalCommunications an armed robber herded six guests and Station inSidi Yahia, Mordcco. The Backward BOC)b employees from the motel’s lobby into Navymen, 12 inall, took leave (not DON’T WORRY FRED, I’VE the adjoiningoffice, forcing them to French leave, though) to appear as hand over their valuables and making JUST GOT MY BOOTS ON BACK- the manager open the safe. WARDS-No, the aircrewman reach- “At this point, KennethAdkins ing through the helicopter hatch is not drove up and came into the motel a contortionist.Photographer’s Mate seeking a room. The robber met him 3rd Class Dan Fort caught the action and cracked him over the head with a while onboard USS Blue Ridge (LCC gun; he. then dragged the sailor into 19). Dan sends word the hands belong the office and started to tie him up. to one crewman and the feet dangling “At the right moment-and disre oppositebelong to hisassistant. And garding concern for hisown safety- we thought we had photographic proof Mr. Adkins kicked the revolver out of of the first rubber aircrewman.

May 1977 39 Messes & Clubs

I “L. I BY JO1JERRY ATCHISON Boxingsmoker staged at the club. money. This, in turn, can be put to A submarine sandwich and pizza work for improvements. sh’OP OFn Seven days a week when Adding credence to Todd’s formula ere’s a lot that goes into an for success is the fact that the Little award-winningNavy club. It’smore the dining room is The manager Of “The Drydock,” CreekChiefs’ Club has won the Sec- than a sprig of parsley on your Steak. retary of the Navy Messes and Clubs Personnel of the four clubs recently another award winning at the Norfolk Naval thinks his Awardtwo out of a possible three selected as cG~estin the N~~~,,~- by the Shipyard, patrons are pretty important also. “We times. Secretary of the NavyMesses and Todd, a retired Navywarrant of- ClubAwards Prolgram know what it wantthem to be pro’ud of it,” said JamesP. Astrauckas. His club was ficerwith m’ore than 37 years exper- takes-andthey’re happy to share it ience in foodservice, shares common with every club. selected as best in the “Enlisted Club” category. viewpoints with Lieutenant R. B. Read “Listening to patrons andgiving -who has o’nly 18 months’ experience them what they want is the operating “Patrlonshave a part in improving the facility by evaluating everyphase in the business. principle of the Enlisted club at Naval Read, manager of the Officers’ and Station, Charleston,” said club man- of the service and the items purchased,” he said. “We have received some good Faculty Club at the U. S. Naval Acad- agerArthur Bercume. His club was emy, reported, “The people working selected as best in the “Enlisted Mess suggestions,and they are beingused in day-to-day operations.” for the Annapolis club are enthusiastic, Open” category. hardworkingemployees. Their talent Bercumeadded that he’s not the These are some of the things that make“The Drydock” a special club: and experience is overwhelming.” only one who listens to patrons. “The Readmanages the winner in the Professional entertainment six employeesall take pride in the club “CommissionedOfficers’ Mess Open” nights a week. and their jobs. Their personalities, and category and is quick to give the credit the attitude of wanting to please,en- Onenight of “Quadrascene,” an to his staff. “All the way through the courage patrons to voice their sug- all-encompassing experience with mov- employee ranks, loyaltyand enthusi- gesti,ons.” ies,slides, turntable and disc jockey asmreign. The waitresseshave all Patrons’ suggestions at the Charles- activity. been with the club over five years and ton club haveresulted inthings like: But award-winning clubs in the Nor- one waiter, Mr. Albert Carpenter, has Specialty food nights each month, folk areaare not restricted to “The beenemployed here longer (since with international menus at bargain Drydock.”Over atthe Naval 1943) than I’ve been alive.” prices. Am- phibious Base, Little Creek, is the Discjockeys from local radio winner in the “Chief Petty stations manning the booth for disco Officers’ MessOpen” category. “The key to night three nights a week. successisimprovement,” said club manager Carl E. Todd. He went on to say that the re’ason Little Creekwas able to makeim- provementswas due to increased pa- tronage. “ore customers meanmore

40 ALL HANDS Meticulous attention to detail, whether it be in the preparation and presentation of food (left)or in the decor (below) is important to award-winning clubs.

c’ 1 Read brought together many of the successfulideas of the other award- winningclub managers. “It doesn’t do any good to cut a corner and save abuck if you lose acustomer. That leads to an important key: one must offer what his customer wants. “Soundssimple but it reallyisn’t . . . The clubmust oater individually to each class of patron because they are equally important for a successful olperatioa.” But“keeping the customer happy” is not the only thing the judges looked at in coming up with ‘this year’s four winning clubs. And to those who say theycan’t offer what these clubs do because of their constrained budgets, take note that each entrant also was graded on soundfiscal controls and effective management. It boilsdown to professionalserv- ice, heeding the customers’ advice and creative investmentsin popular ac- tivities. -And that’s more than a sprig of parsley on the steak. (See page 42)

Well-trained, conscientious employees make sure customers of an award-winning club get exactly what they ordered.

