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ART NATION's HIGHLY ANTICIPATED NEW ALBUM 2017-05-03 20:14 CEST ART NATION’s HIGHLY ANTICIPATED NEW ALBUM “LIBERATION” OUT NOW ON SONY MUSIC/GAIN ART NATION’s HIGHLY ANTICIPATED NEW ALBUM “LIBERATION” OUT NOW ON SONY MUSIC/GAIN Spotifylänk : “Liberation” has got fantastic reviews all over the world.ART NATION’s HIGHLY ANTICIPATED NEW ALBUM “LIBERATION” OUT NOW ON SONY MUSIC/GAIN In the UK both “Classic Rock Magazine” and “Powerplay Magazine” gave the album 9/10. In Japan “Burrn Magazine” gave it 94/100. And back home in Sweden, “Gaffa” 5/6, “Rocknytt 4/5, “Sweden Rock Magazine” 7/10, all gave it smashing reviews. Following these great reviews the press believes that this may be the album that takes Art Nation to the big stages. The album was recorded once again at Top Floor Studios by producer/engineer Jakob Herrmann (Amaranthe, Evergrey, Hardcore Superstar), and co-produced by Theodor Hedström and the studio’s assistant engineer Christoffer Borg (Kee Marcello, Bob Hund), who is also one of Art Nation’s guitarists. To further emphasise each song’s identity, the producers and the band made the decision to work with multiple mixing engineers to equally share the mixing duties with Herrmann/Borg. Bringing back Jacob Hansen (Amaranthe, Volbeat), who mixed previous album“Revolution”, felt like an obvious choice. For a third mixing engineer, they chose to work with Adam “Nolly” Getgood (Periphery, Devin Townsend). The album was mastered by Dragan Tanaskovic (In Flames, Avatar). Upcoming Tour Dates: 04/5 HARD ROCK CAFÈ, UNPLUGGED, STOCKHOLM 13/5 KUNGSTRÄDGÅRDEN, GRILLMÄSSAN, STOCKHOLM 07/6 SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL, SÖLVESBORG 16/6 HOJROCK 2017, VÄSTERVIK 17/6 ELECTRICK EDEN FESTIVAL, STOCKHOLM 08/7 VICIOUS ROCK FESTIVAL, TROLLHÄTTAN 17 /7 ULLEVI ARENA, GOTHIA CUP INVIGNINGEN , GÖTEBORG 03/8 UPORT MUSIC WEEKEND, ULRICEHAMN 04/8 HELGEÅFESTIVALEN, KNISLINGE 25/8 FENIX, GÄVLE 26/8 ÄSKEBERGAFESTIVALEN, ÄSKEBERGA 01/9 OSCAR NITECLUB, VARBERG 09/9 BEARDMEN SKÖVDE - SKÖVDE 14/9 REBEL LIVE TAGES, LANDSKRONA 16/9 PALATSET, LINKÖPING 21/9 PUB ANCHOR, STOCKHOLM 22/9 REBEL LIVE MORISKAN, MALMÖ 23/9 ROCKBAREN KARLSKOGA 28/9 KLUBB ÖREBRONX - KULTURHUSET B-SALEN, ÖREBRO 29/9 BACKSTAGE ROCKBAR, TROLLHÄTTAN 30/9 ZARAGON ROCK CLUB, JÖNKÖPING TBA GÖTEBORG 1/11 MONASTERIO, BARCELONA, SPAIN 2/11 SALA UTOPIA, ZARAGOZA, SPAIN 3/11 SALA SILIKONA, MADRID, SPAIN 4/11 SALA TUNK, IRUN, SPAIN 30/11 GARAGE DELUXE, MUNCHEN, GERMANY 1/12 HALL OF FAME, SWITZERLAND 2/12 HEAT FESTIVAL, GERMANY Artist & Eventbolaget är företaget som tar hand om artister, och producerar artister och underhållning till event. Vi kan hjälpa er med att boka artister och skräddarsyr underhållning till era arrangemang. När ni som företag skall anordna ett event, så vill vi på Artist & Eventbolaget gärna vara med från början så att vi, med vår kompetens kan vi hjälpa er hela vägen med underhållningen. Våra tjänster innebär underhållningsplanering till företagsevent, företagsfest, personalfest, och även konferencier, moderatorer, talare, shower, komiker och trollkarl. Kontaktpersoner Markku Saarinen Presskontakt VD [email protected] +46-735-070777.
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