Chuck Wendig | 384 pages | 23 Feb 2017 | Cornerstone | 9781780892634 | English | London, United Kingdom Empire's End: Aftermath (Star Wars) by : | : Books

As the final showdown between the New Republic and the Empire draws near, all eyes turn to a once-isolated planet: Jakku. The Battle of shattered the Empire, scattering its remaining forces across the galaxy. The fledgling New Republic has suffered a devastating attack from the Imperial remnant, forcing the new democracy to escalate their hunt for the hidden enemy. But Sloane, too, is on Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End furious quest: pursuing the treacherous Gallius Rax to the barren planet Jakku. As the Imperial fleet orbits Jakku, an armada of Republic fighters closes in to finish what began at Endor. Norra and her crew soar into the heart of Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End apocalyptic clash that will leave land and sky alike scorched. And the future of the galaxy will finally be decided. Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End the first time in a generation, democracy has been restored to the galaxy. Although reeling from a crippling Imperial attack, the New Republic has managed to drive the remnants of the Empire into hiding. Still, the threat of continued violence will always remain while the war persists. On the remote planet of Jakku, far from Republic eyes, the once-secretive Gallius Rax strives to rebuild the crumbling Empire in his own image. But his plans may soon be challenged by former Grand Admiral Rae Sloane who seeks to destroy Rax and reclaim her Empire from his dark machinations. For on Jakku, the Empire prepares to make its last stand where the fate of the galaxy will be decided…. Share Facebook Twitter Tumblr Reddit. Artists Cover artist Christopher M. Everything That Aftermath: Empire's End Reveals About the New Star Wars Universe

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Empire's End by Chuck Wendig. As the final showdown between the New Republic and the Empire draws near, all eyes turn to a once-isolated planet: Jakku. The Battle of Endor shattered the Empire, scattering its remaining forces across the galaxy. The fledgling New Republic has suffered a devastating attack from the Imperial remnant, forcing the new democracy to escalate its hunt for the hidden enemy. Sloane, too, is on a furious quest: pursuing the treacherous Gallius Rax to the barren planet Jakku. As the Imperial fleet orbits Jakku, an armada of Republic fighters closes in to finish what began at Endor. Norra and her crew soar into the heart of an apocalyptic clash that will leave land and sky alike scorched. And the future of the galaxy will finally be decided. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Empire's Endplease sign up. Is this book appropriate for an 11 year old boy? I've tried reading reviews, but come up empty handed. Thank Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End Justin If I had to give this book an MPAA rating it would Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End PG just because of a bit of sexual references and graphic description of death " bolt …more If I had to give this book an MPAA rating it would be PG just because of Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End bit of sexual references and graphic description of death "blaster bolt through his skull, smoke pouring out of the hole in his forehead while his eyes are still open and Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End what just happened" less. See 2 questions about Empire's End…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Mar 14, Khurram rated it liked it. I have to say I was expecting a lot more from this book. For what it was it was ok. The book was very slow in places, infact I think I fell asleep reading it a couple of points. Then the last pages the book is divided into 5 parts, it really came alive from half way through part 4 for me was all out action and I did not want to put the book down from then. However this was less then a third of the book, it was a little too late. Another thing that disappointed me was the lack of star power I have to say I was expecting a lot more from this book. Another thing that disappointed me was the lack of star power in this book. I can understand the choice but I don't like it about Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End quite till the Last comes out, but this is at least 30 years before Awakens, Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End many years before he started his quest TFA said he started this quest after Ben's turn to . Leia, Han and Wedge are made after thought, well we did our bits time to move on. Leia ok she is heavily pregnant, and Wedge is in the dog house for his actions of the last book, but Han and Luke missing the last battle with Empire? I do not think that is really going to happen. Having Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End that it did give other characters a chance to shine and there some huge heroic sacrifices in the final battle. Though these could have still been done with the Rebel