CITY OF CAPE TOWN ISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Digital Divide Assessment of the City of Cape Town, 2002 For further information: Carol Wright Economic Development & Tourism Directorate City of Cape Town Tel: +27 (0) 21 487 2356 Email:
[email protected] PO Box 4163, Durbanville 7550 Tel: +27 (0) 21 970 1314 Email:
[email protected] Annexes included in a separate document This report is available online at and Digital divide assessment of the City of Cape Town 1, 2002 Acknowledgements We appreciate the involvement and enthusiasm of the more than 2000 people who participated in this project. We would like to thank the City of Cape Town's Directorates of Economic Development and Tourism, Information Technology, and Social Development for driving this initiative. We are especially grateful to Heinrich Heymann, Mymoena Ismail, and Carol Wright of these Directorates for their leadership and input. We would also like to thank those who gave us their time to review this work, including Roy Bloomfield, Andy Bytheway, Bruce McConnell, Mary Murphy, Raven Naidoo, Mark Neville, John Pape, Larry Press, Nirvesh Sooful, and Kim Van Deventer. The project team met with over 100 non-governmental organisations, businesses, academic institutions, government agencies, and community organisations during the study, and we are grateful for the thought and time each put into the project. A complete list of these organisations is included in Annex 2. A few organisations went the extra mile to add their support and insight, including: ABET, Capricorn, CITI, CSSA, FutureCITI, ISETT SETA, SANGOCO, SANCO, SchoolNet South Africa, UCT's Department of Information Systems, UCT Graduate School of Business (Centre For Innovation And Entrepreneurship), UWC's Department of Information Systems, Webchek, and the Western Cape Schools Network.