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3-13-1992 The iH lltop 3-13-1992 Hilltop Staff

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UP TO DATE: Spring Break brings an entourage of ac~i'i"B ttJ this side of Disney World . B2 • GOING ABROAD: HU's D•·eamgirls ISllU ve nture to Hong ·Kong thi s weekend for the Annual Ans Festival. 82 ,. TAKE IT OFF: "Weight No More," sponsored by the University Stude nt Health New elections may cause Center, provides assistance 10 studenls wanting 10 get rid of extra pounds. B4 more than $13,000 deficit By Shauntae R. Brown Martin said they we re neve r given Hilltop Staff Writer permission to wear buttons. But Mosely objected to the state­ Af1er :1 healed emergency meeling ment saying i"s was not true. Tue sday 11i ght. the General ''All candidates were told at the Feb. Asse1nbly voted lo nullify the 21 meeting that wearing buttons Howard Uni ve rsi ty Student could not be regulated on the day of Association General Elections which the electio ns becau se they were . were held Marcil 4. widely distributed·," Mosely said . STAND UP: Area collegians gathered to \ The three and a half hour-long ';And the guidelines do not state but­ protest the proposed reduction of federally­ '~- ;~ meeting was dec lared to address a tons may not be worn ." fu nded minority scholarships. A8 co11testatio11 by HUSA presidential In Jean and Martin 's contestation, a11d v.ic:e presidential cand id ates they requested that either the slates A , ' in~~ '2". .• ~% Do1111l(\ Jean arid William '' Bo'' of Hopkin s/McCoy, Upon winning the 1991·92 MEAC Tournament Championship Saturday, the Bison received Martin . Bail ey/DeShields and an automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. The last time the Bison won the MEAC tourna­ According to the official contesta­ · Coleman/Sheppard be disqualified ment was 11 years ago in 1981. The team will play in the tournament either Mar. 19 or 20. tion, Jean a11d Manin stated, ''On the because each slate was seen wearing Their opposition will be announced this Sunday. Story page 81 -day of the general elections [student] buttons, or the General Assembly Campus A2 Tani1a Cain s:1\v [HUSA vice presi­ elections be nullified and a new elec­ • dential candidate] Tene McCoy wear tion be scheduled within the next two Elections A3 a sweatshirt di splayi ng campaign weeks. They also requested Mosley Editorial A6 ·paraphernalia near tl1e polling booth be removed fro m her position as o co·nferences meet loct11ed in Locke Hall at approx.i- chairperson. Commentary A7 1nately 12 p.111 ... In an 18-3 vote, with four absten­ Maleika Mosley. General tions, 1he assembly decided to nullify News • AS Asse111bl)' Elections Committee the elections; however, they voted to Comics A10 ch<1 irperson. :-i:1id she granted Ivan allow Mosley to remain as chairper­ here this weekend. Hopk i11s a11d Tene McCoy's son. .Sports 81 ··synerg.)··· slate permission to wear In a statement to THE HILLTOP, Tempo Howard Inn site of GSA co-hosts session for s\veatshirts 011 the day of elections. the assembly sa id: ''The General • 82 ·· 1 sai(\ it w:1s okay because the Assembly hereby co ncludes that Books 83 mid-Atlantic regional_ grad, professional students !'wea1shirt did not contain the word weighi ng al l ev idence from both • ·vote' 011 the shi rt." ~1oslcy said. Donald Jean and William Martin and Food 84 Howe ver. Je11n and Martin said the General Elections Committee we Hilltopics 86 NAACP meeting from around the country \\'eari11g tl1e S\ve:1ts!1irt. which stated find neither party solely at fault. In . Hopkins and McCoy's names and the order not to allow any slate an unfair By George Daniels By George Daniels • posi tion for which they we re run­ advantage, we vote the HUSA elec­ QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Hilltop Staff Writer Hilltop Staff Writer ning. was a violatio11 of the general tions results on March 4 be nullified "The fiction is that the li fe of the elec1ions guideli11es which states, due to inconsistency and ambiguity The recent announcement b)' NAACP Execu tive About 200 graduate a11d professional students ··camp:1igni11g wil l be defined as an wit hin th e General Elec tio ns races is sep,arate, increasingly so. Direc1or Dr. Benjamin Hooks is likely to be a pri­ fror11 colleges and u11ive rsities across the co11n1ry are efl'ort by a grou1) or individual to Guidelines.'' The face is that they have touched mary topic of discussion \Vhcn NAACP· metnbcrs par1icipating ir1 the National Association of gai11 public attentio11 or support for a '. The General Assembly Elections from Virginia. Maryland and 1he Di strict ga1he r for Grlated. ''Tl1c slates of · tion. According to Daanen Steach, 1 • -Alain Locke and dinners is being. held at the Hov. ard Inn until Several of tl1e conference events w.iJI be held on l~opk i11s / McCo)' . [Christopher] assoc iate director for Student "The New Negro" 1on1orrow. ca111pus. Cor1ference panicipants will gather to dis­ Coleman/ I Karen] Sheppard and Activ ities, total cost for the election • Some of the scheduled events include: cuss several issues which will include health care for [Julius] Bailey/[Eri kJ DeShei lds on March 4 and the run-off elections • Exiting NAACP National Board Me1nber f:1milie!) of gradu<1te and professional students, teach­ clearl y violated thi s regulation by scheduled fo r Wedn es day wa s '------' Julian Bond, who is alsO a professor in the depan ­ i11g lo11ds :111(\ a new tax on stipends imposed by displayi11g/we[1ring registered cam­ $13, l 63. That cost included elections ment of political science at American Universit)'. is Congress. Seattle mayor paign p<1rt1phernalia to include: please see Electlons page A3 one of many speakers who will be panicipati11g in Dennis Ar1y:1n1elc. coordinator of the University's S\veatsl1 irts arid b11ttons." Jean and addreSSeS SOCial, this year's conference. Bond will speak at a lun­ Gracluate Stt1de11t Assembly, which is co-hosting the cheon scheduled at I p.m. tomorro\v. confere11ce \Vith the American University, said sever­ "All candidates were told at the Feb. 21 •ght f Am • · ' •Joseph Madison, who serves as a host on WRC ttl eve nt s

• ,1 ' Protest from A1 ar1tl Silver. ·· 11 took t\vo \Yeeks to organize the protest," the Board of Trustees. Sil ,1er i;:1icl . ''\Ve hacl 10 fon11 commi11ee.s [such as • public r7,l:1tio11 s. food. and securi1y] and plan our Saturday brought about a six-hour 1neeting S(r;1tCg.)'. . resul1ing in the attainment of six of the den1a11ds. '· \\'e '''ere k110\v11 as the 'basemen! crew'," Ali, • leaving the issue of Atwater's ren1oval fro111 the \vl10 :1ctetl ;1s head of sec11rity, said. ''Our job was Board still unresolved. Thi s prompted s1ude11ts to 10 keep ou t drugs and alcohol, help people who begin the sit-in on that rainy Monda)' 1nomir1g. \\'ere sick. keep tile police' out, and make sure the According to the Mar.JO, 1989 issue of THE bt1ildi r1g w.:1s secure at al l 1imes." HILLTOP, ''the protest was not agt1inst At\Vater's ··011e ir1cide111 that sta11ds out irfmy mind is race or party, but against his ideologies. \vhich they 1\•l1c11 LOLI Ke1np ;.111 d I were doing security and the say are contrary to those of· Africa11-America11 stu­ l>(>lic:c \vcre li11ed up in front of us. They pointed dents and the mission of Ho\vard University.'' g1111s ;1r1cl 1\1ere rea(ly to shoot us," Ali said. On Monday, approxi111atel)' !500 students gatl1- A1101l1er i11citlent he i;,ecalls is the time tl1e police ered 0 11 the ;'Yard'' at the University flag pole with \vere tl1re11ter1i11g to set off tear gas bombs and the overnight bags and sleeping bags-i11 har1d . Later r11:1le s1ude111 s formed a barricade. ''Just seeing that evening, the University's la\\1yers placed 11 110\v brotl1ers uni ted to protect the sisters was real restraining order on tl1e ''A-Buildir1g·· tl1at We11t Cll 101 i( 111:1[. •' in10 effect at 11 p.m. "I feel tl1:1t everythit1g was addre~sed ... and that With sights of Metropolitan Police bo111b;:1rdi11g 11,1s our go;1l." Ali s;iid of the effectiveness of the the building and ht1ma11 barricades keeping 1l1er11 !Jrotcst. - out. Tuesday brought continuous re11sior1. Stude111 .. Silver. or1 tl1e other h<1nd. said, '·I've seen some leaders called for Jesse Jack son's assisra11ce. to i111proven1ents, but much 1nore needs to be done.'' assist in caln1ing the students. La!er that da)'. Accordir1g 10 Silver. currently working on her mas­ Cheek made a public sta teme111 reli11qui shi11 g the tcr's-- degree i11 E11glish here at the University. building and pro1nising not to reques1 th·e police l-lo\11:1rcl J1:1s ''deep-bre{1·· proble111s tha1 will take a April Silver, HUSA President '90-91, and Dr. James E. Cheek, HU President emeritus. negotiate terms of protest. assistance again. lo11f! ti111e to be worked out. That evening saw the resignation of At\vater. As a result of the protest, a task force was guards' demands recei\•ed more attention as union Jackson arrived at 10 p.m .. and was whisked to fon11ecl for the establishn1ent of an Afro-American leaders started to negoti<1te 1nore f9r wage increas­ the financial aid office and assisted in a meeting to Graduate Studies progran1, but ''nothing has· really es and more officers. discuss the possibility of a student advisory board co111c of ii:· Silver said. However. Si lver suggests that u11dergraduate Leffall receives that would review the biograpl1ies of future car1di­ ·1-11e 1989 protest. 1vhich ended at 3:30 a.m. students current!)' at Howard are some1vhat apa­ dates for positions on the Board of Trustees. l'l1t1r1;cl:1)' 111ornir1g after they received the ren1ain­ thetic. \\:'tile most students-remember the hur11an Ucr of 1l1e de111:111ds place{\ i11 writing, played a ''I k11ow that sttidents are {lefini 1ely. ..,fru str<1ted. Drew chair award blocK~ fonned arou11d the Admi11istratio11 build­ 111<1j<1r role i11 bri11gi11g about improveme11ts that but tl1ey are just 1101 realty getting 111volved. ing, the protest bega11 \vith rallies and c11refu! plan­ c; 111 be sec11 i11 t!1e Ur1iversity even now. Eve11tui1lly, frl1 stra tio11 \Viii 1urr1 i11to ii 11eec\ for r1ing. ''It was h4to 1988. Epps. ·· 111;1\•e :1 ''Cr)· li111iteJ practit·e. I t11'er:1ge Epps. Jr .. dean of 1hc college of name pf Howard Universi 1y and the kind o·f students and faculty that are University College of Medi c;, ine in 1988. Epps re<1l ­ Si11cc l ~ P!l" \V