heroes there. Like all ways not everyone gets out alive. The is not more it Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End become the New Republic government, and has inherited all the bureaucracy, and dirty political maneuvering that goes along with it. After the Order 66 style attack from the Empire, Mon Mothma's position has been weakened politically mean while she is recovering physically from the attack. Norra Wexley and her team are angry and intend to capture Grand Admiral Rae Sloane who they blame as the personification of the Empire and the architect of the diabolical attack. Careful what you wish for as chasing Sloane they find the real threat from the true leader of the Empire Gallius Rax. Now for me the Rax was the biggest letdown of the book. Through out the book we are told what a dangerous man he is, but Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End me he comes across as a pale immation of Admiral Thrawn, I do not see what the Emperor saw in him or how he usurped Sloane's authority. Even though they were many good points of this book and there were the seeds to what would become the , the early pace of the book, and lack of new development in the Star Wars Universe Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End could not help but be a little disappointed in this book. Mar 07, Neil R. Coulter rated it did not like it Recommends it for: No one. Seriously, please don't read this series. Shelves: star-warsfiction. There's a lot to be thankful for with this final volume of Chuck Wendig's Aftermath trilogy. For example, just the fact that this horrible series is now finished, and hopefully Wendig will not have anything more to do with Star Wars. I guess that's all I'm thankful for with this final volume of Chuck Wendig's Aftermathactually. Truly this has been a disappointing series at every turn. This concluding entry features the same poor prose--writing that makes it sound like Wendig spends a There's a lot to be thankful for with this final volume of Chuck Wendig's Aftermath trilogy. This concluding entry features the same poor prose--writing that makes it sound like Wendig spends all of his time reading social media instead of good books. It really shows, and it's disappointing even though I was braced for it by this point. What really bothered me about Empire's End is the relentlessly disgusting violence. Star Wars has never really been about realistic, or even action- movie, fighting and gore. You shoot a , he falls over; end of story. You don't hold a Stormtrooper against a cage while a maniacal battle slices him into pieces. When Star Wars shows something truly horrific, like Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End limb being cut off, it is presented as exceptionally severe and startling. But Wendig is just a cruel author. He delights in descriptions of bones crunching, teeth being knocked out, people gurgling through crushed tracheas, people slicing each others' faces, and yes, people being hacked to pieces. This isn't Star Warsand it doesn't earn the right to be regarded as "grown-up Star Wars. Many fight scenes in Empire's End left me feeling dirty. The other disappointment is the tying up of loose ends. What is it that Gallius and were guarding on Jakku? Seriously, I just couldn't believe how disappointing the answer to that was. Who is Snoke? No solid clues given. Where is Luke? Who knows? Obvious before starting the novel, from Wendig's cutesy dedication: "To Luke S. Again: just ridiculous. Other problems: No one has yet "gotten" Mon Mothma. She's a really odd character. Other characters in the book accuse her of being a weak leader, and from what I've seen Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End kind of agree. Politics is central to this story, yet it always feels distant. It's hard to imagine actual political conversations happening among these mostly nameless senators of the New Republic. And are there really only senators total, or did I misread that? The book actually gets an extra star for the great interlude with Lando returning to Cloud City and delivering the perfect first line! In the end, few of the new main characters were ever in actual peril. The only ones who die are the blandest of the bland who didn't play much of a part in the story. Empire's End (Star Wars: Aftermath, #3) by Chuck Wendig

It also brings a lot of changes and additions to the new canon. You can and should read the book for that. Especially since every character is a treasure trove of fun lines and the end is a great action piece. That said, there are still a few things that might be deemed spoilers, so I cannot emphasize enough how much more bananas Emperor Palpatine was than we thought. Spoiler alert: Letting the king go down is the worst failure possible. Also, part of his plan was to figure out calculations to Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End this galaxy and head out to another. Go watch again with that knowledge rattling around your brain. Speaking of secret Palpatine plans, the desert world that found herself on is so much more interesting than what we saw in The Force