Counsel Makes Report Ocean Grove's
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Vol XI. No! 49 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1903 One Dollar the Year. FLOATING INDEBTEDNESS PREACHERS DISCUSS THE - OF TOWNSHIP REDUCED CHURCH’S BENEVOLENCES Note for $4,000, Due December 4llt, Com Paper On Tfiis Subject Read by the Rev, Dr, mittee Ordered to Be Paid • Adams, of Brooklyn Rev. George Clark opened- the On Monday evening the regular JOINT INSTITUTE HELD THIS WEEK IN RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED TO PROCEED monthly- meeting of the township com preachers* meeting ; in St. Paul’s OUR church,- Ocean Grove, last ' Monday mittee was held at , 47 :• South Main ■ SISTER CITY ACROSS THE LAKE WITH THEIR CONSTRUCTION street. The following bills were pass morning by reading the third .chapter ed: ; Garbage, $70.82; police,.$262.20; OCEAN GROVE’S POLITICAL CLUB RECORDS ITS of Ephesians and followed this with assessing and •" collecting;'. $328.91; pray er roads, $118.47; ways and means; $1.50; Rev. J. R. Daniels reported the ill J. N. ENRIGHT IN CHARGE COUNSEL MAKES REPORT poor, $228.34; lights, $374.00; board of PREFERENCE FOR THEODORE ROOSEVELT ness of Rev. Thomas S. Brock,- of health , $41.03. Bradley. Beach. Revs, E. C. Hancock, It was reported that there had been and John Handley also made reports. a shortage of light 1,440 hours during AS THE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE The secretary was Instructed to send- School Toaohets Weloomod to the Park bj R. A. Board Is Empowered bj Law 1o Do Pretlj Much October and November! ThI.B mater a letter of brotherly sympathy to Rev.; M r. ‘Brock. •'. i.. '• '■ • • ; : ' • Tustlng, President of. tha Board of Educa As II Pleases So Long as II Conforms lo th'o ially reduced the bill of the electric light company. On call of committees Rev. William tion— Musloal Reception on Monda; Evening. T. Abbott reported on temperance and Purpose in Vlow-M aj Evan Enter Adjacent The clerk was Instructed to notify . Political' enthusiasm was rampant Governor and you go to them for it Rev. S. Sargent added some: remarks Leoturos by Persons Distinguished In the Treasurer Llilagore to render a de at the fourth annual banquet of the you will not come away empty-handed. Municipalities If DeomBdNooessarj to Get to on. a case of a beer ark on Sunday in tailed statement of . the township's McKinley and RoOBevelt Club of Ocean "You want to put youth and vigor in World of Learning West Grove. a Proper Outlet . finances at' the next meeting. the organization. You have such an Grove on Tuesday evening at the Dr. George’ Adams, of Williams Ave Chief of Police Gravatt preferred Alaska House.- Oiie hundred covers organization in Ocean Grove. I find nue M. E. Church, Brooklyn, was in John Enright, superintendent of charges against .William It. Wilson were laid. As here an earn . At a meeting ot the Neptune Town troduced and read a paper on “The, Monmouth county's schools, called tho and A. J. Newman, and asked that its : guests the est body of ship Committee on Monday evening a Consolidation' of the Benevolences of annual teachers* Institute to order on longthy report trom Counselor Patter their powers as special policemen be club had Judge m en, • every Monday morning in tho assembly room , revoked. His request was granted. ’ one a Republi the Methodist Episcopal Church.” The son, covering the matter of soivers re W ilbur A. H eis consolidation of • the- benevolent enter of the Asbury Park high school, Mon Collector Shrove appeared before ley, of Long cently submitted to him (or a legal can, and a tru e prises of the general church has been mouth and Ocean counties Joined->in. tho board and' asked that a deed for B ranch; S e n< R e p ulb licati. opinion, v/ub read. At .the ■ conclusion advocated largely by the layman * and this institute. About 3 0 0 teachers of the reporti Chairman Havens said the Stark property In. Ocean Grove be a t o r O. H. O r g anlzatlon wore present. • executed to Capt. J. S. Tompkins, and Is like a ship. opposed by the officers generally of he saw nothing to-hinder the township B r o w n , o f the societies. The agitation led the After Mr. Enright's opening re one also to Hyman Bloom for .the No matter how from having sewers. / "If others can go Spring Lake; general, conference of 1900 to appoint marks, an address of welcome, was to the ocean why can't we?” he Pdded. Julia Anderson property on Spring- Dr. James F* •good a ship made by R. A. Tusting, president of wood