' • ,\ ' •

~· THE HILLTOP . - March 13 1992 A3 -' ' • ' ,..·- ' • . -·_., • ..--··. • :: • .. ~~ ' • . •- ' • ,,.....·- '• .. c •.. • \ • - \ ., ' -•-• , ..• . • • -• !~ • ' . • ' ' ...... " ; • . 1' • ...... • '._-. ' • : • I • .- _-, • . . • . ... •:• I • • • ' • • • ti • • • • • . i~ . . • • • ti~~: • • • '· ' '. \ i' ( 11,"'-,. • •

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. ' I Tamitha Fisher, HUSA Programs Director (far left) acted as recorded secretary for Tuesday's meeting while HUSA President Ivan Bates presided and HUSA Vice President Patrice Grant consulted Robert's Rules of Order. . ' Elections Committee overruled • ELECTIONS from A1 they keep this going on , the further I get bel1i11d iii ~•1.tisficd 11le)1 should demand that the general my classes. I have already rec~ i ved two mid-1en1i asse111bl)1 go back and review their decision." con1n1ittec salt1ries. poll worker wages and poll defi ciencies,'' Hopkins said. ··N(J (Jne in 1l1a1 roorn had any invested interest. • r11achir1es. As the night contirfued, there \Vere son1e who No 011c l1<1d \V! gol' s to sl10\v our Con:s'ti tution has failed International students are required • Car1did<11e Hopkir1s stood i11 disbelie f as he ''If Maleika gave pennissio 11 to tl1c1n. tl1en 1he~1 to pay the fee; however, since the \\·;1tcl1l'd 1t1e general asser11bl,)' extend their vote to [Hopkins/McCoy] should not be penali zed. If v.e "' Tl1e a'~e111l1! y \.\'ill be 111eeting next Wednesday According to some of the endowment fund involves federal 1 nt1llif) 1t1e clectior1 process Which. if had conti nued are say ing we found, no fau ll, the11 \\'e ha\•e no ju~­ 10 llct:i{le :t riC\\ elel'!ion dale. _The elect ion and University's international conunu­ monies, .they are not eligible for as pl<11111ed. \\'Ot1ld l1ave dis.co11tinued his campaign tifica tion to overturn the elec tion ... said Ke\1 1ri l'lct·ti(;11 ru11 orr llnd

i ,l ' • • ' .


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• Blackburn Center Room116 Howard University (202) 806-5426/5427 ,

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•Howar ·fest' . oordinator. •Alumni/ tudent Network Extra •Volunteer oar inator I ecial Project


' !.---+------~~---:------'\ • - . . . . • • • •

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' ROOM SELECTION AND VERIFICATION PLAN Spring Drawing: Tuesday, March 17, 1992 - To begin 9:00 a.m. until ' ORDER OF FIRST DRAWING


I. Slo\VC (co-eel) 5. Eton Towers Apts. * 2. Be1ji 111 c - MPR 6. Sutton Plaza Apts. (co-ed)* • 1. J\ll e ri cli:111 Hill (co-ed) 7. Cook** - MPR/VLS 4. P:1rk St!ll

.. 1. Sl(J\Ve (co-ed) 4. Sutton Plaza (co-ed)* 2. C;1 rvcr 5. Cook** -MPR/VLS • -~- Mcri

CO DS : VLS - Very Limited Space ~1PR - Meal Plan Required H/U/R - Higher rates I unfurnished I Referral Only .. - Apartment-type donns housing two, three, and four students to an appartment ' **· - If for any reason, Cook hall is not available for occupancy. students wi ll be reassigned. , ' ' Ill. GENERt\L DRAWING SITES:

I. Won1 en - Baldwin Lounge 2. Men - Re sidence Li~ Conference Room ' I CURRENT RESIDENT FRESHMEN! • Fresh1nan entering students for 1991 -1992 currently residing in University housing are guaranteed and are required 10 reside in University housing for their second year ( 1992-1993): • . ' ' I NON- RESIDENT FRESHMEN I I

I Students in continuing status who have completed applications for housing and wish to participate in the RSVP ' should report by Friday, March 13, 1992 to the Off-Campus Housing Office located in Room 19, )"' Tubman Quadrangle.


I . 1\ l1 0L1, i11 g (lc11<1-;it 11 11 (l t11111lic<1tio11 ;.1rc not required of continuing students, except for those w l1 0 :.tre not ll. Pt1 y111e 111 c: 111 011ly be 111:1de il)' C•1.'il1icr's 01·t-icc ( Ad111inistrati on Building) 01·J·ic i:: l-lo11r ~: 9 t1 r11 - J pm. Mo11day - Friday Fonn' of Payn1ent : ( I ) Cash. ( 2) Certified Check or Money Orders, ' ' ( _,) St 11 ;1clllcd 10 tl1 c c11cl 01·1 he \v;;1iti 11 g list by making the $ 100 advance rent payment. IO. "fl1c b;1 l<.111 cc 01· F:.1l_l l1ot1sing c l1 arges shall be due and payable in accordance with the regular University schedule for payment of •


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I • • . ' ·TllE HIILJLIOP • ' W 10 EMSUR~ ~ ~ since 1924 • I ffil AL EQtJA/...rtY ~'t\t> '3U~I'£I OUT< LGO.~ ~~71~ MAHDmES

A 'llJRV iRL4L. OF ONE~ PS!~. 1 A Jury ofWhos'e Peers? ftJO Go( S()lltf11/llY l(eOl't&~ ~~G.'S 1LIR.Y I!) ALt. A