Awakens. For one thing, it used to be covered in water and plant life. An observatory held any number of things the Emperor thought needed to be hoarded: artifacts, weapons, prisons, etc. Also, the Observatories can destroy the planet its on; Jakku narrowly avoids this fate. Also, if you want to know how epic a battle has to be to justify why people are still combing Jakku to salvage parts in The Force Awakensthis book gives it to you. I like to imagine Snap and Rey comparing notes on the sandiness of the planet. Snap also ends this book a growing some scruff, like he sports in The Force Awakens b heading to the New Republic flight academy on Hosnian Prime c doing that with the man in charge being , who is basically his Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End at this point. It turns out that having the two biggest power centers in the galaxy focused on each other is a good thing for crime syndicates. So good Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End them that they do not want the war to end. The idea basically is that, once the Empire is taken care of, the New Republic will turn its eyes on slavers, smugglers, gun runners, etc. The longer the war goes on for the Republic, the better Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End the criminals. The war was also made it possible for pirates to get their hands on Imperial military hardware. There are so many disparate power bases in different places in the Star Wars Universeand these criminal groups are just a few examples. One interlude in this book tracks the attempt of a Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End of pilgrims to Christophsis, a planet where the Seperatists clashed Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End the Republic during the and which appeared in Clone Wars TV series. Christophsis has a lot of crystals, and, apparently, it is one of the planets where the Force-sensitive Kyber crystals can be found. Many crystals there were taken to be used on the , but now pilgrims of the Church of the Force are returning them to the place they came from. Part of it was transcribed in The Force Awakens novelization, but we get more of it in this book the last line may sound a bit familiar :. One of these is the Acolytes of the Beyond, one cell of which is on the planet Devaron. Like the Church of the Force, the Acolytes believe everyone is connected by the Force. But while the former sees all life as part of the Force, the latter sees everyone as a slave to the will of the Force. So Dark Side users are those who can fight the fate the Force is, well, forcing on people. The Acolytes believe they are being directed by visions of Sith who have died. The cell on Devaron also has its hands on a Sith . One of their living masters is Yupe Tashu, who advised Palpatine and aids Rax. Tashu is all in on the power of the Dark Side. Tashu believes that there are masks which have soaked up the Dark Side of the Force and can give power. He might be on to somethingsince he gives a mask to an Acolyte who is swept away by her anger, and uses it and a lightsaber to win a battle on Devaron. Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End, after the Empire loses on Jakku and Imperial ruling council member Mas Amedda crawls out of where Rax tried to imprison him, Amedda contacts the New Republic to surrender on behalf of the Empire, ending the war. Luke Skywalker might have been there, the stories differ. The stories also differ on whether it was a difficult or easy birth, and whether he was born with a full head of hair. That is a lot of speculation and expectation for one kid to grow up with. Light that sometimes dims, that sometimes is thrust through with Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End vein of darkness. The new canon books set Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End the post- Return of the Jedi, pre- The Force Awakens period have all made very clear why Leia has to found the rather than fight the First Order with the New Republic. And that reason is basically that the New Republic is mired in slow-moving politics. Mon Mothma loses the first vote to authorize military action and that stalls the final battle. As a result, people like Wedge Antilles— Wedge fucking Antilles —are given jobs with no actual worth. Mon Mothma names other independent groups springing up across the galaxy in the power vacuum the Empire is leaving: The New Separatist Union presumably a callback to the Separatists of the Clone Warsthe Confederacy of Corporate Systems, and the Sovereign Latitudes the name pirates have given to their attempt at self-governance. Perhaps Leader Snoke should consider using a clone army. This is undoubtedly the core from which the First Order will rise. and Lumpawaroo are reunited after the liberation of Kashyyyk. How you feel about that is entirely up to you. Thank you for taking it upon yourself to allow me to not have to read this garbage, and still find out what happened. Bless your heart. Everything you need to know about and expect during. The A. Filed to: star wars. Share This Story. Get our newsletter Subscribe.