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[email protected] BIDDER Papers re commercial enterprises of the Bidder family, chiefly those of GPBII relating to docks and mining Compiled by: Janet Fyffe, Christine Heap and Robert Sharp Edited by: Robert Sharp BIDD In the note on sources in his book George Parker Bidder the calculating boy, E F Clark defines three sections: The Railway Papers, The Tea Chest Collection and The Bidder Papers. The Railway Library 'consists principally of GPBI's printed and bound papers about railways; these have been interpolated into the Library's main book stock. A listing of them is included here; it precedes this full listing of The Tea Chest Collection. Now housed in 24 archive boxes, it originally filled several tea chests. It mostly consists of commercial/business documentation relating to various family enterprises but chiefly to those of GPBII (particularly regarding docks and mining). The Science Museum Library is very grateful to Mr Clark ('EF') for his useful comments on the first draft of the listing and additional information provided, as well as his continuing support. Contents 'The Railway Collection’ 1 North Woolwich Land Company 2 Mining Association of Great Britain 3 Minor interests 4 Cannock Chase Colliery Company Limited 5 - 8 East Tregembo Mining Company Limited 9 NUMBER NOT USED 10-11 East Tregembo Mining Company Limited 12-17 Lovell Mining Company Limited 18-20 NUMBERS NOT USED 21-22