• I -- . - . - . . , . - . .- . •

March 13, 1992 THE HILLTOP A7

I • e ew ac ODSCll.OUsness

Monica Colclough Bur the black people of this time were just expressing themselves in a way tried to stop us from silting on buses; Rosa Parks said, ''No!'' They 1ried to thar they had never had a chance to before. stop us from going to school in Litttle Rock Arkansas, but the students said, Red-black-green. hats aod music that screams ''Fight rhe The struggle continued fof blacks during the 1960s to gain equality. · ''No!'' Students held the first sit-in at A&T Universi1y in North Carolina. It Power'' has been the atn1osphere of the Washington area over the last four or wasn'tjust a shirt or a pin that made the change; it was the col lective effort of five years. This is the new black consciousness. This wave of new black many people standing up and saying, ''No, were not going to take it any ii :r acl .AJ...L. IJ/E dE.\l< I more." consciousness is characterized by buttons, pins, hats and anything that can ' ~ demonstrate a person 's African-American roots. Blacks struggled for their freedom in the 1870s and the 1960s, and blacks People are claiming their identity. It is a subtl&protest, but is this subtle Wl/t.rr ELSE I 601TA DO 1?) have. as much to struggle for today as they did back then. The struggle is protest enough to make a serious change? Is wearing a button or a pin with a hardly over. When a black boy gets beaten down in upper New York because black leader's 'picture enough tq raise consciousness? 'E>E 'J>OWNf of the color of his skin , the struggle is hardly over.· After the Reconstruction period during the 1870s, blacks were given their Blacks still aren't represented enough in major corporations, don't receive freedom. Ironi cally, even though blacks had their freedom, their minds and : fair housing, don·'t rec1eive enough bank loans as compared to other groups economic capabilities were sti ll. bound by the chains of social injustice. They and are still subtly di~criminated against. This is no time to rest for black had no real freedom. They had no real voting rights. ·During this time, blacks people. j educated themselves every chance they got throughl spiritual songs, poems All of a sudden, the struggle of black people is commercialized. You see and if lucky, they had the chance to attend school .•1 . people wearing Kente clothe, sporti ng ''I'm black and I'm proud'' buttons Freedom fighters such as Frederick Douglas and w.E.B. DuBois dispelled and wearing a Malcolm X hat. It's senseless to wear a Malcolm X hat and not tl"te notions that blacks were uncivilized savages with no real culture. They know the struggle of Malcolm Little. told the story of black life through their experiences and times. Th~y wrote White and Asian Americans are riding on the bandwagon and commercial­ books and educated people to continue the saga of the rich ~ftican-American izing our heroes becau~e it's all otL a sudden hip. But where were these peo- life. ple 10 to 15 years ago? I Thus, i11 order for many of these people to gain their freedom and to leave Knowing black history is essential for black people to get anywhere a life of despair, they went north to , Boston and Harlem where there because the past precipitates the future. Therefore. if you don't know where seemed to be more opportunities. you've been, the it's going to be difficult to know where you're going. The Blacks, during this period of the 1920s, which was called the Harlem reason why blacks hav~ come this far is because people before us have paved Renaissance, celebrated their culture and their heritagF. , not because it was the the way. They pushed open doors that were once closed. ' ''in'' thing to do, but because it was necessary a1 this r·me for them to identify It 's going to take more than just wearing a Public Enemy sh irt or listening with their culture and to feel worthy. . \ to Ice Cube to make a difference. We 1nust know and understand what we Langs1on Hughes and Paul Lawrence Dunbar w ote about the struggle. wear, what we do and what we see. This should not be a fad that's here today Josephine Baker and Bessie Smith expressed theffiselves through dance. { and gone tomorrow. We must live and fight the struggle to make a change. preached to people in the masses to free themselves through • • economic power. This was a time when it seemed like it was in to be black. Martin Luther King, Jr. rallied thousands of people together to protest. They · The write1· is in the Sc:hool of Co1111111111ic·c1rio11s. • ere e evo ution • e lllS Gustavus D. Griffin iS to objectively and candidly analyze yourself to deter­ been , where you are at, and where you want to go, but ame 011 the line arid your team is behind. You cannot mine what changes .you need to make. To thine own self how to get there, and even the obstacles which will con­ e· perience the thrill :1nd joy of hitting a home run unless be true. One cannot advocate societal change unless one front you. Religion provides this for many, giving them a ou s·\ving the bat. When pne considers that to strike out It is not entirely uncoinmon to hear so1ne Africans call 1 for an all out revolution in order to restore African people is willing to make personal changes. Once you kno\v who proactionary code of conduct. It is under this code of con­ ~ithout swi r1gir1g is the worst thing a hitter can do, one • collectively to a l1igher quality of life. But exactly what is ~ you are, and have honestly a11alyzed yo11rself. then you duct that we organize our mental processes, our behavior. has no choice bu1 to s\vir1g the bat. The only excuse for a revolu1ion·? By 11 dictio11ary definition. a revolution is .a can ask the essential question of ··what do I need t.o do?·· and our efforts in.reference to do the things we need to do. ffiling that is worse than fear is a lack of effort and or change in a sit uation a·nd or direction. Hi storically. in Whe11 you understand that the body takes priority 9ver not what we want to do. Without a code of conduct and or ci,uitting. Frederick Douglass declared. ''Where there is no terms of tl1e overthrov·i of an existing power strtlcture. the part, and that each specific part pl c11J/Jec1rs 1-eg11/a1·/}' i11 the re:1lm of reality) rather than who we are. The next step a road map, which will not only tell you where you have you out of the stands, and puts you at the plate with the ~HE HILLTOP. . ' 1 Omar Tyree , race. t:1lking about he made a 1ni stt1ke. Is this the same Every year. since !976. Wilder that had super confi- the Natio11al Urban League y . tatement on erlca d_er1ce going int~ tl1e presiden- . · t1al rt1ce·? Is this the same L. has been publis!1ir1g ··The 1 State Of Black A1nerica, ··which addresses the statistics in the black communi­ Chicago Bear running back , Walter Pa)1ton is attempting to purchase an NFL Douglas Wi!~er who gave that firey speech at H.oward ~nive r~ity'? And ~~till ty from New York to Los Angeles. But this year. I would like to give 1ny own franchise for empowennent. can not understand Why Rev. Jesse Jackson d1{\ not lor1ii lits own pol111cal views 011 economics. politics, athlelics and cultural education as I a1nbitiously Self economics is defintely a 1nust to create the capital tha1 we need to set party and run again. ··~ou c11n \vin Jesse. Run fOr president." (Eddie Murphy). give ''My Statement On Black America.'' The future is in our hands, yours up a wholistic lifeline for our black communities. But at the same time, we As far as American 'S ?'?'?'?"?first , black fen1:1le mayor. Sharon Pratt Kelley; and 1nine. • should always take advantage of the few CaJ?ilal opportunites that the US gov­ well, what can I say about !1er? At least Mayor Kelley is l1onest <1bout her per­ First of all. we need an organization whose philosophical ideas are diedicat­ ernment is willing to give us Israel asked for$ I 0 billion and the Soviet Union formance. ·~1 would give 111yself :1 C for the first year ... she said in January ed to co1nbining a!I fields. disciplines and religions under one African-cen­ countries are asking for billions along with the millions that the other Eastern­ newspaper reports. But the11 agai11. Reggie Davi s. a stltdent at the University tered principle. to sol idify our goals, a ''Wholistic Foundation.'·' bloc, European countries have already received. So why should we tum away of the District of Colb~mbia, actually went and petitioned to have her votes For instance. we are living within an age where 19 black films. recently from grants, loans and economic programs while the government continues to recounted. grossed more tha1! $200 million. And despite negative propaganda, our per­ drain us and our brothers and sisters in the so-called ''Third World." . Our educators are ontinuing to come to tl1e forefront. We st ill have Dr. centage r:1te of entrepreneurship has increased more than any other group or We have to remember who has economically robbed us and put that into , rr. Yosef A. A. ben-Jochanr1an. Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. nationality ir1 America over the past decade (Black Enterprise report). perspective. The sin1e hand that gives us pennies is the same hand that takes Wade Nobles, Dr. Molefi K Asa11te, Dr. Frances Cress Welsin2, Dr. Leonard 1 In the rap music world, however. Ice Cube and his ''Lynch Mob," have millions back with what they call ;·national debt'' and ''income tax." And whac Jeffries, Jawanza Kunjufu, Haki Madhubuti. Kw<1me Toure, Tony Browder caused an important stir i11volving Korean grocery stores. The controversy of do we receive from this ''national debt'' and ''income tax ," but left-over tech­ and many more. his single, ''Black Korea." which advises the black community to boycott nology, inferior tools, inferior education, inferior housing, police brutality, late Black books1ores are1 expanding with new busir1esses poppin'g up everyday, Korean groceries if we are not treated with respect. ironically led to his adver­ fire trucks, backed-up emergency rooms and unhealthy free cheese? including new network systems. ''Your Black Book s Gude.'' pubjished by tisements for St. Ides beer being pulled from shelves as well as the song being And guess who recliams our hard-earned works when we die? Who went United Brothers and ~nited Sisters in Hampton. Virgi11it1. ht1ve set up-a nation- . pulled from his ·'Death Certificate'' LP. This is what'can happen when we do after Sammy Davis Jr.'s money? Who has a large share in Miles Davis' al, black bookstore network which nl)' own co1npan)'. MARS Productions, will not control the economic market. A11d to battle the Koreans, we must first bat­ become part of. So ~hi le a 101 of us see negativit y. \Ve inust learn to concen­ tle our appetites ·and addictions. ''Culturally, I am very proud of trate more on the positive. We even have

• I '' - • AB THE HILLTOP March 13 1992

Study shows race Grenada revolt gap still persists sparks memory By ASKHARI Johnson bringing it up and pointing it out." Hilltop Staff Writer advised one young white woman. By Omowale Elson According to Eudine Barriteau­ S1udents here responded to the Hilltop Staff Writer Foster, a Grenadian doctoral student Results of a report, scheduled to report results with both anger and at Howard University, ''We should be release d on Mar. 17 , 1992 , disappointment. Thineen years ago today marked a note that there 's nothing wrong in show that young whites are ''insen­ Li sa Gree ne , a 22-year-old significant event in Caribbean hi story. implementing revolutionary changes, sitive'' to what it means to be black senior majoring in psychology and the Grenada Revolution. but we have 10 factor in the Cl}ltural in America. The two experimen1al African-American s1udies, said she Even now, many Caribbean people and hi slorical experiences of the peo­ groups in the report met in Raleigh, is not surprised by th ese state­ look back at that event with mixed ple." North Carolina in early December. ments. emot ions. They ponder whether any What then made the Grenada event One 24-year-old white female Greene sa id ,,."Of course the)' lessons can be drawn from the ex,peri­ revo lutionary, unpopular with the college senior who participated in don 't see a need for UNCF or ence that would be useful in mapping United States, but favorable to grass the analysis said blacks have "a BET; after all, to see a need for out an al ternati ve development path - roots people before the counter-coup? chip on their shoulder and bring them would be admitting that "''e one that is based on integration and According to Profe ssor Hilboume disc rimination on themselves." have a cu lture a11d the y hav e genuine people- l~d policies. Watson, a pol-'1ical scientist here . ''It A 21-year-old male in the group deprived us of our culture. Whatever the feelings and political was revolu1ionary in the techn ical added he be lieves blacks have bad "It is too logical for whites to perspectives, histPry has recorded that sense because of its soc ial procc~s. its body odor, ''unless they cover ii up see that there is a lack of blacks on on that da y. Ca ribbean ma sses foreign poli cy, which cemented tie\ with deodorant ... " He went on to the televi sion . So we need orga11i­ rejoiced at the dbmise of dictator Sir with Cuba and soci ali st cou nt ri c~. a say, ''their hair is just different ... Students protest Eric Gairy, the cduntry's fom1er Prime strong (vocal differing) po

' • I •

D1\TE: I • Maren lOand 11, 1992

· r1~1r: : 9:00 A.M to 3:00 PM ~ The founding brothers of Phi Sigma Pl Nauonal Honor F'ratemJty. 1 Alpha Tau Chapter. would II.kc to thank the Howard COffiQJu rUty for 1commg us with open anns. Phi Sigma pt Is planning arid workin ( ;e11er:ll M11tc1rs and ( of\11\ C f'inancial Service> are 1>1ea. ;1111 I t fl1t ·11, !11 111(' \.! i 111'- t•TI !t'111.:t' .1·,, .. " ,111 I t \\~ 11 i. ; 111 tjlll' , ., •I\ ltl·ll11l I I ~ . :11.i,! ;1,}. •• 1i:-)11t lilt' ~\ 11.fc I. :1rk.·1~ t ll litt:Mk,; Ill!-!. 111.111 .. :1\ ;11lulllt' t•l 1,J)l ll_L'l' ~1 111.l1.·11t .. 1l1r1i11glt (i\1 \~ t· 111 •. 11111;1J "I'\ ll'I''· 11ti._l t1 1 Il l)! !Ii..· ( ,\J,\( ( 11fk:!_!;..: ( t ·111:tlll'C l'1i.UI.