May 1977 41 I I


Patrons of the Commissioned Oficer‘s Mess I (Open), Naval Academy, Annapolis, enjoy a buffet,at their award-winning club.


The spacious “Drydock” Enlisted Mess (Open) at Naval Shipyard Norfolk, another award winner.

ALLHANDS Nepal Pilgrims From Kathmandu to Everest t PHOTOS BY LT HELENIAK AND LT M. S. HARDER, I11

“. . . request the pleasure of your company on trek in Nepal,” read the unexpected telegram last September to Lieutenant J. F. Heleniak, a Supply Corps oficer stationed in West Palm Beach, Flu. Its author was a fellow Supply type, Lieutenant M. S. Harder, Ill, assigned halfway around the world in Hong Kong. Two months, four telegrams and many letters later, Heleniak and Harder converged on the land of Everest to begin what may have been the most un- usualleave undertaken by Navy personnel in 1976. Here is LT Heleniak’s account.

After two months of detailed preparations, the 30-hour jet ride halfway around the world gave me time in which to mull over my proposed leave. “Nepal?Where the . . . is that?” the postmanhad asked when he delivered my passport. Then, I tried to get information by telephone aboutKathmandu, the operator asked, “Oh, is that in Canada?” Even my father, when told ofmy planned vacation to Nepal, said j’okingly, LL. . . something’s snapped in that brain of yours.” I imaginedNepal as an exotic, remotemountain sanc- tuary, inhabited bymysterious mountain people and the

Mount Everest, grandfather of mountains, seen from the air during a sightseeing flight.

May 1977 Below: Porters are paid $1.50 a day to carry loads of about 80 pounds, 10 to I5 miles. Right: Temples of Kathmandu.

Left: Jim Heleniak, one of the expedition participants, is seen near 23,000-foot Lonpo Gang mountain. Above: The high elevations don’t bother a yak grazing on scrub grass at the 10,500-foot level.

ALL HANDS whole area overshadowedby the tallest of them all, Mt. After our trek to Langtang valley-with its majestic Everest. mountainswe returned to Kathmanduvia anarea of Before beginning our trip into the mountains, we spent lakes called Gosain Kund-an area of major religious im- three days acclimatizing to Kathmandu’s moderate 4,300- portance to Hindu worshippers, because the third lake is feet elevation. We also learned that it never snows in Kath- considered a Hindu holy lake. mandu (located on the same latitude as Miami, Fla.) . But Aside from a few headaches, nobody in our group suf- summer months bring monsoon rains from India’s Bay of fered any ill effects from the thin air. (If you’re planning Bengal creating miserable leech-ridden, hiking conditions. such a trek, you should have a thorough physical exam be- The winter months of late December and January are quite fore anyhigh altitude climbingand also set a vigorous cold and windy with heavy snowfalls in the higher valleys. physical conditioning program to build up to toptrim.) While not toowell known in the United States, “trekking” All in all, rural Nepal and Kathmandu provide vacations . -the British term for hiking-is popular in Nepal where for the adventurous. The friendly, cooperative people, the you can hire bearers or porters for $1.50 a day to carry all curious mountain villagers, the spectacular Himalayas, the your equipment. Our group of 10 trekkers started out intricate temples of the Kathmandu valley and the sense of with 29 porters and seven Sherpa guides. accomplishing a truly unique adventure, allcombined to Because the Sherpas spendmost of their lives at alti- make Nepal oneof the best vacation spots in Asia. tudes varying from 7,000 to 14,000 feet, they are incred- Anyone for trekking? & ibly strong at high altitudes. Our Sherpa leader, Mr. Ang Lima, 28, had been on some full-scale Himalayan expedi- George C. Giesler tions and had climbed as high as 26,000 feet without the aid of supplemental oxygen. I Through’out the trek, Sherpassupervised the porters, prepared the foodand generally took care of everything. Sherpas are extremely loyal to the trekker. Even if a trek- ker sprains an ankle or cannot walk, they will take turns carrying the disabled hiker on their backs. One of the leader’s unpleasant duties was to dismiss unnecessary por- ters as our supplies diminished. Our original group of 29 porters was reduced to 19 by the last day of the trek. Each porter, incredibly strong, carries loads weighing up to 100 pounds,balanced on hisback with a support strap around his forehead. During a typical day of trekking to Langtang Valley we passed through twovillages and across manyfarmfields terraced into the steep hillside.Trekkers are regarded by the villagersas rich people fromfaraway lands andthey were fascinated by our dress and fancy equipment. Every nightwe had an audience of children whowatched the activities in our camp until sundown. We had one strenuous day which featured a very steep climbfrom 8,400 feet to13,500 feet over a distance of about seven miles. The other days averaged 11 miles over roughly 3,000 feet in elevation gains and lossm. “I’d like to check your trunk, please!”

