
Name is the distance in degrees north or south of the . Lines of latitude Where in the World Are You? run to the equator, which is labeled zero degrees latitude. The poles are at 90 By Patti Hutchison degrees latitude. Distances between the equator and the are referred to as Caption: 1- degrees north latitude, or N. Distances circle of latitude, between the equator and the are 2- Prime referred to as degrees south latitude, or S. of Each of latitude equals about 111 kilometers of distance.

Let's say you Lines of longitude locate places in east are at 61 degrees and west directions. These lines are also 13 minutes N, known as meridians. They run from pole to 149 degrees 54 minutes W. Where is pole (the LONG way). They are like the THAT? Anchorage, Alaska! What, you grooves on your Halloween pumpkin. The don't see any lines of latitude and longitude is zero degrees longitude. intersecting around you? Of course not; It goes through Greenwich, England. This they are imaginary. line separates the eastern and western hemispheres. Mapmakers, navigators, and others use lines of latitude and longitude to locate Lines of longitude are labeled from zero exact points on the . To understand to 180 degrees east (E) and west (W) of the latitude, let's begin with the equator. This is prime meridian. The 180-degree meridian an imaginary line around the middle of the is also known as the International Date Line. Earth. It separates the into two halves If you cross this line while traveling, you called hemispheres. North of the equator is gain or lose one full day on your calendar. the . South of the equator is the . 60 degrees north latitude. Anchorage could Name be anywhere along this latitude line. Now, run your finger west from the Prime Degrees of longitude do not all cover the Meridian until you come to about the same distance on the Earth's surface. The 150-degree line of west longitude. Close to distance varies with location. Since they all this intersection, you will find Anchorage, meet at the poles, the distance there is about Alaska. Of course, instruments the width of a single point. At the equator, are much more precise than your finger and one degree of longitude is about 111 can find the exact coordinates. kilometers. If you can read a graph, you can use Degrees of latitude and longitude are latitude and longitude. Remember, latitude also divided into smaller units called moves you north and south from the equator minutes. There are 60 minutes in a degree. to the poles. LONGitude moves you east Each minute is also divided into 60 seconds. and west. The point where they meet Each represents a smaller distance. These corresponds to an exact location on the divisions help you locate a specific spot on Earth. So, where are you right now? the Earth. The lines run in a grid-like pattern on a or globe. To locate a point, Where in the World Are You? we use coordinates, kind of like a graph. These coordinates represent the lines of latitude and longitude. At the intersection Questions of the coordinates is the location we are 1. The line of zero degrees latitude is the: looking for. A. International Date Line For example, let's find Anchorage, B. equator Alaska, on a map or globe. First, find the C. Prime Meridian equator and the Prime Meridian. Run your finger along the Prime Meridian toward the North Pole. Stop when you come to about 5. In what two units are degrees of latitude Name and longitude divided?

2. Lines running parallel to the equator are called: A. longitude B. latitude C. meridians 6. Latitude and longitude are written: 3. What does latitude measure? A. in symbols B. like coordinates on a graph C. in words

Explain the differences between latitude and longitude.

4. Lines of longitude locate places in which directions?