De51;'.~'?L--===frck B.W. Stmmons Presldcnl. Phi Sigma Pi I ' I MOERS: Michelle Bc:U. Tony~ Daughtery. Stnione DaVla. Launc Gardilcr. ~~JValierte ~ rcen ·v~n Haywood. C)J'eryt HJU. Consuelo Hopk111s I .... ""... ,. ., tunes. rtan .... '& Lorna Lowe. Taiwan l.Mngston Klrnbcrt · fllanc:y, Roi>bl McCall. ~Moran . Sonja Mori

I . ' • I ·" };'" ~•.;! ;ooi , •'41'"..Mtk>ll• r,,. '"" -....-~ ~ ~ • ~.ii _...... • • ...... 'Ill' ~ 9 , ~ 11, .• , •.,, , ~'"' ' "'"~~ , 1.11 \11Hi I ...,..,.,,f"t- ,.,.. •·-! ...,_,.,..., .. .,. '"'l ,J ,,.,, ~~ """-"'''- l''"'n!l~ti.-t; \ 1 IMIB ·~~ ...... ,_ ...... ~ - I _,,..,. ..,,., , •~• ,llt...-..-.. Ill .... A!l I •M'• • f,11 .... l...r lh• , .,,~ p ...... , .• 1-.- 4• , 1h~ .... •I llor 1, \l \,,_ t ...... '"I'.,,.,_•• ,;;•;,;<;;• ;;11,;;•;,..-..1

' • • • • •

,.. •_,'' THE HILLTOP --- ..

ions are now avai a e1n• ' .· ' • .. ice o ent CONGRATULATIONS


Winner of the Bls9n Senior Cruise Bison ear Drawing to the Bahamas 1n• oom 117 of the urn • enter. to a IS • arc on't ate!

eorgetown UN ' IVl..: RSITY

'.\ 1. \ ) ] ,"!-.1 l . 1'\: I·: 12 I' I{ 1: ·:"l·.. '>S t1 I:"\ .ll '!'\' l·: :-O: -.ll ' I .) It) l· lltS'I Sl ·. SS l1l." .I l . ,'\;I·: :-1 -J t · 1, ) . ,'I I Ii t• .11·r -\\ I' l'. h <: K1 IS:' SI·,. .;..; II J '.: 11 '1., 1.·, ...\l '( ",l .··' 1· 1· . . S l·C '.l),llSl·.s..;111"\ ======.-, -. • I l t1ri11 .L'. t l1c ,1 1111 111L'f 111!111t l 1~ ( il'<•r!!t.: t,,1111 l ' 11 i1 o.: r­ - 'il1 . • i " 'll\ ·, Sl·l10 1,.i 1\ir ,o.;1 1111111.;1 ,111l l < :11t1ti 11t1i11g l·:ll1 1l·a t io111 .• - 11ff1.: 1' !llO> fl: 111.111 ,'\! 1( 1 fl.').!.tlLlr ).!.f.1l l11 :l!L' :ltlll ll llllt:r­ • Make sure your road trip proceeds without.a hitch. !!,f.llllJ.lll' l•lllf<,l'' li1r :1Jl '[lllll·ll\,, \ 'i,itlll).!. ' !llllL'.11[' • ft lll.·j.!t'' ,! !Ill ll tl i l't.;f~it i L'' (';Ltl l'Jfll ('fl.:l lil ' • 11l1i, 11 .ttl· · •rll 1r1.1r1I\ 1r.111,f.;rr.1l1 l1.: I•• 1l1.. :i1 ''1111 ,t<.: ).!.lt: l· I''' i!!_r.1 r1,. ·"'111111r1L' r l I 1111 'l.'' .tr..: 1.111.:.:111 11' 1111.:11111..:r' ,,f < ;c.: ,•r,!!l'T•>1111', ,ji,r111.e.111,l1l·,t f.1r11 l1' .111tl <• !l 1~· r 11,11111).!. • '• • ,l·l11il.11, , • 1·: 11ro>lln1l'l1t i, <1 11l·111<1,1ll , t1 11 lL'll l ' i11 .c;u1ll ,l.ll llii11 µ, • Jt ( ;c,n.!!L't''''n .1111l .tll •• tl1c1 •·• 1l ll')!l.'' :1 11tl 11 r1 i\ 1.:r-. i! il''· • • f!ll'l: l)!ll -.1111 \0:111-. I\ ith .I ' J'( ll ·'. J.' \, \t'( ' (~ f< ',f lill,!!111,(1('' l'l •111 '<;' 1 !l tl t! illlj j\ fllt1.ll' I I hol'ol' - ' • • l'll11,·:11i11r1.1l l1.1 1 k .:2. l'<111 111t .l!lli 0:\ 11 0.:ril.'fll.l.' •11 1:1 lif, tlll't11 aav oop v1so 111 t S<) 111eti 111 es r<>~·tll tl·i11s c~1 1 1 l1e a little 1nore adventt1rous than you • ~· ~,- t~lf till' l' !lllf~' thL·\ I I j,11 [Ol [.lk l.·. . lf >l>J l>I 101 •>II I II • -- -- • ( ·.1f;tl1J!!lll'\ .llll<>!lL' fL'.<:. z11tJ.ii- 111/.i. l 11 ti1 1r11:11i<111 li1r ~1 '/'111 l ·.11!!./i,·/111·· 11 /.",,,·,i'.!11 / _,111•111tl f!t' . ' ~ ' / '11',!!. IYI Ill I >f f ff 1.!!.h . \ '1 Jr,,,,/ / '1~1.f!liill l • j ~ :I\ :I j J:1I 1l 1• ' !1f < Ill.\!, 11 ~ l· 1 1~r: 11 1: i )r<1l'! 11 1ro:,, l'lc:i-..; ('ll t:l·k 1!1..: ~1111r1 11 1 r i atL' 11(1\ expect then1 t(> l)e. Wl1icl1 is wl1y y<)ll sl1ot1lc.I

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Ano i think I ~ now 1ust how 10 do 1t!

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fie'\ raqed ~hi s fe \low off ,c.ers. 1on \Jo\1 an1 15 forced to act ou\side \l U) tne ~ Do dear\~ \o ~e s, a5 v.11~111 anl'I I rhe ~a\ < anf llu,1od 1,. on l)nl<• 11 .. 1oy h o l

Kl-V\R I SAMPSON 's ,fl\ iii ;;;y ~··1 ..,,.,,,., ...... ,,.. f1.lpltt• <1 .. rn •• 11n.i1;itttt.I ~ in c;·e ..No .. cl "o-E'4 2 r; (.Ol• ""J" ill ~1i · .. .

Dr earn1119 up~he ldt:>a d 1..1r 1n(\ il ft~snman beer ~oo .an unl\nown col \eqe 5\udern Qo<\s ~he rnasl'i of freemen

• I . a L/$T[N. ' f. / D .. ~ o · ( /f/ lL OVI •

Re: \uc i an\ \ ~ tl!!l\b1,.;nci the 1r for ce s, fue two m4&1e r'4 men htN e. · cO tT\ f'rl\ tt('d t 'ne rn5~ \ 'J If\ 'bf I 1"1Q­ \l)q d own Du\<.e H~ \e~5 drug empi re.

• • '