avenue, West Park. His request may be ' if a commission to consider the question Committeeman'Dodd was of . the oDin- A ckerm an, of and- devise a -plan. This, plan con the Park board of education. Mr. was granted. there is no lon that the tow nsiip should, keep Asbury Park, templates the consolidation of all the Tusting told tho teachers that It was a right at it until sewerB were assured. The collector was relieved of the col W illiam . A. master it goes pleasure to welcome, them to Asbury lection of the following taxes: Mary on the rocks. .societies. under . three great : depart . Briefly the .report submitted bj> ■Berry, C hair ments:’ Foreign, Missions, Home. Mis Park, and that the high school was al A. Jones, $8.40; Mary ' L. McKee. man of the Re You have got Counselor Patterson was as follows:'. sions, and the Educational Society, or ways at their disposal. He called spe It Is lawful for the committee, v/hon- $50.4G; A nnie G. M egronlgle, *19.63;- publican Ex to have one cial attention to the manual training FItz Wailing, $19.03; A. F. Cooper, ecutive Com . man who will •Educational, Sunday School, ; and over the public good requires it, to Freedman’s Aid. The aim Is greater and domestic science departments of cause the construction of sewers In $11.51 i H attie M. H illm an, $100.76; mittee of Nep h a v e m ore , to the school and invited Inspection. James A: Wyckoff, $11.53; William C. tune township.-These gentlemen, with; say, one man whose counsel will unity, simplicity; economy, and suc any -part of the township, with suit cess. The . greater weight of influence A short address was made also by able outlets or disposal works: .they Dodge, Jr., $28.04; W. H. L. ■ Starks, Revs. William A. Abbott and S. H. C; prevail. This ' is . the history; .ot Superintendent x ilton, of O cean coun $354.30; Johnson Taylor, $121,60; to Smithy : constituted the oratorical all successful , party organization. and sentiment was stated to be favor may use arid .occupy the streets and able to the plan of the commission, ty. V: tal, ;$725i36. The majority of these are forces of a banquet which wilh go, You have got to have such a highways of the township for ,that pur and Dr. Adamsapproves.the same for The first lecture of the Institute wag duplicate assessments. down In the archives of the club as a man In this county, next fall, whether pose, acquiring by purchase or" con the first two and objected to merging delivered by W. H. Hallmann, of Bos demnation any land needed. In caso The collector also reported bavins memoraole event. it be Mr. McDermott or someone else. ton on “Educational Unities.” The af turned over to the treasurer $12,000 We may dislike a boss, but, we've got the Freedman's Aid arid Southern, Edu the committee shall deem it necessary In his address of welcome Gen. J. C. cation Society, the Sunday School and j ternoon's program included a lecture of tax'money, The treasurer was in to have him in politics, the same as in to construct on outlet sewer to. tide-, Patterson, president of the club an4 Tract Societies anil the Board of Eilu- i on “Wireless Telegraphy,” which structed to pay oil a note of $4,000 due toastmaster of the evening, said he the army or on a boat; Let the Demo water or an outlet outside of the town cation In.'one. It seemed not to be brought this fascinating subject closer December 4th, reducing the townshlp’B was .thankful so many were permitted: cratic majority be a majority.- I be ship, it shall Ue laivful for. them to do. .practicable, or advisable, and not tend-1 than ever to the minds of those who !, floating indebtedness in this amount. lieve that riext .year, with, organ 1 za- so, the location of such outlet being to gather about the board* Although ing to greater success. < . | heard it. The lecturer was William N. For Are" district' expenses -.orders this had-been an off year, politically; tion, a clean organization, and haying fixed with the consent of the State Dr. Handley commended the paper ; Mumper, Ph.D., of Trenton, an In Sewerage Commission; and if to reach were drawn to C. C. Clayton, of Dis and a quiet year, the club, according ‘ a man; commanding our respect, and structor in the State Normal School. tric t No. 1. for $2,000. and to T hom as a ffection^—Rooseveltj—i\we will march anci said he did hot think such a di-; such an butlet it shall be. necessary to to its president, had no reason to be; vision of the Home and Foreign Mis- ; Dr. Miimper dealt particularly with occupy territory within thebounds of. H ancock, of D istrict No.