May 1977 45 NAVY RELIEF

When Hurricane Pamela hit the Is- deredby Navy Relief last year.But agency.This year, the callfo'r dona- land of Guam, Navy Relief officials re- therewere thousands of individual tions is going out again. sponded to the request of Commander, familyemergency situations in which During the period May 6 to June 6, U.S. Naval FoIrces, Marianas, for as- the NavyRelief Society provided Navy personnel will be called upon to sistanceand wired $100,000 to be $5.3 million to thoseinneed. In helpsupport their own charitable or- used in relief efforts. helpingmore than 75,000 individuals ganization.But whether it is a Navy A phone call to Navy Relief Head- and families, the organizationdis- charity or any charity, it is important quartersfrom a senior commander in persed: to know, first, exactly how those funds the European area advised that 75 $3.5 million in direct relief loans are usedand what services the Navy Naval personnel had not received their $1.3 million in education loans Relief can provide. paychecks because of amix-up. Al- and NavyRelief offers emergency as- though it had been confirmed that the $471,000 ingratuities. sistancefor Navy and Marine Corps checkswere in the m'ail,there was active duty and retired personnel, their growing concm for the payment of While dispensing funds is Navy Re- dependents and their surviving widows bills and necessary household expenses. lief'schief occupation, the Society and chil'dren. There is no fieldof hu- NavyRelief came forward with the would be unable to do so without the man trouble in which the Society has offer of immediate financial assistance. donations of Navypeople. Last year, not helped,either through counseling These are twoexamples of un- Navymen and women contributed or by necessary financial assistance. usual situations in which help was ren- more than $2.3 million to theirrelief The types of aidprovided include:

46 ALLHANDS Financial Assistance-may be an elderly in need of medical attention at Marinesand their families in need. outright grant, a loan without interest, home. Funds to oover overheadcomes from or a oombination of the two, depend- Educational Programs-providing interest earned on investmentsmade ing on the circumstances in each case opportunities for higher education to by Navy Relief many years ago. and the degree of hardship that may be dependent children whomight other- In those areas with no Navy Relief involved in the repayment of the loan. wise be unable to pursue their educa- activity nearby, the AmericanRed Layettes-made by volunteers for tion beyond the high school level. Crossserves as the contact pointand new babies, for those who need them. Sponsor Outside Programs-such yourcommanding officer a,shore or Thrift Shops-where articles of as Live Better for Less, Helping Hands, afloat can get Navy Relief support for clothing andessentials may be pur- Toys for Tots, Motor Corps, and simi- you. So you'renever far fromhelp. chased at rock-bottom prices. lar activities. The idea behind Navy Relief hasn't Children'sWaiting Rooms-pro- Those are a lot of services for the changed since the Society was founded vided at naval medical facilities. money.But there is one moreim- morethan 70 years ago . . . "the Counseling-on financial manage- portant point tobe madeabout the Navyand Marine Corps take care of mentand referrals to community re money Navy Relief collects each year: their own." sources with special attention to the Not one penny of this collected money You can carry on this proud tradi- young Navy person and service family. goes to pay salaries of NavyRelief tion by supporting yourNavy Relief Visiting Nurses-who visit moth- personnel or telephone bills. Contri- Society so that it will be here to help ers and their newborn infants, and the butions go directly to help sailors and you tomorrow. ;L,

May 1977 47 Quality medical care foryou and opportunities currently available to ment bonus, .too. your family is just one of your Navy you in the Navy. In your next hitch, you’ll find 2 benefits. Price it out in civilian life Did you know that reenlistments vancement cominga lot quicker th and you know it doesn’t comecheap. under the STAR, SCORE or if you had to start allover again i~ In fact, you probably know your GUARD I1 Programscan open civilian job. benefits by heart now. Because you many new doors? With more train- The opportunities, and the bel count on them. Things like commis- ing. New assignments. And a chance fits that go with them, are the sary and exchangeprivileges. 30 to runyour own shop. If you’re ready to accept t days’ annual paid vacation. Housing. Or that there’s plenty of room for challenge. So get the full story. 5 Retirement. Just toname a few. growth in your present job? With an your Command Career Counse But what good are benefits without opportunity to earn an extra stripe soon. You won’t get job satisfaction? The question is, do or two. More responsibility. More any sea stories. you know all about themany career schoolins. Maybe even a reenlist- You’ll get the facts. -”


IT PAYSTO 5 I---’ IN. Stern Shots C

Don’t be gun shy. How many of the missiles pictured here can you name?Check your answers atthe bottom of this page.


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