, • •


.. t • r ' 't

'• 0 Tempo/82 Food/84 Hilltopics/86 n

Books/BJ Excursions/BS B

• ,. • ' . . ' • I broke my pledge 1son stea es OWlll because the boys . ' ' By Preston' Jenkins tage . .37.22. tha11ks to 28 first half ''We were hoping that we would had it going on Hilltop Staff Writer rebound s cornpared to tl1e Bison's eventually wear them down . I tried t 3. to keep nty [player.] rotation as much There was llC\'er a dL1ll 1non1ent in as I could." For those who kno\v me we ll , I NORFOLK,Va.--When Florida A the gar11c :1s botl1 tear11s see n1 cd IQ The Bison would eventually come decided several 1nonths ago 10 & M"s De lon Turner, the Mid­ play ttbove the riin ror the enlire con­ back to tie the game with just under eliminate the word ''dtimn·· fro 1n Eastern Athletic Conference Pl 11yer test. But the hectic p11ce of tl1e g<1111e 2:00 tninute$ in th~ game, thanks to a n1y everyday voc11bulary. Now, of the Year, put·.up a last seco11d l•ty• woulcl ever1tu:1lly benefit \lie Bisl)n turnover by the Rattlers' Darrell before you start oool1i11g an d up that teas'ed the rim a11~ finally as Florida A & M head c·oadh Willie Wiiiiams as McN·eil re sponded aaal1hing that a young lady rolled off giving the Fi owa rd Booker dicl 1101 make a s·ub~ 1itulio11 promptly by nai ling a three -pointer cursed nearly everyday, let me University Men's Basketball tean1 until the I :31 mark in the rir$t hair. · t·rom the left conler to tie the score, state for the record that I used the the MEAC championship trophy and The Bison sta11ed the ga11~e shoot­ 62-62. common. "ever~day profanity their first NCAA appearance si nce ing a l<1n1c 27 percent as 1hey r11ade Free ·throws by "Holley and fresh­ only i11 certain s1ruations. Some 1981, it was typical of the entire only 11i11e of 33 first half ~116 t s. But man Art Crowder sealed the Bi son of you are using it rigl1t now. ¥ • Bison season. th e Bi sor1 l1:1ve not l1ec11 la gre<1t victory as Florida A & M missed an But a11y \V3)', I l1ad succeeded jn "Someone.upstairs was looking out shooting tc;1111 all year. the ctirfere11ce opporlun ity to hold on to their lead not say ing the profa11e ~rd until for u's," said the elated Bi son head in this p:1rticL1lar game V.' I proble1TI~ i11 the ··1 don·1 know how lo·ng this roller Wash i11gton Times. \Vho head the · The first 35 minutes of the ga111e sec·ond half ;1s the Bison g11:1rd rol•1- coaster ride will last," Coach Beard the Rattlers owned the Biso11 ~ L s tio11 p:ii cl big "I· .,. some nasty boys in the Bi g Easl. ~,.,,. Yet. did they give up? No! .-·' - ~ Tl10 .o; e losses only made Milan - i sl1oot better, Cl1arles jun1p higher " • ' a11d Julius a little more juicier 011 - the court. Not to nlenlion the ~- • ' rest of the crew who was just as legit. In The Washington Post, it was stated that ''the coaches sold th is season ·s players on the notion that they we ren't going to get any tnore talented. but they Photo by Teresa Burnell could get smarter." Now, I don·1 . know how true or untrue that · Defense, defense, and more defense was one of the keys to the Bison's win over the • state'1nent is, but one thing is for Rattlers. Kelsey Sturdivant and Charles Solomon halted the movement of a trapped Rattler. suce·the Bi son won because of • plain ol' hard work . The Post and The Times said we did not have any stars. And they were absolut ely wrong. Even though we did not have a ' ·~. - ' Alonzo Mour·ning or a Walt ' -.. . . ~ ..... " Williams, we did have a group \ _ of 12 fel las that possessed more savvy and perseverance lhan ' • any other team in the MEAC. • Unlike other teams. th ey fel t t . ·~ confident when Ton1m y Brown . r '-==- I sa t down , and Mila11 Brown ca1ne in ·they kn ew that their teammates would deliver. The • Bi son's win s did not hover on Photo by Teresa Burnell , - " who did or did not have a bad • night , but who did or did not put Howard Holley, #14, resembled Michael "Air" Jordan as he forth the added guts and hustle took flight for a bucket in th~ last few minutes,. of the game. ' . I' needed to win the game. Our • '•' entire team was composed of • stars; they even made me a star. ' So many folks who I thought ·Senior guard 5 poi n1 s ' never knew my name now say. -Stats v. Florida A • • .-- ' • "Johanna, will yo u be getting -MEAC Tournament· ·Stats v. Sotllh &M • any ticket s to th e NCAA Most Valuable Pl~yer Caro/i,1a .'itate . ,­ 1' . I Tournament?'' . 20 1ninutes ' Hopef ully,-you 've understood ·Stats v. Betl111ne· 24 111inu1e's • 2·8 from the field ', ....,-. • why I reneged on my ''no cursing Cookman Colfege ~6-7 from the fiel d 3.4 fron1 the free 8-11 rro111 the fre e throw line · • ·- endeavor". And , I'm sorry if I • Photo by l>rnton Jenkins di sappointed so1ne of ya'll but 22 r1Ji11utes th'row li11e 2 steals ' • 2-4 [Joni the field 2 assists 7 poi11ts my boys finally got some damn • The Bison men took a brleflnoment1QJ:elax alter the 1991:92 MEAC Awards Banquet at respect ! I rebound 2 ste;1Js which Tommy·erown (third from· left In the back rowl was-elected ,Rookie of the )'ear. I steal 22 points • . I· . • .. . . ' ' • . ' • :- ' . • . . • • ' \ • • • • • • • • • • •

• • '" 82 THE HILLTOP March 13, 1992 ' '

What's going I on ... a calendar of 'da • District's latest events ankly speaking... pring Fever is in tl1c air! 11·s ' 1ime to kick back and chill I in the sunshine. And wh:1t better p]a('e is there to catcl1 some rays than Florid11'? Spring Break will be here pretl)' soon (for those of )'OU w/10 don 't have a clue) and Walt Disney World h;1s big savings 1·or students. With a valid stt1den1 l.D. , college stu­ d\:!nts can take a break ,frorn all of their partying and beach-con1bing and kick-it with Mickey for a day's worth of thrills at Magic Kingdon1 for $22 plus tax.


1 Cub~ Gooding, Jr. (right) and James Marshall in a scene from "'Gladiator(-• In an int.erview-of-sorts, "Gladiator'' star talks about his new film and life -- on and--off the silver screen

By ASKHA~I johnson, NeX,t. I was supposed to ask him about his r1ew movie. 111ove twice as fast , ·cause you're adding his speed to your Hilltop Staff Writer \vhich I didn't really care about. bu! I did any\Va)'. 0011 't gel speed a11d if you just tilt a little bit it will go right over y,ou ' me wrong. I'm sure the movie is sla1111nin'. but 111ovies co 111 e as long 11S you go at him. Boom! Boom! Boom! KnOw and go and I was more interestecl in C11ba tl1e perso11. A11cl \Vhat I n1ean? There is a strategy to everything! '' If you don't plan to get e Program is full ot' poetry and olcl friends or sotnething. how intense he looks as he begins to tell r11e thir1gs about eople look to me now. I'm an example. so I gotta watch I I I music by Howard stud en1s, and rur1s The first thing , .,,,anr1a kno\v is how come his name is how to move. He explains. ''NO\V, I pu1 gloves 011 [ 111 y \ 1at s;1 y and only say thi11gs really mean ... I'll build up every Saturday from 3-7 p.m. begi1111ing C11ba. Of course I kno\v tl1at hi s father's natne is Cuba, and a positive image and 1hen destroy it! So this is all a lie! '. (I ' roommate] , and say 'hit me in the head :1s 111any ti111es as on April 4th. Admission is $7.00 for 1h:1t !1e is

Student artists. , . showcase works in f 61st Annual, Art Students Exhibition •• • By Preston Jenkins will be a-closing reception for pa1rons several young artists that are participal­ • Hilltop Staff Writer that \vould !ike to sec th e exhibit and ing in thei r second, third and fourth stu­ nleet 1l1e artist~. At the closi11g receptio11 dent show. xhibits by University art oes a roa first, seco11d, 1l1ird and honorable 111en1 ion Michaela Pilar Brown, who boycotted student.s v.•ho nlay not 11or­ awards \viii be an11ou11ced in three differ­ last year's 'student show to protest work­ n1ally have an opportunit}' ent categories: pai111ing and sculp1ure. ing conditions (among other 1hings) in to display their work will print1naki11g ancl pl1otograpl1y. scul pture the sculpture annex, is back this year Cast of award-winning musical be vie\ved in 1he Howard and thrce-di111e11sio11al displays. with powerful and provocative sc ulp­ University Gallery of' Art Martha Jackson-Jarvis, described as tures. to perform in Hong Kong next week as a part of the 61 st Anr1ual A11 Students 011e of tl1e 111os1 prolific and respected Jason Wallace, Kimberly Johnson. By Shamarra Turner ;' Tl1e American cals and other ideas in a11s cur­ Exhibition. Over 117 works of art creat­ artis1s in the \V;1s hin gton Metropolitan Chantee Benefield, Sam Nelson-Odoi, Hilltop Staff Writer Community Theatre invites ricula. ed exclusively by students in the College 1 Area. was the lone ju ror v. ho selected the Pamela Burris, Knottyhead and Marcel The commercials that will of Fine Arts will be di splayed until rec ipients of lhe awards. groups from 1.111 over the world Taylor are just a few of the talented o\vard be· aired in Hong Kong to Friday, Mar. 20. $tudent artists who 's works are on dis­ and they initially chose us to artists represented in this show. Un iversity's advertise Dreamgirls were Paintings, photography, ceramics, play say the exhibit overflows with exot­ Taylor just completed a mural for be their entry in the fes1ival," Dreamgirls Singleton said. shot by Howard 's own sculpture. printmaking, mi xed-media ic and colorful works that they consider Zalco Realty Company that is now locat­ 1 ··Al thou gh our. dates con­ and drawings comprise the colorful and to be spiritual , in1portant, and personal ed in the lobby of the Martin Luther King cast can look WHMM TV (Channel 32) flicted. they still wanted us to vibrant assortmenl of works that vary to the1n . For exan1p le, Carlita Scarboro. Building located at 1220 12th Street, forward to station. con1e as . g·uest Studen1s and faculty will in size, shape, texture and purpose. a junior nlajoring i11 experi1nental studio, N.W. However, he still managed to par· get

I March 13 1992 \ BOOKS

•• vs. • emae • e ma e 1ma Author expwres historic plight ofblack women By John L. Jackson Jr ex:1mples of tl1 e 1nanifestfltion o.f sexism in the literary co~- ~· " ~- Hilltop Staff Writer n1unity, a 111icrocosn1 of the sex1s 111 that permeates the entire ~ An1erican culture. e here is a good deal of evidence to suppqrt the common­ The n1ajor argun1ent posited by Hernton was also handled ly held notion tpat we are in the midst of a literary fourth 1nany years ago by Zora Neale Hurston in TJ1ei1· Eyes Were of July in America for black female writers. From Alice Watchin~, God. In that book. an old grandmother tells her . Walker to Paule Marshall to Gloria Naylor, black female young granddaugl1ter that black women are ''de mules a de ~ · writers hav'e been receiving a somewhat extensive world'' because 1l1ey have to slave for not only white men but · ~ amount of critical acclaim for their fiction (a lthough black 1nen. They are the slave's slaves. O ~ some could easily contend that it is still not as much a's they deserve). Well, it's Her111on 's contention that black women are sti ll ~~~... ·• Pulitzer Prizes and National Book Awards notwith standing, a the n1ules of the world, and he believes that they have been . ~ ' ~ plethora of opposing opinions abound on the power and merit of con­ forced to contin ue their role of n1uledom partially due to the 0 temporary black female fiction offerings. All is not rosy and bright for fact that black men are lining .up with white men on the sexism._ " I .today's biack' women who have the courage and motivation to put their question. "'. i:S,.( wisdom to paper. Black women writers, 0~~ 1 Many critics call the most widely lack women writers Hernto11 believes, not only must con- acclaimed black female writings "attempts tend with the racism that is perpetual- -,' at destroying and attacking the literary not only must deal ed again's1 all black people, but they f O image of black men." They say that a major also have to deal with the terrible real- ~ :, reason why the white literary establishment with the racism that ity of sexis1n in a male dominated .; ~ ~ is receiving black female fiction with such is perpetuated against all soc iety. Furthermore, he maintains in • i ~ fervor stems from- the fact that that litera­ a crisply written, and utterrly insight- ~ >-- ; ture tends to ''debase'' and ''devalue·· the black people, but they also ful series of essays, 1ha1 thi s sexism ~ ~I image of the black man . Detractors claim have to deal with the terrible does11 '1 o nl~ come from .white me~; A~-....;. that the white literary establishment would black 1nen, 1t seems, are JUSt as ser1- lt~ naturally embrace works that assists in the reality of sexism in a male ously at f;1ult as their while counter- ·" ' continued misrepresentation of black male d~inated society." parts. figures in literature. '' Bl·ack men," he writes, For instance, Calvin Hernton says in his ··have historically defined themselves book The Sexual Mountain and Black as the sole interpreters of the Black Women Writers, that black men in 1978 Calvin Hernton Experience. They have set the priori­ • detested the rave reviews that Ntozake ties, mapped out the strategies, and Shange's For Colored Girls Who Have soughrto enforce the rules." Cof1side1·ed Suicide When the Rainbow ls En1if garnered 'from critics Hernton further advances the notion that it is black male after its Broadway debut. Colored Girls hit Broadway and all hell \\'Titers. some of \vho1n are ra1!1er prominent in the literary broke loose. \vorld. tl1;1t J1elp lo suppress tl1e work and insight of budding ''Black men ," Hernton writes, ''took severe offense over the rave black \\10111e11 autl1ors. Anytime Defe11cle1··.v l1:1vir1g ··disti11ctly t·e111 i11i stic aw;treness and sensitivity't), Toi Vernon Jarret, to The Village Voice's Stanley Crouch, many black 1nf1le Drrricottc. :incl 111<.111y others. With its interestingly innovative Publisher: Anchor Books critics lashed out against the play .and the playwright-Jarret going as a11alyses

-,. ....··----...... -- -· --,,,- ·...... ···...... ·- .....- .- ...... ····--·...... , ...·- . ,, ,,.. ., .. .. • · 1 · .,.-~ l""'J""'•" - C!llJ• Ar o •"""'''''''' '"''");''" - ···-···--· ... - ..-- · ·-·· --· ···-· - ~-•JF"I~ 1-". l , E_ > <.::>!~,,1' . -.~p V-.?Y 'I

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• I I . •, 84 March 6 1992 :--:

• •• • •

, .. • Lose pounds ... acrificing · ~ the healthy way . ... By Anissa Cooke a11d r you 10 THE ACADEMI C AFFAIRS LECTURE SERIES juggle classes, activities, projects, 1 AND - and term papers- an(t still fia(J time. ASSEM BLY FOR NEIV ENTRA\JTS for what inakes life real life. An Exploration of the Characteristics tL1/1ic/1 De_/i11e tlie 1Vricc111-Arnericar1 /11r ellectl1a! Tradirio11: "Broad It's a complete and affordable 1 Class.le. sysle1n lhal's Appreciation and Undersrandi11g of1/1e \\ orld 1/1a1 u•c1s ar1d is az ot1r Rela1io1110 il." (DtlBois) ready w help you get )'Our v.·ork fu•ii.} ·for ntl)re i11ft}rn1atitln Apple Macintosh Classic II • • (1992) with a presentation entitled "Return to the Village. " The series continued on on the entire line of Apple J\.1acin­ T System 7 capable February 12th with a lecture on '.Blacks in Europe and the New World Order" delivered f:t)Sh C01.nputet$.w1d f()r ,Je.1.ails(ll\ the ., Sound capabilil.. by The Honorable Bernie Grant. senior black MP in the House of Commons . and on Apple Comput~.r Loan. • Combines porlam"''""' & affoldabilly February 26th with a reading by Ms. Paule Marshall of her most recent and critically Fcrmore Information 11ee- acclaimed novel.Daughters. Myrtle Crabbe Hazel Dlltliel Molll18!' • F11!11Jy Tl.lllstia)ll A Thulsd/lys- 10iXJ AM · 12.30 PM The Oftice of the Vice President for Aca\)emic Affairs is pleased to present the Howard UnJVe!Sity 8ocllstore • 2401 - 41/J Street, NW • 202-8C6-6858 following guest lecturers whose presentatio ns will bring a conclusion to the lecture series for the academic year 1992-1993.

ATIORN EY·BRYAN STEVENSON Mid-Atlantic OUR RESPONSIBIL11Y TO RIGHT \VRONGS: HOW CAN ANYONE DO ANYTH ING Education Sales: 301-599-9555 ELSE? & Authorized Educa(ion Sales Consultant Tuesday.March 17, 1992, 2:00_p.m. -- Andre\V Rankin Men1orial Chapel Attorney Stevenson personifies the adage. "To \Vhom much is given . much is If Your Nails Aren't Becomir1g to You, expected." He rejected America's reigning )''ou Shol1ld be Coming to image of Success and works seven days a week at the Alabama Capital Representation Resource Center defending indigent inmates on death row.

DR. CORNEL WEST 26!6Georgia Ave11t1 ~ N. W. AFROCENTRJCI1Y: A CHALLENGE TO A PEOPLE (Next Door to Howard Ccipy) Wednesday• April 8.. 1992. 2:00 p.m. " Ira Aldridge Theater Appointment or Walk-1.n s \Velcom.e Dr.West, Professor of Religion and Director of the Center for Afro-American Studies Hours: Mondav-Saturday-9:30-U ntil. .. at Princeton University. is one of the nation's most pro lific 1Vliters and eloquent (20 2) 232-8875 speakers. He will discuss his singular insights on Afrocentricity. Tips with Gel,1Silk! Fill-Ins Pedicure Dr. West is the author of numerous publications including Prophetic Fragments, The Sculptured Fiberglass American Evasion of Philosophy: A Geneology of Pragmatism. and Prophesy Overla y Wraps Deliverance: An Afro-American Revolutionary Christiani ty.

$45 $45 $25 $25 PPROFESSOR MARGARET WALKER ALEXANDER Reg .(560) ~ eg . (S 60 ) Reg.($30 I • Reg.($351 PERSPECTIVES OF A FAMED ZOTH CENTURY AFRICA AMERICAN TEACHER AND \\111b (;>upQo O oly \\'1lh C<>ur>on O uJ,. V.'i1h t. oupon OnJ, • With ( '<'u!X'n Only ' WRITER • ***Limited Time Offer••• So Call No"' '

• • \ I . -. . -. • • ., ' "' t I ' • • - ,,. ·- ,,.. r . - .. . • • -- - . . BS THE HILLTOP March 13 1992 To: The Howard University Student Population: After Tuesday night's Emergency General assembly meeting, many students Yes, it is the responsibility of the General .Assembly Elections Committee to are probably wondering what will happen with the election of the 1992-1993 . make sure that the Elections' guidelines are just and consistent; however, this Howard University Student Association President anlj Vice-President. can only be done if the student leaders will adhere to the commitments they make when taking these offices. As moved, seconded, and passed in this meeting, the General Assembly voted to nullify the election that took place on Wednesday, March 4, 1992. Let it be Last semester, as a concerned student who had previously worked with known that the General Assembly has not had a meeting with a quorum since Elections, I approached Ivan Bates, the current HUSA President, explaining to November until Tuesday evening's Emergency meeting, when a quorum was him that ''the guidelines needed to be changed." He understood the urgency; met. however, I ws told that this feat could not be accomplished due to lack of par­ ticipation from elected student leaders. Si~ce inquiring minds want to know, permit nie (on behalf of the General Assembly Elections Committee), if you \vould, a moment or two to straighten Foreseeing the lack of participation from student leaders as far back as out your characteristic view of what has occurred . August 29, 1986, Ona Alston and Yvonne Brooks, then HUSA President and • Vice-President respectively, submitted a letter to all student councils that read: Factually, the General Assembly Elections Committee was forced to abide by the same rules and regulations that I, Maleika S. Mosley, as well as the past " ... We hope that everyone ·will take his or her responsibilities seriously. In three Elections Chairpersons, have tried to get changed and improved. order for things to run smoothly, it is imperative that everyone will attend all However, many of the student leaders at Howard University do not feel these required meetings on time or send a proxy when applicable ....This will enable issues are important to resolve until controversy, or shall we say, unfounded us to meet quorums, begin on time, and adjourn meetings as quickly as possi­ scandal arises . ble. You, the students who have elected these leaders also have the responsibil­ • ity of holding those same students accountable for their performance. After Factually, in passing the motion to nullify the previous vote, the General all, it is your student activity fee that they spend.'' Assembly has placed itself in an awkward position. The General Assembly has agreed to do the following: In THE HILLTOP dated February 15, 1991, Karen Good reported that ''the ' absence of members of HUSA policy board [and] the General Assembly [at (1) Approve a ne\V Elections schedule to comply with the HUSA constitution scheduled meetings] makes it virtually impossible to get policies changed [and/or improved]." It is unfortunate that the General Student body will suf­ (2) Find the funds to accomodate a new Elections fer because of the inability of elected student leaders to remain committed to • their duties. · (3) Serve as pollworkers ill order to help defray the costs We no\V kno\v that many of our elected student leaders do not take lheir The time in which we· have to set this new schedule would be a total inconve­ duties and responsibilities seriously. They do not participate in the required nience for you, the students, whose vote is needed. A new budget would force meetings in order for things to run smoothly. Now that you understand why it the present HUSA administration to operate at a deficit and leave office \Vith is imperative that everyone attend all required meetings on time or send a this deficit still in tact. In allowing the members of the General Assembly the proxy when applicable, it is our sincere hope that you will use this information opportunity to serve as pollworkers, paid or unpaid, we would be compromis­ whenever you are given the opportunity to vote for the 1992-1993 HUSA ing the checks and balances system as afforded in the HUS~ constitution. President and Vice-President. Furthermore, the 1992-1993 HUSA administration will be forced to bear the burden of such a deficit. In closing, to our colleagues that have called and come by, we encourage you not to concern yourself with the General Assembly and Bros. circus that took What you, the students, must realize is that the General Assembly Elections place on Tuesday evening but rather with the notion that students should more Committee functions as a part of the Howard University Student Association closely scrutinize the students they are voting in as their leaders. that is governed by the General Assembly. -This is a paid Commentary from Maleika S. Mosley, 1992-93 Elections Chairperson .


lntr< Kiuci11g tl1c Maci11tc)sl1 (:lassie 11. ' For more information visit Hazel Daniel on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm at the University Bookstore •

• • • · or contact Myrtle Crabbe at 806-6658 or Fran Poling at Computerland 301/599-9555

• ]·~·I \1•:•.•-• ••l''l•«l \ !,l ••I• ,, .I rci;l·I' .,.,i 1r.11:,·•r.1r, .. 'c·d 1111

.. . )

• ' ' ' I . 86 THE HILLTOP

ANNOUNCEMENTS AT (202) 806-7292, 7906 (H.U) 9093 for detail s Girl s! ·- The Hood G. (March 8) I hope you had a It feels so good 10 be so live. And Howard's Episcopal/ Anglican (202) 529-5734 (H) OR KEVIN ROOMS FOR RENT IN To My Husband, I'm so proud of great one. -- Love, Tracy to think ... we've only just begun! Mission invites you to Services PAUL AT (301) 390-7473 BEAUTIFUL. NEWLY you. Congratulations on a job Lillian, Hey-man . Keep on -- Love, Karen G. ' _in the Carnegie Building's Little The Louisiana Club will be RENOVATED 3-STORY well done' For every flower moving And remember ... like Tene, Thanks - Boy. I know hQw Chapel each Sun. 9a.m. having a meeting in Llfr HOUSE located 4 BLOCKS blooms in its time & season. This BeBe and CeCe say - It's okay. ·­ to be dramatic ... - as she ran Douglass Hall on Mon. 16 at FROM HU CAMPUS.* MUST is your time! GOD is the Petula through the wheat fi elds. . , -· 5:00 p.m. SEE TO BELIEVE' W-W carpet , greatest! I Love You, Don -­ N.S , J.M, s.c ., E.S. , L.J .. C.B., Auntie Student Cluster Big Bro/Sis central air/heat. fireplace, washer your wife T.Y. , C.W., T.S.,Z.V.C., Mr. Synergy. Congrats and Mandatory meeting Thurs. 3/19 & dryer, fu ll y-equipped kitchen, I6-A-90, If love is a sin, May "Up above my head I hear ZETA Thank s. -- 128-3 10 @ 6:30pm in School of Business two fu ll bathroo1ns a11d 1nore! God forgive me! -- 5-B-90 in the air ... " Kevin Bryan: Congrats & best of Attention: Golden Key Members nn 216. Discussion of Spring FEMALES ONLY' $320 per mo. Happy Birthday To the 13 women who could not luck! -- Love, Kali Meeting: Mar. 16, 1992 5pm Fling and Banquet. Please plan to + utilities. Call 202-265-1518 or March 12th be with us due to circumstances. To my KINETIC staff & Rm 142 Blackbum attend. 202-483-8406. Carol Crawford Don't worry Spring '93 is going supporters: Thank you on a job C.ontact: Tracy L. McFerrin Attention: All future community Rooms tOr Renl Near Campus, Erika Dennis to be even larger and to those well done. -- Kali . (202) 745-1091 leaders, entrepenurers and Public W/D, D,W 2 Bathes, working Karima Ravnell who are sti ll on the scales - weigh Marcus Ward & Endya Eames, Disneyworld - Seaworld - Epcot Policy majors. Position yourself Fireplace $300 + util. Contact Jeffrey Scon (or is it Roger?), it out - are you really ready for Get some sleep. 1 love you guys' Center 5 days (Aug. 7-11 ) ONLY for success now. Join the H.U. Shireen (202) 667-0428 or (202) Actions speak louder than words. Zetadom. ·- Kali - $249.00 CALL (202) 37 1-0178 REPUBLICANS. For more info 797- 1379 leave message. ' -- Sabrina Spring '92 Another Bad Creation TARIQ, Do you re1nember the -Efe Contact Brian at 789-8066 or Nicely Fufliii shed Rooms for Rent Congratulations Sp. 92" We've made it out of the "su11" time? You bring the cu be s, I'l l • The H.U. Wisconsin Club meets Gerald at 289-8537. Get Student environment. Near l-A-89, Aftershock Alias "Anita and across the "beach." I love bring lhe honey. Thanks for the Wedn. 5p.m. in Blackbum Room Involved!!! Howard WID $275/nionth and up Baker" y'all dearly. -- The Equalizer • lt1st 2 1/2 years. -- Luv ya 150 Black Nia F.O.R.C.E. would like includes utilities. Ca ll 202/291- To: "A.B.C." To our Big Sisters (5) Are we Always & Forever PAJI Mr. Howard applications can be to invite everyone to their weekly 2248. Welcome to the family. I love sorors yet? -- A#S, 7, 8, I0, 11, Cheryl Carter. Congratulation s picked up in the U.G.S.A. office Fri. meeting, 7:00 p.m. in FOR SALE you all. -- 9-A-89 CP · 12 on wi nning President of the room 110 Blackbum. Deadline Douglass Hall Room 116. This CHEAP! FBifU.S. SEIZED To my Specs: Build that Blue & To my Brother in Sigma & in Engineering Studen t Council. -­ .' March 20 weeks topic:PRISON & The 89 MERCEDES ...... $200 White Tower. -- 9-A-89 Life, Rule #I: Think before you Luv Ya , Kisha, Pam, Lisa, Jill. BOOK DRIVE! Justice System. KnoW!edge is 86 vw ...... $50 Cabbage Patch speak. you're not losing a brother, Dana New Books Needed for Children Power! Please attend. 87 MERCEDES .. :...... $100 To "All My Children" I love all you're gaining a sister. I love you. HAPPY \st ANNIVERSARY (Ages 3-17). To Be Collected We've taught you how to deal 65 MUSTANG ...... $50 of you, so much! -- B.B.C. I l-A-92 P.S . I miss T.N.G. -- Love, 9-A-91 ! from Mar. 10-1'9. Collection sites with the mental, now let's embark , Choose fro 1n thou sands starting Congratul ations! The Blue and our talks and your 2:00 a.m. Congratulations! Sorors - are BETHUNE, SUTTON,& on the physical!!Join the women $25 . FREE 24 Hour Recording White \Viii be in your hearts phone calls to our humble abode. KANIKA & SHAUNDA as MERIDIAN. Sponsored by of Black Nia F.0.R.C.E. Mon., Reveal s Detail s 80t-379-2929 4/ever. -- Love , Mom To my "front " China doll and to UGSA Reps. -- Alpha Chapter - ALPHA CHAPTER - ZB. Mar, 16@ 7:30pm in lhe Copyright #DC I2KJC To my Wondertul Brothers of Phi my "back" Sista Soul ya down Z$B MISS 1992 DC WORLD - Now Blackbum Forum room as we DRUG LORD 'fRUCKS! $100 Beta Sigma Frat., Inc. Zeta wit 0.P.P.-UH we not know Z$BL Ee- Ii -Kee/Blue Phi seeking candidates for state present Part II of our lecture 86 BRONC0 ...... $50 Phi Beta Si g1na 4/ever! Congrats', ma'am . --Too Legit Looks Good~ Feels Great!! preliminary to miss 1992 World series "Health Care and You: 91 BLAZER ...... $150 Frat' -- Love, WW Q-A· 90 To my Sigma man 7-A-91 : Sp.92 Another Bad Creation America Contest. ·No talent Beauty Beyond the Cosmetics." 77 JEEP...... $50 lo my Specs: "Classjfied" & Thank you for eventually coming ( 19) The Lost Boys (4) Blue and • competition. Win up to $100,000! FOR RENT Seized Vans, 4x4's, Boats. "Quiets Stonn pt. ll, The around and welcoming me in to White is taking over! Call for details: (202) 659-1837. Newly renovated 2'bedroom Choose from thousa11ds starting "Wrecking Crew" is in Full your "famil. " I love you. -- Your Shaunz. Thank s for being there COLLEGE DEMOCRATS apartments. Walking distance $25. FREE 24 Hour Recording Effect! Please continue the Blue ZETA woman 11-A-92 for me E-I-Kee Soror' --"Time ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING from campus. Central air and Reveal s Details. 80 1-379-2930 and White Love!! -- Copikat . To my Specs: Sherry Anne. Bomb" MON., MAR. 16, 1992 6:00PM heat, wall-to-wall carpet, Copyright #DC 12KKC To my Brother(s): If U want 2 Sheri, and Shaunda: I love y'all 9-A-91 a11d 4-A -9 1. Now we are DOUGLASS HALL B-2I FOR washers, dryer, separate dining Diamond Engagement Ring: know, just ask!! -- WW but stay away from the sugar, sisters in more \vays than one. E- • MORE INFO. PLEASE CALL room . $650.00 per month and , Beautiful .69 carat. oval-shaped Mi chelle Reid. Since the okay? Ee-I-Kee Sorors'' -- Love, 1-Keee' I love you. -- CHERI (202) 667-8822 elect. and gas. (301 ) 774-2610 for solitaire. Sparkling, colorless E-F bu siness of campaigning is over, \-A-90 Zone One "Si nkronicity " 18-A-92 Second Annual Spring Expri)ss appointment to inspect. color, brilliant SI clarity. Written Why don 't we Synergetically To the new Brothers of Phi Beta "Hornet ," We have both made Departs Mar. 20 to Brooklyn & Rooms. 3BR duplex, spacious. appraisal ($3 150). Sacrifice at volunteer 1oge1her on a personal Sigma Fraternity. Inc! separate lifetime co1nmitmen ts NYC, Round Trip $47/ One Way recent renovation, walking $2300/obo. (30 1) 567-53 37 leve l. -- Honest+ Pure Congrats Frat!!! Let's continue (Z. P.B.S.), but I look forward to $25. RefreshmentNCR Reserve distance, CAC, WD , WW, DW, For Sale: lvan, Congratulations!!! from the blue & white love !! ! -- Love tl1e one lifetin1e con11nitment we seat in nn. 938 West towers, 202· 1/3 utilities, $375.00 and Chrome t'umiture. so fa. and here on, only GOOD surprises!'! your Soror, l-A-90 Zone One wi ll 111ake in 1he future. -- Love, 466-1641. Peace $350.00, (301 ) 229-2485. window unit A.C. Dirt cheap -- Hope To: 2-A-89, 2-A-90 Zeta Phi "Time Bomb" 3 Furnished rooms in large hou se mu st go. 703-521-1307 211, Finally!! Our space. Don't Beta: Through hell and high JW. Long tin1e. no see' I'll give The Omega Psi Phi Gospel Choir • under the direction of George E. close to school. All utilities For Sale: Bazooka car tube forget the shower curtain. --211 water, we Shall overcome!! ! -- you a ca ll ! NOT! --Hammer Holmes will pertonn March 14 at included $225-325. Females only. speakers. $125. Call D.A. 202- To: "K-Bear" We've got a love Love, l-A-90Zone0ne WING-IT -12 10UST. One available now, others June 898- 15 71 thang! Ya know! To my line brother "The Broker": CONGRATULATIONS THE '91· Cramton Auditorium 7:00 pm for a the Annual Greek Show. Please I st. (301) 249-6964 I ' ERVICES ·ro Jill+ Gary, Thanks for Everything's gonna be alright. '92 BISON "HOOP-STARS " ON Attend Furnished Room s for Rent Two -..,P.-;·Quality VCR eve rything. Best wishes in the Through it all we know "Don't A GREAT SEASON BEAT

ATTENTIQN Blocks From Campus. Large and 4 • ~: • Repair future. -- Love, Michelle + believe the hype!! " -- Love yall THOSE BLUE DEVILS RED!!! BALTIMOREANS! ! The next Small from $275.00 per month. Guaranleed Service Steve 1-A-90 Zone One • The Coalition. We've last touch' l'"'o....,"Th.,...e.. W""r-e""ck .. in-g-C"r- e-w"'"-o""f ·"'9,,....2 Ti1ne t·or reu11ion? --Eazy , Baltimore Club meeting will be Tel. (202) 483-0047. Low Rates. Call CONGRATULATIONS TO MY 3/19 in Douglass 136 at 6:30pm Adams Morgan/Columbia (202) 882-5845. OMEGA FRATERNITY Zeta Phi Beta: Present . .. all it took \V as SHARP! Topics will include: T­ Heights- Sunny 2 bedroom HELP WANTED BROTHER CRA IG BARKELY Sorors till the end, we will hones ty Old Future ... you're shirts, pizza social, and elections condo, walk to HU, shopping ASTRON WORLD WIDE FOR WINNING THE persevere!! -- Love, l-A-90 not the only 011 es Ne''' Future .. for '92 - '93. New members public transport, $650+, call PRODUCTS "HOW TO POSITION OF GRADUATE Zone One . JUST BE STRONG!! (S.C. welcome. I Steve 202 388-4068 MAKE $500.00 A WEEK TRUSTEE. I WOULD ALSO Blue, Blue, Blue, such a beautiful better chill) -- Ml Last Chance to EXTEND YOUR SHARE 3BR HOUSE TYPING A'f HOME" LIKE TO COMMEND color Erick: Uh ... Had fun' Looking BEAUTY Before Spring Break with HU Students $240.00 + util. EARN MONEY typing a1 home. WILLIAM JONES FOR A Blue For\vard to our 11 ex1encou nter. I Most Hair Extension Styles $50 Hobart and Georgia contact Many people needed. Amazing WELL RUN CAMPAIGN AND EE-I-KEE -Mint Condition Limited offer Call 483-2477 Desmond (202) 462-5842 recorded message reveals details. LAST BUT NOT LEAST I Blue Phi Chanel, I'm glad you're mine. ' Must Mention Ad One bedroom apartment for rent 202-310-1296 Ext. #102 WOULD LIKE TO THANK EE-I-KEE/Blue Phi Stay Under my am1 and guard my The Delta Kappa Chapter of in Northeast DC. $350.00 per POOL SUPERVISORS - Must "ALL" VOTERS FOR THEIR Sounds Good, doesn't it? heart.--Love, Christopher Kappa Psi Phannaceutica\ month plus utilities. $150.00 have pool operators license; PARTICIPATION-IN THIS Looks Good, Too!! Kev jn Bryan : Congratulations! Fraternity Presents Provina III Security deposit. Call (202)882- minimum two years experience. ELECTORAL PROCESS. LET Everybody look out. The Blue & We're counti11g 011 you to make a Meeting Seminars Sat., Mar. 21 . 8508 Top pay, good bonuses. Call US SOLIDIFY OUR EFFORTS White are coming back in full difference. --Love, Your 8:30 - 12pm Blackbum One large bedroom for rent in American Pool today (301 ) 464- TO KEEP HOWARD effect. Homegirls· Regina+ Rena1a Auditorium Topics: Drugs Used NW for $225.00 per mo. Share 600 . . UNIVERSITY AS THE To my Sigma Specs John & DELTA SIGMA Pl BROTHERS, l in AIDS TREATMENT by Dr. kitchen and bath. Utilities $200-$500 WEEKLY HALLMARK OF HIGHER Corey, Thanks for everything Happy Birthday Iota Rho' l'n1 so • Kenneth R. Scott DEBATE:· included. $100.00 Security Assemble products at home. EDUCATION. MAY GOD EE-I-Kee. I Love ya. --TWC #10 GLAD to be here. -- Love. IP Phann D vs BS (Phannaceutical deposit. Call (202) 882-8508 Easy! No se lling. You're paid BLESS ALL OF US IN OUR To Momma, Red. SGT: Where #251 - Degrees) Room for Rent in two bedroom direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE ENDEAVORS. -- GEORGE E. are the sands? Show us the way. C.R.A.B., Hey sis1a', you 1ruly NYS LTD Spring Break Trip $20 apartment 2 blocks from Slowe 24 Hour Recording. 801-379- "THE BRIDGE BUILDER" -- From 5, 7, 8, 10,11 , \2 b-cuz - are my best friend' Thanks for Way Departing Crarnton 2:30 W/W, carpet, W/D, 2900 Copyright #DC I2KDH HOLMES we not know, ma'am taking care of n1 e a11d making p.m. Mar. 20 More info Ayesha: $250.00/month; $250.00 deposit $40,000/yr! READ BOOKS Shanna and BeBe, Thanks for a Cry Baby, Hang in there you've sure thal I don '1ge l i11to _to_o n1uch 232-6516 Chuckie: 483-6019 6 month/ I year lease; females and TV Scripts. Fill out simple seriously relaxing and enjoyable got a long way to go. -·The trouble. -- Lin le One • Attention All Pit!sburghers only. Call 234-1 I59 "like/don't like" fonn. EASY! weekend. Can we do H again Mean One NOSHIA & LORNA, Thanks a The Pittsburgh Club will meet on Manhattan Fun, relaxing at home. beach, soon! -- Renee Blue Phi/Ee-I-Kee, The Lost \otll! (Noshia ask Loma \vhy if ~ Tuesday, March 17, 1992 in 78th St. off 5th Ave. vacations. Guaranteed Juice, Foots, and Ron , Boys and ABC. I love you. -- 12- she hasn'1a sked you already) -- DOH Room 240 at 6:30. Ideal Hotel or Relocation paycheck.FREE 24 Hour Congratulations on your MEAC A-92 Otesa AFRICAN-AMERICAN Alternative well furnished studio Recording 801-379-2925 victory and I was rooting for you It's gonna be us next yr. in - The Tweety, I hope you can handle a OWNED CATERING and floor walk up in Brownstone Coppyright #DCl2KEB all along! -- The Girl in Orange House. Where's the party? -- real can1pus (and woman)! --Tesa COMPANY IS MAKING $775.00 Available immediately PERSONALS and Green .. China Doll And you but 1101 acl up while AVAILABLE FACILITIES short or long tenn (602) 94 7- Alpha Sweetheart Step team, Dez, Happy Belated B-day. -­ The Noid, I Love you Spec. -' you 're here --OR ELSE! TWC 7 Kevin L. Parks, congrats! & NEAR HOWARD 4259 ext 222 or 221 Thanks a lot for, bailing us out. From your little sis UNIVERSITY TO ALL APARTMENT FOR RENT We owe you one. -- The White To Bernard and Kim, To My FABULOUS NEW Happy Birthday! (3/ 10) The CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS I Bectroom $450 +utilities 10th Shadow, Blindman's Bluff, Mr. Thanks for making my FUN CAMPUS PALS! The interview, card's a year old but th meaning's & M Streets, N. W. Bojangles the paper, the arguments - EVEN the same. Much \ove.--4-year FOR END OF SEMESTER DAY a reality last weekend. Ben \ FESTIVITIES. FOR MORE Call 202-371-0178. Nupes, After you beat up on the and Jerry's, swinging at Hains the Show (Whew!) - it was ALL friend alias VA Girl INFORMATION, CALL $300 to $360 blue & white, come try a real Point, Baltimore Harbor and the worth it to be with youse guys! Ebony Man, Congratulations, MICHAEL WORSLEY OF Rooms for Rent in House challenge in hoops! --'06 backseat booming bass. ·-Tracy Can't wait 'till next year!! -- Daddy; the baby is proud! TOM SKINNER ASSOCIATES Negotiable Leases (202) 529- 2-B-91, Good Luck in Dream Happy Belated Birthday Andrea Love, Benita Bertrell Lotsa\ove. --Princess To all my fellow CP's! DAMN! Comming soon Another ).D. I

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